An error is entered into the table, across two tables - tblErrors_ER and tblPolicyNumbers_ER - each error generates a PK (ErrorID) and can have any number of policy numbers which will be referenced by its own PK but linked to each error by its FK (ErrorID).I want to display each error in a Gridview in ASP.Net - columns included will be ErrorID, ErrorType, DateLogged from tblErrors_ER and PolicyNumber from tblPolicyNumbers_ER.If an Error has more than one policy number I only want to show the error once in the GridView with the word MULTIPLE under policy number.
I have changed the Count(*) to Count(tblPolicyNumbers_ER.POlicyNUmber) which gives me the same undesired result as above. I have also left it as Count(*) and the entire CASE expression within the GROUP BY statement as suggest above which generated an error saying I can not use an expression in a group by clause.
If I leave Count(*) = 1 where it is in the original SELECT statement but swap the = for > then something happens, close to what I require but not as intended. It returns:
ErrorID ErrorType DateLogged PolicyNumber
1 Test 08/08/2012 Multiple
2 Test 08/08/2012 Multiple
this would suggest the original syntax is close to being accurate but I can not get it to work.
I'm trying to generate the data for a 2-column table, where both columns are defined as NOT NULL and the second column is a uniqueidentifier.
In SQL Server Management Studio, this works fine:insert into table_3(column_a, column_b) select table_1.column_a, (case when table_2.column_b is NULL then newid() else table_2.column_b end) as column_b from table_1 left outer join table_2 on table_1.column_c = table_2.column_c
That is, column_b of the SELECT result has no NULL values, and all 35,986 rows are successfully inserted into a previously empty table_3. (If I comment out the INSERT INTO clause and project table_2.column_b instead of "(case ... end) as column_b", the SELECT result includes 380 rows with a NULL in column_b, so I know the case expression plus the outer join are working as expected.)
But when I use the SELECT query as the SQL command in an OLE DB Source component that is connected directly to the OLE DB Destination for the result table, I get this error:There was an error with input column "column_b" (445) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (420 The column status returned was: "The value violated the integrity constraints for the column.".
And sure enough, when I modify the result table to allow NULL in column_b, truncate it, and re-run the data flow, it inserts the exact same 380 rows with a NULL in column_b among the 35,986 rows.
So what is SSIS doing to screw up the results of the SELECT command???
Hello everyone, is there anyway to use an update sub query in a case expression , something like this for exampleselect username,(case when password ='606' then (update users set username = 'me' where id= '3') else password end) from users i have been googling this issue just with no usefull resultsthanks for any replyMahmoud Manasrah
I need to pull one field from one table and one field from another table that is i need to pull 'eGroupName' field from 'Exception' Table and 'eGroup Description' field from 'eGroup' Table but there is no connection between these two tables means there is no forign key relationship between these two tables but i need to pull both fields . If i use INNER JOIN i need to mention relationship between both tables right? so how to write query for this , and one more thing is i need to add an extra column as "Location"which is not there in either of tables for that i need to use CASE Statement as if DataSource = 1 then "ABC" else "BCD" . pls help me out in writing SQL Statement??? is this correct ?? its showing me errors Select Exception.eGroupName, eGroup.eGroupDescription from Exception Inner Join eGroup ON ??? (case when 'DataSource =1' then 'ABC' then 'BCD' endcase) Where ..... Pls correct me Thanks
I am using a CASE statement within a SELECT query to sum up values for different customers.
SELECT CR_CUST.Customer_Code, 'General_01' = CASE WHEN CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = '01' THEN SUM(CR_INVOICE.Line_Value) ELSE 0 END, 'General_07' = CASE WHEN CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = '07' THEN SUM(CR_INVOICE.Line_Value) ELSE 0 END, 'General_08' = CASE WHEN CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = '08' THEN SUM(CR_INVOICE.Line_Value) ELSE 0 END FROM CR_CUST INNER JOIN CR_INVOICE ON CR_CUST.Customer_Code = CR_INVOICE.Customer_Code INNER JOIN CR_PROD ON CR_INVOICE.Product_Code = CR_PROD.Product_Code WHERE (CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = 1 OR CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = 7 OR CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = 8) GROUP BY CR_CUST.Customer_Code, CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code
My question is this - is it possible to expand my SQL Query into a Sub Query so that each customers data appears on the same line of the results?, like so...
I can achieve this by writing my results into a temporary table and extracting the data with the following SQL Query, but I just thought it would be really cool if I could do it in one SQL Statement without using a temporary table.
SELECT Customer_Code, SUM(General_01), SUM(General_07), SUM(General_08) FROM #MyTempTable GROUP BY Customer_Code
I am using Visual Web Developer Express 2005 as a test environment. I have it connected to a SQL 2000 server. I would like to use a Select Case Statement with the name of a column from a SQL Query as the Case Trigger. Assuming the SQLDataSource is named tCOTSSoftware and the column I want to use is Type, it would look like the following in classic ASP: Select Case tCOTSSoftware("Type") Case 1 execute an SQL Update Command Case 2 execute a different SQL Update Command End Select What would a comparable ASP.Net (Visual Basic) statement look like? How would I access the column name used in the SQLDataSource?
Here is the working query, shortened for the example:
SELECT a.SalesMan,a.CustomerName,b.Entry_Comments,b.Entry _Date FROM MyMaster a LEFT OUTER JOIN MyDetail b ON = WHERE blah ORDER BY blah
This works fine and I get all my detail reocrds for each master. Now I need to be able to select only a single most recent b.Entry_Date. How can I do this, Ive played with MAX but cannot get the sytax correct?
select distinct duo.messageid_ from [detected unique opens] duo
left outer join (select MailingID, count(*) as cnt from lyrCompletedRecips where mailingid = duo.messageid_ and FinalAttempt is not null AND FinalAttempt >= '1945-09-10 00:00:00' group by MailingID) ad on ad.mailingid = duo.messageid_
i m getting error like:
The column prefix 'duo' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
Hi, I'm trying to write a SQL SELECT statement where the phone numer ("telnr") is divided on three rows. How do I write a newline? I've tried , NEWLINE, and a few others. Thanks in advance! Pettrer, Sweden (VB, Sql Server, VWD Express, Asp.Net 2.0) Code: SelectCommand="SELECT [gID], [enamn], [fnamn], telnr1 + ' ' + telnr2 + ' ' + telnr3 As telnr, [epost] FROM... The corresponding gridview's cell's value is 08-43 244 234 08-432 23 08-424333 and should be 08-43 244 234 08-432 23 08-424333
I have a table of students, and a table of lecturers, and I wish to use one select statement to return a list of users.
What I really need to do is something like this:
SELECT Students.UserID AS UserID, Lecturers.UserID AS UserID, Students.FullName AS FullName, Lecturers.FullName AS FullName FROM Students, Lecturers
which would (in my dream world!) produce something like:
UserID FullName s0002131 Darren Student s0054242 Richard Student e13412 Michael Lecturer x92342 Linda Lecturer
Does anyone know how I should do this? Should I be doing it in an stored proceedure and returning the record set from that? Currently I'm only using ASP and one line SQL statements, and would like to continue doing so.
hi, i need help with a query:SELECT Headshot, UserName, HeadshotId FROM tblProfile INNER JOIN Headshots ON Headshots.ProfileId=tblProfile.ProfileId WHERE (UserName= @UserName) this query will select what I want from the database, but the problem is that I have multiple HeadshotIds for each profile, and I only want to select the TOP/highest HeadshotId and get one row foreach headshotId. Is there a way to do that in 1 SQL query? I know how to do it with multiple queries, but im using SqlDataSource and it only permits one. Thanks!
Is it possible to have an AND within an inner join statment? The below query works, except for the line marked with --*--.
The error I get is the "multipart identifier pregovb.cellname could no be bound", which usually means that SQL server can't find what I'm talking about, but it's puzzling, as I've created the temp table with such a column in it.
Is there a different way i should be structuring my select statement?
SELECT [Survey Return].SurveyReturnID, '1', #temp_pregovb.paidDate, FROM #temp_pregovb, [Survey Return] INNER JOIN SelectedInvited ON [Survey Return].SelectedID = SelectedInvited.SelectedID --*-- AND [SelectedInvited].cellref=#temp_pregovb.cellname
INNER JOIN [panelist Contact] ON SelectedInvited.PanelistID=[Panelist Contact].PanelistID WHERE [panelist contact] AND SelectedInvited.CellRef IN ( SELECT surveycell FROm [Survey Cells] WHERe SurveyRef='5')
I have a very confusing/complicated query that I am trying to run and getting not the results that i want.
Essentially I have three tables (t1, t2, t3) and I want to select data from two of them, but there are conditions on the data where I need fields to match across pairs of tables. When I run my select query I am getting far too many records - it's giving me all possible combinations, instead of the proper combinations that I want.
Select t1.*, t3.field2, t3.field3 FROM, t1, t2, t3WHERE t2.field4=t3.field4 AND t1.field5=x AND t1.field6=t2.field6
I suspect there is plenty wrong with this query - where should I start correcting it?
I have information on clothes in a table that I want to select out to a result set in a different structure - I suspect that this will include some kind of pivot (or cross-join?) but as I've never done this before I'd appreciate any kind of help possible.
Current structure is:
Colour Size Quantity ----------------------- Red 10 100 Red 12 200 Red 14 300 Blue 10 400 Blue 12 500 Blue 14 600 Green 10 700 Green 12 800 Green 14 900 Green 16 1000
I want to produce this result set:
Colour Size10 Size12 Size14 Size16 ------------------------------------- Red 100 200 300 0 Blue 400 500 600 0 Green 700 800 900 1000
There could be any number of sizes or colours.
Is this possible? Can anyone give me any pointers?
SQL express 2012. I am trying to case in the where part and having a syntax errors - This is what i am trying to do:
select all the days in week number x including last year if necessary... so if the year start not at the beginning of the week then look in last year as well ( for the same week number of this year and last week nu of last year)
declare @yyyy int = 2014,-- THE YEAR @mm int = 1,-- THE MONTH @week1No int = 1,-- THE WEEK NUMBER IN THE YEAR @week2No int = 37-- THE last WEEK NUMBER IN last YEAR select count(tblDay.start)-- tblDay.start IS smallDatetime
I am trying to case in the where part and having a syntax errors - this is what i am trying to do:
Select all the days in week number x including last year if necessary... so if the year start not at the beginning of the week then look in last year as well ( for the same week number of this year and last week nu of last year)
declare @yyyy int = 2014,-- THE YEAR @mm int = 1,-- THE MONTH @week1No int = 1,-- THE WEEK NUMBER IN THE YEAR @week2No int = 37-- THE last WEEK NUMBER IN last YEAR select count(tblDay.start)-- tblDay.start IS smallDatetime
Hello:Is it possible to use CASE expression in AND condition? i.e.------------------------------------------CREATE PROC spBlah( @id INT, @val INT)ASSELECT * FROM aTableWHERE tableID = @idAND ( CASE @val WHEN 1 THEN otherCol = someValue END CASE @val WHEN 2 THEN otherCol != someOtherVlaue END )-------------------------------------------
I there a way to differ the filtering field through a Case expression in the Where claus? ex: Where Case When @StuNum = '' Then S.SSN = @SSN Else S.StuNum = @StuNum End And ... The actual field to filter by differs, but I can't seem to find the right syntax to do this. Any help is appreciated : )
The SUBSTRING function returns I don't want any results to be displayed from my sql statement if it equals I have other cases too that are not relevant to my question. I'm getting an error that says invalid syntax near <
In the Portal1 case expression in the script at the bottom I would liketo replace where the result 1 is returned, with the substring functionreturned as Portal{SUBSTRING(Field1, CHARINDEX('tonep', Field1) + 4, (CHARINDEX('.txt',Field1) - 8) - (CHARINDEX('tonep', Field1) + 4))}However, I am experiencing errors. I think it is because The substringfunction will not return a number as the case expression expects so Imust incorporate cast or convert, but do not know how. Can you help???SELECT portal1 = CASE WHEN len(Field1) > 5 THEN 1 ELSE '' END,SUBSTRING(Field1, CHARINDEX('tonep', Field1) + 4, (CHARINDEX('.txt',Field1) - 8)- (CHARINDEX('tonep', Field1) + 4)) AS portal,Table.*FROM Table
I'm trying to write a case expression similar to the expression listed below. I basically want to compare the Anniversary date to the current date. Whenever I write the expression like this I get a syntax error.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 147
Incorrect syntax near '<'.
Case AnniversaryDate
WHEN AnniversaryDate < GETDATE() Then 'Not Yet'
WHEN AnniversaryDate = GETDATE() Then 'Now"
ELSE 'You Missed it'
END AS Anniversary
Could someone please guide me in the correct syntax for this expression. Thanks
I would appreciate assistance as to how I should correct the following CASE expression::
BilledCarrier = CASE LEN(cur_billed_carrier) WHEN >0 THEN cur_billed_carrier ELSE 'Not Billed' END
I want to return the cur_billed_carrier when its length is >0 but I can't find the correct syntax. My attempt returns an error at the '>' operator. Thank you.
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.TEST_TOTALCALLS ( @varDate as varchar (255), @StartDate as datetime, @EndDate as datetime ) AS
The month case is giving me an error. I think it has to do with two expressions in one line. Anyone know how to combine that into 1 expression? or is there away to work around it? As I would like to display the month as Name, but group and sort by number. Thx!~
I have to use the Case expression in my query, so I search arround the web and got the following: SELECT title, price, Budget = CASE price WHEN price > 20.00 THEN 'Expensive' WHEN price BETWEEN 10.00 AND 19.99 THEN 'Moderate' WHEN price < 10.00 THEN 'Inexpensive' ELSE 'Unknown' END,FROM titles It should run OK base on my research in the internet. But my SQL Server gave me error: syntax error arround '>'.I did several search and many people can use the ">" sign or "<" sign in the Case expression, but I just can't use it in my SQL Server, I can't even use any boolean expression, I can only use values.can anyone help me out? My SQL Server Version is SQL Server 2000 Sevice Pack 4.Thanks!
Hi, Maybe this is just totally wrong but this is what I'm trying to do. I want to dynamically insert a value using a CASE expression while executing an external SP from my current SP. EXEC uspAddMessage @UserId, CASE @MyAction WHEN 'DELETE' THEN 'DELETED TRANSACTION.' WHEN 'APPROVE' THEN 'TRANSACTION APPROVED.' WHEN 'REJECT' THEN 'TRANSACTION REJECTED.' END, @DateStamp Keep in mind that this is in my stored proc that is doing the processing. I'm calling this common proc when I complete my transactions. Thanks, S
I am one very frustrated beginner. If it were not for wonderful information in this forum I would have taken early retirement by now!
Table contains information about new and departing computer and phone users in several departments which we support. This is an existing table which I'm trying to clean up. The essential part:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[HelpDesk_NewUser]( [AutoNumber] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [SubmittedDate] [datetime] NULL, [FirstName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [LastName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [Department] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [StartDate] [datetime] NULL, [DepartDate] [datetime] NULL [RequestedBy] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [UpdatedBy] [varchar](16) NOT NULL, [CurrentStatus] [varchar](10) NOT NULL , [DateCurrentStatus] [datetime] NULL, [FormType] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, ) ON [PRIMARY]
There can be more than one record per FirstName, LastName. FormType can be N for new or D for departing. I want to do this for each record: Read the FormType and Department from the record with the most recent activity (SubmittedDate) for each user Convert Department to a 4 character department number Update CurrentStatus with (FormType concatenated with the 4 character dept number) in all records for that user.
I have created another table called UserMostRecent which contains the most recent record for each user.
I have written a query to do this by brute force (read a record, set local variables, update a record), but I would like learn a simpler way to do it. I don't understand the syntax of CASE because it seems to change depending on where it is used.
Here is what I have tried that does not work. Error is "Incorrect syntax near word CASE"
UPDATE HelpDesk_NewUser SET DateCurrentStatus = b.DateMostRecent, CurrentStatus = (b.FormType + a.Department CASE WHEN 'Roads Department' THEN '3000' WHEN 'Engineering and Survey Services' THEN '1900' WHEN 'Waste Management' THEN '8999' WHEN 'Kern Air Pollution Control District' THEN '9149' WHEN 'Environmental Health' THEN '4113' WHEN 'Building Inspection' THEN '2625' WHEN 'Animal Control' THEN '2760' WHEN 'Planning Department' THEN '2750' WHEN 'Community and Economic Development' THEN '5940' WHEN 'Resource Management Agency' THEN '2730' WHEN 'Code Compliance' THEN '2620' WHEN 'Roads Kern Regional Transit' THEN '8998' END) FROM HelpDesk_NewUser a JOIN UserMostRecent b ON (a.LastName = b.LastName and a.FirstName = b.FirstName)
Is it possible? I have a request to create a stored proc that willdynamically add a range to a WHERE clause based on a numeric value of acomment type. If the incoming comment type request is say 10, thewhere clause needs to be set to IN(10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19)OR ifa 20 is passed in the clause would read IN(20,21.....)So I was thinking that a CASE expression within the proc would be thebest way to go, but have had no luck in finding an example or any otherrelated information regarding CASE exp in a proc.TIABill