SELECT Winners In A Long Jump Competition

Mar 2, 2004

Actually it's not a long jump competition but this is the easiest way to visualize it. I've been playing in the SQL sandpit for too long on this one and frankly I'm stumped! Decided to take a leap and post the query here.

Athletes take several jumps, each recording a distance; hence a row in the table consist of athlete and distance, (number of attempts is irrelevant.)

I need a select statement that will return the top jumpers.

ie. here is the resulting top 3

8.65 John Green

8.53 Adam Brown

8.14 Ian White

I hope this makes sense. Any takers?

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Option To Select Which Report To Jump To

Mar 2, 2007


Is it possible to set a "jump to report" option where the user can select which report to jump to from a list. E.g

If I click on the Company field it allows me to select to either jump to the company sales report OR the company purchases report


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SSIS Competition On The Market

Feb 2, 2007

Hi everyone,

I'd need to know which are the main tools are struggling with SSIS in order to encompass market


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Very Very Long SELECT Statement

Aug 17, 2007

I have SELECT statement that is several thousands of characters long - i'm declaring many tables, columns, and I have many aliases to deal with as well. Is there any way I can break it up into multiple lines? The only two things I could think of were using " + " . . . " + " . . . " or simply doing nothing and just dividing it into separate the lines. By the way, is there a limit to how long a SQL statement can be. I have been finding different answers when searching online.

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Navigate To:Jump To Url Then Jump To Url Again!

Apr 17, 2007

I am stuck on this and its happening no matter what I do. I have a huge project that holds tons of reports. Most are sub-reports.

I have 5 sections I will just use one for example

communictions (totals)

jump to report - summary data

Jump to report - detail data.

The when I get to the detail data I always get the error:

The path of the item '(null)' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. (rsInvalidItemPath)

I have tried to do all sorts of things and no matter what I do I cant get it to work.

This is a web application using the ReportViewer for the web, SQL Server 2005 SP2

I have searched high and low for an answer to this and nothing works, not even the get instead of the post.

Any ideas on how I can get this to work?



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Locks Caused By Long Lasting SELECT

Jan 16, 2008


Let's assume the client code call a stored procedure which reads: SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ID < 100. Let's assume that for whatever reason, the query becomes very slow and takes 60 seconds to complete. This 60 secs, could be the time for the DB engine to fetch all the rows (happening before returning the resultset to client code), or during the transfer of the resultset to client code (slow network throughput).
Question1: could this prevent another user from doing SELECT on myTable? (could be onn different ID or even overlapping the ID between 1 and 100).
Question2: could this prevent another user from performing write (UPDATE/DELETE) on the rows with ID between 1 and 100?
Question3: can another user perform a write (INS, DEL, UPD) on rows outside of the ID between 1 and 100?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Two Problems In My Long And Complicated Select Statement!

Jan 3, 2008

The first problem:
I have 2 tables in MS SQL database: topicstbl and txtfilestbl. And every one have column topicID.
And in both I have fulltext column I want to search in it; but in the first one I want to search in the fulltext column (topicflds) and also in normal columns (topicname and topicsn)
I need to search in these tables and get the (topicID) column as result by 1 table without repeated results.
I tried this code:
SELECT topicID, KEY_TBL.RANK FROM (SELECT topicID, 255 as RANK FROM topicstbl WHERE topicname like '%search word%' or topicsn like '%search word%') AS KEY_TBL
SELECT topicID, KEY_TBL.RANK FROM topicstbl AS topicstbl INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(topicstbl, topicflds, 'search NEAR word') AS KEY_TBL ON topicstbl.topicID = KEY_TBL.[KEY]
SELECT topicID, KEY_TBL.RANK FROM txtfilestbl AS txtfilestbl INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(txtfilestbl, txtfile, 'search NEAR word') AS KEY_TBL ON txtfilestbl.txtfileID = KEY_TBL.[KEY] ORDER BY KEY_TBL.RANK DESC

But the problem is the result table has repeated records (same topicID, different Rank Value).
Also I used "SELECT DISTINCT" but same problem.
The second problem:
I want to merge the previous code with ROW_NUMBER code to get results between x and y.
Like this code:
OVER (order by topicID DESC) as RowNumber
FROM topicstbl)

SELECT * FROM OrderedOrders
WHERE RowNumber between 1 and 50
But without change the first order.

Now how to do all these??!

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Using Jump To Report Navigation Option- Jump To The Same Report

Apr 28, 2008

I have a report that uses report parameters and navigation in the textbox.
When I click in the textbox, it jumps to the same report, but I cannot see the report parameters any more(hidden ). I cannot change the report parameters.
When I use only the report paramenters (no navigation option), they appear always during the run time.
How can I do to keep the report parameters visible all the time using "jump to the same report"??

Thank you so much. indyw

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Simple Select Query Takes A Very Long Time

Oct 11, 2006

I have a table tblCustTrans which contains
custid int
transid int
startdate datetime
value int

the custid, transid and startid are composite primary key.

the table contains more than 10 million records. Now i want to fetch record for
select * from tblcusttrans where startdate > = 10/10/2006 10:00:000 and startdate <= 10/10/2006 11:00:000

This statement is taking more than 2 hours to fetch the data. is there a way to fetch the record with less time


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Select Statement In Sql Server 2000 Is Taking Too Long??

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I am facing problem in MS SQL Server 2000. It is behaving slow forselect statements. It is even slower than MS ACCESS. For example, if iuse"Select count(*) from tbl;". i get the results after long time ifthere is more than 100k rows. What might be the possible reasons forthis??ThanksHoque

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Locks Caused By Long Lasting SELECT, Could It Be Solved By Read Uncommitted?

Jan 15, 2008


Yesterday, we have had a sudden load in our SQL Server 2000 which resulted in several locks. There was not too much time to investigate as we had to rush. A team member had reviewed the processes in EM, Manegement, Current Activity. Looking for blocking processes and killed them.

She told me that as soon as the blocking SPID was killed, another one arose and she had to repeat the operation a dozen of time. When done, the server activity was back to normal. She noticed that more than half of the blocking processes showed that they executed the stored Proc "P_SearchProducts".

We don't own the server and the information on what had happened at that time (batches or resource intensive operations, etc.) is not available for now.

The team suggests that we set the Transaction Isolation Level to Read UNCOMMITTED for this SP. I would like to know better about locks before I go ahead.

P_SearchProducts returns 5 recordsets each one could contains from 1 to 200 rows. To achieve the results, it creates about 10 intermediate tables (SELECT ... INTO #TableX) these temp tables are then used progressively to arrive to the final results. Roughly the volume of these temp tables could be double than the final results. The developer who wrote this SP is not a guru in SQL, there is room for improvement. But here are my questions:

Q1. Could the series SELECT ... INTO #TableX in P_SearchProducts prevent or lock another connection from executing the same SP? If yes, under which conditions?

Q2. Let's assume that P_SearchProducts has a slow execution time. Could it prevent another connection from updating the Product table? And thus leading to a deadlock situation? Something like another transaction (by User2) has obtained lock on most of Product tables, except the Product table which were being slowly read by User1 executing P_SearchProducts. But User1 cannot read the other product tables b/c there are locks by User2.

Q3. If the contention issue was provoked by the slow execution time of many request to exec
P_SearchProducts (let's assume there were suddenly 50 users on the web hitting the search product feature at the same time). Could the Read Uncommitted magically resolve the contention issue, providing we accept the consequences of the dirty read.

Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance for any help.

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Jump To URL

May 8, 2007

to open a report in a new window

i looked up the following line of code'" & Globals!ReportServerUrl & "?" & Globals!ReportFolder & "/" & "myreport" & "&amp;rs:Command=Render&amp;rc:toolbar=true','','width=800,height=600,left=10,top=10,resizable=1,menubar=no,location=no,status=no'),_top"

I do not understand what & Globals!ReportServerUrl & "?" & Globals!ReportFolder & "/" & "myreport" &

this implies.

I have the current report name as


and I need to jump to


both reports are in same folder IMS-Reports.


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Jump To Url

Nov 2, 2006

I use the "jump to url" in a report that links out to a page on our company intranet. Our internal users have to use http and an external user needs to be routed to the site w/ https. How can I account for this in a report?

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Jump To URL ....

Apr 2, 2008


I want to add two link(navigation) buttons in SINGLE CELL ... if i click on 1st it should navigate to xyz page and if i click on second then it should navigate to abc page...can u pls help me...

Waiting for ur reply...

Roopesh Babu V

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Jump To URL & Javascript

Oct 23, 2007

Hi, I am trying to link to a page outside of reporting services from a report. I am using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services [Standard Edition]. The hyperlink works if it is a straight URL, however, nothing happens if I modify it to use Javascript so I can open the link in a new window. I have found many posts on the web from others indicating it should be really easy, but I can not get the link to recognize ANY Javascript (also tried a basic alert with no luck).

The Javascript I am using is well formatted. I can place it into a test page and it runs fine. I can also RC and View Source on my report, grab the entire link, put it in a test page and it works fine. It just doesn't work from the report - ?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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Jump To Document Map

May 9, 2008

When you use the Jump to Report feature is there a way to also go to a specific document map link?

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Jump To Report

Feb 1, 2007


I want to use Jump to Report option under Navigation tab.

I have two reports both with Same parameters and parameters are multiple value selectable.

In Jump to Report this is how I set the parameter value.

LeadershipTeamId =Join(Parameters!LeadershipTeamId.Value,", ")

CostCentreId =Join(Parameters!CostCentreId.Value,", ")

CostElementGroupId =Fields!CostElementGroupId.Value

This works fine if I have only one value selected for CostCentre and LeadershipTeam but when I select the multiple value I get the following error.

The value provided for the report parameter 'LeadershipTeamId' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)

Am I missing anything here?

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards

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Jump To URL Error

Jul 27, 2007

I'm trying to put a hyperlink in a field on a report. I've found the action property and set the "Jump To" box with the following:

="" & Fields!Unit.Value

I'm getting this error message:

The Hyperlink expression for the textbox €˜textbox24€™ refers to the field €˜Unit€™. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope.

Please help.


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Jump To Report

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all,

I have created a hyperlink(textbox) with an action property setting of "Jump to report" The report I am jumping to takes 5 parameters. I want to pass 4 of the parameters from the main report and have the user enter the 5th. I have mapped the 4 parameters and in preview mode, everthing works great. In preview mode, the parametrs are passed and the last parameter is left waiting for entry. After deployment, this is not the case. In the deployed state, I simply get an error that parameter #5 is blank. Is there there something I am missing?



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Jump To Report In New Window?

May 11, 2007

Hi all,

Is it possible to use the "jump to report " action and have the report open in a new window?



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Jump From Every Point On A Report

Dec 4, 2007


I have a report with a graph in it.

I want to jump to another url when I'm clicking on my report.

I know how to sat the action for clicking inside the report on one of the data number but I want it to jump when I'm ckicking anywhere on the report.

Is there a way to do so?


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Question About Jump To URL Function

May 19, 2006

Hi !

When using the Jump to URL function, is it possible to open the URL in a new page instance of doing a redirect?

Thanks !

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How Can I Jump Out Of An Iteration When Using A Cursor?

Jan 24, 2008

Is there a key word one can use to immediately jump out of an iteration when using a cursor, and move to the next record using 'fetch next' cursor?

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Jump To Report Navigation

Sep 11, 2007

Can I have a report that is nothing more than a parameter and when the user selects from the list it will jump to another report based on which parameter was selected?

I can create a report with a text box that I can click to jump. I'd like to be able to eliminate the click on text box if possible and jump directly from parameter select pull down box.


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Jump To Bookmark In Reports

Aug 17, 2007


Please tell me how to implement the "Jump to Bookmark" in reports,
I mean to say, i have to move to another area or page in a report.
Please provide a sample for the same.

Thanks and Regards
Altaf Nizamuddin

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Hyperlink:Jump To Report

Mar 14, 2008


I have a report that uses Jump to Report and passes Reportname with parameter. Is
there a way to suppress the parameter value in the URL so the user is unable
to manipulate the parameter and execute the changed URL?

This is what I have so far..


because when reports exported to excel, hyperlink path will be displayed and should not display to the user.

Or can we set Hyperline action dyamically?

Thank you.

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Jump To Report With Parameters

Dec 7, 2007


I have a report (Report1) with a subreport (SubReport2). The subreport is a barchart. On the data values for the chart, I have a "Jump to Report" action defined. This jumps to another report(Report3) that has some parameters on it. Neither Report 1 nor SubReport2 have any parameters, only Report3.

When I jump to Report3, I would like to have it open up blank with the parameters open to be selected. I don't want to pass in any parameters as I jump to it. This works perfectly when I test it in my Preview pane in BIDS. However, when I upload the report to the ReportServer, when I click on SubReport2 to jump to Report3, I get an error saying

The 'Months' parameter is missing a value

There is no parameter pane for me to choose the parameters (or any other report viewer pane). However, if I open Report3 directly without trying to use Report1 and SubReport2 to jump to it, the parameter pane is there, everything works right.

Does anyone know how I can get the parameters pane to show up when I jump to Report3?


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Jump To URL With A New Target _blank

Mar 10, 2007

Hi all,

In Opening a display of invoices in Report Server I have a ULR link in the Jump to URL section under the navigation tab.

html code given : <a href="url" TARGET="_top">my value</a>

I would like have this code html : <a href="url" TARGET="_blank">my value</a>

How can I do it ?


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Jump To Report Help Needed.

Nov 13, 2007

I am very new to SSRS & SSAS .

Here is my problem. I have a SSRS report that uses a SSAS cube for as it's datasource. I have a drop down parameter box where the user can select a year (2005,2006,2007,etc..) They click the View Report button and the report is generated. On one of the textboxes properties, on the navigation tab I have Jump to Report activated. I select the parameter from the receiving reports with the value of the dropdown box.

What I'm trying to do and can't, is to jump to that report passing the contents of the dropdown box. The receiving report is a SSRS report with a datasource being the SSAS. How do I make the receiving report open based on the parameter that was sent ??

All ideas are welcome...

Thanks ..

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Report Navigation And Jump Url

Feb 20, 2007

Hi all,

I have got a report with external hyperlink.

When I put this link in TextBox properties >> Navigation >> Jump URL of my gridView : it works.

However, if I put "" + Fields!ID.Value it doesn't work. I haven't not link in my report.

And if I put!ID.Value my report create a hyperlink to!ID.Value and no

Thanks for you help.

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Amending Jump To Url Properties?

Dec 7, 2007


I have a simple report which just lists product details and summary. So somthing like this:

Product Id | Hits | Sales

I want to add a action (Jump To URL) to the Product ID field, which then redirects it to its product page on a website, however, how do I pass the ID field within the url?

for example, typical product page on the website is

I want to do so that I get =Fields!ID.Value .aspx

but obviously that doesnt work!

Anyone have any ideas?

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Jump To URL With A New Target Page

Feb 6, 2006

In Opening a display of invoices in Report Server I have a ULR link in the Jump to URL section under the navigation tab.

I have the URL with the invoice number in the expression. Is there something I can add to this expression that will force the interface to Open a new windows page instead of the existing window?

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How Do I Jump To Another Report Based On A Value

May 3, 2007

How do I jump to another report based on a value in my current report?

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