SOAP Endpoint Access Using InfoPath && SPD

Nov 28, 2007

I posted this in the Sharepoint Designer forum, but did'nt get an trying here...Below is my soap endpoint in fine for InfoPath to consume the service...but when SharePoint Designer attempts to retieve data I get

"The server returned a non-specific error when trying to get data from the data source."

In SPD I can connect to the service and see the methods and parameters...but never get any data returned...wondering if it's in my endpoint setup. BTW-using Windows security by default in SQL2005...I've tried different types of logins without success...

/****** Object: Endpoint [getSCMADataEndpoint] Script Date: 11/28/2007 10:38:43 ******/




AS HTTP (PATH=N'/getscmadatawebservice', PORTS = (CLEAR), AUTHENTICATION = (), SITE=N'scmasvr01', CLEAR_PORT = 80, COMPRESSION=DISABLED)


WEBMETHOD 'GetCourseInfo'( NAME=N'[SCMA].[dbo].[prGetCourseInfo]'



WEBMETHOD 'GetCourseLectures'( NAME=N'[SCMA].[dbo].[prGetCourseLectures]'



WEBMETHOD 'GetCourseLecturesInstr'( NAME=N'[SCMA].[dbo].[prGetCourseLecturesInstr]'



WEBMETHOD 'GetCourseObjectives'( NAME=N'[SCMA].[dbo].[prGetCourseObjectives]'



WEBMETHOD 'GetCourseRosterInfo'( NAME=N'[SCMA].[dbo].[prGetCourseRosterInfo]'



WEBMETHOD 'GetSCMAAccounts'( NAME=N'[SCMA].[dbo].[prLookupSCMA_accounts]'



WEBMETHOD 'GetSCMAAccounts_FieldNames'( NAME=N'[SCMA].[dbo].[prLookupSCMA_Accounts_FieldNames]'



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InfoPath 2007 And Endpoint Yielding HTTP Authentication Failed.

Feb 12, 2007

I created a HelloWorld like example using InforPath 2007 and endpoint with SQL Server 2005. Very simple example.

I created a stored procedure that took in one parameter, a datetime field. This parameter is then inserted into a db table that has two columns, an id column and a datetime column.

I took the store procedure just discribed to create an endpoint. Cool. The WSDL is showing, I'm feeling good.

I go to InfoPath and make it so that submit a datetime to the webmethod associated with the endpoint. The data table shows one more row has been added and it is the datetime I sent from InfoPath. YEA!! I go to the Event View and see that I have an error message. The message is HTTP authenticaiton failed. [CLIENT:]. Bummer!!

This does not make sense to me. I am able to update the targeted database table but I get an exception. I do not like exceptions nor warnings without an explanation. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?

The endpoint code looks like: <code snippet>

CREATE ENDPOINT [GeraldTesting_endpoint]
AS HTTP (PATH=N'/testEndPoint',
CLEAR_PORT = 8080,
WEBMETHOD 'testEndPoint'
( NAME=N'[geraldstest].[dbo].[Gerald_Test_Proc]'
BATCHES=ENABLED, WSDL=N'[master].[sys].[sp_http_generate_wsdl_defaultcomplexorsimple]',

</code snippet>

I had to give up for the project I am currently working because of time constraints. But in the future, for out-of-the-box functionality for proof-of-concept/prototyping, I would like to use endpoints.

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SQL Soap Endpoint Header

May 14, 2007

I created my SOAP endpoint in SQL 2005 sp 2, I worte an ASP.NET 2.0 app to consume the exposed webmethod but how do you add the soap headers in the app?
Basically I want to expose the application name property to set it to determine the actual caller in SQL Profiler. Can it be done without modifying the generated proxy code in or is there a workaround ?


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Make Connection To SOAP Endpoint Without Integrated Login?

Feb 10, 2007

I have a endpoint on our SQL Server and I've written a test .Net app to access it and it all works great. It uses the Integrated Login for Authentication.

My project in the end will have connections made to the endpoint via some custom code on a Non Windows/Linux platform. My concern is that there is no Authentication method that I can use from this client. Integrated is out since it not something you log into. SSL is out since there is no Cert store. Isn't there a way to use the SQL Authentication in a Mixed mode SQL Authentication install?

What are my other options? I need to be able to get data from our SQL server from this custom platform. We looked into using TDS protocol, but would rather not have to license it and develop a client on our platform. We wanted to just generate the HTTP Packets to send and receive the data.

Thank you,


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SOAP Endpoint: When Using ROWSETS_ONLY Format - Warning In SQL Creates Corrupter Response

Apr 13, 2007

I have noticed that when I created SOAP endpoint and a webmethod uses ROWSETS_ONLY format €“ if a warning is raised in T-SQL implementing webmethod then response is being terminated.
Either nothing is returned, and calling application (build with VS 2005) gets error €œThe underlying connection was closed€?, or part of response is retuned but terminated in the middle, and calling application gets error €œThere is an error in XML document (1, 8001).€?
This can be caused by any warning, in my case it was €œ€¦NULL values eliminate by aggregate€¦€? warning. It will behave same way with errors.
Is there any way to make SQL Server send a proper response in case of warning? Should this be reported as bug to Microsoft?

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Help Please. Sharepoint+Access Db + Infopath

Jun 10, 2007

Hi guys. Im having alot of trouble with this. I have created a simple access database, uploaded to a doc library on a sharepoint site. Then I made a infopath form based on this by using the url: //

I succeeded in creating the form. I then published it onto the sharepoint site. Now, when I try to fill out the form so the database can be filled in, I hit submit and it opens up a ADO warning telling me that the website is using my identity to connect to the datasource, I hit ok and then I get another window saying "Please enter MS JET OLE DB Initialization." In the fields it has 1) Datasource is \, the 2)username is Admin, 3)password is blank, 4)provider string is blank and the 5)open mode is on DB_Mode_Readwrite.

1. One thing I tried is in the username and password I give my administrator login as CorpdynatecRGill, and then the password I always use to login onto the site. It then gives me:

InfoPath cannot connect to the data source.
Not a valid account name or password.

2. Next thing I try is just leaving the username as admin and password blank but then I get the message:

InfoPath cannot connect to the data source.
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I think it might have something to do with the permissions, but nothing has been working yet. Please help me.

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Webservice And Access To SOAP Envelope

Dec 1, 2005

The web serivce for blogging to Community Server requires the username and password to be specified in the SOAP Header and not the body, I however can't access the soap header. How can I achieve this?

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Soap Error Sqlserver Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Sep 16, 2006

Hello All,I have a webservice uses a component that accesses thrid party dll to connect to a sqlserver dbase, username,dbase name ,server and password are passed to the third party dll for login purpose.This works fine in development evironment when pda client calls webservice, A soap error is thrown to the client "sqlserver does not exist or access denied" when the client calls the deployed webservice. I have tried the following 1. Added ASPNet user to the database 2.Added domian user to the database both has public and dbowner rightsCan any one help??[:'(]Thanks Regards    

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Oct 24, 2006


How can I access my endpoint output set of values/xml using internet explorer? I am able to access the wsdl file now I need to access the actual value returned from sql server 2005. Now i need to display it on my Internet Explorer. All the examples of microsoft leads to access using CLR. Please let me know also the difference between Get/Post with respect to EndPoints.

Thanks in Advance

Ajoy Kumar

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From Infopath 2003 To SQL

Jan 29, 2008

I built a form in infopath 2003 I want that the information

will be send to the SQL server....

Is there a place here (in this site) I can Study this....

I know that I need to drag the Fileds from the form to the Sql tables....

my form has 100 fields...lots of check boxes.....

Where can I study this in this site.... ? from the begining !!!

Thank you again.....Hope you will help me

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From Infopath 2003 To SQL

Jan 29, 2008

I built a form in infopath 2003 I want that the information will be send to the SQL server....

Is there a place here (in this site) I can Study this....

I know that I need to drag the Fileds from the form to the Sql tables....

my form has 100 fields...lots of check boxes.....

Where can I study this in this site.... ? from the begining !!!

Thank you again.....Hope you will help me

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IE7 Script Error When Opening Infopath Forms

Jan 31, 2007


I installed IE7 recently and it is giving me problems when I open Infopath forms to edit documents. I have a sharepoint website which contain links to these forms, when I click on the link it opens the infopath form. It was working absolutely fine when I used IE6. But now when I open the infopath form it gives me an error saying that

A Runtime error has occured

Line: 38

Error: Object Expected

When I open it in the debugger it shows me an error at <body onLoad="onLoad()">. Could someone please advice!

I appreciate a quick response.


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Reporting Against SharePoint List Or InfoPath Form(s)?

Dec 19, 2006


Anyone have any solid solutions for using Reporting Services 2005 to report against a SharePoint List and/or InfoPath Forms Document Library?

This seems to be a popular one for reporting against the SharePoint List, but it looks like there are some issues with it, such as getting it to work with Subscriptions...


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InfoPath Form's Data To SQL / SSRS Database

Apr 11, 2008


In my current project we are dealing with a lot if Infopath forms of all sizes and complexities. currently they are being saved in Forms library of sharepoint.
We need to build a warehouse for SSRS which receives data either from content database or from infopath forms submit with minimum latency.
I thought of few alternatives, but, not sure which is most robust and economical.
1. Built c# classes to parse XML of infopath forms and then push data to SQL using and SQL stored procedure while item is being added (ItemAdding) to Forms Library.
2. Use CAML queries to extract XML from forms library and then continue with C#/ADO/SQL..
3. Use SSIS APIs and webservices to massage XML and put it to SQL at ItemAdding event
4. Use CAML queries to generate XML files and stage it to FTP and rest will be done on SSIS.

I am currently looking for feseability information based of Besy Known Practise. Please feel free to suggest a totally new approach, if available.


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InfoPath 2003 - Insert Data In SQLServer??

Jan 9, 2007


I created an InfoPath 2003 form, with a datasource from SqlServer 2000. When I try to insert a new record the follow error occurs:

"InfoPath cannot connect to the data source.
Safety settings on this computer prohibit accessing a data source on another domain."

I checked Enabled -"Access data source accross domains" from Security Settings->Miscellaneous, but the error still appears.

Have anyone any idea about this error?


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InfoPath 2003, Shape, Order By, Two Tables, Can't Get Sort To Work

Nov 9, 2006

InfoPath 2003

I have an Infopath form to edit the values in the NotifyMembers table. I want to list the email addresses alphabetically when the query returns data to the form. Unfortunately, I use EmailAddressID as an int in the table, so I need to join? the NotifyMember table with the EMailAddress table, which has a column EMail which is the address. Both have EmailAddressID as common fields.

I can't get the Shape command (edit SQL in the Datasource) to be happy with any syntax that I have tried.

For (non-working) example:

select "GroupCode","EmailAddressID","DelBit" from "dbo"."NotifyMembers" as "NotifyMembers" Join "dbo"."NotifyMembers"."EmailAddressID" On "dbo"."EmailAddress"."EmailAddressID" = "dbo"."NotifyMembers"."EmailAddressID" order by "dbo"."EmailAddress"."Email"

Any help appreciated..

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DTS And SOAP Web Service

Feb 3, 2007

Hi,I have a client that needs to issue soap calls to a third-party webservice from within a DTS package. Is this even possible? I'velooked everywhere and found the sqlxml, but that looks like itprovides a soap web service, not consumes one.Right now, we are consuming the same web service in an ASP.NETapplication and would love to use the same code, but am really justlooking for the best solution. Basically, the only firm requirementsare that the client needs to provide a text file of items that need tobe posted to the third-party via their web service. Right now, we usedts for the client to upload other text files, that's why I was hopingto use the same procedure, but if we need to go another route, I'msure I can convince them.Any suggestions?Trey

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Troubleshooting SOAP

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,This is the first time I use SOAP. Dont really know the exact pictureyet. Hope you can shed some lights on me.May I know where should I start troubleshooting if I get the followinerror message when running SOAP on Windows 2003, SQL Server 2000 ?Error Code: 0 Error Source= Microsoft VBScript runtime error ErrorDescription: ActiveX component can't create object:'MSSOAP.SOAPClient' Error on Line 1. The step failed.Thanks.

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SOAP/Native XML Web Services

Apr 3, 2008

Anyone have experience with using SOAP/Native XML Web Services in SQL Server 2005 to expose data to external web clients? Any issues/pitfalls?


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Possible SOAP Version Mismatch

Feb 6, 2007

Getting this error after installing certificate. Happens when trying to access https://machinename/reports

Possible SOAP version mismatch: Envelope namespace was unexpected. Expecting SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 on Windows Server 2003 R2.

Was working fine before adding the certificate.

Any thougts on how to fix?

Thanks in advance,


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How To Read Soap File

May 8, 2007

Hi all,

I am sending request to the third party server EX:"Http://"1000"&Item="200"&DT=05/08/2007" I am getting file in soap format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>

- <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlnsOAP-ENV="">

- <SOAP-ENV:Body>

- <mtreamIResponse xmlns:m="uri:EXmsg">


- <SOAP-ENV:Fault>


<faultstring>No matching items were found.</faultstring>

My question is how to read this line <faultstring>No matching items were found.</faultstring> . I need to capture the message in the variable.

Thanks for your help in advance

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Reporting Services With Out SOAP

Aug 31, 2007

Is it possible to render a report with out usieng the SOAP API. I need to use a WCF web service instead of the ASMX web service that is made availible in SSRS. I would like to be able to to create a WCF that calls reporting services via a class library and not the web service interface.

Thanks for help


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How To Pass In SOAP Header For XML Datasource

Apr 3, 2006


I have created a simple webservice with a soap header and am trying to
access it using an xml datasource in reporting services. The query
works but I have no idea how to pass in a value for the UID on the host
header. Any help? what XML would I add for the header?

This is what I have no that allows me to pass in parameters through the editor.


<Method Namespace="" Name="HelloPerson2"/>



Here is the code for the webservice:

/// <summary>

/// Summary description for WebService

/// </summary>

[WebService(Namespace = "")]

[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]

public class WebService : System.Web.Services.WebService {

public WebService () {

//Uncomment the following line if using designed components




public class PersonHeader : SoapHeader


private int _uid;

public int UID


get { return _uid; }

set { _uid = value; }



public PersonHeader userCredentials;



public Person HelloPerson2(string firsName, string lastName)


Person person = new Person();

//person.FirstName = "John";

//person.LastName = "Smith";

person.FirstName = firsName;

person.LastName = lastName;

person.UID = userCredentials.UID;

return person;



public class Person


public Person()



private string _firstName;

public string FirstName


get { return _firstName; }

set { _firstName = value; }


private string _lastName;

public string LastName


get { return _lastName; }

set { _lastName = value; }


private int _uid=1000;

public int UID


get { return _uid; }

set { _uid = value; }




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ReportViewer Control And SOAP Version

Dec 19, 2006

We have just upgraded from an embedded browser hosted RS2000 system to the Microsoft.ReportViewer.Winforms control for RS2005 in our applications, and have encountered a SOAP / firewall problem again.

We were using an embedded browser to display the reports, as some of our client sites block or strip the SOAP wrapper from SOAP 1.1 commands that the old RS2000 control tried to use when the data passes through their firewall. We have no control over, or visability of their firewall configuration, as this is part of their own site security.

Is RS2005 still using the same older version of SOAP, or has it been moved up to version 1.2, which I believe does not trigger as many alarm bells in some firewall systems.

We have no problems makeing web service calls to our own applications through the firewall, so its only the report viewer control that gives us these problems.

I have not been able to explicitly clarify this down to the SOAP version, but it looks too close the our previous firewall problem to be anything else - comments invited !!!!!

As an aside, is there any way to trace the inbound request through IIS to ReportServer so I can see what hits the report server ? The IIS logs alone show a request has been made, but no qualifying data, and the report server logs only seem to show processing once the request has been accepted. What I want to to is see the inbound request, and then the outbound error message being returned so I can confirm my suspicions.

I have posted a similar thread on google groups for reporting services.

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Outbound SOAP Notification For DML Events

Jan 11, 2008

I'm using a SQL-2005 DB to manage TFS Build Information. I need to create a SOAP web service call in response to an INSERT in the Builds table.
I am, however, thoroughly confused about the most efficient way to do this. The best I can come up with is to create a CLR function that takes the build number from the DB Insert statement, creates the XML and sends the msg to my already published (and already being used) WebService. The CLR function would be called in a trigger set of by the insert.

I don't suppose there is a native way to generate outbound SOAP msgs based upon DML events?

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Tracing HTTP/SOAP Endpoints

Mar 23, 2008

Has anyone worked out how to trace SOAP/HTTP Endpoints in SQL 2005 SP 2?

I'm not having a particular problem, just want to know how things work, such as which layer is responsible for the HTTP Authentication. I've traced the HTTP.sys stack using logman.exe (see .

I cannot see any SQL Profiler events, and I've tried setting trace 7801 and 7803 as described in but they do not result in any logging.


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Web Service Task And Authentication Using Soap Headers

Jan 17, 2006

I've tried creating several Web Service Tasks and had no problems until I came across one that requires authentication. I have a standalone program to handle this Web Service, but I'm experimenting with SSIS to see if I can replace it.

Anyone know how to handle this?

-- Scott

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Error Opening Pdf Report Called Via SOAP

Oct 9, 2007

We've been opening pdf reports using SOAP for some time now and all of the sudden we're getting errors when the user is on IE6. IE7 is fine.

The error we're getting is from the Acrobat reader is:

"There was an error opening the document. The file cannot be found"

Here's the code that opens the report:

Dim report As Byte() = Nothing

Dim rs As report_engine2.ReportExecutionService = New report_engine2.ReportExecutionService


rs.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(rs_login, rs_password)

rs.PreAuthenticate = True

Dim reportpath As String = rs_folder & report_name

Dim zoom As String = "False"

Dim deviceInfo As String = Nothing

Select Case format

Case "HTML4.0", "HTML3.2"

deviceInfo = "<DeviceInfo>"

deviceInfo &= "<Toolbar>False</Toolbar>"

deviceInfo &= "<Parameters>False</Parameters>"

deviceInfo &= "<HTMLFragment>True</HTMLFragment>"

deviceInfo &= "<StyleStream>False</StyleStream>"

deviceInfo &= "<Section>0</Section>"

deviceInfo &= "<Zoom>" & zoom & "</Zoom>"

deviceInfo &= "</DeviceInfo>"

Case Else

deviceInfo = "<DeviceInfo></DeviceInfo>"

End Select

'array of parameters

Dim parameters(0) As report_engine2.ParameterValue '0 means one parameter in the report

Dim paramValue As report_engine2.ParameterValue = New report_engine2.ParameterValue

paramValue.Name = param1_name

paramValue.Value = param1_value

parameters(0) = paramValue

'variables for the remaining paramters

Dim historyID As String = Nothing

Dim credentials As report_engine2.DataSourceCredentials = Nothing

Dim showHideToggle As String = Nothing

Dim extension As String = GetExtension(mimeType)

Dim warnings() As report_engine2.Warning = Nothing

Dim reportHistoryParameters() As report_engine2.ParameterValue = Nothing

Dim streamIDS() As String = Nothing

Dim execInfo As New report_engine2.ExecutionInfo

Dim execHeader As New report_engine2.ExecutionHeader

rs.ExecutionHeaderValue = execHeader

execInfo = rs.LoadReport(reportpath, historyID)

rs.SetExecutionParameters(parameters, "en-us")


'execute the report

report = rs.Render(format, deviceInfo, "", mimeType, "", warnings, streamIDS)

'set the filename

Dim fileName As String = savefilename & "." & extension

'write the report back to the response object


response.ContentType = mimeType

'add the file name to the response if it is not a web browser format.

If mimeType <> "text/html" Then

response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & fileName)

End If

'send the byte array containing the report



Catch ex As Exception

End Try

This used to work just fine until about a week ago. We're not sure if there was a MS update that caused this behavior. If the user saves the report to a local disk instead of opening it, they can save it successfully and open it later.

Any thoughts on where to go with this one?


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Soap Message Exchange Between .NET Webservice And Stored Procedure

Aug 16, 2007


is message exchange between a .NET Webservice and a SQL stored procedure possible?
And if, could you please explain me how? Or give me a tip where i can get more informations
and maybe samples?
thanks for your help


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SOAP API Rendering In HTML4.0 Format With Toggle Items

Jul 25, 2007

I have been combing the Internet trying to find a way to use the SOAP API
(ReportExecution2005) web service to render a report to HTML4.0 format with
toggle items. From what I have read, the new web services should provide
ASP.NET server-side postbacks from the toggle item images, but so far I have
seen only the same behavior as was in RS 2000, which was that the toggle item
images pointed back to the ReportServer address. The following is the device
info settings that i have used to get the images to show up on the aspx page:


If I switch the HTMFragment to True I don't get any toggle item images to
render on the page but the report still shows up, and when I actually set the
StreamRoot paramter to something like this
"http://[server]/[virtualdirectory]/GetImage.aspx?reportpath=[path]&streamid=" to render the toggle item images, I get a http 400 : Bad Request error page.

Can someone please provide some information or sample code on how to render
an HTML4.0 report using the SQL 2005 Reporting Services web service and
getting the toggle item images to render as well as work correctly.



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SSIS Web Service Task - SOAP Header Input

Feb 7, 2008


In SSIS web service task - when you specify the Service and Method in the input tab for a WSDL file being used,
it seems to prompt for the parameters to be supplied only in the body of the WSDL file, and not the header.

I need to be able to provide security information (present in the SOAP header of the WSDL) like username, password etc..which is necessary to post any response to the web server, and I cannot see where I can give this in the input tab of the web service task.

Any help highly appreciated.


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Help With SOAP Lite Client Error Problems - CGI Code

Mar 13, 2006


I have been working on a soap client project for over a week now and can not figure out what I am doing wrong. I am not an expert using Perl or SOAP so any help would be "greatly" appreciated.

I get basic errors throughout, starting with:
Error - SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::send_receive: POST
It seems as if the user access information is not carried through as it should, but I truly have no idea what the problem is.

Here is what I have put together so far.


sub procgetmemberinfo {

my $pin = "$form{'lPin'}";
my $password = "$form{'sPassword'}";

my $soap = SOAP::Lite
-> uri('')
-> on_action( sub { join '/', '', $_[1] } )
-> proxy('');

my @params = (
SOAP::Data->name(lPin => $pin),
SOAP::Data->name(sPassword => $password)

my $method = SOAP::Data->name('GetMemberInfo')->attr({xmlns => ''});

my $result = $soap->call($method => @params);
unless ($result->fault) {

my $title = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/TITLE');
my $firstname = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/FIRST');
my $middlename = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/MIDDLE');
my $lastname = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/LAST');
my $suffix = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/SUFFIX');
my $address1 = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/STREET_ADDRESS');
my $address2 = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/ADDRESS2');
my $city = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/CITY');
my $stateprovince = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/STATE_PROV');
my $postalcode = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/ZIP');
my $country = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/COUNTRY');
my $homephone = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/HOME_PHONE');
my $workphone = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/WORK_PHONE');
my $emailaddress = $result->valueof('//GetMemberInfoResult/diffgram/NewDataSet/MEMBERS/EMAIL');

print "<font face=arial size=2><b>PIN Number:</b> $pin</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Password:</b> $password</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Title:</b> $title</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>First Name:</b> $firstname</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Middle Name:</b> $middlename</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Last Name:</b> $lastname</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Suffix:</b> $suffix</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Address1:</b> $address1</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Address2:</b> $address2</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>City:</b> $city</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>State:</b> $stateprovince</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>ZIP/Postal Code:</b> $postalcode</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Country:</b> $country</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Home Phone:</b> $homephone</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Work Phone:</b> $workphone</font><br>";
print "<font face=arial size=2><b>Email Address:</b> $emailaddress</font>";


else {
print join ', ',


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Ensuring SOAP Request Success/Failure Notification

May 2, 2007

More of a general SOAP service call question.

Does anybody have any experience/advice on how to ensure that SOAP service call success/failures are returned to the calling app?

Consider a client that calls a SOAP service during which the client goes down and is unable to receive the SOAP response, the work having been done by the service. Similarly, the SOAP service may perform the task but a failure in the return makes the client think the process failed.

What would be the best way to ensure that the client is notified to avoid the call having to be made again?

Are there middleware tools that can be used to provide a form of message queuing for SOAP service calls?


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