I have 3 NT Workstations that will not connect to my SMS database using NT Integrated Security. The SQL 6.5 server is set up to use mixed security. The only way to connect to the server is to use a standard sql account. Any ideas? THis happens to all users even administrators.
How do SQL 2000 service packs play a role in upgrading? That is, can SQL 2000 Standard with no Service Packs(SP) be upgraded to SQL 2005 Standard, or does SQL 2000 Standard have to have a certain service pack??
Hey yall. I'm a DBA in a company where I do NOT have the ability tocontrol who logs into my SQL servers as administrator, so I'm lookingfor a way to uninstall the workstation components WITHOUT completelyuninstalling all of my instances. Does anyone know how to do this?All I can find is the complete removal option in add/remove, and theinstall cd setup doesn't have a remove function that I can find. Anyidea's?The reason for wanting to do this is so that every tom dick and harrythat logs in as administrator doesn't have the ability to just open EMand do what they please. I want to force people to log in fromanother box so I can get tighter control over who can access mydatabases. Any help is awesome, thanks!Joshua Austill
Hello!I would like to change the SQL server 2000 from Standard version toDevelopment edition. I have two database running on this server, bothreplicated, with few jobs, etc ... Can you recommend the easiest way to dothis? I heard, it would be as easy as, detaching the databases, deletingcurrent SQL software, installing different one, and attaching the olddatabases back. I doubt that is true, so that's why I'm asking here for anyreal-life instructions.Thanks for your input!Kind regards,Dejan--
I keep getting an error when I try and create a new data connection. This is the error I'm getting:
Unable to connect to database. It is only possible to connect to SQL Server Desktop Engine databases and Microsoft Access with this version of Visual Studio.
I can connect to Access without any problems. Is there anyway around this? I'm using C# .net Standard with SQL Server 2000.
Hi there Our ISP hosts our data on SQL Server Enterprise, but I also going to host the databases on my local machine. As it's just local would Standard edition do? If I migrate the databases over, will it work? Thanks in advance.
I have installed IIS, VS.NET 2003, .NET 2.0 Framework, and now I have tried to install the standard version of SQL Server 2000 and it is telling me that I can only install the client components. The O/S is Windows XP Pro on a laptop.
I am running Win2k Professional version SP2. I tried to install the SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition, I got error message said " MS Sql Server 2000 Standard Edition server component is not supported on this operating system. Only client components will be available for installation."
I need to max out on RAM somewhere around 3 to 4 GB and I am using SQL 2000. Standard SQL 2000 RAM is limited to 2 GB. SQL Enterprise 2000 is maxed out around 32GB and it cost is $1K. I need to purchase a Windows based SQL package but I can't find the specs on SQL Standard 2003 (which is ~$700) to compare. What is the Max RAM for SQL Standard 2003? Which is a better purchase relative to RAM? What O/S is recommended as this also limits RAM usage?
Im attempting to install SQL Server 2000 Standard on Windows XP Pro and it keeps returning to me an error:
"Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition server component is not supported on this operating system. Only client components will be available for installation."
Anybody have any idea what this means according to the documentation and previous posts on installation problems my operating system should support this edition of SQL server.
I'm considering upgrading from MSDE 2000 to Express 2005. Before I do that I need to know if my linked server dependant scheduled jobs will continue to function properly.
Here's my current configuration:
I have a local SQL Server 2000 Standard edition box linked via IP address to a remote MSDE 2000 SQL Server. This link uses SQL authentication.
I want to upgrade the remote MSDE server to 2005 Express. Will my local 2000 SQL Server link successfully with a 2005 Express server?
Also, I have 2000 Developer Edition on my machine and am using Enterprise Manager where I have registered the remote MSDE so I can easily manage the server. Will I be able to register a 2005 Express server or will I need to upgrade my developer machine to 2005? If I do upgrade my developer machine, will I still be able to register the 2000 Standard Sql Server?
If there are any other issues with running a mixed environment like the one described here, please speak up! I want to make an informed decision.
I am currently trying to migrate to a new computer. My old computer (Box 1) has Windows 2000 Ver 5.0 SP4 as an operating system. My new computer (Box 2) has Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 SP2 as an operating system.
Currently, I have Microsoft SQL Server 2000 running on Box 1. When I used the CD to install the software on Box 2, it will not allow a full install. Just the Client portion. The exact message I get is "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition is not supported on this operating system. Only client components will be available for installation.
How in the world do I get this software to install on Box 2? I've seen and downloaded, the service packs but I don't know where to go from there.
Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide.
We are upgrading a production database server to new hardware. The server is currently running SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition. We are thinking about installing SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition, however that would mean the test server (2000 Standard) and production server (2000 Enterprise) have different edtions of SQL Server. How much of a risk does this present? Later in the year we would upgrade test to SQL Server 2000 EE, but for a couple of months the environments would be different.
On the MS website (at this URL: http://www.microsoft.com/sql/evaluation/overview/default.asp) it says that the Standard edition of SQL Server 2000 has a database size limit of 1,048,516 terabytes.
Talking to a friend, he tells me this is not true, and that it has a database size limit of 12gb.
Is Microsofts site incorrect, or is my friend lost?
I have kind of an urgent need here. I need to know if there is a dll file or registry key or something of that nature that I can query on to find out if my SQL 2000 installations are Enterprise or Standard.
I understand I can do this using query analyser, but that will not work with my reporting tool (this is for reporting numbers of SQL installations in our very large enterprise for Microsoft license compliance).
Does anyone know of a resource that describes the steps to upgrade an instance of MSDE(2000) to SQL 2005 Standard?
We found something on a MS site that indirectly indicated you could upgrade the MSDE to SQL Express and then upgrade Express to the full version of 2005, but that method created quite a bit of problems(System databases), which we were not able to resolve short of uninstalling MSDE and the apps and installing SQL 2005 and re-installing the apps; but I have to believe there is a better way.
I'm after some advice, I am looking for the best way to do this:
I have a SQL 2000 Clustered Virtual Instance which is of course Enterprise Edition as it is clustered. I need to upgrade to 2005, but dont need the 2005 Enterprise features, Standard will do, as this supports clustering.
The restrictions are that you cant upgrade 200Ent to 2005Std.
As this is a fairly complex environment, it has a default instance running on node 1 and a named instance running on node 2 I dont particularly want to uninstall both 2000 instances, and then install new 2005 instances
So is it possible to upgrade to 2005 ent, and then downgrade to standard. I have seen a suggestion without any details, that there is an undocumented sp, sp_update_resume, that might do this. Does anyone know about this
Or does anybody have any other suggestions. (the names of the instances have to be the same, as the existing instances)
We have an SQL 2000 Standard SP4 system with 3gb of RAM running on Windows 2003 Server R2 Standard.
The SQL memory usage of this server flatlines at around 1665mb and will not go any higher.
I understand SQL 2000 Standard on Windows 2003 Server Standard has a 2gb memory limit, however why wont the memory push up to this limit? The OS shows there is around 700mb of the 3076 unused (SQL uses 1660, windows uses around 700 making the maximum used around 2300 of the 3076)
I have set the /3gb switch on windows boot, I have changed the SQL memory configurations many different times. If I try and set 'min server memory' to anything over around 1500mb I get the error on SQL startup;
Warning: unable to allocate 'min server memory' of 1720mb
In the above example surely if the Server has a 2gb limit it should let me set say 1720/2048 ? or 1920/2048 or even 2048/2048, however anything over around 1500 generates the above error.
Our server continues to flatline at 1660mb, any help to squeeze out an extra 200-400mb of RAM would be appreciated or an explination as to why it can not be done.
I am hiring a server at a hosting company. This server contains a dozen websites that i made and they all have their own database. Well, i received a message from my hosting company that they go to remove the SQL 2000 Standard and replace it by SQL 2005 Express. What do I have to think about that? Can this give database connection problems?
I will be installing a new, SBS2003 R2 server that comes with SQL 2005 Workgroup Edition. We currently have a SQL 2000 Standard server. Can I installed SQL2000 Standard on SBS2003 R2? The reason for this is that we're not ready to migrate to SQL2005 and we need to continue running SQL2000.
I am currently running SQL Server 2000 Standard on my production system, and I am looking to upgrade the system to Windows 2000 Adv. Server. I would also like to upgrade SQL Server 2000 Standard to SQL Server 2000 Enterprise to utilize more than 2GB of memory. Can anyone tell me what is the best way to upgrade the system, and please provide some feedback on your experiences with the upgrade. Thanks in advance.
I am getting the following warning on a Live SQL 2000 system: This SQL Server has been optimized for 8 concurrent queries. This limit has been exceeded by 1 queries and performance may be adversely affected. Reading about this error I realised that, by mistake, the version installed is a personal edition instead of the standard edition. I am thinking to backup the databases, uninstall SQL 2000 Personal edition, install Standard edition and restore the databases back. OR, disconnect the databases, uninstall the current version, install the standard version and re-connect the databases. I haven't found within Microsoft any advice how to upgrade the personal version to the standard edition. Because it is a live system, I would not like to mess the system up. Can you please advice? Many thanks
I recently upgraded my MSDE server to SQL Server 2000 database. After the upgrade, I see, every minute,in the logfile that the database is starting whilst in Enterprise manager the database is up and running. I would be grateful if you could bail me out of this anomaly.
I have been tasked with upgrading around 150 SQL Server 2000 DTS packages to SSIS in SQL Server 2005 standard edition. I made a backup of the 2000 database upon which the DTS packages operate and restored it to the SQL 2005 server. So far, so good. I have the database in place. Now I need to get the DTS packages themselves into the SLQ 2005 server. I think I need to check my install and make sure that I have the SQL Server 2000 DTS services installed on the SQL 2005 server. I can do that.
However, I wonder what would be the most effective way to physically get the packages from the SQL 2000 server to the SQL 2005 server. Should I use structured storage files? If so, how do I go about opening them in SQL 2005 in order to save them to SQL server 2005?
I should mention that these packages make heavy use of ActiveX scripting so I am looking at rewriting them from scratch to be SSIS packages. I just need the packages on the SQL Server 2005 box so I can make sure I am creating exactly the same functionality in 2005 as existed in SQL server 2000. Each DTS 2000 individual package tends to be fairly simple and I think I can greatly improve the process by consolidating them.