SA User Logging Off And On Again W/ Same Spid

Feb 27, 2006

Hey all,

I've got a third party app running atop my sql server instance. When auditing logons in profiler, I see that the user (sa) logs off, and then immediately logs back on. Interestingly, the app logs back on with this user again, and the instance gives it the same spid as it previously had.

Can anyone explain this behaviour, or point me to a place where I can investigate ?


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Logging User ID And Statements

May 14, 2014

I have a tables that looks like this:



I need a trigger (I assume) to log any updates/inserts/truncate/deletes/etc. to any changes as well as their USER_ID that has been executed to TABLE1.

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Need To Identify Which Group The Windows User Is Logging In

Jun 18, 2007


In our sql server we have around 40 windows group.
Say a Windows user = "X"
This X user does not have a direct windows login, he is present in one or more windows groups registered in the sql server.

I need to know throught which group he is logging in.

If I know this , this will help in my auditing process.

Thanks in advance.


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Win NT Integrated Logging: User Names Have Underscore(_)

Jan 8, 1999

I want to establish logging using NT Security. The problem is that user names in NT have underscore(_). When I establish NT Scurity in SQL security manager, SQL Server tries to add blank names as login id and they will not go through. Is it manadatory to remove underscore from username?

Because of structrual hierarchy, I have different groups in NT to be mapped to SQL Server groups and each group has different permission on SQL tables. In some cases we might have same users in more than one group. I read that it is not possible if you use NT integrated security. Is there any thing that can be worked around this and is this problem still exists in SQL 7.

Thank you in advance
Ali Malekshahi

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Logging With Another System User Cannot Access My Database

Mar 3, 2008


I am using SQL Server Express Edition 2005 as a backend database working with Visual Basic 2005.

I am using Vista and having two users to access to my computer. User-1 and User-2.

I created a database in User-1 and works fine Visual Basic 2005.

Now the problem is when i login to my computer system with User-2. I cannot able to access the database with encountering error like "User-1/SQLExpress". I know that i cannot able to access to database which was created in User-1.

Do you any solution to this problem. when i login with user-1 and user-2 it should able to access database.


Kashif Chotu

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Integration Services :: User Controlled Custom Logging - Capture Source Value Name

Apr 23, 2015

I would like to fire a pre execution event, grab the name of the stored procedure (source of the sql task), insert a record with the name and datetime, and then fire a post event that would update the record with a modified dated.

What is the best way to capture the source value name in the execute sql task.

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Trouble Logging In To SQL Server 2005 Express With Domain User Account

Sep 22, 2006

Hi all,

I have a SQL Server 2005 Express edition instance set up on one server, and IIS on another server.

The SQL Server process account is a domain user account, which I have added to the local groups that SQL Server created during installation (I originally used a local user account instead of domain account; however, the problem occurs with both).

SQL Server runs fine, and if I set my IIS application pool identity to a domain admin, my web app can access the database and retrieve the data necessary.

However, I have a domain user account that I want to use to run the app pool and retrieve the data. The domain user account is added to the IIS_WPG group on the web server. On the database server, I have created a login for the account, as well as added it to the db_datareader role of the database that is used for the site.

However, the user is not able to connect to the SQL Server. I get the "Login failed for user <user account>" error in ASP.NET. I also tried connecting with SQL Server Management Studio, and I get the same error. I checked and the user has connect permission to the database server.

With admin accounts, there are no problems logging in, etc.

Any pointers are appreciated,



Edit: I was able to find out that the State is 11 for the error. According to, this indicates "Valid login but server access failure." I am not sure how to resolve this.

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Logging To Event Viewer Fails But SQL Server Logging Works OK - Why?

Jun 18, 2007


I am developing a package on my local workstation. I have defined two logging service providers. One is for SQL Server and the other is for the Windows Event Log. I am using the Dts.Log method in a script task to write log entries.

Logging is working properly with the SQL Server provider and rows are being inserted into the sysdtslog90 table. However, the only events that are being logged in the Windows Event Log are the package start and end events which I believe SSIS is doing automatically anyway.

Is there something I need to do to enable WIndows Event Log logging other than defining a log provider and making sure it is checked active? Won't SSIS write to two different logs with one Dts.Log call? Any ideas on what might be going wrong with my approach?



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Logging Package Name For Any Event In Sysdtslog90 Logging Table

Oct 17, 2007

I decided to use the SQL Server log provider to store logging data of all my Integration Services packages. I also created some reports about this data for operating purposes.
I have a problem occurs the name of the executing package is not always written to the log,but the name of the single task which failed. But that is not very useful information for operating, because I do not see any chance to get the name of the package by the information which is logged in the sysdtslog90 table in the database which I defined for SSIS Logging.

How do I configure the package to always log the package information into the table, too?

Best regards,

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Tie Together Custom Logging And SSIS Logging?

Sep 12, 2005

I recently read the project real ETL design best practices whitepaper. I too, want to do custom logging as I do today, and also use SSIS logging. The paper recommended using the variable system::PackageExecutionId to tie the 2 logging methods together.

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Dec 14, 2000

Could someome please tell me what is going on with the following stored procedure:

EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters

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Dec 13, 2005

if i have SPID. then can i get the storedprocedure name ?

Shabber Abbas Rizvi.

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See The SQL For A Spid

Mar 28, 2006


Is there any way to see the SQL for any given spid in SQL server?

I can see "properties" under enterprise mgr - which shows you a snippet of the SQL - or "sp_execute" depending on what you use to get to the DBMS.

Is there a way to take a deeper look?



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Value Of @@SPID

Apr 15, 2004


Can I have more than one value for variable @@SPID during a connection?

PS: sorry my english.


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May 18, 2004

Hi All,
Sql Server 7.

I have a table cust_detail when ever there is an insert/update/delete in this table it is getting blocked and in turn its blocking other table inv_credit which is doing select statement.

Please suggest me what might be the reason.

Waiting for Reply

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Jun 19, 2008

Hi to all.

I have a small doubt.
In my server some processs are running slow.
With out the use of profiler hw we can find the spid's that are running slow. is there any procedure for that.

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SPID In Blk By Is Itself

Dec 29, 2006

I am seeing intermittent blocking problems. The strange part of it is,that the SPID listed in the Blk By column is the same as the SPID thatis being blocked.Has anyone seen this before, or have any idea what this may suggest?

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Spid Info

May 12, 2000

Here i have a question..
Whenever i see my spid in LOCK/PROCESS ID
one command DBCC BUFFERINPUT(MY SPID) always running
and it is showing ''''tempdb.dbo.##lockinfo'''
MODE---- X
Is it pretty normal or something wrong..
i am not running any thing, just simply opened EM..
Pls any suggestions...
thank u


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Spid - Blocking

Nov 15, 2000

I know that spid 22 is blocking 2 other users. How do I tell who that user is? Is this just matching the same spid# in the process info in EM and if it doesn't give me an NT name it's probably because they're coming through the application and I can't figure it out?


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Help Killing Spid

Dec 22, 1999

I'm going to try to explain my situation.

I have a spid that I'm not able to kill, this were a select statement from with in access 97 application using a DNS connection.
So even that I reboot the client pc and kill the spid it still shows as active with status RollBack.
We have similar problem before and the only way that it disappear were re - starting Sql.
(system Sql 7.0 with sp1 and Access 97)


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COM+ Transactions And SPID?

Feb 20, 2003

How do COM+ transactions relate to SQL Server SPID?

I am trying to solve a deadlock issue. Using SQL trace, I find SPID 65 and 71 are trying to acquire resources that are locked by each other. But what I am confuse with is tasks performed by 65 are triggered by different transactions (same for 71). Should different COM+ transaction uses different SPID?

The entire COM+ application uses only one db login.

Please advice.

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Feb 19, 1999

I can not stop a process using 'KILL spid'.What else should I try?
process has begun a transaction and does not commit.

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Killing Spid -2

Apr 15, 2002

I have a problem. I am trying to kill a spid that is blocking updates to a table.
The spid number is '-2'. I am using KILL with UOW and I am getting this error:

Server: Msg 6112, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Distributed transaction with UOW {FCF8D536-27ED-11D6-9CF2-0002A56BDA54} is in prepared state.
Only Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator can resolve this transaction. KILL command failed.

Users are connecting through MTS server. I am runnnig SQL2000 sp2 +hotfix, on NT4.0.

Has anyone encountered this problem before, and has a solution for it (besides rebooting the MTS and SQL Server)?



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Blocked By SPID -1?????

Oct 6, 1998

What is SPID -1? I see nothing listing it in any activity monitor, but it has just recently started blocking some processes.

jim craddock

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May 8, 2008

can we just kill spid and drop it without doing any rollback ...?


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SPID And CPU Usage

Apr 22, 2008

We are using SQL Server 2000 SP4.

Every week to few weeks we'll have a situation where the cpu will max out on our main db server.

This server is a hoss, dual quad core with 16 gigs of ram. All the system type stuff looks good.

I look into the spids though and I notice a few of them that are very high in cpu.

I believe that I've noticed over time that a certain SPID never releases and starts fresh. Could it be possible that a program is written in a way that it just keeps using it over and over with each new user and it nevers releases that CPU?

I know this is a probably a pretty dumb question and there's alot of details I have to leave out for being brief. Ultimately I have to find out why the CPU is hitting 100 percent and hanging there.

I know it's this program because when I stop the app pool for only that program then the CPU on the SQL box goes back down.

Any help would be appreciated...and feel free to ask more questions for more detail and I'll try to give it.

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What Is &#34;SIGNAL HANDLER&#34; (SPID 1)?

Aug 8, 2000


And what is SPIDs 1-6 ?

Exec Sp_who:

SPID Status DBName Command
----- ------------------------------ ------ ----------------
1 sleeping master SIGNAL HANDLER
4 sleeping master LOG WRITER
5 sleeping master CHECKPOINT SLEEP

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Same SPID With Multiple ECID

Aug 16, 2004

Hi Everyone,

I noticed that in my SQL 2000 system, one SPID can have multiple ECID when I run sp_who.

Recently, users get timeout message. In the server performance monitor, I can see the SQLSERVER.exe takes a lot of CPU time when this happens.

Could anyone please explain this to me and provide me the solution for it?

Thanks in advance,


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Figuring Out SPID Or A Running Job

Feb 1, 2002

I trying to find a way to find what the SPID of a given job that is running. I am trying to create a script that will give me the SPID the JOB_ID, and JOB_NAME. The problem comes in that if I use sysprocesses I have to pull the JOB_ID from program_name in sysprocesses and convert it into something then join it to sysjobs. Have not been sucessfull in that conversion. Any Ideas

thanks for any & all help


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Process Being Blocked By SPID -1

May 10, 1999

The following is an extract from sp_who2

SPID Status Login HostName BlkBy DBName Command CPUTime DiskIO
----- ---------- ------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------
162 sleeping om18682 . -1 STIPROD SELECT 236 120

Has anybody experienced a process being blocked by SPID -1.

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SQL Server SPID Connections

Nov 15, 2004

Hello -

I have a Foxpro app with a SQL Server 7 backend. The Idle Connect setting on VFP is set to indefinite. I'm having some connectivity issues where the SPID for the client seems to disappear from the active SQL processes on the server when the client sits idle for a while (10 minutes or so). On some workstations, resuming activity at the client results in the SPIDs reappearing
as if they were always there with no problem. On others, the connection is not reestablished and the client gives a 1526 (VFP ODBC) error.

Does anybody know why this might be? Are the SPID connections cached at both sides and if so, how?



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Spid Network Library

Apr 7, 2006

Hey guys,

I'm wondering if it's possible to see which library which a spid is using? For example, is the spid coming from a jdbc connection, or an odbc connection?


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Unable To Kill SPID

May 12, 2004

Hi all,

I have a SPID 10 which running a query which is below is not getting killed
and this SPID is blocking other SPID's. Is there any way to kill it pls help me

"select A.*
from ARO A where A.InvoiceNumber in
(select B.InvoiceNumber from AR1 B
where B.Division='20'
Select C.SOApplytoInvoiceNumber from AR1 C
where C.Division='20'*/

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