SQL 2005 Server Performance And Maximum Memory Pro
Aug 13, 2007
A query was taking 20 seconds and consuming 70% CPU takes only 1 second after setting Maximum Memory property to 2048 MB - why?
OS Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
Version5.2.3790 Service Pack 1 Build 3790
8 GB memory
Two Dual-core AMD Opteron 285 2.6GHz Processors
Server is not configured for AWE
Fiber channel connection to EMC Clarion - two LUNs - one for MDF, one for LDF
SQL 2005
SQL 2005 32 bit Standard Edition - SP1 (version 9.0.2047)
Three instances installed on server - only one instance in use
Binaries and system databases on local mirrored disk
Database file (MDF) on one EMC LUN - dedicated physical drives
Log file (LDF) on one EMC LUN - dedicated physical drives
Query in question:
SELECT TOP 10 Address.Address1, Address.Address2, Address.City, Address.County, Address.State, Address.ZIPCode, Address.Country, Client.Name,
Quote.Deleted, Client.PrimaryContact, Client.DBA, Client.Type, Quote.Status, Quote.LOB, Client.ClientID, Quote.QuoteID, Quote.PolicyNumber,
Quote.EffectiveDate, Quote.ExpirationDate, Quote.Description, Quote.Description2, Quote.DateModified, Quote.DateAccessed, Quote.CurrentPremium,
Quote.TransactionDate, Quote.CreationDate, Quote.Producer FROM ((Client INNER JOIN Address ON Client.ClientID = Address.ClientID) INNER JOIN Quote ON
Client.ClientID = Quote.ClientID) WHERE (Quote.Deleted = 0) AND ((Address.AddressType)='Mailing') ORDER BY Client.Name
With default maximum memory setting (2,147,483,647 MB) - query runs in 20 seconds and consumes over 70 % of the CPU.
After changing maximum memory setting to 2048 MB, query runs in less than 1 second.
Question is:
What is the best practice for setting the minimum and maximum memory settings for SQL 2005?
What can be monitored to identify the cause of these type of issues - using profiler, PerfMon, other tool?
I did a load testing and found the following observations:
1. The Memory:Pages/sec was crossing the limit beyond 20.
2. The Target Server Memory was always greater than Total Server Memory
Seeing the above data it seems to be memory pressure. But I found that AvailableMemory was always above 200 MB. Also Buffer Cache HitRatio was close to 99.99. What could be the reason for the above behavior?
We have several 2005 servers with "Maximum server memory" set to 214 gig, which I believe is the default at installation time. I am told that this means "use all the memory there is including paging." Well, this is nuts but the servers seem to work fine with this setting no matter how much physical memory they have.
One of our 2005 servers recently started paging like crazy, so I reduced "Maximum server memory" to 6000 and the paging disappeared (server has 8 gig of physical memory) and the server appears happy.
I can not explain why only this one server has this paging issue and the others do not. Should I be setting "Maximum server memory" on all my servers? Are there other considerations which might cause the server to eat-up all the memory? As far as I know no other applications run on this box.
I have SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition running on Windows 2000 Server. There are always memory full alter. I am going to configure that.
I hope a clearation about a concept. In my enviroment, does SQL Server take maximum memroy upto 2GB, no matter if QWE is enabled?
BOL said AWE is available only in the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise and Developer editions. Does it mean AWE cannot be configured on SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition?
Out of the box it is set to 2147483647 MB. I assume this is ~2GB. I have been instructed to set it to 1GB less than total server memory which is 16GB. When I change the value it just changes back.
How do I change it and how are these Megabyte numbers calculated?
OS: Windows 2003 R2 Enterprise SQL: SQL Server 2005 Standard
in SQL 2005, we are having 8 CPU's and in the task manager CPU usage is showing 100% and the performance of server is very very poor and last night the server has got rebooted, still CPU Usage is showing 100%, So how can i improve the performance? it is very very urgent for me, can any one please let me know what is going on and what is the solution.
I'm new at SQL Server, I decided to use it in order to get all the advantages of using Vb.net and Sql. My server is a SQL standard version. I'm using a relational DB most of the time for complex select queries, everytime the server is used it performs 30 or 40 queries at the time, and I have recently realized that server consumes a lot of memory after one or two days of beign up.
Let's say that if I restart the SQL Server memory usage is about 650 Mb, but after two days memory is 1.4Mb, I have used Sql Profiler and Tunning Assistant where it recommended me to create some indexes, which indeed I created them, but that did not solved the memory problem, although some queries run faster.
My questions are:
is this memory usage is normal ? if not, what should I check out to reduce memory usage?
Hello, I have been trying to find out what the maximum memory we can have on SQL7 standard edition server. Have not been able to find it anywhere... Anuy ideas would be greately appreciated. TIA B.
I have a DB running for a while, but it reached 32767 rows and stopped.. The DB is only 20MB big. Where can i ajdust this setting to a bigger number of rows?
Just two questions actually. We have built a ColdFusion based forums package. Currently we have it on two beta sites, and we are usin sql 7 for the db. Firstly the forums are serving 200-300 people at any given time, about 16,000 unique people a day. SQL & seems to stay at around 50% cpu usage on a dual p3 with 512mb ram. Is that normal? Seems like alot of cpu usage. The other thing is it takes 500mb of ram and just about drains the server of all of its ram even though in the memory properties for the sql server its set to 255mb maximum. Any insight is appreciated.
I hope somebody here can help on my problem. I wrote a MFC application using sql ce and is running prefectly smooth on wince and PPC 2003. But when i deploy it to Windows Mobile, the database performance drop dramatically. I knows the drop on performance is due to the I/O speed on the flash memory.(The previous mobile os are using ram instead). Is there any solution or work around which I can solve this problem.
Recently i solved the performance issues on "insert" to DB by using a commit buffer(Instead of commit to the sdf instantly). But how about the "select" performance? It's too slow which take about 3 sec to select a record from the DB.
Does Microsoft provide any suggestion on the sqlce perofrmance on windows mobile?
I am facing 2 problems : PROBLEM 1 : We have a few packages that run pretty fast on a desktop server with 2 Gig RAM, Dual processor (approx 4-5 hours). But the same packages run very very slow on the another server containing 8 CPU and 12 Gig RAM (ran for 24 hours without completing).
PROBLEM 2 : The CPU% ranges from 40-80% and the PF usage is stagnant at 2GB on desktop server for the same package. But in the 8CPU server, the CPU % ranges from 0-10% but the PF Usage raises from 750 MB to 8 GB.
I know the SSIS memory problem has probably been covered quite a bit, but being a newbie in using the SSIS, I'm not quite sure how to improved the performance of my SSIS package.
Basically, I've a package that loops through all the subdirectories within a specified directory, and it then loops through each file in the subdirectory and with the use of the Data Flow, process each file (according to their filenames) with a Script Component to insert data into a SQL DB.
Each subdirectory has up to 15 different csv files, but each is less than 5kB. I probably have about 100 subdirectories.
When I run the package, it functioned properly, but the package stalled (no error but just stuck in one Data Flow) after a while, and when I checked my CPU memory, it was running at 100%.
I'm not sure how I could fix it or improved the memory allocation. I was not expecting to have any memory problems as the file size is small and the number of rows of data going into and out of the Script Component is no more than 20.
* Windows 2003 32bit Enterprise with 10gb RAM * SQL 2005 32bit Enterprise * boot.ini - have added /3GB /PAE switches * Confirmed which account SQL Server is running under and added that account to Local Policies/User Rights Assignment/Lock pages in memory * Enabled AWE in SQL SERVER * set minimum and maximum server memory to 9gb * Rebooted.
Task manager says the following: sqlservr.exe - 95MB usage * I know this is normal when using AWE right? The actual physical memory used is 3.13GB and never goes higher. So this leads to believe that SQL is utilizing 3GB because of the /3GB switch, but it's not using the rest like it should be. I tried it without the /3GB switch and it only went up to about 2.1GB usage.
I've turned on performance monitor and SQL server target memory says 8.65 GB while the Total Server Memory says 2.45GB.
I've run: EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options' RECONFIGURE GO
EXEC sp_configure 'awe enabled' RECONFIGURE GO
And it confirms that the running value for both is 1
I would like to know how much of memory is taken by sql server 2005 entprise edition 64 bit during sql server startup in default configuration.....(4GB RAM being used).
i also want to know about montioring the performance of sql server 2005.Should i continue to use performance monitor (perfmon) or is there any new feature in slq server 2005 which provides performance monitoring.
I'm havin a problem with my database server in the network, i'm running a windows 2003 server standard edition with sql server 2005 standard edition.
the problem is that the server get stock and the performance of the whole network is affected, when i use the tak manager to monitor the performance i can see that the sqlservr.exe proccess is using 1,397,928 k of memory usage, in the performance monitor the graphics get crazy and the cpu usage grows up untill 85%.
Can you please let me know if there is something that i can do to normalize the server performance in order to let the network user work with the applications feeded by this server.
Can someone point me to some good articles or perhaps directly supply some words of wisdom with regard to wise utilization of variables within a T-SQL script from and standpoint of conserving memory usage and improved execution cost?
For example:
(1) Is it better to use varchars, nvarchars, etc. defined with minimal lengths to support the needs of the script or is it just as efficient to declare all with a length of say 4,000?
(2) I've seen behavior that leads me to believe that when passing a variable as a parameter in a nested procedure call, if the declared types of the parameter and the variable being passed in don't match (i.e. one is numeric(38,10) and the other is int), then implicit type conversions hurt performance. Is this true and how broadly does it apply?
(3) Does the number of variables declared in a script materially impact the performance and / or resource utlization?
(4) Is it more efficient to have a series of variable value assignments in a single SELECT statement versus a series of SET statements? Should I always perfer one to the other? Only within a looping construct?
I'm running Windows Small Business Server 2003 Premium R2. I installed SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition on this PC. I'm using Std Edition instead of the Workgroup Edition that comes with SBS since I like the additional features in the Std Edition.
I'm a kind of a newbie to Windows Server administration and SQL Server administration although I've written lots of SQL queries, stored procedures, etc.
I have 2GB of RAM on this PC. When I looked in Task Manager, I saw that SQL Server was using somewhere over 1GB of RAM. So, I opened up SQL Management Studio, right clicked on the server node, clicked to get to the memory configuration page and saw that SQL Server was set to use all 2GB of RAM on the PC. I changed that to 500MB(500000000, or 476MB) and decided to reboot the server. When the server came back up, I forgot to check SQL Server's new RAM usage. The server ran without interruption for over 24 hours. Now, when I checked SQL Server's memory usage in Task Manager, I can see it's using over 750MB of RAM.
How do I fix this?
I have Exchange Server 2003 running on this PC as well.
Hi all, I needed to load some tables in memory on startup because of performance reasons. I'm using "select * from <table>", but there are few questions: 1. How to pin already selected data in memory ? (DBCC PINTABLE doesn't work for 2005) 2. How to put index data in memory ? (do you read document(s) for advance memory management - index data caching ?) 3. How to pin index data in memory ? (otherwise sound very bad - table data in fast memory, index data - in slow disks)
We have an application that we currently run on SQL Server 2000 that works by creating a DTS package that it then executes.
Due to performance reasons, we have been considering switching to 2005, for a few reasons. Can anyone confirm clarify the following?
1) SQL Server 2000 caps RAM usage at 2GB, whereas SQL Server 2005 is only limited by the OS - RAM usage is a big current issue for us, so if upgrading to 2005 would solve this it would help a lot. Can anyone confirm my understanding of this? 2) Would using the legacy DTS in SQL Server 2005 take advantage of this RAM difference, or is it running on the old 2000 engine and only able to use the 2GB?
My server is a dual AMD x64 2.19 GHz with 8 GB RAM running under Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with service pack 1 installed. We have SQL 2000 32-bit Enterprise installed in the default instance. AWE is enabled using Dynamically configured SQL Server memory with 6215 MB minimum memory and 6656 maximum memory settings.
I have now installed, side-by-side, SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition in a separate named instance. Everything is running fine but I believe SQL Server2005 could run faster and need to ensure I am giving it plenty of resources. I realize AWE is not needed with SQL Server 2005 and I have seen suggestions to grant the SQL Server account the 'lock pages in memory' rights. This box only runs the SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 server databases and I would like to ensure, if possible, that each is splitting the available memory equally, at least until we can retire SQL Server 2000 next year. Any suggestions?
I was browsing Microsoft's SQL Server site, looking forsome details about SQL Server 2005. Didn't find whatI was looking for...I'm thinking about moving an existing SQL Server 2000workload to a new box, using SQL Server 2005, andmaybe the 64-bit version.My questions are:1. What is the current target date for release of SQL Server 2005?Will 64-bit ship when 32-bit ships?2. Will 64-bit SQL Server 2005 require a special versionof Windows Server 2003 (e.g. Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64)?Will it work with both Intel and AMD processors?3. How many CPUs, and how much memory, will be supported bySQL Server 2005, 32-bit and 64-bit, on each OS that can runSQL Server 2005.I'm looking for a chart here, something like the chart onpage 117 of Kalen Delaney's "Inside SQL Server 2000" book.SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005Feature Enterprise 32-bit Enterprise 64-bit------------------- ----------------- -----------------CPUs supportedWin Srvr 2003:Win Srvr 2003 Adv:Win Srvr 2003 Ent x64:Physical memorysupportedWin Srvr 2003:Win Srvr 2003 Adv:Win Srvr 2003 Ent x64:Has Microsoft published this info, and I just can find it?
We have recently tested upgrading our web service from sql 2000 to 2005 sp1. The upgrade went smoothly enough, however we now have the problem of the sqlserver.exe process taking 90-100 % of the processors time, but using only 100 MB of memory.
We have 6GB available and we are running the enterprise editions of Windows 2003 and SQL 2005.
Machine specs,
DL380 G2, 2 X 2.8 Ghz Zeon, 6GB ram, Raid 5, database partition of 140 GB, Log partition of 35 GB.
Db is 25 GB, Log is 12 GB. Largest table has 32 million rows.
running Sql Server 2005 SP2 on Windows 2003 Server SP1 with 2GB RAM. After start-up, the sqlservr.exe does only take up around 100 MB of RAM, and it stays roughly there even if the DB is used heavily. This leads to very poor performance, even timeouts on simple querys.
In the task manager, I see that of the 2 GB of RAM, more than 1 GB is still available. I don't understand why SQL Server won't take it?
As a test, I configured the min and max amount of RAM SQL Server should used both to 1024 MB and restarted the service - but it is still the same picture. It won't take more than around 100 MB.
The server has just been restarted, but the problem remains.
BTW there is also an instance of SQL 2000 on the same machine. It shows the same behaviour - I even checked the "reserve phyiscal memory" checkbox there, but it stays on a very low number (50 MB) and doesn't adhere to the supposed size.
we wonder about the tradeoffs of t-sql vs clr in sql server 2005 especially from a memory perspective. Is there documentation available on this subject?
I have a Windows 2003 Server running SQL 2005. The server has 32 GB of memory and I have enabled AWE in SQL. I have also configured the min and max SQL memory as 1 GB and 28 GB, respectively. However, this server currently has very low activity so I'm not sure whether my AWE-related changes worked. SQLSERVR.EXE process takes up about 100 MB of memory. Is there any tool or scripts that I can use to memory stress SQL to confirm that AWE is really in effect ?