SQL 2000 Server Hangs...!

Jul 20, 2005


The SQL server 2000 Server hangs some times. It is not periodic. It is
not specific in any queries, which are taking more time to execute.
Because, it is occurring for different types of applications on the
same server on different machines. For the same applications when we
had the SQL Server 7.0 we didn't have any problem.

O/S: Windows 2000 advanced server
Server: Dell power edge 2600 4 way server with 2 GB RAM
DB: SQL 2000 - Enterprise edition (Normal default installation)- No
service packs.

Are there any server settings to be done...?

Thanks in advance..


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SQL Server 2000 Hangs On A View

Feb 18, 2007

I am working in Powerbuilder and SQL Server 2000. Within the application I dynamically Drop then recreate a view named view_selection_list. When another user accesses any screen using view_selection_list the screen will hang on the statement "If Exists (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'view_selection_list' AND type = 'V') DROP VIEW view_selection_list".
I also went directly onto the database ran select * from view_selection_list from Query Analyzer. It hangs when the original user creating the view is still active. I know that the issue is locking. I don't know how to fix it.

For example ;
String ls_sql
ls_sql="If Exists ( SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'view_selection_list' AND type = 'V') DROP VIEW view_selection_list "
Execute Immediate :ls_sql;

ls_sql="Create View view_selection_list as "
Case 'State'
ls_sql+=" Select distinct proj_id,'State - '+proj_state title from project where proj_state='"+is_data+"'"

Case 'Project'
ls_sql+=" Select distinct proj_id,'Project - '+proj_nam title from project where proj_id='"+is_data+"'"

Case 'All Active Projects'
ls_sql+=" Select proj_id,'Project -' +proj_nam title from project where proj_status = 4 and signed_acq_agmt = 'Y' "

End Choose

Execute Immediate :ls_sql;

The SQL Server connection in the application is:
SQLCA.LogPass ="*******"
SQLCA.LogId = "acq"
SQLCA.Lock = "RU"
SQLCA.AutoCommit = False

Thank You

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SQL Server 2000 EM Hangs When Accessing Specific Db

Nov 7, 2005

I upgraded from SQL server 7.0 to 2000 not long ago, I'm running 2000 SP3, WIN 2K. Things worked fine for several weeks after the upgrade but now I'm experiencing Enterprise Manager hang in the case of one database only, when I try to view the design of a VIEW. I can open the VIEW fine and look at the results, EM only hangs when I try to view design.

I have checked another of the active DBs on my server and it is fine, no EM hang.

Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?


**I just realized that I'm running SP3, not SP4 (corrected above). Correct me if I'm wrong but does MS have a fix for this problem in SP4? I seem to recall a similar issue in the KB.


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SQL 2000 Linked Server Hangs Due To Trigger

Jul 23, 2005

Hi -We have two SQL 2000 Servers. We have the linked server setup and wecan perform updates and inserts between the databases. But when we adda trigger and insert something into a table, the database hangs. Thereare NO processes blocking or being block in either database. This ONLYoccurs when we have one OS as Windows 2000 Server and the other OS asWindows 2003 Server. This problem does not occur when both servers areWindows 2000. Has anyone ran into anything similar to this???*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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SQLExecDirectA Call Hangs Up On SQL Server 2000

May 7, 2007


I am trying to execute a stored procedure on SQL server 2000 Developer edition through ODBC. I am using a VC++ client for the same. The stored procedure has 51 parameters. The issue is that the response on method SQLExecDirect is not consistent. At times it will return success or failure based on parameter values, otherwise it just hangs up. The code snippet is like -

// get database handle

// get statement handle

//call sql bind parameter

// set memory for query string and copy it

// strcpy(sqlString,"{call pi_ml_*******(?, ?, 2, 0, 0, ?, ?, 100,'2007-05-04 19:37:37.357', '2007-05-04 19:37:37.357', 1, 1, 72, ?, 72, ?, ?, ?,0, 0, ?, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ?, '2007-05-04 19:37:37.357', ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, ?, ?, 0, NULL, ?, ?, 0, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, 0, NULL,NULL, 0, 0, 0)}");

//call sqlexecDirectA( for an ANSI build)

returnVal = SQLExecDirectA(hstmt, (UCHAR*)sqlString, SQL_NTS);

It appears to be some locking issue but I am the only user for the database. This code works perfectly fine for other stored procedures. I have tested the parameters on SQL analyzer store procedure execution utility.



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Help!! SQL Server 2000 Extended Stored Procedure Hangs In Windows 98

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to run xp_cmdshell from the Query Analyzer using SQLServer 2000 running on Windows 98.It seems like it should be simple - I'm typingxp_cmdshell 'dir *.exe'in the Query Analyzer in the Master db. I'm logged in as sa.The timer starts running and never stops. No error message.Can anyone PLEASE help me with this? Any suggestions would beappreciated. Are SQL Server 2000 extended stored procedures notsupported in Windows 98? I've tried searching the Knowledge Base butcan't find anything.Thanks!

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IIS 4 Hangs To SQL 2000

Oct 22, 2004

Hello everyone,

I've done some searching, asking of friends, and searching every log file and event file I can think of. So now I'm coming here.

Recently I moved some of our databases from an NT4 box running SQL 7 to an Advanced 2000 box running SQL 2000. The web server is still on an NT4 box. It seems that about three times a day or so ASP type files will hang on the webserver. This server hosts different sites and all ASP type files will stop even if some of them hit the old SQL7 server.

Right now I moved the web server back to looking at the SQL 7 machine and things are going fine.

Can anyone offer me a direction to start looking? Why is it working fine to the old stuff but not the new stuff? Is there an issue with NT4 with its IIS trying to talk to an Advanced 2000 with its SQL2000?

Thank you in advance for any help.

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SQL 2000 Enterprise Hangs Upon Install

May 19, 2004


I hope someone out there can help, cos i really need it.
We have a 2 node cluster + SAN that will be used as our SQL 2000 servers.
We have setup the cluster ok, and have tested failover with no problems.
However, when we try to install SQL 2000, it just hangs.
I have copied the enterprise cd to the local drive, and am installing from there.
We run the setup.bat, create the Virtual Server, and assign an ip address. At this point, it just hangs.
Upon checking the SQLSTP.LOG file, this is the last entry in the log:
Begin Action : DialogShowSdDiskGroups

I have found the Microsoft Technet Article 293788, which gives me a possible soloution, but we dont have any Resource Names or Groups that have the same name.

Can someone PLEASE give me an answer on how to fix this, or at least point me in the right direction.

Many Thanks


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Restore Process Hangs When Restoring Sql 2000 Db

Dec 18, 2007

i did a full backup of a database on machine 1 and am trying to restore it to machine 2.

when i try and restore on machine 2 it brings up the restore process window and just hangs, nothing happens. i'm restoring through EM

i've done plenty of restores on sql 2005 and never ran into an issue like this.



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Reporting Services 2000 - Printing Hangs

Jan 8, 2007

I am running SQL 2000 SP4 with Reporting Services 2000 SP2. Reporting services hangs when I try to print reports. The reports render okay, and when I click on the print icon, I get the appropriate dialog box. Once I click "OK", I get the "Printing..." dialog that says "Printing Now...", but it never prints, and the window eventually stops responding. As far as I am aware, no changes have been made to the server, and it was working fine approximately 10 days ago. Below is the contents of my RS Client Print Log (%Temp%LOG56.tmp):
CRSClientPrint::Print - Starting Function.
reportServerUrl = http://reportsrv/ReportServer
reportPath = %2fEngineering%2fRamz+-+Development%2fDEV_Reports%2fContract_Project_By_State&ContractStateDesc=Active
reportName = Contract_Project_By_State
CResourceManager::SetLocaleInfo - Starting Function.
SetUICulture - Starting Function.
Attempted UI LCID = 9
Using UI LCID = 1033
SetUICulture - Ending Function.
CResourceManager::LoadResourceDLL - Starting Function.
CResourceManager::LoadResourceDLL - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CResourceManager::CanUseCurrentLocale - Starting Function.
CResourceManager::CanUseCurrentLocale - Ending Function.
CResourceManager::LoadGDIPlus - Starting Function.
CResourceManager::LoadGDIPlus - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
Attempted culture = 1033
Using culture = 1033
Culture name = English_United States.1252
CResourceManager::SetLocaleInfo - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CPrintDlg::Print - Starting Function.
CPrintDlg::InitializePrintDlg - Starting Function.
CPrintDlg::GetDefaultPrinterName - Starting Function.
CPrintDlg::GetDefaultPrinterName - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CPrintDlg::SetPrinterPaperSize - Starting Function.
CPrintDlg::SetPrinterPaperSize - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CPrintDlg::InitializePrintDlg - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CReport::SetReportName - Starting Function.
CReport::SetReportName - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CPrintDlg::PrintReportPages - Starting Function.
CCancelDlg::StartDialog - Starting Function.
CCancelDlg::StartDialog - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CReport::Fetch - Starting Function.
CReport::ComparePrintInfo - Starting Function.
Value of diff = 2
CReport::ComparePrintInfo - Ending Function.
CReport::ClearPages - Starting Function.
CReport::ClearFetchedPages - Starting Function.
CReport::ClearFetchedPages - Ending Function.
CReport::ClearPages - Ending Function.
CReport::ResetNextFetch - Starting Function.
Next Fetch set to 1
CReport::ResetNextFetch - Ending Function.
CReport::StartFetchThread - Starting Function.
CReport::GetPageToFetch - Starting Function.
Page to fetch = 1
CReport::GetPageToFetch - Ending Function.
CReport::StartFetchThread - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CReport::Fetch - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CReport::GetPage - Starting Function.
Page = 1
CReport::GetPageWrapper - Starting Function.
Page wrapper = 0x00000000
CReport::GetPageWrapper - Ending Function.
CReport::FetchThreadMain - Starting Function.
CReport::GetPageToFetch - Starting Function.
Page to fetch = 1
CReport::GetPageToFetch - Ending Function.
CReport::FetchAllPages - Starting Function.
CReport::PerformFetch - Starting Function.
CReport::GetPaperSize - Starting Function.
Height = 8500, Width = 11000 IsMM = 0
CReport::GetPaperSize - Ending Function.
CResourceManager::SetInvariantCulture - Starting Function.
CResourceManager::SetInvariantCulture - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
CResourceManager::ResetCulture - Starting Function.
CResourceManager::ResetCulture - Ending Function: 0x00000000.
Url = http://reportsrv/ReportServer?%2fEngineering%2fRamz+-+Development%2fDEV_Reports%2fContract_Project_By_State&ContractStateDesc=Active&rs:Command=Render&rs:format=IMAGE&rc:OutputFormat=emf&rc:StartPage=1&rc:EndPage=65535&rc:PageWidth=11.0in&rc:PageHeight=8.500in&rc:MarginTop=6.350mm&rc:MarginBottom=6.350mm&rc:MarginLeft=6.350mm&rc:MarginRight=6.350mm&rs:PersistStreams=True

Can anyone give me any ideas as to how to troubleshoot this issue?

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Stored Procedure Runs In 2000, Hangs In 2005

Nov 8, 2006

I have a rather complex sp that runs for 4 minutes in SQL2000. It computes some messy oil and gas revenue/cost transactions. It involves lots of calls to functions that return single values of all types and also returns recordsets. There are all kinds of joins with temp and memory tables, etc. Just a mess, but it works. However, in SQL2005, it runs and apparently hangs, as it never ends.

I have run the Upgrade Advisor and otherwise, have not found any information that tells me that there are issues with functions or SQL-specific functions, tables, etc. that might cause this. Does anyone on this forum have some pointers on where I might look for assistance on this matter? Surely someone knows something about things working differently in 2005.



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SQL 2000 Database Response Hangs After Cluster Failover Only When Active Connections Were Present

Sep 26, 2007

I have a Microsoft Cluster running on Server 2003 Entrprise. SQL 2000 8.00.2039 (SP4). 5gb physical memory installed.

With the databases online we run a test failover from the Cluster administrator. It takes about 30-40 seconds and completes without generating any Server Event log errors nor SQL log errors. Everything looks good from an administrative stand point.

However, when we test with running a series of queries to the databases, then failover, we notice that it can take up to 3 or 4 minutes before some of the databases will respond. Connections are not refused, they just sit there.

How can we troubleshoot this or does anyone have a similiar experience with this scenario?

View 5 Replies View Related

SQL Server Hangs

Feb 12, 1999

My client is using SQL Server 6.5 on NT 4.0. They have recently began to have their SQL server session freeze intermittently.
I have determined that only users that are accessing one particular database are freezing which leads me to a locking problem.
What is the best way to determine the locking problem (i.e. event logs, sp_lock, ....)?

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Server Hangs

May 15, 2007

Hi ppl

I have a DTS that is loading 6 text files into respective tables. Before loading this files the tables are emptied using SQL tasks with the following code:
FROM Table1

OMC is a PK from table1 and ? is a parameter within the DTS.
Occasionally the system hangs executing these delete statements for one of the tables (not always the same!)
I’m forced to reboot and then DB goes trough a recovery process.

Any idea what might be wrong?

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server Hangs Once In A While

May 7, 2007

I have a problem where a SQL 2005 server in the morning will deny all connections do to a time out error. Sytem has 4 CPU's in it and sqlservr.exe is utilizing 85% of all CPU's. If I run filemon it does not show activity to any of the SQL databases. I get a login timeout message when I try to connect via the enterprise manager or from a command prompt, even if I bump the timeout delay to 5 minutes. If I restart the SQL Server services all is fine for a few days.

View 4 Replies View Related

SQL Server Hangs

Jun 8, 2007

On random occasions, our SQL Server instance will just hang and the users will not be able to use the application until we restart the SQL Server 2005 Service. Anyone have any ideas what we might do to figure out what is going on? The server hung up at 8:00 AM this morning. There was nothing after our midnight backup in the log until we rebooted the server at 8:05 AM.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - Eric-

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BCP Import To Server Hangs

Jul 23, 2013

I need to import several million records into a SQL table from a pipe-delimited text file. I have tried SSMS 'Import/Export' which is slow so I tried bcp from the command line.Importing records into an empty table with no indexes worked a dream. However..Tried to import 13 million records into an indexed table. After almost 50% of the import (6721000 records) bcp appears to have hung and the Server disk is flashing continuously.

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Report Hangs 4 CPU Server

Mar 19, 2004

Forgive my lack of knowledge on SQL here...

We have a SQL server, version 7, that has 4 CPU's. Some of our staff have reports that must be run at random times before cutting checks etc. and these reports bog down the servers CPU's big time, enough so that we can not access the server via Enterprise Manager and at times not even through Query Analyzer. During this time of course other users can not do standard work of saving or accessing the database. Our Processor queue length never seems to go over 1 now. (We recently went from 2 to 4 CPU's do to a 1.4 average queue length).

I have heard that is is possible to limit the number of CPU's that certain query's or events can use. What is the proper terminology for this and can a person do this with limited knowledge? If this can be done during "working hours" so that during off hours query's can use all CPU's, even better.

Mike Gilbert

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Scheduled Job Hangs The Server

Nov 23, 2005

I wonder if anyone can help.I have a scheduled job running overnight to delete old records for aparticular Db table.The table contains more than half million records and the scriptsimply uses the date field to delete any of the records which have adate older than 7 days. My guess is that there will be some 100,000records which need to be deleted.The job takes ages to run and whilst it is running sql server iscompletely locked and the associated website is effectively offlinebecause of it.I think I know where the problem lies but I don't know why.Whoever created the Db table created a varchar 255 field as theprimary key. The field is then filled with a string of 40 charactersgenerated within the webserver script to have a 'unique' string.Those are the facts. The following is my interpretation.I think the server is unable to cope with not only a character fieldas primary key but also one with so many characters in it. In such alarger table presumably in order to delete the old records it must dosome sort of ordered sort on the Primary Key and it is this that iscausing the problem.I would like to introduce a new field called 'id' make it autonumberedand primary and make the errant field non-primary.So my question is this:Is my analysis correct but more importantly, why? Can anyone give meclear reasoning for it.Also is the solution sound?Table looks like this:clientID intrefID varchar 255 Primary KeyfieldA varchar 512creationDate datetimefieldB varchar 255field C varchar 32Job script:delete from myTable where creationDate < [7daysAgo]Thanks in anticipationBill

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ReportingServicesService Hangs Up The Server

Apr 12, 2007

Something strange has happened with Reporting Services on the server. When the ReportingServicesService windows service is runnig, it loads CPU (up to 100%) and allocates more and more virtual memory (up to 1,5Gb). There aren't subscriptions for the Report Server and nobody permanently executes reports on it. How can I fix that memory leak?

Log during memory leak:
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing ConnectionType to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing IsSchedulingService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing IsNotificationService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing IsEventService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing PollingInterval to '10' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing WindowsServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing MemoryLimit to '60' percent as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing RecycleTime to '720' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing MaximumMemoryLimit to '80' percent as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing MaxAppDomainUnloadTime to '30' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing MaxQueueThreads to '0' thread(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing IsWebServiceEnabled to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing MaxActiveReqForOneUser to '20' requests(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing MaxScheduleWait to '5' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing DatabaseQueryTimeout to '120' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing ProcessRecycleOptions to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsScavengerCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsDbCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsAge to '30' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing CleanupCycleMinutes to '10' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing DailyCleanupMinuteOfDay to default value of '120' minutes since midnight because it was not specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonFlags to '1064' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpOnExceptions to 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Modeling.InternalModelingException' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpExcludeIfContainsExceptions to 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing SecureConnectionLevel to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing DisplayErrorLink to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!4/12/2007-15:39:48:: i INFO: Initializing WebServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!9!4/12/2007-15:39:49:: Total Physical memory: 3220504576
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!4!4/12/2007-15:39:49:: i INFO: RPC Server started. Endpoint name ='ReportingServices$MSSQL.3'
ReportingServicesService!library!a!4/12/2007-15:39:49:: i INFO: Catalog SQL Server Edition = Enterprise
ReportingServicesService!resourceutilities!a!4/12/2007-15:39:49:: i INFO: Reporting Services starting SKU: Enterprise
ReportingServicesService!resourceutilities!a!4/12/2007-15:39:49:: i INFO: Evaluation copy: 0 days left
ReportingServicesService!crypto!a!4/12/2007-15:42:46:: i INFO: Initializing crypto as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM
ReportingServicesService!crypto!a!4/12/2007-15:42:46:: i INFO: Exporting public key
ReportingServicesService!crypto!a!4/12/2007-15:42:47:: i INFO: Performing sku validation
ReportingServicesService!crypto!a!4/12/2007-15:42:52:: i INFO: Importing existing encryption key
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!1b!4/12/2007-15:45:46:: i INFO: RPC Server stopped
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!1b!4/12/2007-15:46:06:: Can't unload domain, trying again
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!1b!4/12/2007-15:46:23:: Can't unload domain, trying again
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!1b!4/12/2007-15:46:39:: Can't unload domain, trying again
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!1b!4/12/2007-15:46:56:: Can't unload domain, trying again
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!1b!4/12/2007-15:47:13:: Can't unload domain, trying again
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!1b!4/12/2007-15:47:29:: Can't unload domain, trying again
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!1b!4/12/2007-15:47:46:: Can't unload domain, trying again

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SQL Server Express Hangs

Jun 8, 2007

Hi, I just installed SQL Server 2005 Express w/ Advanced Services (9.00.3042.00) on a Windows XP Pro workstation and I am having some trouble. When I launch the Management Studio and try to change or add anything - like creating a SQL Server login, or changing the default folder for databases - the software just hangs on "Executing".

For example, right now I am watching it still say "Executing" after just opening Server Properties and clicking OK without changing anything. It's been doing this for 15 minutes with no sign of it stopping.

I checked the ERRORLOG file and it seems to be completely clean with no errors. Similarly, the Windows Event Logs look clean.

Any ideas or suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue? I've tried rebooting, reinstalling (and then rebooting) etc...

Is there a newer build for this?



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Server Hangs -error 17805

May 18, 2001

My sql server 7.0 sp2 hangs occasionaly. When looking at the sql connections they are
all working and then al of a sudden they go to 0 and the clinets that are searching arewaiting for about 30 seconds or
get timed out.

Also the CPU could be at 25% and then goes to 0 then back to 25%

I am also getting the error 17805
Invalid buffer recieved from the client.

this is to do with the ODS.( microsoft info)

Any suggestions as to what is causing this.? or has anyone else encountered this before.

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Linked Server To DB2 Query Hangs

Jul 26, 2001

We want to read data from a DB2 view so we set up a linked server in SQL7 (ODBC via Neon's Shadow Direct) but when we issue the following type of query from Query analyzer:
select * from openrowset(my_db2link,'select * from test.myview where mycol = ''value''')
it just hangs, and we can't kill the process (the Enterprise manager 'KIll Process' button has no effect!)
- the only way we can get rid of these queries seems to be to stop/restart SQL Server
When we look at current activity in Enterprise manager the process seems to be waiting for a resource (either MISCELLANEOUS or PAGEIOLATCH)
The query works OK if I run it on the server using Shadow direct, so the error must be between SQL Server and Shadow direct
Has anyone seen this error before?
Thanks in advance, John

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Linked Server - Delete Hangs

Sep 8, 2014

I have a procedure on SQLSERVER DB1 where i insert into few tables on SQL SERVER DB1 and delete a table on remote server SQL SERVER DB2 via linked server. Unfortunately, the delete is taking for ever. Procedure never completes. Data in that table is close to 500 records.

I have delete statement like
Exec(delete linkserv.onedb.stg.tab1)

Later i modified the delete query as below but no luck

DELETE OPENQUERY(linkserv, 'Select * from onedb.stg.tab1')

What can i do here to get this fixed?
Please see linked server properties below
Enable promotion of distributed transactions for RPC:True
Use Remote Collation: True
All other properties : False

How can i debug my SQL Server procedure and find the issue. I came to know that i do not have permission to use debug feature on SSMS.

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SQL Backup Hangs, Server Freezes

Feb 28, 2007

We have SQL 2000 running on Server 2003. The server has 4 GB RAM, RAID 1 and has the /3GB switch in Boot.ini. We have 6 databases, the largest is about 14 GB. Until recently I could use Enterprise Manager to perform database backups to a folder on the same server but now the operation fails. After selecting the location for the backup and clicking OK, the hard drive light comes on but goes out after 15 - 30 seconds. The progress bar does not move. I've waited and waited but nothing further happens and the server doesn't respond. The only solution is to push the power button and let the server re-boot. Very occasionally the backup will run for a minute or two and the progress bar might get to about one third of the way across, (in which case the destination file will show up with more than 0 bytes), but it never completes. I can find nothing in the event log relating to this problem. As far as I am aware, nothing has changed since the last successful backup. Backups to tape using Retrospect appear to work fine but I haven't done a test restore. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can try to get the backups working again?

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Package Hangs On Deployed Server

Nov 20, 2007

I have an SSIS package that executes in about 1:20min from Visual Studio on my local machine. While executing, my machine is somewhat unresponsive.

When I deploy the package to the database server -- the very same database server that I am accessing from my local machine -- the package executes but eventually hangs. It appears to be running out of memory, and I usually have to kill the process to get the machine to respond. While it's hanging, the machine is unresponsive to all users. The hardware (including memory) is identical between my local development box and the server.

How should I troubleshoot this? I've tried deploying the package to MSDB, file system, running from dtexec, and running from dtexecui. This is very frustrating!

Thanks for any help.


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DB2 To X64 SQL Server Table DataFlow Hangs

Oct 9, 2007

I have an SSIS package that contains a source to DB2 using the Native OLE DBIBM OLE DB Provider for DB2 in the connection mananger. The connection requires a specific user name and password. 'Test Connection' passes, and I am able to preview data in the OLE DB Source Editor.

The data then goes through a Data Conversion transform. The OLE DB Destination editor uses a Native OLE DBSql Native Client connection manager. 'Test Connection' passes. The SQL Server edition is 2005 Enterprise x64.

When the package is executed within Visual Studio Professional on a Windows XP (sp2) machine, The package hangs at this dataflow. I set up a data viewer between the DB2 source and the conversion transform, but no data appears(DefaultBufferMaxRows is set to 100). In the 'Execution Results', validation completes, but nothing happens beyond that. There are no errors or messages in the error list. In the Control Flow, the dataflow control appears yellow, and stays that way.

I have noticed that when this package runs, a command window flashes up for a brief second.

How do I troubleshoot this? Why is there no data in the data viewer between the source and the data conversion transform?

Thanks for your help!


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SQL Server 2005 64 Bit Hangs At Install.

Aug 10, 2007

Just purchased a new server, and am trying to install SQL Server 2005 standard, 64 bit. I'm running Windows Server 2005 r2 64 bit.

Setup support files installs fine.
System configuration passes all 14 checks.
Then it moves to install and just hangs there. Eventually, perhaps maybe after 20-30 minutes does it create a message saying that the Install has failed to respond. Retry or cancel.

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Sql Server Express Hangs And Does Not Allow Any Connections

Jul 19, 2006


We have few installations of SQL Server express on Windows 2003 servers, platforms varrying from Celeron to P4.

Sql Server on system hangs after running for some time. Time varies from few hours to few days.

When we try to connect it just gives connection timeout error.

Any idea how to isolate the problem?

We would like to to enable more detail tracing but do not know how to do that.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server Service Hangs Then Auto Restarts Later

Feb 3, 2003

Has anyone seen this kind of error message? I pulled it from the SQL Server Logs. In this occurance the error occurs at 1:18am, my jobs begin to fail thereafter, and then the SQL Server Services auto restarts at 3:14am.

2003-01-24 01:18:00.15 server Error: 17882, Severity: 18, State: 1
2003-01-24 01:18:00.15 server Error accepting connection request via Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'. Execution continuing..
2003-01-24 01:18:00.15 server Error: 17059, Severity: 18, State: 0
2003-01-24 01:18:00.15 server Operating system error 1: Incorrect function...

I presume that the SQL Service and/or Server Agent becomes disfunctional, then the SQL Server Service restarts itself and everything is fine again. Once the SQL Server Service comes back up I get notifications that jobs failed, between the time from the error to the restart, and then I can restart the any failed jobs just fine. Also, during that time NetIQ does not think the SQL Service is down so it does not send out any Service outage notifications.

Another tid bit of info is that this server is dedicated to SQL Server 2000 Enterprise and has 5GB of memory with AWE enabled.

I think it could possibly be a memory leak but am not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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SQL Server Express Manager Installation Hangs

Sep 14, 2005

When i will try to install SQL Server Express Manager in W2K SP4, its fail with error in Event Viewer:

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HELP Sql Server 2005 Express Connection Hangs Up

Apr 9, 2007


I got an access 2002 application front end with a sql server 2005 express back end. Some of my clients are having some difficulties. After using the application for a while, some of the users are finding that the system just hangs up. It usually happens after the front end application has been running for about an hour (sometimes sooner and sometimes later). There are perhaps 1 to 5 concurrent users and I have checked to see if there are any firewalls stalling it (I think I check all of them)- Is there any way that SQL Server 2005 express could be caused to just stall- This even occurs with the odd laptop. All the appropriate protocols are enabled as well. These databses are not very large.



Frank Srebot

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SQL Server 2005 Install Hangs - Does MS Plan To Fix?

Oct 19, 2006

I am experiencing extremely slow behavior (no activity for > 30 mins) during a SS 2005 Dev Edition install on XP SP2 on various steps during the SQL Server Database Services step - e.g. during "Setting File Security". This is very annoying.

I've found many postings on this issue indicating that OS calls in this part of the install (e.g. LookupAccountName()) are network speed dependent.

Does Microsoft have any plans to rework this part of the install to rid the need of these calls? I really wish the install would be possible without these calls - it's driving me crazy monitoring this for hours. We've got to roll SS2005 out to a couple hundred developers eventually and this isn't going to cut it.

Thanks for your time on this matter.

Best Regards,


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