SQL 2012 :: CTE Ignores The Data In The Second Join?

Aug 19, 2014

I have created a common table expression. The first query is meant to select a particular months worth of data. The second query is meant to select the following months data but only for the subscribers (MSISDN's) that appeared in the first month.

The query returns result for month 1 but ignores the second month. If I remove the last inner join to the CTE (INNER JOIN Test_Table tt ON tt.MSISDN = B.SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER) then I get a full list for both months but obviously this isn't limited to those MSISDN's in the first month.

The second issue that I'm having is that I can't select a sample of say only a 1000 MSISDN's from the first month...

WITH Test_Table (Report_Month, MSISDN, SUB_SEGMENT)


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SQL Server 2012 :: Join On Different Data Types

Jun 11, 2014

We have a query that joins column A int which is an int onto column B with contains only int's but was created as a varchar and can't be changed to an int at the moment.

Casting column a as a varchar in the ON of the join to left join seems to void the index altogether and the query just runs for every.

We are talking a few hundred million rows of data in each table.

Temp solution is select into a #Hash table as correct data type and index then use the #Hash table in the join.

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GetReportParameters Ignores Language=en-gb?

May 1, 2007


I've integrated my reports into an app using the ReportViewer control, and I've created custom parameter selection controls. I want the user to be able to enter dates in dd/mm/yy format into a textbox. I've set the language of my reports to en-gb.

The SetParametes method of the ReportViewer control copes with this fine, but when I pass a date string in dd/mm/yy format into GetReportParameters, I get a 'parameter value not valid for its type' error. But it works for date strings in mm/dd/yy format, so it's as if GetReportParameters is ignoring my language setting.

Has anyone got any idea as to where I'm going wrong?

Thanks in advance


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SQL Server 7 Ignores User Permissions

Jul 20, 2005

I am having a problem restricting write access to tables in my database.In my database I have a table called, for the sake of argument, 'TableX'.In my SQL Server Logins, I have set up a login for 'Domain Users' using NTauthentication, and a login called 'FullTableX', using SQL Serverauthentication.I have added two users to my database relating to the above logins.I have added a role to my database called 'ReadTableX' with 'Domain Users'as a member of this role. 'ReadTableX' has SELECT permission only on arestricted set of tables.The only other role that 'Domain Users' is a member of is 'public', and'public' has no permissions on any of my tables.The user 'FullTableX' is a member of 'public', 'db_datareader' and'db_datawriter'With the above settings, I would expect user 'FullTableX' to have fullaccess (Select, Insert, Update and Delete) on all my database tables (so farso good), but any user connecting to the database with NT authentication(via ODBC System DSN) should only have read access to the limited set oftables. However, what is happening is that NT authenticated users also havefull access to all of the tables.What am I missing here??

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Package Ignores Environment Variable For ConnectionString

Mar 19, 2008

We're attempting set the ConnectionString for our configuration database connection manager from an environment variable, but SSIS seems to ignore the environment variable value. Deployment process:

Create the Connection Manager

Create an Environment Variable type configuration with the Target Property: Package.Connections[acConfigDBManager].Properties[ConnectionString]

Build the package

Copy the package and the manifest from the project's inDeployment folder to a folder on the server

From the SSIS server's console, Import the package from the File System.

Run the package, after first inspecting the ConnectionString in the Connection Managers collection
In all cases, the ConnectionString variable for our configuration database is the value in the package at build time.

So far we've tried the following variations:

confirmed that the spelling and case of the environment variable is identical on the XP development computer and the Win2003 server.

restarted SQL Server and SSIS

rebooted the Win2003 server.

built the package with a blank ConnectionString value in the connection manager

re-imported the package, overwriting the old one

deleted the old package before reimporting

renamed the package and imported

run imports from SQL Management Studio from the server console

assign the connection string from an arbitrary system environment variable

assign the ServerName and use an expression to build ConnectionString
What now? Has anyone been able to set a Connection Manager property from an environment variable?

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Jun 22, 2007

All,Just want to make sure that I understand what's going on here.I have a table with IGNORE_DUP_KEY set on a unique, multi-columnindex.What I'm seeing is this:1) When performing a BULK INSERT, the UNIQUE index is not beingrespected and rows which violate the unique index are inserted.2) When performing a regular INSERT, the UNIQUE index is beingrespected and rows which violate the unique index ARE NOT inserted.Is this expected behavior.Also, I have some questions, given the index described.Q1) Will a regular INSERT that attempts to insert duplicate data getan error back or just a warning?Q2) How can I set things up so that a BULK INSERT would NOT allowduplicates to be entered into the table?Thanks,Wes Gamble

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Native Client Ignores ANSI_NULLS Setting In Database

Oct 26, 2006


I'm using the SQL Native Client to connect my VB6 application to my SQL Server 2005 database. My SQL Server 2005 database has ANSI_NULLS turned off. I have a query embedded in my VB6 application that uses the syntax "fieldName = NULL" in the WHERE clause. When I execute the query via the SQL Native Client, the query returns zero rows. When I execute the same query via the old OLEDB driver, the query returns many rows. If I change my query to "fieldName IS NULL" syntax, the problem goes away. However, I am more interested in figuring out why ANSI_NULLS are turned on when using the SQL Native Client even though my database has them turned off. Is there a connection string property that I can use with the SQL Native Client to ensure that the query is executed with ANSI_NULLS off?


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Connection Manager Ignores Expressions With Script Component

Mar 16, 2006

I have written a script source component and attached a flat file connection. The connection string of which is defined by an expression.

However when I get the connectionstring from the connection in the script it has the default filename value of flat file not the value of the expression. This is proved by passing in the filename variable, and comparing the 2.

The flat file has an expression on the ConnectionString of @[User::filename]

Can someone confirm this is a bug.

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Full-text Ignores Special Chars In Sql 2005

Oct 12, 2007

We had a sql 2000 db that had full text implemented on it. We upgrade that server to a 2005 server and now the full text searches that once worked don't. Most do work just the ones with ; or special characters in the query string don't work.

Anyone have the same behavior and how to get it to wrok again?


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I Want To Write An SQL Statement Which Returns Matching Values But Ignores The First 2 Digits Of The Search

Jan 26, 2007

I want to write a statement something like this
SELECT Add_Date, File_No FROM dbo.File_Storage WHERE (File_No = 11/11/1234/)
But i want the search to ignore the first 2 digits so that it will return e.g
10/11/1234, 09/11/1234  so that it's only matching the last part
Any Help Would be greatly appreciated Thanks

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Integration Services :: SSIS 2008 Randomly Ignores Debug Breakpoint?

Oct 12, 2015

SSIS 2008 when I develop and debug in BIDS sometimes ignores debug break point.

The script component is in the main control flow and at some point the breakpoint did work.

If, for example, I create a new project and copy my script component there the debug breakpoint will work.So it's absolutely *random* when it works and when it does not.

Below is my BIDS detail:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Version 9.0.30729.4462 QFE
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 3.5 SP1
Installed Edition: IDE Standard
Enterprise Library v5 Configuration Editor   4.0


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SQL Server 2008 :: Usage Of Built-in Functions On Columns Ignores / Excludes Indexes On That Column?

May 25, 2015

Somewhere i read..that in SQL Server...usage of Built-in Functions on Columns, makes query optimizer to ignore indexes on that column...!

So lets say we have table EMP with Emp_id and Emp_Name....

Also we have Non-Clustered index on Emp_Name.

So following query would NOT use Non-Clustered index on Emp_Name column.

SELECTLEFT(emp_name, 3) as emp3

Is this true? i am using SQL Server 2008.

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Jan 13, 2014

These two T-SQL statements return the same results.

If Microsoft deemed it necessary to add the EXCEPT command, then what are its advantages over an INNER JOIN


USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
FROM Production.Product
FROM Production.WorkOrder ;

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
SELECT DISTINCT Production.WorkOrder.ProductID
FROM Production.Product
INNER JOIN Production.WorkOrder ON Production.WorkOrder.ProductID = Production.Product.ProductID

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SQL 2012 :: Compare And Join Databases

Feb 7, 2014

A customer has messed up while moving their databases. After working for a week they found that data is missing in the database.I have two backups, one from the old server and one from the new server today, they have been working in the new one for a week.

I need to compare these two databases and then update the new database with all data that is in the old one but not in the new database. Join the data in the two databases so to say. Both databases are from the same application so they use the same users, schema and so on.

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SQL 2012 :: Duplicate Records On A Join?

Apr 8, 2014


I had a problem before of not been able to find the rows with 0 values. I've now managed this although it's brought up duplicate rows due to the discounts been different on the same Mfr_part_number. I tried using the max function on the isnull (Exhibit_Discount.Discount, 0.00) AS Discount instead but to no success. i think i maybe something to do with PK keys not been used in the set-up of the database.

Use Sales_Builder


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SQL 2012 :: Join Multiple Tables

May 12, 2014

I have 3 tables , Customer , Sales Cost Charge and Sales Price , i have join the customer table to the sales price table with a left outer join into a new table.

i now need to join the data in the new table to sales cost charge. However please note that there is data that is in the sales price table that is not in the sales cost charge table and there is data in the sales cost charge table that is not in the sales price table ,but i need to get all the data. e.g. if on our application it shows 15 records , the sales price table will maybe have 7 records and the sales cost charge table will have 8 which makes it 15 records

I am struggling to match the records , i have also tried a left outer join to the sales cost charge table however i only get the 7 records which is in the sales price table. see code below

a.[Currency Code],
a.[Salesperson Code],
b.[Sales Code],


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SQL Server 2012 :: Two Tables - Join One To Many

Oct 11, 2015

I have two tables, INCIDENT and PEOPLE

INCIDENT has two fields, ID and Date
PEOPLE has three fields, INC_ID [foreign key to INCIDENT.ID], PersonIteration, Complaint

There is always only one incident, but there can be one or more people involved in each incident.

I'd like to retrieve incidents, but have it include information from all involved person on one line.

No matter how I have tried to join these tables, I am ending up with one record each for each person involved in an incident, like so

ID PersonIteration Complaint
1 1 Head
1 2 Neck
1 3 Shoulder

I would like to join in this fashion:

ID PersonIteration1 Complaint1 PersonIteration2 Complaint2
1 1 Head 2 Neck

Is there any way to do this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Syntax On A Join

Oct 23, 2015

What is wrong with my syntax?I want to return the value of the AchiveYear Value based on records in theCall that match.

SELECT DATEPART(yyyy,Call_Date) AS ArchiverYear
FROM tblCall
INNER JOIN PrismDataArchive.dbo.ArchiveDriver AS Arch ON tblCall.DATEPART(yyyy,Call_Date) = Arch.ArchiveYear


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SQL 2012 :: Tuning SP (Left Outer Join)

Mar 21, 2014

I am working on tuning of sp. They wrote several left outer join. Is there any option to avoid them.

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SQL 2012 :: Join Removing NULLS That Need To Be Displayed?

Apr 22, 2014

I have a table named item that looks like this:

1A1XXX ALPHA1 1/1/2014
2A2XXX ALPHA2 1/5/2014
3A3XXX ALPHA3 1/12/2014
1B1XXX BRAVO1 1/22/2014
2B2XXX BRAVO2 1/28/2014
3B3XXX BRAVO3 2/2/2014

And a second table named orders that looks like this:

1CHXX1 1A1XXX 2 1/8/2014
1CHXX2 2A2XXX 3 1/8/2014
1CHXX3 2A2XXX 1 1/20/2014
2CHXX1 1B1XXX 4 2/10/2014
2CHXX2 2B2XXX 2 2/10/2014
2CHXX3 2B2XXX 1 2/22/2014

I need to pull all records from the Item table and then I need to populate the most recent OrderNo and O.DateCreated. I got this far but if there is a part in the item table that does not have an order against it, I do not get a value and my goal is to see any parts that have not been ordered in the last year. Something like this:

SELECT I.PartNumber, I.Description, I.DateCreated
FROM item I
CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 O.OrderNo, O.DateCreated
FROM Orders O
WHERE O.PartNumber = I.PartNumber ORDER BY O.DateCreated DESC) O
1A1XXX 1CHXX1 1/8/2014
2A2XXX 1CHXX3 1/20/2014
1B1XXX 2CHXX1 2/10/2014
2B2XXX 2CHXX3 2/22/2014

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SQL Server 2012 :: Multiple ON Clauses In One Join?

Jun 18, 2014

I came across this structure today and haven't seen it before:

SELECT blablabla
T1.Col1 = T2.Col1
AND T1.Col2 = T2.Col2 ON
T3.Col1 = T1.Col1
AND T3.Col2 = T1.Col2 ON
T4.Col1 = T1.Col1
AND T4.Col2 = T1.Col2

I can follow along until the second "ON".

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SQL 2012 :: Difference Between Logical And Physical Join?

Jul 9, 2014

What is the difference between Logical Join and Physical Join and there Types?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Update And Join Table With Cursor

Jul 15, 2014

I have table A

|account | Unmort |
| A |10.000.000 |

and a Table B

|account| Jenis | Nominal | Unmort |Total|
| A | 021 | 200.000| - | - |
| A | 028 | 3.200.000| - | - |
| A | 023 | 7.200.000| - | - |

how to update to be like this??

|account| Jenis |Nominal | Unmort |Total |
| A | 021 |200.000 | - |200.000 |
| A | 028 |3.200.000 | 2.800.000 |400.000 |
| A | 023 |7.200.000 | 7.200.000 | 0 |

for this type of account number jenis 021 Field Unmort Fill set= 0 and Field Total must not be a minus...

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SQL 2012 :: Error On Join With Multiple Tables?

Sep 22, 2014

I am trying to pull in columns from multiple tables but am getting an error when I run the code:

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The multi-part identifier "a.BOC" could not be bound.

I am guessing that my syntax is completely off.

,c.[VISN] --- I am trying to pull in the Column [VISN] from the Table [DIMSTA]. Current Status: --Failure

[Code] ....

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SQL 2012 :: Creating A Table Based On Non-Join

Oct 21, 2014

I have 2 tables that I need to merge let me explain. I have a range of product ID's that have a product grouping of * meaning all product groups. So I have a table with products and one with around 100 groups

ProdID ProdGrp
-------- ---------
11 *
12 *

ProdGrp ProdGrpDesc
--------- ---------------
A Prod Group A
B Prod Group B
C Prod Group C

I need a table which looks like the below but I have no joining mechanism

ProdID ProdGrp
-------- ---------
11 A
11 B
11 C
12 A
12 B
12 C

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SQL 2012 :: JOIN If Specific Table Exists

Jun 9, 2015

I have standard SQL query for clients, but sometimes a client does not have a specific table.

How do I deal with that? (creating the table is not an option)

--> Col 50

TableA A Join
TableB B ON A.ColA = B.ColA

Suppose in some cases TabelB does not exist. How do I make sure the rest of the query runs okay and does not result in an error?

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SQL 2012 :: Join Between Two Database - Collation Sequence

Jul 18, 2015

I have two databases with different collation sequences, let them be called A (SQL_Latin1_General_CI_AS) and B (Latin1_General_CI_AS). Now I need to join between the two (including through temp tables with server collation being Latin1_General_CI_AS). In order to get rid of the errors when trying to do so I changed all my statements in the WHERE and ON clauses to

A.table.column collate database_default = B.table.column

If I were to change the collation of the character typed columns in database A to the one in database B, would it make any difference in terms of performance, or would it just be a useless exercise? Just asking because many of those columns are part of a primary or foreign key that would need to first be dropped and then recreated after changing the collation, and I'd prefer to save myself the effort of writing scripts to do so if the answer is NO.

BTW, I tried to change the database's collation sequence, but that leaves the collation of the columns unchanged.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding A Conditional Join?

Aug 16, 2015

I need to add a join in my select query depending upon a variable @LoggedUser. the Join is to be there if @loggedUser is 1 else i do not need it. Currently I am using two different queries one with join and one without it under If (@LoggedUser check).

the join is like -
JOIN (SELECT CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),Analyst_Effective_date , 1) AS DATETIME) Analyst_Effective_date
FROM Users us (NOLOCK) JOIN Primary_Analysts (NOLOCK)
ON User_Count_Id = Analyst_Id_fk
WHERE User_Count_Id in ((SELECT VALUE FROM dbo.fParseString(@Analyst, ',')) )) Ana
ON dep.Departure_Code = Ana.Primary_Analyst_Departure_Code_fk

Any way that the join can be added conditionally in the query so i do not have to write the whole code again for one join.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Conditional Join Between Two Tables

Oct 4, 2015

I have two tables tabA (cola1, cola2, cola3) and tabB(colb1, colb2, colb3, colb4) which I need to join on all 3 columns of table A.

Of the 3 columns in tabA, few can be NULL, in that case I want to check the joining condition for the rest of the columns, so its conditional joining. Let me rephrase what I am trying to acheive - I need to check if the columns in joining condition is NULL in my 1st table (tabA), If so I need to check the joining condition for the rest of the two columns, if 2nd column is again NULL, I need to check the joining condition on the third column.

What I am trying to do is as below. Its working, but is very slow when one of the tables is huge. Can I optimize it or rewrite in a better way ?

--- First Create two tables
Create table tabA
(cola1 nvarchar(100), cola2 nvarchar(100), cola3 nvarchar(100))
Insert into tabA values (NULL,'A1','A2')
Select * from tabA
create table tabB

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Product Join - How To Avoid

Oct 27, 2015

This query below is giving product join for me, is there a way to avoid this?

SELECT DISTINCT a.RevID, indexdate, transadate
FROM temp1 AS a
INNER JOIN temp2 AS d ON transdate BETWEEN indexdate-60 AND indexdate+60

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SQL Server 2012 :: Join Two Dynamic Pivot Tables

Dec 11, 2013

I have two dynamic pivot tables that I need to join. The problem I'm running into is that at execution, one is ~7500 characters and the other is ~7000 characters.

I can't set them both up as CTEs and query, the statement gets truncated.

I can't use a temp table because those get dropped when the query finishes.

I can't use a real table because the insert statement gets truncated.

Do I have any other good options, or am I in Spacklesville?

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Get Primary Key Value If Not Present In Foreign Key Via Join

May 4, 2014

I've following query which display the result as required, but I need to get the missing Primary Key Values which are not available in the result:

SELECTA.SignedByUserID, B.FullName, COUNT(A.OutletID) AS TotalSignups, DATENAME(Month, A.SignupDate) AS Month
FROMdbo.tblMer_Outlet AS A LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblGen_Users AS B ON A.SignedByUserID = B.UserID
WHERE(A.SignupDate >= '2014-04-01 00:00:00' AND A.SignupDate <= '2014-04-30 23:59:59')
GROUP BY A.SignedByUserID, B.FullName, DATENAME(Month, A.SignupDate)

This Query returns the following result:

SignedByUserID FullName TotalSignups Month
9 Babu Raj 16 April
11 Faheem 19 April
39 Fasil Abbas 16 April
29 Hafiz Suleman 10 April


which does not have a signup for the month of April, but I need it to be available for this or any upcoming month. I need this orr all users, which does not exists in the context needs to be displayed in the result.

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SQL 2012 :: Join Tables And Only Pull Back Certain Values?

Oct 22, 2014

I am having problems joining these two tables and returning the correct values. The issue is that i have a work order table and a revenue table. I only want to return the sum of the revenue when the revenue comes after the work order date. That is simple enough, but it gets tricky when there are multiple work orders for the same ID. for those instances, we only want the sum of the revenue if it shows up post the work order date and if it is before any other work order date. So ID 312187014 should only have the 9-5 revenue from below, not the 7/7 or 8/6 revenue because the 8/7 work order date is after those revenue dates and thus will not have any revenue tied to it because there is a 9/3 work order that ties to the 9/5 revenue. Additionally the 412100368 ID has a 7/7 work order that ties to the 7/26 revenue, and the 8/7 work order will tie to the 8/23 and 9/20 revenue

--===== Create the test table with

CREATE TABLE #workorder
Id varchar(20),
wo varchar(10),
wodate datetime,
amount float


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