SQL 2012 :: Connections Not Getting Closed By Client Application And Impact Feedback Request
Mar 31, 2014
I have been investigating the number of connections activeinactive to a certain database server and I have stumbled across an application which seems to not be clearing its database connections.For one instance of a client there was >70 sql connections which eventuated from the closing and reopening one 1 screen in the culprut app. Once the application was closed all of the connections are recycled but its evident that within the application itself it is not correctly reusing already existing open connections.
I have raised a point with the main programmer that we need to investigate more into how the application is managingot managing its ADO .NET connections to SQL.
I am starting with doing some reading here URL... and I was hoping to get some more information about the possible impact of excessive sql connections on the SQL Server itself. Our organization is quite lucky in that our SQl Servers are Overspecced given their workload, bearing that in mind I would like to dig a bit deeper to get some stats if I can to highlight the scope of the issue to the managementprogrammers.Our SQL server peaks at 6500 processes and a good 70% of those are due to this applications mis-management of its sql connections.
I have a procedure where after processing, i am required to send multiple message to calling application.
For ex:
create procedure test as (@a as int, @b as int @c as int ) /* some transformations */ print 'variable a is' + @a; print 'variable b is' + @b; print 'variable c is' + @c;
I am only providing a sample of return messages, but in reality there a lot more messages where a string and a parameter value need to concatenated.Unfortunately print is not allowing to concatenate parameter value.I can use RaiseError, but these messages are not really any error messages.
i tried to concatenate all message and output it using OUT type parameter, but the length of all messages combined exceeds 10000 characters.
Is there any other alternate to send these messages out to application?
I have a page that I have 3 connections. I've made sure that each of these are closed when they are not being used and opened just right before being used. I keep getting the error "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first." This error might show up as being produced by a dataadapter or sqldatareader...I have many. I've even tried to make separate connections as some have mentioned for each...leaving me with 15+ connections. I have added "MultipleActiveResultSets=True" to the connection strings as some have mentioned. I just don't know where to go from here... Is it possible that the problem lies in multiple instances of this page being opened? Also, the data refreshes every 15 seconds. I really need this to work, but I have no clue on how to fix this problem. The error is easy to reproduce by opening up multiple instances, but some of the times is doesn't give an error at all?!
I have inherited an horrific load of mad commentless code. It was working fine but I have just moved it from SQL Server 2000 to 2005. No its has ground to a halt due to un-closed connections.
I therefore assume that SQL 2000 must have auto closed conncetions but 2005 doesn't (or something similar).
I am about to wade into the code and find the places where connections are opened but not closed. This is going to take time In the interests of getting my site back up and running does anyone know how to set 2005 to autoclose connections?
The application server gets below error while the job is being run intermittently:
An error occurred while performing connection management
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The connection is closed. at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(SQLServerException.java:171) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.checkClosed(SQLServerConnection.java:319) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.prepareStatement(SQLServerConnection.java:1839)
I have a sp. I alter stored procedure by adding some logic to that. How can I test that is there any functional impact by altering that stored procedure? How to prove to the team that the modifications doesn't impact any functionality?
I am trying to pass in a query through reporting services where part of the query string is an <A HREF= "Http:// ......... URL string. Before any kind of execution can occur I get the error mentioned in the title.
I have tried to research this and find suggestions if it was my own .net code but how to turn it off in reporting services? The URL is valid and this is a controlled environment so I am not particularly worried about somebody using this as an exploit.
What is the impact on the users to drop an index on a table while in use? I will recreate the index afterwards. The table is used constantly by a three of processes/users at all times.
Hi, i am using Vista and iis6. Evertything seems to be configured ok, but when i try to open this url: http://localhost/Reports/ i get the following error:
Server Error in '/Reports' Application.
Request is not available in this context this error is when Report directory is set for "DefaultAppPool", but in "ClassicAppPool" i get another error:
The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version.
I am upgrading my application's SQL Server from 2008 R2 to 2012.
As discussed in the below URL I am able to see the Identity jump after I upgrade and the server is restarted.
Now since I cannot afford this and at this moment I do not have the time to create a sequence with NOCACHE and test it again I have to go ahead and add trace flag 272 in the start up parameter as this is the only solution which I can implement and even rollback without much hassles.
[URL] ....
What I got to know, this flag will disable the new feature of IDENTITY property that has been implemented as part of SQL Server 2012 and will make it work like it was doing in SQL Server 2008 R2.
But I want to know implementing this flag would impact any other feature or performance (except the performance of IDENTITY) of SQL Server.
I'm fully supportive of the product Feedback Center initiative and the subsequent withdrawal of sqlwish.
Problem is, if nobody ever gives us feedback on the things that we submit then it simply is a glorified version of sqlwish with no added value.
I apologise if there are plans afoot to address to offer feedback to the things we put up there but I (and others) have been freely submitting bugs and suggestions for a few months now without hearing anything back and I'm beginnign to wonder why we bother.
Even a simple "This is a good idea and will be considered for Katmai" or "This is a terrible idea now go and stick your head back in the sand" would be better than a cut and pasted response which is just about all I've seen so far.
I am running SQL Server 2000 on windows XP pro. I have configured (enabled) TCP/IP protocol and left the default port 1433, but SQL server still does does not listen for client connections.
Can anyone tell me what might stop SQL server from listening???
With the server running, here is what I see (nothing on 1433...):
2005-10-25 23:23:24.31 server Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.194 (Intel X86) Aug 6 2000 00:57:48 Copyright (c) 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation Personal Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
2005-10-25 23:23:24.31 server Copyright (C) 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.31 server All rights reserved. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.31 server Server Process ID is 3792. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.31 server Logging SQL Server messages in file 'c:MS SQL ServerMSSQLlogERRORLOG'. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.34 server SQL Server is starting at priority class 'normal'(2 CPUs detected). 2005-10-25 23:23:24.71 server SQL Server configured for thread mode processing. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.71 server Using dynamic lock allocation. [500] Lock Blocks, [1000] Lock Owner Blocks. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.74 spid3 Starting up database 'master'. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.92 server Using 'SSNETLIB.DLL' version '8.0.194'. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.92 spid5 Starting up database 'model'. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.96 spid3 Server name is 'GS-DELL'. 2005-10-25 23:23:24.96 spid3 Skipping startup of clean database id 4 2005-10-25 23:23:24.96 spid3 Skipping startup of clean database id 5 2005-10-25 23:23:24.96 spid3 Skipping startup of clean database id 6 2005-10-25 23:23:24.96 spid3 Skipping startup of clean database id 7 2005-10-25 23:23:25.10 spid5 Clearing tempdb database. 2005-10-25 23:23:25.28 server SQL server listening on Shared Memory, Named Pipes, Rpc. 2005-10-25 23:23:25.28 server SQL Server is ready for client connections 2005-10-25 23:23:25.59 spid5 Starting up database 'tempdb'. 2005-10-25 23:23:25.71 spid3 Recovery complete. 2005-10-25 23:23:40.37 spid51 Using 'xpstar.dll' version '2000.80.194' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_MSADEnabled'. 2005-10-25 23:23:40.71 spid51 Error: 15457, Severity: 0, State: 1 2005-10-25 23:23:40.71 spid51 Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 1 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.. 2005-10-25 23:23:40.89 spid51 Using 'xplog70.dll' version '2000.80.194' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_msver'. 2005-10-25 23:23:40.93 spid51 Starting up database 'msdb'. 2005-10-25 23:24:54.20 spid51 Starting up database 'gpldb'. 2005-10-25 23:24:54.26 spid51 Analysis of database 'gpldb' (7) is 100% complete (approximately 0 more seconds) 2005-10-25 23:24:54.46 spid51 Starting up database 'Northwind'. 2005-10-25 23:24:54.60 spid51 Starting up database 'pubs'.
You know when restoring a database in SQL Server, exclusive access is required. With sp_who I can see the clients. But I don't know how to terminate the client connections easily. Usually I have to stop the server and restart it. I DO think it's too troublesome. Do you have any ideas? Is there any sp or command, or tool that may help? How do you deal with this issue?
Hello,Newbie of sorts. Been reading up on best practices though.I'm trying to optimize performance to the SQL DB vs. the Web server andan ASP application. I've read that you're supposed to open late/closeearly which makes sense. In the past I'd created a connection and thrownmany queries against the same connection. Now, I'm working with arecordset object which is returned and the ActiveConnection is closedafter each query. My impression was this was faster ... not sure though.That might be more of an ASP question but let me elaborate on the SQLserver side:I was using the SQL Profiler to try to watch connections. I wasn't evensure what fields to show, but I was watching SPID's and Event Classesfor the user in question. I'd see Audit Login and Audit Logouts, butwasn't sure how they matched up.- When I had a single connection object with many queries against them,there'd be multiple SPID's showing up as Login and Logout.- When I had multiple connections each with a single query, there'd onlybe a single SPID wich each sql query being shown.My initial assumption was that each SPID was a connection, but I'mthinking that's not quite right.Is there a way to watch connections come and go? I'm just using anordinary ODBC connection for now.Any help would be appreciated enormously. Many thanks,rob
www.shanje.comdoes sql server hosting, on shared servers, at a reasonable price. It seems.They also allow client connections. Just playing around I've managed toconnect an Access Data Project to a SQL Server database, and to access thedatabase from Enterprise Manager (running locally).First of all - what does anybody think of that as a general idea - localclient, connecting to MS SQL Server running on a shared host, connectingover the internet (ADSL here). Speed looket OK ish, but of course I haven'tdone any real stress testing.Second. In enterprise manager I could see ALL the database, though I couldonly access mine. What's the security implications of this approach?Third. Anybody got any experience of Shanje? Service/uptime/value etc. Or isthere anybody else offering a similar service?Cheers, Jo
SQL Server is cutting off client connections intermittently and I'm having a hard time figuring out why. Restarting the SQL server service fixes the issue for a few days but then it happens again. It's SQL Server 2005 on Windows SBS 2003 with XP and Win2000 clients connecting. Clients connect via a DSN file--they run an Access database. I run daily backups and all maintenance tasks on the databases and these happen without any errors.
Here are some of the error messages I get from the SQL Log: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'. [CLIENT:]
Error: 18056, Severity: 20, State: 23.
The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID 72, which had been reset for conection pooling. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this error message.
The SQL Network Interface library could not deregister the Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Error: 0x862. Administrator should deregister this SPN manually to avoid client authentication errors.
And a recurring error in the SQL Agent Log: [165] ODBC Error: 0, Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed [SQLSTATE IM004]
any clues into how i can further troubleshoot would be appreciated. I can't reproduce the error on command but it is bound to happen "randomly" during business hours and i really need it to stop. any insight appreciated.
I cannot understand how this was allowed to happen, but I can recreate the situation all day long. Someone, please tell me that I have missed an obvious solution to this;
With a fresh install of SQL 2005 Express (SP2) I have 4 databases installed and two service-based applications running. One of the service applications uses/requires three of the four databases and the second service application uses/requires the fourth database.
On boot, with the above described services set to depend on SQL Server service startup I get repeated failures on initial database access. Looking at the event log reveals why (in sequence):
SQL Server Startup...
Event: Server local connection provider is ready to accept connection on...
Event: Server named pipe provider is ready to accept connection on...
Event: Server is listening on [ 'any' <ipv4> 1911]
Application Service Startup...
Event: SQL Server is not ready to accept new client connections. Wait a few minutes before trying again. If you have access to the error log, look for the informational message that indicates that SQL Server is ready before trying to connect again
Moments Later:
Event: SQL Server is now ready for client connections. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
Now, its clear that the SQL service has started, and that this opens the floodgates for dependant services to start, each of which is told - essentially - to go away and come back once the SQL server has **really** started. With the accompanying suggestion to 'look for the informational message that indicates that SQL Server is ready' in the event log.
Am I reading the situation right so far?
In response to this, with my developer way of thinking, I could probably script the startup of application services rather than have them start automatically at boot or some such insane idea. But its not really the way that I had planned to spend the next few hours of my life, and it seems to me that I should not have to do such a thing.
Our in house service application (one of the two described) is in fact robust enough (just enough) to survive and to try the connection periodically, accomplishing a successful startup even with no database available.
The second of the two services is external and is unfortunately unable to start with no database available (Business Objects XI CMS). The normal means of making this service robust against database outages is the service restart procedure setting. But since the service doesnt ever start successfully, this doesnt work (learn something new every day - the restart is literal. It does not provide an initial startup retry and the service must have been started and fail for the retry to kick in)
Now, im not trying to bash anyone over this situation and regardless of the inflexible nature of the external service application and the general sillyness of the SQL server startup sequence - i mean c'mon... we are started but not ready? How about dont report startup until after you are ready? - the end result is that I need to come up with a solution to this problem.
I cant imagine that this is the first time that this behaviour has been questioned and I have to believe that there will be a simple, reliable workaround. I will keep looking for myself, but if any of this sounds familiar and you have a suggestion, your response will be greatly appreciated.
If I look under SQL native client configuration | Client protocols, I have no entries and no ability to look at the properties of SQL Native client Configuration. Something is missing which I think is related to an error when connecting to my local server.
sqlcmd -E -S .devmain, 1064
I get error :
Encryption not support sqlcmd: Error: microsoft SQL native Client : Client unable to establish connection
An error has occurred while establish a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections..
In comparison to other machines here at work, it appears my remote connections are configured. But I have no Client Protocols under sql native client configuration, how can I get them in there?
I have a closed polygon that coincidently is in the shape of Iowa :) I have a point that is within the state and a point WELL outside it, but I get weird results that I don't expect when I try to get it to tell me that the point is within the polygon. Here is some basic code, with long coordinates data.
(1 row(s) affected)As I read that there is a distance of about 7864 meters, this is close to what I would expect, so that's ok. The point outside I would expect a distance as well so that is confusing.. Then we have the intersects, it says that the point inside does NOT intersect but the one outside DOES, this is backed up by the intersection values.
As stated in the subject I have a situation where if database mirroring is employed for either manual or automatic failover, all the client (including web connections) connections use ODBC not ADO, or OLEDB etc... so what methods are recommended? Client side redirect is not available so I could not employe the "Data Source =A; Failover Partner=B..." option.
Right now the method employed (pre database mirroring and basically employing log shipping on SQL 2000) is to have a DNS alias for the ODBC connection so that if the server were to change in a failover situation the DNS record would have to be altered, so that all the client connections would not have to be reconfigured.
Hi folks, I have an application designed in vb.net and it needs to Communicate with MS SQL 2005 database which resids on SERVER and The applicaton needs to run from Client PCs... When i install the Application on Server itself it works fine.... But when i Install it on any of the client Pcs it gives me the following error....
Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.sqlserver.ConnectionInfo version be installed in Global Assembly Cache (GAC) First.
hie, have a question. what tool is available to develop client/server application with db as ms sql server? is it only visual studio. for example: i was using oracle 9i db with 9i developer as a total package to build applications. very easy with creating update, delete or new forms. is it possible with visual studio or am i missing something? i need to feel comfortable since i know sql server but dont know what to use for developing application. many thanks, farouque
I am working in ASP.NET 2.0 and using sql server 2000 as backend . In my application i need to insert/update to oracle database table lying on different server. Please let me know how can i maintain two different connecttions to different databases lying on different servers.....
I am working in ASP.NET 2.0 and using sql server 2000 as backend . In my application i need to insert/update to oracle database table lying on different server. Please let me know how can i maintain two different connecttions to different databases lying on different servers.....
I am writing a Windows Application which will be used by about 100 clients. (NT Authenticated)
The application is going to be used in a LAN enviroment. User who have access will download a VB.NET application from a web site.
Of course, I want to prevent any of the 100 users from using a tool such as Query Analysis or ODBC to connect directly to the database and modify data.
So, it appears the way to go is to the "Application Roles". For this to work, the application roll password has to be saved in the application to execute the sp_setapprole procedure.
Is there a way to secure this password? I am worried about a user somehow extracting the password from the application and connecting directly.
Am I on the right track here? Any ideas appreciated!
I need to develop fro my customer a WinForm application which will display a list of report name available fro my customer, who will be free to select the desire report to print. For that I was previously using Crystal report but as now I am in an environment where report services is included and can be used I have decide to test it and see if it cover my customer need.
I have use reporting service in one of my customer project but by dircetly accessing it through the ReportServer default interface but never from a WinFrom application.
How can I implemented the connection to reporting service, accessing report template and have access to print function as well as export to different format in my application ?
Is there any step by step procedure somewhere ? could not found
I am currently modifying an existing application (which uses OLE DB Consumer Templates to access a remote SQL db) to utilize SQL Native Client instead. Does anyone have any experience making this change? Am I correct in my assumption that all I have to do is: change my included headers from 'sqloledb.h' to 'sqlncli.h' and change CLSID_SQLOLEDB to CLSID_SQLNCLI? I am still including the 'atldbcli.h' header and therefore still using the OLE DB Consumer Templates. Can I continue to use the Consumer Templates along with SQL Native Client?
I have setup a database mirroring session without witness - ServerA is the principal, ServerB is the mirror,. Each SQL Server instance is hosted on its own machine on sql2005 EE SP2. The mirroring is working correctly. If I submit to server ServerA command:
, ServerB becomes the principal, it means that mirroring works correctly.
My issue is with the SQL Native Client and a front-end ASP application (actually IIS 6.0 site) that needs to make use of this database. I have setup my front-end application to use SQL Native Client and specified the failover server in connection string. Here is the connection string that I am using :
Everything works perfectly on my front-end application when ServerA is the principal. If I execute on server ServerA command:
, ServerB becomes the principal, and the failover occurs correctly on the database side. The problem is that my front-end application is not able to query the database on ServerB. The error appears:
Microsoft SQL Native Client error '80004005'
Cannot open database "MYDBNAME" requested by the login. The login failed.
This behavior my appication till I unload IIS 6.0 pool application. After that my front-end application becomes work correctly with ServerB.
When I swap server, I execute on server ServerB command:
my IIS 6.0 application automaticly turn back to ServerA without any action on my side.
I am using SQL Native Client last version http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/7/c/27c60d49-6dbe-423e-9a9e-1c873f269484/sqlncli.msi (issued in February 2007). Has anyone experienced this issue? I'm thinking that it's a problem in the SQL Native client
I want to deploy my database application to my client's computer. My application uses SQL Server 2014. My client has to run that software on a single PC. I was looking to download a lightweight version of SQL Server that can fulfill my requirements, so when I was looking for SQL Server downloads, I saw these files there, which file should I use in my situation
ERROR SUMMARY Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log. * Activation of http://webdev.ci.lubbock.tx.us/ReportServer$SQL05/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected: + Downloading http://webdev.ci.lubbock.tx.us/ReportServer$SQL05/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application did not succeed. + The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
WARNINGS There were no warnings during this operation.
OPERATION PROGRESS STATUS * [4/10/2006 11:34:29 AM] : Activation of http://webdev.ci.lubbock.tx.us/ReportServer$SQL05/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application has started.
ERROR DETAILS Following errors were detected during this operation. * [4/10/2006 11:34:29 AM] System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentDownloadException (Unknown subtype) - Downloading http://webdev.ci.lubbock.tx.us/ReportServer$SQL05/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application did not succeed. - Source: System.Deployment - Stack trace: at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadSingleFile(DownloadQueueItem next) at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadAllFiles() at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.Download(SubscriptionState subState) at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadManifestAsRawFile(Uri& sourceUri, String targetPath, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options, ServerInformation& serverInformation) at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDeploymentManifestDirectBypass(SubscriptionStore subStore, Uri& sourceUri, TempFile& tempFile, SubscriptionState& subState, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options, ServerInformation& serverInformation) at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDeploymentManifestBypass(SubscriptionStore subStore, Uri& sourceUri, TempFile& tempFile, SubscriptionState& subState, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options) at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut) at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state) --- Inner Exception --- System.Net.WebException - The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. - Source: System - Stack trace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadSingleFile(DownloadQueueItem next)
COMPONENT STORE TRANSACTION DETAILS No transaction information is available.
Does anyone know how that I can get the reportbuilder.application to run on a client on the network. It seems that if I have to remote into the actual server to get the report builder to work would be pointless for users on the network. I get the 401 Unauthorized all the time. Any comments would help.
We have a small accounting application which is currently based using DBASE database. We need to change the DB and considering SQL Express. However, is some one can clarify following, it would be very helpful:
1) Application is used mostly by standalone non-technical users. There are cases where more than one user will need to connect to DB.
2) We need to ensure that user can not modify database outside of our application. This is needed to ensure database does not get currpted or passwords lost and then no one can open the database.
3) Installation needs to be simple without providing any options to users except where to install database or point to already installed DB in case its a network environment where 2-3 users can be working on the same database.
4) Application is usually installed on normal desktop machines. So, DB should not load the PC heavily.
Please advice if SQL Express is the right direction even with these constraints? What are the other alternatives? We are open to have a small consulting project as well with someone who can guide us through these issues. Email to contact is rkabra101@yahoo.com