SQL 2005 SP2 Installation Blocked

Feb 20, 2007

I'm getting the following error when I try to run SQL05 SP2 on my server. When I get to the Authentication screen, I select Windows Authentication and check the box to use for all services. I am logged in using my personal admin account. I click the 'Test' button. Connection to Database Services, instance name 'MSSQLSERVER' is successful. However, connection to Reporting Services, instance name 'myserverSSRS' fails. The error message is: "Login failed: HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1, Named pipes provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server[2]. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server."

I've had problems getting Reporting Services to work. Is this message a result of SSRS not being set up properly? How can I correct this?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Installation Of Express 2014 Blocked By Framework 4.0?

Sep 17, 2015

I have a very strange problem when I try to install SQL Express 2014 on 1 PC on my network.

The setup is blocking on the step "rules of functionnality" (I hope it is the good translation ...).

I ha ve a message that indicates that there is a problem the following checking : "It exists a Internet connection with the download center for Microsoft Framework 4.0". At the beginning I had Framework 3.5 and 4.5 installed on the PC.

When I tried to install manually Framework 4.0 I had a message that indicated that the setup was not possible because there was a Superior version. So I uninstall v4.5 and install v4.0 normally.

I run again SQL 2014 Express setup but I have always the same error. I take a look on Internet to look for the same problem but I found nothing.

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SQl Server 2005 Installation Is Depend On Installation Of Visual Studio 2005?

Oct 2, 2006

Hi every one,

I'd like to install SQL SERVER 2005 Express Edition ,I begin to install it from DVD but during the installation it dosn't ask me about any instance and after installation there isn't SQLExpress service and I can't use sql server .(there are not MSSQL and Binn directory in sql server 2005) but when I install visual studio 2005 and after that I install sql server 2005 it ask me for name of instance and with this way every thing is ok and I use sql server completely.

I 'd like to know the complete installation of sql server 2005 is depend on installation of visual studio 2005 befor it ?if not how can I introduce any instance after installation of sel server 2005 .

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Blocked From SSRS 2005 After Installing IE7

Dec 21, 2006

After installing IE7, I tried to open SQL Server Reporting Services 2005,

I'm getting a login prompt. I am admin on my laptop. My admin login

doesn't work here.

Am I missing a special security setting for IE7 that I have to change to

allow access to SSRS? I can open the SSRS configuration tool,

but not SSRS itself.


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Blocked Process - Sql Server 2005

Jan 30, 2008

I have a question about blocked processes. My manager wants to know how you can know the following when a blocked process is encountered.

The job, program and the statement that is causing the blocking. I have figured out how to determine the database involved but not a lot else. Such as in the blocked process report there is a waitresource field. How to you decipher it?
The report also tells you the client application, but in this case it just states the Micro focus Net Express as the client, not the job or program that is running.

I have an inputbuf listed but it just shows the database id, and the object id. And I am not sure how to locate the object id in this case, I am guessing sys.objects, but I do not seem to find that one.

I have read many things on MSN about the blocked process report, but it does not seem to go into great detail.

I seem to have all the pieces, but do not exactly know how to quickly tie them all together.

Any help would be appreciated.


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SQL 2000 SP4 To SQL 2005 Upgrade Blocked.

Feb 15, 2007

I am upgrading a sql server 2000 with sp4 (I have double and triple checked the sp) on a windows 2003 sp1 server and I keep getting the following error:

Name: Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Reason: Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Service pack requirement check:
Your upgrade is blocked because of service pack requirements. To proceed, apply the required service pack and then rerun SQL Server Setup. For more information about upgrade support, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

I cannot find anything saying that I need any other service pack other than sp4 for sql serer 2000. Any one ever run into this or have a clue what might be causing the installer to think I have the wrong service pack?

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SQL 2000 To 2005 In-place Upgrade Blocked!

Feb 19, 2008

Perhaps someone here can give me a hand with this...

I have three servers running SQL Server 2000. Two are running Windows Server 2000 SP4 with SQL 2000/SP4 and one Windows Server 2003 with SQL 2000/SP?(probably not 4). I copied the installation DVD to a network drive and successfully performed an in-place upgrade of the Windows Server 2003 machine. However, when I try to upgrade either of the other servers, I get an error indicating that I have a service pack problem.

Reason: Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Service pack requirement check:
Your upgrade is blocked because of service pack requirements. To proceed, apply the required service pack and then rerun SQL Server Setup. For more information about upgrade support, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Of course, the error doesn't indicate what the service pack problem actually is. My SQL 2005 media was probably released before SP4 was released because the Setup Help indicates that you can directly upgrade from SP3, but makes no mention of SP4. I can't imagine there are any migration problems with it since I can't find any reference to it as a problem on any SQL Server sites... So... I'm left wondering what my problem really is... :confused:

Any help would be appreciated.

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Sql Server 2000 Upgrade To 2005 Blocked

Mar 4, 2008

I've inherited 6 sql server 2000 boxes. I've upgrade 3 with no trouble. now I have one that gives the message :
"your upgrade is blocked because of cross-language compatibility rules.
For more information about cross-language support, see the version..."

all servers are 2003, sp2. All SQL is Enterprise edition, default language is "english". even the collation order is
the same. why the cross language message? Any help would be good else I'll be forced to rebuild the DB and load application again. ugly!!


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Your Upgrade Is Blocked.. When Adding Components To SQL 2005 Standard Edition SP1

Sep 28, 2006

Name: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools


I am having a problem when trying to add the Client Components to an existing installation of SQL 2005 Standard Edition SP1 running on Windows 2003 Standard. The server was originally built with SQL 2005 Standard Edition and had SP1 installed at a later date. I am using the CD that SQL was originally installed with which is not a service packed copy of SQL. The reason given when clicking the details button is as follows:

Reason: Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Build version check:

Your upgrade is blocked because the existing component is a later version than the version you are trying to upgrade to. To modify an existing SQL Server component, go to Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel, select the component you would like to modify, and then click Change/Remove.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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SQL Server 2005 Developer's Version Installation Problem -- No SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager Gets Installed.

Sep 3, 2007

I installed Visual Studio 2005 Professional then after that was installed and running, I tried to install the the SQL Server 2005 Developer's Edition which installed but I do not get the SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager. I have remove and reinstalled but it never gets installed. Any ideas?


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SQL 2005 Installation

Mar 13, 2007

I do not have enough disk space on my servers C drive to install SQL 2005. How can i force the installation to place on d drive

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SQL 2005 SP2 (CTP) Installation

Nov 28, 2006


I am trying to install PPS (CTP) this requires SQL 2005 SP2 (CTP) but during the install of the SP2 I get the following error while trying install it:

Unexpected Error Occured

Unable to create backup Folder

Next thing is that A Send don't sent error is created for the hotfix.exe. The install terminates at this point.

I am working in a VPC image, logged on as Administrator, anyone give a hint as to what this could be

Many thanks

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SQL 2005 Installation

May 2, 2007

I have two Win 2003 r2 servers. These are not production servers. They are very lightweight boxes for testing apps. Everything worked find when all was on one svr01 except ... too slow.

- I installed svr02 as member of Domain svc01 ... should I make svr02 a child Domain svr01?

- Currently, I cannot add any kind of data connection via Visual Studio..


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Sql 2005 Installation

Mar 16, 2008

whenever i install ms sql 2005 express edition, only the configuration manager gets installed. but i need sql query analyzer. can anyyone tell me why it doesnt get installed. also plz let me the what should i do to get query analyzer installed..

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SQL Server 2005 Installation

Jan 28, 2007

Hi: I try to install SQL Server 2005 but it gives warning message. My computer configuration is Pentium III 900 HZ, 512 RAM with operating system windows 2000 Pro and service pack 4 and 10 GB free space. It gives warning on operating system. Also Visual Studio. Net 2005 is already installed on my comupter.

- SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Warning)
* SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility

* Some components of this edition of SQL Server are not supported on this operating system. For details, see 'Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005' in Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.

- Operating System Minimum Level Requirement (Success)
* Operating System Minimum Level Requirement

* Check Passed

- Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement. (Success)
* Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement.

* Check Passed

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Sqlserver 2005 Installation

Jan 26, 2007

This is my first task of installing sqlserver 2005 on 64 bit machine in windows 2003 environment.
As a DBA what are the thnigs i need to know for the successful installation of sqlserver 2005 and what the things that are need to be installed along with sqlserver, and what are the accounts to be created like all the things i need to know..

Any help will be a great for me ...

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2005 Installation

Mar 1, 2007


I have to install SQL Server 2005 on SBS Standard 2003. I am already running Sql Server Desktop Engine with three instances: MSSQL$SHAREPOINT, MSSQL$SBSMONITORING, MSSQL$BLUECOAT. I am wondering how the installation is gonna affect my system. I do need SQL Server 2005 for the new financial software which is intalled 2morrow. What shall I put as the instance during the installation. Is Sql Server Desktop Engine gonna be replaced by SQL Server 2005?


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Need A Help In Installation Of SQL Server 2005

Mar 19, 2007

i had downloaded .Net and SQL Server 2005 from microsoft site. In SQL Server 2005 after installation i get only Configuration Tools and 3 subtopics. I am able to create table only through . NET but am not able to work independantly with SQL Server 2005. Can anyone advice me!!

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Jul 7, 2007


Dear Sir,
While Installing Sql 2005 Express in IBM POS machine, the following Error comes.

The Sql Server Service has failes to Start
MESSAGE ID : 29503
Message Source : Setup.rll
evt Type : Sqlsetuplibservice.cpp@do_sqlscri

i Tried to other pos machine also , same problem Comes. But Normal Desktop pc it is running fine.

Please guide me


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SQL 2005 Installation Requirements

Nov 6, 2007

Hi ,

I want to install a new SQL 2005 server. i looked on MSDN, it says to create one or more domain user accounts. That means to create a windows domain. Is it neccessary? All I want is a stand-alone SQL server. right now we are working with SQL 2000 and we want to build a new server with SQL 2005.

Please send me a short feedback.

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Sql 2005 Cluster Installation

Nov 14, 2007

Can anyone please send me the sql server 2005 cluster installation steps ?

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2005 Installation

Jan 6, 2008

Hi All,

I trying to Install on Windows XP with Service pack 4, OS.

I am trying to install the Developer Edition of SQL Server 2005 version for which it is not able to load many packages as it says IIS services, Integration Services Etc,. were not installed and if they were ignored then rest will be loaded and thereafter I could not either login or invoke either any.

Can anyone suggest me where it went wrong and what I need to do with instructions.

Thanks in advance.

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2005 Installation Problem On XP

Mar 9, 2008

When I try to install on XP platform I could not Install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.

There is no Notification Services being installed and ignored.

The following error occured:

Error - 2146233087

Error Message: Unknown Eroor 0 x 80131501

Error Description: MSDTC was unable to reach its configuration Information. ( Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004DOEF)

There after the Second CD is provoked but not accepting thereafter.

Can anybody solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.

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New SQL Server 2005 Installation

Mar 21, 2008

Unfortunately for me, I am not a DBA - even though I have always filled that role where ever I have been. That being said, I have always been fortunate enough to have someone else more knowledgeable than I to perform the initial build of the SQL Servers I have used and managed. So, I have the following question...

I just finished installing and configuring a new dedicated SQL Server (it is nice too). One of the included discs it he MSDN Library. Do I need to install that too? Is there any reason to or not to install it? I would appreciate any feedback.

- - - -
- Will -
- - - -

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SQL 2005 Installation Hangs-up

Apr 30, 2007

At stage: Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment 2005

Coping new files dv_commoner.hxs Directory....... 89818

Last lines in SQLSetup0001_ADH1_PPESku_1.log:


MSI (s) (40:C8) [10:32:18:640]: Executing op: ChangeMedia(MediaVolumeLabel=SQLDEV,MediaPrompt=Please insert the disk: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Premier Partner Edition - ENU Disk 1,MediaCabinet=1\_1519_RTL_x86_enu_VSCC_Help_Collection.cab,BytesPerTick=32768,CopierType=1,,,SignatureRequired=0,,,IsFirstPhysicalMedia=1)
MSI (s) (40:C8) [10:32:18:656]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=92310|dv_commoner.hxs,SourceCabKey=commoner_hxs_8_ENU____.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8,DestName=dv_commoner.hxs,Attributes=16384,FileSize=89818,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=8.0.50730.10000,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (40:C8) [10:32:18:656]: File: C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDevHelpVSCCv8.0dv_commoner.hxs; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (40:C8) [10:32:18:656]: Source for file 'commoner_hxs_8_ENU____.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8' is compressed

Please help with problem and how to procceed.



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Sql Server 2005 Installation

Sep 24, 2007

SQL Server 2005 has been installed on windows server 2003 machine by the support team.
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Now this machine has been passed on to me to create databases, tables, etc...
On this server, I open the management studio and I get the connect to server windows.
What should the entries in the connect to server window be for me to get to the next stage where I can start building databases.
At present, I tried local or localhost and windows/sql authentication.
Still can not get to the management studio window.
Any thoughts please?

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SQL Server 2005 SP2 Installation

May 4, 2007


I have a couple of questions reagrding SQL Server 2005 SP2?

1) Do I need to install SP1 and its accumulative hotfixes before applying SP2??

2) Anyone know what is SQL Server 2005 V 9.0.3033?? I saw it in a couple of SQL 2005 servers that suppose to have SP2 installed. I thought SP2's version is 3042??

Thanks for any input.

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Installation Of SQL Server 2005 SP1

Jul 26, 2007


We have the Windows server 2003 R2 Service PAck 2 , we got updated to this version after i installed automatic updates today,and i am having problems with setting up maintenance plan in SQL server 2005 (9.0.1399)

Hence i am trying to install Sql server 2005 SP1, but the read me file says that this installation is compatible only with Windows server 2003 SP1

Also, i received this error when i tried to install SQL server 2005 SP1 yesterday

"The image file hotfix.exe is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine"

I am confused, Can someone help me out in this regard?

Thanks in advance

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Oct 15, 2007


I'm trying to re-install the ms sql server 2005 but I keep getting the following message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup
SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]SSL Provider: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.
Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.

This is my second time installing the ms sql server. I couldn't create a new database connection using odbc, I constantly got error messages so i decided to install it with windows and sql authentication (earlier i installed it only with windows authentication).

But I can't complete my installation.

Can some please help me with this.

Thank you!!

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SQL Server 2005 Installation

Jun 14, 2007

Hello Experts,I have a Windows Server 2003 For Small Business Server SP 2. Is it possible to install SQL Server 2005 on Windows Server 2003? I am intending to switch to SQL Server 2005 from SQL Server 2000 (on Windows Server 2000).Please advice. Thanks in advance.Regards,Suman Ghosh

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New SQL Server 2005 Installation

Oct 2, 2006

I have just purchased SQL Server 2005 and a new Dell 2800 server to run it on. I was told by my Dell rep to configure the server with the following drives. 2 - 36GB drives in a RAID 0 (15,000 RPM), 2 - 73GB drives in a RAID 0 (10,000 RPM) and 3 - 146GB drives in a RAID 5 (10,000 RPM). Dell pre-installed the OS on the 36GB drive. I was told to install SQL on the 73GB drives and the data (primarily TIFF images) on the 146GB. The server is a 64bit machine with Windows 2003 Server and 4GB of RAM. I was told to put the transaction logs on a different physical drive that the database to speed the writes. Is this a correct installation? Is there any information on a best practice installation? I have spent about 6 hours on MS and Google trying to find an answer. Thanks for any help you can give. Recap of Dell recommendation:

2 - 36GB Mirrored Drives = OS
2 - 73BG Mirrored Drives = SQL Server 2005
3 - 146GB RAID 5 Drives = Data (Images)

Is this correct?
Where should the Transaction Logs Be?

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Sql Server 2005 Installation

Oct 22, 2007

While installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition the installation did not complete because of WMI configuation of my system.
Can somebody help!

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SQL 2005 Installation Problem

Feb 23, 2008

Hello i am trying to install sql server-2005 express edition and i have download it and then follow all the instructions but at the end i am getting this error

SQL Server Setup cannot install files to the compressed or encrypted folder: c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server. To continue, make sure that your installation directories are not compressed or encrypted, or specify a different directory, and then run SQL Server Setup again.

any help


waiting for your kind rep.

have a nice day

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