SELECT TOP 25 PERCENT Bug - Please, Need Urgent Response!
Mar 13, 2008
Script below returns 29 rows, must return 28!
Code Snippet
use master
select top 25 percent
select top 112
) d
order by
id desc
Script below returns 57 rows, must return 56!
Code Snippet
use master
select top 50 percent
select top 112
) d
order by
id desc
Reproducable on
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86) May 3 2005 23:18:38 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86) May 3 2005 23:18:38 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
Could anyone from MS SQL server team clarify what's happened and WHAT TO DO?
I am writting a query to retrive some information about a person from the database, now intresting thing is that the query does'nt find the person who dont have a Last name in the database. i pass on the values which user have entered, the values are FirstName, LastName and EmployID, what ever information is given, its passed to the query and the person should be retrived if the person is logged in but problem is that the query works only if the person have a LastName in the database... this is my query.. please tell me what is wrong and what should i change.... its Urgent guys
SELECT distinct top 22 cfg_person.*,,login_info.callablenumber,login_info_server.server FROM cfg_person,cfg_login_info,cfg_agent_login,cfg_switch,login_info,cfg_place, login_info_server
where cfg_person.state='1' and (cfg_switch.type = 5) and cfg_person.is_agent=2
and cfg_person.first_name like 'Monique%' and cfg_person.last_name like '%' and cfg_person.employee_id like '%'
and cfg_person.dbid=cfg_login_info.person_dbid and cfg_login_info.agent_login_dbid = cfg_agent_login.dbid and cfg_agent_login.switch_dbid = cfg_switch.dbid and login_info.person_dbid = cfg_person.dbid and login_info.logged_voice=1 and cfg_place.dbid = login_info.place_dbid and login_info.server_id =
I have questions table and questions are categorized. I want to query say Top 10 questions but with some percentage based on category. For example, if I have 10 questions in category 1 and 50 questions in category 2 than when I select Top 10 with some percentage I want to come out more questions from category 2 than category 1.
Hi all As you are aware we have TOP n [Percent] keyword that is used in Select statements ,I have a question?? When this keyword is evaluated by Sql-Server, after retreiving all Query-Result or upon the number of results reach to the specified number,sql-server stops retrieving the rest of record.?
I have a problem with the following query in SQLExpress:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT ClientSurname, ClientName FROM dbo.Client ORDER BY ClientSurname, ClientName
The query returns always assorted data ignoring the ORDER BY keyword, no matter if the query is invoked directly from Management Studio Express CTP as a View, Table-valued function or called from an Access ADP project. The result is always assorted.¨
Now an interesting thing is that the syntax below returns always an expected order:
Am I missing something or is it a bug in SQLExpress?
Hi, i wanted to take all the orderID that fall between a certain date. I was thinking of using this syntax... Dim sql as string = "SELECT orderID " & _ "FROM orders " & _ "WHERE orderDate BETWEEN 11/11/2007 AND 15/11/2007" in my database i set the date to nvarchar, not date... so will this syntax works?? thx
Hi, I have a query as follows:select transactionDate, (select count(transID) from ......)I am having a problem which is that dates are not shown uniquely.For example,oct 1, 2005 00:12:00 - 12oct 1, 2005 01:30:00 - 12oct 1, 2005 01:13:00 - 12I want only to have:oct 1, 2005 01:13:00 - 12The select is working on time and not on a date, can you help me please?thank you.
I need a hand in this script. SELECT ,value = CASE when (x1-x0) = 0 then ((Y2-Y0)-(Y1-Y0))/(0.000000001*(X2-X0)) ELSE ((-111.48277-Y0)-(Y1-Y0))/((X1-X0)*(32.72383-X0)) END ,value2 = CASE when (x1-x0) = 0 then ((Y2-Y0)-(Y1-Y0))/(0.000000001*(X2-X0)) ELSE ((-111.48277-Y0)-(Y1-Y0))/((X1-X0)*(32.72383-X0)) END FROM table_name a where value > 0 ORDER BY VALUE
The problem I'm having is in the where clause. Because the value is not a column name sql server is giving me an error. I need to evaluate the value returned. How can I get around this problem? Any sort of advise will help! Thank you in advance!
hey friends! pleaze help, i am using sql server 2000.i have tried to fix my problem for more than five weeks just to solve for one problem and just still now it is unsolved, opps my due date is almost approaching, i don't know what to do more than what i did, i have search through the net, but still i did not get the correct answer to my problem, friends please just forward your answer to me, it may be best answer to my question . create table mytable( english varchar(120), tigrigna Nvarchar(120)) insert into mytable values('peace',N'sälam') insert into mytable values('kiss',N'samä ') insert into mytable values('to kiss each other',N'täsasamä ') then select * from mytable where english='peace'; this works fine but select * from mytable where tigrigna=N'sälam'; this doesnot work; select * from mytable where tigrigna='sälam'; this also doesnot work, so what should i do to select this unicode select statement?
tigrigna is one of the spoken language in east africa(ethiopia). Hopefully, i have joined this forum today, and just looking for your reply
proj_name res_name yr SumOfHours x Mike 2007 1 x Mike 2008 2 x Mike 2008 3
Here is table dbo._LastWeekTotalHours
proj_name res_name yr td_hours Week x Mike 2007 1 1 x Mike 2008 2 8 x Mike 2008 3 9
now here is what the output should look like
Lets assume the user well enter 8 for week number
proj_name res_name totalHours LastWeekHours x Mike 6 2 Y AJ .. €¦.
I am trying to write a select statement for that:
Here is what I have:
SELECT a.proj_name, a.res_name,a.TotalHours,g.TotalHours as LastWeekhours FROM
Line 1( SELECT r.proj_name,r.res_name, SUM(r.td_hours) AS TotalHours FROM line 2 dbo._LastWeekTotalHours as r, _vw_Employee as e Line 3 WHERE e.RES_NAME = r.res_name and r.Week = 5 and r.yr = 2008 Line 4 GROUP BY r.proj_name, r.res_name ) as g
Line 5(SELECT r.proj_name, r.res_name, r.TotalHours Line 6 FROM Line 7 (SELECT proj_name, res_name, SUM(td_hours) AS TotalHours FROM line 8 dbo._LastWeekTotalHours line 9 GROUP BY proj_name, res_name ) r , line 10 (SELECT proj_name, res_name, SUM(SumOfHours) AS TotalHours FROM dbo.vw_TimebyProjectAll line13 GROUP BY proj_name, res_name )w )a
if i excute line 1 - 4 i will get the last week hour correctly if i excute line 5 - 13 i will get the totalhours correctly
my problem i can't put these two pieces work togather. feel free to re-write the select statment thanks
Hi there friend...I'm in a midle of a program( and i've got this problem, I've got do compare two tables from two diferent sql servers. Is this possible??? How can I do this???
I have a stored procedure in an Informix-database that returns a string. Its used in a SELECT statement like this. SELECT,, sp_name(, FROM table1 t1, table2 t2
I want to write it in SQLserver. I have tried this syntax but get error. Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 't'.
i run a sql command like this select * from table_name what i want is that if no. of records found are greater then 500 than it should stop the query and only show those 500 records dont go further and stop the process waiting for reply ashish bhatnagar
I have the following query where I am selecting the random row. However I need to select 10% randon rows from the tables. How do I do this? select top 1 * from table ORDER BY NEWID()
I need rate to be a percent, it is returning 1 where XX=YY (e.g 100/100=1), but when the number (rate) is a fraction (90/100=.9)I am getting 0. Don't know what the problem is.
select XX as X, YY as Y, (YY/XX) as rate from blah where blah group by XX, YY order by XX
Hi all whether using TOP clause in SELECT statement or [SET ROWCOUNT n] before SELECT statement, I want to know how SqlServer Behave? whether Fetching data and then choosing n record of them or as soon as fetching n records , Sql Server Stops retrieving the rest of the data? Thanks in advance. Regards.
I'd like to understant the Percent Log Used behavior... I monitored the Percent Log Used. For a specific database, it was 50 % used. I backup up the transaction log and the Percent Log Used was still 50 % used. For another database, the log was 60 % used. After the backup, it was 80 % used!!!! Would you help me to understant this situation? Thank you, Fabio
I am trying to take a string code seen below that gives me the income over a 12 month time frame but now I need to take this string and divide it by the acqcost. and it will not let me can you please take a look at this and see whats wrong.
(This string is what gives me the income) =sum(Fields!Total.Value)-Sum(IIF(Fields!eqprecdt.Value< #6/1/2007#,Fields!bookvalue.Value* 0.07,Fields!bookvalue.Value* 0.07*-1 * datediff("d",#5/31/2008#,Fields!eqprecdt.Value)/365))
(This string is the acq cost) SUM(Fields!acqcost.Value)
I a bit of newbie making reports and I cant figure out how to calculate the Percent of Total on a report. Assuming I have a field in my datatable called Color, I simply want to create a report that counts the occurences of each color and then perform a calculation as to what percent of the total that each of the colors make up. Basically a report that looks like this....
Color Count Percent Red 50 25% Blue 100 50%
Green 50 25% Total 200
I have a table that has a header, a grouping row based on Color, and a footer. So using the report expressions, my table looks like this
Color Count Percent =Fields!Color.Value =Count(Fields!Color.Value) WHAT EXPRESSION GOES HERE?!?!?!
I have a table of data, shown below that is composed of a scoreid, player id, and score. Using the following SQL Query: "Select Top 50 Percent(score), playerid, scoreid from TScores where playerid = 5 order by score" I can get the lowest 50% of player number 5's scores. How do I rewrite the query to give me each individual player's top 50 percent.
Hi Everyone,All the very best for 2004!!i need urgent help with this problem, the users are about to skin mealive!!we have an access front end with linked to sql server 2k tables.when a user tries to insert a record into one of the tables it"randomly" returns a generic ODBC error and fails to save. on otheroccasions the same record will save.a trace was applied and the following select seemed to appear rightafter the insert statement whenever it failed:select substring('NY',status/1024&1+1,1) from master..sysdatabaseswhere name=DB_NAME()i had a look at other articles in the groups re this select statement,but could not find a clear answer.i have tried the insert statements as both SQL pass throughs and justplain docmd.runsql'scan someone help me with the following:* what is the purpose of the select?* what other investigations can i do to get more info on why thisshould be happening?* how can i stop it?the table i am doing the inserts into is showing as have a numericdata type field in sqlserver, but the linked table shows this numericfield as text - could this be the problem?? this field is not used inthe insert statement.i could not find any references in the MS knowledge base.any and all help would very gratefully received.Edwinah63
I have a script file which do the replication and in the script there is a lot of table need to be addad as article.
So while use osql execute the script there would be cost a lot of time. What I want to do is show a dialog which could show the progress percent and the file name which is now being addad as article.
I am trying to use this command to change the variable in where clause each time:
psexec servername -E cmd.EXE /c "sqlcmd -S servername /E -d dbname -v entertext="'%anything%'" -i c:myfoldermyscript.sql -o c:mypathoutput.sql" myscript.sql is like: select * from table_name where summary like $(entertext);
This command works just for variables with single and exact word. It does not work for variables which has space between them or when I enter part of summary.In fact, I wanted to write something which the user be able to enter variable each time when he/she run this batch file. because I put this sqlcmd command in batch file( like this in oracle: "select * from table_name where summary = &entertext; " I was looking the same command in sql server , but I did not find it). I do not know .net or any other programing language( I know just csh and command line). I want to do this just with sql command.
I have a question about rounding and converting to percentage and adding in the '%'..This is my original code
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT Baby, CAST( CAST( SUM(TotalBaby) AS DECIMAL )/ CAST( SUM(TotalParent) AS DECIMAL) AS DECIMAL(10,4)) as BabyValue FROM NewBorn WHERE Category = 'Boy'
But I also need my data to have the '%' and it should have 2 decimal place which is as below, I have tried to make it this way
CAST( CAST( SUM(TotalBaby) AS DECIMAL )/ CAST( SUM(TotalParent) AS DECIMAL) AS DECIMAL(10,4)) * 100 + '%' as BabyValue
But it prompt me the error 'Error converting data type varchar to numeric.'
I am using SQL Server and have a table that is currently set to decimal(5,2) as the datatype. I am using Tableau as my front-end and if I create a dashboard, I can see my fields like 65.25, 65.72, etc. I want to view them as 65.25% however when I change the data type in Tableau to a %, it shows up as 6525.25%. Is there a way in the SQL Server side to change the column so it shows as a percent? I am sure the answer is no because I have never seen that. Only seen decimal values. Maybe I need to change it to decimal 2.2 if that even exists.
I have a data containing salesman who can belong to groups. The groups have "split" values but the splits are not on a percent basis. Can I create a query to get the percentage in a column? Please look at the table below and my attempted query.
Hi!How can I get percent of executed procedure in MSSQL Server, lik inEnterprise Manager and/or dbMgr2k ?I use Visual C# and MSDE.Thank's for help, gregory
This is my issue. I have values in my table that I need to format as a percent. So when I use the FormatPercent() function, it works but if one of the records has no value for that field. It generates a #Error message in that textbox. I tried using an if statement and that didn't work either. Someone please help me with this. Any information is appreciated.