SQL 2012 :: Combining Multiple Servers Into Instances

Oct 14, 2015

Curious what the industry standard is combining multiple instances on single server ?

Right now i have separate servers for OLTP, SSAS, and SSIS, and for OTP have Development, Test, and production environments. Im considering combining the SSIS and SSAS services into additional instances on each environment servers.

Now (Production)


1 Server with 3 separate instances for SSAS, SSIS, OLTP. Then replicate this model through the environments to utilize development and testing.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Multiple Rows Into One

Feb 4, 2015

How I could accomplish taking several rows for one account and concatenate them into one row, for example I have account_num, invoice_date, transaction_num, msg_counter,Message_2,SQL_LAST_UPDATE the special characters &,",!,$,# are used to determine the Message_2 content for a given account_number that are supposed to be together.

I am needing to put all of that accounts_messages in one row to display on a report, the table I am pulling this data from only has a varchar(40) for the message_2, a proprietary source so can't change that length, "I'VE ASKED THEM TO DO THIS, AND THEY REFUSED". So my only option is to insert this data into my table and create a single Message_2 for that account.

00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000&19 confirmation so 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000
00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000"19ACCT 186743. HE SAID RADIO HAD 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000
00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000!19CALLED Carl ABOUT DEACTIVATION OF RADIO 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000
00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000$19FFERENT ACCT # YEARS AGO, BUT 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000
00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000'19I can cancel the (0.00) billing line on 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Multiple Rows Into One Field

Feb 26, 2015

I am needing to combine the Notes field where Number and date are the same...For example

for Number 0000000003 I need notes to Read ('CHK # 2452 FOR $122.49 REJECTED AS NSF ON 2/25/15') the note counter is different for each row, and is combination of special char, 0-Z and looks like the (!) depicts the start of a new Number.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable](
[NUMBER] [varchar](10) NULL,
[HD_DATE_TIMEX] [datetime] NULL,
[TRANS_NO] [varchar](2) NULL,
[MESSAGE_COUNTER] [varchar](1) NULL,

[Code] .....

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SQL 2012 :: Monitoring Multiple Instances

Oct 22, 2015

I am using sql2012 with partitiondb custom installation over 6 dbs on 4 servers, ~200GB per db. I am looking for the perfect graphic tool (similar to Perfmon+Activity Monitor) where I can monitor a wide-scope SQL environment. I am interested in data / log / table / index growth, buffer cache hit ratio, average wait time, physical/logical reads/writes and such. I am interested in real-time / time-range metrics. I know I can issue immediate queries against dm_os_performance_counters / dm_os_buffer_descriptors / dm_exec_query_stats and get some of the relevant data, but is this the only way?Also, for your opinnion, what are the most crucial metrics to monitor when dealing with multiple dbs?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Install Cluster On Multiple Instances

Mar 4, 2015

We have 5 instances on our clients old machine with SQL 2005, now they want us to move on cluster environment with SQL 2012.

Once I have installed and configured SQL cluster with single instance, but how to install SQL Cluster environment for Multiple instances.

Should I install all the instances first and than have to configure cluster ?
Is there any way that first I will install cluster and than we can add the instances ?

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SQL 2012 :: Cluster With Multiple Instances On The Same Node?

Jul 14, 2015

What I have- Sql server 2012 (Standard Ed) Cluster on Windows 2012 R2 with both instances running on the same node- just to save on License, i.e. technically it’s Act/Pas cluster.

What I am looking for- how to configure cluster (e.g. via quorum, etc) to force both instances failed together? Means if for some reason 1-st instance will fail to node 2 another instance should follow (otherwise it will be Act/Act cluster and 2-nd license is required).

If there is no standard way (cluster configuration I mean) to do it I should create some custom process to monitor where each instance is running.

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SQL 2012 :: Mirroring Endpoint Multiple Instances On Same Server

Jun 18, 2014

I was told that if I wanted to setup mirroring between multiple instance on the same server that each endpoint had to be different number. Is that true? Or can I use the default 5022 for each instance?


Use endpoint 5022

Use endpoint 5022


Use endpoint 5022

Use endpoint 5023

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SQL 2012 :: How To Run Transaction Across Multiple Instances Without Linked Server

May 18, 2015

i want to run a transaction across mulitpule instences of sqlserver with out linked server.

distributed trnasaction can do it with link server , can it do it with out linked server.

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Replication :: Multiple Instances On Same Instance Of Server 2012 SE

Jul 13, 2015

I am currently having publisher(database A), subscriber (database B) and distributor on the same instance for a test environment that is using a uni directional transactional replication. Now I need to setup another unidirectional transactional replication in the same test instance but for a different database. Publisher database is D and subcsirber database is E.

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SQL 2012 :: Determining MAXDOP And Memory Configuration For Multiple Instances?

Sep 18, 2014

We are just finishing our migration to SQL 2012. In our old environment, the instance which held our SharePoint databases also served other applications. We did not experience any performance related issues in the past due to this.

SharePoint basically requires MAXDOP to be 1, which is correct on the old server. Since this configuration may not be ideal for other applications that may be put within our environment, we our entertaining the idea of isolating SharePoint into its own instance, probably on the same box.

My manager wants me to come up with performance trace data to better prove that we need to go this route since we apparently have had issues in the past by blindly following Microsoft's best practices.

1.MAXDOP configuration - I understand this may be a 2 pronged approach that would require looking at various execution plans and CPU related counters in Perfmon. SharePoint likely requires a maxdop of 1 due to the nature of the application (lots of concurrent processes). What is the best way to show this need graphically?

2. Memory configuration for multiple instances - Does the Total Server Memory reveal all the memory that a given SQL instance is utilizing? Should I use this counter to identify appropriate min/max memory configurations for multiple instances on a single cluster?

The problem with the perfmon approach is that it's scope is limited to just the server. Since our SharePoint environment is currently being shared with other applications, I understand that I may have to utilize DMV statistics to narrow down my analysis.

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SQL 2012 :: Select Statements And Ended Up Seeing Multiple Cached Instances Of Same Stored Procedure

Nov 24, 2014

I ran the below 2 select statements and ended up seeing multiple cached instances of the same stored procedure. The majority have only one cached instance but more than a handful have multiple cached instances. When there are multiple cached instances of the same sproc, which one will sql server reuse when the sproc is called?

SELECT o.name, o.object_id,
ps.last_execution_time ,
ps.last_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as last_elapsed_timeINSeconds,
ps.min_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as min_elapsed_timeINSeconds,
ps.max_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as max_elapsed_timeINSeconds


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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Find Distinct Multiple Instances Of A Pattern In A String?

Apr 30, 2015

One of my varchar columns in a table has multiple key words enclosed in a pattern of special characters.

Eg: William Shakespeare was an English [##poet##], [##playwright##], and [##actor##], widely regarded as the greatest [##writer##] in the English language and the world's pre-eminent [##dramatist##]. He is often called England's national [##poet##] and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 [##sonnets##], two long narrative [##poems##], and a few other [##verses##], of which the authorship of some is uncertain. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other [##playwright##].

I need to write to query to find all distinct key words that are enclosed within [## and ##]. My query should yield the following results from the string in the example above

[##playwright##] -- 2 occurrances, but I need it only once in my result set
[##poet##] -- 2 occurrances, but I need it only once in my result set

I need to run this on a large table, so I am looking for the best possible way to minimize any performance issues.

Just give you sample code, I have provided below 2 separate snippets, one with table variable and another with temp table.

DECLARE @MyTable TABLE (MyString VARCHAR (8000))
INSERT @MyTable VALUES ('William Shakespeare was an English [##poet##], [##playwright##], and [##actor##], widely regarded as the greatest [##writer##] in the English language and the world''s pre-eminent [##dramatist##]. He is often called England''s national [##poet##] and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 [##sonnets##], two long narrative [##poems##], and a few other [##verses##], of which the authorship of some is uncertain.


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SQL 2012 :: Multiple Database Servers - One Instance Name

Apr 24, 2014

Scenerio : To keep a very large system running optimally in a VM cluster, Take PR01 and make PR02, PR03, PR04. Distribute the 45 databases and 9T+ of disk across multiple VM guest.

Each PR## is a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise guest on a VM 5.1 cluster.

So instead of PR01 needed 16 core and 128g of memory, each one will have 4 core and 32g of memory. Making VM HA more manageable. (yes, DRS rules will apply). Also provides more HBA paths and distributes i/o over more physical disk on the SAN.

Instead of a connection string having to know PR01.dbo.UserDB01, PR02.dbo.UserDB03, ect the connection would be PRDB.dbo.UserDB01. That way if needed 1) UserDB can be moved to any of the PR## 2) new PR05, PR06 can be added as needed. The end user and processes are not allowed to touch system databases, no PR## will have a user DB called the same name.

There are seperate VM guests on other VM clusters and Citrix servers that need access to PRDB. As things expand and move around, none of the connection strings need to be changed.

I am looking into RadWare and modifing level 7 information, but that is iffy and $$$$$$.

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Multiple Customers (with Multiple Sql Instances) On 1 Reporting Server

Dec 3, 2007


I think this is a question for the specialists among us.

Can I use one general reporting server (installed on instance MAINREPORTING)
for multiple customers who all have their own sql instance (CUST1, CUST2, CUST3, ..)
I would use UserAuthenciation on the reportserver url to display the specific reports customers can use.

Is this possible, and what do i have to take care off concerning installation and/or configuration (especially on
the reporting side) ?


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Combining Multiple Results Into One Row

Mar 6, 2006

Hey guys, here is my issue, i'm trying to combine multiple columns of data into one row. For example, I have a temp table:

create table #Custom_Address
( patient_idchar(10)null,
custom_address varchar(100) null

As you can tell, the 'custom_address' column is going to house the results of the combination.

I am trying to INSERT (combine) using this statement:

INSERT #Custom_Address
select cm.patient_id, cm.episode_id, (cc.coverage_plan_add1 +' ' + coverage_plan_add2 + ' ' + coverage_plan_city+ ' ' + coverage_plan_st+ ' ' + coverage_plan_zip) as custom_address
FROM #ClaimMaster cm join Coverage_Custom cc on cm.patient_id = cc.patient_id and cm.episode_id = cc.episode_id
WHEREcc.coverage_plan_add1 > 0
OR cc.coverage_plan_add2 > 0
OR cc.coverage_plan_city > 0
OR cc.coverage_plan_st > 0
OR cc.coverage_plan_zip > 0
GROUP BY cm.patient_id, cm.episode_id

I want to insert the patient_id, episode_id, and then combine the 'cc.coverage_plan_add1 +' ' + coverage_plan_add2 + ' ' + coverage_plan_city+ ' ' + coverage_plan_st+ ' ' + coverage_plan_zip' data to represent my "custom_address" column and only when there is data in those columns.

Then I do my update:

SET #ClaimMaster.custom_address = ca.custom_address
FROM #ClaimMaster
JOIN#Custom_Address ca on #ClaimMaster.patient_id = ca.patient_id and #ClaimMaster.episode_id = ca.episode_id

However, when I do this, it says my 'cc.coverage_plan_add1 + etc' columns are invalid because they are not contained in either an aggregate function or a GROUP By clause.

If i'm combining all the data to represent a single column, how do I format my group by clause? Or is my entire INSERT statement wrong?

As a side note, my #ClaimMaster table is another temp table, but the problem is not in there.

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Combining Multiple Rows Into One

Feb 13, 2007

I have data that looks like this:

ID Value
1 Descr1
1 Descr2
1 Descr3

where Descr could range from 1 to 100 for each ID

The result set I need is:
Does someone have a query to do this?
Thank you

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Combining Multiple Records

Dec 19, 2014

I have data that looks like this:

Cus_no Inv_No Trans_type Amt_Inv Amt_Paid
100 12345 Other 0 -21.76
100 12345 Discount 0 -6.39
100 12345 Discount 6.39 6.39
100 12345 Discount 21.76 21.76
100 12345 Sales Inv 218.99 218.99

What I would like to do is a select statement that returns:

Cus_no Inv_no Amt_Inv Amt_Paid Disc_amt Other
100 12345 247.14 218.99 -6.39 -21.76

I've tried something like this but since I'm referencing trans_type I get a message that trans_type must be in Group by. doing that give me multiple records.

select cus_no, Inv_no, Sum(Amount_Invoiced_DC) AS InvAmt,
case trans_type when 'Sales Inv' then sum(Amount_Paid_DC) else 0 end as AmtPaid,
case when trans_type = 'Discount' and sum(Amount_Paid_DC)<0 then sum(Amount_Paid_DC) else 0 end as DiscountAmt
FROM BI50_BankTransactions_AR_InvcDt_H
where cus_no is not null
group by cus_no, Inv_no

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Combining Multiple Tables - Please Help!

May 4, 2007

Hii all.

quite urgent... I have 3 matix tables.. all the same row headings. I need to be able to make these visible/invisible depending on the user parameters. The reason for this, if a user hides table on the left.. the middle table needs to show the row headings. and last table must not.

The problem:
When making the row headings invisible it doesnt exactly chop off the textboxes... so the tables look disjoint.. and a big gap appears between both tables...

Is there a way to join these tables without leavings gaps ?

any help is appreciated.

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Combining Multiple Rows Into One

May 16, 2008


I'm trying to do this in T-SQL. I have a query that returns, for this matter, only 2 rows. The table output looks like this:




How do you do it to bring back only one row that will look like so:


Is it possible? Like I said, I only have 2 rows. I'm not concatenating these columns, just want to bring it back as one row. Any ideas? Thanks.

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Combining Multiple Sources Into 1 Row

Apr 7, 2008

OK I have 4 differant Data Sources... One being a count of one DB, another count of another DB, another count of another and then another process from a script component. Each source returns 1 row of data with 1 column each except the Script Component. It returns 3 columns... Now I need to take each of the row's returned and combine them to a single row (line) and inset them into another table just as one single eatry. I am using a Union All and when it runs I see the 4 Data Sources say 1 Row... But after it hits the Union All it does 4 rows... What am I doing wrong or am I using the wrong component? Please if anyone can help that would be wonderful.

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Combining Multiple Select Statements In A SP

Jul 27, 2007

I was wondering if it's possible to have a stored procedure that has two select statements which you can combine as a single result set.  For instance:select name, age, titlefrom tableaselect name, age, titlefrom tablebCould you combine these queries into a single result set? 

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Combining Information From Multiple Records Into One

Nov 21, 2007


I am trying to combine information from two or more records into one and I am completely stuck on a solution for my problem so I hope there is someone out there who can help me.

My table looks like this:
ID - DayNr - Transportation - TransOrder - Route
25 - 1 - Car - 1 - Text A
25 - 1 - Train - 1 - Text B
25 - 1 - Train - 2 - Text C
25 - 7 - Train - 1 - Text D
25 - 7 - Train - 2 - Text E

I want to combine all Route - information belonging to the same combination of ID & DayNr & Transportation into one new record. The result should look like:

Column 1 - Column 2
25/1/Car - Text A
25/1/Train - TextB;TextC
25/7/Train - TextD;TextE

I have tried Coalesce-statements and Cursor-solutions but until now everything I tried didn't work. Ideas anyone?


P.S. ID is not my primary key and doesn't have to be unique

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Combining Multiple Queries From Same Table

Oct 17, 2013

I have 3 queries pulling from the same table, trying to define a count on each criteria. I have the data pulling, but the data is in multiple rows. I want the data in one row with all the counts in each separate columns. Also I need to setup a flag if a client purchased and order within 30 days from their last purchase.

I am doing this select for each credit card, check and cash purchases. I do not know how to setup a flag where the client may have ordered and paid by check or cash after 30 days from a credit card purchase. Is this something that can be done?

clientnumber,count(distinct clientnumber) as cccnt,
0 as ckcnt, 0 as cacnt
from dbo.purchases
where orderdate >= 20120101 and orderdate <= 20121231 and
payment_type = 'CC'
group by clientnumber;

OUTPUT currently looks like this:
1234 2 0 0
1234 0 1 0
1234 0 0 4

Is it possible to result in this, along with a flag with the criteria above?:
1234 2 1 4 Y

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Combining Multiple Records Into One Record

Dec 20, 2007

Hi All,

I'm trying to develop a query that joins one record from a table with multiple matching records from another table all in one record,
Table1 has the primary key
Table2 has the follwing records
id year subject
1 2000 English
1 2002 French
2 2004 English
2 2005 English
2 2006 English
3 2007 French
I want the result to be like this
id 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
1 English null French null null null null null
2 null null null null English English English null
3 null null null null null null null English

Appretiate your assistance

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Combining Multiple Rows Into 1 Row X 1 Column

Jul 30, 2007

I have a table employee: that contains one column and three rows. How can I transform it using SELECT to display only one row and one column, with comma delimited strings: John, Mike, Dale?

Employee Name




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Combining Information From Multiple Records Into One

Nov 21, 2007


I am trying to combine information from two or more records into one and I am completely stuck on a solution for my problem so I hope there is someone out there who can help me.

My table looks like this:
ID - DayNr - Transportation - TransOrder - Route
25 - 1 - Car - 1 - Text A
25 - 1 - Train - 1 - Text B
25 - 1 - Train - 2 - Text C
25 - 7 - Train - 1 - Text D
25 - 7 - Train - 2 - Text E

I want to combine all Route - information belonging to the same combination of ID & DayNr & Transportation into one new record. The result should look like:

Column 1 - Column 2
25/1/Car - Text A
25/1/Train - TextB;TextC
25/7/Train - TextD;TextE

I have tried Coalesce-statements and Cursor-solutions but until now everything I tried didn't work. The big issue here is that I have to base my concatenation on 3 columns. Ideas anyone?


P.S. ID is not my primary key and doesn't have to be unique

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Creating A Database From Multiple Databases Accross Multiple Servers

Sep 13, 2007


I'm trying to create a database that takes specific information from a number of databases on different servers to make some reporting that we have much easier.

I'm pretty new to SQL so I'm not sure of the best way to proceed. I read an article that suggested I use the OPENROWSET command. The problem is, the version of SQL that came with one of the programmes we use is limited and will not allow you to turn on the allow "Ad Hoc distributed Queries" so the SLQ statement will not execute.

I'm confused why it won't let me to connect through ODBC as I've created a web page that selects data from this database with no problems!

Here is the SQL statement that I've written to make sure it is the correct one (on the msdn library page it said that this was the ODBC connection):


I've also created the ODBC connection using the tool on Administration Tools>Data Sources ODBC

Any help would be greatly appreciated (also any ways of selecting from one database and inserting it into another will be helpfull)


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Combining Multiple Rows Based Off Criteria

Mar 21, 2006

Hello again,

Another combining multiple rows teaser, during a few routines I made a mistake and I would like to combine my efforts. Here is my data:


Table A


Both DSNs share the same Patient_id in a seperate table which holds the DSN numbers and their corresponding patients.


Table B

DSN Patient_id

So what I need to do is maintain their unique 'ID' number in Table A but update their DSN numbers to reflect the first instance in Table B. So my data would look like this in both tables.


Table A


Note: The second rows DSN changed to 1 from 2


Table B

DSN Patient_id
(Duplicate row removed with same patient_id)

The result would look like the above but as you noticed I need to remove the duplicate row that had the different DSN in Table B so that only one DSN remains that can map to multiple rows (IDs) in Table A.

Table A:

DSN can map to multiple rows (IDs)
IDs must be unique (aka kept to what they are currently)

Table B:

Second row with same DSN must be removed.

Any takes, ideas? I need to do this on a couple thousand rows....

Thanks, and im happy to clarify if needed.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Combining Multiple Rows Into One Row Per Employee

Apr 3, 2014

I'm working on a project where I need to retrieve employees data and then combine the data into single row per employee.

Sample Data:

SELECT 1234,'04/02/2014','Date'
UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'123','Department'
UNION ALL SELECT 1234,80.0,'Rate'
FROM SampleData;

The results from the above are as follows:

1234123 Department
123480.0 Rate

The desired results would be:

PERSONDate Department Rate
123404/02/2014 123 80.0

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Transact SQL :: Combining Multiple Similar Queries

Nov 20, 2015

I have to run this 3 times for similar but slightly different parameters. I only change the very top peice of code slightly each time:

1.  Partition by Forename, Surname, DOB, Postcode
2.  Partition by Forename, DOB, Postcode
3.  Forename, Surname, DOB.

As you can see very subtle change, ideally I'd like to find a way to run just one report where all of the above occur, the issue I face running separately is one person may appear on 1 or more giving duplicates.

USE HealthBI_Views;this bit below is basically grouping my output on Forename, Surname, DOB & Postcode. What the whole process is trying to achieve is to show where a patient which has all of the above fields identical but has a different patient identifier suggesting that the service has allocated to unique identifiers to the same person which will result in both records needing to be merged.

WITH cte
PARTITION BY Forename, Surname,


--- this bit below is simply showing all instances where the above criteria is met and there are more then one instances.WHERE countOfHeyNo > 1
--- The final output display all patient identifiable information from the MF_PATIENT table so that the report can be created in SSRS and run routinely by the Data Quality Team who can then investigate each occurance.

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Combining Multiple Subreports Into A Single Report

Oct 2, 2006

The goal is to produce a single PDF consisting of a number of subreports. Some are landscape, others are portrait. The subreports may also be run as independent reports. The master report that contains them defaults to the width of the widest subreport, which is landscape. This causes all portrait subreports to spill over producing blank pages. Are there any work-arounds to concatenate multiple, single report PDFs into a single PDF and have page numbering too?


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Multiple Sql Instances

Dec 1, 2007

i have sql server 2005 express running. during install, i had issues with a system dll that i found answers online and resolved. i am still very green, but i know much more now than i did at the time. i believe that as a result of the partial then failed installs i have multiple instances either fully or partially installed.  when i am in the sql server mgmt express environment, it lists two sql engines.  i only ever use one, and would like to safely remove the second without damaging or corrupting anything done with the other instance.
my reasons for wanting to do this are twofold. first, i would like to free up the drive space taken up by the second instance. (i am a stickler for clean harddrive mgmt and maintenance). second, now that i have used the software and am somewhat more familiar with it, i would consider installing a second, intentional instance so that i may attempt to better customize some of the install-time settings and configurations.
can anybody give me any pointers/ guide me in the direction of information on how to SAFELY go about this?
thank you in advance for any help.

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Multiple Instances

Mar 6, 2003

I created a second SQL2000 instance on a Windows 2000 server. The strange thing is that I can create an ODBC connection to the default instance but cannot for the new named instance. If I try from a client that has SQL installed on it, I can see both instances. Any idea why this is happening?

Ken Nicholson

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