I am getting the following error when I run a stored procedure in
which I am inserting/deleting data from a view that selects from a
remote table.
INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect
settings: 'ARITHABORT'
The first statement in the stored procedure is 'set arithabort on'. I
also ran 'set arithabort on' before creating the view.
I read many articles ragarding the setting of arithabort. I set it for
the connection, for the database (alter database) and above all for
the server (sp_configure) but could not get around the above error.
However, when I had made the setting using "sp_configure 'user
options', 64" I was able to run the stored procedure successfully a
couple of times. But, later when I had resest 'user options' to 0 and
then back to 64 just to reproduce the earlier error and confirm that
the error does not come with the 'user options' to 64 setting I was
getting the same error.
Is there any way by which I can overcome the problem?
I am currently running the following query from Query Analyser, I am connected to Server_A and inserting records into Server_B.Database_B.dbo.MyTable from Server_A .Database_A.dbo.TableRef
Insert into Server_B.Database_B.dbo.MyTable(Field1,Field2,Field3) Select Field1_Ref,
Field2_Ref, Field3_Ref from Server_A .Database_A.dbo.TableRef
However Server_B.Database_B.dbo.MyTable is referenced within an Indexed View and whenever I run this query I get the following error:
Msg 1934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.
I have tried setting ARITHABORT to ON & OFF within the Query and within the database properties but still recieve the same error.
Does anyone have any ideas on why this would not work?
INSERT [DELETE] failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods. On local dev machine with SQL Express DB everything works fine. Once moved to shared hosting environment (with adjustments to web.config), insert and delete stored procedures produce the above error. Made sure that stored procedures SET ARITHABORT ON at the beginning and OFF at the end, without success. Even SET ARITHABORT ON at DB level without success. Suggestions appreciated
When I want to delete a data from a table that this tabl has a triggerand this trigger reached another tables to delete the data in cursor Ihave this messeage:DELETE failed because the following SET options have incorrectsettings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'.My trigger :CREATE TRIGGER [TOPBASICIKISSILME] ON [dbo].[TBLDEPOBKTOPBASICIKIS]FOR DELETEASBEGINDECLARE @rows_affected int, @inc bigint , @dblid bigint ,@DEPOBKINCbigintSELECT @rows_affected = @@ROWCOUNTIF @rows_affected = 0RETURN -- No rows changed, exit triggerBEGINDECLARE Miktar CURSOR FORSELECT deleted.DBLID,deleted.TOPBASICIKISINC , deleted.DEPOBKINCFROM deletedOPEN MiktarFETCH NEXT FROM Miktar INTO @dblid,@inc,@DEPOBKINCWHILE @@fetch_status = 0BEGINSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONDELETE FROM TBLDEPOBKMIKTAR WHERE DEPOBKINC=@DEPOBKINCAND OWNERINC = @inc AND ISLEMID=2 AND HAREKETID=19 AND BIRIM=1SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFPRINT @DEPOBKINCFETCH NEXT FROM Miktar INTO @dblid,@inc,@DEPOBKINCENDCLOSE MiktarDEALLOCATE MiktarENDEND
Hi, i have problem as subject says. Db has table with 3 columns, ID, Key and Val. ID is primary key, Key has unique index and Val simple holds value in text format. I have created DAL layer using .netTiers and CodeSmith. Generated procedures.sql has before every procedure set ANSI_NULLS to OFF. When i read rows from table i print them on screen. When user changes value, that should also be updated in database. When i select entity, its value is changed. Here is code snipper.
UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_NULLS'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.
Also, class which hold previous code snipper supports caching, by using some kind of SqlCacheManager, which is above SqlCacheDependecy class. Database service broker is started by
Server is SqlExpress 2005. Application is in ASP.NET 2.0.
I also noticed next. On first run, previous code passes without errors. On second run, update error appears.
This is log from sql server.
Code BlockQuery notification delivery could not send message on dialog '{822C7891-736E-DC11-836B-005056C00008}.'. Delivery failed for notification '<qn:QueryNotification xmlns:qn="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/QueryNotificationhttp://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/QueryNotification">http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/QueryNotification</A< A>>" id="1" type="change" source="database" info="restart" database_id="13" sid="0xE7C0751C9F7F6C4D9423096BBCC7FB69"><qn:Message>edd3e2dd-11ed-4d92-a0f4-5c674a90aecf;8b2095663cc6a9c297120e4c94d488555e97e54d</qn:Message></qn:QueryNotification>' because of the following error in service broker: 'The conversation handle "822C7891-736E-DC11-836B-005056C00008" is not found.'
Hi, I was recently experiencing a slowness when executing stored procedures from a .NET Application, but it went fast when executing from Query Analyzer. Research led me to find that by turning ArithAbort ON that it forces the SQL Server to use the same Execution plan whether the request is coming from Query Analyzer or the Application. My concern now is the effect of ArithAbort. I understand what turning this option does, but I am trying to think of a scenario where turning it on could be bad. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should be aware of when disabling/enabling ArithAbort or ArithIgnore? Thanks. -Brian
Getting an "incorrect settings: 'ANSI_NULLS., QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'."error after creating a view.We wanted a composite unique constraint that ignored nulls, so we setup a view using the following script:/* --- start --- */BEGIN TRANSACTIONSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET ARITHABORT ONSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONSET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONCOMMITGOCREATE VIEW vw_MyViewWITH SCHEMABINDINGASSELECT Col1, Col2 FROM dbo.MyTable WHERECol2 IS NOT NULLGO/* --- end --- */and then added the constraint to the new view/* --- start --- */CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX AK_MyTable_Constraint1 ONvw_MyView(Col1, Col2)GO/* --- end --- */I thought we were doing fine, 'til we started running some DELETEstored procedures and got the above error. The error also citedARITHABORT as an incorrect setting until we ran this script:/* --- start --- */USE masterDECLARE @value intSELECT @value = value FROM syscurconfigsWHERE config = 1534SET @value = @value | 64EXEC sp_configure 'user options', @valueRECONFIGURE/* --- end --- */TIA to anyone kind enough to shed some light on this for me. Is theresomething we should have done differently in creating the view andindex? If not, what's the procedure for working through thesesettings errors?I've read through some other threads on this subject, but didn'treally find what I was looking for. Thanks again for any help. Wouldbe appreciated.-matt
I am trying to insert a row into a table using a stored procedure and Iget the following error if I try this from QA:INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrectsettings: 'ANSI_NULLS., QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'.If I try to run this from Microsoft Access, I get a slightly differenterror:INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrectsettings: 'ANSI_NULLS., QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORT'.This is what I'm trying to run in QA:declare @P1 intset @P1=NULLexec stpAddNewDistributionMaster 142, 2, 'INTRODUCTION OF FILTERASSEMBLY', 0, 1, @P1 outputselect @P1===========================Here are the relevant definitions:TABLE:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDistributionMaster] ([fldDistributionID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[fldDocumentID] [int] NULL ,[fldDocumentType] [int] NULL ,[fldDocumentTitle] [varchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[fldDocumentSiteID] [int] NULL ,[fldActive] [bit] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblDistributionMaster] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [DF__Temporary__fldDo__2739D489] DEFAULT (0) FOR[fldDocumentID],CONSTRAINT [DF__Temporary__fldDo__282DF8C2] DEFAULT (0) FOR[fldDocumentType],CONSTRAINT [DF__Temporary__fldDo__29221CFB] DEFAULT (0) FOR[fldDocumentSiteID],CONSTRAINT [DF__Temporary__fldAc__2A164134] DEFAULT (1) FOR[fldActive],CONSTRAINT [aaaaatblDistributionMaster_PK] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED([fldDistributionID]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [fldDistributionID] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster]([fldDistributionID]) WITH FILLFACTOR =90 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [fldDocumentID] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster]([fldDocumentID]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON[PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [fldDocumentSiteID] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster]([fldDocumentSiteID]) WITH FILLFACTOR =90 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [fldDocumentType] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster]([fldDocumentType]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90ON [PRIMARY]GO/****** The index created by the following statement is for internaluse only. ******//****** It is not a real index but exists as statistics only. ******/if (@@microsoftversion > 0x07000000 )EXEC ('CREATE STATISTICS [hind_37575172_1A_3A] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster] ([fldDistributionID], [fldDocumentType])')GO/****** The index created by the following statement is for internaluse only. ******//****** It is not a real index but exists as statistics only. ******/if (@@microsoftversion > 0x07000000 )EXEC ('CREATE STATISTICS [hind_37575172_3A_1A] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster] ([fldDocumentType], [fldDistributionID])')GO/****** The index created by the following statement is for internaluse only. ******//****** It is not a real index but exists as statistics only. ******/if (@@microsoftversion > 0x07000000 )EXEC ('CREATE STATISTICS [hind_37575172_2A_1A] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster] ([fldDocumentID], [fldDistributionID]) ')GO/****** The index created by the following statement is for internaluse only. ******//****** It is not a real index but exists as statistics only. ******/if (@@microsoftversion > 0x07000000 )EXEC ('CREATE STATISTICS [hind_37575172_3A_2A] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster] ([fldDocumentType], [fldDocumentID]) ')GO/****** The index created by the following statement is for internaluse only. ******//****** It is not a real index but exists as statistics only. ******/if (@@microsoftversion > 0x07000000 )EXEC ('CREATE STATISTICS [hind_37575172_2A_3A] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster] ([fldDocumentID], [fldDocumentType]) ')GO/****** The index created by the following statement is for internaluse only. ******//****** It is not a real index but exists as statistics only. ******/if (@@microsoftversion > 0x07000000 )EXEC ('CREATE STATISTICS [hind_37575172_1A_2A_3A] ON[dbo].[tblDistributionMaster] ([fldDistributionID], [fldDocumentID],[fldDocumentType]) ')GOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOCREATE TRIGGER "tblDistributionMaster_UTrig" ONdbo.tblDistributionMaster FOR UPDATE ASSET NOCOUNT ON/* * PREVENT UPDATES IF DEPENDENT RECORDS IN 'tblJobs' */IF UPDATE(fldDistributionID)BEGINIF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deleted, tblJobs WHERE(deleted.fldDistributionID = tblJobs.fldDistributionID)) > 0BEGINRAISERROR 44446 'The record can''t be deleted orchanged. Since related records exist in table ''tblJobs'', referentialintegrity rules would be violated.'ROLLBACK TRANSACTIONENDENDGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOCREATE TRIGGER "tblDistributionMaster_DTrig" ONdbo.tblDistributionMaster FOR DELETE ASSET NOCOUNT ON/* * CASCADE DELETES TO 'tblJobs' */DELETE tblJobs FROM deleted, tblJobs WHERE deleted.fldDistributionID =tblJobs.fldDistributionIDGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO===========================SPROC:CREATE PROCEDURE stpAddNewDistributionMaster@DocumentID int,@DocumentType int,@Title varchar(255),@SiteID int,@Active bit,@DistributionID int OUTPUTASINSERT INTO tblDistributionMaster(fldDocumentID,fldDocumentType,fldDocumentTitle,fldActive,fldDocumentSiteID)VALUES(@DocumentID,@DocumentType,@Title,@Active,@SiteID)SET @DistributionID = IDENT_CURRENT('tblDistributionMaster')GO==============================Thanks in advanceEdward
I have tried many variations (after reviewing other posts) and can notresolve the following issue:RUNNING SQL MAINTENANCE----------------------------SET ARITHABORT ONSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFexec master..xp_sqlmaint '-D SBC -UpdOptiStats 10 -RebldIdx 10'--tried UpdOptiStats and RebldIdx separately with same resultsRECEIVE THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE------------------------------[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)]Error 1934: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]UPDATE STATISTICS failed because the following SET options haveincorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORTSERVER SETUP-------------------------------Windows 2000, Service Pack 4SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition, Service Pack 3Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am getting the following error message: [-E-19:42] Message: SELECT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL, ANSI_WARNINGS, ANSI_PADDING'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.
I am using the following set options before the sp is created:
I looked on the internet and most of solutions were related to indexed views or computed columns. But I am neither using any indexed views nor computed columns. Also the same sp is working fine in one environment but giving the above error in another SQL server. I am using SQL Server 2005 with SP1.
Please help me in finding the cause & the resolution for this issue.
I'm updating one column using trigger but i am getting below error .
UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML data type methods and/or spatial index operations.
I have recently set up a view with a clustered and a non-clustered index on it (t-SQL is below). To create the view and indexes I set arithabort to on as per the help file articles. However, this setting is causing the following error when my application calls a stored procedure setting values in a table:
The transaction was rolled back for the following reason: UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods. Last Query: MFSetApplicant
I am including 2 columns from the table the sp is trying to update in the view. The sp is a very basic update statement, setting all the values in the table row and using the primary key in the where clause. The sp ran fine with no errors prior to changing the setting of arithabort and adding the view and indexes and has been doing so for the last 5 years.
I have tried setting arithabort to off and the error keeps being thrown. I have tried tracing the transaction and can see nothing wrong with the way the sp is being used or the parameters being passed in. Is there any way to change this setting back to off so I can stop this error being thrown? Am I missing something obvious?
Code Block
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[View_LeadMatching] WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT dbo.MFApplicants.ApplicantNo, dbo.MFApplicants.Surname, dbo.MFApplicantContactDetails.PostCode FROM dbo.MFApplicants INNER JOIN dbo.MFApplicantContactDetails ON dbo.MFApplicants.ApplicantNo = dbo.MFApplicantContactDetails.ApplicantNo AND dbo.MFApplicants.MortgageRef = dbo.MFApplicantContactDetails.MortgageRef GO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_View_LeadMatching_ApplicantNo ON [View_LeadMatching] (ApplicantNo); GO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_View_LeadMatching ON [View_LeadMatching] (Surname, Postcode) GO
I wrote a stored procedure and set it as a schedule. it has no problem when I execute this SP in query analyzer. But it will show error when I execute it in schedule job. I think the main reason is I have created a DDL trigger that will fire when DDL_DATABASE_LEVEL_EVENTS happens. Any solution?
SELECT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 1934). The step failed.
Instead of using Full-Text indices, which I don't like to manage, we've tried to use seperate tables that contain recordID, the word, a count of the word in the parent field and computed column which is the CHECKSUM() of the word column. I indexed the checksum column with a clustered index.
Works great in Query Analyser. But when the ASP page calls it, I get this message:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14) INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'.
Same for updates and deletes. The question is how should these SET settings be done? Any ideas would be greatly welcomed.
This is the error it gives me for my code and then it calls out line 102. Line 102 is my buildDD(sql, ddlPernames) When I comment out this line the error goes away, but what I don't get is this is the same way I build all of my dropdown boxes and they all work but this one. Could it not like something in my sql select statement. thanksPrivate Sub DDLUIC_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DDLUIC.SelectedIndexChanged Dim taskforceID As Byte = ddlTaskForce.SelectedValueDim uic As String = DDLUIC.SelectedValue sql = "select sidstrNAME_IND from CMS.dbo.tblSIDPERS where sidstrSSN_SM in (Select Case u.strSSN from tblAssignedPersonnel as u " _ & "where u.bitPresent = 1 and u.intUICID in (select intUICID from tblUIC where intTaskForceID = " & taskforceID & " and strUIC = '" & uic & "'))"ddlPerNames.Items.Add(New ListItem("", "0")) buildDD(sql, ddlPerNames)
I am running AWE on SQL 2000 (the server has 8 gig of RAM). I have the SQL Server set to use a max of 6 gig. The server hung unexpectedly (SQL showed no errors or signs). Has anyone had any problems with using AWE, and or any suggestions or changes I might need to do? Thanks
New SQL2000 installation into which I've copied data from multiple SQL7 installations. Some of the databases I've copied over from a SQL7 server with code page 850, sort order/collation 42, using the detach-copy mdf/ldf-attach procedure outlined elsewhere on this site (thank you). Other databases have been DTS'd from another SQL7 server with code page 850, sort order/collation 44.
In the end I want all databases to be in the default Latin1_General_CI_AI collation I've chosen for my installation.
I'm off to immerse myself in collation papers and alter database documentation from BOL, but was hoping someone could enlighten me in a less painful way.
I've got a problem with an American software vendor, who's asked me to check and adjust the regional settings within SQL Express 2005, installed on an XP SP2 pc
I'm scanning meta data into this database
If I enter a date field with a UK date format, I get an error in the SQL logs
If I enter a date field with a US date format, everything is fine
The XP box is setup with all UK region settings
I've been told that my SQL install should automatically use the region settings from whatever OS that it's installed on
I've checked everywhere within SQL, and it all looks to be setup with UK region settings
I suggested to the software vendor that the problem lies with their software
Can anyone suggest if I've missed anything, or where I should be checking my region settings within SQL?
with the administrators group im able to view my reports. but normal users are not able to view anything. they can enter reporting services, but not open a report.
I am sure I'm being blind here (it wouldn't be the first time - and won't be the last time).
I have a package that retrieves some values from SQL table to allow me to dynically create an email message, so it retrieves To Addresses, From Address, Header, Body from a table, populates variables, and uses expressions to assign those to the SEND MAIL TASK.
That is working (after a bit of head/wall/banging to get my default virtual SMTP server running locally).
Now I am trying to make the SMTP Server Name dynamic. The Property SMTPConnection specifies the SMTP Connection Manager to use, and not the server, so it doesn't seem as though I can configure a property on the SEND MAIL TASK to achieve this.
Now I'm focussing on using SQL Package Configurations to try and drive this. As I see it, just like XML configurations, if you change a value in the configuration source, then when the package runs, it get's that value, and uses it.
I have change the configuration value (outside of the package). I confirm it is actually changed by running a SQL Task that gets the value from the configuration table, and view the value assigned to the variable in watches. The value returned is a different value (in my case I changed it to an invalid servername), and yet the task still runs through successfully, using the previous SMTP servername.
I wanted to know if there is a way to enforce security settings on SQL 8 Server. Specifically password lengths, expiration,e tc. These servers run on a Windows Platform, so if it is not possible to enforce passwords at the database level can the windows passwords parameters be enforced for the server.
Also, how would I be able to find the last changes made to the tables within the database.
I need to place some site settings in my Report Manger.But in my Report Manager there is no Site Settings Icon.Is this installation problem please help me.
Very often, when I generate SQL scripts for a table, I forget to go to Option tab to click the pk, default, index boxes. Is there a way to permernatly set the whole sql server generate sql scripts options ONCE?
I could do with a couple of pointers to the best options to acheive my goal, I'm pretty close with the way I've done it, but I feel there is a more elegant solution out their so your help would be most appreciated.
The problem is finding the best way of moving some SQL Server 2000 changed data into sql server 2005. We are only interested in some tables in 2000 (and sometimes just subsets of those). Because there are quite a few tables and the we want to set up a schedule to run periodically, we chose SSIS. The main reason for this is to utilise a for each loop that pulls each tables name from a one column staging table of table names. (that way we can do more or less comparisons by simply adding and removing from the staging table) Also in this loop, using the table name as a variable, we run an exec sql task along the lines of 'SELECT * from varTable EXCEPT SELECT * from varTable_tracker' which gives us the difference beteween the two tables (where the tracker table is a copy of the data table which is sychronised at the end of the job run). So far so good. Now the tricky bit, EXCEPT only works under 2005, the tables are in 2000 so we ended up having a linked server in 2005 back to the 2000 table. Is there a way of acheiving the same result without involving the linked server - or is there a task (script?) we can run to verify the linked server is up before we excecute the job -we already run checks on Connection Managers to see if they are up but never tried linked servers? Lastly, will performance be an issue
I have a page that uses an SQLDataSource web control to populate a GridView control. The SQLDataSource control uses three parameters, one of which is a text string (varchar(50)). I get timeout expired exceptions when I run the page with two specific string values, yet when I run the stored procedure in SqlSvr Management Studio, the procedure runs in 5 seconds and under 1 seconds. Being rnew to ASP.NET 2.0 and .Net in general, I have no idea where this lag is occurring. I would like to know two things: 1. What is causing the lag that causes the timeout in ASP.NET 2.0. 2. What can be done to adjust the timeout period SQLSVR, IIS, ASP.NET). The underlying query is running as desired (considering the data it has to chew on). For all other values, data is returned almost instantanious. I can provide a copy of the query id need be. Truly appreciate any insight you can give me!
I am a newbie to .NET and MS SQL server. I am trying to connect to sql server d/b from my application files.
How should i open a connection from my system pc5 (where application/proj being developed) to SQL serevr which is installed on my server(server1). Both are in network.
I have installed sql client on my system(pc5) and created my d/b (MyDB) thru EM, now how can i create username & password for MyDB datbase.
I had installed ASP.NET Commerce server(from ASP.NEt site) on my system pc5 its working fine with accessing Commerce d/b from server1. I observed the string in web.config file of commerce application it is as follows.
In the same way can i create Username and passsword for MyDB database, if so how should i do that. that should look like some thing like this..
<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=server1;database=MyDB;uid=MyDBUser;pwd=MyDBpass;" /> to do in this way i need to create username and pw for MyDB . How should i create username ansd pw for MYDB datase.