SQL 2000 - Unable To Get List Of Data Mining Algorithms - PLEASE HELP

Nov 6, 2006


I recently started using SQL 2000 Analysis Manager. I wanted to try data mining but was unable to get the Mining Model Wizard to load available techniques.

When I select a cube and "New Mining Model" I get the following error:

"Unable to get list of data mining algorithms."

"Object of provider is not capable of performing requested operation"

Please help.

Thank you very much,


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More Questions About Data Mining Plug-in Algorithms?

Jun 6, 2006

Hi, all here,

I am having a more considertaion about Data Mining plug-in algorithms. When we say we are going to embed a uesr plug-in algorithm, so what is the context for that ? I mean in which case then we thing we need to embed a user plug-in algortihm? I know when we say we are going to embed a user costomermized plug-in algorithm, it means we want something more costomized. But what kind of customized features are generally concerned? Is it independant for different market sectors?

I dont think we can just try to embed a plug-in algorithm then compete it with avaialble algorithms to see which one is with better prediction accuracy?

Would please someone here give me some guidances about that?

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Tutorial And Demos For All SQL Server 2005 Built-in Data Mining Algorithms

May 11, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you for your kind attention.

Could please any of you give me some advices for if there are tutorials and demos avaiable which cover all the SQL Server 2005 data mining built-in algorithms?

That will be great to hear from any of you shortly. Thanks a lot in advance.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Simple Explanation Of Mining Algorithms

Jun 9, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I am reading DataMining Tutorial and right now I am at the Mining Algorithms section. I cannot understand any of the algorithms. For example take the following text... what a bunch of mouthful bla bla bla it is ....

"The Microsoft Decision Trees algorithm supports both classification and regression and it works well for predictive modeling. Using the algorithm, you can predict both discrete and continuous attributes.
In building a model, the algorithm examines how each input attribute in the dataset affects the result of the predicted attribute, and then it uses the input attributes with the strongest relationship to create a series of splits, called nodes. As new nodes are added to the model, a tree structure begins to form. The top node of the tree describes the breakdown of the predicted attribute over the overall population. Each additional node is created based on the distribution of states of the predicted attribute as compared to the input attributes. If an input attribute is seen to cause the predicted attribute to favor one state over another, a new node is added to the model. The model continues to grow until none of the remaining attributes create a split that provides an improved prediction over the existing node. The model seeks to find a combination of attributes and their states that creates a disproportionate distribution of states in the predicted attribute, therefore allowing you to predict the outcome of the predicted attribute"

In the above text what is meant by discrete and continious attributes? what is regression? what is predicted attributes? what are input attributes? what is distribution of states?

Is there a source which explains these algorighms in a easier way ....

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Where Can I Store The Mining Results From Mining Models In SQL Server 2005 Data Mining Engine?

Apr 26, 2006

Hi, all here,

I am wondering where can I store my mining results in data mining engine? For example, I got mining results like accuracy chart, decision trees, and other formats of results based on different mining algorithms I used for my data mining, so where can I actually store the results for reporting service use later? Is it possible to do that in SQL Server 2005?

Thanks a lot for any help and guidance in advance.

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Data Mining 2000

Sep 13, 2006

i want show other products when somebody choose a product,
product1 product2
A B, C ,D
C F, G
i create model:
I create a mining model:
([Cusid] LONG KEY ,
[Products] TABLE PREDICT ([Productid] LONG KEY
)) USING Microsoft_Decision_Trees

(SKIP, [Products] (SKIP, [Productid]))
{OPENROWSET(€¦, 'SELECT DISTINCT "dbo"."customers"."cusid" AS "Cusid" FROM "dbo"."customers" ORDER BY "dbo"."customers"."cusid"')}
( {OPENROWSET(€¦, 'SELECT DISTINCT "dbo"."orderdata"."cusid" AS "UI_GENERATED_PARENT_KEY_COLUMN", "dbo"."products"."productid" AS "Productid" FROM "dbo"."orderdata", "dbo"."orderdetails", "dbo"."products" WHERE (("dbo"."orderdata"."orderid"="dbo"."orderdetails"."orderid") AND ("dbo"."orderdetails"."productid"="dbo"."products"."productid")) ORDER BY "dbo"."orderdata"."cusid"')}

I use DTS to select data:
[T1].[Cusid] AS PRODUCTID ,topcount(PREDICT ( [bh].[Products],INCLUDE_STATISTICS),$probability,5) AS ReProductid
€¦,'SELECT "productid" AS "Cusid" FROM "products" ORDER BY "productid"'
€¦,'SELECT "productid" AS "Cusid_1", "productid" AS "Productid" FROM "products" ORDER BY "productid"'
RELATE [Cusid] TO [Cusid_1]
AS [Products]
AS [T1]
[bh].[Cusid] = [T1].[Cusid] AND
[bh].[Products].[Productid] = [T1].[Products].[Productid]

My result
productid1 productid2
1 2372
1 5422
1 1223
2 2372
2 5422
2 1223
3 2372
3 5422
3 1223
how can i do ?
i can't write predicts(products,5) or predicts([model name].[products],5) . when i run -> error

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Analysis Services 2000 (data Mining)

Sep 8, 2006

i create a model mining

( [Cusid] LONG KEY ,
[Orderdetails] TABLE PREDICT ([Productid] LONG KEY )
) USING Microsoft_Decision_Trees

i can show for customer some products other when he choise a product.

ect: he choise A, i show he B, C, D ....

but for that, i must know his cusid.

now i want show B,C,D when one man choise A ( i don't know his cusid). how i do that.

( i'm using sql server and analysis service 2000)

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Predict Products ( Data Mining 2000)

Oct 6, 2006

i want to make a web page and when somebody come in. i want show for him which products that everyone often buy at that time ( month or summer ).

how i do in data mining to predict that products ?

more: i want know how much percent of product is like by buyer

or i want show products with desc % of the like of people

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Data Mining :: Informational (Data Mining) - Decision Trees Found No Splits For Model

Sep 29, 2015

I followed the tutorial posted at [URL] ...

Everything was ok until the last step where I had to process the mining structure which resulted in a warning

"Informational (Data mining): Decision Trees found no splits for model, Tbl Decision Tree Example."

What does this error mean? How do I resolve it? Also, I only see the first level in the Mining Model Viewer, I don't see the levels 2 and 3.

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How Can We Compare Other Data Mining Software Packages With SQL Server 2005 Data Mining?

Feb 23, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

I would like to know if there is any way to migrate third-party data mining packages with SQL Server 2005 data mining algorithms together then we can have a comparison among all of them to get the best results for training models.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks a lot.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Data Mining - Scalar Mining Structure Column Data Type Error...

May 31, 2006

Hoping someone will have a solution for this error

Errors in the metadata manager. The data type of the '~CaseDetail ~MG-Fact Voic~6' measure must be the same as its source data type. This is because the aggregate function is not set to count or distinct count.

Is the problem due to the data type of the column used in the mining structure is Long, and the underlying field in the cube has a type of BigInt,or am I barking up the wrong tree?

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Data Mining :: Content In Data Mining Structure Not Valid - Deployment Fails

Apr 30, 2015

I'm a beginner with SQL 2012 SSDT & SSMS. I get this error message when I try to deploy my project: 

"Error 6
Error (Data mining): KEY SEQUENCE columns are not supported at the case level. The 'Customer Key' column of the 'TK448 Ch09 Cube Clustering' mining structure contains content that is not valid.
0 0
I am finding it hard to locate the content that is not valid. I've been trying to find a answer for this problem but can't seem to find anything. How can I locate the content that is not valid and change or delete it so that I can deploy this solution?

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Data Mining :: MS Excel Data Mining Add-ins / Maximum Number Of Predict Columns

Jun 4, 2015

Having successfully created :

- a data mining structure with about 80 columns.
- a data mining model using Microsoft_Decision_Trees with 2 prediction columns. 

I thought I would then explore the possibility of have more than 2 prediction columns, in this case 20.

I get an error message and I can't work out :
a) if this is because there's a limit to the maximum number of prediction columns and where that maximum is stated.
b) if something else has become corrupted
c) there's a know bug and if the error message is either meaningful or not.

Either way, I'm unable to complete the data mining wizard 

The error message is :Errors in the metadata manager. Either the mining structure with the ID of '[my model Structure]' does not exist in the database with the ID of 'DMAddinsDB', or the user does not have permissions to access the object.

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About Data Algorithms

Feb 5, 2007

I just want to know what are the data algorithms available for sql server 2005 and can i use data mining as a web service












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Error (Data Mining): The 'HISTORIC_MODEL_GAP' Data Mining Parameter Is Not Valid

Oct 25, 2007

Hi all,

I am using Microsoft_Time_Series and have set HISTORIC_MODEL_GAP to various values (from 1 to 21). I always get this error:
Error (Data mining): The 'HISTORIC_MODEL_GAP' data mining parameter is not valid for the 'My Time Series' model.

In Algorithm Parameters window, this parameters is not there by default, so I have to add it.

Any tip will be greatly appreciated.

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Data Mining :: Implementing Excel Data Mining In A Classroom Setting?

Jun 15, 2015

Implementing data mining Add-in in an academic setting?  We need to handle over 150 new students a semester and have their connection to Analysis Services survive for their four years at the college.  We are introducing data mining to every freshman business student as a unit within their Intro to Excel class (close to a month of work to give them a sense of what is possible).  Other courses later in their curriculum will expand on that introduction. 

Once implemented, we would have as many as 900 connections to manage (four years from now).  It is possible that multiple sections will be running at the same time, so 40 students may be accessing the data mining tools concurrently.   

Is there a way to "bulk establish" the access credentials and establish those databases?

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Question On Attributes Selection For Un-supervised Algorithms And Supervised Algorithms

Jul 19, 2007

Hi, all,

Thanks for your kind attention.

Just wonder is there any good idea for us to select attributes for training models? Both for non-supervised algorithms like Association Rules and Clustering etc. and supervised algorithms like decision tree etc.

It will be much interesting to hear from you for any best practices and popular methods of dealing with this issue.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and thanks for your advices.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Data Mining :: How To Reduce Data Mining Processing Time

Aug 4, 2015

With SASS Database i have created Data mining Structure Using Time series algorithm, while processing the SSAS db, Data mining  taking long time to process, so how we can  reduce processing time ???

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How Is The 'Score' Value Derived In The Lift Chart/Mining Legend For Data Mining Models?

Sep 26, 2006

I have just run a simple data set through a model to predict a simple true or false value (i.e. binary output)
The Lift Chart/Mining Legend in Analysis Services shows three results €“ Score, Population Correct (%), and Predict Probability (%)

Population Correct I beleive is the percentage of predictions it got right out of the total number of predictions it tried to make. Is this correct?

However, I can€™t work out how the other two are derived in particular the 'SCORE'. To give a live example the scores were as follows:

Model Score Pop Correct Pred Probability
Decision Trees 0.83 76.59% 54.28%
Neural Network 0.75 67.63% 50.05%
Ideal Model 100.00%

Can anyone help with this and give a detailed explanation?

Many thanks,
S Rajput

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Excel 2007 Data Mining Add-in Advance Create Mining Model Question

Apr 11, 2007


I am trying to model data in analysis services with the Advance Create Mining Model function in the excel addin. I am having trouble creating an association model that works like the Associate button above the Advanced button.

The format of my data is like this

OrderID Product

100 Bike

100 Helmet

100 Shoes

200 Helmet

200 basketball

200 Bat

300 Shoes

300 Socks

The associate button works perfectly since it asks me which column is the transaction id (orderid) and which column I am trying to predict (product). The advanced create mining model asks me to determine what the columns are...

OrderID=key Product=Input+Predict?

When I run the advance create mining model associate, I get a browser that gives me no rules and the support for only one item itemset (each product but no combination of products).

Does anyone know what I have to do to get it to work like the associate button?

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Can I Filter The Data On Mining Structure, Mining Model?

Jul 18, 2006

I perform data mining on all products and a specific product category.
Do I need to create 2 data source views, one for all products and the other one for the specific product category?
Afterward, I run the Data Mining Wizard 2 times to create 2 mining structures.
I also need to add the same mining model (e.g. Bayes, Cluster) to each of these mining structures.
Is there any simple way to do it?


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Data Provider List Missing...very Odd SQL 2000

Jan 27, 2006

Hey All!

I have an interseting situation with one of my dev machines. (W2k3EE, SQL2k SP4)

All my linked servers stopped working posting this error:

Server: Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider [enter provider name here, e.g. 'SQLOLEDB'.

So...when attempting to drop and recreate the linked server, the Provider pull down in the GUI is completely empty.


I'm thinking of reinstalling MDAC, but I've never seen this in 10 years of DBA'ing.

Have any of you? Any thoughts out there? Registry issues?


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Sampling Data Set Via Integration Services Data Flow For Data Mining Models Without Saving Training And Test Data Set?

Nov 24, 2006

Hi, all here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Db_owners Unable To See Login List

Jul 18, 2007

Hi. We are using SQL Server 2005 64-bit on Windows Server 2003 R2 x64Enterprise Edition. I have a really weird problem where I have peopleout there who are placed in the db_owner, db_accessadmin, anddb_securityadmin roles in their database, and yet they are unable toadd new users to their databases, despite the fact that logins existfor these users on the server. The reason is that when attempting toadd a new user in Management Studio, upon using the "Browse" option tolook at the logins, the complete list is not presented to them. Infact, they only see a couple of logins or so (the server has hundredsof logins). Also, if they try to type in the login name directly,they get a "permission denied" error message. Since they cannot addusers to their databases, they have to call me and have me do it forthem.I created a test, non-privileged, SQL-authenticated login to testthings for my own sake, and when logged in under the test account, Isaw the same behavior. I had db_owner role for a single testdatabase, and when I went to add users, the only server logins thatwere displayed were my own (the test login in this case) and that ofsa. Further, when I queried the master.sys.syslogins view, I saw thesame thing, it only came back with the rows for myself and sa.It appears that this is clearly a security problem, but I'm not sureat what level to look. We never had this problem with SQL Server 2000or earlier. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to allow mydb_owners to see all the server logins, and therefore be able to addusers to their databases as they see fit? I really do NOT want toassign them to server-level security roles, for obvious reasons.Thanks,SkyGringo

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Help, Unable To Add Sql Database To Website (Scott's Todo List Video).

Dec 27, 2006

New to AJAX and ASP .Net. I am trying to follow along with Scott's Todo List video. When I try to add a sql database by right-clicking on App_Data and selecting add new item and then sql database, I get the following message 'Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installatio of the component or download from the URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=49251' . I have installed Sql Server Express but still get the message. I would appreciate it if anyone can help me with this issue, thanks.

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'unable To Obtain A List Of Tables From The Datasource' Error From Excel

Oct 12, 2007

This is a very detailed question, I hope this is the best forum to address it. It is more related to general ODBC access, and less to SQL Server data access.

Calling all ODBC experts!

I am a developer using an ODBC toolkit to connect to my companies metadata management product, which in turn communicates to SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 and other databases. The ODBC toolkit we are using is very old, and has been very stable in accessing data with clients such as Access, Excel, Visio and others. It is a read-only ODBC driver that does not support a lot of advanced query and data manipulation features, such as catalog.

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 to debug the ODBC calls that Excel is making when attempting to load data through the External Data Wizard. The Excel version I am using is 2003. The method that I am using to attempt to load data is with 'Data | Import External Data | Import Data'. When that dialog appears, I select 'New Source...' then 'ODBC DSN'. I then select my DSN and click Next.

At this point, I get back the error 'unable to obtain a list of tables from the datasource'.

What is frustrating is, if I do 'Data | New Database Query' and use MSQuery to load the data, everything works fine.

As I mentioned I am using VC2005 and debugging, I believe the problem has to do with the capabilities of our driver and the columns that Excel is binding to return data. In this call, Excel is binding two columns - Table Qualifer (

TABLE_QUALIFIER (1)) and Remarks (TABLE_REMARKS(5)). Our driver does not support qualifiers, so we return a NULL for that value:


fSqlTypeIn = SQL_CHAR;

rgbValueIn = NULL;

cbValueIn = SQL_NULL_DATA;

Excel makes the SQLTables() call, which successfully returns the entire list of tables from our server product. It then attempts to SQLBind the two columns I mentioned above. The first call to SQLFetch returns with SQL_SUCCESS but the ODBCGetData call fills the QUALFIER column with a NULL. So obviously, Excel doesn't like this value and then ends up quiting and displaying the message above (I think....) This is confirmed by looking at the ODBC trace calls:

EXCEL 1500-1b18 ENTER SQLTablesW
HSTMT 01F120E0
WCHAR * 0x4DE3B000 [ 1] "%"
WCHAR * 0x4DE272E4
WCHAR * 0x4DE272E4
WCHAR * 0x00000000
EXCEL 1500-1b18 EXIT SQLTablesW with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
HSTMT 01F120E0
WCHAR * 0x4DE3B000 [ 1] "%"
WCHAR * 0x4DE272E4
WCHAR * 0x4DE272E4
WCHAR * 0x00000000
EXCEL 1500-1b18 ENTER SQLBindCol
HSTMT 01F120E0
PTR 0x01DD74C0
EXCEL 1500-1b18 EXIT SQLBindCol with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
HSTMT 01F120E0
PTR 0x01DD74C0
SQLLEN * 0x01DD74BC (-1163005939)
EXCEL 1500-1b18 ENTER SQLBindCol
HSTMT 01F120E0
PTR 0x01DD75C8
SQLLEN * 0x01DD75C4
EXCEL 1500-1b18 EXIT SQLBindCol with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
HSTMT 01F120E0
PTR 0x01DD75C8
SQLLEN * 0x01DD75C4 (-1163005939)
EXCEL 1500-1b18 ENTER SQLFetch
HSTMT 01F120E0
EXCEL 1500-1b18 EXIT SQLFetch with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
HSTMT 01F120E0
EXCEL 1500-1b18 ENTER SQLGetDiagRecW
SQLWCHAR * 0x0013531C (NYI)
SQLWCHAR * 0x00134F1C (NYI)
SQLSMALLINT * 0x00134F04
EXCEL 1500-1b18 EXIT SQLGetDiagRecW with return code 100 (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
SQLWCHAR * 0x0013531C (NYI)
SQLWCHAR * 0x00134F1C (NYI)
SQLSMALLINT * 0x00134F04

So I began to examine the GetInfo calls. There are probably 100 or so that Excel makes. Anything related to qualifiers or cataloging seems to indicate (according to MSDN) that we do not support it. So my thinking was, if Excel properly identifies that we don't support qualifers, why does it attempt to bind the column? Is this a flaw in Excel, or are there some other GetInfo properties that I am not properly setting?

The attributes I am setting (that seem related) are:


Looking at ODBC trace logs, the only GetInfo values that Excel is quering is SQL_QUALIFIER_LOCATION, SQL_QUALIFIER_TERM and SQL_QUALIFIER_USAGE. According to the MSDN documentation, an application is supposed to query SQL_CATALOG_NAME to determine if catalogs are supported. I know it is not, because I don't see it in the ODBC trace log, or my breakpoints in VC2005 are never hit.

I realize this is a HUGE question. I hope that I came across clear and that my question is understandable. I guess what it comes down to is - (maybe some Excel engineers can answer this one) - is this method of loading data into Excel require a Table Qualifier? If not, how can I configure my settings so that it asks for Table Name (as MsQuery does) instead?

Thank you so much for your time and consideration!

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Data Mining :: Deleting Old Data From Adventure Works 2012 With Powershell

May 3, 2015

I am trying to delete tables from data where the ModifiedDates older than 9 years in AdventureWorks2012 database . I get console notified that foreign keys are dropped but the delete statement is throwing errors. I am sure that somewhere the key constraints are not getting altered, but i'm not able to figure it out as i'm a relative beginner to T-SQL. The error and code:

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesReason_SalesReasonID". The conflict
occurred in database "AdventureWorks2012", table "Sales.SalesOrderHeader
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | Out-Null
$option_drop = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions;
$option_drop.ScriptDrops = $true;

[Code] ....

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Is There Any Way To Train A Portion Of A Training Data Set From A Selected Dataset For Data Mining?

Jun 19, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

I am wondering is there any way to select only a portion of a data set to train the mining model? In this case, I mean we dont need to split the dataset in advance, what I want to do is being able to select any random portion of a selected dataset to train a mining model. Any advices?

I am looking forward to hearing from you and thanks a lot in advance for your advices and help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Learning Data Warehouse/analysis Service/data Mining

May 25, 2006

I am new at MSSQL 2000 DBA thing. and trying to learn more about analysis service/data warehouse/data mining. so is any expert out there can Recommend some good books or web link article to read? Thanks

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How To Split The Data Into Training And Validation Sets When Doing Data Mining?

Jun 15, 2007

Could I ask how to spit the data into training and validation sets when doing data mining?


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EAN Algorithms

Aug 24, 2007

Here is how you get the check digit for EAN-8, EAN-13 and EAN-14.CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetEAN
@Multiplier TINYINT,

@Multiplier = 3,
@Sum = 0

WHILE @Index > 0
SELECT@Sum = @Sum + @Multiplier * CAST(SUBSTRING(@EAN, @Index, 1) AS TINYINT),
@Multiplier = 4 - @Multiplier,
@Index = @Index - 1

WHEN 0 THEN @EAN + '0'
ELSE @EAN + CAST(10 - @Sum % 10 AS CHAR(1))
E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

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How To Access The Data From A Custom Data Mining Plugin ?

Dec 20, 2006

I'm stucked in a problem and I thought if you would be so kind as to helping me to resolve it.

I'm implementing a clustering algorithm plugin for text mining. I've already read the tutorials and sample codes provided by the MSDN Library.

Well... My problem is: I can't go through the data when the Predict method is called. I've read that this method implements the "core" of the custom algorithms. Here is a small snippet of my code for you to understand my doubt:

STDMETHODIMP ALGORITHM::Predict(/* [in] */ IDMContextServices* in_pContext,/* [in] */ DM_PREDICTION_FLAGS in_Flags,/* [in] */ IDMAttributeGroup* in_pPredAttGroup,/* [in] */ DM_CaseID in_CaseID, /* [in] */ ULONG in_ulCaseValues,/* [in] */ DM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE* in_rgValues,/* [in] */ ULONG in_ulMaxPredictions,/* [in] */ ULONG in_ulMaxStates, /* [out] */ DM_ATTRIBUTE_STAT** io_prgPredictions,/* [out] */ ULONG* out_pulPredictions) {

for(UINT i=0;i<in_ulCaseValues;i++) {
DM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE& dmattributevalue = in_rgValues;
ULONG iAttribute = dmattributevalue.Attribute;
if (iAttribute == DM_UNSPECIFIED)
double dblValue = ::DblContinuous(dmattributevalue.Value);
char buffer[129];
sprintf(buffer,"%f ",dblValue);
return S_OK;

As you can see, I'm going through in_rgValues to get its values, but i'm only obtaining the first register of the table on the database. I need to roll over a kind of resultset so I could access all the registers I need. Is there any way to do so ?

I expected Predict() received a matrix containing all my data, but the only thing I noticed that could represent the data is that in_rgValues vector. So I can go through this vector, but it holds only the first register of the table in the database (that's what's being saved on my log). I need all of the registers in order to pre-process the data and implement my clustering algorithm.

Well... That's it... I would be very pleased if you could help me.

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Data Mining :: How To Mine Data From One Spreadsheet And Place It In Another

Jun 15, 2015

I have very little experience with programming and data mining, but I am working on a project where I need to take data from one spreadsheet and place it in another. Since it is hard to describe what I would like to do, I will provide an example:

Column 1, Column 2
100, ?
101, ?
102, ?
103, ?

Column 1, Column 2
102, 202
100, 200
103, 203
101, 201

In this example, the data in Column 1 is always tied to the data in Column 2 (i.e., 100 in Column 1 means 200 in Column 2, etc.) However, the data for Column 2 is only available in SPREADSHEET 2; moreover, the data is not in the same order in both spreadsheets.

My question is how can I create some sort of program where I can transfer the data from SPREADSHEET 2 into SPREADSHEET 1?

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