SQL 2012 :: Createing Temp Table But Got Error

May 27, 2014

I try to modify a code to create a temp table but got an error.

Declare @headerid Int
Declare @Providerid Int


Incorrect syntax near '='.
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression, an xmlnamespaces clause or a change tracking context clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Error Creating Temp Table Based On IF Logic

Nov 13, 2014

I could deploy across my environment, which is a mix of 2008R2/2012 servers, to give some information on log files. Running into a silly issue right off the bat. The table that DBCC LogInfo() conjures out of magic is different between the two. In 2012 it gained the RecoveryUnitID column. So I'm trying to write some logic to create a temp table based on which version is running. I would like to avoid a global temp table if possible. Here's what I've tried:

sp_executesql creates a table outside of the scope of my session:
, @PrVersNum DECIMAL(10,2)
, @StageTable NVARCHAR(1024) = N''


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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedures Compiles Even When There Is No CREATE TABLE For A Temp Table

Feb 11, 2015

i am inserting something into the temp table even without creating it before. But this does not give any compilation error. Only when I want to execute the stored procedure I get the error message that there is an invalid temp table. Should this not result in a compilation error rather during the execution time.?

--create the procedure and insert into the temp table without creating it.
--no compilation error.
INSERT INTO #tmp(dt)

only on calling the proc does this give an execution error

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SQL 2012 :: Way Of Creating Temp Table

May 22, 2014

I am working with the SP tuning. I want to know clearly about the temp tables.Instead of Select * into #table, it is always better to create temp table structure and insert the data later.Is it true in the case, if the data is small? insert into #table (select colmn1, column 2 from TableA join Table B on JoinC on joinD on..If they use several joins, in that situation, which way of creating temp table would be better?

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SQL 2012 :: Temp Table Sort Order

Apr 3, 2013

Is there a way to change the order that "select * from #table" returns data? It doesn't appear to return data in the same order that it was inserted into the table. This wasn't a problem with the same code in SQL Server 2005.

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SQL 2012 :: Should Change SP To Run Select Into Temp Table

Mar 5, 2014

it runs over night, pulls 10.5m rows. Inserts into a table, from a select (so "insert...select", rather than "select into"), from many tables, grouping on a max. It's complex. During the day, it runs fine - maybe 25 minutes. At night it *sometimes* runs fine, but then sometimes takes 4hours.Checking this morning there were 230 threads open for this one query. Checking sys.dm_os_tasks and sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks there were no other wait types on that session_id. None at all. Checking activity monitor, most of the existing threads were suspended on the insert.

There are 24 cores, but NUMA'd. We have maxdop on the server of 8. The maxdop option on the query is 12, just to speed up the select. Index and Stats refreshed daily. We've eight identical tempdb data files, on a separate spindle. Checking those, they are filling up using the round robin correctly

Would the delay be due to SQL trying to combine so many 'select' threads into one 'insert' thread (as it can't insert in parallel; 2014 can, apparently. Upgrades not available!)Should i change the SP to run the select into a temp table (table variable?) with a maxdop of 12, then do the insert into the actual table using a maxdop of 1. Checking the execution plans for a table variable implies the subtree cost comes down from 2.5m to 357k. What's best - temp table or table variable?

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SQL 2012 :: How Many Records Can Insert Into A Temp Table

Mar 25, 2014

I use code below to insert data into a temp table.

How many records can insert into a temp table?

Select * into #temp from ORDER

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SQL 2012 :: 1.5 Million Records Into Temp Table

Sep 23, 2014

I come from a web based world were loading 1.5 million records into a temp table is suicide. I’m doing more data warehouse stuff now and I was looking into optimizing a buddies proc and noticed he was loading 1.5 million records into a temp table. We had a discussion about it because being from a web world I was drastically against it. He on the other hand didn’t feel it was an issue being it gets called once maybe twice a day. The tempdb is set to autogrow and it is on a different drive than all the other databases on the box. It has one ldf and mdf. He’s creating an index on the table after load. Why we shouldn’t be loading 1.5 million recs into temp table?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding New Row In Temp Table

May 12, 2015

I am trying to insert a single row in Temp table #InventoryItems . The temp table is mentioned in a curosor childcur_inventory. While looping through the cursor I have mentioned nested if else condition . In the Else condition where I have mentioned PRINT "Hello World" I want to insert a single row in the temp #InventoryItems. I trying to use Select Top 1 but the cursor is looping indefinitely trying to insert multiple record

I want to insert only one record with null values.

DECLARE childcur_inventory CURSOR FOR SELECT Structure_Number, State, Neighbor_State, Border_Bridge_Structure_Number FROM #InventoryItems
OPEN childcur_inventory
FETCH childcur_inventory INTO @Structure_Number, @State, @Neighbour_State, @Border_Bridge_Structure_Number

[Code] .....

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SQL 2012 :: Import Txt Data File Into Temp Table?

Sep 30, 2014

In Access, I can import a txt file data(e.g. Claims.txt) as below specifications:

Choose the delimiter that separates your fields: Other (|)
First row contains field name: Yes
Text Qualifier:"

I need to create a store procedure to read txt file data (d:cliamcliams.txt) first column (ClaimNumber) into a temp table (#claim)

(This #claim table will use for my .Net program)

There about 5 txt files need to process every day.

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SQL 2012 :: Global Temp Table - Invalid Object Name

Feb 13, 2015

I have created a global temp table in Step1 of SQL Job.

I have used that in remaining steps of same job...i ran the job

But i got error message like invalid object name ##xxxxxxxx later i have included as tempdb..##xxxxxxxx also. the i got invalid reference for...

From my SSMS:-

But i was able to do select query for the same from my SSMS...

i have incorporated all steps in single step and completed job...

My question is why ##temp table created in step1 is not able to use in other steps of same job ?

SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition

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SQL 2012 :: Inserting Data Into Temp Table Using 2 While Loop

Apr 21, 2015

I want to insert data (month&year) from 2014 till now - into temp table using 2 while loop.

drop table #loop
create table #loop
seq int identity(1,1),
[month] smallint,
[Year] smallint

For some reason I cant not get 2015 data .

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SQL 2012 :: Import Excel XLSX Files Into Temp Table

Feb 18, 2014

I am having with trying to import XLSX files into SQL 2012 64 Bit.

I have installed the Access driver (AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe)

I have configured the script to run the following SP

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1

[Code] ....

So I first create my Temp Table

The run the SP above then I run the insert into the Temp table defined

INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.TempTRBZ (IsNew,CoID, Zip, City, County,StateCode,Rate,Taxable,TaxShip,TaxLab,CountryID,StateID)

SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','EXCEL 12.0;Database=C:TempNotInTrbzJan.xlsx;HDR=YES','SELECT * FROM [Data$]')

[Code] ....

The error message I get back is

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".

What I have set wrong on the import? Using SSIS at this point is not a real option.

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SQL 2012 :: Partially Contained Database And Temp Table Creation

Nov 20, 2014

As far as I know temp tables/objects will be created inside the default filegroup of the partially contained database and not in tempdb. Is it possible to either define a set of files dedicated to temp objects or define a second partially contained database dedicated to temp objects like tempdb?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Storing Data From Temp Table Into A Variable

Aug 4, 2015

I have created procedure that creates a temptable with the users from a certain business unit.

I need to save the output from the username field to my variable @TheUsers as I will be using this variable in ssrs.


[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Temp Table Where The Column Names Are Unknown

Dec 26, 2013

In a stored procedure I dynamically create a temp table by selecting the name of Applications from a regular table. Then I add a date column and add the last 12 months. See attachment.

So far so good. Now I want to update the data in columns by querying another regular table. Normally it would be something like:

UPDATE ##TempTable
SET [columName] = (SELECT SUM(columName)
FROM RegularTable
WHERE FORMAT(RegularTable.Date,'MM/yyyy') = FORMAT(##TempMonths.x,'MM/yyyy'))

However, since I don't know what the name of the columns are at any given time, I need to do this dynamically.

how can I get the column names of a Temp table dynamically while doing an Update?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Avoiding Temp Table With String Of IDs Passed Into Stored Procedure

Sep 26, 2014

Using a string of IDs passed into a stored procedure as a VARCHAR parameter ('1,2,100,1020,') in an IN without parsing the list to a temp table or table variable. Here's the situation, I've got a stored procedure that is called all the time. It's working with some larger tables (100+ Million rows). The procedure passes in as one of the variables a list of IDs for the large table. This list can have anywhere from 1 to ~100 IDs passed to it.

Currently, we are using a function to parse the list of IDs into a temp table then joining the temp table to get the query:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetStuff] (
@IdList varchar(max)

[Code] .....

The problem we're running into is that since this proc gets called so often, we sometimes run into tempDB contention that slows this down. In my testing (unfortunately I don't have a good way of generating a production load) swapping the #table for an @table didn't make any difference which makes sense to me given that they are both allocated in the tempDB. One approach that I tried was that since the SELECT query is pretty simple, I moved it to dynamic SQL:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetStuff] (
@IdList varchar(max)

[Code] ....

The problem I had there, is that it creates an Ad Hoc plan for the query and only reuses it if the same list of parameters are passed in, so I get a higher CPU cost because it compiles a plan and it also causes the plan cache to bloat since the parameter list is almost always different. Is there an approach that I haven't considered that may get the best of both worlds, avoiding or minimizing tempDB contention but also not having to compile a new plan every time the proc is run?

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Temp Table Error

Nov 4, 2004

I'm creating the temporary table below...

CREATE TABLE #TempTest(P_ID int not null,
Type_1 varchar(1000) null default('N/A'),
Type_2 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_3 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_4 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_5 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_6 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_7 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_8 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_9 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_10 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_11 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_12 varchar(1000) default('N/A'),
Type_13 varchar(1000) default('N/A'))

When I attempt to dump data to it I get the followig error...

The total row size (13052) for table '#TempTest' exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). Rows that exceed the maximum number of bytes will not be added.

Is there any way to get around this as the field I'm taking the data from is varChar(1000) and I don't have any problems with that?

Thanks in Advance

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Error While Creating Temp Table

Oct 10, 2006

hello friends!!

i am trying to create stored procedure but i am getting error

create proc t
@i int

if @i = 1
select s Name,identity (int,1,1) as intid into #T
select 'SS' s) p
if @i = 2
select s Name,identity (int,1,1) as intid into #T
select 'S' s) p

Server: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 1, Procedure t, Line 15
There is already an object named '#T' in the database.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure t, Line 17
Line 17: Incorrect syntax near 'p'.


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Temp Table - Missing A Command, Error

Jun 22, 2007

Here I am creating a temp table with $ summations that I can later join with an employees table that I'm dumping into a flat file.


sum(p.fit) as sumfit,
sum(p.fica) - sum(p.medicare) as sumfica,
sum(p.medicare) as sumedic,
sum(p.fit_earnings) as pearnings,
sum(p.fit_earnings) as tearnings

into #earntable

from employees as e
left outer join pay_summary as p on e.employee_no =p.employee_no

where e.employee_no = 817 and
dateadd(d, 0, datediff(d, 0, p.dated)) between '20061231'and '20070401'

group by e.employee_no

select * from #earntable

When I go to look at the contents of the #earntable with the above select, I get this:

ODBC error 214 Procedure expects parameter '@handle' of type 'int'.

The datatypes I'm trying to select into the temp table are all
numeric 12 except employee_no char 10.

What am I missing? A drop table statement?

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Transact SQL :: Temp Table Scope On Error

Oct 12, 2015

In my sp I'm have an Insert statement. In the event that after the insert @@rowcount = 0 I'm throwing an error with RAISEERROR.

This is fine, however, in my CATCH block I'm referencing a local temp table but getting an error that it no longer exists.

My question is, does throwing an error drop any #temp tables? I thought they were in scope for the session?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Moving Values From Temp Table To Another Temp Table?

Apr 9, 2014

Below are my temp tables

--DROP TABLE #Base_Resource, #Resource, #Resource_Trans;
SELECT data.*
INTO #Base_Resource
SELECT '11A','Samsung' UNION ALL

[Code] ....

I want to loop through the data from #Base_Resource and do the follwing logic.

1. get the Resourcekey from #Base_Resource and insert into #Resource table

2. Get the SCOPE_IDENTITY(),value and insert into to

#Resource_Trans table's column(StringId,value)

I am able to do this using while loop. Is there any way to avoid the while loop to make this work?

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Error In Stored Procedure While Working With Temp. Table

May 31, 2007

Creating a temporary table in stored procedure and using a sql query to insert the data in temp. table.I am facing the error as :
String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated.
The procedure i created is as :
ALTER PROCEDURE fetchpersondetails
CREATE Table #tempperson (personID int,FirstName nvarchar(200),LastName nvarchar(250),title nvarchar(150),Profession nvarchar(200),StreetAddress nvarchar(300),
StateAddress nvarchar(200),CityAddress nvarchar(200),CountryAddress nvarchar(200),ZipAddress nvarchar(200),Telephone nvarchar(200),Mobile nvarchar(200),
Fax nvarchar(200),Email nvarchar(250),NotesPub ntext,Affiliation nvarchar(200),Category nvarchar(200))
Insert into #tempperson
SELECT dbo.tblperson.personID, ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.fName, N'') + ' ' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.mName, N'') AS FirstName, dbo.tblperson.lname AS LastName,
dbo.tblperson.honor AS Title, dbo.tblperson.title AS Profession, dbo.tblperson.street + ' ' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.suite, N'') AS StreetAddress,
dbo.tblperson.city AS cityaddress, dbo.tblperson.state AS stateaddress, dbo.tblperson.postalCode AS zipaddress,
dbo.tblperson.Phone1 + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Phone2, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Phone3, N'') AS Telephone,
dbo.tblperson.mobilePhone AS mobile, dbo.tblperson.officeFax + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.altOfficeFax, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.altOfficeFax2,
N'') AS Fax, ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email1, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email2, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email3, N'') AS Email,
dbo.tblperson.notes AS NotesPub, dbo.tblOrganizations.orgName AS Affiliation, dbo.tblOrganizations.orgCategory AS Category,
dbo.tblCountry.countryNameFull AS countryaddress
FROM dbo.tblperson INNER JOIN
dbo.tblOrganizations ON dbo.tblperson.orgID = dbo.tblOrganizations.orgID INNER JOIN
dbo.tblCountry ON dbo.tblperson.countryCode = dbo.tblCountry.ISOCode
please let me know the solurion of this error. 

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Temp Table Created In The SSMS,but SSRS Gives Error

Feb 8, 2008

The sub report has stored procedure which uses ##temp table,to get it's results.
Stored procedure code is:




ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[rpt_FAP_Profile_claim] @TABLE_NM varchar(50),@MBR_ID varchar(50)



DECLARE @SQL_TXT varchar(8000)




When I run this in SSMS gives error::-

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Invalid object name 'STEP_PROFILE_CLAIM_765032'.

(1 row(s) affected)

How do I make it work and get the result in my sub report.Is any properties needs to be set in the SSMS or SSRS sub report or any other modificatons?.Or is some thing wrong in the temp table?.Plz help.
Thanks in advance.

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A Curious Error Message, Local Temp Vs. Global Temp Tables?!?!?

Nov 17, 2004

Hi all,

Looking at BOL for temp tables help, I discover that a local temp table (I want to only have life within my stored proc) SHOULD be visible to all (child) stored procs called by the papa stored proc.

However, the following code works just peachy when I use a GLOBAL temp table (i.e., ##MyTempTbl) but fails when I use a local temp table (i.e., #MyTempTable). Through trial and error, and careful weeding efforts, I know that the error I get on the local version is coming from the xp_sendmail call. The error I get is: ODBC error 208 (42S02) Invalid object name '#MyTempTbl'.

Here is the code that works:SET NOCOUNT ON

CREATE TABLE ##MyTempTbl (SeqNo int identity, MyWords varchar(1000))
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('Put your long message here.')
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('Put your second long message here.')
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('put your really, really LONG message (yeah, every guy says his message is the longest...whatever!')
DECLARE @cmd varchar(256)
DECLARE @LargestEventSize int
DECLARE @Width int, @Msg varchar(128)
SELECT @LargestEventSize = Max(Len(MyWords))
FROM ##MyTempTbl

SET @cmd = 'SELECT Cast(MyWords AS varchar(' +
CONVERT(varchar(5), @LargestEventSize) +
')) FROM ##MyTempTbl order by SeqNo'
SET @Width = @LargestEventSize + 1
SET @Msg = 'Here is the junk you asked about' + CHAR(13) + '----------------------------'
EXECUTE Master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@query = @cmd,
@no_header= 'TRUE',
@width = @Width,
@dbuse = 'MyDB',
@subject='none of your darn business',
@message= @Msg

The only thing I change to make it fail is the table name, change it from ##MyTempTbl to #MyTempTbl, and it dashes the email hopes of the stored procedure upon the jagged rocks of electronic despair.

Any insight anyone? Or is BOL just full of...well..."stuff"?

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Unable To Extend Temp Segment By 64 In Tablespace TEMP (SSIS Error While Copying Data From Oracle)

Oct 22, 2007

I am transferring data from oracle and getting below error message.

I using 4 data flow tasks with in a single control flow and all the 4 tasks quueries same table but populates data in to different sql tables based on the where contidion

[OLE DB Source 1 [853]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 64 in tablespace TEMP ".

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SQL 2012 :: Converting Time String In Temp Table To Military Time Then Cast As Integer?

Dec 26, 2014

I need to take a temporary table that has various times stored in a text field (4:30 pm, 11:00 am, 5:30 pm, etc.), convert it to miltary time then cast it as an integer with an update statement kind of like:

Update myTable set MovieTime = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(5),GETDATE(),108), ':', '')

how this can be done while my temp table is in session?

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Trigger Error When Inserting Stored Proc Output Into Temp Table.

Feb 18, 2008

I writing a unit test which has one stored proc calling data from another stored proc. Each time I run dbo.ut_wbTestxxxxReturns_EntityTest I get a severe uncatchable error...most common cause is a trigger error. I have checked and rechecked the columns in both of the temp tables created. Any ideas as to why the error is occurring?

--Table being called.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.wbGetxxxxxUserReturns

@nxxxxtyId smallint,

@sxxxxxxxxUser varchar(32),

@sxxxxName varchar(32)



CREATE TABLE #Scorecard_Returns

NAME_COL varchar(64),
ACCT_ID int,

ACCT_NUMBER varchar(10),

ENTITY_ID smallint,

NAME varchar(100),

ID int,


A_OFFICER varchar(30),

I_OFFICER varchar(30),

B_CODE varchar(30),

I_OBJ varchar(03),



IS int


ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ut_wbTestxxxxReturns_EntityTest



CREATE TABLE #Scorecard_Returns

NAME_COL varchar(64),
ACCT_ID int,

ACCT_NUMBER varchar(10),

ENTITY_ID smallint,

NAME varchar(100),

ID int,


A_OFFICER varchar(30),

I_OFFICER varchar(30),

B_CODE varchar(30),

I_OBJ varchar(03),



IS int


INSERT #Scorecard_Returns(
















EXEC ISI_WEB_DATA.dbo.wbGetxxxxxcardUserReturns

@nId = 1,


@sUName = 'VALID USER'

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Createing Tables

Jun 29, 2006

I am trying to make a customer management database and need some help. I have two tables, customer and equipment. I want to have a unique value that is in both tables such as custid. I feel I need this to be able to search for all equipment belonging to a specific customer. Help please.

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Temp Table Vs Global Temp Table

Jun 24, 1999

I think this is a very simple question, however, I don't know the
answer. What is the difference between a regular Temp table
and a Global Temp table? I need to create a temp table within
an sp that all users will use. I want the table recreated each
time someone accesses the sp, though, because some of the
same info may need to be inserted and I don't want any PK errors.

Toni Eibner

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Createing An Instance On A Sql Server 2k Installation.

Nov 8, 2006

I need to know if it is possible to create a Sql Server instance on top of an existing SQL Server 2k installation.

I am trying to mimic a production setup completely and the database is setup as an instance of a SQL server. By that I mean that we connect to the database by specifying <servername><instancename>.

I apologize if I have been ambiguous, or have used incorrect terminology. I am not a DBA and am trying to explain this the best way I know of.

Any help that anyone can provide is greatly appreciated!!

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Createing New Triggers In SQL Server Management Studio Express

Sep 22, 2006

Is it possible to create a new trigger for a SQL 2000 Database using SQL Server Management Studio Express?

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Createing SQL Data Base Record For Comma Delimted Records

Sep 15, 2006

I am a new user to SQL an I need to create a data base record from a comma delimted file (.CVS). The CVS file has up to ten fields all alpha/numeric. I must create this data base file using a stored procedure! The data base records will be displayed on a grid screen but this grid view will not be used to update the original CVS file.

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