I have a custom SP running from a PB application. When I am retrieving information for a certain client, a co-worker decides to run the same custom SP for another client before my results are displayed. When both results display, I end up with certain pieces of data from his client and he ends up with certain pieces of data from my client. What code in my SP do I need to prevent this from happening?
We are getting unexpected results from the following update statement when it is executed on SQL Server 2005.
The strange thing is that we get duplicated values for QM_UID (although when run under SQL Server 2000 we don't get duplicated values)
Can anyone explain why this happens or suggest another way of populating this column without using a cursor or adding a temporary autoincrement column and copying the values over?
declare @NextID int;
set @NextID = 1;
update tmp set QM_UID=@NextID, @NextID = @NextID + 1;
select QM_UID, count(*) from tmp group by QM_UID having count(*) > 1 order by QM_UID
-- NB: The number of rows that must be added to tmp before this problem will occur is machine dependant
-- 100000 rows is sufficient on one of our servers but another (faster) server doesn't show the error
-- at 100000 rows but does at 1000000 rows.
-- Create a table
CREATE TABLE tmp ( [QM_ADD_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ADD_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_ADD_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_EDIT_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_EDIT_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_EDIT_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_LOCK_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_QUOTE_JOB] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_QUOTE_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PRJ_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_NUMBER] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REV_NUM] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REV_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_REV_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_REV_OPR] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_STYLE_CODE] [char](4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_JOB_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_COLUMN] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REP_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_MODEL] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REP_TYPE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_MODEL_QUOTE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RUN_NUM] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_QUOTE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_VAR] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_QTY] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_MODEL] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_QUOTE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_VAR] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_QTY] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_JOB] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_COLUMN] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_J_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_QUOTE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_VAR] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_QTY] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_Q_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_JOINT_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_QUOTE_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_LIVE_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_USER_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_DEL_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_IS_CONVERTED] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_PRINTED] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_RATES] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_IMPORT_UPDATE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_CRED_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_CRED_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_CRED_AMT] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_CRED_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_HELD] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_PROOF] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DELIV_METHOD] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ART_METHOD] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DES_TYPE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REC_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_REC_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_OWN_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_1] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_2] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_3] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_4] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_5] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RECONTACT] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_REQ_FLAG] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_PREF_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_PREF_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_LATE_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_LATE_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_TITLE] [char](72) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DELIV_CODE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CLT_SPEC] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_TAX_REF] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CONTACT] [char](36) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PHONE] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FAX] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORDER] [char](20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORDER_CFM] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_ORDER_REL] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_1] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_2] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_3] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_4] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_5] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COORDINATOR] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PRIORITY] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_TYPE_CODE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_GRADE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_SIZE_CODE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_WID] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_LEN] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_DEP] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_GUSS] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_GSM] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_UNIT] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORIENT] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_PROD_CODE] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_GOOD] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_CODE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_CODE_1] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_CODE_2] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_PROS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REQD_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_REQD_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_FOLIO] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FOLIO_1] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FOLIO_2] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PACK_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_USAGE] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REORDER] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_EACH_WGT] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_WGT_UNIT] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RFQ_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_RFQ_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_RFQ_OPR] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SALES_TYPE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SALES_SRC] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SALES_RSN] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PROFILE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_PREV_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_UNIT] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PO_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_PO_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_PO_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DLY_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_DLY_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_QTY_DESP] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_TOTAL_DLY] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SCHED_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_SCHED_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_CLOSE_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_CLOSE_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_INV_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PACK_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DOWN_LOAD] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_TRACK_CODE] [char](4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_TAX_TYPE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_TAX_CODE] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CURR] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_EXCH_RATE] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_UNIT_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_UNIT_FLAG] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_RUNON_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SPEC_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_CHARGEABLE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_NC_REASON] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_MKUP] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_MKUP] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_BROKERAGE] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_DISC] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_INVOKED_BTNS] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_IMPORTED] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_IMPORT_RECALC] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_IMPORT_CONVERT] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_BRANCH] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CODE] [char](36) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_TEMPLATE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REPEAT_PERIOD] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REOPEN_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_CAT_OPTION] [char](16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_UNIT_ID] [char](10) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PROD_BRANCH] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_UID] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_AVAIL_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_AVAIL_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
-- Create an index on the table
-- Populate the table
declare @Counter as int
set @Counter = 1
while @Counter < 100000
insert into tmp (QM_ADD_TIME, QM_NUMBER) values (1,@Counter);
set @Counter = @Counter + 1
-- Update QM_UID to a sequential value
declare @NextID int;
set @NextID = 1;
update tmp set QM_UID=@NextID, @NextID = @NextID + 1;
-- Find rows with a duplicate QM_UID (there should be no duplicate)
select QM_UID, count(*) from tmp group by QM_UID having count(*) > 1 order by QM_UID
--drop table tmp
-- output from select @@VERSION
-- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (Intel X86) Mar 23 2007 16:28:52 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
Hi,Using SQL Server 2000 with Windows 2000 Adv Server&Microsoft Access linked table (running stored procedure using ADO asfollows:************************************************** ********Private Sub cboAddrType_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)Dim cnn As ADODB.ConnectionDim cmd As ADODB.CommandDim prm As ADODB.ParameterDim msg As StringOn Error GoTo Err_AddrType_NotInList'Exit the procedure if the combo box was clearedIf Trim(NewData) = "" Then Exit Sub'Confirm that the user wants to add AddrTypemsg = "'" & Trim(NewData) & "' is not in the list." & vbCr & vbCrmsg = msg & "Do you want to add it?"If MsgBox(msg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbNo Then'If the user chose not to add AddrType, set the response'argument to supress an error message and undo changes.Response = acDataErrContinueMsgBox "No record added.", vbOKOnly, "Action Cancelled"Else'If the user chose to add AddrType, open a recordset'using the AddrType tableSet cmd = New ADODB.CommandSet cnn = New ADODB.Connectioncnn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=penland01;InitialCatalog=groomery;Integrated Security=SSPI;"cmd.ActiveConnection = cnncmd.CommandText = "spInsertAddrType"cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProcSet prm = cmd.CreateParameter("AddrType", adVarChar,adParamInput, , Trim(NewData))cmd.Execute Parameters:=prm'Set Response argument to indicate that new data is being addedResponse = acDataErrAddedcnn.CloseSet cnn = NothingEnd IfExit_AddrType_NotInList:Exit SubErr_AddrType_NotInList:MsgBox Err.DescriptionResponse = acDataErrContinue************************************************** ********"NewData" is a text string - in this case "Test"The stored procedure referenced in the code is:************************************CREATE PROCEDURE [spInsertAddrType](@AddrType [nvarchar](50))ASINSERT INTO [groomery].[dbo].[tblAddrTypes]([fldAddrType])VALUES(@AddrType)GO*************************************When I execute this code, I receive the following error"Cannot update identity column 'fldAddrTypeID'."fldAddrTypeID is configured as follows:***************************Data Type = intIdentity = YesIdentity Seed = 1Identity Increment = 1***************************The documentation I've found online concerning this error says that it isproduced when you try to supply a value for an identity field without SETIDENTITY_INSERT on. Obviously I am NOT specifying a value, so I can'tfigure why I'm getting this error.Thanks for any help you can offer.Todd
We are using binary_checksum in some of instead of update trigger. The problem came into the knowledge when update falied without raising any error. We came to know after research that checksum returns same number for two different inputs and thats why update failed.
We are using following type of inside the trigger.
I am using the pivot component in SSIS to pivot a set of data, and up until now it has worked fine. However lately it has started to produce duplicates, meaning 2 rows for a combination of the keys (type 1) used. It is completely random, meaning a combination of keys for one run can work correctly, and in the next run it inserts an extra record for the combination for just one of the pivoted values. This also means that for a batch of 10 mill rows input the output is completely random, because the number of duplicates vary.
Are there any memory restrictions or similar that causes this, or do you guys have any idea what might be wrong?
ADO 2.7 SQL Sever OLE DB Provider VB 6 SQL Server 6.5 SP 5 A Update
If I run a stored procedure that contains a Print statement or gives a warning. Then any error that occurs after that is ignored. No error state is raised in VB and the Errors collection only contains the print or warning.
We have two instances of SQL Server 2005 - SP1 installed on one server. The default instance starts very slowly. When looking at the log I can see the delay is due to Resource Manager based upon the following error.
Matt writes "Greetings! Warning, I'm a rookie. I wrote a stored procedure to pull data in order to do a nightly export/import from one system to another. I have a batch file that looks like this:
Sometimes, the file works and I get perfectly formed data, with everything just as I've requested (mostly basic demographic information: names, addresses, etc.).
But, other times the output file contains nothing but garbage characters, like this:
The file size looks right, but it contains nothing but characters like this from beginning to end. I can find no pattern as to why/when good data gets pulled versus the corrupt data. I can run the batch file one minute and get good data, and run it the next minute and it's all corrupt. We have the batch file scheduled late at night when no users are online, and I get the same results -- one day it works, the next it doesn't.
Forgive me if this is a well-documented issue -- my searches so far haven't turned up a thing!
Thanks much for any advice you can provide!!
Matt Smith DeSoto County School District Arcadia, FL"
I need to, ultimately, create a flatfile for exporting insurance information to a third-party vendor. Each individual is to have no more than 1 line per file, which contains their coverage information, if any, on 4 different type of insurance. What i need is for 2 fields in a table to determine the output for multiple fields in the flatfile.
What I have so far works, to an extent. If I have insurance types 1, 2, 4 (of types 1-4) required output is (__ = 2 blank spaces):
1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E
Y N __ MD XX Y N __ MD XX N __ __ __ __ Y N __ DN XX
If they have coverage, A always = Y, B always = N, C always = blank(null), D is their ins. type, E is their cov. type(CASE statement). if they DON'T have that type of coverage, A always = N and the remaining field are NULL.
After a lot of work, and scouring a forum or 2, I attempted a whole lot of CASE functions. Below is an sample of code representing the 1x statements. This same code is repeated 4 times with the 1x being altered with 2x, 3x, 4x.
WHEN '10' THEN 'Y'
WHEN '10' THEN 'N'
' ' AS 1C,
It works to an extent. While the desires/required output it above, the output this produces (same scenario) is:
1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E
N __ __ __ __ N __ __ __ __ N __ __ __ __ Y N __ DN XX
While there is supposed to be 1 line, regardless of number of insurance types, it only produces 1 line per type. I first tried this in Access, and was able to get it to work, but it required multiple queries resulting in a crosstab, export to Excel and manually manipulate the data, export to text file to manipulate, import back into Excel to manipulate, import back into Access and finally export into a flatfile. Far too much work to produce a file which is why I'm trying to convert it to raw SQL. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not a SQL Server expert, but need to understand something. I'm currently have SQL Server 2000 SP4 installed locally on my machine for application development.
Using sp_lock, I noticed that there are lots of shared database locks. After some study, i produced this interesting script:
use Master go sp_lock go use Experience go sp_lock go
which results in:
spid dbid ObjId IndId Type Resource Mode Status ------ ------ ----------- ------ ---- ---------------- -------- ------ 52 1 85575343 0 TAB IS GRANT spid dbid ObjId IndId Type Resource Mode Status ------ ------ ----------- ------ ---- ---------------- -------- ------ 52 13 0 0 DB S GRANT 52 1 85575343 0 TAB IS GRANT
My question is about the extra lock added by the "Use Experience statement". It lasts as long as the Experience DB connection is open
Question 1: The way I read this is: the "use Experience" statement creates a shared database lock. Am I reading this right?
Question 2: I started looking into this because my application produces lots of locks that seem to live for 15-20 minutes. I have not noticed other adverse side effects of these locks. I have confirmed that nothing I have control over creates transactions, so I do not see why locks would be maintained. Should I be concerned about these locks? Is this expected behavior?
Tables have 100K rows. Inner join produces 99k. The outer join should be 100K. It is 1000 times larger.
If I do a SELECT DISTINCT, the right # rows are returned (100K)
What gives?
SELECT tblEarth.key1, tblEarth.key2a, tblEarth.key2b FROM ((tblEarth INNER JOIN tblMoon ON Mid(tblEarth.key1,1,6) = tblMoon.key1) LEFT OUTER JOIN tblVenus ON (tblEarth.key2b = tblVenus.key2b) AND (tblEarth.key2a = tblVenus.key2a)) LEFT OUTER JOIN tblMars ON tblEarth.key2a = tblMars.key2a;
How do I write a regression test for a stored proc that produces multiple rowsets via multipl e select queries? E.g. CREATE PROCEDURE myProc AS SELECT 'Some stuff', GETDATE() SELECT 'Some more stuff'
For single-select procs, I can create a temp table and INSERT #temp EXEC myProc, then evaluate the contents of the table to verify correct behavior, but that doesn't work in this case.
I'm using the XML Source to process a hierarchical set of XML. As such, the XML Source creates keys to maintain the hierarchy. This is very convenient, and keeps me from having to invent my own keys.
The problem is that the datatype of these keys defaults to DT_UI8. Which SQL Server 2005 datatype should I use to store these values in my staging tables? BIGINT corresponds to DT_I8, which can't accept DT_UI8 values.
I have stumbled on a problem with running a large number of SSIS packages in parallel, using the €œdtexec€? command from inside an SQL Server job.
I€™ve described the environment, the goal and the problem below. Sorry if it€™s a bit too long, but I tried to be as clear as possible.
The environment: Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition, SQL Server 2005 32bit Enterprise Edition SP2.
The goal: We have a large number of text files that we€™re loading into a staging area of a data warehouse (based on SQL Server 2k5, as said above).
We have one €œmain€? SSIS package that takes a list of files to load from an XML file, loops through that list and for each file in the list starts an SSIS package by using €œdtexec€? command. The command is started asynchronously by using system.diagnostics.process.start() method. This means that a large number of SSIS packages are started in parallel. These packages perform the actual loading (with BULK insert).
I have successfully run the loading process from the command prompt (using the dtexec command to start the main package) a number of times.
In order to move the loading to a production environment and schedule it, we have set up an SQL Server Agent job. We€™ve created a proxy user with the necessary rights (the same user that runs the job from command prompt), created an the SQL Agent job (there is one step of type €œcmdexec€? that runs the €œmain€? SSIS package with the €œdtexec€? command).
If the input XML file for the main package contains a small number of files (for example 10), the SQL Server Agent job works fine €“ the SSIS packages are started in parallel and they finish work successfully.
The problem: When the number of the concurrently started SSIS packages gets too big, the packages start to fail. When a large number of SSIS package executions are already taking place, the new dtexec commands fail after 0 seconds of work with an empty error message.
Please bear in mind that the same loading still works perfectly from command prompt on the same server with the same user. It only fails when run from the SQL Agent Job.
I€™ve tried to understand the limit, when do the packages start to fail, and I believe that the threshold is 80 parallel executions (I understand that it might not be desirable to start so many SSIS packages at once, but I€™d like to do it despite this).
Additional information:
The dtexec utility provides an error message where the package variables are shown and the fact that the package ran 0 seconds, but the €œMessage€? is empty (€œMessage: €œ). Turning the logging on in all the packages does not provide an error message either, just a lot of run-time information. The try-catch block around the process.start() script in the main package€™s script task also does not reveal any errors. I€™ve increased the €œmax worker threads€? number for the cmdexec subsystem in the msdb.dbo.syssubsystems table to a safely high number and restarted the SQL Server, but this had no effect either.
The request:
Can anyone give ideas what could be the cause of the problem? If you have any ideas about how to further debug the problem, they are also very welcome. Thanks in advance!
Hi!Server info -Win2K3 Server +SP1 with 1 GB Memory and 1.5 GB Virtual MemorySQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition + SP3 running on this.Required result -Create a SQL Script that will contain a set of create, update, insert& delete statements (about 17500 lines including blank lines) thatcan be run on different databases seperatelyHow we do this -We have a SP - that creates a temporary table and then calls anotherSP that actually populates the temporary table created by the first SP*Samples of both SPs are below -PROBLEMThe result is directed to a file -However when the query is run it runs through the entire script but'Jumbles' the outputRunning the same scripts on a copy of the database on other machineswork fine and the size of the outfiles is exactly the sameI have increased the page size to 2.5 GB and restarted the server.Running the sp now generated the correct output a few times but gotjumbled as before after a few more users logged in and activity on theserver increased.Another interesting point is that the output is jumbled exactly thesame way each time. It seems the sql executes correctly and writesthe output in chunks only writting the chunks out of sequence - butin the same sequence each time.e.g. of expected resultInsert into Table1Values x, y, z, 1, 2Insert into Table1Values q, s, g, 3, 4Insert into Table1Values c, d, e, 21, 12....Insert into Table2Values ...Insert into Table3Values ................Update RefGenSet Last = 1234Where RefGenRef = 1JUMBLED OUTPUTInsert into Table1Values x, y, z, 1, 2Insert into Table1Values q, s, g, 3, 4Insert into Table1Values c, d, e, 21, 12....Insert into Table2Values ...Insert into Table2Values ...Values ...Update RefGenSet Last = 1234Where RefGenRef = 1Insert into Table3Values ................Insert into Table1Values c, d, e, 21, 12....Insert into Table2----------------------------------------Sample of First Script - STATDATA_RSLT**************************************SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET NOCOUNT ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE StatData_rsltASCREATE TABLE #tbl_Script(ScriptText varchar(4000))EXEC TestStatData_intSELECT t.ScriptTextFROM #tbl_Script tGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO*******************************************Sample of CALLED SP - TestStatData_int*******************************************SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE TestStatData_intASDECLARE @AttrRef int,@TestID int,@PrtTestRef int,@AttrType tinyint,@EdtblSw tinyint,@NmValRef int,@SrtTypeRef int,@AttrStr varchar(20),@TestStr varchar(20),@PrtTestStr varchar(20),@AttrTypeStr varchar(20),@EdtblStr varchar(20),@NmValStr varchar(20),@SrtTypeStr varchar(20),@TestRef int,@Seq int,@PrtRef int,@Value varchar(255),@TermDate datetime,@AttrID int,@DefSw tinyint,@WantSw tinyint,@TestRefStr varchar(20),@SeqStr varchar(20),@PrtStr varchar(20),@TermDateStr varchar(255),@AttrIDStr varchar(20),@DefStr varchar(20),@WantStr varchar(20),@LanRef int,@LanStr varchar(20),@Code varchar(20),@Desc varchar(255),@MultiCode varchar(20),@MultiDesc varchar(255),@InhSw tinyint,@InhStr varchar(20),@InhFrom int,@InhFromStr varchar(20),@Lan_TestRef int,@ActSw tinyint,@ActSwStr varchar(20)SELECT @Lan_TestRef = dbo.fn_GetTestRef('Lan')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('')-- Create tablesINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('CREATE TABLE #tbl_Test (AttrRef int, TestID int , PrtTestRefint, AttrType tinyint, EdtblSw tinyint, NmValRef int, SrtTypeRefint)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('CREATE TABLE #tbl_TestAttr(AttrRef int, TestRef int, Seq int,PrtRef int, AttrType tinyint, Value varchar(255), TermDate datetime,AttrID int, DefSw tinyint, WantSw tinyint, ActSw tinyint)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('CREATE TABLE #tbl_AttrName(AttrRef int, LanRef int, Codevarchar(20), [Desc] varchar(255), MultiCode varchar(20), MultiDescvarchar(255), InhSw tinyint, InhFrom int)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- insert Test valuesDECLARE Test_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT l.AttrRef, l.TestID, l.PrtTestRef, l.AttrType, l.EdtblSw,l.NmValRef, l.SrtTypeRefFROM Test lOPEN Test_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM Test_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestID, @PrtTestRef, @AttrType, @EdtblSw, @NmValRef,@SrtTypeRefWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @AttrStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@TestStr = ISNULL(CAST(@TestID as varchar), 'NULL'),@PrtTestStr = ISNULL(CAST(@PrtTestRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@AttrTypeStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrType as varchar), 'NULL'),@EdtblStr = ISNULL(CAST(@EdtblSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@NmValStr = ISNULL(CAST(@NmValRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@SrtTypeStr = ISNULL(CAST(@SrtTypeRef as varchar), 'NULL')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO #tbl_Test(AttrRef, TestID, PrtTestRef,AttrType,EdtblSw, NmValRef, SrtTypeRef)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('VALUES ( ' + @AttrStr + ', ' + @TestStr + ', ' +@PrtTestStr+ ', ' + @AttrTypeStr + ', ' + @EdtblStr + ', ' + @NmValStr + ', ' +@SrtTypeStr + ')')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')FETCH NEXT FROM Test_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestID, @PrtTestRef, @AttrType, @EdtblSw, @NmValRef,@SrtTypeRefENDCLOSE Test_cursorDEALLOCATE Test_cursorDECLARE TestAttr_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT le.AttrRef, le.TestRef, le.Seq, le.PrtRef, le.AttrType,le.Value,le.TermDate, le.AttrID, le.DefSw, le.WantSw, le.ActSwFROM TestAttr leWHERE le.WantSw = 1AND le.ActSw = 1OPEN TestAttr_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM TestAttr_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestRef, @Seq, @PrtRef, @AttrType, @Value,@TermDate, @AttrID, @DefSw, @WantSw, @ActSwWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @AttrStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@TestRefStr = ISNULL(CAST(@TestRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@SeqStr = ISNULL(CAST(@Seq as varchar), 'NULL'),@PrtStr = ISNULL(CAST(@PrtRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@AttrTypeStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrType as varchar), 'NULL'),@Value = ISNULL(@Value, 'NULL'),@TermDateStr = ISNULL(CAST(@TermDate as varchar), 'NULL'),@AttrIDStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrID as varchar), 'NULL'),@DefStr = ISNULL(CAST(@DefSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@WantStr = ISNULL(CAST(@WantSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@ActSwStr = ISNULL(CAST(@ActSw as varchar), '1')SELECT @Value = '''' + @Value + ''''WHERE @Value <> 'NULL'INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO #tbl_TestAttr(AttrRef, TestRef, Seq, PrtRef,AttrType, Value, TermDate, AttrID, DefSw, WantSw, ActSw)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('VALUES (' + @AttrStr + ', ' + @TestRefStr + ', ' +@SeqStr+ ', ' + @PrtStr + ', ' + @AttrTypeStr + ', ' + @Value + ', ' +@TermDateStr + ', ' + @AttrIDStr + ', ' + @DefStr + ', ' + @WantStr+', '+ @ActSwStr + ')')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')FETCH NEXT FROM TestAttr_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestRef, @Seq, @PrtRef, @AttrType, @Value,@TermDate, @AttrID, @DefSw, @WantSw, @ActSwENDCLOSE TestAttr_cursorDEALLOCATE TestAttr_cursorDECLARE AttrName_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT e.AttrRef, e.LanRef, e.Code, e.[Desc], e.MultiCode,e.MultiDesc, e.InhSw, e.InhFromFROM AttrName e, TestAttr leWHERE e.LanRef = 0AND e.AttrRef = le.AttrRefAND le.WantSw = 1AND le.ActSw = 1OPEN AttrName_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM AttrName_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @LanRef, @Code, @Desc, @MultiCode,@MultiDesc, @InhSw, @InhFromWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @AttrStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@LanStr = ISNULL(CAST(@LanRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@Code = ISNULL(@Code, 'NULL'),@Desc = ISNULL(@Desc, 'NULL'),@MultiCode = ISNULL(@MultiCode, 'NULL'),@MultiDesc = ISNULL(@MultiDesc, 'NULL'),@InhStr = ISNULL(CAST(@InhSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@InhFromStr = ISNULL(CAST(@InhFrom as varchar), 'NULL')SELECT @Code = REPLACE(@Code, '''',''''''),@Desc = REPLACE(@Desc, '''','''''') ,@MultiCode = REPLACE(@MultiCode, '''','''''') ,@MultiDesc = REPLACE(@MultiDesc, '''','''''')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO #tbl_AttrName(AttrRef, LanRef, Code, [Desc],MultiCode, MultiDesc, InhSw, InhFrom)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('VALUES (' + @AttrStr + ', ' + @LanStr + ', ''' + @Code +''', ''' + @Desc + ''', ''' + @MultiCode + ''', ''' + @MultiDesc +''',' + @InhStr + ', ' + @InhFromStr + ')')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')FETCH NEXT FROM AttrName_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @LanRef, @Code, @Desc, @MultiCode,@MultiDesc, @InhSw, @InhFromENDCLOSE AttrName_cursorDEALLOCATE AttrName_cursor-- Do update TestAttr dataINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('UPDATE le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.TestRef = t.TestRef,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.PrtRef = t.PrtRef,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.AttrType = t.AttrType,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.Value = t.Value,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.TermDate = t.TermDate,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.AttrID = t.AttrID,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.DefSw = t.DefSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.WantSw = t.WantSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.ActSw = t.ActSw')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM TestAttr le, #tbl_TestAttr t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE le.AttrRef = t.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- Update AttrNameINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('UPDATE en')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.Code = te.Code,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.[Desc] = te.[Desc],')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.MultiCode = te.MultiCode,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.MultiDesc = te.MultiDesc,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.InhSw = te.InhSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.InhFrom = te.InhFrom')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM AttrName en, #tbl_AttrName te')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE en.AttrRef = te.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' AND en.LanRef = te.LanRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' AND te.LanRef = 0')-- Do update Test the dataINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('UPDATE l')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.TestID = t.TestID,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.PrtTestRef = t.PrtTestRef,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.AttrType = t.AttrType,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.EdtblSw = t.EdtblSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.NmValRef = t.NmValRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM Test l, #tbl_Test t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE l.AttrRef = t.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')--DELETE where just updatedINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DELETE FROM t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_Test t, Test l')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE t.AttrRef = l.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DELETE FROM t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_TestAttr t, TestAttr le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE t.AttrRef = le.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DELETE FROM te')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_AttrName te, TestAttr le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE te.AttrRef = le.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- Insert TestAttrINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO TestAttr (AttrRef, TestRef, Seq, PrtRef,AttrType,Value, TermDate, AttrID, DefSw, WantSw, ActSw)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SELECT t.AttrRef, t.TestRef, t.Seq, t.PrtRef, t.AttrType,t.Value, t.TermDate, t.AttrID, t.DefSw, t.WantSw, t.ActSw')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_TestAttr t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- AttrNameINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO AttrName(AttrRef, LanRef, Code, [Desc],MultiCode,MultiDesc, InhSw, InhFrom)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SELECT te.AttrRef, le.AttrRef, te.Code, te.[Desc],te.MultiCode, te.MultiDesc, ')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' CASE le.AttrRef ')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' WHEN 0 THEN 0')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' ELSE 1 END,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' CASE le.AttrRef ')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' WHEN 0 THEN NULL')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' ELSE 0 END')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_AttrName te, TestAttr le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE le.TestRef = ' + CAST(@Lan_TestRef as varchar))INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- Insert new rowsINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO Test(AttrRef, TestID, PrtTestRef, AttrType,EdtblSw, NmValRef, SrtTypeRef)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SELECT t.AttrRef, t.TestID, t.PrtTestRef, t.AttrType,t.EdtblSw, t.NmValRef, t.SrtTypeRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_Test t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DROP TABLE #tbl_Test')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DROP TABLE #tbl_TestAttr')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DROP TABLE #tbl_AttrName')-- Update RefGenDECLARE @RefGenReflast int,@RefGenRefStr varchar(10)SELECT @RefGenReflast = lastFROM RefGenWHERE RefGenRef = 1SELECT @RefGenRefStr = ISNULL(CAST(@RefGenReflast as varchar), 'NULL')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('UPDATE RefGen')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET Last = ' + @RefGenRefStr)INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE RefGenRef = 1')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')GOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO*******************************RegardsGlenn
hi, like, if i need to do delete some items with the id = 10000 then also need to update on the remaining items on the with the same idthen i will need to go through all the records to fetch the items with the same id right? so, is there something that i can use to hold those records so that i can do the delete and update just on those records and don't need to query twice? or is there a way to do that in one go ?thanks in advance!
I have four tables: Customer (CustomerId INT, CountyId INT), County (CountyId INT), Search(SearchId INT), and SearchCriteria (SearchCriteriaId INT, SearchId INT, CountyId INT, [others not related to this]).
I want to search Customer based off of the Search record, which could have multiple SearchCriteria records. However, if there aren't any SearchCriteria records with CountyId populated for a given Search, I want it to assume to get all Customer records, regardless of CountyId.
Right now, I'm doing it this way.
DECLARE @SearchId INT = 100 SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CountyId IN ( SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT CountyId FROM SearchCriteria WHERE SearchId = @SearchId) THEN SearchCriteria.CountyId
[Code] .....
This works; it just seems cludgy. Is there a more elegant way to do this?
Hello. I currently have a website that has a table on one webpage. When a record is clicked, the primary key of that record is transfered in the query string to another page and fed into an sql statement. In this case its selecting a project on the first page, and displaying all the scripts for that project on another page. I also have an additional dropdownlist on the second page that i use to filter the scripts by an attribute called 'testdomain'. At present this works to an extent. When i click a project, i am navigated to the scripts page which is empty except for the dropdownlist. i then select a 'testdomain' from the dropdownlist and the page populates with scripts (formview) for the particular test domain. what i would like is for all the scripts to be displayed using the formview in the first instance when the user arrives at the second page. from there, they can then filter the scripts using the dropdownlist. My current SQL statement is as follows. SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [TestScript] WHERE (([ProjectID] = @ProjectID) AND ([TestDomain] = @TestDomain))" So what is happening is when testdomain = a null value, it does not select any scripts. Is there a way i can achieve the behaivour of the page as i outlined above? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, James.
Hi All, I have a stored proc which is executing successfully...but the results of that stored proc are displaying in the Messages Tab instaed of results Tab. And in the Results Tab the results shows as 0..So, Any clue friends..it is very urgent..I am trying to call this stored proc in my Report in SSRS as well but the stored proc is not displaying there also...Please help me ASAP..
Hi all, I have the following SQLDataSource statement which connects to my Gridview:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceStandings" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT P.firstName, P.lastName, T.teamName, IsNull(P.gamesPlayed, 0) as gamesPlayed, IsNull(P.plateAppearances,0) as plateAppearances, IsNull( (P.plateAppearances - (P.sacrifices + P.walks)) ,0) as atbats, IsNull(P.hits,0) as hits, P.hits/(CONVERT(Decimal(5,2), IsNull(NullIF(P.atbats, 0), 1))) AS [average], (P.hits + P.walks)/(CONVERT(Decimal(5,2), IsNull(NullIF( (P.atbats + P.sacrifices + P.walks) , 0), 1))) AS [OBP], (P.hits - (P.doubles + P.triples + P.homeRuns) + (2 * P.doubles) + (3 * P.triples) + (4 * P.homeRuns)) / (CONVERT(Decimal(5,2), IsNull(NullIF(P.atbats, 0), 1))) AS [SLG], P.singles, P.doubles, P.triples, P.homeRuns, P.walks, P.sacrifices, P.runs, P.rbis FROM Players P INNER JOIN Teams T ON P.team = T.teamID ORDER BY P.firstName, P.lastName"></asp:SqlDataSource>There are 8 teams in the database, and somehow the average and obp results are as expected for all teams except where T.teamID = 1. This doesn't make sense to me at all! For example, I get the following results with this same query: First NameLast NameTeamGPPAABHAVGOBPSLG1B2B3BHRBBSACRRBI
ErikGalvezMelville82625180.7200000.7307691.24000011322101015 As you can see, all teams except for Safe Haven's have the correct AVG and OBP. Since AVG is simply H/AB, it doesn't make sense for Gabriel Helbig's results to be 1.00000. Can anyone shed ANY light on this please?Thank you in advance,Markuu ***As a side note, could anyone also let me know how I could format the output so that AVG and OBP are only 3 decimal places? (ex: 0.719 for the 1st result)***
Hi, I have a web form that lets users search for people in my database they wish to contact. The database returns a paged set of results using a CTE, Top X, and Row_number(). I would like to give my users to option of removing individual people from this list but cannot find a way to do this. I have tried creating a session variable with a comma delimited list of ID's that I pass to my sproc and use in a NOT IN() statement. But I keep getting a "Input string was not in a correct format." Error Message. Is there any way to do this? I am still new to stored procedures so any advice would be helpful. Thanks
Hi, when I copy and paste results from query analyzer into Excel it appears that values with zeroes at the end loose the zeroes. Example, if I copy and paste V128.0 into an Excel cell it comes out as V128 or if I copy 178.70 it displays as 178.7 - any ideas? I'm using SQL Enterprise Manager for 2000.
Hi, i wanted to know if there is a way that we can know if Sqldatasource retrieved 0 results, i wanted that cause i want to make a condition that if 0 results retrieves a page with the text "No news"...Thanks in advance.
I have some SP's I run once a month and each SP takes a few mins to run and when I batch em together in one shot, I hate sitting there waiting for them to finish whats the easiest way to report back the status of the exec?
I have two tables which are info and pubssubcribe. each record on the info table has a corresponding subscription on the pubssubscribe table. I need to extract those records on the pubssubscribe with the infid appearing more than once and having the pubid BETWEEN 19 AND 22 and count the records grouped on infid couldn't get thru with the code below
Here's my sql code SELECT info.infid, info.infname FROM info INNER JOIN pubssubscribe ON info.infid = pubssubscribe.pubinfid WHERE (info.infcond IS NULL) AND (pubssubscribe.pubid BETWEEN 19 AND 22 AND pubssubscribe.pubid > 1) AND (info.infid > 1) ORDER BY info.infid
How could I export results into a text file? Have been copying and pasting results into excel, but have been getting memory errors, whcihw e are working on fixing. In the meanwhile, I'd like to send these results (about 200,000 rows)into a .txt file as I execute teh query.
Hi can anyone help me maybe im just being thick but i cant for the life of me work out how to get the top ten results based on the highest number within a column
top2 would be
name1 4 name2 8 name3 102 name4 113
i want name3 and name4 to be returned
SIMPLE well it should be aRRRRGGG HELP!!!
i have tried using max but that only returns the highest how i get the next highest etc i dont know
Hey guys, I have a small issue that I'm not sure how to solve. I have 2 tables that I'm working on, that has the UserID, LastName, FirstName, DocumentDesc. Each DocumentDesc has its own DocumentTypeID
1st table is called Person Fields(UserID, LastName, FirstName)
2nd table is called Documents Fields(UserID, DocumentTypeID, DocumentDesc)
The query that I have for this is the following:
Code Snippet Select a.UserID, a.LastName, a.FirstName, b.DocumentDesc From person a Join documents b on a.UserID = b.UserID Where b.documenttypeid = '126d2beb-f7a1-4bf1-b9c0-dded37d3a6bc' OR b.documenttypeid = '9087956e-1fb0-4f3d-ba33-ef31d79141af' Order by LastName
The first DocumentTypeID is for RESUME and the Second one is for TRANSCRIPT
This is a sample from the query above
UserID LastName FirstName DocumentDesc 1 Smith Paul Resume 1 Smith Paul PhdStatistics 1 Smith Paul MS Applied Statistics 1 Smith Paul MS Operation Research 2 Jackson Jane Resume 2 Jackson Jane MS Information Systems
What I'm trying to do is get this in on one line like so:
UserID LastName FirstName DocumentDesc DocumentDesc DocumentDesc DocumentDesc 1 Smith Paul Resume PhD Statistics MS Applied Statistics MS OperResearch 2 Jackson Jane Resume MS InforSystems
Note: Not all names have the same amount of documents.