SELECT A Random Row For Each Different Type
Jul 20, 2005
Hello all,
I'm using SS 2000
Based on the following table and data:
/* T has no unique key */
/* The data */
SELECT 'A' AS F1, 1 AS F2, 10 AS F3
SELECT 'B', 2, 12
SELECT 'B', 3, 11
SELECT 'A', 4, 10
SELECT 'B', 3, 11
SELECT 'A', 0, 0
SELECT 'B', 2, 5
SELECT 'D', 6, 7
In the real situation, T is a subquery build from some tables and views. I
cannot easily send the real problem.
I want a query that will return:
- One row for each different F1, no matter which it is.
- Ideally, no temporary table should be created. Only subquery.
- F2 and F3 must come from the same row. So the use of aggregate functions
to retreive each of them cannot be used.
A possible result could be:
F1 F2 F3
---- --------- -----------
A 1 10
B 2 12
D 6 7
How could I do that?
Thanks for your help
View 2 Replies
Apr 17, 2008
Hi all!
I´m having some trouble with a SSIS package that I´ve been using five months or so now.
I have a package scheduled to run every 2 minutes to load data into my SQL Server instance
from our mobile computer systems. This data comes is read as flat file sources. My package runs 24/7.
My problem is that this package randomly returns "An error occurred while attempting to perform a type cast". This message is then returned during maybe 3 or 4 executions of the package. The error then vanishes into thin air, without me doing anything what so ever, and execution continues. The very same file that previously returned the errors is now processed without any problems.
I have no clue why this is, but I get the feeling that there has to be a reason for these random errors. To me, the type cast error seems to indicate problems with the data source (the flat file), but since the same file suddenly get processed without errors I have no clue where to start looking.
Anyone having the same issue?
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Apr 11, 2007
i wanna fetch random data using sql query. is there any query that returns random row? Please help me.. i found some but they didnt work..
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Nov 10, 2000
I nead to make a stored procedure in order to add a random record set.
This record set is used to write in an ASP page a list which is automatically modified everytime we reload the page.
Thanks !
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Nov 23, 2007
How Can I select a Random set of records from a database table?
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Mar 8, 2006
Hello--I need to create a SQl statement (SQL SERVER 2000) which will do the following:
read table1 sequentially
select every "nth" record
write each selected record to and output table
Your help is greatly appreciated.
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Apr 22, 2008
Is it possible to select 10 random records from a table?
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Jan 23, 2008
Iam developing online test using ASP.NET,C#.NET.Now my doubt is test takers should get random questions from the database sqlserver2005.Already i ve inserted 10 question into the database.I ve used NEW ID() .But questions are repeating.I am new commer in to IT industry .Provide me with code.Given below is my code.I can retrive questions from the database now but cannot get in random order.protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{Label10.Visible = false;
Label9.Visible = false;if (!IsPostBack)
{if (Session["id"] == null)
{Session["id"] = 1;
}Session["ans"] = 0;SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con);SqlDataReader re;
re = cmd.ExecuteReader();while (re.Read())
Label1.Text = re[0].ToString();
Label2.Text = re[1].ToString();
Label3.Text = re[2].ToString();
Label4.Text = re[3].ToString();
Label5.Text = re[4].ToString();
Label6.Text = re[5].ToString();string sss = re[6].ToString();if (sss == "nil")
Panel1.Visible = true;Panel2.Visible = false;
{Panel1.Visible = false;Panel2.Visible = true;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{string Answer = "";if (RadioButton1.Checked == true)
{Answer = "A";
}else if (RadioButton2.Checked == true)
{Answer = "B";
}else if (RadioButton3.Checked == true)
{Answer = "C";
}else if (RadioButton4.Checked == true)
{Answer = "D";
}else if (RadioButton5.Checked == true)
{Answer = "True";
}else if (RadioButton6.Checked == true)
{Answer = "False";
}SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
string ss = Session["id"].ToString();SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("select Answer from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con1);
SqlDataReader re1;string result1 = "";
re1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();if (re1.Read())
result1 = re1[0].ToString();
//Session["ans"] = 0;if (Answer == result1)
{Session["ans"] = (Convert.ToInt16(Session["ans"].ToString()) + 1);
Session["id"] = (Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"]) + 1);
RadioButton1.Checked = false;RadioButton2.Checked = false;
RadioButton3.Checked = false;RadioButton4.Checked = false;
RadioButton5.Checked = false;RadioButton6.Checked = false;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
con.Open();SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con);SqlDataReader re;
re = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (re.Read())
Label1.Text = re[0].ToString();
Label2.Text = re[1].ToString();
Label3.Text = re[2].ToString();
Label4.Text = re[3].ToString();
Label5.Text = re[4].ToString();
Label6.Text = re[5].ToString();string sss = re[6].ToString();if (sss == "nil")
Panel1.Visible = true;Panel2.Visible = false;
{Panel1.Visible = false;Panel2.Visible = true;
re.Close();int s = Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString());if (s == 11)
Label10.Text = Session["ans"].ToString() + " / " + "10";Label9.Visible = true;
Label10.Visible = true;
//int x = Convert.ToInt16(Session["ans"].ToString());
//int y = (x/10) * 100;//y = Label10.Text;
////// SqlConnection con6 = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
////// con6.Open();
////// SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("SELECT CONVERT(int, 10*RAND()) from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con6);
////// SqlDataReader re6;
////// re6 = cmd6.ExecuteReader();
////// //select top 5 * from Employee order by NEWID()
//////// SELECT FirstName,LastName
////////FROM Person.Contact
////// while (re6.Read())
////// {
////// Label1.Text = re6[0].ToString();
////// }
////// con6.Close();
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Aug 26, 2005
Hello,I have 1000 of records in my table. I wanna select random 100 of them? How?regards
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Dec 23, 2005
I need to select few items from sql database.I know for ORDER BY, but I need those items to be mixed in random order every time when they are returned from database. Those are the same items every time, just randomly mixed.
Can i do it with SQL, or I have to find another way (e.g. to mix them after sql returns them)?
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Sep 18, 2000
I need to write a select statement where I need to select the record randomely. Is there any function to do that? What's the best way to do that? Please help...
Thanks in a million.
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Feb 9, 2007
I have a table with two columns: value and weight (weight is smallint).
I want a query that will return the value of one row at random with the added requirement that rows with a higher weight have a higher probability of being chosen. Any ideas?
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Jun 12, 2007
I Got the Sql query "Select Top 1 * from Books order by NewId()"........ for select Random row in a table .. any one can explain Above Query
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Mar 12, 2006
hello i have a problem and i dont know if it can fixed or not i'm using 2 and sqlserver 2005 i have a table named questions in the database and that table has 5 columns questionid,question,answer1,answer2,answer3 every questions has 3 answers 1 right and the other 2 are wrong what i want to do is select 10 random questions and their right and wrong answers show in my page as application the answers will be in radio buttons so is that can be done or it's not possible.thanks all
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Nov 7, 2007
Consider the below code: I am trying to find a way so that my select statement (which will actually be used to insert records) can randomly place values in the Source and Type columns that it selects from a list which in this case is records in a table variable. I dont really want to perform the insert inside a loop since the production version will work with millions of records. Anyone have any suggestions of how to change the subqueries that constitute these columns so that they are randomized?
Declare @RandomRecordCount as int, @Counter as int
Select @RandomRecordCount = 1000
Declare @Type table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @Source table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @Users table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @NumericBase table (Number int not null)
Set @Counter = 0
while @Counter < @RandomRecordCount
Insert into @NumericBase(Number)Values(@Counter)
set @Counter = @Counter + 1
Insert into @Type(Name)
Select 'Type: Buick' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: Cadillac' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: Chevrolet' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: GMC'
Insert into @Source(Name)
Select 'Source: Japan' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: China' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: Spain' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: India' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: USA'
Insert into @Users(Name)
Select 'keith' UNION ALL
Select 'kevin' UNION ALL
Select 'chris' UNION ALL
Select 'chad' UNION ALL
Select 'brian'
1 ProviderId, -- static value
'' Identifier,
'' ClassificationCode,
(select TOP 1 Name from @Source order by newid()) Source,
(select TOP 1 Name from @Type order by newid()) Type
from @NumericBase
View 14 Replies
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May 18, 2015
I have these columns. TicketID, User, Date...I want to select 10 random tickets for each user for the past 30 days. I not sure whether to do this via sql or using VB in the report design.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,I need to extract randomly 5 records from the table "Questions". Now I useSELECT TOP 5 FROM Questions ORDERBY NEWID()And it works. The problem is that I need an additional thing: if SQLextracts record with ID=4, then it should not extract record with ID=9,because they are similar. I mean, I'd like something to tell SQL that if itextracts some questions, then it SHOULD NOT extract other ones.How can I do it?Thanks!Luke
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Oct 19, 2006
I am trying to put the data from a field in my database into a row in a table using the SQLDataSource.Select statement. I am using the following code: FileBase.SelectCommand = "SELECT Username FROM Files WHERE Filename = '" & myFileInfo.FullName & "'" myDataRow("Username") = CType(FileBase.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments()), String)But when I run the code, I get the following error:Server Error in '/YorZap' Application. Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.String'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.String'.Source Error: Line 54: FileBase.SelectCommand = "SELECT Username FROM Files WHERE Filename = '" & myFileInfo.FullName & "'"
Line 55: 'myDataRow("Username") = CType(FileBase.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments).GetEnumerator.Current, String)
Line 56: myDataRow("Username") = CType(FileBase.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments()), String)
Line 57:
Line 58: filesTable.Rows.Add(myDataRow)Source File: D:YorZapdir_list_sort.aspx Line: 56 Stack Trace: [InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.String'.]
ASP.dir_list_sort_aspx.BindFileDataToGrid(String strSortField) in D:YorZapdir_list_sort.aspx:56
ASP.dir_list_sort_aspx.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:YorZapdir_list_sort.aspx:7
System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +13
System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +45
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +80
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +49
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3743
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210 Please help me!
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Oct 14, 2004
I'm using ASP and SQL Serv 2000. What I need to get from 2 tables (company & customers) is random 10 customers from random 20 comp.
Anyone got an idea how to do this??? I've spent 2 days trying to get stored proc. or T-SQL to work, but nothing good came out of it. I can get 1 comp and 10 cust, but not a grouped list of 20 comp. w/ 10 cust. each.
Help is greatly appreciated.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I have a table called opportunity, included within this table are a opclosed(date) , a companyid (integer) and some other columns.There are many opportunity records per companyid . I am only interested inclosed opportunities i.e select * from opportunity where opclosed is notnullThe problem for me is I only need the latest opportunity for each company. -returning back only the opportunityid. I am pulling my hair out trying tofigure out how to do it without going down the route of a cursor etc...some Data:ID Closed Data, CompanyID61 2005-11-14 3657 2005-11-14 3759 2005-11-12 3760 2005-11-13 3763 2005-11-13 41In the above example I would like to display a resultset of IDs= 61,57 and63Any pointers or help would be most appreciated.kind regardsMike
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Jul 23, 2007
Hi Everyone,
I have a table in my database that stores info to process a 'Parts Rush' request, so a user can get there part expedited. I want to have a field in my table named 'Status'.
The four status' are:
The question is should I use integers to represent the status (ie. 1 = Pending) or should I set that field to varchar and store the actual word?
I'm just trying to develop my SQL skills and what to exercise good practices. I am using SQL Server 2005 Express.
Thank You
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May 11, 2007
I'm executing the following Query :
SELECT FC3.Quarter, FC3.Service, FC3.TOTALIS, FC2.Quarter AS Expr1, FC2.Service AS Expr2, FC2.FCtIS,
cast((FC2.FCtIS / FC3.TOTALIS) as decimal(4,2)) as Value, getdate() as DateUpdate
FC2 ON FC3.Quarter = FC2.Quarter AND FC3.Service = FC2.Service
Quarter Service TotalIS Quarter Service FCtIS Value DateUpdate
2007Qt1 Executive contracts 210 2007Qt1 Executive contracts 166 0.00 2007-05-11 15:23:08.100
My problem is that ' can´t get a decimal Value on the VALUE column ....
If i don't use the cast function i get a 0 , forcing a decimal value with cast i get 0.00 ..
This column is intended to retrieve a percentage , like 0,5(50%) ; 0,45 (45%), what is happening ?
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Nov 26, 2007
I am trying to display items from a table that have a type. For each condition there are between 7 and 10 types. I am looping through each type and displaying all items in that type. I am using DISTINCT to pull the types and count them, so I know how many there are and how times to loop. My problem is that DISTINCT is ordering the types alphabetically! I want them in the same order they went into the table. I tried adding ORDER BY primaryID, but got an error that said I also had to select primaryID as well as type, so now I am selecting every item that fits the condition and not just the DISTINCT types! Is there any way to make it order by column_position? I am using SQL 2K.
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Nov 22, 2006
Hi All
Can anyone tell me whether or not it is
possible to multi select when you have a parameter
that is set as non-querried in order for it to be
typed instead of selected.
My users prefer typing the values and selecting
more than one. But at the moment I cant give them both..
I'm using SSRS with SSAS cube all in BI all 2005
Please help. I suspect that if it's possible it may just be a
syntax thing but I am yet to find it.
Thanks in advance
Gerhard Davids
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Jan 16, 2006
Hi, I am using SQL Server 2005.
I use the query SELECT * FROM APPOINTMENT WHERE [DATE] = '2006-01-15' and it doesn't work. However, this query SELECT * FROM APPOINTMENT WHERE [DATE] = '2006-01-15 19:55:44.000' is working.
Is there a way for me to select data field by not having to specifying the time coz it is annoying.
Thanks for any reply.
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Feb 2, 2015
I have a table with fields:
Id int
Pay numeric(19,3)
value records:
id pay
1 1.000
2 2.250
3 3.445
4 6.000
I want select of table to form:
id pay
1 1
2 2.25
3 3.445
4 6
if value decimal pay field Greater of zero then
value select= value field
delete value decimal and show
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Dec 18, 2014
Getting Incorrect Syntax near the keyword 'and'
This table returns multiple records for an Invoice.
Based on the transactiontype_desc the Amount_Paid_DC is a different value. Trying to add up the amounts based on the transactiontype.
select DebtorNumber, InvoiceNumber, Sum(Amount_Invoiced_DC) AS InvAmt,
case transactiontype_desc when 'Sales Invoice' then sum(Amount_Paid_DC) else 0 end as AmtPaid,
case transactiontype_desc when 'Discount/Surcharge' and Amount_Paid_DC < 0 then sum(Amount_Paid_DC) else 0 end as DiscountAmt
FROM BI50_BankTransactions_AR_InvcDt_H
group by debtornumber, Invoicenumber
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Sep 20, 2007
I've got a big problem that I'm trying to figure out:I have an address table out-of-which I am trying to select mailing addresses for companies UNLESS a mailing address doesn't exist; then I want to select the physical addresses for that company. If I get multiple mailing or physical addresses returned I only want the most recently edited out of those.I don't need this for an individual ID select, I need it applied to every record from the table.My address table has some columns that look like:
[AddressID] [int][LocationID] [int][Type] [nvarchar](10)[Address] [varchar](50)[City] [varchar](50)[State] [char](2)[Zip] [varchar](5)[AddDate] [datetime][EditDate] [datetime]AddressID is a primary-key non-null column to the address table and the LocationID is a foreign key value from a seperate Companies table.So there will be multiple addresses to one LocationID, but each address will have it's own AddressID.How can I do this efficiently with perfomance in mind???Thank you in advance for any and all replies...
View 5 Replies
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Sep 20, 2007
I've got a big problem that I'm trying to figure out:
I have an address table out-of-which I am trying to select mailing addresses for companies UNLESS a mailing address doesn't exist; then I want to select the physical addresses for that company. If I get multiple mailing or physical addresses returned I only want the most recently edited out of those.
I don't need this for an individual ID select, I need it applied to every record from the table.
My address table has some columns that look like:
[AddressID] [int]
[LocationID] [int]
[Type] [nvarchar](10)
[Address] [varchar](50)
[City] [varchar](50)
[State] [char](2)
[Zip] [varchar](5)
[AddDate] [datetime]
[EditDate] [datetime]
AddressID is a primary-key non-null column to the address table and the LocationID is a foreign key value from a seperate Companies table.
So there will be multiple addresses to one LocationID, but each address will have it's own AddressID.
How can I do this efficiently with perfomance in mind???
Thank you in advance for any and all replies...
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Dec 20, 2005
I was working on figuring out where a certain application wasstoring the multiple selection choices I was doing through the app.I finally figured out that they were being store in an IMAGEdata type colum with the variable length of 26 bytes.This is the first time I ran into such way of storing multipleselections in a single Image data type.Is this a better alternative than to store into a One-to-Manytables? If so then I'll have to consider using the Image datatype approach next time I have to do something like storing1 to thousands of selections.Thank you
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Apr 6, 2008
Using SQL Server 2005 Express:
I'd like to know how to do a SELECT Query using the following tables:
Miles Table:
(some date)/Ford/20/1
(some date)Ford/20/2
(some date)Chevy/30/1
(some date)Toyota/50/3
(some date)Ford/30/3
Miles Type Table
I'd like the results to be like this:
Date/Car/City Miles/Highway Miles/Off-Road Miles
Anyone? Thanks in advance!
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Jun 3, 2008
This is nutty. I never got this error on my local machine. The only lower case m in the sql is by near the variable Ratingsum like in line 59.
[SqlException (0x80131904): Incorrect syntax near 'm'.An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'type'.] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +925466 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +800118 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +186 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +1932 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) +196 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) +269 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +135 view_full_article.btnRating_Click(Object Src, EventArgs E) +565 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +105 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +107 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +7 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1746</pre></code>
Here is my button click sub in its entirety:
1 Sub btnRating_Click(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
2 'Variable declarations...
3 Dim articleid As Integer
4 articleid = Request.QueryString("aid")
5 Dim strSelectQuery, strInsertQuery As String
6 Dim strCon As String
7 Dim conMyConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection()
8 Dim cmdMyCommand As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand()
9 Dim dtrMyDataReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
10 Dim MyHttpAppObject As System.Web.HttpContext = _
11 System.Web.HttpContext.Current
12 Dim strRemoteAddress As String
13 Dim intSelectedRating, intCount As Integer
14 Dim Ratingvalues As Decimal
15 Dim Ratingnums As Decimal
16 Dim Stars As Decimal
17 Dim Comments As String
18 Dim active As Boolean = False
19 Me.lblRating.Text = ""
20 'Get the user's ip address and cast its type to string...
21 strRemoteAddress = CStr(MyHttpAppObject.Request.UserHostAddress)
22 'Build the query string. This time check to see if IP address has already rated this ID.
23 strSelectQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) As RatingCount "
24 strSelectQuery += "FROM tblArticleRating WHERE Itemid=" & articleid
25 strSelectQuery += " AND ip = '" & strRemoteAddress & "'"
26 'Open the connection, and execute the query...
27 strCon = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("sqlConnectionString").ConnectionString
28 conMyConnection.ConnectionString = strCon
29 conMyConnection.Open()
30 cmdMyCommand.Connection = conMyConnection
31 cmdMyCommand.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text
32 cmdMyCommand.CommandText = strSelectQuery
33 intCount = cmdMyCommand.ExecuteScalar()
34 intSelectedRating = Int(Me.rbRating.Text)
35 conMyConnection.Close()
36 'Close the connection to release these resources...
38 If intCount = 0 Then 'The user hasn't rated the article
39 'before, so perform the insert...
40 strInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO tblArticleRating (rating, ip, itemID, comment, active) "
41 strInsertQuery += "VALUES ("
42 strInsertQuery += intSelectedRating & ", '"
43 strInsertQuery += strRemoteAddress & "', "
44 strInsertQuery += articleid & ", '"
45 strInsertQuery += comment.Text & "', '"
46 strInsertQuery += active & "'); "
47 cmdMyCommand.CommandText = strInsertQuery
48 conMyConnection.Open()
49 cmdMyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
50 conMyConnection.Close()
51 Me.lblRating.Text = "Thanks for your vote!"
52 Comments = comment.Text.ToString
54 If Len(Comments) > 0 Then
55 emailadmin(comment.Text, articleid)
56 End If
57 'now update the article db for the two values but first get the correct ratings for the article
58 strSelectQuery = _
59 "SELECT SUM(rating) As RatingSum, COUNT(*) As RatingCount "
60 strSelectQuery += "FROM tblArticleRating WHERE Itemid=" & articleid
61 conMyConnection.Open()
62 cmdMyCommand.CommandText = strSelectQuery
63 dtrMyDataReader = cmdMyCommand.ExecuteReader()
64 dtrMyDataReader.Read()
65 Ratingvalues = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrMyDataReader("RatingSum").ToString)
66 Ratingnums = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount").ToString)
67 Stars = Ratingvalues / Ratingnums
68 conMyConnection.Close()
69 'Response.Write("Values: " & Ratingvalues)
70 'Response.Write("Votes: " & Ratingnums)
72 UpdateRating(articleid, Stars, Ratingnums)
73 Else 'The user has rated the article before, so display a message...
74 Me.lblRating.Text = "You've already rated this article"
75 End If
76 strSelectQuery = _
77 "SELECT SUM(rating) As RatingSum, COUNT(*) As RatingCount "
78 strSelectQuery += "FROM tblArticleRating WHERE Itemid=" & articleid
79 conMyConnection.Open()
80 cmdMyCommand.CommandText = strSelectQuery
81 dtrMyDataReader = cmdMyCommand.ExecuteReader()
82 dtrMyDataReader.Read()
83 Ratingvalues = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrMyDataReader("RatingSum").ToString)
84 Ratingnums = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount").ToString)
85 Stars = Ratingvalues / Ratingnums
86 If (Ratingnums = 1) And (Stars <= 1) Then
87 lblRatingCount.Text =" (" & (String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars)) & ") / " & dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount") & " Vote"
88 ElseIf (Ratingnums = 1) And (Stars > 1) Then
89 lblRatingCount.Text = " (" & (String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars)) & ") / " & dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount") & " Vote"
90 ElseIf (Ratingnums > 1) And (Stars <= 1) Then
91 lblRatingCount.Text =" (" & (String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars)) & ") / " & dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount") & " Votes"
92 ElseIf (Ratingnums > 1) And (Stars > 1) Then
93 lblRatingCount.Text = " (" & (String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars)) & ") / " & dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount") & " Votes"
94 End If
96 'Response.Write(String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars))
97 'Response.Write("Values: " & Ratingvalues)
98 'Response.Write("Votes: " & Ratingnums)
99 If (Stars > 0) And (Stars <= 0.5) Then
100 Me.Rating.ImageUrl ="./images/rating/05star.gif"
101 ElseIf (Stars > 0.5) And (Stars < 1.0) Then
102 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/05star.gif"
103 ElseIf (Stars >= 1.0) And (Stars < 1.5) Then
104 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/1star.gif"
105 ElseIf (Stars >= 1.5) And (Stars < 2.0) Then
106 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/15star.gif"
107 ElseIf (Stars >= 2.0) And (Stars < 2.5) Then
108 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/2star.gif"
109 ElseIf (Stars >= 2.5) And (Stars < 3.0) Then
110 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/25star.gif"
111 ElseIf (Stars >= 3.0) And (Stars < 3.5) Then
112 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/3star.gif"
113 ElseIf (Stars >= 3.5) And (Stars < 4.0) Then
114 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/35star.gif"
115 ElseIf (Stars >= 4.0) And (Stars < 4.5) Then
116 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/4star.gif"
117 ElseIf (Stars >= 4.5) And (Stars < 5.0) Then
118 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/45star.gif"
119 ElseIf (Stars >= 4.5) And (Stars <= 5.0) Then
120 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/5star.gif"
121 End If
122 dtrMyDataReader.Close()
123 conMyConnection.Close()
124 End Sub
If you want to reduplicate the error, click over here and try to submit a rating:
Thanks for helping me figure this out.
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Mar 28, 2008
Happy Friday!
A while since I have posted a question, and this one is probably real easy.
I am trying to store numeric values from a php form in MSSQL 2000 database. However, the columns are set to float and if the value is 1.00, when entered into the table it is saved as 1
If I change the column type to money, the query fails, with an error message of conversion of datatype varchar to datatype money statement terminated.
anybody know what I need to do? do I need to do something in my query to specify that this is NOT varchar data?
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