SQL 2005 Upgrade Insert Into Select * Changes Order Of Columns
Dec 13, 2007
Hi there,
This appears to be a change in behaviour between SQL 2000 & 2005. Can anyone confirm?
We have two tables with same schema but different column orders. In Sql 2000, the statement
Insert Into table1 select * from table2
appears to map the column names between the two tables. There is one column out of order, however Sql 2000 doesn't seem to care and correctly inserts the data.
In Sql 2005 the behaviour is to return the columns in the order of table2, rather than mapping column names. This results in incorrect values being added to the columns. (Column shift)
The Sql 2005 behaviour seems to be correct, and select * is bad practice anyway, however I would like to confirm why this was changed and whether there is a service pack/hotfix in 2000 that would have the same result.
We are running compatibility mode in Sql 2005 v9.0.3042.
Sql 2000 is 8.0.2187
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Jul 20, 2005
According to BOL, columns in an ORDER BY clause do not have to be in the SELECTcolumn list unless the SELECT includes DISTINCT, or the UNION operator.Is this a SQL Server thing, or SQL standard behavior? That is, if I were to writeabsolutely pure SQL-92, must columns in the ORDER BY clause be present in the SELECTlist?
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Aug 15, 2006
I'm doing a INSERT...SELECT where I'm dependent on the records SELECT:ed to be in a certain order. This order is enforced through a clustered index on that table - I can see that they are in the proper order by doing just the SELECT part.
However, when I do the INSERT, it doesn't work (nothing is inserted) - can the order of the records from the SELECT part be changed internally on their way to the INSERT part, so to speak?
Actually - it is a view that I'm inserting into, and there's an instead-of-insert trigger on it that does the actual insertions into the base table. I've added a "PRINT" statement to the trigger code and there's just ONE record printed (there should be millions).
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Mar 27, 2006
I have the following basic statements being executed:Create a temp table, #TempPagingInsert Into #TempPaging (Col1, Col2)Select Col1, Col2 From SomeOtherTable Order By Col2, Col1Select * from #TempPagingI can't provide a reproduceable scenario right now without making thisinto a 200K post, so I'm hoping someone will know what the issue is.. Ican't find anything regarding this in BOL.Basically the order is off a little bit every now and then when thereare large amounts of data, like more than a couple hundred rows. Isthere something I need to do to guarantee the originally selectedorder?This is very important that it be in order from the original selectstatement as this is for paging. Adding an order by in the secondselect from the temp table will not fix the problem. In this particularinstance that I have reproduced we are using SQL 2005 but have alsoseen this on SQL 2000 servers. I had previously asked this question asI was using a SELECT INTO statement, but now we are manually creatingthe temp table (Pain in the ass) and still having the same issue. Bestcase scenario is for it to work for a SELECT INTO.Any ideas?
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Aug 1, 2006
This may sound like a dumb question, but I need to be certain of the answer.
If I have a query like this:
(col1, col2, col3, ... )
SELECT col4, col5, col6, ...
FROM table2
ORDER BY col7, col8, col9, ...
and table1 has an identity column that increments by 1 each time, am I gauranteed that the records inserted into table1 will always be inserted in the order as specified in the ORDER BY clause and hence the increasing identity column in table1 will reflect the same order as that of the ORDER BY clause?
Seems like it should be the case but I need to be sure.
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Mar 1, 2006
I have to insert data from about 30 tables into a single table (Users),to do so i used a cursor and a bit of dynamic sql, this should workfine if the tables have to do the select from had the same number ofcolumns, how ever they don't.I only need the first 5 columns from each the table, in the case wherethey have more than the 5 i need for my 'Users' table i get this error:'An explicit value for the identity column in table 'Users' can only bespecified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.'.Is there a way to select only the first five columns from a table, ifnot is there another solution for my problem?My Sql query is the following:DROP TABLE UsersCreate Table Users(ID INT identity PRIMARY KEY,TIPO VARCHAR(255),NOME VARCHAR(255),USERNAME VARCHAR(255),EMAIL VARCHAR(255),GROUPID VARCHAR(255))DECLARE @Table VARCHAR(255)DECLARE @Sql VARCHAR(8000)DECLARE sysCursor CURSORFORSELECT name FROM sysobjects where xtype='U'OPEN sysCursorFETCH NEXT FROM SysCursor into @Tablewhile @@FETCH_STATUS<>-1BEGIN/** INSERE VALORES NA TABELA DE TESTE*/SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO UsersSELECT * FROM ['+ @Table +']'EXECUTE (@SQL)SET @SQL = 'UPDATE Users SET GROUPID=' + @Table +'WHERE GROUPID IS NULL'EXECUTE (@SQL)print @tableFETCH NEXT FROM SysCursor INTO @TableENDCLOSE sysCursor/** APAGA VALORES INVÁLIDOS DA TABELA DE TESTE*/DELETE FROM Users WHERE TIPO IS NULLDELETE FROM Users WHERE NOME='Nome'DEALLOCATE sysCursorI hope you can give me hand, thank you in advance.
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Jul 3, 2007
I need to pass data from a SQL Server data base to an Access data base. To do this I use the OPENROWSET as followed:
INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'C:Aux.mdb'; 'Admin'; '',Test) (Id, Name, TypeId) SELECT Id,Name,TypeId
On SQL Server 2000 or MSDE the data is transfered as expected, respecting the specified order. But when I run the same clause on a SQL 2005 EE the data is transfered, but the order is not respected.
So my question is if I have to activate an option for the order to be respected or if this is a bug.
Best regards,
Ângelo Vilela
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Mar 27, 2008
I recently run into a senario when a procedure quiered a table without a order by clause. Luckily it retrived data in the prefered order.
The table returns the data in the same order in SQL Manager "Open Table"
So I started to wonder what deterimins the sort order when there is no order by clause ?
I researched this for a bit but found no straight answers. My table has no PK, but an identiy column.
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Aug 25, 2006
I am trying to figure out how to use the select maximum command in SQL Server 2005. I have already created a database and I have it populate it with multiple fields and multiple records. I Would like to create a new column or field which contains the maximum value from four of the fields. I have already created a column and I am trying to figure out how to use a command or SQL statement which is entered into the computed equation or formula in the properties for this field/column.
Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
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Jan 26, 2001
I am trying to upgrade peoplesoft database which is in SQL server 6.5 with Dictionary sort order to SQL Server 7.0 Binary sort order. SQL Server Upgrade wizard fails because of different sort order. If anyone knows about upgrading SQL Server 6.5 with Dictionary sort order to SQL 7.0 with Binary sort order, would be appreciated.
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Jul 9, 2002
We ae planning to upgrade SQL 7 to SQL 2000 curretly we have BInar sort order.We have to cahnge the sort order to Dictionary sort order in SQL 2000 as per the recomendation from application vendor.
What is the best way Ican do this? Can I cahnge the sort order at the time of upgrade without effecting the data?
Thanks in advance
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Jun 13, 1999
i have 2 questions,
1. cause there is no record of my old SQL 6.5 installation leaft for me,so i try to find the character set and sort order of my old SQL 6.5 installation, and in the MSSQLlog directory the errlog.? file there are these lines:
99/06/11 12:59:24.29 spid1 SQL Server's default sort order is:
99/06/11 12:59:24.29 spid1 'nocase' (ID = 52)
99/06/11 12:59:24.29 spid1 on top of default character set:
99/06/11 12:59:24.29 spid1 'iso_1' (ID = 1)
so my old installation's character set and sort order is as above,am i right?
2. cause i am in chinese so any good idea for me to upgrade this old SQL 6.5 to use chinese character set (cp936) , is there anyway to transfer the old data?
thanks if any suggestions!
welcome to send me mail about the question.
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Nov 17, 2006
Lets say I have a table named [Leadership] and I want to select the field 'leadershipName' from the [Leadership] Table.
My query would look something like this:
Select leadershipName
From Leadership
Now, I would like to order the results of this query... but I don't want to simply order them by ASC or DESC. Instead, I need to order them as follows:
Executive Board Members, Delegates, Grievance Chairs, and Negotiators
My question: Can this be done through MS SQL or do I need to add a field to my [Leadership] table named 'leadershipImportance' or something as an integer to denote the level of importance of the position so that I can order on that value ASC or DESC?
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Aug 28, 2015
what is the order of executing rebuild/checkdb after attaching database in SQL 2012 from 2008R2.
1. change compatibility mode
2. run dbcc checkdb
3. alter index rebuild all on <table> with fillfactor=90
Is above order ok? or there is no particular order to execute above 3 steps after upgrade.
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Jul 20, 2007
Here is the scenario that I cannot resolve
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tEvents](
[EventID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[EventName] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL,
[EventID] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tEventSelections](
[EventSelectionID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[EventID] [int] NOT NULL,
[StatusPID] [int] NOT NULL,
[EventSelectionID] ASC
then try this
SELECT e.eventName, es.statuspid
INTO #tmpTable
FROM tEventSelections ES
ON E.EVentID = ES.EventID
INSERT INTO #tmpTable (eventName) values ('Another One')
DROP TABLE #tmpTable
this causes a null insert issue
(0 row(s) affected)
Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 7
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'statuspid', table 'tempdb.dbo.#tmpTable___________________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000130'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
So how do I allow the null, as the not null is coming from the ES table. But I want to allow the insert to happen without having to create the table first, this code works in SQL 2000 but fails in 2005, inserting all fileds into the insert also has it's own issues as some of the fields are delibertly left blank so in some circumstances the data returned to a grid displays correctly.
This method has been used in quite a lot of stored procedures and will be a nightmare to correct if each has to be edited.
One example of the use of is to return a dataset and then add a row at the bottom which is a sum of all the rows.
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Jan 19, 2007
We are performing a SQL 2005 SP1 upgrade from SQL 2000 on our Windows 2003 SP1 Standard Edition.
When we run the upgrade, we got a error "Upgrade Advisor Return -1" as a pop-up window.
When we run the Upgrade Advisor separately, we get this error :
Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.
Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program. (System.Xml)
Program Location:
at System.Xml.Schema.SchemaInfo..ctor()
at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet..ctor(XmlNameTable nameTable)
at System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.get_Schemas()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.UAReportController.LoadAndValidateDataFile()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.UAReport.ValidateDataFile()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.UAIssueReport.Refresh()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportPanel.OpenReport(String reportFile)
We are in a lost for solutions. We do hope to hear from anyone asap...
Greatly appreciated for any kind assistance.
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Feb 10, 2007
We are running a test upgrade form sql 2000 standard edition 32 bit to sql 2005 developer edition 32bit. Followed through all the steps and specified the account(SA priveleges and currently used by the 2000 version) and is the local admin on the box for the services and the setup seemed to move fine, except for when it got to the point of installing database services - This is the error message that I got:
MSSQLServer could not be started. Verify you have sufficient priveleges to start system services. The was no choice but to hit cancel and then the set up progressed with a final message of 'SEtup failed'.
Here is a portion of the error log:
Attempting to recover in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
Database Mirroring Transport is disabled in the endpoint configuration.
Starting up database 'master'.
Converting database 'master' from version 589 to the current version 611.
Database 'master' running the upgrade step from version 589 to version 590.
Error: 946, Severity: 14, State: 1.
Cannot open database 'master' version 589. Upgrade the database to the latest version.
System Task Aggregate global counters produced an error that was not handled. Major: 9, Minor: 46, Severity:14, State:1
Error: 928, Severity: 20, State: 1.
During upgrade, database raised exception 15151, severity 16, state 1, address 01C4C50B. Use the exception number to determine the cause.
Error: 15151, Severity: 16, State: 1.
Cannot find the endpoint 'TSQL Local Machine', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks KR
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May 15, 2015
We're upgrading our SQL Server database from 2005 to 2012.I ran the Upgrade Advisory report and got this issue "Non-integer constants are not allowed in the ORDER BY clause in 90" because of the script below
gp.BRAND+' <> '+gp.CATEGORY AS 'full name',
'full name'
I tried running the same query in our test SQL Server 2012 and it ran successfully. Now I'm confuse if i still need to change it.I google the issue a bit and came across this link and mentioned this.
1.) Non-integer constants are ... constants that are not integer number.
Example:Â 'string1'Â represents
a string constant
0x01Â represents
a varbinary constant
'2015-02-26 06:00:00'}Â represents a datetime constant
1.23Â represents
a numeric constants
2) So single quotes are used to define a string constants / character string constants but SQL Server allows also to use single quotation marks use also as column identifier
SELECT ... expression AS 'Column1'
FROM ...
In this context is clear that 'Column1' is a column identifier but when used in ORDER BY : ORDER BY 'Column1' it generates confusion because SQL Server doesn't knows if it represents a string literal (character string constant) or it represents a column identifier / column name."Do I still need to change the existing code even though it's working fine in 2012? If yes, it is because of best practice reason or it will total get deprecated/not working in the future version?
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Apr 29, 2015
I have a business need to create a report by query data from a MS SQL 2008 database and display the result to the users on a web page. The report initially has 6 columns of data and 2 out of 6 have JSON data so the users request to have those 2 JSON columns parse into 15 additional columns (first JSON column has 8 key/value pairs and the second JSON column has 7 key/value pairs). Here what I have done so far:
I found a table value function (fnSplitJson2) from this link [URL]. Using this function I can parse a column of JSON data into a table. So when I use the function above against the first column (with JSON data) in my query (with CROSS APPLY) I got the right data back the but I got 8 additional rows of each of the row in my table. The reason for this side effect is because the function returned a table of 8 row (8 key/value pairs) for each json string data that it parsed.
1. First question: How do I modify my current query (see below) so that for each row in my table i got back one row with 19 columns.
If updated my query (see below)Â and call the function twice within the CROSS APPLY clause I got this error: "The multi-part identifier "A.ITEM6" could be be bound.
2. My second question: How to i get around this error?
CROSS APPLY fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM5,NULL) B, Â fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM6,NULL) C
I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 version. Windows 7 desktop.
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Aug 27, 2014
I'd like to first figure out the count of how many rows are not the Current Edition have the following:
Second I'd like to be able to select the primary key of all the rows involved
Third I'd like to select all the primary keys of just the rows not in the current edition
Not really sure how to describe this without making a dataset
CREATE TABLE [Project].[TestTable1](
[TestTable1_pk] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Source_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Edition_fk] [int] NOT NULL,
[Key1_fk] [int] NOT NULL,
[Key2_fk] [int] NOT NULL,
[Code] .....
Group by fails me because I only want the groups where the Edition_fk don't match...
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Oct 18, 2014
I have the following data:
Name Played Won
Player 1 15 14
Player 2 15 5
Player 3 14 13
Player 4 14 1
I want to be able to order by the number of games won by the highest played. So in the example above, I would get:
Name Played Won
Player 1 15 14
Player 3 14 13
Player 2 15 5
Player 4 14 1
How can I achieve that?
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Sep 10, 2007
I am working on a Statistical Reporting system where:
Data Repository: SQL Server 2005
Business Logic Tier: Views, User Defined Functions, Stored Procedures
Data Access Tier: Stored Procedures
Presentation Tier: Reporting ServicesThe end user will be able to slice & dice the data for the report by
different organizational hierarchies
different number of layers within a hierarchy
select a organization or select All of the organizations with the organizational hierarchy
combinations of selection criteria, where this selection criteria is independent of each other, and also differeBelow is an example of 2 Organizational Hierarchies:
Hierarchy 1
Country -> Work Group -> Project Team (Project Team within Work Group within Country)
Hierarchy 2
Client -> Contract -> Project (Project within Contract within Client)Based on 2 different Hierarchies from above - here are a couple of use cases:
Country = "USA", Work Group = "Network Infrastructure", Project Team = all teams
Country = "USA", Work Group = all work groups
Client = "Client A", Contract = "2007-2008 Maint", Project = "Accounts Payable Maintenance"
Client = "Client A", Contract = "2007-2008 Maint", Project = all
Client = "Client A", Contract = allI am totally stuck on:
How to implement the data interface (Stored Procs) to the Reports
Implement the business logic to handle the different hierarchies & different number of levelsI did get help earlier in this forum for how to handle a parameter having a specific value or NULL value (to select "all")
(WorkGroup = @argWorkGroup OR @argWorkGrop is NULL)
Any Ideas? Should I be doing this in SQL Statements or should I be looking to use Analysis Services.
Thanks for all your help!
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Nov 20, 2000
I am familiar with the ALTER TABLE syntax that can be used to add columns to an existing table, but the columns are appended to the end of the table. Enterprise Manager allows you to insert a column in the desired place in the table, but I suspect that behind the scenes it creates a temp table with the new structure, drops the old version of the table and renames the temp table to the orginal table name (I could be wrong on this).
Is there a way to insert a new column in a specific place in a table using SQL rather than EM?
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Jun 19, 2013
I want to make an index with the following columns, actually together they constitute the PK of the table so the index is created automatically.
The question is witch sort order is the best to have if I want to fetch all rows for one date and one resource? And why?
WHERE Resource = "Car 1" AND Date = "2013-03-03"
Resource, Date, Time
Date, Time, Resource
Below is an example with tree resources, but in reality there can be a lot more and also years of dates.
Car 1, 2013-03-03, 10.00
Car 1, 2013-03-03, 11.00
Car 1, 2013-03-03, 12.00
Car 1, 2013-03-04, 10.00
[Code] ......
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May 20, 2008
Is there a dynamic management view or system procedure which I can use to find out what columns are in an index, what columns are as an INCLUDE in the index and whether or not the column(s) are ascending or descending. This is excluding the utilities I already know about below:
I only ask because it is a pain to look through the sys.indexes and sys.index_columns tables every time I want to know about what columns are in the index created. I also know that scripting the index would give me the information I need but there must be a better way.
Many Thanks
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Oct 8, 2007
Hi, I am using MS SQL Server 2005 9.00.1399.00. I am trying to make a PivotReport.
Everything is fine, but the columns are are ordered alphabetically, but i want that they are ordered in a specific way.
So i just created a new column ProcId in the Query, but how can i order the columns with the new column but display the other values.
i hope you understand what i mean!?
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May 24, 2008
I am using a OLE_DB component source which connects to sqlserver and runs a query and the output of the query is written to a flat file destination.
Something like this
SELECT col1,
FROM my_table
when i check in the mapping i see
col2 ------col2
and thats what gets written to the flatfile destination.
i want SSIS to preserve the column order and write it as col1,col2,col3,col4
instead of what is happening now and it gets written as col2,col4,col3....
i am running sql2k5 and SSIS with sp2
is this a bug is there a solution for this or change the order of the columns for the flat file destination
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Oct 12, 2007
i have a file which consists data as below,
Iam reading file using bulk insert and iam inserting these phone numbers into table having one column as below.
but i want to insert the data into table having two columns. if iam trying to insert the data into table having two columns its not inserting.
can anyone help me how to do this?
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Nov 7, 2003
I'm unable to specify multiple columns in my order by statement if i use a case statement.
Does anyone know why this is, or what syntax would make this work?
ORDER BY (CASE Lower(@SortExpression)
WHEN 'prodname' THEN prodname, prodprice
WHEN 'prodsize' THEN prodsize, prodname
WHEN 'prodprice' THEN prodprice, prodname
Else prodcompany, prodname
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May 29, 2007
I have 2 columns in a table namely ColA and ColB.all DML operations are through views n every view has
Where clause i.e where ColA=€?€? with check option .
All most all my DML queries are using where clause on ColB
Where ColB=€?€?
Now my question is I have a clusted index on both ColA and ColB.in which order I have to create cluster index .
i.e ColA ASC,ColB ASC or ColB ASC,ColA ASC.
Is there any performance gain we can achieve with their order
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Mar 10, 2008
I have a report that displays data based on the last 12 months. Is there a way I can order the columns (header and data) based on the month it was run. eg. If I were to run the report in March, I want the columns to be ordered like this:
If run the report in April, I want the columns to be ordered like this:
So, the columns in the report are always ordered (12 months backward) based on the month it was run.
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Apr 24, 2008
I am currently using openquery to insert data into a SQL 2000 database from a Lotus Notes database. The Lotus database is a linked server with a datasource named CLE_CARS_SF. My SQL table is called Webcases.
The query below works well because the table's columns are even in both databases:
Insert into Webcases select * from openquery(CLE_CARS_SF,
'Select * from Web_Cases')
I am moving this over to SQL 2005. The query works well, but I want to add a column to the Webcases SQL database and manually insert a value along with the openquery values.
My insert statement above no longer works because the column numbers don't match.
In a nutshell I would like a way to combine the following queries:
Insert into Webcases select * from openquery(CLE_CARS_SF,
'Select * from Web_Cases')
Insert into Webcases (insurancetype) Values ('SF')
--insurancetype is the new column.
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May 13, 2015
I am relatively new to complex queries and need creating a query using a CASE in order to update columns to be either A or B. A few things about this is that I am joining tables from linked servers as well. This is the last part. I execute the query and receive the error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'from'.
select (select FirstName from [ZZZXXX].HCM.dbo.tPerson where PersonGUID = tPersonJobHistAlias.SupervisorPersonGUID) as supervisorFirstName,
(select LastName from [ZZZXXX].HCM.dbo.tPerson where PersonGUID = tPersonJobHistAlias.SupervisorPersonGUID) as supervisorLastName,
(select PersonID from [ZZZXXX].HCM.dbo.tPerson where PersonGUID = tPersonJobHistAlias.SupervisorPersonGUID) as SupervisorEmployeeID,
[Code] .....
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