When we use Partition switch and load the data to a table, can we refresh the indexes for specific partition, so that we don't need to rebuild / refresh for complete is this possible ?
I have created NONCLUSTERED index on table but my report is taking more time that's why i created columnstore NONCLUSTERED index on the same table but i have one query, if any table have row and column level index(same columns in index) . Which index query will consider.
We have a typical issue with Column Store Index, we have a procedure which does 2 activities - Switch & Reverse Switch
Switch: 1. Fetch the Partitions needed to be switched 2. Switch the data from Main Table to Switch table 2. Disable the Column store on Switch table
SSIS Package: 3. Load data to Switch (Insert / Update)
Reverse Switch: 4. Enable the Switch 5. Switch back the data from Switch table to Main table
Issue: Some time the Column store is not getting disabled, and the package fails complaining try disabling the Column store index and try loading data.
If we re-run the procedure, the column store gets disabled.
can you have constraints as such [CreateBy] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL DEFAULT (suser_sname()),on a table that has a column store index in SQL Server 2012,2014, or 2016?
My SSIS package is running very slow taking so much time to execute, One task is taking 2hr for inserting 100k records, i have disabled unused index still it is taking time.I am rebuilding/Refreshing indexes and stats once in month if i try to execute on daily basis will it improve my SSIS Package performance?
I've been asked to look at using Clustered Columnstore indexes for one of my tables. The table contains about 5 million records with about 50 columns. The max field size is a NVarchar(MAX) with max field length currently of about 4k characters. It's only about a gigabyte's worth of data. The table is about 50% R/W operations. Currently, we have multiple indexes with no clustered index due to some performance issues that happened in the past. I've been attempting to determine if it's even really worth it to switch over. I feel that the table is still fairly small with minimal columns and don't believe there will be any noticeable improvement over traditional indexing.
I am trying to create a sample table in the Azure SQL Data warehouse but its giving me a syntax error Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CLUSTERED'.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactInternetSales] ( [ProductKey] int NOT NULL , [OrderDateKey] int NOT NULL , [CustomerKey] int NOT NULL , [PromotionKey] int NOT NULL
I am trying to use an indexed view to allow for aggregations to be generated more quickly in my test data warehouse. The Fact Table I am creating the indexed view on is a partitioned clustered columnstore index.
I have created a view with the following code:
ALTER view dbo.FactView with schemabinding as select local_date_key, meter_key, unit_key, read_type_key, sum(isnull(read_value,0)) as [s_read_value], sum(isnull(cost,0)) as [s_cost] , sum(isnull(easy_target_value,0)) as [s_easy_target_value], sum(isnull(hard_target_value,0)) as [s_hard_target_value] , sum(isnull(read_value,0)) as [a_read_value], sum(isnull(temperature,0)) as [a_temp], sum(isnull(co2,0)) as [s_co2] , sum(isnull(easy_target_co2,0)) as [s_easy_target_co2] , sum(isnull(hard_target_co2,0)) as [s_hard_target_co2], sum(isnull(temp1,0)) as [a_temp1], sum(isnull(temp2,0)) as [a_temp2] , sum(isnull(volume,0)) as [s_volume], count_big(*) as [freq] from dbo.FactConsumptionPart group by local_date_key, read_type_key, meter_key, unit_key
I then created an index on the view as follows:
create unique clustered index IDX_FV on factview (local_date_key, read_type_key, meter_key, unit_key)
I then followed this up by running some large calculations that required use of the aggregation functionality on the main fact table, grouping by the clustered index columns and only returning averages and sums that are available in the view, but it still uses the underlying table to perform the aggregations, rather than the view I have created. Running an equivalent query on the view, then it takes 75% less time to query the indexed view directly, to using the fact table. I think the expected behaviour was that in SQL Server Enterprise or Developer edition (I am using developer edition), then the fact table should have used the indexed view. what I might be missing, for the query not to be using the indexed view?
We have a table with 10 columns each column is of datatype int and can accept nulls, when I do a save is it better to have 0 inserted in to the column or just insert null?
We have a large table with many columns and many indexes. One poorly performing query is having to do a key lookup when the where clause includes a particular column with no covering index.
Are you generally better off adding a new index or adding the column to an existing index ( included columns )Column: LAST_STATE_RESPONSE_CODE
The Query Processor estimates that implementing the following index could improve the query cost by 88.9332%.
I'd like to create a table that will store different order items. Several order items make up one single order. Order items can have 0 or more children (max depth will never be deeper than one). Order items can have up to 150 attributes/values. The way I think this should be done is using XML column instead of the EAV type of model. My table structure currently looks like this:
* child_order_item_id (PK) * parent_order_item_id (FK to child_order_item_id) * order_id (FK to Order table) * product_id (FK to Product table) * price * attribute_XML
How my attribute_XML should look like or how to validate the xml.
We are storing changed data of tables into XML format for auditing purpose. The functionality is already achieved. We are using FOR XML Path clause to convert relational data of tables into XML format.
Now, a table is having column name with '(' . For example name of the column is, ColumnName(). In this case we can not convert into XML using For XML clause. Showing error as,
Column name 'columnName()' contains an invalid XML identifier as required by FOR XML; '(' (0x0028) is the first character at fault.
I just joined a bank related IT department where the existing IT team is already working on creating a new application since a year now and designed database on SQL Server 2012, the amount (currency related) column's datatype found different in tables some where it is decimal and somewhere found different. I want to suggest them Money datatype to choose where we are dealing with currency related columns. My question is, is that correct to choose Money datatype or should I ignore this?
We have a table to 100M rows and up until now we were fine with an non clustered index a varchar(4000) because we never went above 900 bytes (yes it is a bad design).We have the need to support international character sets now so the column was updated to nvarchar(4000) and now we have data past the 900 byte limit.
The data is long, seems useless but is needed by the business and they need to be able to search "where bigcolumn like 'test%'". With an index, even with a huge amount of data, it was 'fast'. Now of course without an index it is unusable. The wildcard is always at the end of the search. I made a full text index on the column and basic queries such as: select * from ourtable where contains(bigcolumn, 'AReallyLongStringofTextHere') works fine unless there is a space in the data. We loose thousands of returned rows because of spaces in the data.
I have tried select * from ourtable where contains(bigcolumn, '"AReallyLongStringofTextHere that includes spaces"') but not all of the data is returned. I get 112 rows with the contains statement. The table scanning statement of "select * from ourtable where bigcolumn like 'AReallyLongStringofTextHere that includes spaces%' returns 1939 rows.I understand that a full text index is breaking the long string up since it contains spaces. Is there a way to retain the entire string as 1 index entry or is there a way to fix my query to return all of the rows?
We have some reports run quite slow because the queries are complicate and tables are large. So we create a materialized view in Oracle which store the result from the query and refresh it occationally. How to do this in MSSQL? I try the indexed view but seems it has lots of restrictions, our query has sub queries and cross database table joins so can't use the indexed view. Any other object or temp table can be used to cache the report data and be accessed globally by other procedures?
We are planning to upgrade. We are using Sql 2008R2 now. Which is the better option migrating to SQL 2012 or migrating to 2014?I am thinking 2014 has memory optimized tables and updatable column stored index. So it is better option.
I had a pivot to pull data from cube previously.The pivot had certain measures which are now set as invisible measures at the cube level itself.After the cube publish,i just reconnected my pivot to the cube so that the new measures and dimensions are shown in the field list.
I just tried refreshing the pivot with my old measures(which are now set as invisible) and it allowed me to refresh.How can this be possible if the measure itself is set as invisible at cube level?
I created sql job using maintenance plan to run DBCC Checkdb for all databases. But I didn't choose the option Ignore databases where the state is not online. If any db is restoring the same time as DBCC Check db job running, is check db job fails?
I am using Full Text Index to index emails stored in BLOB column in a table. Index process parses stored emails, and, if there is one or more files attached to the email these documents get indexed too. In result when I'm querying the full text index for a word or phrase I am getting reference to the email containing the word of phrase if interest if the word was used in the email body OR if it was used in any document attached to the email.
How to distinguish in a Full Text query that the result came from an embedded document rather than from "main" document? Or if that's not possible how to disable indexing of embedded documents?
My goal is either to give a user an option if he or she wants to search emails (email bodies only) OR emails AND documents attached to them, or at least clearly indicate in the returned result the real source where the word or phrase has been found.
Is it possible to refresh an identity column so that it re-numbers all columns in order starting with the identity seed without having to drop and recreate the column?
My report's data source is a stored procedure which takes 4 parameters. If I execute the sp from the data tab it returns the correct data and columns; but if I right click the Report Datasets from the Datasets view and click on refresh I'm always missing one column. Is this related to the way the sp was written? Anybody had same expericence before? Thanks!
I have a clustered index that consists of 3 int columns in this order: DateKey, LocationKey, ItemKey (there are many other columns in this data warehouse table such as quantities, prices, etc.).
Now I want to add a non-clustered index on just one of the other columns, say LocationKey, like this: CREATE INDEX IX_test on TableName (LocationKey)
I understand that the clustered index keys will also be added as key columns to any NC indexes. So, in this case the NC index will also get the other two columns from the clustered index added as key columns. But, in what order will they be added?
Will the resulting index keys on this new NC index effectively be:
LocationKey, DateKey, ItemKey OR LocationKey, ItemKey, DateKey
Do the clustering keys get added to a NC index in the same order as they are defined in the clustered index?
Web Base application or PDA devices use to initiate the order from all over the country. The issue is this table is not Partioned but good HP with 30 GB RAM is installed. this is main table that receive 18,0000 hits or more. All brokers and users are using this table to see the status of their order.
The always search by OrderID, or ClientID or order_SubNo, or enter any two like (Client_ID+Order_Sub_ID) or any combination.
Query takes to much time when ever server receive more querys. some orther indexes are also created on the same table like (OrderDate, OrdCreate Date and Status)
My Question are:-
Q1. IF Person "A" query to DB on Client_ID, then what Index will use ? (If any one do Query on any two combination like Client_ID+Order_ID, So what index will be uesd.? How does MS-SQL SERVER deal with these kind of issues.?
Q2. If i create 3 more indexes on ClientID, ORderID and OrdersubID. will this improve the performance of query.if person "A" search record on orderNo so what index will be used. (Mind it their would be 3 seprate indexes for Each PK columns) and composite-Clustered index is also available.?
Q3. I want to check what indexes has been used? on what search?
Q4. How can i check what table was populated when, or last date of update (DML)?
My Limitation is i Dont Create a Partioned table. I dont have permission to do it.
In Teradata we had more than 4 tb record of CRM data with no issue. i am not new baby in db line but not expert in sql server 2003.
I was going through the book by Kalen Delaney where she has mentioned the following paragpraph in Chapter 7 (Index Internals):
Many documents describing SQL Server indexes will tell you that the clustered index physically stores the data in sorted order. This can be misleading if you think of physical storage as the disk itself. If a clustered index had to keep the data on the actual disk in a particular order, it could be prohibitively expensive to make changes. If a page got too full and had to be split in two, all the data on all the succeeding pages would have to be moved down. Sorted order in a clustered index simply means that the data page chain is logically in order.
Then I read the book on SQL Server 2000 (on Perf Tuning) by Ken England. He says the clustered index stores data in physical order and any insert means moving the data physically. Also the same statement is echoed on the net by many articles.
What is the truth? How are really clustered index stored? What does physical order in the above statement really mean?
Hi,Would like to know the performance differenece between Multi-columnIndex vs Single Column Indexes. Let's say I have a table with col1,col2, col3 along with a primary key column and non-indexed columns.In queries, I will use col1, col2, and col3 together and some timesjust one or two of these three columns. My questions is, should Icreate one index contains col1, col2, and col3, or create 3 seperatedcolumns. I.e. each column has its own index. Any performancedifference?Thanks a lot.
Hello everyone, I am new to ERWIN and I need helps from the experts outthere.We are using ERWin 4.1.2771 and have reversed engineered some MS SQLServer 2000 databases.The problem we are having is that we have a FK on a column to a tablewhere the PK of the referencing table is on another column (such as anidentity column). We have a unique index on the column in the PK tableand SQL Server allows you to build a FK reference even though thecolumn is not defined as the PK.Does anyone know how to create this type of FK within Erwin?Thank You