SP: Execute Long-running Queries In Small Chunks

May 7, 2002

Here's a little SP to break up those long-running, massively-locking, bring-app-to-a-halt queries. By default it does 500 rows at a time and allows for a maximum SQL query size of 4000 characters; it should be trivial to adjust those.


CREATE PROCEDURE p_BatchExecute (@vcSQL varchar(4000)) AS
set nocount on
DECLARE @iRows int
select @iRows=1
WHILE @iRows>0
print 'Executing batch of 500...'
exec (@vcSQL)
set @iRows=@@ROWCOUNT

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Insert In Row Small Chunks

Oct 19, 2006


i have a big table (120 million records) and i want to take all this table and to insert it into another table. since this BULK insert operation can make all kind of performance problem i would like to make the bulk insert via small chunks. the table does not have any idintity.

can someone give me an exapmle with rowcount or with a loop to make each time an insert into select statment and to insert in each time for example 5000 rows.

help is appriciated,



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Long Running Queries

Apr 3, 2008

1. could any one tell me in a simple way how to troubleshoot long running queries.
2.what is the default recovery model

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Long Running Queries

May 9, 2008


I want to find long running queries?

Can any one help me?

Prashant Hirani

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Reacting To Long Running Queries

Mar 5, 2002

Hello All

I have queries which take over 30 secs to run, which I wish to monitor.
Currently, I am monitoring using sql profiler.
Is there any way of setting up mail to e-mail me when such a query happens.
Could I set up an Alert, or is there some other method.

I want to be able to react to these events faster before the users complain.
I am using sql server 7 enterprise and I have exchange set up.

Any help would be great


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Validation Queries Running Too Long

Aug 30, 2006

I have a table that contains approx 200 thousand records that I need to run validations on. Here's my stored proc:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspValidateLoadLeads]
@sQuotes char(1) = null, @sProjectId varchar(10) = null, @sErrorText varchar(1000) out
DECLARE @ProcName sysname, @Error int, @RC int, @lErrorCode bigint, DECLARE @SQL varchar(8000)

IF @sQuotes = '0'
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sPhone = RTrim(LTrim(Convert(varchar(30), Convert(numeric(20, 1), phone))))
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sPhone = phone

--2. Remove quotes
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sphone = REPLACE(sphone,'"' , '')

--3. Remove decimal, comma, dashes, parenthesis
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sphone = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(sphone,'.',''),',','' ),'-',''), ' ',''), '(', ''), ')', '')

--4. Update failed Validation column if not 10 digits
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sFailedValidation = 'X'
WHERE(Len(RTrim(LTrim(sPhone))) <> 10)

--5. Dedup
SET a.sFailedValidation = 'X'
FROM dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging a (nolock)
INNER JOIN dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging b
ON a.sPhone= b.sPhone
WHERE(a.iList_StagingID > b.iList_StagingID)

--6. Update failed Validation column if not numeric
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sFailedValidation = 'X'
WHERE(IsNumeric(RTrim(LTrim(sPhone))) = 0)

--7. Update time zones
SET s.sTimeZone =z.sTimeZone
FROM dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging s (nolock)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.prPhoneTimeZone z
ON left(rtrim(ltrim(s.sphone)),3) = z.sPhoneAreaCode

--8. Insert into dialing table only records that have not failed the validation
INSERT dbo.prProjectDiallingList(iPrProjectId, sPhoneNumber, sTimeZone)
SELECT @sProjectId,sPhone, sTimeZone
FROM dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
WHERE ISNULL(sFailedValidation,'1') = '1'

SET d.bProcessReporting = 1
FROM dbo.prProjectDialling d
WHERE d.iPrProjectId = @sProjectId

When I execute this stored proc it runs for more than 5 minutes. Is there anything i can do to speed it up? Maybe there is a faster way of writing these queries?



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Measuring The Progress Of Long Running Queries

Jul 21, 2001

Is there any way to measure the progress of a long running query,
for instance, to find where in a query plan a query is in SQL 7.0?

I have a query I am running that is currently 2 1/2 hours into the
query. Since it's joining three large tables, one with 42 million rows
and two with 7 million rows, I'm expecting the query to take a
while. However, I have no way of estimating exactly how long
it will take. Before I ran it, I optimized it the best I could in
Query Analyzer using an estimated query plan, making sure I had
all the right indexes, etc. I've been trying to use the estimated cost
to project query time, but that hasn't been working since queries
with similar costs can take radically different amounts of time to

Now I'm sitting here waiting, wondering if the query is just taking
too long, and I should stop it and work on optimizing it some more
(since I will have to run a couple more queries like it), or let it
finish. But I have no clue how close it is to finishing. I've tried looking
at the Physical I/O given by sp_who2 and then trying to calculate the
number of pages it would have to read if it had to read everything
from disk, then estimating it's progress by that, but this seems dubious
at best, since I don't know a whole slew of factors (ie: how many
pages are being read from the cache, is my page calculation correct,

So, does anyone know of any way to figure out how soon a long
running query will finish in SQL 7.0?


Trevor Lohrbeer

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Detecting Or Monitoring For Long-running Queries.

Jul 20, 2005

I can't seem to find a step-by-step guide to how to detect orcontinuously monitor for long-running queries that is suitablefor a comparative SQL Server novice. I know that it is possibleto monitor for such with other database products - can anyoneenlighten me as to how this is done with SQL Server? Ideally,I'd like to snapshot running queries (preferably with querytext) at a particular instant via a script, although any helpto show what queries are running at an instant will be muchappreciated. Any ideas?__________________________________________________ ___________Are you Catholic ?http://www.CatholicEmail.com100s of FREE email addresses --->http://www.UltimateEmail.comSend an Online Greeting Card http://www.UltimateEcards.com

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Tracking Long Running Queries/stored Procs

Feb 22, 2001

We have just implemented our new app and I need to improve performance. We are the victims of not having a very adequate stress testing tool prior to launch. Is there an easy way to track all queries or stored procs longer than a specified time?

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Tracking Long Running Queries/stored Procs

Feb 26, 2001

We have just implemented our new app and are expericing some slowness but no blocking issues. Is there an easy way to track all queries taking over x seconds to run?

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Long Running Queries In Com+ Component And Aginest As400,db2,informix

Apr 9, 2008


My company told me to prepare document on long runnings queries.

We have components and developed in vb6 and some methods are doing call to as400,db2,informix.

Here I am can not know how tackle and do reaserch on the same.

Question infront me as:
1. why timeout not happen on com+ components.
2. how to prepair document for my reaserch.


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Best Practice For A Long Running Queries / Asynchronously Calling A Stored Proc?

May 23, 2008

All -

I am using SQL Server 2005 and I have an endpoint that exposes some stored procedures as web-methods in the endpoint.

One particular stored procedure I have exposed takes a long time to execute: about 10 - 15 minutes. While, it is OK, that this stored procedure takes this long, it is not desirable for the HTTP Request that executed this proc to not wait for that long.

What I want to be able to do is to call the stored procedure and have the call return immidetaly but the stored proc continues what its doing. I will call another stored proc at a later time to retrive the result of the first stored proc. The first proc will store its results in a temp table. I am thinking of using SQL Server Service Broker to achieve this.

Is there a better a way to achieve this? And how does SQL Server process the Service Broker requests, i.e., I dont want the query to be executed when the server is busy. Are there any hints that I need to give to Service Broker to be able to do this?


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Execute Long Running Transaction - Fire And Forget

Aug 25, 2007

How can I execute a long running transaction using something similar to the fire and forget pattern?
I intend to start the execution of a very long stored proc from within IIS. I would like to execute a sql script that will start the job and return immediately so that it doesn't hold an IIS thread.

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LongestRunningQueries.vbs - Using A VB Script To Show Long-running Queries, Complete With Query Plans

Jul 17, 2006

Try this script to see what queries are taking over a second.To get some real output, you need a long-running query. Here's one(estimated to take over an hour):PRINT GETDATE()select count_big(*)from sys.objects s1, sys.objects s2, sys.objects s3,sys.objects s4, sys.objects s5PRINT GETDATE()Output is:session_id elapsed task_alloc task_dealloc runningSqlText FullSqlTextquery_plan51 32847 0 0 select count_big(*) from sys.objects s1, sys.objects s2,sys.objects s3, sys.objects s4, sys.objects s5 SQL PlanClicking on SQL opens the full SQL batch as a .txt file, including the PRINTstatementsClicking on Plan allows you to see the .sqlplan file in MSSMS========Title: Using a VB Script to show long-running queries, complete with queryplans.Today (July 14th), I found a query running for hours on a development box.Rather than kill it, I decided to use this opportunity to develop a scriptto show long-running queries, so I could see what was going on. (ReferenceRoy Carlson's article for the idea.)This script generates a web page which shows long-running queries with thecurrently-executing SQL command, full SQL text, and .sqlplan files. The fullSQL query text and the sqlplan file are output to files in your tempdirectory. If you have SQL Management Studio installed on the localcomputer, you should be able to open the .sqlplan to see the query plan ofthe whole batch for any statement.'LongestRunningQueries.vbs'By Aaron W. West, 7/14/2006'Idea from:'http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/rcarlson/scriptedserversnapshot.asp'Reference: Troubleshooting Performance Problems in SQL Server 2005'http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/tsprfprb.mspxSub Main()Const MinimumMilliseconds = 1000Dim srvnameIf WScript.Arguments.count 0 Thensrvname = WScript.Arguments(0)Elsesrvname = InputBox ( "Enter the server Name", "Server", ".", VbOk)If srvname = "" ThenMsgBox("Cancelled")Exit SubEnd IfEnd IfConst adOpenStatic = 3Const adLockOptimistic = 3Dim i' making the connection to your sql server' change yourservername to match your serverSet conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")' this is using the trusted connection if you use sql logins' add username and password, but I would then encrypt this' using Windows Script Encoderconn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=" & _srvname & ";Trusted_Connection=Yes;Initial Catalog=Master;"' The query goes heresql = "select " & vbCrLf & _" t1.session_id, " & vbCrLf & _" t2.total_elapsed_time AS elapsed, " & vbCrLf & _" -- t1.request_id, " & vbCrLf & _" t1.task_alloc, " & vbCrLf & _" t1.task_dealloc, " & vbCrLf & _" -- t2.sql_handle, " & vbCrLf & _" -- t2.statement_start_offset, " & vbCrLf & _" -- t2.statement_end_offset, " & vbCrLf & _" -- t2.plan_handle," & vbCrLf & _" substring(sql.text, statement_start_offset/2, " & vbCrLf & _" CASE WHEN statement_end_offset<1 THEN 8000 " & vbCrLf & _" ELSE (statement_end_offset-statement_start_offset)/2 " & vbCrLf & _" END) AS runningSqlText," & vbCrLf & _" sql.text as FullSqlText," & vbCrLf & _" p.query_plan " & vbCrLf & _"from (Select session_id, " & vbCrLf & _" request_id, " & vbCrLf & _" sum(internal_objects_alloc_page_count) as task_alloc, " &vbCrLf & _" sum (internal_objects_dealloc_page_count) as task_dealloc " &vbCrLf & _" from sys.dm_db_task_space_usage " & vbCrLf & _" group by session_id, request_id) as t1, " & vbCrLf & _" sys.dm_exec_requests as t2 " & vbCrLf & _"cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(t2.sql_handle) AS sql " & vbCrLf & _"cross apply sys.dm_exec_query_plan(t2.plan_handle) AS p " & vbCrLf & _"where t1.session_id = t2.session_id and " & vbCrLf & _" (t1.request_id = t2.request_id) " & vbCrLf & _" AND total_elapsed_time " & MinimumMilliseconds & vbCrLf & _"order by t1.task_alloc DESC"rs.Open sql, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic'rs.MoveFirstpg = "<html><head><title>Top consuming queries</title></head>" & vbCrLfpg = pg & "<table border=1>" & vbCrLfIf Not rs.EOF Thenpg = pg & "<tr>"For Each col In rs.Fieldspg = pg & "<th>" & col.Name & "</th>"c = c + 1Nextpg = pg & "</tr>"Elsepg = pg & "Query returned no results"End Ifcols = cdim filenamedim WshShellset WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")temp = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(WshSysEnv("TEMP")) & ""filename = temp & filenameDim fso, fSet fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")i = 0Dim cDo Until rs.EOFi = i + 1pg = pg & "<tr>"For c = 0 to cols-3pg = pg & "<td>" & RTrim(rs(c)) & "</td>"Next'Output FullSQL and Plan Text to files, provide links to themfilename = "topplan-sql" & i & ".txt"Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(temp & filename, True, True)f.Write rs(cols-2)f.Closepg = pg & "<td><a href=""" & filename & """>SQL</a>"filename = "topplan" & i & ".sqlplan"Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(temp & filename, True, True)f.Write rs(cols-1)f.Closepg = pg & "<td><a href=""" & filename & """>Plan</a>"'We could open them immediately, eg:'WshShell.run temp & filenamers.MoveNextpg = pg & "</tr>"Looppg = pg & "</table>"filename = temp & "topplans.htm"Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, True, True)f.Write pgf.CloseDim oIESET oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")oIE.Visible = TrueoIE.Navigate(filename)'Alternate method:'WshShell.run filename' cleaning uprs.Closeconn.CloseSet WshShell = NothingSet oIE = NothingSet f = NothingEnd SubMain

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Not Able To Retrieve Rows From Small Table-So Many Time For So Long

Mar 8, 2005

Dear Participants,

We are using merge replication for multi locational database but we are facing one problem in only one table which is not included in replication-

Table name is xxxxmast has only 39 row static information, but it used by every users for all task as select only information from this table like-

Select fin_year into mem_variable from xxxxmast where co_name = :global_variable

Code validation from here only.

Right validation from here only.

Report retrival validation from here only.

It means its usage for select from every user frequentely for so many times but we have to only fetch information from this table.

It was working prior fine but rightnow get problem for while-

Today Dated 08-March this table not accessible fro three times in eight hours-

1st time for 10 minute.

2nd time 10 minutes

3rd time 52 minutes.

Users want to login but at the login time years and other validation from this table, so users awaited for above mention time.

We had have do following by yesterday-

Drop table xxxxmast.

Create table xxxxmast.

Insert required data.

This is realy trouble for our application.

Any help realy great for us.



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How To Kill A Long Running Query Running On A Background Thread.

Sep 1, 2006

If I start a long running query running on a background thread is there a way to abort the query so that it does not continue running on SQL server?

The query would be running on SQL Server 2005 from a Windows form application using the Background worker component. So the query would have been started from the background workers DoWork event using ado.net. If the user clicks an abort button in the UI I would want the query to die so that it does not continue to use sql server resources.

Is there a way to do this?


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SQL Express Running Slow On Small Business Server

Jan 5, 2007


We have SQL Express running very slowly on Small Business Server. Does
anyone know if there is a conflict between the two? Or any ideas on how
to solve our problem?

(Autoclose is set to


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Queries Take A Long Time After Sp2 Installation

Jun 5, 2007

Has anyone had thsi issue, if so what was the fix?

We installed service pack2, the day after 2 of our production jobs started taking a long time to complete and causing a ton of blocking.

it went from running in 2 minutes to now taking 3 hours and 29 minutes to run. Can someone help?

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How Long Does It Take For Sp_repldone To Execute?

Mar 2, 2005

Does the time it takes to execute sp_repldone depend on the size of the transaction log it's working on? Basically, I am executing sp_repldone to mark all of the transactions as replicated, so I am wondering it sp_repldone goes through each unreplicated transaction and marks it, or does it just go to the last unreplicated transaction and marks only the last one, and all of the previous ones are automatically consideres replicated? Reason to ask: our transaction log is around 27GB right now, although normally it's approximately 1GB. The sp_repldone command has been executing for the past 30 hours, and since it doesn't give any information as to the status of the execution, I'm wondering if it's doing anything at all... :confused: I also checked the process, and it in not blocked by anything. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Long Running Query - Only From .NET

Aug 22, 2007

I have a pretty complex query that aggregates lots of data and inserts multiple rows of that data into a reporting table.  When I call this SPROC from SQL Server Management Studio, it executes in under 3 seconds.  When I try to execute the same SPROC using .NET's SqlCommand object the query runs indefinitely until the CommandTimeout is reached. Why would this SPROC behave differently with the same inputs, but being called from .NET? Thanks for your help! 

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Long Running Update...

Aug 20, 2001

Hi everyone.... I'm trying to execute this update statement... It takes an eternity... any ideas on how to rewrite or speed it up?

It's a several step process... below is everything that i run, one step at a time. The final update statement is what takes so long. It should only affect about 2600 rows out of a potential 9000. That's why I'm confused on the response time

select d.olddevicename, de.device, d.newdevicename into #temp9
from dns d, devices de
where de.device = d.olddevicename

update #temp9 set device = newdevicename where olddevicename = device

update devices set device = #temp9.device from #temp9, devices where #temp9.device in
(select #temp9.device from #temp9, devices where #temp9.olddevicename = devices.device)

Thank you!


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Long Running Process

Jan 10, 2001

Hi all,

I have 3 three scheduled job: one runs onece a day, one runs once per hour, and another runs every 17 minutes. It is a NetIQ application. I just scheduled SQL Server maintianace job last night which ran at 2:00Am and 4:00Am. This morning, I came in office and found all my jobs were still running; and they were all blocked by the first 3 jobs. I had to kill all of them. In this afternoon, I kicked off one of my many DTS packages which runs usually about 40 minutes, but it failed. I tried several times but no luck. I suspected one of user tables corrupted or one of stored procedures corrupted. After I recycle the server, and dropped the table and the stored procedure, and recreated them, the package went fine. The store procedure involves many updates and inserts.

The question I have is: is it possible to cause this problem because I killed the unfinished jobs (especially the sql maintanace job)?

NOTE: the sql maintanace job does not include the backup of database and transaction log.

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Why Is The Query Running For So Long?

Feb 7, 2003

When I execute the following stored procedure it runs for about a minute.

CREATE PROCEDURE EquipmentListByProduct
@iProdTypeId int

DECLARE@iError int, @iRows int

SELECT pn.prodTypeId, pn.prodId, pn.prodName
FROM prodNames pn
WHERE pn.prodTypeId = @iProdTypeId

SELECT@iError = @@ERROR, @iRows = @@ROWCOUNT
IF ( @iError <> 0 )

IF ( @iRows = 0 )


The table only has 22 records.
Do I need to index the table? If so how do I do this?

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Backups Running Too Long

Mar 11, 2003

My backups are running 5-6 hours on SQL2000. I'm sure they only used to take 1 hour or so. On another server, backing up the same database (both about 50 gig), the backup only takes 45 min - 1 hour. What can I look at to see why it's taking so long ?

(edit) I'm using a maint plan to backup to disk

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Montor Long Running Job

Jul 30, 2004

Trying to come up with a way to monitor (without profiler, hopefully with a job and a select statement) a specific sql job that may cause a problem if the duration is too long. It seems that there is an sp called sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory that shoves a record in sysjobhistory, but only after all the job steps run. Anyone tried this before?

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How To Check Since How Long This Job Is Running

Jun 4, 2008

Hello Gurus
I am using sql 2005 and one job status is executing in job monitor in 2005,How can i check since how long this job is running?
Please advice


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Long Running Backups

Jul 20, 2005

I've got a server (SQL 2K, Win2K) where the backupshave started running long.The database is a bit largish -- 150GB or so. Up untillast month, the backups were taking on the order of4 to 5 hours -- depending on the level of activity on theserver.I'm using a T-SQL script in the SQLAgent to run thebackups. Native SQL backup to an AIT tape drive.Now, for no apparent reason, the backups are takingon the order of 24 to 26 hours. The backups completesuccessfully -- no errors, just taking an outrageouslylong time to complete. DBCCs check out AOK, noproblems with the database.No changes to the machine. No hardware changes. Nosoftware changes. Weird.Multiple tape media have been tried -- it's not a caseof a tape going bad.We've had no problems with this box for almost 4years. Now it's gettin' jiggy with us!Any ideas on where to start with this one?Thanks in advance.

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Long-running Report

Jul 6, 2007

Hi. I'm fairly new to SSRS, and very new to this forum. I have a report based on a stored procedure. I've optimized the procedure so that it runs from 2-4 minutes (previously over half an hour). However, when I run the report that calls the sp, it runs forever (well over 45 minutes in some cases), and the users basically give up on it. Any ideas of why this happens and what steps I can take to improve performance?



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Long Running Packages

Dec 21, 2006

I need to execute a long running package (it takes about 16 hours to finish) to load a data warehouse for the first time with all historical data. This package it's a master package and execute other packages; I log the start time and the finish time of the package in a table to manage future incremental loads.

I executed the package on sql server where it is saved, but after 8 hours it was running, a new package was started automatically. Then two more packages started .. each every two hours.

I set the MaxConcorrentExecutable = 4, this could affect this strange behavoir ?

Anyone could imagine wath happened ?



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Long Running Query

Jun 2, 2006


I'm trying to optimize a long running (several hours) query. This query is a cross join on two tables. Table 1 has 3 fields - ROWID, LAt and Long. Table 2 has Name, Addr1,Addr2,City,State,Zip,Lat,Long.

Both tables has LatRad - Lat in radians, LonRad- Lon in Radians. Sin and Cos values of Lat and Lon are calulated and stored to be used in the distance formula.

What I'm trying to do here is find the nearest dealer (Table 2) for each of Table 1 rows. The Select statement takes a long time to execute as there are about 19 million recs on table 1 and 1250 rows in table 2. I ran into Log issues- filling the transaction log, so I'm currently using table variables and split up the process into 100000 recs at a time. I cross join and calculate the distance (@DistValues) and then find the minimum distance (tablevar2) for each rowid and then the result is inserted into another Table (ResultTable).

My Code looks like this:

Declare @DistValues table (DataSeqno varchar(10),Lat2 numeric(20,6),Lon2 numeric(20,6),StoreNo varchar(60), Lat1 numeric(20,6),Long1 numeric(20,6),Distance numeric(20,15))

Declare @MinDistance table (DataSeqno varchar(10) primary key,distance numeric(20,15))

Insert into @DistValues

Select DataSeqno,T.Lat Lat2,T.Lon Lon2,S.StoreNo,S.Lat Lat1,S.Long Long1,

distance=3963.1*Case when cast(S.SinLat * T.SinLat + S.CosLat * T.cosLat * cos(T.Lonrad - s.Lonrad) as numeric(20,15)) not between -1.0 and 1.0 then 0.0 else acos(cast(S.SinLat * T.SinLat + S.CosLat * T.cosLat * cos(T.Lonrad - s.Lonrad) as numeric(20,15))) end

from dbo.TopNForProcess T , dbo.Table2 S where Isnull(T.Lat,0) <> 0 and Isnull(T.Lon,0)<> 0

Insert into @MinDistance

Select DataSeqno,Min(distance) From @DistValues Group by DataSeqno

Insert into ResultTable (DataSeqno,Lat2,Lon2,StoreNo,LAt1,Long1,distance)

Select D.DataSeqno, D.Lat2, D.Lon2, D.StoreNo, D.LAt1, D.Long1, M.distance from @DistValues D Inner Join @MinDistance M on D.DataSeqno = M.DataSeqno and D.Distance = M.Distance

I created a View called TopNForProcess which looks like this. This cut down the processing time compared to when I had this as the Subquery.

SELECT TOP (100000) DataSeqno, lat, Lon, LatRad, LonRad, SinLat, cosLat, SinLon, CosLon FROM Table1 WHERE (DataSeqno NOT IN (SELECT DataSeqno FROM dbo.ResultTable)) AND (ISNULL(lat, 0) <> 0) AND (ISNULL(Lon, 0) <> 0)

I have indexes on table table1 - Rowid and another one with Lat and lon. Table2 - Lat and Long.

Is there any way this can be optimized/improved? This is already in a stored procedure.

Thanks in advance.

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Long Duration Pre-Execute Phase

Mar 2, 2006

Does anyone know why SSIS sometimes just sits in the Pre-Execute phase of a data flow and does nothing? It doesn't matter how elaborate the data flow is or the volume of data. It can sometimes take 80% of the task's run time.

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Throttling A Long-running Process

Apr 13, 2007

I have a SQL procedure that can take several minutes to complete.  I allow users to initiate the process through a web site and view a progress bar.  When the process is running, though, the site slows to a crawl or times out completely.  That long running process seems to block all other queries on the database.  Is there a way to give this process a low priority or somehow throttle its resource use so that the other web processes can get a chance to run in a timely manner?
Thanks for any advice.

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Handling Long Running SQL Processes

Feb 10, 2008


I am having some difficulty with data-driven processes in an internal web application using ASP.NET framework 2.0 with SQL Server 2000.

I have a facility where the user enters search criteria to retrieve a list with the idea being that when they click a button the list set is migrated to a table as a batch. The SQL Server processes to perform the database operations can take up to 5min because of volume of data and relational complexity, which is fine.

The only problem is that I'm having trouble managing the SQL Server process if the user closes the browser or go to a new URL etc. If this happens on the client side it's like the HTTP request is terminated but the SQL statement left on the SQL Server still running, eventually it runs to completion but I would prefer the SQL process to also be abandoned and rolled back.

Any idea what is happening here and how it can be handled?

Thanks for any help.


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