SQL 1105 What To Do? Please Help Me

Aug 7, 2002

SQL cluster with 90 Gyga in raid 5 and 2 web server
all NT and SQL 7.0

1)Enterp. Man.

Size: 2.369MB
Space available: 163.47MB
Data space

-Space Allocated

PBSPP001 2.168.69MB

Transaction log space 32.59MB(used) 167.40MB (Free)

- Space available

Directory of F:MSSQL7Data

19/07/02 11.41 <DIR> .
19/07/02 11.41 <DIR> ..
17/07/02 13.22 21.954.560 archivio_Data.MDF
17/07/02 13.22 1.048.576 archivio_Log.LDF
02/08/02 10.05 38.862.848 BCSPP001_Data.MDF
06/08/02 10.05 3.932.160 BCSPP001_Log.LDF
17/07/02 13.22 8.388.608 BCSPT001_Data.MDF
17/07/02 13.22 7.798.784 BCSPT001_Log.LDF
17/07/02 13.22 241.958.912 demo.mdf
17/07/02 13.22 32.243.712 demo_log.ldf
08/02/00 04.16 1.048.576 distmdl.ldf
08/02/00 04.16 3.145.728 distmdl.mdf
17/07/02 13.22 209.715.200 ISSC_Data.MDF
17/07/02 13.22 13.893.632 ISSC_Log.LDF
17/07/02 13.22 9.240.576 master.mdf
17/07/02 13.22 1.310.720 mastlog.ldf
17/07/02 13.22 786.432 model.mdf
17/07/02 13.22 786.432 modellog.ldf
05/08/02 11.54 12.320.768 msdbdata.mdf
17/07/02 13.22 786.432 msdblog.ldf
17/07/02 13.22 1.048.576 northwnd.ldf
17/07/02 13.22 3.080.192 northwnd.mdf
06/08/02 12.56 2.501.443.584 PBSPP001.mdf
05/08/02 18.12 209.715.200 PBSPP001_log.ldf
24/07/02 09.20 PBSPT001.mdf
24/07/02 09.20 132.120.576 PBSPT001_log.ldf
19/07/02 11.42 435.290.112 PIPYP001.mdf
05/08/02 21.30 9.437.184 PIPYP001_log.ldf
19/07/02 10.07 435.290.112 PIPYT001_Data.MDF
26/07/02 14.12 6.086.656 PIPYT001_Log.LDF
17/07/02 13.22 1.310.720 pubs.mdf
17/07/02 13.22 516.096 pubs_log.ldf
05/08/02 15.23 84.541.440 TEMPDB.MDF
23/07/02 21.02 53.608.448 TEMPLOG.LDF
34 File(s) 6.756.810.752 bytes
78.937.866.240 bytes free


- Program error

- ------------------------------------------------*
- * Inizio Esecuzione 06/08/02 10.59.32
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Clienti
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Clienti nuovi
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Clienti riassegnati
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Clienti estinti
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TWKCLI
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TEDTPF
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Clienti
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Clienti nuovi
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Clienti riassegnati
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TWKCLI
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TEDSPF
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Massa C/C
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Massa Titoli (no obbl.)
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Portafoglio Titoli (no obbl.)
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Massa e Portafoglio Titoli (obbl.)
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Massa PCT
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Massa Polizze
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TWKMAS
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Valore Intermediato Titoli
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TWKVIA
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Classificazione Portafoglio Titoli
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TEDTPR
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TEDTKI
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Creare consolidated TWKMAS, TWKMIA, TWKVIA
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TWKFPA
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TEDTPA
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TEDSPA
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *-------------------------------------------------*
- * Insert TEDTTI
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Errore comando SQL: insert into TEDTTI select a.NDGCOD, TITCOD, CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(CHAR(10),GETDATE(),120)) AS RIFDAT, CLTCOD, SUM(SCNQTA) AS SCNQTA, SUM(SCNIMP) AS SCNIMP from twktit a, tstanp b where a.ndgcod = b.ndgcod group by a.NDGCOD, TITCOD, CLTCOD
- * SQLCODE: 1105
- * SQLDESC: Could not allocate space for object 'TEDTTI' in database 'PBSPP001' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Programma terminato con errori *
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Fine Esecuzione 06/08/02 11.22.42
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------*
- * Durata Elaborazione 1390 secondi
- *--------------------------------------------------*

This error appear after a db shrink, before the shrink appened at TWKCLI insert

name db_size owner dbid created status
------------------------ ------------- ------------------------ ------ ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PBSPP001 2368.69 MB D91IPB01sqladmin 8 Nov 21 2000 select into/bulkcopy, trunc. log on chkpt.

I can send the sql Enterprise Manager images

View 3 Replies


Error: 1105 (451)

Nov 21, 2007


I have Job ment for Data Transfor one Server to other.It will take 4 hour for successfull run.
But It got failed 1:30m run,and thow an error Error: 1105 (451),Desc: Primary file group full.

Instead of adding Datafile to Primary group our DBA run the same Job after 20 min,It ran successfully.(4h)

I don't under stand who is the occupaied Primary group space earlier and it will free up after some time.

View 9 Replies View Related

SQL 6.5 And Error 1105 On Tempdb

Aug 3, 1999

On out SQL 6.5 server we keep getting error 1105;

Can't allocate space for object '-486' in database 'tempdb' because the 'system' segment is full.

This seems to suggest that tempdb is not large enough. However I can't see how to expand the database larger than the current 6mb. I can only expand the log, and have done so to a 1000mb. Still keep getting the same error.

Any suggestions ??

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Error 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2

Feb 4, 1999

SQL Server version 6.5 pack 4 and Windows NT 4.0 pack 3

"Error 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2
Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in Database 'TNGDB' because the
'logsegment' segment is full. If you run out of space in 'Syslogs', dump
the transaction log. Otherwise use Alter database or sp_extendsegment to
increase the size of the segment"
The database size was 20 and the log size 15. Yesterday after I got the
same message I went to edit the database and expanded the database size and
log to DB 23 and log 20. Backup of the log and maintenance was done last
night. However, the error message is still there. Also I went to edit the
database device and for the DB device I see -795 and I am not able to
change the size at all. The same with the log it shows -798 and no option
to change the size. Please advice.

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Error Message 1105( Very Urgent )

May 20, 1999

I am writing a program in Visual basic 5.0 which would read the data from btrieve database and would transfer the btrieve data
to Sql server database.My code part is working properly but as soon as (sql Server) it inserts the 325th record i get the following error

"Can't allocate space for object syslog in database tempdb because the 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran
out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment."

This error comes only when i edit my database in SQL Server and in my code i get ODBC Call failed(this error is just because it could not insert any
further records to the database.)

Please suggest me with the syntax or code to be used in Sql server or a query to be passed

What i did
i truncated the transaction log but every now and then i have to manually truncate transactions.
But did'nt work

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Error: 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2

Feb 26, 2007

Hi ,

I have a SQL Server 2000 database on my C drive.

Over the weekend my C drive got full due to my transaction log files ballooning up.

At that point none of my users were able to log into their the VB application and enter data.

I freed up some disk space, and then the users were able to log in fine, except for a certain column variable(aggregate) values were negative.

I deattached the DBs and Ldf files and made copies of them on to a test envirnoment. Within the test environment, I ran SQL Query Analyzer with SQL statments that did give me the aggregate values as negative. This matched my VB application values aswell.

I ran

DBCC CHECKDB -- no errors

DBCC DBREINDEX -- no errors

Our programming vendor tells us the DBs are corrupt.

From Error file


2007-01-30 19:43:56.95 spid52 C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLData empdb.mdf: Operating system error 112(There is not enough space on the disk.) encountered.

2007-01-30 19:43:56.98 spid52 Error: 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2

2007-01-30 19:43:56.98 spid52 Could not allocate space for object '(SYSTEM table id: -900439724)' in database 'TEMPDB' because the 'DEFAULT' filegroup is full..

2007-02-23 09:56:21.21 spid56 C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataActgSQL.mdf: Operating system error 112(There is not enough space on the disk.) encountered.

2007-02-23 09:56:21.24 spid56 Error: 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2

2007-02-23 09:56:21.24 spid56 Could not allocate space for object 'POSInventory' in database 'ActgSQL' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full..

2007-02-23 11:11:09.74 spid56 Error: 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2

2007-02-23 11:11:09.74 spid56 Could not allocate space for object 'POSInventory' in database 'ActgSQL' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full..

2007-02-23 15:50:19.27 spid59 Process ID 53 killed by hostname ORCHID, host process ID 3360.


I thought I had backups but I don t. So now I m in a big bind. Help!!

Any suggestions ?

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Server:Msg 1105,Level 17,State 2,Line9

Oct 24, 2005

Server:Msg 1105,Level 17,State 2,Line9
Coule not allocate space to the object 'Tutorial' on 'Mytest1db'
in database because the 'PRIMARY' file group is full.

When I run a query to insert records into a table....i'm getting this error.Please Help....

View 2 Replies View Related

Error 1105 When Using SQLMaint To Reindex Tables

Apr 22, 2004

I have a standard reorganise/reindex job running against a 32GB database on SQl Srever 2000. When trying to run the job it fails and returns Error 1105 <'PRIMARY' filegroup is full>. What's confusing me is that I have 53GB free on the drive on which my Primary file group sits.

Has anyone else come accross this problem when trying to set up a regular reindex job?

(more detail) the maintenance plan only includes the reorganisation/reindex job, no other jobs - including backing up the DB - are included. The DB in question is the only DB on the server: it's a test server.

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SQL Server Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Line 1

Nov 23, 2005

Dear (and mighty) all:I backed up a database (SQL server 7.0) and tried to restore it onanother system (SQL Server 2000). This is not the first time I'm doingthis and never had a problem before:-- in the source dbBACKUP db_icoaraci TO DISK = 'C:TEMPBACKUP-ICOARACI.DAT'--in the destination dbRESTORE db_icoaraci FROM DISK='E:TEMPBACKUP-ICOARACI.DAT'WITH MOVE='ICOARACI_DAT' TO 'E:DBICOARACI.MDF',MOVE='ICOARACI_LOG' TO 'E:DBICOARACI.LDF'Today, to my surprise, the destination SQL returned the followingerror:Processed 25592 pages for database 'db_icoaraci', file 'ICOARACI_DAT'on file 1.Processed 1 pages for database 'db_icoaraci', file 'ICOARACI_LOG' onfile 1.Server: Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Line 1Could not allocate space for object '(SYSTEM table id: 6)' in database'db_icoaraci' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.I searched the list and a found a few posts refering to the same error,but none in the exactly same scenario.I tried to restore the database with NORECOVERY, and, before restoringthe log, increase its size (ALTER DATABASE ... etc), but SQL Serversays that the DB couldn't be open because it's in the middle of arestore...I'll appreciate any help.Regards,Branco.

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Filegroup Is Full SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 1105

Nov 14, 2005

hi ,
i m loading huge data like more than 50,00,000 records using BCP utility after ends the process i received the following Error .

SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 1105
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not allocate space
for object 'BMIS112003' in database 'MY_DB2' because the 'SECONDRY' filegroup is full.

Although I’ve created new filegroup ('SECONDRY' )in drive D:/ that have 10 GB of free Space , then i create table ('BMIS112003' ) using 'SECONDRY' filegroup.

Primary Filegroup created in C:/ that have 1 GB free space.

and all database setting is set as a default.

any one can help me :p

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