SQL 2000 Replicate To Oracle 10g R2

Feb 4, 2007

Hi all,

I have some questions about replicate data from MS SQL 2000 to Oracle 10g R2:

1. Is it only SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition support replication?

2. Is it the Oracle DB must install on Intel-based Windows server?




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Replicate MS SQL 6.5 DB In Oracle 10.2.0

May 27, 2007

Could someone please point me in the direction on where to look for info on how to:
Replicate an MS SQL 6.5 tables on an Oracle 10.2.0 server every 5-10min?

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Replicate From Oracle To Sql Server

Nov 8, 2001


How can i replicate data from oracle to sql server 2000?



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Replicate Oracle Date From SQL Server

Oct 25, 2001

I want to update Oracle table from SQL Server 7. I need to read data from a table in SQL Server and want to update Oracel table accordingly. Please help.
Thnaks in advance.

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Can You Trans. Replicate From SQL 7 To SQL 2000

Mar 28, 2001

We would like to replicate from a SQL 7 DB some data onto a SQL 2000 Server running SQL 2000. We plan to take some data off the SQL 7 DB's and create a Data Warehouse on the SQL 2000 Box.

Question: Will the data replicate successfully from the SQL 7 box onto the SQL 2000 box?


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Replicate Data From DB2 To SQL Server 2000

Feb 5, 2004

We have a distributed Database in DB2 and SQL Server 2000.
As the user updates/Inserts data to DB2 Database , the data need to be dynamically replicated to SQL Server.
Please Let me know the best possible method of doing it.

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Replicate Between To MSSQL 2000 Servers

Mar 2, 2006

HelloI have 2 locations, that each has an MSSQL 2000 server.Since the locations are to far from each other and the connection isvery slow.My thought was to have a database on both servers that should replicate“on the fly” or as asynchronous sync.The problem is that both locations work in the database frequently. Soit’s very important that there are no duplicate IDs.Is that possibly and how?~Peter

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Replicate Schema/Replicate Data Only

Sep 7, 1999

Using SQL 7.0 I'd like to replicate just schema from DB on server A to DB on server B, then be able to replicate data only form DB on server B to DB on server A. I need help!!

Thanks for ANY information you can give me...

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File From Oracle To Sql 7/2000

May 2, 2001

I am trying to take a table from Oracle and put it in a file and then
BCP this file to SQL. No problem until I get to the text column coming from
the Oracle table. I am using the vertical bar (pipe delimited) row and column delimeter options. But when I get to the Notes field I only get one
character per field???? I don't know what else to try.

Any thoughts?

I am transferring from Oracle 8.0 to my pc using SQL 2000. However the server has SQL 7.0 where the actually DTS package will run.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Connecting Oracle To SQL 2000?

Jan 28, 2005

Hi, i need to build some way of connecting Oracle to SQL Server in order to pull data off Oracle and house it temporarily on SQL 2000 for searching.

Basically we've built an intranet using ASP and SQL 2000 and which also pulls data off Oracle, however our connection to Oracle is very slow so an idea to speed it up would be to have SQL store a temporary snapshot of this data and the ASP site query off the fast connection it has to SQL rather than use our slow connection to Oracle.

This temporary snapshot of Oracle data would be stored on SQL 2000 and updated on a scheduled basis.

Any ideas how to do this, or a better way to work this?

Thing is I tried installing the Official Oracle ODBC & Client software on our SQL 2000 server before and it just took out SQL 2000 so would really like to hear other options.

Thanks in advance,


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How To Connect Oracle With SQL 2000

Jan 20, 2007

Good evening,

I would like to ask help from professionals, I have oracle database as old system and SQL server 2000 as new system ,these databses for accounting department so we would make oracle as publisher server and SQL as subscriber which we be sure the database in the two system is synochornize. but the main problem I can't make oracle as publisher because when I go to SQL server2000, replication, no option for non sql server.

so I would like to help asap.

thank in advance.

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DTS Between SQL Server 2000 And Oracle 8.1.7

Feb 11, 2004


I used DTS Export Wizard to copy tables from SQL server 2000 to Oracle 8.1.7. After transfering completed successfully, I loged into oracle and tried to select data from the tables. I got 'table does not exist' error. But when I select table_name from oracle data dictionary, I saw tables exist in oracle. Then I opened SQL Query Analyzer, I can select data from the tables just transfered through linked oracle server.

Does anyone have same experience? Could someone please give me suggestion?

Thanks in advance!

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Oracle .dmp To SQL Server 2000

Apr 7, 2004

Hi guys,
I was given a task to get an Oracle .dmp file into SQL Server.
Is it even possible to do? Or do I have to script the Oracle DB and import the DB that way?
But then how would I get the data?

I need to get the Oracle structure and the Data over to SQL Server.

PLease help.

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Replication From Oracle To Sql Server 2000

Mar 3, 2003

Is it possible to replicate from Oracle to SQL Server.



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Sending Data Between MS SQL 2000 && Oracle

Dec 4, 2006

I need to send data from a MS SQL 2000 DB in one location down to a Oracle DB (Solaris) in another location. I was wondering how(if at all possible) how to do this.

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Migrating From Oracle 8i To SQL Server 2000

Jan 31, 2004

I am trying to migrate my database in Oracle 8i to Sql Server 2000 but am unsure of how to carry out the migration. How do I do it and what do I have to consider. My OS is Windows 2003. Thanks in advance

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SQL 2000 To Oracle 9i Migration Problems

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I am using the Oracle Workbench for migrating my DB currently on SqlServer 2000 to Oracle 9i. During the migration the following happensSELECT @tBaseTable = tBaseTable, @tDBColumnName = tDBColumnNameFROM tblColumnMain WITH (NOLOCK) left join tblCustomField WITH(NOLOCK) on aColumnID = nColumnIDWHERE aColumnID = @nPropertyIDgets converted toSELECT tBaseTable, tDBColumnNameINTOSPROC_PROPDATA.tBaseTable, SPROC_PROPDATA.tDBColumnName, FROMsa.tblColumnMain, sa.tblCustomFieldWHERE (aColumnID = nColumnID) AND (aColumnID =SPROC_PROPDATA.nPropertyID_);and gives the warning that complex outer joins maynot be reliablyconvertedOn the other hand the following codeselect @keyid = a.keyID, @pubs=b.pubs fromssd1 a left outer join ssd2 b on a.l_name = b.l_namewhere b.l_name = @namemigrates perfectly to Oracle asSELECT a.keyID, b.pubsINTO SPROC_JOINTEST8.keyid, SPROC_JOINTEST8.pubsFROM ssdash.ssd1 a, ssdash.ssd2 bWHERE (a.l_name = b.l_name(+)) AND(b.l_name = SPROC_JOINTEST8.name);with the same warning ...Could anyone enlighten me as to what exactly is the difference betweenthese 2 above cases.Also the migration bench seems to be removing nolocks and such stuff allaround. Any workaround for this is also needed.ssDash--Posted via http://dbforums.com

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Exporting Sql Server 2000 Tables To Oracle 10.2G

Jan 10, 2008

Dear All,
I am working on a project to migrate a .net desktop application to web based application using ASP.NET 2.0.
The present app has lots of tables with data in sql server 2000. The new app is to have Oracle 10.2 G as data store.
Although the data store is being changed most of the tables in the present database will remain same along with the data they hold.
My problem is:
1) how to transfer the tables to the new datastore 10.2 G in an automated way?
After all it's not possible to create each table afresh in Oracle and then insert records into each table one by one. If that is done it will take atleast few months if not years.
2) can I export the tables to a xml file and then import it from Oracle.How to do that?
It has become a nightmare for me.
Pls suggest the easiest way and which takes the minimum time.
A solution to the problem will be gratefully accepted.

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Migrade Oracle Data To SQL Server 2000

Aug 1, 2005

I am doing a test on migrating an Oracle 8i database toSQL 2000. I've never done this before and I would liketo find out if there are any complications or side effectsif I try doing the transfer of data using DTS?If not DTS then what would you suggest I transfer datawith?Thank you

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Accessing Oracle Tables From Within SQL Server 2000

Mar 24, 2006

We are running SQL Server 2000 SP3. We have linked servers in use thatwe use to access Oracle tables.Recently the claim has been made that you can access Oracle tables fromwithin SQL Server without using a Linked Server. I searched BooksOnline using keywords: linked, remote, and Oracle and did not findanything.A search of the newsgroup archives found only entries related to usingLinked Servers.Is there any such method as claimed? I do not think there is, but Ineed to find some support for my position or else learn something new.Thank you-- Mark D Powell --

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Scalar Query In SQL Server 2000 Like In Oracle

Mar 28, 2008

Hi Gurus,I have table (CallByCall) with following Data.Input :CallID Event DNIS UserID Time SeqID MobNo-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 | 43 | 100 | |09:00:05 | 1 |98332107701 | 40 | | |09:01:05 | 2|1 | 41 | | |09:02:05 | 3|1 | 42 | | 25 |09:03:05 | 4|2 | 43 | 200| |09:10:05 | 1 |98339755362 | 40 | | |09:11:05 | 2|2 | 41 | | |09:12:05 | 3|2 | 42 | | 26 |09:13:05 | 4|3 | 43 | 300| |09:15:05 | 1 |98139785363 | 40 | | |09:15:55 | 2|3 | 41 | | |09:16:05 | 3|3 | 42 | | 28 |09:18:05 | 4|4 | 43 | 100| |09:45:05 | 1 |92239788964 | 40 | | |09:46:05 | 2|4 | 41 | | |09:47:05 | 3|4 | 42 | | 26 |09:48:05 | 4|Output:CallID DNIS UserID MinTime MaxTime MobNo--------------------------------------------------------------------------1 | 100 | 25 |09:00:05 |09:03:05 |98332107702 | 200 | 26 |09:10:05 |09:13:05 |98339755363 | 300 | 28 |09:15:05 |09:18:05 |98139785364 | 100 | 26 |09:45:05 |09:48:05 |9223978896In short I am getting DNIS and MobNo for Event 43 andUserId for Event 42.How can I achieve the above result?Is it possible with scalar query?Could any one help me for the same?Thanking in AdvanceSanjeev

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Data Migration Oracle 7.16 To SQL Server 2000

Aug 22, 2006


I have been asked to look at optimising a Data Migration Strategy for one of our clients. I am quite new to Data Migration (I'm actually a system designer!).

The migration is from a legacy Oracle 7.16 Db to a SQL Server 2000 environment.

The legacy Db has some large tables - 30 Million+ rows

Table/column Mapping is 1:1

At present we are using DTS to import into the SQL environment.

My question is: Is there any way to leverage the Oracle 7.16 export to speed up the migration process?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks


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Automating The Importation Of An Oracle Table Into Sql Server 2000

Aug 25, 2004

Hi guys,

I figure this should not be a complex one. I know how to manually pull in data from Oracle 9i into SQL Server 2000 using DTS. However this is my issue.....

I simply want to automate the pulling in of data from 1 table in my ORACLE 9i database into another table in my Sql Server 200. I was hoping I could simple write a stored procedure that would sort of utilize a dblink like in ORACLE and then schedule that procedure. Is this feasible in Sql Server, and how would one go about setting this automated import up????

Thanks in Advance all............


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How To Import An Oracle 8.1.7 Dump File Into SQL Server 2000 ?

Mar 2, 2005

I do not know if it can be done:
how to import an Oracle dump file into SQL server ?

That dump file contains the content of a table, excported from Oracle.
Is there a way or another to import it to SQLServer 2000 ?


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How To Do Pair-wise Comparision Like Oracle In MS Sql Server 2000?

Apr 18, 2008

How can we do pair wise comaprission using Sub query as generally can be done in Oracle?


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Accessing SQL Server Data From Oracle Developer 2000 Apps

Feb 17, 1999

Hello there

I have a customer that wants to start using SQL Server 7.0 instead of Oracle, but they have a lot of Oracle applications (made in Developer 2000 and Forms). Due to the big effort needed to convert those applications (to Visual Basic), they want to be able somehow to migrate only data from Oracle to SQL Server, and then use some tool that will allow them to use the same applications with the SQL Server 7.0 engine.

I found on the "SQL Server Developer's Kit" a document describing the process of migrating data and applications from Oracle to SQL Server. There is a mention to an Oracle tool called "Oracle Gateway to SQL Server" that will translate calls received by the Oracle engine to the SQL Server engine, but this approach will still require the existence of Oracle servers (which is the thing the customer no longer wants).

The second option mentioned on that document, and the one that seems more attractive, is the use of Oracle "Open Client Adapter" (OCA) that will allow Developer 2000 applications to communicate directly to SQL Server via ODBC. However, I have been unable to find (on the Oracle site) any documentation regarding this tool.

Has anynoe heard or used such tool (OCA) ? Any comments, tips, drawbacks, experience you could share ? Any other idea on how a thing like that could be accomplished ? Perhaps a third-party application that can act as a gateway between the Forms app and ODBC/SQL Server, or that will be able to generate VB code from a Developer 2000/Forms app...

Any help will be appreciated.

Please respond directly to me, as I am not a member of the distribution list.

Luis Francisco Silva

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Executing (from Sql Server 2000) Procedures From Oracle Package Through Linkserver

Feb 16, 2004


I deaply need to know how to execute procedures from package in oracle, from sqlserver 2000 using linkserver.

Thank you very much,

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Issues Using Parameterised Reports Connecting To Oracle Using ODBC And Microsoft OLE DB Provider For Oracle

Sep 12, 2007

I have an issue using parameterised reports connecting to Oracle using "ODBC" and "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" using parameteried reports. The following error is generated "ORA-01008 not all variables bound (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle)" and a similiar one for ODBC. It works fine for simple reports. Do these 2 drivers have issues passing parameters for a remote Oracle query?

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Output Column Has A Precision That Is Not Valid (loading From Oracle Using OraOLEDB.Oracle.1)

Apr 2, 2007


I'm loading from Oracle using the OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 provider since I need unicode support and I get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Error at myTask [DTS.Pipeline]: The "output column "myColumn" (9134)" has a precision that is not valid. The precision must be between 1 and 38.


Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0204018 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)


For most of my queries to Oracle I can cast the columns to get rid of the error (CAST x AS DECIMAL(10) etc), but this does not work for:

1) Union

I have a select like "SELECT NVL(myColumn, 0) .... FROM myTable UNION SELECT 0 AS myColumn, .... FROM DUAL"

Even if I cast the columns in both selects (SELECT CAST(NVL(myColumn, 0) AS DECIMAL(10, 0) .... UNION SELECT CAST(0 AS DECIMAL(10, 0)) AS myColumn, .... FROM DUAL) I still get the error above.

2) SQL command from variable

The select basically looks like this:

"SELECT Column1, Column2, ... FROM myTable WHERE Updated BETWEEN User::LastLoad AND User::CurrentLoad"

Again, even if I cast all columns (like in the union), I still get the same error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Setting Up Oracle Linked Server : Need Help : Sql2005 Running On XP Linking In Oracle 10.2

Oct 26, 2006

Is there any step by step help sites for setting up SQL 2005 linked (oracle 10) server?

I find MSDN articles but they referance winNT and 2000, I'm not getting very far and I'm not a DBA but need to get this working asap.

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Data Access :: Accessing Oracle Tables From Server Via Oracle DBLINK?

May 8, 2015

we recently got a scenario that we need to get the data from oracle tables which is installed on third party servers. we have sqlserver installed on ourservers. so they have created a DBLINK in oracle server to our sqlserver and published the DBLINK name.

what are the next steps that i need to follow on my sqlserver in order to access the oracle tables ?

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Oracle Connection Fail With Microsoft OLEDB Provider For Oracle MSDAORA.1

Feb 22, 2006


On my dev server I have working ssis packages that use connections Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle MSDAORA.1 and Oracle provider for oledb and OracleClient data provider.

I use one or the other according to my needs.

In anticipation and to prepare for the build of a new production server, I have build a test server from scratch and deployed to it the entire dev.

Almost everything works except Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle.

ssis packages on the test machine will return an error

Error at Pull Calendar from One [OLE DB Source [1]]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "one.oledb" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

Error at Pull Calendar from One [DTS.Pipeline]: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

[Connection manager "one.oledb"]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Oracle error occurred, but error message could not be retrieved from Oracle.".

I have used the same installers for OS, SQL and Oracle SQL*Net on both dev and test machines. The install and then the restore/deployment on Test went fine.

Does anyone could point me to the right direction to solve this issue?



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Oracle Publication Error:The Permissions Associated With The Administrator Login For Oracle Publisher 'test1' Are Not Sufficient

Jan 12, 2006


I am trying to make an oracle publiching from sql server 2005 enterprise final release, i installed the oracle client  10.2 (10g) on the same server where sql server already installed, i made different connection to oracle database instance and it was  ok.


from sql server : right click on publication -New oracle publication-Next-Add Oracle Publisher-Add button-Add Oracle Publisher-i entered server insttance test1 and their users and passwords--connect --->

the oracle publisher is displayed in the list of publisher but when press ok i got the following error :

TITLE: Distributor Properties

An error occurred applying the changes to the Distributor.

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.1399.06&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.DistributorPropertiesErrorSR&EvtID=ErrorApplyingDistributor&LinkId=20476


SQL Server could not enable 'test1' as a Publisher. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


The permissions associated with the administrator login for Oracle publisher 'test1' are not sufficient.
Changed database context to 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21684)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.1399&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=21684&LinkId=20476



Any idea about this error ?


Tarek Ghazali
SQL Server MVP.


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