I The requirement is to unload all columns data into csv file using bcp with pipe delimiter, but the condition is to remove milliseconds part of a datetime column.
2014-02-19 17:12:14.967 remove .967 from data while unloading into csv.
I have an Address column that I need to Substring. I want to remove part of the string after either, or both of the following characters i.e ',' OR '*'
Example Record 1. Elland **REQUIRES BOOKING IN*** Example Record 2. Theale, Nr Reading, Berkshire Example Record 3. Stockport
How do I achieve this in a CASE Statement?
The following two case statements return the correct results, but I some how need to combine them into a single Statement?
,LEFT(Address ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(',',Address) =0 THEN LEN(Address ) ELSE CHARINDEX(',' ,Address ) -1 END) AS 'Town Test'
,LEFT(Address ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('*',Address ) =0 THEN LEN(Address) ELSE CHARINDEX('*' ,Address ) -1 END) AS 'Town Test2'
When you view the Extended Events "Watch Live Data" is the duration in milliseconds or microseconds? I'm assuming it's milliseconds, but if you look at the timestamp difference from start to complete it doesn't add up to the duration amount? It looks like it's just the difference between the timestamps?
Does anybody knows how to remove the time part of the datetime format?
some tables in my database's using datetime format, and the time's not default (12:00:00 AM) but it save the exact time. Example : 7/17/2007 11:02:06 AM
when i use datetime for parameters, there's no value returned. While it's impossible for users to entered the exact time when they want to preview reports.
So, how to remove the time part in datetime format?
Hi,I've got a db table containing 5 columns(excluding id) consisting of1.) First Half of a UK postcode2.) Town name to which postcode belongs3.) Latitude of Postcode4.) Longitude of Postcode5.) Second Part of the PostcodeI want to select columns 1,2,3 and 4, but once only. There are oftenseveral entries where 1 and 2 are the same but 3 and 4 are differenti.e.WA1Bewsey and Whitecross53.386492-2.596847WA1Bewsey and Whitecross53.388203-2.590961WA1Bewsey and Whitecross53.388875-2.598504WA1Fairfield and Howley53.388455-2.581701WA1Fairfield and Howley53.396117-2.571789My current query isSELECT DISTINCT Postcode, Town, latitude, longitudeFROM PostcodeWHERE Postcode.Postcode = 'wa1'ORDER BY Postcode, TownHowever as latitude and longitude differ on each line DISTINCT doesnot do what I'm looking for.Can anybody suggest a way changing the query to just give the firstinstance of each Postcode/Town combo?I.E.WA1Bewsey and Whitecross53.386492-2.596847WA1Fairfield and Howley53.388455-2.581701Many thanks!Drew
I am using a script component to create the output buffer dynamically. I use the Outputbuffer.AddRow() call. I then set all the fields I want, and its added to the output and later inserted into the database. If a field value fails it causes an error, but the record is partially inserted upto the point where the set field command caused the error. So if I set 10 fields, and it fails on field 5 it inserts data for the 5 fields that worked and nulls into the others.
As a result I have a try catch clause, and if it fails I want to cancell the addition of the new row. Is there a command like RemoveRow(), rollback, etc that can be used to not insert the record in error?
I was trying to copy child records of one parent record into another, and wanted to report back new child record id and corresponding child record id that was used to create it. I ran into run-time error with OUTPUT clause. Following is a script that will duplicate the situation I ran into:
INSERT INTO Parent(ParentName) VALUES('Parent 1') INSERT INTO Parent(ParentName) VALUES('Parent 2') GO
INSERT INTO Child(ParentID, ChildName) VALUES(1, 'Child 1') INSERT INTO Child(ParentID, ChildName) VALUES(1, 'Child 2') GO
At this stage, there Child table looks like:
Child 1
Child 2
What I want to do is copy Parent 1€™s children to Parent 2, and report back which source ChildID that was used to create the new child records. So I wrote the query:
What is the best way to change an output of P0123 to 123? i.e. drop the letter 'P' and also any leading zeros. We have a report that outputs terminal ID's which range from P0001 through to P0536.
I can drop the 'P' easily enough, but how I can drop the P000 from terminal ID P0001 for example.
SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT table1.column5, table2.column9 FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.column4 = table2.column4 AND table1.column1 != "NULL" ORDER BY table1.column5
All of the columns are cast as char up to 50 characters.
Even if only a field has a few characters, I get a lot of extra white space in my output. I want to get rid of those trailing spaces. I've tried SET ANSI_PADDING OFF, RTRIM(), and CAST(x AS VARCHAR(y)). I still get the same output. What am I doing wrong, what am I missing?
When I save my output (from a query I ran) to a text file, there seems to be rows of spaces. Is there a way i can just kill off any spaces at the end of my query? Like rtrim or something?
I have an xml stored in a coulum of a table and I use the following query to extract an xml element :
select CONVERT(XML,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(max),Response)).value('(/Quote/error)[1]','nvarchar(max)') as Excepiton .The result of the expression is :
TL43:The product has no marked price.;I would like to select only the code : TL43and then separately I would like to select The product has no marked price.Is there a way I can do it?
I am trying to make a query that will group my errors messages together - my problem is that each of the error messages is unique, due to them having an unique id in them.
Database is in simple recovery mode, and published with transaction replication push subscription, just one subscriber but the database is huge. I don't want to overwrite the schema at the subscriber either.
I had to run an alter database command on a published database, it created so many logs that an extra drive had to be added along with an extra log file to accommodate all the logs.
The problem I have is I'd like to know clear the file of logs so I can drop the temporary log file, and give the drive back, but I cannot.
I have tried dbcc shrinkfile with the emptyfile option but it never clears, I have also tried it with notruncate and truncateonly options (mainly out of desperation).
I do not need to worry about point in time restore as a full backup is taken before and after the operation. After which the database will be put back into Full recovery mode.
I have looked at log_reuse_wait_desc and the file says 'Replication', so I am now thinking the file cannot empty because replication is keeping one of the VLFs active. I tried dropping and recreating the subscription hoping it might free something up and I could get somewhere, but it made no difference.
Do I have to remove replication completely to get round this? Surely not.
I have also tried putting the database back into full recovery mode, doing a full DB backup, and a transaction log backup, but its made no difference, which is also what makes me think a portion of the log is still active because of replication, and perhaps the transactions have not gone through to the subscriber, which raises another question, why not?
I have not tried restarting SQL server, as I'd like to know a way out of this without having to do that, plus I do not think it would make any difference anyway.
I'm trying to replace a particular part of a row in a table with a new value.
The row is called "DataPath" and it has a lot of values like so:
mashOperationsComponent Data FilesSantec
I want to run a query to replace the mash with our DFS namespace share name companysharesDepartments but keep everything else past the mash part of the original row.
I'm currently running this query, it says it is altering 30,000 rows, but it doesn't look like it's doing anything at all..
UPDATE dbo.Part SET DataPath = REPLACE(DataPath,'company.localsharesDepartments','mash') WHERE DataPath like 'mash\%'
So for example, it would change the mash above to
company.localsharesDepartmentsOperationsComponent Data FilesSantec
I created a mirrored DB, added a new datafile to the principal using a path the mirror can't access. As a result the mirroring session was suspended because the mirror stated: "CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.) while attempting to open or create the physical file".
Fine, so I disabled mirroring on the principal (SET PARTNER OFF) which worked just fine, but the mirror stayed in a mirrored state, Object Explorer saying:"(Mirror, Disconnected / In Recovery). Sooo, I tried to disable db mirroring on the mirror using ALTER DATABASE db SET PARTNER OFF;, which completed successfully, but the DB STILL remained in a mirrored-configuration.
"Msg 1404, Level 16, State 4, Line 1
The command failed because the database mirror is busy. Reissue the command later."
I tried taking the DB offline or restoring it from a backup, but all these operations resulted in "The operation cannot be performed on database "db" because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group."
The only solution I can think of at the moment is shutting down the instance and deleting the data and log-files of the mirrored db, which would be just fine because this is just a test installation, but it would be not quite as easy in a productive environment.
Is there any other way to remove the mirrored state from a disconnected mirror or to simply get rid of the db entirely to perform a recovery?
Error:- (1 row(s) affected) DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. Msg 5042, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The file 'tempdev1' cannot be removed because it is not empty.
Note: =>I restarted SQLServer from SSMS and then ran same commands mentioned above ,......and getting same error... => I executed above commands and restarted services...no change...
I need add an report of type "Power View" in Web Part of Site of Sharepoint.What is category chose in Web Parts to add an report of type Power View ?My objective is create an tree menu with links to specific sites (created for me) that have web parts with "Power View".
App developers are complaining that a blocking report I sent them today does not have enough info to troubleshoot and fix the root cause of the blocking.(I used SQL Sentry to get the report and send to the users, but I think my question is more fundamental than just using one 3rd-party tool.)The reason for the complaints is that the top blocker is a SELECT stmt on TableA that is not the Wait Resource of the blocking (TableB).
I explained that this is likely because the "blocking" SELECT stmt on TableA is part of a larger explicit tran that includes TableB, and that they need to look through their code to identify the SQL stmt that is the root cause of the blocking.They would like that root statement identified in the blocking report, but I don't think it is possible to get to that through DMVs.
There are 3 columns in the result set - part num, Qty and MO num. Each MO num has part numbers.So there might be same part numbers in MO's. Each part num has qty. So, if I group by part num, I get Qty.
1.There are duplicates of part.num and I want to remove duplicates and add quantities of those duplicates into one single quantity. For example, xxxx is a part num, then xxxx=1,xxxx=3,xxxx=5. I want xxxx=9. I want to sum those. Another question is, each MO has a user. I want to join user and MO num in MO.
Heres the code,
part.num , (woitem.qtytarget/wo.qtytarget) AS woitemqty,
(SELECT LIST(wo.num, ',') FROM wo INNER JOIN moitem ON wo.moitemid = moitem.id WHERE moitem.moid = mo.id) AS wonums FROM mo INNER JOIN moitem ON mo.id = moitem.moid
LEFT JOIN wo ON moitem.id = wo.moitemid
LEFT JOIN woitem ON wo.id = woitem.woid AND woitem.typeid = 10 LEFT JOIN (Select sum(woitem.qtytarget) as labor, woitem.woid, uom.code as uom from woitem JOIN part on woitem.partid = part.id and part.typeid = 21 JOIN uom on woitem.uomid = uom.id group by 2,3) as labor on wo.id = labor.woid LEFT JOIN part ON woitem.partid = part.id
We configured IDERA SQL Safe for backups and restores.we setup an email for notifications. One day we performed manual backup operation for 150 databases from SQL Safe tool. Unnoticed it backed up to C:Backup folder.
We got alerts with the report of backups on C: drive. Then we moved backup files to respective folders.But, I could not clear the records from the report, its been 25 days, still we are receiving the alerts as below.How can I clear this report or to configure or setup anything to avoid this, in future as well.
Below is the sample records from the report. I need this report to be cleared.
Subject: SQL Safe Validation Report
The following files are recorded in the SQLSafe repository, but no longer exist in their locations:
C:BackupLUXOR_DB_GroupEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_InsightEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_IMEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_SiteEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_SiEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_ICEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_vdbEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_M_SEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe
I am trying to remove the dates from a query. my goal is to load it in ssas and add a time dimension. Right now i have to change the dates evrytime i run reports (monthly). Here is the query
drop table #tmptmp
SELECT *, (DATEDIFF(day, enrollmentsDate, ShipmentDate)) - ((DATEDIFF(WEEK, enrollmentsenttDate, InitialShipmentDate) * 2) +(CASE WHEN DATENAME(DW, enrollmentsentDate) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +(CASE WHEN DATENAME(DW, ShipmentDate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
I am in plan to implement following for backup of one of our database Enable Full recovery mode
1- Create full backup nightly 2- Create transaction log backup after every 25 min
as I am taking full backup every night, I think I can remove transaction log file backups at the time of full backup, as we can apply transaction log backup over full backup.My question is regarding removal of transaction log backups.
-Should I remove all transaction log backups and then execute full backup? -Should I execute full backup and remove all transaction log backup older than 24Hrs ? -Do I have to consider SCN or related info before deleting any transaction log backup ?
Windows 2012 R2, SQL 2012 (Primary Replica) SQL 2012 (Seondary Replica) SQL 2012 (Secondary Replica over WAN site)
There are database replicating on three SQL servers. WAN line is having performance issue because of limited bandwidth I have to remove SQL secondary replica over WAN site temporarily and add it again later when the WAN line is upgraded with between bandwidth What is the best practice to remove secondary replica and replicating database and add later from SQL management studio without interruptions on databases?
I have found some articles with no publication in our transactional replication.
For example, running this:
select p.publication, a.publication_id, a.article from dbo.MSArticles as a left outer join dbo.MSpublications as p on a.publication_id = p.publication_id
shows this:
NULL1org_Community NULL3org_Community Purchasing to EDW5org_Community NULL1org_Division NULL3org_Division Purchasing to EDW5org_Division
How can I get rid of the articles that are not part of a publication?
I can't use sp_droparticle because it requires a publication which these articles do not have.