SPROC Probs Creating A Non-identity Number Column
Jun 26, 2006
Hi. I am trying to figure out the code for sorting a manual (non-identity) number column in my table. the purpose is to
show the user's pictures in perfect order (1,2,3,4,5,6...).
The Jist of my problem... When a user first inserts six pictures, he gets:
All is good. But, say he deletes picture |3|. Now the list order looks like this:
<- |3| is removed
And, then he inserts two more pictures, now he his this:
|7| <- |7| & |8| are added
What i want to acheive is a "reshuffling" of the number order every time a picture is removed. So, when |3| is removed, |4| becomes |3|, |5| becomes |4| and so on. There should never be a gap in the order.
I am new to stored procedures, and have been trying to figure this out. Below is my guesswork:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_NewPersonalPic
@photo_name VARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@photo_location VARCHAR(100) = NULL,
@photo_size VARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@user_name VARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@photo_caption VARCHAR(150) = NULL,
@photo_default BIT = NULL,
@photo_private BIT = NULL,
@photo_number INTEGER = NULL,
@photo_date DATETIME = NULL
SELECT @photo_date = CONVERT(DATETIME,convert(char(26), getdate(), 109))
SET @photo_number = 1
@photo_number = (
FROM dbo.PersonalPhotos b
a.photo_date < b.photo_date
dbo.PersonalPhotos a
My thinking is that it would be a safe bet to use the "photo_date" column as a litmus for my "photo_number" column (ie, the most recent record inserted by the user will always be at a later date than the previously inserted record). So:
photo_number photo_date
|1| 2006-06-26 21:43:36.653
|2| 2006-06-26 21:43:50.000
|3| 2006-06-26 21:45:25.217
|4| 2006-06-26 21:45:33.763
|5| 2006-06-26 22:39:42.670
|6| 2006-06-26 22:39:49.200
If |3| is removed above, the numbers are reordered based on the time of entry sequence.
Any suggestions on how to acheive this in my stored procedure? Currenly, i get the correct order, but it goes crazy when i delete and add.
Thanks and sorry for the verbose post.
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Sep 19, 2005
Ok,I just need to know how to get the last record inserted by the highestIDENTITY number. Even if the computer was rebooted and it was twoweeks ago. (Does not have to do with the session).Any help is appreciated.Thanks,Trint
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Oct 8, 2007
I have the following two tables:
create table RECORD
ID int not null,
Issue_descr varchar(256) not null,
Priority varchar(5) not null,
Status varchar(12) not null,
Date_add varchar(10) not null,
Date_due varchar(10) not null,
Date_complete varchar(10),
PName varchar(32),
primary key(ID),
foreign key(PName) references PROJECT(PName)
create table STEPS
ID int not null,
Num int not null,
Descr varchar(256),
Date_due varchar(10) not null,
Date_complete varchar(10),
Status varchar(12),
primary key(ID, Num),
foreign key(ID) references RECORD(ID)
I have set PK "ID" in table RECORD to auto identity(1,1). I have done the same for PK "num" in table STEPS.
However I am seeking this behavior in STEPS:
ID num
-- ----
19 1
19 2
19 3
20 1
20 2
21 1
but what I'm getting is PK num doesn't "reseed" or reset to 1 as "ID" changes. PK num just auto-increments regardless of ID. Is there a workaround?
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Jul 20, 2005
I am migrating a web application I wrote from ASP to ASP.Net, and fromAccess to MS SQL server.In the Access version, I did not use the auto number for creatinginvoices and other documents, because I heard somewhere (perhapsincorrectly) that if the db was ever compacted or otherwise changed,it could change the values of the auto-numbers. Not a good thing.So I wrote a routine that, just before creating a new record, wouldlook for the highest value in the table and create the new record withthe next number.So my question is, am I safe in assuming that in MS SQL that I can seta starting number for the next, let's say, invoice and that newnumbers will be issued in sequence, and that these numbers will neverchange? What happens if an invoice is deleted? is the number goneforever? Just wondering how others deal with these issues...thanks.Larry- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."
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Mar 25, 2004
I need a view that will:
1) select the distinct values in a column (the easy part)
2) assign the equivalent of an identity column to each row containing the distinct value it returns.
For example TableA contains 25 records but one of the columns only contains three unique values (say, 'A','B', & 'C').
This is what I want my view to return:
1 A
2 B
3 C
In other words, I need the view to assign the 1, 2 and 3 to the individual rows.
Thanks in advance for any pointers on this one.
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Jan 24, 2005
Hi ,,
How to write the Sql Query to return the next generated Identity from the Sql server database.
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May 14, 2008
I have a ACTION column. i.e Its only disply SELL/BUY.
How to create another column display like this
Help me anyone...
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May 14, 2008
I have a ACTION column. i.e Its only disply SELL/BUY.
How to create another column display like this
Help me anyone...
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May 3, 2015
1 08 09 10 -
2 10 25 26 -
3 09 15 16 -
I want to calculate the average of the larges two number from the column A,B & C for particular identity and store that average in the AVG column....
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Aug 17, 2015
I have a transformation where final result set give me 25 rows of data. Now before I put into destination table, I need to add another column which will show how many total records we have. Like.
My dataset:
A 20 abc
B 24 mnp
c 44 apq
Now I need to add another column within my transformation before I store the result set to destination like this:
A 20 abc 3
b 24 mnp 3
c 44 apq 3
Here. new column gives count of total rows in our dataset which was 3.
How can I achieve this? Can I use derive column to this?
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Jun 19, 2008
I am having problem in bulk update of a sql server table haning identity column from a datatable( has no identity column) using sqlbulkcopy. I tried several approaches, but it does not show any error nor is the table getting updated. But the identity value seems to getting increased every time.
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Mar 26, 2002
This may be a partial ASP question, but here goes...
This procedure returns a 'Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal' error. The sp runs ok and completes the insert ok, but returns nothing for @@identity...any ideas?
Thank you!
CREATE procedure insert_order
@officeID int,
@orderNo varchar(50),
@ProofReqID int,
@ShipMethID int,
@orderDate datetime,
@notes varchar(200),
@userID int
INSERT INTO orders (
officeID, orderno,
proofreqid, shipmethid,
orderdate, notes,
userid )
@officeID, @orderno,
@proofreqid, @shipmethid,
@orderdate, @notes,
@userid )
----------------ASP code---------------------------------
SQL = "insert_order '"& int(officeID) & "','" & (OrderNo) & "','" & int(ProofReqID) &"','" & int(shipmethID) & "', '" & (date) & "','" & (notes) & "','" & int(UserID) &"'"
Set sRS=results.Execute(SQL)
rsIdentity = sRS("orderID")
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Jun 12, 2002
I have 2 tables (Master / Detail)
and a SP which does the following:
1) Inserts a record in the Master table (table1) where the key is an identity column
2) Then, takes the identity value of Table 1 and procedes to insert the details in the detail table (table2)with this identity number.
Here is an example of how the SP is coded:
Here are a Bunch of Parameters
declare @lasterror int
declare @last bigint
INSERT INTO BI_V_Transacciones ( CodBan, NacCli, CedRif, Login, Accion, Objeto, DirIP, Canal, CodRes,MtoDeb,Concepto,CtaDeb)
VALUES (@CodBan,@NacCli,@CedRif,@Login,@Accion,@Objeto,@D irIP,@Canal,@CodRes,@MtoDeb,@Concepto,@CtaDeb)
set @lasterror = @@error
if @lasterror <> 0
rollback tran
return @lasterror
SET @last = @@IDENTITY
INSERT INTO BI_V_SChequeras (ID,Direccion, Status, ObsTra, CodSud,Accion)
VALUES (@last,@Direccion,@Status,@ObsTra,@CodSud,@Accion)
if @lasterror <> 0
rollback tran
return @lasterror
select '<mantis v="1.0"><resultado estatus="OK" /><respuesta/></mantis>'
return 0
BI_V_Schequeras and BI_V_Transcacciones are Views where the people who implement this are inserting on.
This procedure is heavily used in a transactional application (High Cuncurreny). The SP is called by DLL SOAP Wrapped
Overlooking the fact that the use of views is not the recommended approach for inserting:
The REAL problem is that some insertions are going wrong in the detail table.
This is because the identities recorded in the detail table (table2) are not the right identity value but they are higher than the identity of its parent in table1.
With this behaviour, the Master/Detail relationship is lost from the conceptual perspective (Wrong detail data assigned to master record -- different identities)
We are seeing here the statement @@Identity inside of a Transaction, so we asume the identity value returned is the on of the Session, However in some cases the identity inserted is a superior like the identity inserted is the one of other session????
I've been thinking to replace the @@Identity with Identity_Scope() function, but I'm not quite sure this will resove the issue.
Some clues or help about this issue???
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Aug 13, 2007
This has got to be simple... Every time I try to create this sproc I get the following error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_AddTradeItemsToSelections, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'VIEW'.
Its driving me nuts because I can't see anything wrong with line 5 where the view is being created. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_XXXXX]
CREATE VIEW TradeItem_Append
SELECT TradeItemID, UserDataID, BuilderID
FROM Selections
WHERE (UserDataID = @UserdataID)
SELECT TradeItem_Append.UserDataID, TradeItems.BuilderID, TradeItems.TradeID, TradeItems.TradeItem, TradeItems.Price, TradeItems.DDLRefNo,
TradeItems.TradeItemID, TradeItems.Details, TradeItems.ProductType, TradeItems.Room, TradeItems.Notes
TradeItem_Append ON TradeItem_Append.TradeItemID = TradeItems.TradeItemID
WHERE (TradeItem_Append.TradeItemID IS NULL)AND(TradeItems.BuilderID = @BuilderID)
DROP VIEW TradeItem_Append
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Jun 15, 2001
Hi guys,
I am trying to create a view through SP
as follows, but I am getting as error as Invalid syntax near view.
Please let me know where I am doing wrong.
@intJob as int
if @intjob=1
CREATE VIEW Purge AS SELECT Btch_id AS Batch_ID, DLN, Process,End_DLN, Job,
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Aug 12, 2009
when i alter non identity column to identity column using this Query alter table testid alter column test int identity(1,1) then i got this error message Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'identity'.
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Jan 25, 2015
I have table of three column first column is an ID column. However at creation of the table i have not set this column to auto increment. Then i have copied 50 rows in another table to this table then set the ID column values to zero.
Now I have changed the ID column to auto increment seed=1 increment=1 but the problem is i couldn't figure out how to update this ID column with zero value set to each row with this auto increment values so the ID column would have values from 1-50. Is there a away to do this?
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Jun 10, 2008
I have a table with this structure
ID | Ticker
1330 |AAB-Bank
1336 |AEGON
1367 |ALZSE
1420 |ASSGEN
2812 |AVLN
I have a sproc called usp_validTicker that will take 2 parameters: ticker and date. It will return the valid ticker for that date.
I like to have the sproc going through each ticker in the table and return the valid tickers.
For example
exec usp_validTicker 'AAB-Bank','2008-6-10' will return 'AAB' and my final table will be
ID | Ticker
1330 |AAB
1336 |AEGON
1367 |ALZSE
1420 |ASSGEN
2812 |AVLN
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Mar 18, 2008
Is there a function or a code that I can use to get the value of the next Identity column number?? (the auto incrementing column)
thanks a lot!
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Aug 1, 2014
I'm working with a third-party database (SQL Server 2005) and the problem here is the following:
- There are a bunch of ETL processes that needs to insert rows on a table (let's call this table T) and at the same time, an ERP (owner of T) is up and running (reading, updating and inserting on T).
- The PK of T is an Integer.
Today all ETL processes uses (select max(ID) + 1 from T) to insert new rows, so just picture the scenario. It is a mess! Everyday they get duplicate key error when 2 or more concurrent processes are trying to insert a row (with the max) at the same time.
Considering that I can't change the PK, what is the best approach to solve this problem?
To sum up:
* I need to have processes in parallel inserting on T
* I can't change anything on T
* The PK is NOT an Identity
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Sep 14, 2000
I am not able to create identity on a existing column using ALTER statement.
Can anybody help on this issue ?
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Jun 29, 2006
hi.i am using ms sql server 2000. can somebody tell me what the code would be to remove all the values in a given column and replace them with the associated number of the row with each execution. so, if i have a column:nums|1||2||3||4|and somebody deletes record |2|i would like the nums colum to update to|1||2||3|not:|1||3||4|it seems simple but i am having a hard time with this. how is it done?thanks.
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Jan 5, 2006
All of my tables in my database have keys that are autonumbered (datatype int with identity set to 1).
Whenever I go to insert a new entry into the table I execute an INSERT INTO command and leave off the key field, so that it is automatically inserted with the new row.
However, I need to that number, so that I may insert it as foreign key into another table. How would I go about retrieving this number? I thought about doing a Max() on that field, but I am not confident that SQL server would always use a higher number than everything previous. Is there a better way of accomplishing this? Is my design flawed from the start? Any feedback would helpful. Thank you.
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Jul 23, 2005
How do I output a row number for a table solely for the purpose ofquerying for a unique row?In my problem, the table from a legacy system does not have a primarykey, so it limits various querying I'd like to do that identifiesuniqueness in the table.The problem is that since I'm using DTS to simply copy the table toSQL, I don't want to create identity rows.
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Oct 16, 2006
Hi all,
The requirement is to have a table say 'child_table', with an Identity column to refer another column from a table say 'Parent_table'..
i cannot implement this constraint, it throws the error when i execute the below Alter query,
ALTER TABLE child_table ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_ct FOREIGN KEY (child_id)
REFERENCES parent_table (parent_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
the error thrown is :
Failed to execute alter table query: 'ALTER TABLE child_table ADD CONSTRAINT
fk_1_ct FOREIGN KEY (child_id) REFERENCES parent_table (parent_id) ON DELETE
CASCADE '. Message: java.sql.SQLException: Cascading foreign key 'fk_1_ct' cannot be
created where the referencing column 'child_table.child_id' is an identity column.
any workarounds for this ?
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Aug 10, 2001
I am attempting to import data from a Lotus Notes database using DTS. The SQL table I am importing to has an identifying auto-number. I can't insert directly into it because the SQL server should, however I get an error if I ignore it in the DTS package. Is there any way to get around this?
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Sep 7, 2007
Hi guys,
If I have a temporary table called #CTE
With the columns
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
and I need to change the column type for the columns:
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time.
What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?
I am trying to solve the question in the link below:
Thanks in advance,
I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...
[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;
I have also tried:
[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;
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May 23, 2002
Table structure: col1 IDENTITY (seed=1 increment=1) + few other columns (col2...col7) + one text column (col 8)
I have around 50,000,000 rows per day inserted in the table T1. At the end of the day 40,000,000 rows are deleted. I have to keep the records for 12 months and then archive it. Database is 24/7 web serving and there is no down time allowed. IDENTITY column will go out of range (overflow) after less than two years, unless the identity seed is reset to the start value (seed=1, increment=1).
At the end of 12th month data is archived in another table and only last month is kept in the table T1. So table T1 enters new year with data from last month of the previous year. There are few other tables that refer to this table by using there own field with values from T1.IDENTITY column (referential integrity is not enforced). Identity column in T1 is needed as a unique id for some search actions. Performance is an issue therefore bigint data type is used for this identity column rather than decimal.
Another problem I have is how to do table update on one column (1 mil rows to be updated out of 2 mil of rows) with the minimum impact on the users who are querying this table heavily. Not need to mention that it is web app 24/7 no down time.
Thank you in advance.
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Jul 23, 2005
Need help on the Auto Number or Identity Seed on the Oracle DatabaseI got an Access database that need to be converted to Oracle 9i.Somehow the Trigger we created to simulate the "AUTO NUMBER" on Accesscould not create the sequence number as soon as the value has beeninserted. The sequence number can only be created after we go to thesecond line. Please see the trigger below.Is there anyway we could create a trigger that could create thesequence number as soon as we enter a value? It should be verysimilar to the "Auto Number" on Access, or "Identity Seed" on SQLServer.----------------------------------------------------------1. sequence SNP.SECTION_ID_SQ:CREATE SEQUENCE SNP.SECTION_ID_SQSTART WITH 1INCREMENT BY 1NOMINVALUENOMAXVALUENOCYCLECACHE 20NOORDER/GRANT SELECT ON SNP.SECTION_ID_SQ TO "PUBLIC"/2. Trigger SNP.SNP001_T_I_GET_NEXT_SECTION_ID:CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER SNP.SNP001_T_I_GET_NEXT_SECTION_IDBEFORE INSERTON SNP.SNP001_SECTIONREFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEWFOR EACH ROW WHEN (new.section_id IS NULL)BEGINSELECT section_id_sq.nextvalINTO :new.section_idFROM dual;END;
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Aug 12, 2014
We are running SQL Server 2012 on Windows 2008 Server. I created a credential with a proxy account. In creating the credential, it asked for an Indentity and Secret. I used my windows login and password. Now, I have tested the credential and proxy account by executing a Job which calls a SSIS Package. What is the 'best practice' to use when creating a credential? Should the credential be created with another windows login, created with the same abilities as my windows login, with a non-expiring password? Should that new windows login be used as the owner of my job with the Agent?
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May 23, 2008
I am inserting some data from a temp to an existing table. The existing table has a primary key that is a number that just appears to be number 1-460 (there are 460 rows in the table). The data type for the primary key is int.
When I insert from my temp table to the existing I want to be able to add the next number in but am not sure how I can set that up??
I have pasted my code below. I am inserting into Lab_test_add_conf and the primary key value is lab_test_conf_id. In my select statement where I am getting the values to input I just put a number for now but that isn't going to work. You can ignore the rest of the numbers I have inserted and commas with no values I actually need to go add those to the temp table and just set their default values but I just first wanted to determine how I can create an autonumber. This is a third party software so I don't want to change the actual datatype of the existing table.
Insert Into Lab_Test_Add_Conf
select '460','2250',labtestkey,valuecode,value_description,'L',value_type,units,
from #TempLabTestConfigImport
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Jan 9, 2007
My Memebership table has Guid column as Primary key.
But I would like to add Auto numbering Identity column to this table.
Is this idea OK or it will bring some problems?
Thank you in advance for your help
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Aug 3, 2006
i have a table
column1 int not null
column2 char not nul
column3 char
i want to script a change for table1 to alter column1 to be the table identity column. not primary.
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