SELECT All Rows With Max Field1 For Field 2

Mar 19, 2008

I have a Log table which records items found on library shelves during a shelf scanning process. Each time a shelf is scanned all the items found are recorded in the log table and the ScanCount value is incremented (per shelf). This means that if I get the records with the highest available ScanCount value for each ShelfID, then I would have the most up to date picture of my library.

From this sample data I would like to return the latest rows (max scan count) for all shelves (which would be LogID: 7,8 (shelf A) 3,4 (Shelf B) 5,6 (Shelf C):

LogID ShelfID ScanCount ItemName
1 A 1 Dave
2 A 1 Alan
3 B 1 Mike
4 B 1 Andy
5 C 1 Mary
6 C 1 Mark
7 A 2 Sam
8 A 2 Will

I'm not sure how to do this - presumably with an inner select? Could someone help? thanks

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Select * From Something Where Field1 = N'literal'

Jul 23, 2005

What exactly is happening when a query is sent using the N in front ofthe string to be found?Under what conditions would someone use the N' in a query?I have been testing out some chinese text. I set up some fields ofnVarchar, nText and it works with an N. Without the N, it wont work.N also works with fields of varchar and text for english.Would this ever cause a problem to a query depending on how themachines regional settings are set? Why not just put N in all of thequeryies?If anyone has some ideas, I would be grateful for any and allinformation about the N.

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SELECT * Vs. SELECT Field1, Field2, Etc.

Nov 9, 2004

This may be a more general question but I love SQL Server so Ill pose it here. I couldnt find this answer on google so that why Im asking. I was never taught (or I was too high to retain the info) form college in my one DB class.

What are the performace impacts, if any, on doing a "SELECT * FROM table" vs. "SELECT each, column, called, out, but, not, all, of, them FROM table" ?

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Is There A Method To Convert Select * From Table To Select Field1,field2,...fieldn From Table ?

Nov 29, 2007

Is there a method to convert "Select * From Table" to "Select field1,field2,...fieldn From Table" ?

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Can A Select Be Done On A Varchar Field For Only The Rows That Are Numeric?

Jan 4, 2000

I am not sure if this is the right place, but here's my question:

with a field being varchar, can only the rows that are numeric be selected? For example-

ID Data1
1 don
2 jerry
3 3030
4 1234
5 susan
6 4321

Does SQL have an IsNumeric type function that can be used in the where clause?


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Select Rows With Datetime Field By Year

Jan 21, 2008


I have rows with a datetime column which spans many years. I am wondering is there a more simple way to select those rows where the datetime column is in a particular year. For example...
where datetime_column.year = '2007'

I know i can use the 'between' sql etc...but am wondering if theres something more straightforward im not aware of.


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Won't Select Rows With Null Field Values

Aug 29, 2006

I cannot in the life of me understand what goes wrong here... In a webapplication (C#.NET) I traced an inability to retrieve existing records to SQL Server, where I cannot do the same either. The problem is that in the parameterized query, some fields can be null, and thus when the corresponding fields in the database record are null also, they should be selected. But this won't happen for some reason.

I wrote a test SQL statement that gives me the same bogus:

DECLARE @institution int, @collection int, @serialnr int, @subnr nvarchar(50)SET @institution = 1 SET @collection = 1SET @serialnr = 240 SET @subnr = NULLSELECT ID, Institution, Collection, SerialNumber, SubNumber, AccessionYear, Sagsnummer, DanekraeNr, TaxonIdentified, Stratigraphy, TypeStatus, PlacementRoom, PlacementCabinet, PlacementDrawer, UnitNotesFROM SpecimensWHERE (Institution = @institution) AND (Collection = @collection) AND (SerialNumber = @serialnr) AND (SubNumber = @subnr)
Now there is at least one row with corresponding fields values (1, 1, 240, null), but it won't be selected! What is wrong!?

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'isNull(Field1,0)' Should Return 0,but It Didn't, WHY?

Mar 4, 2004

--create a temp table like:
select * into #tmp from
(select 1 as ID
union all select 2
union all select 3
union all select 4
) as A

-then run this query:
select B.ID,isNull(B.GID,0) as GID from
(select #tmp.ID,A.GID
left outer join
(select ID,1 as GID from #tmp where ID in (2,4)) A
on #tmp.ID = A.ID
) as B

--I thougth it should return:
--but it actually returned:
--if I change GID value in '...(select ID,1 as GID from #tmp where ID in (2,4)...', for example 2, then it return:


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JOIN ON CONTAINS(Table1.Field1, Table2.Field2)

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am getting errors in the following... Is it even possible to join onCONTAINS?SELECT ListA.ContentFROM ListA LEFT OUTER JOIN ListBON CONTAINS(ListB.Content, ListA.Content)WHERE ListB.Content IS NULLThanks!

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Update Table1 Set Field1=null;commit; Where I Can Look For The User,who Execute This Statment?

Feb 11, 2008

update table1 set field1=null where id=1; commit;

where I can look for the user,who execute this statment?

It was 6.02.2007 or 7.02.2007.
All users connect using SQL Serwer Authentication.
It is test database and from 1 to 3 users connect to it, and submit not more then 10 SQl statmant per day.

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Conditionally Select A Field Depending On Another Field Value

Jul 13, 2004

I want in my query to select a different field in case another one is null. in mysql i'd do it like this:

,if(b is null, c, b)

how can this be done in sql server?

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Reporting Services :: Select Text Field Dataset Based On User Select Option?

Aug 4, 2015

I have a report that uses different datasets based on the year selected by a user.

I have a year_id parameter that sets a report variable named dataset_chosen. I have varified that these are working correctly together.

I have attempted populating table cell data to display from the chosen dataset. As yet to no avail.

How could I display data from the dataset a user selects via the year_id options?

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Select Distinct Rows From Duplicate Rows....

Nov 28, 2007

Dear Gurus,I have table with following entriesTable name = CustomerName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 85Sanjeev 75Rajeev 80Rajeev 45Sandy 35Sandy 30Harry 15Harry 45I need a output as followName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 85Rajeev 80Sandy 30Harry 45ORName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 75Rajeev 45Sandy 35Harry 15i.e. only distinct Name should display with only one value of Weight.I tried with 'group by' on Name column but it shows me all rows.Could anyone help me for above.Thanking in Advance.RegardsSanjeevJoin Bytes!

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WHERE Field=(select Field From Tables)??????

Aug 26, 2005

I need some help.I am trying to write a query which does the followingSELECT * from table1 where field1=(SELECT distinct field1 FROM table1WHERE field2='2005' or field2='2010')I need all the values from table1 which match any value from field 1from the subquery.Any help is appreciated.thanks

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SELECT * Not Returning Any Rows, But SELECT COL_NAME Does!

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table which is returning inconsistent results when I queryit!In query analyzer:If I do "SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME" I get no rows returned.If I do "SELECT COL1, COL2 FROM TABLE_NAME" I get 4 rows returned.In Enterprise manager:If I do "return all rows" I get 4 rows returned, and the SQL is listedas being "SELECT * FROM dbo.TABLE_NAME".I've tried adding the "dbo." before my table name in QA, but it seemsto make no difference.I'm using SQL Server 2000, which is apparently 8.00534.Can anyone help me, or give me ideas about what to check?Thanks,Rowland.

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How To Pull The Same Field From Three Rows

Jun 11, 2014

I have a report that shows all the jobs for a given resource. i.e. there are three jobs waiting to be run through the CNC Machine resource. Each job has more than one resource so I use a filter to get information for just that resource. i.e. just 3 lines for the CNC Machine. However on the report I need to put the resource_id that the job just came from and resource_id for where the job is going next. I still just want 1 line per job.

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Parsing A Field Into Rows

Jul 12, 2007

I have a field that has the following data:

<li>Invalid email address.</li><li>Invalid zipcode.</li><li>Password is required.</li><li>

And, I'd like to parse this into rows separated by the "<li>"


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Return Only The Rows From A List That Has The Same Value From One Field

Aug 2, 2006

I am in need of help to develop a query
I have two tables Exams and Exams_lab, that are joined by a field id_exame. I want to return The Exams that has all the dependent rows in Exames_lab with the same value in the status_int field of Exames_lab. Can anyone Help Me?
Lets see an example












in this exemple my query must return only id_exame 2 and 3 because id_exame 1 has two different values on id_status on tb_exame_lab
can anyone help me?

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Archiving Rows Using A Date Field

Jun 6, 2000

Hi all,

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction for creating a procedure to archive rows using a DATE field value as the determinant for selecting the rows to be moved to a backup table?

I'd really appreciate any assistance that anyone can provide.

Tom C.

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Concatenate One Field From Multiple Rows?

Oct 18, 2006

I have a SQL statement that fetches book information via a TITLE_ID which is fine if we only have one edition (hardback), but if there are two editions (hardback and paperback) it will return two rows like:

Title - Author - Edition
The Amazing Pixies - A. N. Author - Hdbk
The Amazing Pixies - A. N. Author - Pbk

Is there any way to concatenate the Edition field so the two lines become one? I have searched for ways to do this but have had no luck.

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Trigger To Update Field From Rows

Feb 21, 2013

I'm tracking sales reps and the companies they represent. I have 2 tables. A header table that has the SalesRep (a key field) the name, phone, address, etc.A line file that will have the sales rep multiple times, each line having a vendor they represent.

SalesRepHeader table:
SalesRep name phone VendorList
Bob Bob_Smith 111-222-3333
John John_Young 123-456-56789
Mary Mary_Kerns 567-876-98765


Whenever the SalesRepLine file is added to or updated I want the header file field VendorList to be updated with a concat of the vendors for this sales rep so the SalesRepHeader file would look like this.

SalesRep name phone VendorList
Bob Bob_Smith 111-222-3333 Samsung, Kenwood, JVC
John John_Young 123-456-56789 Apple, HP

I need the update to be automatic.

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Count Unique Rows In Each Field

Jul 24, 2013

I have a table in Access 2007 that has about 30 field names and I want to have a count of how many unique rows there are in each field. I want to have these results put into another table that will just have the field name and then the count of how many unique rows there are.

I have code in VBA that will loop through my SQL and change out the field name, but I can't seem to get the SQL right before I can start looping it. For just one field name this would be what I have to count the unique names...

So far I have this:

INSERT INTO newtable
COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT Raw_Table.FieldName, COUNT(Raw_Table.FieldName) AS CountOfFieldName
FROM Raw_Table
GROUP BY Raw_Table.FieldName);

And its not going too well.

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Multiple Rows Into A Single Field

Oct 12, 2005

I have aproble with stored procedure.I want to take the Data from a table with multiple rows,In the same select statement for the others select statemet.My store Proc is like this..

CREATE procedure spr_Load_TR_AccidentReport_Edit_VOwner
@Crime_No varchar(20),
@Unit_ID int
DECLARE @AD_Driver int,@AC_Cas int,@AV_Owner int,@A_Witness int
DECLARE @Defect_ID varchar(100)

select @AV_Owner=Vehicle_Owner from TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where Crime_No =@Crime_No and Unit_ID = @Unit_ID

TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_ID,TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_Name, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Address1,
dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Address2, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.City_Id, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.State_Id,
dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Nationality_id, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.EMail, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Phone,,, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.D_O_B, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Age,
dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Occupation_ID, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_Type,

(select TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.OutSide_state from
TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails,TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where
TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner = TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.Person_id and TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.RowID =TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.RowID)[OutSide_state],

(select TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.OutSide_City from
TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails,TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where
TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner = TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.Person_id and TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.RowID =TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.RowID)[OutSide_City]

---here I faced the problem-
/*For the above Select only return one rows.But this select willreturn multiple row .I wnat to put that multiple data into a single field with comma*/

(SELECT @Defect_ID = COALESCE(@Defect_ID + ',','') + CAST(TBL_TR_VEHICLE_DEFECT.Defect_ID AS varchar(5))
select @Defect_ID

tbl_TR_Accident_report.Crime_No=@Crime_No and tbl_TR_Accident_report.Unit_ID=@Unit_ID
TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_ID = TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner


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Parse Field Into Multiple Rows

Jun 27, 2007

Hello,I am loading data from our MS Active Directory into our datawarehouse. (check out Mircosofts's Logparser, it can pull data fromADS, server event logs and more. It can also create text files or loaddirectly to SQL. Its free and a pretty useful tool)There is a field that contains the direct reports of a manager. Thedirect report users are delimited by a pipe symbol.I want to breakup the field into multple rows. There can be none, oneor many direct report users in this field.<disclaimer>This is a snippet of an example. This is only an example. I know thatI have not defined PK nor indexes. My focus is how to solve a problemof parsing a field that has multple values into multple rows.</disclaimer>Thanks for any help in advance.RobCREATE TABLE "dbo"."F_ADS_MANAGERS"("MANAGER_KEY" VARCHAR(255) NULL,"DIRECT_REPORTS_CN" VARCHAR(255) NULL);INSERT INTO F_ADS_MANAGERS (MANAGER_KEY, DIRECT_REPORTS_CN)VALUES ('CN=Marilette, 'CN=RobertD,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=edu|CN=RobertCamarda,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=edu|CN=Mi chelleC,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=edu|CN=Magnolia B,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=edu|CN=Lee K,OU=TechnologyGroup')I want to end up with 5 rows, 1 row for each user that is seprated bythe PIPE symbol.CN=Marilette CN=Robert D,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=eduCN=Marilette CN=RobertCamarda,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=eduCN=Marilette CN=Michelle C,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=eduCN=Marilette CN=Magnolia B,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=eduCN=Marilette CN=Lee K,OU=TechnologyGroup

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How To Concatenate Multiple Rows Into One Field?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I hope someone here can help me.We have a product table which has a many-to-many relationto a category table (joined through a third "ProductCategory" table):[product] ---< [productCategory] >--- [category]--------- ---------------- ----------productID productCategoryID categoryIDproductName productID categoryNamecategoryIDWe want to get a view where each product occupies just one row, andany multiple category values are combined into a single value, eg(concatenating with commas):Product Category-------------------cheese dairycheese solidmilk dairymilk liquidbeer liquidwill become:Product Category-------------------cheese dairy, solidmilk dairy, liquidbeer liquidWhat is the best way to do it in SQL?Thanks and regards,Dmitri

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Split One Field In Multiple New Rows

Nov 27, 2007

just a beginners question:

I have the following row with 2 fields:

Field 1: Task A
Field 2:´ 1;2;3;4

The number of semicolon divided elements in Field 2 is variabel.

I would like to create new rows like:

Row 1 Field 1: A Field 2: 1
Row 2 Field 1: A Field 2: 2
Row 3 Field 1: A Field 2: 3
Row 4 Field 1: A Field 2: 4

I think I should use a Foreach Loop.
But I don't exactly how to do it?

best regards

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One For The SQL Gurus: Split A Delimited Field Into Rows

Aug 13, 2004


I'm trying to write an SQL Query that will take a delimited field and return each item as a row.


Take the AuthorizedRoles and TabID fields from the Tabs table

AuthorizedRoles TabID
0; 15 ;17;______6

I would like to return a unique record for each Authorized Role

AuthorizedRole TabID

Any ideas?


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Best Practice For Updating Single Field In N Rows

Jan 16, 2006

Hi I haven't included DDL etc as this is theoretical at this time. I can rustle up an illustrative example if required.Following applies to disconnected environment. In general, most edits are broad (i.e. n fields affected) against a single record. However, there are certain circumstances where a single field will be edited against a deep (n) set of records. So business request:User needs to access and edit n records at a time (for arguments sake n is unlikely to be enourmous - say 50 max) but only editing one single field, and always the same field. The values for this edited field will differ for each record. Initially retrieving data for the app is no problem, nor is identifying those records that have been edited. What is the best means of updating the table? There are, to my mind, three ways of dealing with the latter senario - 1) Client calls the server n times editing a record at the time.2) Client creates a csv string and passes to sproc. Sproc parses string using some UDF split function (probably chucking into table variable) and updates using a single set set based operation.3) Client creates some flat file or other that is BULK inserted (or similar) by SQL Server. 3 - I think would only be an option if n was a very large number and or having the changes immediately reflected in the data is not priority.1 - would create a chatty app and presumably put the most load on the server. So I am left thinking 2 is (depending on circumstances) the best method. Is this fair? Are there any particular considerations gotchas I should be aware of? I know where to get hold of as many TSQL split functions as I could want so I'm not looking for code just opinions. OR - am I just plain wrong? Is there a better alternative or am I dismissing the other two methods prematurely? Thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Multiple Rows Into One Field

Feb 26, 2015

I am needing to combine the Notes field where Number and date are the same...For example

for Number 0000000003 I need notes to Read ('CHK # 2452 FOR $122.49 REJECTED AS NSF ON 2/25/15') the note counter is different for each row, and is combination of special char, 0-Z and looks like the (!) depicts the start of a new Number.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable](
[NUMBER] [varchar](10) NULL,
[HD_DATE_TIMEX] [datetime] NULL,
[TRANS_NO] [varchar](2) NULL,
[MESSAGE_COUNTER] [varchar](1) NULL,

[Code] .....

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Inserting Values Into SQL CE 3.5 Ntext Field Is Changing All Rows...

Apr 25, 2008

Has anyone seen this issue before? We are running a SQL CE 3.5 database on a windows desktop. A couple of our tables have ntext fields. When we do an insert the statement updates the value for all rows, not just the one that was added. I can easily repro this with some of the online samples too. Try the following:

SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(_sConn);


SqlCeCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE BlobTable(name nvarchar(128), blob ntext);";


cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO BlobTable(name, blob) VALUES (@name, @blob);";

SqlCeParameter paramName = cmd.Parameters.Add("name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 128);

SqlCeParameter paramBlob = cmd.Parameters.Add("blob", SqlDbType.NText);

paramName.Value = "Name1";

paramBlob.Value = "Name1 Memo";


cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO BlobTable(name, blob) VALUES (@name, @blob);";

SqlCeParameter paramName = cmd.Parameters.Add("name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 128);

SqlCeParameter paramBlob = cmd.Parameters.Add("blob", SqlDbType.NText);

paramName.Value = "Name2";

paramBlob.Value = "Name2 Memo";


After the second execution the blob column in both rows will have the value 'Name2 Memo'.

This is obviously a huge problem for us and would appreciate it if someone can explain what is happening. Seems like a bug but would like to be certain before I go the support route.

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Select Max Value Of One Field For Value Of Other Field(s)

Feb 29, 2008

I would like to query a table for a max value of one field for a distinct combination of two other fields. Let's call these fields RowID, ObjectID, and ObjectType. RowID is an auto-increment field, so for each distinct combination of ObjectID and ObjectType, there will be many values of RowID. To visualize an example:

RowID, ObjectID, ObjectType
1 , 1 , 1
2 , 1 , 2
3 , 1 , 3
4 , 1 , 1
5 , 1 , 2
6 , 1 , 3

Of these rows, I would only want 4, 5, and 6 (max values for distinct combination of ObjectID and ObjectType).

I hope I explained this clearly. I would imagine I'd need to use some form of nested query, but nothing I have tried so far has worked. I am using SQL 2005.


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Select All Rows Except Some Rows

Feb 3, 2006

Hi all,

Is it possible to say something like

Book.* EXCEPT (a,c,d)

Something like WITHOUT


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Value To Select Of Field

Feb 27, 2008

 I've got a question!
In a database I have a field interest-target with values like 8,15,115,3 and 18,13,15,6 and 51,6,7,118 etc.
Now I like to select from these fields the value 8. I tried the following:
I will the also get the value 18 wich I don't like :-(
Any solutions here?

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