SAC Command Line Utility Doesn't Start SQLBrowser Service

Feb 16, 2007

I've exported surface area configuration settings from a server and tried importing them onto another server. The remote connection settings are imported but the SQLBrowser service remains Disabled. Am I doing something wrong?

The command line command I ran (in the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Shared directory) is "sac.exe in sacconfig.xml".

The following is my config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CommandArguments xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<anyType xsi:type="Component">
<anyType xsi:type="Instance">
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="ArrayOfAnyType" />
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="ArrayOfAnyType" />
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Component">

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Dtexec Utility Command Line

Apr 23, 2008

I need to run a package wich is located on the file system of a PC. The problem is that the PC from where I'm running a bat file to call the package from the other PC where the package is, doesn't have SSIS.
So I was wondering if this will work. I believe that I will have to copy the DTExec.exe file to the PC where my bat file calls to the dtsx in the other PC. I am right?
My run.bat will have this line: \PCshared_folderpackage.dtsx.
Will this work?

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Option In Dtutil Command Line Utility

Aug 29, 2006

how can i create a folder in the integration services-stored packages-MSDB folder using dtutil command line utility.

I could create a folder within a folder inside MSDB using

dtutil /FC SQ; est;temp

but not in the MSDB folder.

Thanks &Regards,

Vivek S

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Running A SQL File From OSQL Command Line Utility

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have dumped a very large database from mysql (using mysqldump program)as a raw sql file. The reason was, convert this database to a MSSQLdatabase. Since mysqldump creates the file as raw sql file with thedatabase-table structures and the data in it, I thought using OSQL commandline utilities should work to out this whole database in MSSQL server.I have run this command from command line:osql -u sa -i mysqldump.sqlIt is going since yesterday. It has been almost 36 hours that it'sstarted. And in the mssql server, I see no database created yet. On thescreen of the command line, I see bunch of numbers are going in order. Iassume they are row numbers of the tables processed. But, if it is doing it,then where is it saving all this data ? I have checked the tempdb, pub db,other dbs, and I see no tables related to the database I am inserting. Willit populate it at the and of the job ? Or, am I doing something wrong here?Regards.Murtix.

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Solution: T-SQL Execution Command Line Utility Has Stopped Working

Jan 19, 2008

Reinstalling SQL Express did the trick

Thought this might help others..

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Start A Job Task From The Command Line & Check To See If It&#39;s Running

Apr 22, 2000

I need to start a job task from the command line. Does anyone know of the correct command(s) to do this?

I also need to check to see if a specific job task is currently executing from the command line. Does anyone know of the correct command(s) to do this?

Thanks for any assistance.


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SQLBrowser Won't Start

Apr 25, 2007

I have a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86). We installed this with a preexisting version of SQL Server 2000. Both SQL servers instances are running and Reporting Services 2005 is serving reports from the box. The problem is SQLBrowser will not start so we can not access SQL Server 2005 from the network. We can still access the SQL Server 2000 instance.

When I try to start the service with the surface area tool I get the following error:

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion, you need administrator privileges to be able to start/stop this service. (SQLSAC)

SQLBrowser is set to start automatically. So about every 5 seconds the application event log shows the following after an autometic start attempt is made:

EventType sql90exception, P1 sqlbrowser.exe, P2 7.0.3790.1830, P3 4243785e, P4 msmdredir.dll, P5 9.0.3042.0, P6 45cd7cea, P7 0, P8 000936a4, P9 00000000, P10 NIL.

OS Info

OS Name Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
Version 5.2.3790 Service Pack 1 Build 3790
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation

System Manufacturer IBM
System Model eserver xSeries 345 -[8670M1X]-
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~3059 Mhz
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~3060 Mhz
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~3060 Mhz
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~3060 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date IBM -[GEE157CUS-1.17]-, 6/30/2004

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Cannot Start SQLBrowser

Apr 19, 2007

Hi all,

Have a sql 2005 x64 sp2 2 node a/p cluster setup.

On both nodes it's not possible to start sqlbrowser service.

Compared registry and configuration on a 2nd equal system found no differences :-(

In eventlog I get:

Warning: The configuration of the SQL instance MSSQLServer is not valid.

Warning: The configuration of the SQL instance MSSQLSERVER is not valid.

Error: The SQLBrowser service was unable to establish SQL instance and connectivity discovery. Data: 0000: 08 00 00 00

Info: The SQLBrowser is enabling SQL instance and connectivity discovery support.

Warning: The configuration of the SQL instance MSSQLServer is not valid.

Info: The SQLBrowser service has started.

Info: The SQLBrowser service has shutdown.

Any help is highly appreciated.



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Cannot Start SQLBrowser

Mar 6, 2008


I have a sql2005 x64 sp2 2 node a/p cluster. On both nodes, I'm not able to start the SQLBrowser service. I'm using a domain account for the service and it's in the local admin group. These are the errors:

The configuration of the SQL instance <instance name> is not valid.

The SQLBrowser service was unable to establish SQL instance and connectivity discovery.

The SQLBrowser is enabling SQL instance and connectivity discovery support.

The SQLBrowser is enabling Analysis Services discovery support.

The SQLBrowser service has started.

The SQLBrowser service has shutdown.

Report Server Windows Service <instance name> cannot connect to the report server database.

Service started successfully.

Report Server Windows Service <instance name> cannot connect to the report server database.

When I attempt to start sqlbrowser manually, I get the following results:

SQLBrowser: starting up in console mode

SQLBrowser: starting up SSRP redirection service

SQLBrowser is successfully listening on[1434]

SQLBrowser: failed starting SSRP redirection services -- shutting down.

SQLBrowser: starting up OLAP redirection service

SQLBrowser: Stopping the OLAP redirector

Has anybody seen this and have a solution?

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Package Executing As SQL Service Job Vs Command Line

Jan 8, 2008

I see a weird behaviour when the package is executed as a SQL Server job and via command line. The package has environment variables configured. So when I run the package via a command line it picks up the user environment variables and gets executed fine with success. But when the package is scheduled as a job, it fails as it is not picking up environment variables. Does the SQL server has to be restarted to pick up the environment variables? I dont understand the reason of not picking up the environment variables when the package is run as a job. The job runs as the same user as the command line and the user variables are set for the environment variables. The logging is enabled on the package and I can see that it is logging as the same user even if its command line execution or executed as a job. Could you please anyone can explain why the package fails as a job and doesnt fail via command line. I am fighting with this for a long time.


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SQLRUN_SQL.MSI Is Not Valid For Service Pack 1 SQL 2005 Command Line REINSTALL

Jun 28, 2006


I have recently tried to run this command line utility for SQL Server 2005 -

"start /wait sqlfodersetup.exe /qb INSTANCENAME=myinstance REINSTALL=SQL_Engine REBUILDDATABASE=1 SAPWD=[password] SQLCOLLATION=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI"

Unfortunately I recived an error stating the "Installation package for the product SQL Server 2005 (64bit) cannto be found. Please locate a valid SQLRUN_SQL.MSI". Which I couldn't find anywhere., so....

I created a fresh instance on my 2005 server, held back on installing SP1, and ran the command line again. This time it worked.

My best guess is that the installation scripts check the version header on the MSI file during install and display a compatibilty error thus halting the install.

My question is, has anyone seen, overcome this problem. I can't believe that this is a bug like error as there would be posts about it all over the interweb.... which there isn't.

Any thoughts.


(p.s) I know that I shouldn't really try to amend the collation on a sql server, but I have little choice at the moment :-(

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SSIS Doesn`t Start After Applying SQL Server 2005 SP1 Error Message 7000 Service Control Manager

Apr 27, 2006

SSIS doesn`t start after applying SQL Server 2005 SP1

I get an error Message in event log

event id 7000 source: Service Control Manager Type: Error


The SQL Server Integration Services service failed to start due to the following error:

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Lothar Belle

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SQLBrowser: Service Was Unable To Process A Client Request.

May 21, 2007

Hi, I have a Active/Active SQL 2005 Cluster, and I've seen this recurring message in the Event Log.

Source: SQLBrowser
Category: None
Type: Error
User: N/A
EventID: 8
Message: The SQLBrowser service was unable to process a client request.

I don't know if it's something to worry about, since I haven't had anyone call in an issue.

I have set the default and named instances to specific ports, no dynamic ports here.

There's nothing in the instances' error logs.

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SP Line Count Utility

Jun 13, 2008

Does anyone know of a utility that would perform lines of code, comments and blank lines for all SP's in a given database? One of the guys on the development team was telling me that his management team wants this information. Right now they guess-timate these values but I was wondering if anyone knew of a utility to get accurate counts.

Personally I think management is off their rocker but this isn't my battle to worry about :)

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BCP Utility Doesn't Work With View

Mar 16, 2015

I am using BCP utility to export data from a view to text file. I get the following error

"Copy direction must be either r 'in', 'out' ..." when I execute the following

exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp [Salesforce_Prod].[dbo].[Project With Opps] out c: est99.txt -c -t, -T -S'

The same thing work if I replace the view in the statement above with a table name.

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BCP Utility & Command Prompt

Dec 7, 2000

Can anyone tell me how to enable bcp utility. Because anytime I try to run BCP I get the following error messages: (BCP not enable). Also how can I get to SQL Server command prompt? I look forward to hearing from anyone.

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SQLCMD Utility Will Not Start, Uninstall/reinstall Problem ?

Nov 6, 2007

Neither the SQLCMD utility nor SQL Management Studio Express will function any longer but the DB engine still works when connecting via VB Express or EXCEL VBA. SQLCMD tries to connect to the internet then stops with no message.
Problems started with SQL Management Studio Express whereby the screen dialog seems corrupted when I start to use New Query or try to copy and paste queries so I uninstalled and reinstalled SQL Express and seem to have made the problem worse. My system has Office 2003 with Business Contact Manager (ie MSSQL$MICROSOFTSMLBIZ) which seemed to cause a problem with the SQL Express install so I uninstalled Business Contact Manager but still no success.
Anything special I need to do in the uninstall/reinstall that I might not be doing ?

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DTSRUN Command Utility Problem

Jun 10, 2002

Hi everyone,

I have created a DTS package in SQL Server 2000 which is running good when I execute it through SQL Enterprise manager.

But when I try to run the package through command line DTSRUN utility on server, I am getting the following error message displayed.

"DTSRun: Loading...

DTSRun: Executing...

DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1

DTSRun OnError: DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1, Error = -2147467259 (80004005)

Error string: Error opening datafile: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.
Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services Flat File Rowset Provider
Help file: DTSFFile.hlp
Help context: 0

The same package is getting executed properly when I run it from my client through DTSRUN from the command prompt.

Any idea if it is because of security issues.

thanx in advance.


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Tablediff Utility Without 'delete' Command.

Apr 23, 2008

I am presently using 'tablediff' utility of SQLServer 2005 to compare tables located on two different servers. My real intension is to backup data from Serv1 to Serv2, except that I wish to update the tables on server2 with only newly inserted rows and updated rows and NOT deleted rows.

In short, I want the final .sql file generated by the tablediff utility to contain only 'Insert' and 'Update' statements and NOT 'Delete' statements.

I hope someone can help me in this regard.

Thank you,

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Unable To Run Command Prompt SQL Utility From SQL Agent

Mar 20, 2003

I am unable to execute DTS packages,ISQLs when scheduled from SQL Server Agent . It dispalys a Dr.Watson Access Voilation message on the box .The result of the job is "failed as the step did not return any result ".

1)The utilities run fine when run from clients from other computers .

2)They fail again when run thru the command prompt of the box .

3)They suceed when run via the xp_cmdshell .

Can anybody help me out ?


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Using For Each Loop Container To Pass Parameters To Command Utility

Sep 1, 2006


I want to use a for each loop container to go through all files listed in a particular folder.
Each of those file names must be passed as a parameter to the relog.exe command utility


Folder C: emp
Files in C: emp: log1.csv, log2.blg, log3.txt

The following lines must be executed:

elog.exe c: emplog1.csv -f SQL -o "SQL:PerfCounters!PerfCounters"
elog.exe c: emplog2.blg -f SQL -o "SQL:PerfCounters!PerfCounters"
elog.exe c: emplog3.txt -f SQL -o "SQL:PerfCounters!PerfCounters"

The relog utility converts the performance counter logs to sql format and pumps it in the database (DSN:PerfCounters)

The idea is that someone drops multiple counter logs in c: emp and you start a SSIS package to pump the data from all the files in the database.

I'm not sure where to start. Do I have to put a Script task inside the For Each loop container en start scripting the commands in Visual Basic.Net or is there a more simpler way to achieve this in SSIS?

Many thanks!


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An Error 1069 - )The Service Did Not Start Due To Logon Failure) Occurred While Performing This Service Operation ...

Oct 10, 2007

Hi All,

We seem to be being plagued by the error below by our SQL Server agent. This happens almost everytime we restart the server that has been running for a day or two.

Our SQL Server Agent uses a none expiring domain credential. I understand that this problem only happens when the profile being used by the SQL Servr Agent has changed (password change). What puzzles me is that the login is A ok and no changes has been made to it's password.

We always resolve this problem by changing the login used in the SQL Server Agent to local and after that, returning it back to it's original domain login. Unfortunately, we cant always do this everytime something goes wrong.

Can anyone please help us shed a light on this? We're using SQL2k with SP3a. Thanks!


An error 1069 - )The service did not start due to logon failure) occurred while performing this service operation on the SQLServerAgent service.


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SQL Job Doesn't Start

Dec 6, 2007

This problem is on SQL Server development box.
SS 2K standard edition
3071 MB
2 processors
Windows NT 5.0

SQL job doesn't start nor write on the view history. I have comfirm this by creating a new job with query and run it manually or schedule automatic run.

select * from sysdatabases

It points to database master and using the same account sql server agent uses it to start. This account has sys admi rights. I have check for blocking but thre is not.
Anyone has ever has a similar issue like this

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Apr 20, 2007

I am really trying to be very understanding/patience/tolerant here but this is just really annoying. Why does the green line in Intergration Services just never go straight?!?!?!?!?!??? I mean what is the ultimate purpose of having a tilted line? it just makes your package looks like it was done in 2 minutes and hasn't been sought after.

A very disgusted,

BI Developer

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Client Network Utility Service Pack

Jan 13, 2004

2 Questions:

1) I am getting back into SQL more than before, in my new job. I need to find the service pack installed on the clients who have the Client Network Utility installed. I do not remember how to do this.

2) Running 'Select @@VERSION' on the server returns 7.00.1063 but does not indicate the service pack. Does this still mean sp4 has been installed?

I'm trying to ensure we'll all up to date since our dual 700 procs are acting eratic...jumps between 10 - 95% or so.

Server info:

NT Server SP6
SQL 7.0
2GB Ram
2 procs @ 700Mhz
Roughly 80 network connections.
No other programs running on server except Antivirus.

Thank you!

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SQLEXPRESS Doesn't Start Automatically

Oct 17, 2006

I am a beginner with regard to SQL Server, having previously used Access 2000 databases in my programs.

Recently I installed VB 2005 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express on both my desktop computer and my laptop and have been working at migrating one of my earlier programs, written in VB6 /Access 2000, to VB Express Server

Whilst my desktop version works well, I found that, for some unknown reason, SQLEXPRESS refuses to start automatically on my laptop, despite the fact that it is set that way. (It will start if I open the Configuration Manager and start it from there.) Since the configuration settings on my laptop are the same as those that work on my desktop, I cannot understand why the laptop version doesn't work.

Has anyone any ideas?


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FireError Doesn't Work When I Use Start W/o Debug

Mar 14, 2007

My custom data component is an error handler that processes data and then calls

ComponentMetaData.FireError in ProcessInput() to send the error data to the event handler per row. Everything works fine during debug/release mode. However when I run it using "Start without Debug" no errors are thrown. My event handler still catches stock component errors, so something must be wrong in this custom component. Am I suppose to set a property or something?


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SSIS Doesn't Start After Applying Sql2k5 Sp1

May 9, 2006

Got following error in windows app event log when tried to start SSIS after applying sql2k5 sp1, event id is 260:

Microsoft SSIS Service failed to start.
Error: Method 'GetVersionInfo' in type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Server.DtsServer' from assembly 'MsDtsSrvr, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' does not have an implementation.

Anyone got same issue and how to solve it?

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Command Line

Jul 23, 2005

Using Query Analyzer, I can right click on an object and select "scriptobject to new window as create" and I get the text of the object'sdefinition (schema). Can I get same result from command line, i.e., fromosql, I can get text output for the definition of the object (something likedefncopy under Sybase)? If so, what is the command or store procedure name?Thanks in advance.

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Command Line For SQL?

Apr 2, 2008

Is there any command line that I can use to do select from databases (SQL 2005)

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Sql Server Doesn't Start After Changing Drive Letter

Feb 21, 2005

i had installed Sqlserver on drive E: before but i changed the drive letter to D: yesterday and now i can't start my sql server. how can i fix this problem?

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Automating Ftp Command Line

May 1, 2001

hi I would appreciate if someone demonstrate how to automate ftp in a command line from within a batch file. I do want to move certain files from one server to another via ftp command line in an automatic fashion via running the batch periodically.



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URGENT: Can&#39;t Run BCP Via Command Line

Jun 13, 2000

hi: I can't seem to run BCP thru the command line.

bcp pubs..authors out c:authors.txt -c -Usa -P

Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Server Y47SA, Procedure , Line 1
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near'.'.

I've been trying to run BCP thru command line all day. I tried OSQL, ISQL. I find this utility very
frustrating. btw - I have installed SP2.

any thoughts would be much appreciated.

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