SELECT DISTINCT Will Always Result In A Static Cursor

Jul 31, 2007

an example for the pb
1)First i have created a dynamic cursor :

FOR Select DISTINCT LOCATION_EN AS "0Location" from am_location WHERE LOCATION_ID = 7
OPEN authors_cursor
FETCH first FROM authors_cursor

2)The result for this cursor is for expamle 'USA'.

3) If now i do an update on that location with a new value 'USA1'

update am_location set location_en = 'USA1' WHERE LOCATION_ID = 7

4)now if i fetch the cursor , i''ll get the old value (USA) not (USA1).

If i remove DISTINCT from the cursor declaration , the process works fine .

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SELECT DISTINCT Will Always Result In A Static Cursor

Jul 31, 2007

An example for my pb
1) Created a dynamic cursor :
FOR Select DISTINCT name from table WHERE ID = 1
OPEN cursor_teste
FETCH first FROM cursor_teste
2)The result for this cursor is for example 'teste'.
3) If now i do an update on that name with a new value 'teste1'
than if i fetch the cursor , i''ll get the old value (teste) .

any idea how to make a select distinct result in a dynamic Cursor?

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Select 'static' Row/result

Oct 17, 2006

Let's say I have a simple query to return the results of my "Status" table. The query reads as follows:


Select statusID, statusName
From Status

Here is the result set that I am returned:


22 Associate Member
23 Is Not Paying
24 Exempt
25 Fair Share
26 Member
29 Retiree
30 Staff
32 Fair Share - Self Pay
34 Member - Self Pay

Now, I am using this query for reporting purposes and would like to inject some additional sql that will append one additional row to my result set -- this is what I am calling the 'static' row in the thread title.

In other words, without modifying my database I would like to return the above set of data but with one additional row that has an arbitrary ID with the name "Unknown" or something similar.

again, I want to avoid adding an "Unknown" field directly to my database -- is their any way to "hard code" the selection of this row in my sequal?



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Transact SQL :: STATIC Defines A Cursor That Makes Temporary Copy Of Data To Be Used By Cursor

Aug 12, 2015

In MSDN file I read about static cursor

Defines a cursor that makes a temporary copy of the data to be used by the cursor. All requests to the cursor are answered from this temporary table in
tempdb; therefore, modifications made to base tables are not reflected in the data returned by fetches made to this cursor, and this cursor does not allow modifications

It say's that modifications is not allowed in the static cursor. I have a  questions regarding that

Static Cursor
declare ll cursor global static
            for select  name, salary from ag
  open ll
             fetch from ll
              while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
               fetch from ll
                update ag set salary=200 where 1=1
   close ll
deallocate ll

In "AG" table, "SALARY" was 100 for all the entries. When I run the Cursor, it showed the salary value as "100" correctly.After the cursor was closed, I run the query select * from AG.But the result had updated to salary 200 as given in the cursor. file says  modifications is not allowed in the static cursor.But I am able to update the data using static cursor.

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Select Distinct - Incorrect Result

Jul 20, 2005

I have a function that is designed to return a variable that containsconcatenated values from a partinular field in the returned rows:DECLARE @output varchar(8000)SELECT@output =CASEWHEN @output IS NULL THEN CAST(TSD.ScheduledTime ASvarchar(4))ELSE @output+ ', '+ ISNULL(CAST(TSD.ScheduledTime ASvarchar(4)),'')ENDFROM TSDWHERE ClientGUID = 2000001447020001 ANDParentGUID = 6000006684068001Select @outputThe variable returned with this code contains:"1200, 1400, 1200, 1400"I want to only get the unique values so that the variable returns "1200,1400". Seems simple enough just to add DISTINCT to the SELECT statement.However, what is returned is simply "1400".I cannot figure out why that is the case. Is there any explanation to thisresult?Side note: I can work around this by using a cursor but I would like toknow why DISTINCT does not work.Many thanks in advance for any help that can be provided!Pat

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SQL Server 2012 :: SELECT Query - Cursor To Display Result In Single Transaction

May 25, 2015

Here the SELECT query is fetching the records corresponding to ITEM_DESCRIPTION in 5 separate transactions. How to change the cursor to display the 5 records in at a time in single transactions.

CREATE TABLE #ITEMS (ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, ITEM_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL)INSERT INTO #ITEMSVALUES(NEWID(), 'This is a wonderful car'),(NEWID(), 'This is a fast bike'),(NEWID(), 'This is a expensive aeroplane'),(NEWID(), 'This is a cheap bicycle'),(NEWID(), 'This is a dream holiday')
DECLARE @ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier

[Code] ....

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Procedure/static Cursor

Mar 30, 2008

can someone tell me how to use static cursor to read the rows applying it in procedure.
i have input and output tables
i will have to use input table to read data and then in procedure update/insert into output table ) insert values from input and dditioanl calulate charges.
ok, there is my problem:
An Internet service provider has three different subscription
packages for its customers:

Package A: For $15 per month with 50 hours of access provided.
Additional hours are $2.00 per hour over 50 hours.
Assume usage is recorded in one-hour increments,
i.e., a 25-minute session is recorded as one hour.

Package B: For $20 per month with 100 hours of access provided.
Additional hours are $1.50 per hour over 100 hours.

Package C: For $25 per month with 150 hours access is provided.
Additional hours are $1.00 per hour over 150 hours

Assume a 30-day billing cycle.

1) Create a table to hold customer input billing data.

2) Populate input table with follwing records:

CustomerID Pkg Hours
---------- --- ------
1000 A 49
1010 A 50
1020 a 90
1030 a 130

1090 B 40
1100 B 99
1110 b 100
1120 b 145

1140 C 45
1150 c 85
1160 c 149
1170 c 150
1180 c 200

3) Create a table to hold customer data used to generate
the statement to be sent to the customer. It should
include CustomerID, Package, HoursUsed, and Charges.

Write an SQL script that reads customer billing data,
calculates a customer’s monthly charges, and populates
the customer statement table.
Use Cursor to process records and Stored Procedures for
ProcessBill and calcCharges.

CREATE TABLE custinput(
cust_id int NULL,
pkg char(1) NULL,
hrs smallint NULL

CREATE TABLE custoutput(
cust_id int NULL,
pkg char(1) NULL,
hrsused smallint NULL,
charges money null


insert into custinput values (1000,'A',49);
insert into custinput values (1010,'A',50);
insert into custinput values (1020,'a',90);
insert into custinput values (1030,'a',130);
insert into custinput values (1090,'B',40);
insert into custinput values (1100,'B',99);
insert into custinput values (1110,'b',100);
insert into custinput values (1120,'b',145);

insert into custinput values (1140,'C',45);
insert into custinput values (1150,'c',85);

insert into custinput values (1160,'c',149);
insert into custinput values (1170,'c',150);
insert into custinput values (1180,'c',200);

then there is conditions:

if upper (@pkg)= 'A'
if @hrs<= 50 set @charges =15
else set @charges =15 + (@hrs-50)*2


else if upper(@pkg)= 'B'
if @hrs <= 100 set @charges = 20
else set @charges = 20 + (@hrs - 100)*1.5


if @hrs <=150 set @charges = 25
else set @charges =25+(@hrs-150)

insert into custoutput values(@cust_id,@pkg,@hrs,@charges)

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Select DISTINCT On Multiple Columns Is Not Returning Distinct Rows?

Jul 6, 2007

Hi, I have the following script segment which is failing:

CREATE TABLE #LatLong (Latitude DECIMAL, Longitude DECIMAL, PRIMARY KEY (Latitude, Longitude))

INSERT INTO #LatLong SELECT DISTINCT Latitude, Longitude FROM RGCcache

When I run it I get the following error: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#LatLong__________7CE3D9D4'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#LatLong'."

Im not sure how this is failing as when I try creating another table with 2 decimal columns and repeated values, select distinct only returns distinct pairs of values.

The failure may be related to the fact that RGCcache has about 10 million rows, but I can't see why.

Any ideas?

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Msg 6573 - Method In Assembly Is Not Static - How Do I Make It Static ?

Feb 22, 2006

I'm using Delphi 2006 to create a DLL which will be integrated into SQL 2005. It's been a long road and I've made a lot of headway, however I am currently having the following problem creating the stored procedure:

My dll name is 'Crystal_Reports_Test_01'
In the DLL, my class is named 'Class01'.
In the DLL, my procedure is named 'TestMe'

I've managed to integrate the DLL into SQL using the following statement:

FROM 'c:mssqlassembliescrystalreports.dll'

I am attempting to create the stored procedure which points to the 'TestMe' method inside of the DLL. FYI: 'CrystalReports' is the namespace above my class that I had to add in order to get it to locate the class. The following code is used to create the stored procedure:

create procedure dbo.Crystal_Reports_Test_01(
@Parm1 nvarchar(255)
as external name TEST_ERIC_01.[CrystalReports.Class01].TestMe

But I get the following error:

Msg 6573, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Crystal_Reports_Test_01, Line 1Method, property or field 'TestMe' of class 'CrystalReports.Class01' in assembly 'CrystalReports' is not static.

I'm not sure what this means exactly. I think it means the method (the procedure) is not using Static method binding but should be. I have no idea what this really means or how to accomplish this in the DLL - or if I'm even going about this in the right way.

Any help would be appreciated ! I'll post the Delphi code (DLL) below.


Eric Gooden

library CrystalReports;uses System.Reflection, System.Runtime.InteropServices;...................type Class01 = class public procedure TestMe([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] var sVarString: wideString); export; end;procedure Class01.TestMe([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] var sVarString: wideString); export;begin sVarString:= 'Lets change the value and see if the stored proc. gets the change.';end;end.

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Using INSERT INTO Mixing SELECT And Static Text

Jan 26, 2008

 I'm trying to populate a table of pending emails. The problem is I need
to populate the email field using a select statement but the message
field with static text. Can this be done or is another approach more
prudent? What I have is below but is kicking errors:DECLARE @msg varchar(300) SET @msg = 'New users have applied for accounts. Please review their information.'IF @Type='CreateUserApply' INSERT INTO cdds_Email (Address,Message)VALUES (SELECT M.EmailFROMdbo.aspnet_Membership MINNER JOINdbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles UINNER JOINdbo.aspnet_Roles RON U.RoleId = R.RoleIdON U.UserId = M.UserIdWHERER.RoleName = 'Manager',@msg)

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Inserting A Select With An Additional Static Field

Jul 20, 2005

I have a stored procedure where I want to select all fields matchingthe query into another table. In addition, I want to add a commongroupID to each of the records that are being inserted into the secondtable.I can get the results that I want by using a temporary table but needto know if there is a way to do it directly..below is the code that uses the temporary table..CREATE TABLE #tempStore_DeliveryAddress ([AddressId] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[UserId] [int] NOT NULL ,[Title] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,[FirstName] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[SpouseName] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[MiddleName] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[SpouseMiddleName] [varchar] (10) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[LastName] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[SpouseLastName] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNOT NULL ,[Suffix] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[SpouseSuffix] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[Company] [varchar] (64) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[Address1] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[Address2] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[Address3] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[City] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[State] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,[PostalCode] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[Country] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[ForeignFlag] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT[DF_Store_DeliveryAddress_ForeignFlag] DEFAULT (0),[Email] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,[Greeting] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[FullName] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[ShortName] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[OptOut] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Store_DeliveryAddress_OptOut]DEFAULT (0),[Modified] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT[DF_Store_DeliveryAddress_Modified] DEFAULT (getdate()),[Modifer] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_Store_DeliveryAddress_Modifer] DEFAULT ('DBA'),[Created] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT[DF_Store_DeliveryAddress_Created] DEFAULT (getdate()),[Creator] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_Store_DeliveryAddress_Creator] DEFAULT ('DBA'),[MailListID] [int] NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_Store_DeliveryAddress] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([AddressId]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]INSERT INTO #tempStore_DeliveryAddress([UserId], [Title], [FirstName],[SpouseName], [MiddleName], [SpouseMiddleName], [LastName],[SpouseLastName], [Suffix], [SpouseSuffix], [Company], [Address1],[Address2], [Address3], [City], [State], [PostalCode], [Country],[ForeignFlag], [Email], [Greeting], [FullName], [ShortName], [OptOut],[Modified], [Modifer], [Created], [Creator])(SELECT [UserId], [Title], [FirstName], [SpouseName], [MiddleName],[SpouseMiddleName], [LastName], [SpouseLastName], [Suffix],[SpouseSuffix], [Company], [Address1], [Address2], [Address3], [City],[State], [PostalCode], [Country], [ForeignFlag], [Email], [Greeting],[FullName], [ShortName], [OptOut], [Modified], [Modifer], [Created],[Creator]FROM [ntmportal].[dbo].[Store_AddressBook]WHERE [AddressID] in (Select AddressID From Store_AddressesForGroupwhere AddressGroupID = 322))UPDATE #tempStore_DeliveryAddress set MailLISTID = 422INSERT INTO Store_DeliveryAddress([UserId], [Title], [FirstName],[SpouseName], [MiddleName], [SpouseMiddleName], [LastName],[SpouseLastName], [Suffix], [SpouseSuffix], [Company], [Address1],[Address2], [Address3], [City], [State], [PostalCode], [Country],[ForeignFlag], [Email], [Greeting], [FullName], [ShortName], [OptOut],[Modified], [Modifer], [Created], [Creator], [MailListID])(Select [UserId], [Title], [FirstName], [SpouseName], [MiddleName],[SpouseMiddleName], [LastName], [SpouseLastName], [Suffix],[SpouseSuffix], [Company], [Address1], [Address2], [Address3], [City],[State], [PostalCode], [Country], [ForeignFlag], [Email], [Greeting],[FullName], [ShortName], [OptOut], [Modified], [Modifer], [Created],[Creator], [MailListID]FROM #tempStore_DeliveryAddress)

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Transact SQL :: First DISTINCT Value In A Result Set

Jun 23, 2015

I created a view which gave me the TOP1000 Companies we do consulting work for.

It includes their name, rank, year, companyID. I wanted to then link this view to the address table. I was able to do this, but because one company might have multiple addresses my result set was large when I started out by just adding city to my view. How can I take my result set and just choose the first DISTINCT value in the result set? Here's an example of the result set:

Name                   Rank           Year      CompanyID           City

Bill's Fish                 22          2015         779             Sunrise
Bill's Fish                 22          2015         779             Billings

I just want the Sunrise as city record.

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Problem Assigning SQL Task Result To A Variable - Select Count(*) Result From Oracle Connection

Dec 26, 2007

I have an Execute SQL Task that executes "select count(*) as Row_Count from xyztable" from an Oracle Server. I'm trying to assign the result to a variable. However when I try to execute I get an error:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "RowCount": "Unsupported data type on result set binding Row_Count.".

Which data type should I use for the variable, RowCount? I've tried Int16, Int32, Int64.


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Is It Possible To Put The Result From A Sp Into A Cursor

Dec 5, 2000

I am tring to find out wheather a SQL Agent job is running.
I was wanting to put the result from sp_help_job into a cursor and check whether @@fetch_status was successful.
if it fails then job is not running

the below code fails because when declaring a cursor expects a select statement.

is there anyway to get result from a sp into a cursor thanks

declare @sql varchar(100)
set @sql = 'sp_help_job null, ''event_167'', @job_aspect = ''job'', @execution_status = 1'
declare Job_Cursor cursor for
sp_help_job @job_name = 'some_job_name', @job_aspect = 'job', @execution_status = 1
open Job_Cursor
fetch next from Job_Cursor
if @@fetch_status <> 0
print 'Job is not runnning'
if @@fetch_status = 0
print 'Job is runnning'
close Job_Cursor
deallocate Job_Cursor

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Using The Result Of A Cursor

May 5, 2008

I am trying to build a Windows application using: Windows XP Pro ; VS Pro 2005, C# and SQL2005.

I have a database with two tables:
1) myGameRecency which contains columns : GameId , Date, Zero, One, Two, Three
2) myGameFrequency which contains a column : weeksSinceLastDrawn
Using the myGameRecency table ---
I wish to Fetch the GameId (which is just a counter) which corresponds to the last time a 0 was entered into that column....known in the programme as @lastTimeDrawn
I also wish to Fetch the GameId which corresponds to the current date....known in the programme as @currentTimeDrawn
I then wish to subtract @lastTimeDrawn from @currentTimeDrawn and place that result in the myGameFrequency table.

I have tried a variety of code and last tried the following:

Can anyone please assist?
Thank you.

if (Ball1 == true)


sqlCmd.CommandText = "DECLARE @currentTimeDrawn int " +
"DECLARE @lastTimeDrawn CURSOR " +

"DECLARE lastrow_cursor CURSOR FOR " +

"(SELECT GameId FROM " + DBGameName.ToString() + "Recency WHERE One = 0) " +

"OPEN lastrow_cursor " +

"FETCH LAST FROM lastrow_cursor " +

"SET @lastTimeDrawn = lastrow_cursor " +

"SET @currentTimeDrawn = (SELECT GameId FROM " + DBGameName.ToString()

+ DBGameName.ToString() + "Recency WHERE Date = '" + Date + "') " +

"UPDATE " + DBGameName.ToString() + "Frequency SET WeeksSinceDrawnMainDrawBall = @currentTimeDrawn - @lastTimeDrawn WHERE Ball = 1 " +

"CLOSE lastrow_cursor " +

"DEALLOCATE lastrow_cursor";




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Storing The Result Into A Variable W/o Cursor

Feb 1, 2007

Hello All,

A select statement returns one column with more than one rows.Is there a way to store it in sql Variable without using a Cursor.

Thank you in advance

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Opening Cursor On Result Set From Stored Proc

Jul 20, 2005

In SQL how can a cursor be opened to iterate the result set returnedfrom a stored proc-Rahul SoodJoin Bytes!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Asynchronous Cursor Population Slow For Large Result Sets

Jul 2, 2015

so async cursor population is supposed to create the cursor and return the cursor id quickly, while the server works on async populating the results. For a keyset-driven cursor, SQL Server stores the key sets in tempdb, which it then uses to fetch data for cursor results. Anyway, this works fine for smaller tables, but I'm finding for large result sets, the async cursor population is very slow and indeed seems to approximate synchronous time. The wait stat I get while it is running (supposedly asynchronously) is TRANSACTION_MUTEX.

--enable async cursor
exec dbo.sp_configure 'cursor threshold', 0; reconfigure;
declare @cursor int, @stmt nvarchar(max), @scrollopt int, @ccopt int, @rowcount int;
--example of giant result set
set @stmt = 'select * from sys.all_objects o1, sys.all_objects o1';


Note that using the SQL "select * from sys.all_objects o1" is much faster than "select * from sys.all_objects o1, sys.all_objects o2". However, if cursor population is async, I'd expect the time to return a cursor id to be similar between the two.

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How Can I Pass A String Parameter More Than 4000 Characters Into Execute() And Return Result For FETCH And Cursor?

Apr 7, 2008

Dear All

I have no idea to write a store procedure or only query to pass a string parameter more than 4000 characters into execute() and return result for FETCH and Cursor.

Here is my query sample for yours to understand.


DECLARE @ITEMCODE int, @ITEMNAME nvarchar(50), @message varchar(80), @qstring varchar(8000)

Set @qstring = 'select itemcode from oitm union

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select itemcode from oitm'

PRINT '-------- ITEM Products Report --------'


execute (@qstring)

OPEN ITEM_cursor






SELECT @message = '----- Products From ITEM: ' +


PRINT @message

-- Get the next ITEM.






Why i use @qstring? It is because the query will be changed by different critiera.


View 6 Replies View Related

Result Sets Using Select In Query Anlyzer Vs BCP Vs Select Into

Jul 9, 2002

When I run simple select against my view in Query Analyzer, I get result set in one sort order. The sort order differs, when I BCP the same view. Using third technique i.e. Select Into, I have observed the sort order is again different in the resulting table. My question is what is the difference in mechanisim of query analyzer, bcp, and select into.

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Oct 16, 2006

OK I have a Forum on my website make up of 3 tablesTopisThreadsMessageI show a list of the 10 most recent Changed Threads.  My Problem is that my Subject field is in the messages Table, IF I link Threads to Messages then try to use Select Disticnt I get mutliple Subject fields as the messsges are not unique (obvisally) So I want to get the top 10 Threads by postdate and link to the Messages table to get the Subject headerAny help? Or questions to explain it better?

View 5 Replies View Related

SELECT Distinct Help

Apr 19, 2007

Hello Everyone
Hopefully someone can help me create a SQL statement for this.
I need the ff: fields
Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme, LOC_city, LOC_Zip_CODE, Specialty
Let say I have a table.
Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme,     LOC_city,   LOC_Zip_CODE.    Specialty1000      999       Mike James      Plano       75023         Internal Medicine1000      998       Mike James      Allen       75021         Internal Medicine3333      700       John Smith      Arlington   70081         Dermatologist3333      701       John Smith      Dallas      72002         Dermatologist2222      630       Terry Walker    Frisco      75001         Optalmologist2222      632       Terry Walker    Dallas      76023         Optalmologist4444      454       Tim Johnson     San Anontio 72500         Internal Medicine 4444      464       Tim Johnson     Frisco      72660         Internal Medicine 
I want to select only "one" instance of the provider it doesnt matter what is selected
either the first address or the second address.
It should show
Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme,     LOC_city,   LOC_Zip_CODE.   Specialty1000      999       Mike James      Plano       75023         Internal Medicine3333      700       John Smith      Arlington   70081         Dermatologist2222      632       Terry Walker    Dallas      76023         Optalmologist4444      464       Tim Johnson     Frisco      72660         Internal Medicine 
And yes, the table is not Normalized..Is there anyway I could get away with it without having to normalize?

View 4 Replies View Related

Select Not Distinct?

Apr 8, 2008

Is their a way to select all items from a table that are not distinct? Meaning, I want to know which items in a column occur more than once.
Suppose we have a table with student names, ss# and address. I want to display only records where their is more than one studen with the same name. So for example their could be ten people with the name of "Mike" in a class?

View 3 Replies View Related


May 31, 2008

 I have a table myTable (ID, Year, Name, Note)data in this table:ID       Year         Name           Note  1       2008          Petter          hdjhs2        2008          Nute            jfdkfd3         2007          Suna          dkfdkf4         2007          Para           jfdfjd5         2009          Ute            dfdlkf  Please help me to Select DISTINCT [Year]]ex:1        2008         Petter           hdfdfd3        2007         Suna             fdkfdk5        2009          Ute               fkdfkdfd Thank! 

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Select Distinct

Jun 25, 2001

Can I run Select distinct on one fieldname only while I'm selecting more than one fielname, like

Select Distinct col1, col2, col3 from table

I need distinct on col1 only and not on the other 2 columns, is it possible.


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Select Distinct

Feb 15, 2000

Hi! I have 4 tables and they have a common column (eg. regionid). These
4 tables have data overlapping with the others. Some data exist in a table
but not on the others. What I want to do is to do a select that will display
all distinct regionid from these tables. It should be total of all the tables but will suppress any duplicates with the others.

Note that UNION is working but I can't use that. Why ? because UNION is not supported or maybe not working properly with RDB database. I'm doing an appliaction for heterogenous datasource.

Any tips, hints or info will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.


Table REGION1 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
10 Place1
11 Place11
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern
(6 row(s) affected)

Table REGION2 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
21 Place21
22 Place22
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern
(6 row(s) affected)

Table REGION3 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
33 Place33
31 Place31
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern

(6 row(s) affected)

Table REGION4 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
41 Place41
42 Place42
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern

(6 row(s) affected)

View 2 Replies View Related

Select Distinct

Aug 5, 2004

Does anyone know why this does not work?

SELECT DISTINCT tb2.column20 tb2.column20, tb1.column10, tb2.column21, tb2.column22, tb3.column30
FROM table1 tb1, table2 tb2, table3 tb3
WHERE tb1.column11 = 'P'
AND tb2.column23 = 'P'
AND tb1.column12 = tb2.column24
AND tb2.column25 = tb3.column31
ORDER BY tb2.column20

Its supposed to return only the distinct entries in tb2.column20

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Select Distinct Help?

Jan 19, 2005

Can you have "Select Distinct" in Union Query,because that is what I am trying to do and this is the error message I get.

"The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT."

I would need to do that because i have duplicate records,because these records are getting written into the db when templates are generated and sometimes if they double click it generates two and writes that many results as well, so that is why I was thinking that select distinct would solve my problem.

Thanks for your help

This is the query in question:

SELECT Distinct 'O' AS Origin, a.RecordID, a.RelocateID, a.SupplierID, a.DateIn, a.DateOut, a.NoOfDays, a.AgreeAmt, a.PaymentMethod, a.AccomType, a.Reason,
a.InvRecvd, a.RelocateeTempAccomTS, a.BedConfiguration, a.NumberOfPax, a.AdditionalItems, a.Currency, a.TotalAmount, a.EnteredBy,
a.LastModifiedBy, a.ReferenceNumber, a.Location, a.Comments, a.ArrivalTime, a.PONumber,CommissionRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates c
WHERE a.Currency = c.CurrencyID AND a.DateIn >= c.ActiveDate), 1.0) AS ForeignExchangeRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates c
WHERE 'AUD' = c.CurrencyID AND a.DateIn >= c.ActiveDate), 1.0) AS AUDExchangeRate, a.WhenConfirmed, e.RequestID AS RequestID,
e.DocumentID AS DocRequestID, e.RequestWhen AS RequestWhen, e.WhereClause AS WhereClause,
dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerName AS DecisionMadeBy, dbo.viewZYesno.Description AS CommissionableDesc
FROM dbo.RelocateeTempAccom a LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.luDecisionMaker ON a.DecisionMaker = dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.viewZYesno ON a.Commissionable = dbo.viewZYesno.[Value] LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.docRequests e ON '{RelocateeTempAccom.RecordID}=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR a.RecordID) = e.WhereClause
WHERE (ISNULL(a.Cancelled, 0) = 0)


SELECT Distinct 'D' AS Origin, RecordID, RelocateID, DTASupplierID AS SupplierID, DTADateIn AS DateIn, DTADateOut AS DateOut, DTANoOfDays AS NoOfDays,
DTAAgreeAmt AS AgreeAmt, DTAPaymentMethod AS PaymentMethod, DTAAccomType AS AccomType, Reason, InvRecvd,
RelocateeDTATS AS RelocateeTempAccomTS, BedConfiguration, NumberOfPax, AdditionalItems, Currency, DailyTotal AS TotalAmount, EnteredBy,
LastModifiedBy, ReferenceNumber, Location, Comments, ArrivalTime, PONumber,CommissionRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates d
WHERE b.Currency = d .CurrencyID AND b.DTADateIn >= d .ActiveDate), 1.0) AS ForeignExchangeRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates d
WHERE 'AUD' = d .CurrencyID AND b.DTADateIn >= d .ActiveDate), 1.0) AS AUDExchangeRate, WhenConfirmed, e.RequestID AS RequestID,
e.DocumentID AS DocRequestID, e.RequestWhen AS RequestWhen, e.WhereClause AS WhereClause,
dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerName AS DecisionMadeBy, dbo.viewZYesno.Description AS CommissionableDesc
FROM dbo.RelocateeDTA b LEFT JOIN
dbo.luDecisionMaker ON b.DecisionMaker = dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerID LEFT JOIN
dbo.viewZYesno ON b.Commissionable = dbo.viewZYesno.[Value] LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.docRequests e ON '{RelocateeDTA.RecordID}=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, b.RecordID) = e.WhereClause
WHERE ISNULL(Cancelled, 0) = 0

View 3 Replies View Related

Select Distinct

Oct 26, 2006


I wonder if anyone here can shed some light on why the query below produces duplicate EmailAddress values even though we specify the DISTINCT clause.

SELECT DISTINCT(EmailAddress) SubscriberID, FirstName, Surname, SubscriberID
FROM TestMailingList
ORDER BY EmailAddress


View 13 Replies View Related

Using Distinct And * In Select

Mar 2, 2006

Bahrudeen writes "Hi..
hw to use Select query for both distinct and *

(eg) select * , distinct(building_id) from g_building where

i want all information with distinct building id..
give a solution

advance thanx..."

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Help With A Distinct Select?

May 10, 2006


I am new to this forum so hello to everyone!

I need some help getting unique records from a query, I have a large amount of nested selects and i want to only display distinct records, I have a unique identifier (party ID) but the code was written by someone else (who is on holiday!) and i need to work out where to insert the disctinct select (if at all? - open to a better way?) this query should pull back records and then the results are pasted in to excel, however would a DTS solve the issue with duplicates??

Any help more than appreciated!

Heres the code...

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.negative_surplus_report


SELECT dbo.Cubit_Override_ID.UserName AS [User], dbo.Cubit_Customers.RecordDateTime AS Date,

dbo.Cubit_Customers.Customer_Status AS [Customer Status], dbo.Cubit_Customers.Call_Prompted_By AS [Call Prompted By],

dbo.Cubit_Outcomes.Outcome_Description AS [Outcome], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Balance, 0) AS [Egg Debt], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total,

0) AS Income, ISNULL

((SELECT SUM(Balance)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Card Debt], ISNULL

((SELECT SUM(Balance)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Loan Debt], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Mortgage, 0)

AS [Mortgage Payment], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Rent, 0) AS [Rent Payment], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Mortgage_Balance, 0)

AS [Mortgage Balance], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Property_Value, 0) AS Property, ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Customers.Party_ID, '') AS [Party ID],

ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID, '') AS [Cubit ID], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Total, 0) AS Outgoings,

ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt, 0) AS [Egg Payments], ISNULL

((SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Card Paymements], ISNULL

((SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Loan Payments], dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total -

(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) -

(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) - dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Total - dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt AS Surplus,


FROM dbo.Cubit_Customers INNER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Managers ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Manager_ID = dbo.Cubit_Managers.Manager_ID INNER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Areas ON dbo.Cubit_Managers.Area_ID = dbo.Cubit_Areas.Area_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_EPH ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_EPH.Cust_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Spending ON dbo.Cubit_Spending.Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID INNER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Outcomes ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Outcome_ID = dbo.Cubit_Outcomes.Outcome_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Additional_MI_Data ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_Additional_MI_Data.Cubit_Cust_ID INNER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Override_ID ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Input_By_NTID = dbo.Cubit_Override_ID.NT_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Debt ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID

WHERE (dbo.Cubit_Areas.Area_ID IN (2, 3, 4, 11, 12)) AND (dbo.Cubit_Customers.Non_Relevant_Call = 0) AND (dbo.Cubit_Customers.Spending_Assessed = 1)

AND (dbo.Cubit_Customers.Debt_Assessed = 1) AND (dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total > 0) AND (dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt < 999999) AND

(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total -

(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) -

(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) - dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Total - dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt < 0) AND

(dbo.Cubit_Customers.RecordDateTime >= '04/11/2006')

ORDER BY dbo.Cubit_Areas.Area_ID, dbo.Cubit_Override_ID.UserName, dbo.Cubit_Customers.RecordDateTime, Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID



SQL newbie!

View 1 Replies View Related


Oct 16, 2006


When I try the SELECT DISTINCT like this:


DAT01.[_@550] AS LoanType,
DAT01.[_@051] AS Branch,
DAT01.[_@TP] AS ProdTypeDescr,
SMT_Branches.[BranchTranType] AS TranType,
--SMT_Branches.[AUCode] AS AuCode,
COUNT(*) AS Totals
ON DAT01.[_@040] = [_@040]
ON SMT_Branches.[BranchTranType] = SMT_BRANCHES.[BranchTranType]
DAT01.[_@040] Between '06/01/2006' And '06/30/2006'
And SMT_BRANCHES.[BranchTranType] = 'RETAIL'
AND DAT01.[_@051] = '540'
--And SMT_Branches.[AUCode] = '1882'
And DAT01.[_@TP] = '115'
And DAT01.[_@550] = '3'
DayofMonth ASC
--SMT_Branches.[AUCode] ASC
--COMPUTE sum(count(*))

I get the same result set as before.

What do I need to change?


View 8 Replies View Related

Select Distinct

May 16, 2007

Hi. I am trying to create a view where it will find out the sum of hours for each employee, for each month and year.

SUM(Hours) AS Hours,
YEAR(WeekStartDate) AS startyear,
MONTH(WeekStartDate) AS startmonth
FROM dbo.BankHours_History
GROUP BY EmpId, WeekStartDate

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