SQL 2005 && Windows Password Policy

Mar 13, 2006

We run a few shared hosting servers in the UK, now we used to run mssql 2000 and moved to 2005 in december 2005.

Microsoft SQL 2005                                      9.00.1399.06
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio      9.00.1399.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools      2005.090.1399.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)      2000.086.1830.00 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447)
Microsoft MSXML      2.6 3.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer      6.0.3790.1830
Microsoft .NET Framework      2.0.50727.42
Operating System      5.2.3790

We were in the process of improving security on some of our new servers, in the windows password policies settings we enabled the following
minimum password length = 6 characters
Password must meet complexity requirments = enabled

sql 2005 authentification was set in mixed mode, but we have tried windows authentification only as well.

Now when you try and add a new user even if the password meets all requirments you get an error password is to short etc, we used sql managment studio both manually creating a user and scripting with sql, both with the same result.

In the shared hosting environment we need passwords to be secure, the only way we can get sql users to be created is to disable windows password policies which causes security problems.

We would prefer to use sql authentification not windows but even when we use sql authent it still seems to use the windows password policy and the same error occurs

has anyone else found this problem?

could do with a fix asap!

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SQL 2005 SP2 - Windows 2003 Ent SP1 - Password Does Not Meet The Password Policy DLL

Jun 18, 2007

I am receiving the following error message when attempting to create a new SQL Authenticated login id.

Password validation failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15119)

I have four servers all running SQL Server 2005 SP2 on Windows 2003 Ent. SP1. Of the four servers, only one received the above error message using the same TSQL below.


All four servers are in the same domain, which if I understand correctly, the password policies are therefore inherited at the OS level by the domain. The password being used is within the password policies of the domain.

Any ideas as to a root cause?

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Windows Server 2003 Password Policy And SQL Server 2005

Jun 12, 2007

I have a complicated question that involves the password policy defined within Windows Server 2003 and how it is used in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I recently installed windows server 2003 on my development system. I am a person that prefers to develop in the same OS that our application runs in production. After installing 2003, then a Domain administrator added my machine to our corporate domain. Now, I cannot change the local password policy to allow a simple password. I believe this is due to policy inheriting from the domain that the machine belongs to.

This ties back into SQL Server 2005 because installing sql server on a Server 2003 causes SQL Server 2005 to follow the password policies defined at the OS level. This breaks our application in a subtle way in that we create login accounts for new client databases with random password. Because the password is random it sometimes conforms to the policy and sometimes not.

In production environments, the password policies are configured differently. So I need to one of the following options:

-change the group policy/inherited policy on my machine to not inherity from the domain I joined (prefered solution but don't know HOW)

-change SQL Server to not use OS password policy

-change code to use CREATE LOGIN statement with CHECK_POLICY=OFF or change password generation code to use a stronger password. (don't want to do this as the code change is only accomodating non-production environments)

If someone has a better place to post this question, I would sure appreciate it.

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Sql 2005 Password Policy Setting

Oct 4, 2006

What are the exact requirements implied by the sql 2005 option:

"Password Must Meet Complexity Requirements "



P.S. I found this one:

-Cannot contain all or part of the username
-Must be at least 6 characters long
-Contain 3 of the 4 following character groups
- A to Z
- a to z
- 0 to 9
- Special Characters i.e. ! ^ $ *

and I have also found

"At least 7 characters in length"

Combines letters. numbners, and symbolds

Is not a dicitonary word, name of a command, person's name or user's account name

As the saying goes "close, but no cigar!"

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SQL 2005 - Ignore Policy To Allow Blank Password

Feb 6, 2006

I've legacy code that requires a blank password for a SQL Server login.
This works fine on 2000 or 7.

How can you allow blank passwords on SQL Server 2005 without changing the windows policy?
Is there a stored procedure to do this?
I know you can now use CREATE LOGIN and set CHECK_POLICY to no on SQL 2005 when creating logins, but this needs to run on SQL Server 7/2000 and so its using sp_addlogin.
(NB: I can't easily change the legacy code to work conditionally on SQL Server 2005)

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Changing SQL 2005 Password Policy Not Working

Feb 19, 2007

I have modified the Security Settings>Account Policies>Password Policy on my PC as follows:

Minimum password length: 10 characters

Password must meet complexity requirements: Enabled

However, when creating a login within SQL Server 2005, which does not adhere to the amended policy, this does not seem to be taken into account:





have tried restarting the SQL Server and rebooting the PC, but this does not solve the problem.

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Disable Password Policy Enforcement SQL Server 2005

Jun 20, 2006

Is there a way to do this at the server level?


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The Sa Password Must Meet SQL Server Password Policy Requirements.

Jun 30, 2007

I tried to install an ALLDATA database which run with SQL Server 2005 express edition. The data base fails to install becase of the following code that come up which is related to AS password requirement. The error that come up is:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

The sa password must meet SQL Server password policy requirements. For strong password guidelines, see Authentication Mode, in SQL Server Books Online.

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.2047.00&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=28001&EvtType=sqlca%5csqlcax.cpp%40SAPasswordPolicyCheck%40SAPasswordPolicyCheck%40x6d61



I am trying to install this database in a network server operating under Windows Server 2003 R2 with SP2. If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me.



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Password Policy

Feb 18, 2008

I'm trying to add the following user to my test enviroment using the following command:-

EXEC sp_addlogin OPICS, MASTER123456, OPXNEX

However, I'm getting the following error:-

Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is not complex enough.

How can I disable Enforce password policy?

View 10 Replies View Related

Blank Password Policy Problem

Oct 2, 2006

Hi all,We recently started to receive complaints about our install project notworking and giving and shitload of error messages related to SQL. Welater found out that the problem was the users we were trying to bindto we're not created because of the domain password policy featureimplemented into SQL Server 2005.After much dabbling around the SQL scripts that created the databasestructure, we came to the conclusion that only this piece of code couldcorrect our problem :CREATE LOGIN mynewuser WITH PASSWORD = '', CHECK_POLICY = OFF,CHECK_EXPIRATION = OFFThis runs perfectly fine on SQL2005, but not on SQL2000. We have beensearching for a way to have code in SQL files executed on install thatdoesn't fail to compile when run against the server and that willbypass the password policy in case it's a SQL Server 2005...Right now we are testing a feature available in MSI that can filterscripts not matching a database version, but the problem with this, isthat we are missing a lot of features that InstallShield has. In short,we need Help to fix this issue and be able to continue withdevelopment.In hopes to receive a a prompt anwser

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Sql Server Password Policy Requirements

May 30, 2007


I am installing SQL Server 2005 Express as part of my setup. On Windows 2003 Servers with password policy enabled, the SQL Server 2005 Express installation fails. Here is the error I am getting - "the sa password must meet SQL Server password policy requirements. For strong password guidelines, see Authentication Mode, in SQL Server Books Online.". If I disable the password policy, the SQL Server 2005 Express installation is OK.

Is there a parameter that I can pass to the command line to get around this?


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SQL Login Enforce Password Policy

Mar 20, 2007

I have a 3 node cluster running windows 2003 x64 sp1 and SQL Server 2005 version 9.00.2153. My problem is the following...

This Saturday I migrated a web application's database to this server. After restoring the database I created the sql login for the service account, set the password and disabled the password policy for this login. I then ran sp_change_users_login to attach the already existing db user with the same name to the login. I changed the connection string for the application, tested the application connectivity and functionality then detatched the old database on the old server. Everything went like clockwork, no problems at all.

Come Monday morning at 8:35 I started getting alerts that the web site was down. I tested the site and sure enough it was down. I then attempted to connect to the database server using the login that was created for the app and the connection failed. I logged in with my ID and got in fine. Nothing showing to be wrong with the DB, I checked the new login and somehow the "Enable Password Policy" had been set for the new login. I disabled it and still no connection. I went to the database and checked the DB user and somehow the link between it and the login no longer existed. I reran the sp_change_users_login and restested the web site and verified that that web site was back online.

My question is this, is there any stored proc that resets these values back to default for some reason, a series of events that might revert the "Enable Password Policiy" to the default for a login, or is there a particular domain level operation that might occur such as Security Polcies that would affect these settings in SQL?

No one else was on the machine when I went to check it out at 8:40 so it has left me puzzled.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Forcing Password Policy By Modifying Sp_addlogin

Nov 4, 2004

did anybody tri force password policy by modifing

Raising custom error if password to be inserted or cnanged does not meet company policy.

Why microsoft did not add this condition in code?

Thank you

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Enforce Password Policy And Expiration In .NET 3.5 Application

May 22, 2008


I am building a winforms .net 3.5 application which connects to a SQL Server 2005 database with SQL server authentication. Is it possible to access the SQL Server password policy and expiration through the .NET 3.5 framework? I would like add the following functionality to my login form:

Ensure passwords meet policy standard.

Prompt a user to change their password when it is due to expire in 5 days or less.
Thanks in advance.

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How To Make Enforce Password Policy Unchecked By Default

Jul 12, 2007

I am trying to create a login using my application.

The application creates the user and password itself .

when working with sql server 2000 it works fine.

when i try to install my application with sql server 2005 it is displaying the error .

'Password does not meet windows policy requirements

because it is not complex enough'

I want to keep the same password.

Is there any way to disable/uncheck this option by default?


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Windows Policy (disable)

May 23, 2007

What is the best way to disable using the Windows policy requirements when creating a new login?

example: I'm trying to create a login and the password doesn't meet the windows policy requirements. The easy thing to do would be to create a strong password. This isn't an option at the moment. I need to disable this so I can create new users that dont have strong passwords.


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Energy Policy Act Of 2005

Feb 1, 2007


Does the Energy Policy Act of 2005 affect SQL Server 2005 and SQL server 2000 running on windows 2003 sp1 and windows 2000 sp4 respectively...

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2005 - Changing Passwords With POLICY Enabled

Jun 22, 2007

Using SQL Server 2005 SP2 std edition on Windows 2003 R2 SP2 x64 std edition I'm allowed to break the password policy.

To reproduce this behaviour as a system administrator run...

create login testuser with password='p'

This creates a login with the default of POLICY enabled ('Enforce Password Policy' check box is checked). OK, so may be system administrator is allowed to break the policy but now login as testuser and run

alter login testuser with password='t' old_password='p'

This succeeds despite obviously breaking the policy.

Surely this can't be right, I must be doing something wrong.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Tim Gordon-Jones

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Changing Windows/SqlServer2005 Password

Jun 3, 2008

I have changed my windows password on my workstation, and the result is that I cannot now access the local databases and services resident on my workstation. I can still access all remote servers, but all attempts to access the local machine have failed. I even changed the password back to the original password, but this has had no effect.

Has anyone had any experience similar to this one? I am at a loss for things to try at this point.

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MSSqlServer Service And Windows Password Reset

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I hope you guys can help me with a problem that I am facing...I have started the MSSqlServer service and SQLServerAgent serviceswith a domain username and password.There are periodic password resets to this user. Security policieswithin the company dictate that the password for this domain accountcannot be permenant.Would there be any way to automatically reset the pwd in theseservices instead of manually changing them each time?Thanks

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Does Windows 2003 Support Multiple Password Policies?

Sep 15, 2006

We have a need to enforce a more stringent password policy for IDs that have elevated privileges or have access to sensitive data.

Can more than one policy be created in Windows Server 2003 (one that expires every 90 days and another policy that expires every 180 days and requires more complexity)? If this is possible, can SQL Server 2005 use these policies and how are SQL authenticated IDs tied to a specific policy?

This question was posted originally in a MSSQL 2005 forum (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=718231&SiteID=1) and it was suggested that I check a Windows forum for planned changes in this area.

Thank you for your assistance.

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I Changed My Windows Password And Now I Cannot Connect To SQL Server On My Development Machine

Jun 11, 2007

I changed the login password on my computer today, and now I cannot connect to the SQL Server instance I have on that same machine. I am using Windows Authentication. I would think that, if I can log on to my computer, I would be able to connect to the database, since I have been "authenticated" by windows but, that does not appear to be the case. Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. 

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SQL 2012 :: Windows 2008 Evaluation Default Username / Password?

Nov 19, 2014

i have installed windows 2008 evaluation, during installation i was not asked for username and pssword but when i try and start up its asking for administrator password.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Windows Authentication Not Working After Password Change?

Apr 29, 2015

This morning I attempted to connect to my local copy of SQL Server (2012) (Win 7) using Windows Authentication. I was unable to do so and per the error log it was due to error 18456 (invalid credentials).

Yesterday I changed my windows password. Is it possible for this to be the cause?

FYI, following is from the error logs:

2015-04-27 10:10:32.98 Backup BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 0 pages in 0.451 seconds (0.000 MB/sec).2015-04-28 00:00:41.90 spid18s This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of 2096 since 4/21/2015 9:08:05 AM (local) 4/21/2015 1:08:05 PM (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.2015-04-28 09:58:51.16 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 38.2015-04-28 09:58:51.16 Logon Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'model'. [CLIENT: xx.xx.xxx.xxx]2015-04-28 17:09:59.87 Server  SQL Server is terminating because of a system shutdown. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

The logs showed the error occurred yesterday (4/28) which is about when I changed my password. The 17:09 log (last one) is when I shut down my computer.  Note that I was logged into SQL Server when I changed my Windows password and worked with it several times through out the day.

Also, per the configuration manager SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) (and all other services) is stopped and I was unable to start it ("The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion).

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Unable To Edit Windows Password In Connect To Server Dialog

Jan 15, 2007


I think my description says it all. I have just installed Studio Express for the first time.

I want to attach a database. When the connect to server dialog is displayed the user name and password text box is greyed out. The Password box is blank and I need to edit this. I switch to SQL authentication they are enabled but if I switch back to Windows authentication they are both greyed out.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled but still no luck,

Any help would be great.

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Windows Authentication: User Name && Password Area Grayed Out And Unusable...

Aug 2, 2007

I'm trying to connect to a SQL Server 2005 database engine on a local network server. When I am presented with the Connect to Server dialog box, if I select Windows Authentication from the Authentication drop-down, the User name & Password area is grayed out and unusable. The domain user account I'm authenticated with is visible, but grayed out, and the password field is blank and unusable. I'd like to be able to connect as described in help:

User name

Enter the user name to connect with. This option is only available if you have selected to connect using Windows Authentication.

I can connect with either SQL Server or Windows authentication... but with Windows Authentication I'd love to be able to type a specific user name to select with :-)

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Unable To Connect To SQL SERVER 2005 Database Engine Using Windows Authentication Under Windows Vista...

Mar 26, 2008

Hallo there,

I just upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows Vista Bussiness and tried to reinstall SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition. After the installation i downloaded (using microsoft windows update) and installed all the service packs for sql and vista available.

My problem is when i open sql server management studio and try to connect to my default instance using windows authentication and database engine, an 18456 error occurs.

I enabled all the protocols and all the ports
I disabled windows firewall and antivirus (eset nod32)
I installed all service packs available
I have also installed Visual Studio 2005 without installing sqlexpress

But nothing happens!

Please i am very desperate, any information will be gratefully accepted.

This is my installation Information

Code Snippet

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.6001.18000
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.1434
Operating System 6.0.6001

Thank you in advance,

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Merge Replication - SQL Server 2005, Windows Vista And MSVisual Studio 2005

Jul 11, 2007

Hello everybody!

I hope that someone could help me.

I have a problem when i start sincronyzing with the emulator of MSVS2005 to SQL2005 in Windows Vista. I have the same program in the emulator, but sincronyzing with windows XP Pro and no problem...

I configure the connection to use the IUSR.

The source code that i use:

repl.InternetUrl = @"http://laptop/SQLMobileIIS/sqlcesa30.dll";

repl.Publisher = @"laptop";

repl.PublisherDatabase = @"database";

repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;

repl.Publication = @"Pubdatabase";

repl.Subscriber = @"SQLMobile";

repl.SubscriberConnectionString = @"Data Source='" + nomeFicheiroBD + "';Password='3409'";

The error that returns is:

"Failure to connect to SQLServer with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect"

Does anybody knows what i can do?



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Need A Help In Backup Policy

Oct 25, 2007

Can it possible of taking full dump db backup of Logshipping server [Secondary Server.]
Or any other way {DTS} on Secondary server, to update third server on daily basis.

please co-operate me on this issue
Thanx in advance


Dina Satam

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Vista SQL 2005 SP2 Client To Windows XP SQL 2005 (non-sp2) Workstation.

Apr 26, 2007

I'm trying to use SQL Management Studio to connect from a Vista SQL 2005 client w/ SP2 over to a Windows XP workstation running SQL server developer edition (non-sp2) using windows authentication.

I'm already preauthenticated by network shares to the xp workstation. This worked just fine in windows xp but stop working in vista.

After searching around, i found out that vista handles trusted authentication differently than windows xp due to changes in the SSPI. Logging in as sql authentication works fine. Logging in as windows authentication does not.

UPDATE: I found out that two workstations running vista and sql 2005 sp2 cannot connect to each other using windows trusted authentication!!!

What the heck?

UPDATE: I found out that my IIS 7.0 using ASP.NET and connecting to SQL 2005 (non sp2) on a Windows 2003 server (SP1) WILL connect to the database using trusted authentication... apparently IIS can access the credentials and pass them to the sql 2005 box just fine. My Sql 2K5 SP2 tools cannot. I'm forced to use SQL authentication to the box.

Same thing applies with a Windows XP SP2 box running SQL 2005 (non sp2).

Here is my sql server error log off of the windows xp workstation:

2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon Error: 17806, Severity: 20, State: 2.
2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT:]
2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon Error: 18452, Severity: 14, State: 1.
2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT:]

How can i Fix this issue?

[1] Client side:

What is the connection string in you app or DSN?
If client fails to connect, what is the client error messages?

Is the client remote or local to the SQL server machine?

Can you ping your server?

Can you telnet to your SQL Server?

What is your client database provider?
SQL Management Studio

Is your client computer in the same domain as the Server computer?

What protocol the client enabled?
Shared Memory & TCPIP

Do you have aliases configured that match the server name portion of your connection string?

Do you select force encryption on server and/or client?

[2] Server side:

What is the MS SQL version?
SQL Server 2005

What is the SKU of MS SQL?

What is the SQL Server Protocol enabled?
Shared Memory & TCPIP

Does the server start successfully?

If SQL Server is a named instance, is the SQL browser enabled?

What is the account that the SQL Server is running under?
Network Service

Do you make firewall exception for your SQL server TCP port if you want connect remotely through TCP provider?

Do you make firewall exception for SQL Browser UDP port 1434?

[3] Platform:

What is the OS version?
Client - Windows Vista Final w/ SQL Server 2005 SP2 & Network Client SP2

Server - Windows XP Professional SP2 w/ SQL 2005 Server Developer Edition

Do you have third party antivirus, anti-spareware software installed?

[4] Misc:

If you have certificate configuration issue: Please use €œcertutil.exe €“v €“store my€? to dump certificate specific info and post it in your question.


1. Find SQL Server Errorlog: Default to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.#MSSQLLOG

2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon Error: 17806, Severity: 20, State: 2.
2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT:]
2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon Error: 18452, Severity: 14, State: 1.
2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT:]

[1] Client side:

What is the connection string in you app or DSN?
If client fails to connect, what is the client error messages?

Is the client remote or local to the SQL server machine?

Can you ping your server?

Can you telnet to your SQL Server?

What is your client database provider?
SQL Management Studio

Is your client computer in the same domain as the Server computer?

What protocol the client enabled?
Shared Memory & TCPIP

Do you have aliases configured that match the server name portion of your connection string?

Do you select force encryption on server and/or client?

[2] Server side:

What is the MS SQL version?
SQL Server 2005

What is the SKU of MS SQL?

What is the SQL Server Protocol enabled?
Shared Memory & TCPIP

Does the server start successfully?

If SQL Server is a named instance, is the SQL browser enabled?

What is the account that the SQL Server is running under?
Network Service

Do you make firewall exception for your SQL server TCP port if you want connect remotely through TCP provider?

Do you make firewall exception for SQL Browser UDP port 1434?

[3] Platform:

What is the OS version?
Client - Windows Vista Final w/ SQL Server 2005 SP2 & Network Client SP2

Server - Windows XP Professional SP2 w/ SQL 2005 Server Developer Edition

Do you have third party antivirus, anti-spareware software installed?

[4] Misc:

If you have certificate configuration issue: Please use €œcertutil.exe €“v €“store my€? to dump certificate specific info and post it in your question.


1. Find SQL Server Errorlog: Default to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.#MSSQLLOG

2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon Error: 17806, Severity: 20, State: 2.
2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT:]
2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon Error: 18452, Severity: 14, State: 1.
2007-04-26 15:41:32.34 Logon Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT:]

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SA Password Lost In MS SQL 2005

Oct 3, 2007

I need to retrieve the SA Password through MS SQL 2005. The reason why is I am trying to connect a number of computers in the same building for an Address Book to be shared by everyone. I will be using the program, Addressinator! to do this. But I need to have the SA password in order to connect the computers.
I am running Windows XP. I have read a few instructions on how to retrieve or make a new password on the net, but most of it doesn't make sense to me.

For Example, this is one that I found:
To reset the sa password, you can make the following:

1. Login to the SQL Server box as the Administrator.
2. Run SQL Server Enterprise Manager. (I don't have the Enterprise Manager)
3. Right-click the server name and choose 'Edit SQL Server Registration properties'. (I can't find the properties!)
4. Choose 'Use Windows authentication' and click OK button.
5. Expand a server, expand a Security and click Logins.
6. Double-click the sa login and specify new password on the General tab.

I hope someone can help me out with this.

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Please Help To Design A Payroll Policy

Feb 12, 2008


Please help me in designing one of our payroll policies. i have been trying but unable to find any solution.

i have data in 2 tables :
1. attendance (empid, date, hours, leaveallowed)
2. holidays (date,type) (4 types of holidays like national, weekly offs etc)

Policy: if any employee is not present on both days - the day before and after the holiday then leave allowed is false

attendace table contains the records for all employees who are present and i have to add rows for missing dates where leaveallowed will be false (hours will be zero).

eg. if any employee is absent on friday and monday then leaveallowed for saturday and sunday will be false.

i have tried many things but the best i have is following query that uses cross join with holidays table after adding rows for all dates in holidays (holidays table now looks as calendar)


SELECT DRVD.empid,DRVD.calendardate,DRVD.holidaytype,
(SELECT * FROM employees CROSS JOIN calendar
WHERE calendardate < getdate()) DRVD
ON attendance.empid=DRVD.empid
AND attendance.workdate=DRVD.calendardate


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Select All Commission In A Row By Policy ID

Feb 12, 2014

I have policy and commission table. There are up to 3 levels of commission for each policy and i want to select all commission in a row by policy id

for eg :
select policy.policyid,commission.amount,commission.level
from policy
inner join commission
on commission.policyid = policy.policyid


Policyid Commission level
50470 9.056839 2
50470 31.011067 3
50470 7.185093 0
23355 6.8347 0
23355 76.989 2

But i want to display like below

policyid level0 level2 level3
50470 7.185093 9.05683931.011067
23355 6.834776.989

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