I am currently trying to find a way in which I can determine if a column in a Select clause is Japanese. The column currently supports English and Japanese Kanjis and other kanas. Is there a way to determine if this column is not English or if it is Japanese without physically looking at it.?
Hello, I am facing a problem in a SELECT clause which i cannot solve. In my SQL table ("myTable") i have a few columns ("Column1", "Column2", "TypeColumn"). When I select different columns of the table, instead of getting the value of TypeColumn, i would like to get a boolean indicating whether its value is a certain string or not. For example, the TypeColumn accepts only a number of selected strings: "AAA", "BBB", "CCC". when i do a select query on the table, instead of asking for TypeColumn i would like to ask a boolean value of 1 if TypeColumn is "AAA" and 0 if TypeColumn is "BBB" or "CCC". Also, i would like to make this query while I am also fetching the other columns. And i would like to use one query to get all that. I thought something like thsi would work:
SELECT Column1 AS Col1, Column2 AS Col2, IF(TypeColumn = "AAA", 1, 0) AS Col3 FROM myTable
but this doesn't work in SQL 2005! Is it possible to do something similar in SQL 2005 using one query only? i am trying to avoid multiple queries for this.
HI, Thanks in advance for taking your time to read this post. I am trying to write a SQL query using MS SQL 2005 that will read the value of a field and tell if it is alpha or numeric. I have tried the following but it does not work: select field1 from table1 where left(field1,2)='[0-9]' select field1 from table1 where isnumber(left(field1,2) tried with a =1 at the end and without and =1 at the end the goal is to read through a field and format it so if a field looks like this 12xxx111xx I can change it to look like 12-xxx-111-xx. Any help is greatly apprecaited
Example, suppose you have these 2 tables(NOTE: My example is totally different, but I'm simply trying to setupthe a simpler version, so excuse the bad design; not the point here)CarsSold {CarsSoldID int (primary key)MonthID intDealershipID intNumberCarsSold int}Dealership {DealershipID int, (primary key)SalesTax decimal}so you may have many delearships selling cars the same month, and youwanted a report to sum up totals of all dealerships per month.select cs.MonthID,sum(cs.NumberCarsSold) as 'TotalCarsSoldInMonth',sum(cs.NumberCarsSold) * d.SalesTax as 'TotalRevenue'from CarsSold csjoin Dealership d on d.DealershipID = cs.DealershipIDgroup by cs.MonthIDMy question is, is there a way to achieve something like this:select cs.MonthID,sum(cs.NumberCarsSold) as 'TotalCarsSoldInMonth',TotalCarsSoldInMonth * d.SalesTax as 'TotalRevenue'from CarsSold csjoin Dealership d on d.DealershipID = cs.DealershipIDgroup by cs.MonthIDNotice the only difference is the 3rd column in the select. Myparticular query is performing some crazy math and the only way I knowof how to get it to work is to copy and past the logic which isgetting out way out of hand...Thanks,Dave
I have several tables a varbinary column in a database. They have names like CSB_BLOB or OBJECT_BLOB. Now I am having intermittent success with getting the data out.
For example this query returns readable text from this data.
0x46726F6D3A20226465616E6E6167726.....etc --data as stored in the column
However this column has the following query results.
0x0001000000FFFFFFFF01000000000000000C....etc. --data as stored in column
--this query returns empty result
--this query returns no change???
Obviously there is a difference between the two but I am not educated enough to interpret this difference. What do I need to learn / read so I can look at the data in one of these BLOB columns and know how to convert it to something meaningful?
Something like:
1. Try to cast as varchar to see if it is text. 2. Turn into a byte array and see if it is a jpg 3. Turn into a byte array and see if it is a pdf 4. Convert it to hex and then cast as varchar 5. etc....
I have a problem with SP when passing in Parameters. Basically something like this:
-- Pass 1, 2 or 3 as parameter EXEC SP_mySP 1
-- The SP will do the following SQL Statement SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ( (If @Parameter1 = 1 then myColumn = 'A' or myColumn = 'B') (If @Parameter1 = 2 then myColumn = 'C') (If @Parameter1 = 3 then myColumn is not null) )
I am trying to order by the field and direction as provided by input parameters @COLTOSORTBY and @DIR while using a CTE and assigning Row_Number, but am running into syntax errors.
Say I have a table called myTable with columns col1,col2,col3,
Here's what I'm trying to do
with myCTE AS ( Select col1 ,col2 ,col3 ,row_number() over (order by case when(@DIR = 'ASC') then
case when @COLTOSORTBY='col1' then col1 asc when @COLTOSORTBY='col2' then col2 asc else col3 asc end else
case when @COLTOSORTBY='col1' then col1 desc when @COLTOSORTBY='col2' then col2 desc else col3 desc end end from myTable )
Please let me know what i can do with minimal code repetition and achive my goal of dynamically sorting column and direction. I do not want to use dynamic SQL under any circumstance.
I m writing a stored procedure to query a table Population that has the following fields - CityId, CityName, Plus0, Plus10, Plus20, Plus30, Plus40, Plus50, Plus60, Plus70, Plus80. The field Plus0 contains the number of people of age > 0 living in the city, Plus10 contains the number of people of age > 10 living in the city and so on. Given the city id and age groups like 20To40, 50To60, 40Plus, etc., I should be able to query the number of people in the city corresponding to the requested age group. Note that if the requested age group was 20To60, I need to make use of only 2 fields Plus20 and Plus60 in the table to compute this value. And if the requested age group was 40Plus, then I need only the value in the field Plus40. The problem is that a wide variety of age groups can be requested like 0Plus, 10Plus, ... , 80Plus, 0To10, 0To20, 0To30, .... 70To80.
Which is the most effecient way to handle this ?
1. Have a stored procedure that returns all the fields even though only 1 or 2 of them would be actually used ?
In this case, if I returned data for a large number of cities then there would be a lot of unnecessary information that was returned by the query. Lots of data would be passed through the network though most of it would not be used.
2. Have a stored procedure that takes in parameters @Plus0, @Plus10, @Plus20, .. @Plus80 that are bits indicating whether the field was required or not and then using a CASE statement to return values for a field only if the corresponding bit parameter was set, and returning NULL if the corresponding bit paramter was not set ?
In this case, I would be returning NULL for all those fields that were not required for a particular age group. This would save some network bandwidth, wouldn't it ?
3. Pass in the age group itself (ex: 0To20) as a parameter to the stored procedure and have lots of IF statements, one for each age group, that return only the fields that are needed for that age group.
This leads to a lot of code repitition.
4. Use a similar approach as above but use dynamic SQL queries to avoid code repitition.
But using dynamic SQL queries can affect the performance of the stored procedure as they need to be compiled each time.
I have a table with addresses and activity dates. I need to be able to retrieve the past 3 activity dates and see if the first and last occurred within 15 days. If so, I need to flag them.
Using max date gets me the last date but not the previous two. I was trying to use top 3 in desc order and that didnt seem to work either.
1) Rows ordered using textual id rather than numeric id
Code Snippet select cast(v.id as nvarchar(2)) id from ( select 1 id union select 2 id union select 11 id ) v order by v.id
Result set is ordered as: 1, 11, 2 I expect: 1,2,11
if renamed or removed alias for "cast(v.id as nvarchar(2))" expression then all works fine.
2) SQL server reject query below with next message
Server: Msg 169, Level 15, State 3, Line 16 A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique.
Code Snippet select cast(v.id as nvarchar(2)) id from ( select 1 id union select 2 id union select 11 id ) v cross join ( select 1 id union select 2 id union select 11 id ) u order by v.id ,u.id
Again, if renamed or removed alias for "cast(v.id as nvarchar(2))" expression then all works fine.
It reproducible on
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86) May 3 2005 23:18:38 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86) Feb 9 2007 22:47:07 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
In both cases database collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1251_CS_AS
If I check quieries above on database with SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation then it works fine again.
Could someone clarify - is it bug or expected behaviour?
Far below (in section "original 3 steps"), you see the following:1. a temp table is created2. some data is inserted into this table3. some of the inserted data is removed based on a join with the sametable that the original select was made fromIn my opinion, there is no way that the join could produce more rowsthan were originally retrieved from viewD. Hence, we could get rid ofthe DELETE step by simply changing the query to be:INSERT INTO #details ( rec_id, orig_corr, bene_corr )SELECT rec_id, 0, 0FROM viewDWHERE SOURCE_SYS NOT IN ( 'G', 'K' )AND MONTH( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = MONTH( @date )AND YEAR( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = YEAR( @date )AND INMESS NOT LIKE '2__' ---- the added line===== original 3 steps (mentioned above) =====CREATE TABLE #details (rec_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,orig VARCHAR(35) NULL,bene VARCHAR(35) NULL,orig_corr TINYINT NULL,bene_corr TINYINT NULL)INSERT INTO #details ( rec_id, orig_corr, bene_corr )SELECT rec_id, 0, 0FROM viewDWHERE SOURCE_SYS NOT IN ( 'G', 'K' )AND MONTH( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = MONTH( @date )AND YEAR( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = YEAR( @date )DELETE dFROM #details dJOIN viewD v ON ( d.rec_id = v.rec_id )WHERE INMESS LIKE '2__'
Hi, i have a stored procedure like this: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spQuery1
@dynamicField nvarchar(10)
SELECT id, productName, productDescription
FROM products
WHERE @dynamicField = 'True'
RETURN The products table has id, productName, productDescription, property1, property2, property3 fields So my query variable should be, for example, "property1" and the result should be every row with "property1" set to true... but it doesnt work with the sql like this... any help?
m.TOTAL_MNTH_INCOME + m.CO_TOTAL_MNTH_INCOME as income1,income1 * 12 as income2,Round(income2, 1000) as income3,income3 / 1000 as income
,a.fielda ,b.filedb from tablea a, tableb b where a.name = b.name' and income <> b.income
I can probably string all 4 of my calculations together and say as income. I just copied it that way since that is how the SAS code is written but my big Q is can I use the derived field income from my calculation in my where statement.
I have this SP that works, except I need to add another field value for the WHERE clause. As you can see I have "WM" but I need to add "PR", and those two are definitely in the table field. I've tried a variety of syntax arrangements using the AND operator, the OR operator, the & operator, just a comma between the two, nothing between the two. Can someone please show me what I'm doing wrong. It fileters for "WM" fine, but I also need it to filter in the WHERE clause for "PR". Here is the SP:
CREATE procedure spDemoSchedule (@beginDate varchar(10), @endDate varchar(10), @storeNum int) AS
SELECT Progstats.[Program#], Progstats.KCKOFF, Progstats.ProgramName, Progstats.Parent, Store.[Str#], Store.Status, Progstats.Dept, Store.[Program#], Product.[Item#], Product.[Item] FROM Progstats INNER JOIN Product ON Progstats.[Program#] = Product.[Program#] INNER JOIN Store ON Progstats.[Program#] = Store.[Program#] WHERE Progstats.KCKOFF BETWEEN @beginDate AND @endDate AND Store.[Str#]=@storeNum AND Progstats.CLASS="WM" GO
I have a small table named Exclude_Cusno_Item that has a varchar(29) field named
ITEM. When I query the table to show all of the records like this: Select * from Exclude_Cusno_Item
The result set contains a record with 'AAA' in the ITEM field. However, where I write a query with a WHERE clause to select this specific 'AAA' record like this:
Select * from Exclude_Cusno_Item where item = 'AAA'
I get no results. What could be happening that would prevent the 'AAA' record from appearing in the result set of this query? Note that the 'AAA' entry has no trailing or leading blanks.
I recently ran into an issue with an issue with a query against our Data Warehouse. When attempting to sum revenue from a table, and using a WHERE clause on a field that contains NULL values, the records with the NULL values are suppressed (in addition to whatever the WHERE clause specified). I believe this is because a NULL value is unknown so SQL doesn't know if it does or doesn't fit the criteria of there WHERE clause so it is suppressed.
That being said, is there a way to avoid this instead of having to add an ISNULL function in the WHERE clause which is going to kill performance?
Code: create table #nullTest ( name varchar(50) ,revenue int)
INSERT INTO #nullTest Values ('Tim',100) ,('Andrew', 50) ,(null, 200)
SELECT sum(revenue) as Revenue FROM #nulltest WHERE name <> 'tim'
Ideally, I would want the SELECT statement above to return 250, not 50. The only way I can think to accomplish this is with this query:
Code: SELECT sum(revenue) as Revenue FROM #nullTest WHERE isnull(name,'') <> 'tim'
When I created a CASE statement (This is at work, Pat:)) it is about 30-40 lines long. I gave it a name and set the name = to the case statement:
SELECT fieldname1 = CASE WHEN condition THEN 'blah blah' WHEN condition THEN 'blah blah' WHEN condition THEN 'blah blah' ELSE thisandthat END , fieldname2 , fieldname3 FROM tablename1 GROUP BY CASE WHEN condition THEN 'blah blah' WHEN condition THEN 'blah blah' WHEN condition THEN 'blah blah' ELSE thisandthat END, , fieldname2, fieldname3
The long CASE statement in my GROUP BY is awkward to me. Is this the only way to do it? I tried using the fieldname1 but it comes back as an invalid field name and asks for the "expression".
So I have an MDX query in an SSRS data set. Here is my MDX query:
Code SnippetSELECT { [Measures].[Gross Sales Amount USD], [Measures].[Net Sales Amount USD] } ON COLUMNS, { ([Promotion].[Media Property].[Promo Code Description].ALLMEMBERS) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@BeginDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@EndDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@PromotionMediaProperty, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Net Sales]))))) WHERE ( [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40], [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise], [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] ) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS
This query returns 4 fields. Media Property, Promo Code Description, Gross Sales, and Net Sales. For the given query the measures are empty or null. I do not want any data to show up when the measures are null so I put in NON EMPTY clauses before the COLUMNS and before the ROWS. So now my query looks like this: (I only added the NON EMPTY clauses)
Code Snippet SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Gross Sales Amount USD], [Measures].[Net Sales Amount USD] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY{ ([Promotion].[Media Property].[Promo Code Description].ALLMEMBERS) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@BeginDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@EndDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@PromotionMediaProperty, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Net Sales]))))) WHERE ( [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40], [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise], [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] ) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS
Adding the NON EMPTY returns nothing... not even field names. This is a problem because, I have a table in the report that looks at this data set and when there are no fields, the report can't run.
How can I still have NON EMPTY functionality and still show the fields? Is this a problem in SSRS?
i have a variable which stores some values(ID) with single quote (so that i can use directlt inside the IN Clause of SELECT
Declare @DMSIDs AS VARCHAR(1000) -- variable declare,
Select @DMSIDs = '''DMS00046847'',''DMS00048305''' -- for test putting 2 correct values with escape characters
Select * from issue where id in (@DMSIDs) -- valid statment, but does not return any data Select * from issue where id in ('DMS00046847','DMS00048305') -- same above constant value this returns data, but putting the values in varaible then trying fails.
The reason is i have a master table called issue and have another table [delta] where a particular column will store all the ID's of the issue table comma separated with single quote and i wanted to use something like below in my actual application
Select * from issue where ID in (Select distinct delta_ID from Delta_branch where date = getdate()) but since the above example with variable is not returning any data i wonder if such is possible in any other ways.
Please help I'm trying to do a select command but doesn't return any record I have two tables one is "lists" another one is "list_records" in the liss table I have 4 records and in the list_records I have only one record which is tell who is already visited the site so I created a query to get people who is NOT visited the site
Here is my query (I got 0 record return)
SELECT *FROM lists list_reccords WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM lists, list_records WHERE list_records.is_visited = 1 AND lists.list_id = list_records.list_id)
Hi, I have a question about Insert into ..... Select clause in a SP. I need to insert some rows into a temperary table in a specific order. For example, insert into #TempTable { ....... ........ } Select * from products order by @SortBy @SortDirection. // First of all, the order by clause does not take variables. I have tried to use declare @query varchar (1000) set @query = 'Select * from products order by " + @SortBy + ' ' + @SortDirection exec (@query) // However, I get an error message because I should supply a Select statement. How can I solve this problem??
Here is the first part of a query for MySQL that I am trying to get working on MSSQL:
SELECT n.*, round((n.rgt-n.lft-1)/2,0) AS childs, count(*)+(n.lft>1) AS level, ((min(p.rgt)-n.rgt-(n.lft>1))/2) > 0 AS lower, (( (n.lft-max(p.lft)>1) )) AS upper FROM table n ...
But, I get this error message:
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 3 Line 3: Incorrect syntax near '>'.
I have the following stored procedure, I would like to use IF statement or something of the sort in the where clause i.e. The last line in the SP is: AND (category.categoryID = @categoryID), I only want to check this, if @categoryID is not = 12. So can I do something like this:
IF @categoryID <> 12 AND (category.categoryID = @categoryID)
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_get_total_risk_patients @categoryID int AS
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT patient.patientID) AS total_patients FROM patient INNER JOIN patient_record ON patient.patientID = patient_record.patientID INNER JOIN sub_category ON sub_category.sub_categoryID = patient.sub_categoryID INNER JOIN category ON category.categoryID = sub_category.categoryID WHERE risk = 6 AND (completed_date = '' OR completed_date IS NULL) AND (category.categoryID = @categoryID)
I need to dynamically construct the field order of a cursor based on fixed labels from another table, but when I put that resulting query I receive the error:
Server: Msg 16924, Level 16, State 1, Line 78 Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns.
I have 6 fields defined in the cursor select, and 6 parameters in the fetch. The results of running the @sql portion returns valid data. Should this be possible to define a parameter containing the select clause of the cursor?
select colnum, coldesc, colname into #ae_defs from ae_adefs select @Sql = (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'PATIENT NAME') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'PATIENT NUMBER') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'ACCOUNT NUMBER') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'VISIT DATE') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'VISIT TYPE') + ', DocID from ae_dtl1'
OPEN myCursor print @@Cursor_rows FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor into @var1, @var2, @var3, @var4, @var5, @DocID
I need some help.I am trying to write a query which does the followingSELECT * from table1 where field1=(SELECT distinct field1 FROM table1WHERE field2='2005' or field2='2010')I need all the values from table1 which match any value from field 1from the subquery.Any help is appreciated.thanks