SP Failing As Job Step

Oct 16, 2007

I have a SP that basically copies data from one table to another.
Some of the data could be duplicates and so the SP detects any primary
key violations (error 2627) and if detected uses a random number for
the PK and tries the insert again.

This SP works fine when run manually from Management Studio but when
scheduled as a job step, it fails. From investigation, it seems that
the logic to handle PK violations is being processed but if there are
more than around 16 PK violations in the batch copy, the job step
fails at around the 17th violation insert and fails to process the
rest of the step.

When this happens, as well as seeing the 2627 error logged in the
message field of the job log history, it also records an error code
3621 in the SQL Message ID field of the log with Severity 14.

Does anyone know why this SP should fail as a job? I have checked
permissions and also tried setting the agent login and job owner to
the same account that successfully ran the SP in Mangement Studio but
this also failed.

At present the only way to get this job to run is to set the step
retry attempts to a number greater than the number of fails. Each
time the job is rerun, it will process a certain number before failing
and it only fails after processing a certain number of PK violations.
This work around is fine in a test environment of a few hundred
records but this job needs to process roughly 75,000 records and if all
these happened to be duplicates, it would require over 4500 retries
assuming its fails after every 16 records.

Thanks in advance.


View 1 Replies


SP Failing As Job Step

Oct 16, 2007

I have a SP that basically copies data from one table to another.
Some of the data could be duplicates and so the SP detects any primary
key violations (error 2627) and if detected uses a random number for
the PK and tries the insert again.

This SP works fine when run manually from Management Studio but when
scheduled as a job step, it fails. From investigation, it seems that
the logic to handle PK violations is being processed but if there are
more than around 16 PK violations in the batch copy, the job step
fails at around the 17th violation insert and fails to process the
rest of the step.

When this happens, as well as seeing the 2627 error logged in the
message field of the job log history, it also records an error code
3621 in the SQL Message ID field of the log with Severity 14.

Does anyone know why this SP should fail as a job? I have checked
permissions and also tried setting the agent login and job owner to
the same account that successfully ran the SP in Mangement Studio but
this also failed.

At present the only way to get this job to run is to set the step
retry attempts to a number greater than the number of fails. Each
time the job is rerun, it will process a certain number before failing
and it only fails after processing a certain number of PK violations.
This work around is fine in a test environment of a few hundred
records but this job needs to process roughly 75,000 records and if all
these happened to be duplicates, it would require over 4500 retries
assuming its fails after every 16 records.

Thanks in advance.


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Sample Files From The Book SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Step By Step

Jan 18, 2008

Hi All,

Please let me know where can i find the sample files and rs2005sbsDW database in msdn library as i dont have CD provided along with the book.

Please give me the link of the sample files so that i can download it for testing the sample application.


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Step By Step SQL2000 Failover Cluster Upgrade To SQL2005

Oct 13, 2006

is there such a paper? if so, can you pls point me to it? thx in advance

View 4 Replies View Related

Step By Step To Publish/deploy The Report Project To The User Pc ?

Oct 3, 2007

hye everyone,

after finished do the report and deploy at IIS/report manager in local pc..

i want to know , what is the step /how to deploy the report project at the user's pc/ client pc /other server..

thanks in advance
thank you very much

View 16 Replies View Related

Reporting Services :: How To Convert RDL File To RDLC Step By Step

Jun 18, 2012

I want to convert .rdl  to .rdc need full steps.Actually i created .rdl report using sp sucessfully.Now i want to convert it to rdlc while doing it iam getting some authentication error and some thing else.I created rdl in 2008 and i want to change it to rdlc 2010.

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Execute Package Results Different To Step By Step Execution - Uses Raw File

Jan 31, 2007

I have a package that has multiple data flow tasks. At the end of a task, key data is written into a raw file (file name stored in a variable) that is used as a data source for the next task. Each task requires a success from the preceding task.

Here's the rub:

If I execute the entire package, the results of the package (number of records of certain tasks) differs significantly from when I execute each step in the package in turn (many more records e.g. 5 vs 350).

I get the feeling that the Raw file is read into memory before it is flushed by the previous task, or that the next task begins preparation tasks too early.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I am running on Server 2003 64 (although the same thing happens when deployed on a Server 2003 32 machine)



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Step-by-step Deployment Of Single-user Database App?

Mar 2, 2008


I hope the answer is as simple as the question -- but after reading all the documentation I could find (understand?) and a lot of posts here, I'm no closer to achieving the goal.

I have a Visual C# app, DAYTRACKER, developed in VS2005. It uses a database with several tables constructed using SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.

I want to deploy the app plus the database plus SQL Express to another machine, to be used by a single user (the administrator) with no need for network connectivity of any kind.

What I have so far is:
1. The application is successfully deployed from a CD-ROM, having used the Publish process within VS2005, and opens on the new machine -- without database connectivity, however.
2. SQL Express is successfully deployed (it deployed as a 'prerequisite' when I went through the Publish process in VS2005)
3. I manually copied the database's .mdf and .mdl files, using SQL Server Managers 'Copy Database' function, then transferred the copies to the new machine into the ..MSSQL.1MSSQLdata folder (where they appear along with the master.mdg, mastlog.ldf etc files)

Now, the DAYTRACKER application's DAYTRACKERConnectionString under 'Settings' in the VS2005 studio reads 'Data Source=DELL3;Initial Catalog=DayTracker;Integrated Security=True' (which are the appropriate parameters for the machine, DELL3, on which I wrote the program.)

The problem, of course, is that SQL Express on the new machine doesn't connect the application to the database. When I go to the 'SQL Server Configuration Manager' and go to the 'SQL Server 2005 Services' and double-click on the 'SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)' icon (the service is running) and the user is logged on using 'Local System Account'. Under the 'Service' tab the Host Name is 'MUSIC' (which is the name of the new machine I've installed the app onto -- which of course is not the name - DELL3 - that the app's connection string is expecting). Under the 'Advanced' tab, I've tried correcting the name of the Startup Parameters default .mdf and .mdl entries to ..DayTracker.mdf and ..DayTracker_log.mdl, but the server won't start up after I make the changes.

What I'm hoping for: a step-by-step way of doing this type of deployment, preferable getting it all onto one CD-ROM, and installing it on the new machine so that it all works seamlessly from the start, not requiring any 'tweaking' of the SQLServer Express settings by the end-user.

But I'll take pretty much anything that fixes the specific db connectivity problem I've described.

Thank you very much.

John F.

View 11 Replies View Related

How To Read An Database Table Step By Step (with ADO)

May 19, 2008

I have to transport a big database table and can't read it at once with "select * from table" because the table is bigger than my system memory.
Is there a way to read the table step by step? I thought it was possible with ADO and his serverside cursors but I don't now how. I need an "universal" solution that works on SQL Server 2000/2005, MySQL and Oracle.


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Enabling T-SQL Debugger (SQL2000) - Step Into, Step Over Etc

Dec 5, 2007

Connecting to a networked SQL Server Box from my local machine

Open Query Analyzer from Start menu, logging in using sa account.

from the object browser i select my stored procedure (WEA_InsertClaim) - right click and select Debug.

i am prompted to enter the parameter values, which i do, auto rollback checkbox is checked - click Execute.

T-SQL Debugger opens and runs through the stored procedure.

but only buttons enabled are the "Go", "Toggle Breakpoint", "Clear All Breakpoints"

so i can set breakpoints etc. but when i select Go it will not stop at the breakpoints it just runs through the stored procedure from start to finish. giving the correct return code as its output

is there something i need to enable in order to make it stop at breakpoints??


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Step By Step For Indirect Configuration

Feb 15, 2006

Is there a good step by step guide to setting up an indirect configuration? I've followed the steps in Kirk Haselden's 'Keep your packages in the dark' article 3 or 4 times this afternoon and nothing seems to work. I cannot even get the XML configuration file to work by accessing it directly. I'm using the wizard to create the file.

Just wondering if there was something else out there....

Thanks in advance for any help.


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SQL Server Agent Job Step Fails When Creating A SQL Server Integration Serveices Type Of Step

Mar 12, 2008


I posted this on the sql server security forums too. Here is the error that i get when i change the type of the step to ssis

Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)
Additional information:
An exception occured while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction.(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3930)

This error pops up right after i change the type of the step to "SQL Server Intergration Services Package"

I have made the following configurations:

The user group (windows group) that the user belongs has the following roles in msdb :


i have made a proxy to sql server agent which has the following subsystems :

"SQL Server Integration Services Provider" the proxy is tied to the same login which has those SQLagent and dts roles in msdb database.

Im using windows authentication and the user that logs into the sql server is in the same group that i have set all of the rights.

Ps. Clearly im missing some role or right somewhere because as soon as i give the group sysadmin role then all the users in that group can create SSIS steps in the agent.

Ps. Ps. I have been living under the impression that i dont have to give sysadmin rights to people that create ssis packages and schedule then with the agent.

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Reporting Problems W/ MS SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Step By Step To MS

Apr 26, 2007

I am trying to learn Reporting Services using the title "MS SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Step by Step" by Stacia Misner and Hitachi Consulting, published in 2006. I am experiencing problems with some of the exercises. I got as far as Chapter 4 when I followed directions to create a SQL statement to define a query string for a dataset. Pg 80:

select * from vProductProfitability

where year = 2003 and

MonthNumberOfYear = 1

The view vProductProfitability does not exist in the tutorial database that came with the book, rs2005sbsDW. The result of this query is the basis for the entire chapter on developing basic reports and I'm being denied a learning opportunity because the view does not exist. In short, I'm stuck.

I have tried to find somewhere at Microsoft to place this question and get some answers so I can continue thru the tutorial. To no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions?

BTW, the solution that came in the CD is also wrong because the query noted above is also in the solution.

This humble grasshopper seeks wisdom.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dave Matthews

Atlanta, GA

aka FlooseMan Dave

View 17 Replies View Related

Replication Step By Step

Sep 13, 2007

Dear Experts,
please guide me for replcation.....
i'm using sql server 2005 server tools developer edition. my OS is professional 2000.
and i've sqlserver 2000 client tools also

i've two databases in my machine. publisher is in different instance, and the transactions might be maximum 50 per day. my aim is when ever developer enters the data into the main database, automatically it should be updated on the my two databases also.
i mean the server is sysA and the database is srtp.
my machine is sys20 and the databases are srtp1, srtp2.
how should i make sysA as publisher?
i've right click on the server databases, but it is showing newsubscriptions option only.

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

View 8 Replies View Related

Configuring SQL Server Express In SqL Server 2005 Pro To Support MSVisual C# 2005 Step By Step

Feb 4, 2007

Visual C# 2005 Step by Step €“ John Sharp

Intel D975XBX €“ 930 €“ 2GB ram €“ HD 300GB - MatroxVD
Windows XP Sp2 + updates
Visual Studio 2005 Professional edition
SQL Sever 2005 Standard Edition

Install Practice Files at D:Program FilesMicrosoft PressVisual C Sharp Step by Step.

Configuring SQL Sever Express Edition
Hostname - xxxxxxxxx..

At sqlcmd €“s xxxxx...SQLExpress €“E got - Pipes error.

Open Microsoft SQL Sever 2005 - Configuration Tools €“ SQL Configuration Manager €“ select Protcols for SQLEXPRESS €“ select Named Pipes €“ enable €“ close.

At sqlcmd €“s xxxxx..SQLExpress €“E get Sqlcmd: €˜ €˜ : Unknown Option. Enter €˜ -? €˜ for help.

Chdir C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsMicrosoft Server 2005
Sqlcmd €“s xxxxxx..SqlExpress €“E
Hresult 0x2, Lvel 16, State 1
Named Pipes Provider: Couldnot open a connection to SQL Server [2].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.

How do I fix this?

Need to be able to to use the Northwind Traders data base


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Step By Step For Upgrading SQL Server 2000 Cluster To SQL Server 2005 Cluster

May 15, 2008

Friends -

Could any one of you provide steps for upgrading SQL Server 2000 cluster to SQL server 2005 cluster.

My environment is Windows 2003 server.

Appreciate your support.


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Job Step To Big

Jan 31, 2002

I am trying to run the code below as a step in a job, but I cannot get this much code in the step. Is there another way of running this code? I tried putting the code inside of an SP, but I got errors there too.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Tmp_importthis
Confirmation varchar(50) NULL,
StartDate datetime NULL,
C1_1 char(3) NULL,
C1_2 char(6) NULL,
C1_3 datetime NULL,
C1_4 datetime NULL,
C1_5 varchar(55) NULL,
C1_6 money NULL,
C1_7 int NULL,
C1_8 char(9) NULL,
C1_9 varchar(5) NULL,
PRDept char(2) NULL,
TypeVisit int NULL,
C2_1 int NULL,
C2_2 int NULL,
C2_3 bit NULL,
C2_4 int NULL,
C2_5 bit NULL,
C2_6 varchar(50) NULL,
C2_7 char(1) NULL,
C2_8 char(1) NULL,
C2_9 char(1) NULL,
C2_10 char(1) NULL,
C2_11 char(1) NULL,
C2_12 char(1) NULL,
C2_13 char(1) NULL,
C2_14 int NULL,
C2_15 bit NULL,
C2_16 bit NULL,
C2_17 bit NULL,
C2_18 bit NULL,
C3_1 int NULL,
C3_2 int NULL,
C3_3 bit NULL,
C3_4 bit NULL,
C3_5 bit NULL,
C3_6 bit NULL,
C3_7 bit NULL,
C3_8 bit NULL,
C3_9 bit NULL,
C5_1 bit NULL,
C5_2 bit NULL,
C5_3 bit NULL,
C5_4 bit NULL,
C5_5 bit NULL,
C6_1 bit NULL,
C6_2 text NULL,
C6_3 bit NULL,
C6_4 text NULL,
C6_5 bit NULL,
C6_6 text NULL,
C6_7 bit NULL,
C6_8 bit NULL,
C6_9 bit NULL,
C6_10 text NULL,
C7_1 bit NULL,
C7_2 bit NULL,
C7_3 bit NULL,
C7_4 bit NULL,
C8_1 int NULL,
C8_2 int NULL,
C8_3 bit NULL,
C8_4 bit NULL,
C8_5 bit NULL,
C9_1 bit NULL,
C9_2 bit NULL,
C10_1 bit NULL,
C11_1 bit NULL,
C13_1 bit NULL,
C13_2 bit NULL,
C13_3 bit NULL,
C13_4 bit NULL,
C13_5 bit NULL,
LODept char(1) NULL,
C15_1 int NULL,
C15_2 int NULL,
C15_3 bit NULL,
C15_4 int NULL,
C15_5 bit NULL,
C15_6 varchar(50) NULL,
C15_7 char(2) NULL,
C15_8 char(2) NULL,
C15_9 char(2) NULL,
C15_10 char(2) NULL,
C15_11 char(2) NULL,
C15_12 char(2) NULL,
C15_13 char(2) NULL,
C15_14 int NULL,
C15_15 bit NULL,
C15_16 bit NULL,
C15_17 bit NULL,
C15_18 bit NULL,
C15_19 varchar(255) NULL,
C16_1 bit NULL,
C16_2 text NULL,
C16_3 bit NULL,
C16_4 text NULL,
C16_5 bit NULL,
C16_6 text NULL,
C16_7 bit NULL,
C16_8 bit NULL,
C16_9 bit NULL,
C16_10 text NULL,
C16_11 bit NULL,
C16_12 char(10) NULL,
C16_13 text NULL,
C16_14 bit NULL,
C16_15 bit NULL,
C16_16 text NULL,
Comments text NULL
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.importthis)
EXEC('INSERT INTO dbo.Tmp_importthis(Confirmation, StartDate, C1_1, C1_2, C1_3, C1_4, C1_5, C1_6, C1_7, C1_8, C1_9, PRDept, TypeVisit, C2_1, C2_2, C2_3, C2_4, C2_5, C2_6, C2_7, C2_8, C2_9, C2_10, C2_11, C2_12, C2_13, C2_14, C2_15, C2_16, C2_17, C2_18, C3_1, C3_2, C3_3, C3_4, C3_5, C3_6, C3_7, C3_8, C3_9, C5_1, C5_2, C5_3, C5_4, C5_5, C6_1, C6_2, C6_3, C6_4, C6_5, C6_6, C6_7, C6_8, C6_9, C6_10, C7_1, C7_2, C7_3, C7_4, C8_1, C8_2, C8_3, C8_4, C8_5, C9_1, C9_2, C10_1, C11_1, C13_1, C13_2, C13_3, C13_4, C13_5, LODept, C15_1, C15_2, C15_3, C15_4, C15_5, C15_6, C15_7, C15_8, C15_9, C15_10, C15_11, C15_12, C15_13, C15_14, C15_15, C15_16, C15_17, C15_18, C15_19, C16_1, C16_2, C16_3, C16_4, C16_5, C16_6, C16_7, C16_8, C16_9, C16_10, C16_11, C16_12, C16_13, C16_14, C16_15, C16_16, Comments)
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(50), Confirmation), CONVERT(datetime, StartDate), CONVERT(char(3), [1-1]), CONVERT(char(6), [1-2]), CONVERT(datetime, [1-3]), CONVERT(datetime, [1-4]), CONVERT(varchar(55), [1-5]), CONVERT(money, [1-6]), CONVERT(int, [1-7]), CONVERT(char(9), [1-8]), CONVERT(varchar(5), [1-9]), CONVERT(char(2), [Purchase/ReturnDept]), CONVERT(int, TypeVisit), CONVERT(int, [2-1]), CONVERT(int, [2-2]), CONVERT(bit, [2-3]), CONVERT(int, [2-4]), CONVERT(bit, [2-5]), CONVERT(varchar(50), [2-6]), CONVERT(char(1), [2-7]), CONVERT(char(1), [2-8]), CONVERT(char(1), [2-9]), CONVERT(char(1), [2-10]), CONVERT(char(1), [2-11]), CONVERT(char(1), [2-12]), CONVERT(char(1), [2-13]), CONVERT(int, [2-14]), CONVERT(bit, [2-15]), CONVERT(bit, [2-16]), CONVERT(bit, [2-17]), CONVERT(bit, [2-18]), CONVERT(int, [3-1]), CONVERT(int, [3-2]), CONVERT(bit, [3-3]), CONVERT(bit, [3-4]), CONVERT(bit, [3-5]), CONVERT(bit, [3-6]), CONVERT(bit, [3-7]), CONVERT(bit, [3-8]), CONVERT(bit, [3-9]), CONVERT(bit, [5-1]), CONVERT(bit, [5-2]), CONVERT(bit, [5-3]), CONVERT(bit, [5-4]), CONVERT(bit, [5-5]), CONVERT(bit, [6-1]), CONVERT(text, [6-2]), CONVERT(bit, [6-3]), CONVERT(text, [6-4]), CONVERT(bit, [6-5]), CONVERT(text, [6-6]), CONVERT(bit, [6-7]), CONVERT(bit, [6-8]), CONVERT(bit, [6-9]), CONVERT(text, [6-10]), CONVERT(bit, [7-1]), CONVERT(bit, [7-2]), CONVERT(bit, [7-3]), CONVERT(bit, [7-4]), CONVERT(int, [8-1]), CONVERT(int, [8-2]), CONVERT(bit, [8-3]), CONVERT(bit, [8-4]), CONVERT(bit, [8-5]), CONVERT(bit, [9-1]), CONVERT(bit, [9-2]), CONVERT(bit, [10-1]), CONVERT(bit, [11-1]), CONVERT(bit, [13-1]), CONVERT(bit, [13-2]), CONVERT(bit, [13-3]), CONVERT(bit, [13-4]), CONVERT(bit, [13-5]), CONVERT(char(1), LookOnlyDept), CONVERT(int, [15-1]), CONVERT(int, [15-2]), CONVERT(bit, [15-3]), CONVERT(int, [15-4]), CONVERT(bit, [15-5]), CONVERT(varchar(50), [15-6]), CONVERT(char(2), [15-7]), CONVERT(char(2), [15-8]), CONVERT(char(2), [15-9]), CONVERT(char(2), [15-10]), CONVERT(char(2), [15-11]), CONVERT(char(2), [15-12]), CONVERT(char(2), [15-13]), CONVERT(int, [15-14]), CONVERT(bit, [15-15]), CONVERT(bit, [15-16]), CONVERT(bit, [15-17]), CONVERT(bit, [15-18]), [15-19], CONVERT(bit, [16-1]), CONVERT(text, [16-2]), CONVERT(bit, [16-3]), CONVERT(text, [16-4]), CONVERT(bit, [16-5]), CONVERT(text, [16-6]), CONVERT(bit, [16-7]), CONVERT(bit, [16-8]), CONVERT(bit, [16-9]), CONVERT(text, [16-10]), CONVERT(bit, [16-11]), CONVERT(char(10), [16-12]), CONVERT(text, [16-13]), CONVERT(bit, [16-14]), CONVERT(bit, [16-15]), CONVERT(text, [16-16]), CONVERT(text, Comments) FROM dbo.importthis TABLOCKX')
DROP TABLE dbo.importthis
EXECUTE sp_rename 'dbo.Tmp_importthis', 'importthis'

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FTP Step In DTS.

Jun 17, 2002

I am trying to create an FTP process using DTS as one of the steps in my package, but the received file gets deleted as soon as it's received from the remote site(as soon as the FTP step completes)! Any idea on what needs to be done?

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Job Step

Mar 20, 2006

Hi All,

I am executing a stored procedure within a job step. This stored procedure executes the xp_sqlmaint stored procedure with some parameters. I run this job as 'sa'.
The job fails with the following error message:

sqlmaint.exe failed. Step failed.

What could cause this error? Please help. Thanks.

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Step Into T-sql Not Working

Jul 2, 2007

 I am wondering if anyone else has run into problems step debugging using vs 2005 t-sql stored procedures and functions.  I have two issues.
1. sometimes my breakpoinst show up as hollow and the step debugger just runs thought
2. other times, I get in and the step debugger works for 4 -10 steps and then locks up.
Any ideas are appreciated.  If there is a better place for me to post this problem, let me know.  I have searched the web on this problem extensively and have not found a solution that fixes my issue.  I am logged in with sysadmin which is the most common problem I could find online.

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Jobs Step

Sep 19, 2006

i have one job has 50 steps. every step check one database. so is not relate it. if the step one success go to next one. if fail still go to next one.. so if one of them fail. you cant see it in enterprise manager.. my question is... is there a way that i can get a warning if one of them are fail? anything beside modify the sp i am running.....
basically all the step are same.. (exec sp_xxxx 'database name')
just alot of them.

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CMD Executable From A Job Step

Feb 28, 2002

I'm trying to initiate an executable from a job step. This executable functions normally from a command prompt on the server and will initiate properly from a DTS package that is executed locally by a logged in user. It won't run from Query Analyzer, an Operating System Command jobstep, or a scheduled DTS package. The executable creates a report that gets written to disk and a window shows briefly during execution.

MS SQL 2000 on Win2K.

Any clues as to how to run this executable from a scheduled jobstep?

Thanks if you can help,

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Is DTS Step Retry Possible?

Apr 2, 2001

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Is DTS Step Retry Possible?

Apr 2, 2001

Is it possible to set up some kind of error handler in VB using the DTS DOM that will enable a retry of a step/task within a package? This is a DataPump task with a Custom Task. I am transferring 16 tables within each of the packages, 1 package for each of the 50 states, and executing them 1 at a time from a VB app. I can retry a package from the package error handler but can't find an equivalent for a step or task. I'd rather not have to resend tables, but restart from the table with the problem.

It is possible to write code to recreate an abbreviated form of the package but I'd like to avoid that, too.

Better yet, how can I avoid this error even appearing:

"Execution canceled (sic) by user".

I'm not cancelling anything, but about every 4th package this error comes up, not even while transferring the same table. If I retry the package, it almost always flies.

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Need To Take A Step Up In Complexity--please Help

Aug 5, 2005

Hi, I've been writing simple database queries for a long time, but I've come to a point where I need to do more work with fewer queries, and I've not been able to make a dent in it. Please excuse my ignorance.

I have a relational database of prices that holds the following info:

Currencies (yen, euro, dollar)
Industries (chemistry, biology, etc)
Company/Institute size (<500, 500-1000, +1000)
Main Products (lab equipment, classroom equipment, etc.)
Series (subproducts) (100ml beaker, chalk, etc)

I want to build a form where my customers can select their currency, their industry and their company size, and then display prices for a specific product (series).

My problem is on the way to the product select. I don't want to display a huge list of EVERYTHING--I want the customer to be able to first select a Main Product, and then populate a list with the relevant sub product for them to select.

However my database is set up with three tables for the individual products: a MainProducts table with main products and ids, a Series table with sub products (we call them series) and ids, and a third table Products that combines the mainproductid with the subproductid to create a unique Productid that is used throughout the rest of the database to get the prices.

(see the relationships here: http://magneticmirror.com/db.gif. The reason for this is that Series in two different MainProducts can have the same name, and so constitute different Products)

The only way I know how to display the name of the relevant series (sub products) is to get the user to:

*select a MainProduct from a list;
*then select all ProductIDs from the the Products table with that MainProductID;
*then for each row from the Products table, take the SeriesID (sub product) and run that against the Series table to get the name of the series corresponding to that ID

if there are 50 series in a product line, that would be 50 individual queries just to populate the list.

There must be a better way. Is this what joining tables is about?

Thanks for any help.


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Maintenance Job Step Help

Aug 17, 2007

Hi guys. I set up a maintenance job on my SQL 2000 server to back up a database. Before the job kicks in to back up the database, I would like to set up a step to check for a file first on another box. If the file exists, continues; otherwise, terminate the job. When I create a step, how can I check whether a file from \testserver empflag.log is there? What kind of method I can use?

I tried to paste some vbscript codes in the step; however, I don't know how to use vbscript to execute the next step. Below is the vbscript codes - please see bolds.

Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim objFso, LogFile, dteStart, sFolder, WshShell
sFolder = "\botest3ackupflag.log"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set LogFile = objfso.getfile(sFolder)

dteStart = Now()

Do Until DateDiff("n", dteStart, Now()) > 5 OR Not objFSO.FileExists(sFolder)
Wscript.Sleep 10000

If objFSO.FileExists(sFolder) Then
<don't know what to put here to execute the next step>
WshShell.logevent 1, "Time Expired - Cannot Find Flag.log"
<also don't know what to put here to stop the job>
End if
Set objFso = Nothing
Set sFolder = Nothing
Set dteStart = Nothing
Set dteStart = Nothing
Set WshShell = Nothing

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Jobs With More Than One Step

Oct 8, 2007

1. There are 2 steps in one job. Even if one is succeed then
EXECUTE @IRetval = msdb.dbo.sp_get_composite_job_info @schedule_id = 8
IF (@IRetval <> 0)
SET @BResult = 0 --Failure
SET @BResult = 1 --Success
gives success.

Do I need to create two jobs if I need to address whether all the steps are successful?

2. If the job fails then to which table does error code and error description is populated?

Ashish Johri

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Job Executes Only First Step

Feb 13, 2006

I have three stored procedures that need to run nightly in SQL 7. The threeprocedures are not related; but to keep the procedures from running at thesame time, I placed them as three steps of a single job. The first two stepsare set to "Goto next step" on success; the last step is set to "Quit withsuccess."The job runs every night. However, only the first step/procedure isexecuted. Also, the first step has a green flag next to its ID in the Stepstab of the job propertiesI suppose I could just call all three SPs from a single stored procedurethat is run nightly. But I thought that putting them as three steps in asingle job would cause all three to run. What am I doing wrong?Thanks!Neil

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Getting Schedule ID In Job Step

Mar 31, 2008

I have a job with 3 different schedules. When a job executes, is there a way to get the schedule Id under which the job step is being executed?


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Stuck On Step #1!

Oct 23, 2006

I'm trying to load in the code to a tutorial that requires SQL Server. Step number one on the install instructions says:

Set Up The Database

You may choose to set up your own Northwind database or restore the included Northwind.bak. Regardless of which approach you take you will need to grant your local [MachineName]ASPNET account access to Northwind and then execute GenerateStoredProcedures.sql against it to create the stored procedures. If you receive a message "There is no such user or group 'aspnet'." you may need to search and replace "ASPNET" with "[your machine name]ASPNET"
I'm using SQL Server Express and the SQL Server Management Studio Express, and well...I'm already stuck. I'm trying to create a new user named ASPNET from the management Studio. I don't see any UI that mentions creating user accounts, and the closest thing is LOGIN accounts. So I created a ASPNET login account, and the disconnected from SQL Express and tried to login as ASPNET. When I do this, I get an error that reads:

Login failed for user 'aspnet'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL server connection. ERROR: 18452
suprisingly, every SQL Express tutorial that I could find never seems to mention anything about creating a user account. Can someone clue me in to what I am doing wrong? Or point me to a SQL Express tutorial that explains user accounts or logins so I can move on to step #2.
Thanks, -=Me=-

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Non-existent Step?

Jul 6, 2007

My package runs fine in Business Studio. When I schedule it the error log message is 'jobmanager tried to run a non-existent step (2) for job ...'

There is only the one step defined in the package schedule. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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From Job Step Execute Bin Pkg Or Non-Bin Pkg

Oct 25, 2006

Have 10 pkgs in an SSIS solution. All share a common data source but none of the pkgs call each other. I store everything on the hard drive. I build the solution and it builds all the 10 pkgs and places the 10 pkgs in the bin folder.

When I call a pkg from a job step, do I just want to point to the pkg in the bin folder. It works either way, calling the pkg in the bin and non-bin folder. Im thinking I should call the one in the bin folder. Or should I be calling the pkg somehow with the syntax - MySSISsolution.Pkg3?

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Step Validation

Oct 19, 2006

Is it possible to avoid SSIS steps validation to be performed during execution of a package? It slow down execution time to much.


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