SQL 2012 :: Design A Table To Hold Filters For Selection Criteria?

May 5, 2014

I have an ordering database with several tables that store data of orders belonging to a wide variety of clients. There is a generic report that I need to run which outputs the same data elements. However the criteria to select these orders will vary widely between each client. For e.g.

i) for client# 1 it could be all orders that are still open after 30 days of placing an order

OrderStatus = 'Open'
GetDate() - OrderCreationDate >= 30

ii) for client# 2 it could be all orders that have been completed 60 days or earlier

OrderStatus = 'Completed'
GetDate() - OrderCompletedDate >= 60

iii) for client# 3 it could be a combination of different things (all orders in West Region that are in hold status for more than 10 days + all orders in Eastern Region that are in shipping and are expected to be delivered in the next 2 days + all completed orders for the rest of the regions).

OrderRegion = 'West'
OrderStatus = 'Hold'
GetDate() - OrderHoldDate >= 10


I want to have a stored procedure that selects all data and dynamically attach the where condition at the end for filtering. This way I wouldn't have to worry about any additions/changes that are made to the selection criteria. I can build an interface for admins who can use the UI to maintain the selection criteria and not worry about any code changes to accommodate it. I would like to design a table that holds this criteria. At this point in time, I am thinking of using key value pairs (Column Name, Column Value) but I am not sure how to implement multiple logical operators.

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FROM Vs WHERE Selection Criteria

Jan 27, 2006


While playing with SQL Server 2000 I found you can specify the selection criteria in either the FROM clause or the WHERE clause:
select *
from Table1 a inner join Table2 b ON a.key = b.key and a.field = 1

Is logically the same as:
select *
from Table1 a inner join Table2 b ON a.key = b.key
where a.a = 1

Any comments on which is best, and why?



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Problem With Date In Selection Criteria

Apr 10, 2001

Hello All,

I am facing strange problem in SQL Server Query Analyzer, I am writing following query:
Select WorkItemKey,DateCreated,DateDue, DateCompleted from WorkItems Where DateCreated > '28/02/2001'

Query failed & gives following error:
Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

But if I write same query in this way:
Select WorkItemKey,DateCreated,DateDue, DateCompleted from WorkItems Where DateCreated > '2001-02-28'
Select WorkItemKey,DateCreated,DateDue, DateCompleted from WorkItems Where DateCreated > '28/Feb/2001'

It works fine! Can anybody explain me why it is so???

Many thanks in advance…


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Transact SQL :: Selection Criteria In DB1 - Need Fields In DB2

Sep 24, 2015

I need to query a table in Database 1 then, using a primary key, pull the columns from a table in Database 2.

The query I'm using in db_1 works:

SELECT * FROM db_1.table_1 WHERE  (hcpcs_cd = '20552' AND srvc_units_num>'1 ' AND claim_dos_yr >'2012') 

But what I really need are the columns associated with these records in db_2.table_1.  There is a primary key in both tables.

Ultimately what I need is all of the columns in db_2.table_1 and the hcpcs_cd, srvc_untis_num, and claim_dos_yr from db_1.table1

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Interesting Problem..related To Selection Criteria..

Apr 10, 2007

Have report where the user should be able to enter some selection critera to EXCLUDE from the result set displayed.

I deally Iwould liek to include it in the sql parameters to avoid retunring a larger then necessary result set, but Couldn't I also use it inthe filter criteria?

Has anyone done anything like this.

ie: a drop down box where people could add exclusions.

ie: Apples, Oranges

would be excluded from the result list.

So If I entered Apples, Oranges

the resultset would eclude these from the returned dataset.

I realize using a multi param box is fruitless. WOndering if there is another way to do this

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Print Selection Criteria On Separate Page/report

Jul 17, 2007

I would like to print the selection criteria on a separate page or report. I explored various forums and help facilities without luck. Any suggestions please?

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Filters Design On Top, Set Format To Look Better.

Apr 18, 2008

Hi, I need help.

I have 4 filters/parameters on top of the report but it looks very untidy.
Is there a way where i can set the boxes sizes & alignment etc.

I would like to make it look more nicer.


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@local_var Really Cannot Hold Table Name ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have tables named like ag97a027, ag98a027, ... where 97 and 98 isfrom year 1997, 1998 and a027 is just specification of product type. Ineed carry out repeated operataions over these tables. To generatetheir names is easy, for exampleuse [P5-01]declare @Yint int, @Y char(2), @tabName char(8)set @Yint = 1997while @Yint < 2002beginset @tabName = 'ag' + substring(convert(char(4),@Yint),3,2)+'a027'print @tabNameset @Yint = @Yint + 1/*select *from @tabName*/endprints properlyag97a027ag98a027ag99a027ag00a027ag01a027but when I uncomment the select statement, MS-SQL server responds:Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 11Must declare the variable '@tabName'.How to use @local_variable for browsing through tables in abovedescribed way?thanksMartin

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Can I Use A Variable To Hold The Target Table Name.

Apr 11, 2007

We need to pull from a table that is named tablename_mmddyy and populate a table with the same format tablename_mmddyy. The date will be different every month so I want to be able to build the tablenames every month. Is there a way to do this in SSIS? Thank you.

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SQL 2012 :: Computed Column For Frequent Filters

Jun 30, 2014

we have a handful of developers and each of us are responsible for laying out and creating our own database backends. This often leads to inconsistencies in table and column structures.One obvious situation that comes up often is whether or not the other developers are building in history into their primary tables, using history/archive tables or (usually in cases of helper tables) no historical data at all.

My thought on how to alleviate this a little was to suggest that we all build a IS_DELETED computed column into our tables so that someone else trying to work with their data doesn't have to play the guessing game. In most cases, this column would just be running date comparisons on an Expiration Date and either checking to see if it's in the future (usually 12/31/9999) or NULL.

I have read that computed columns can be a performance hit if used/returned unnecessarily but is that also the case on fields where their main use would be filtering? It just seems that the calculation that the computed column is doing would be necessary for the WHERE anywhere so it seems like a wash ... and worth the benefit of not having to decipher someone else's work.

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SQL 2012 :: Store Attributes / Values In XML Column - Table Design

Oct 29, 2014

I'd like to create a table that will store different order items. Several order items make up one single order. Order items can have 0 or more children (max depth will never be deeper than one). Order items can have up to 150 attributes/values. The way I think this should be done is using XML column instead of the EAV type of model. My table structure currently looks like this:

* child_order_item_id (PK)
* parent_order_item_id (FK to child_order_item_id)
* order_id (FK to Order table)
* product_id (FK to Product table)
* price
* attribute_XML

How my attribute_XML should look like or how to validate the xml.

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SQL 2012 :: Search Criteria Parameter Value

Jun 20, 2014

Say I have a query like

I want to pass values to @ID and @SOMEDATE, such that it meets the WHERE criteria for all values in the respective fields.

What parameter value should I pass such that all values are selected? In the actual SP, I have uniqueidentifier, varchar and date parameters.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Get OrderIDs That Only Match The Criteria

Aug 8, 2015

I am stuck with a query that I am working on. I have data like below.

OrderID INT,
AccountID INT,
StatusID INT,
Value INT

INSERT INTO @Input VALUES (1,1,1,15), (2,1,1,20), (3,2,1,5), (4,2,2,40), (5,3,1,20), (6,1,2,40), (7,1,2,40)

If an Account's value reaches 20 for StatusID = 1 and 40 for StatusID = 2, that is a called "Good". I want to find out which order made the Account become "Good".

By looking at the data, it is understandble that AccountID 1 crossed Status ID 1's limit of 20 with order 2, but the status ID 2's limit was only crossed after the 6th order was placed. So my output should show 6 for AccountID 1.

For AccountID 2, value of statusID 1 was 5 with orderid 3, but it reached the limit for status id 2 of 40 with order 4. But the first condition was not met. so it shouldn't be seen in the output.

Same with AccountID 3 as well, It reached the limit of status id 1 with order 5 but the limit for order 2 wasn't reached so it should be ignored as well.

I wrote the code as below, its working fine but I still know there are better ways to write since I will be working with atleast a million records.

SELECT OrderID,AccountID, StatusID, SUM(Value) OVER(Partition By AccountID, StatusID ORDER BY OrderID) AS RunningTotal
FROM @Input

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding Flags Depending On Criteria

Feb 12, 2014

I have a data output with many rows. In order to group things with flags, I do this in excel using 2 formulas which *** a flag of 0 or 1 in 2 new columns.

This takes a long long time as I have hundreds of thousands of rows and wondered of I could do it in sql?

Its transact SQL and the formulas I use in excel are:

=IF(SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A2=A2)*($B$2:$B2=B2)*($C$2:$C2>=C2-1/24)*($C$2:$C2< C2+1/24))> 1,0,1)

How I can do this in sql??

The columns above do not relate to the actual columns I use, just an example.

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SQL Server 2012 :: SELECT Multiple Criteria If Not Null

Sep 2, 2014

I have a dataset where i want to select the records that matches my input values. But i only want to try macthing a field in my dataset aginst the input value, if the dataset value is not NULL.

I always submit all 4 input values.

@Tyreid, @CarId,@RegionId,@CarAgeGroup

So for the first record in the dataset i get a succesfull output if my input values matches RegionId and CarAgeGroup.

I cant figure out how to create the SQl script for this SELECT?

My dataset
65351084 1
5351084 1

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SQL 2012 :: Limiting Query Results With 3 Criteria For Each Record

Mar 20, 2015

I am trying to write a query that gives me the personal records from speed skaters on e.g. the 500 mtrs. I do this with the query:

SELECT cdsDistance AS Distance
, prsFirstName
, prsLastName
, min(crtFinalTime) AS MinTime
FROM tb....... INNER JOIN etc..
GROUP BY cdsDistance, prsFirstName, prsLastName
ORDER BY min(crtFinalTime)

In itself this works fine. However, there are complicating factors. Sometimes a speed skater has multiple PRs, meaning the he/she has the same fastest time more than once.

If these times are achieved on multple days, the 1st date is the official PR. (meaning: "Min of racedate")
If they are raced on the same day the 1st race is the PR (meaning: "Min of distancenumber")

Changing the code to:

SELECT cdsDistance AS Distance
, prsFirstName
, prsLastName
, MIN(crtFinalTime) AS MinTime
, MIN(cdsStartDate) AS RaceDate
, MIN(cdsDistanceNumber) AS DistanceNumber

FROM tb.......
GROUP BY cdsDistance, prsFirstName, prsLastName
ORDER BY min(crtFinalTime)

This gives me the wrong outcome because it gives me the "MIN" of every field, and they are not necessarily on the same row.

An option would be to calculate min(crtFinalTime), if for a person there is more than 1 result, calculate min of date, and then (if there is still more than 1 row) min of distancenumber.

Seems complicated, and I have the feeling there must be a better way (apart from: how to get this code)

Stacking subqueries in the FROM statement seems like a option be costly (time wise). There are more than 10 million rows (and growing) to run through.

As an example a few times:

DistanceFirst nameLast name Time Date Distance nr.
500 Yuya Oikawa 34.49 201311155
500 Yuya Oikawa 34.49 201311153
500 Yuya Oikawa 34.49 201311172

Yuya has 3 best times (34.49), 15-11-2013 is the 1st date, then distance nr 3 is the 1st distance raced. Therefore the 2nd row is the only row I would like to get in my endresult.

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SQL 2012 :: Percentage Of Rows That Meet Multiple Criteria?

Jun 2, 2015

I am working on a project that was assigned to me that has to do with data in one of our SQL databases. I have the following query that takes information from a single table and averages test scores for each student.

--Group all scores from same student and average them together

with cte_names as
SELECT StudentID, MAX(StudentName) AS StudentName
WHERE schoolYear='2014-2015' AND term = 3


I now need to take the results from the above query and determine the percentage of students, per school that scored a 2 or greater in grade 7 for each test. For grade 8 scored a 2.5 or greater, grade 9 scored a 3 or greater, grade 10 scored a 3 or greater, grade 11 scored a 3.5 or greater, and grade 12 scored a 3.5 or greater.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Execute One Query From SP Based On User Selection

Dec 22, 2014

I have a SSRS report with 6 columns each column containing count of total# of applicants meeting certain criteria.
User want to click on each column and see the basic information and also want to get the ability to export the data into excel.

I know that I can create 6 drillthrough reports with basic information of applicants and link it to the count from each column respectively but I was wondering if it is possible to write a Stored procedure with all 6 select queries and execute only 1 select query based on the column that user clicks on main report ?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Including Spreadsheet Data Into Exclusion Criteria?

Sep 18, 2015

I am trying to import data from 4 columns in a spreadsheet, the Columns are (Last Name - First Name - ID - Code) and this spreadsheet has around 10k records. I want to add what is in this spreadsheet to the query I have below that uses the EXCEPT operator but I am not sure the best way to go about it.

Using the example I have filtered below for the name "Denise Test", at the end of the day I want everything that is in the spreadsheet to also be excluded from the results.

So before the spreadsheet lets say the 2nd query referencing table C has the following results for Denise Test

Last_Name First_Name ID Code
Test Denise 1 5
Test Denise 2 4

After adding the spreadsheet I want it to show this:

Last_Name First_Name ID Code
Test Denise 1 5
Test Denise 2 4
Test Denise 3 3

Here is the query as it stands now without the inclusion of the spreadsheet:

TableA ta


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SQL Server 2012 :: Calculate Number Of Groups And Group Size With Multiple Criteria

Jun 15, 2015

I need to calculate the last two columns (noofgrp and grpsize) No of Groups (count of Clientid) and Group Size (number of clients in each group) according to begtim and endtime. So I tried the following in the first Temp table

GrpSize= count(clientid) over (partition by begtime,endtime) else 0 end
and in the second Temp Table, I have
,NoofGrp=count(distinct grpsize)
From Temp1

The issue is for the date of 5/26, the begtime and endtime are not consistent. in Grp1 (group 1) all clients starts the session at 1030 and ends at 1200 (90 minutes session) except one who starts at 11 and end at 1200 (row 8). For this client since his/her endtime is the same as others, I want that client to be in the first group(Grp1). Reverse is true for the second group (Grp2). All clients begtime is 12:30 and endtime is 1400 but clientid=2 (row 9) who begtime =1230 but endtime = 1300. However, since this client begtime is the same as the rest, I wan that client to be in the second group (grp2) My partition over creates 4 groups rather than two.

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Update Data To A Table From The Sum Of A Field From Another Table Based On Some Criteria

Jan 22, 2008

Hello Friends,

I have two tables, And also I have Sample data in them.

create table X
(y int,
m int,
v int)

insert into X select 2007,1,5
insert into X select 2007,1,3
insert into X select 2007,2,9
insert into X select 2007,2,1

select * from X

Create table Y
(fy int,
fm int,
v int)

insert into Y select 2007,1,0
insert into Y select 2007,2,0
insert into Y select 2007,3,0

select * from X
select * from Y

I want to update the Table Y with the Sum of the Fields V from X based on the Criteria Y.fy = X.y and Y.fm = X.m

Using temporary table cannot be done.

Thanks in Advance,

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Selection Of Table Based On Value Selected For The Particular Attribute In Master Table

May 29, 2008

Now i have master Table for a device Utility. There is a attribute called "Device Type " in the table. Every Device Type has specific Device Attributes associate with it . Now attribute of Diffrent Device type are stored in Different Tables. Now when i select a particular value of Device Type ( lets say Type 1 or TYPE 2 ... ) then the table with has the attribute associated with particuter device type only has to be selected .
So how can I do this ???
How to form a realtion between the tables,... ????

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Best Practice Question: JOIN Criteria Vs. WHERE Criteria

May 24, 2004

For example, consider the following queries:

SET @SomeParam = 44

JOIN TableB B ON A.PrimaryKeyID = B.ForeignKeyID
WHERE B.SomeParamColumn = @SomeParam

JOIN TableB B ON A.PrimaryKeyID = B.ForeignKeyID AND B.SomeParamColumn = @SomeParam

Both of these queries return the same result set, but the first query filters the results in the WHERE clause whereas the the second query filters the results in the JOIN criteria. Once upon a time a DBA told me that I should always use the syntax of the first query (WHERE clause). Is there any truth to this, and if so, why?


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Update Table Where It Matches Criteria From Another Table

Aug 20, 2007

I am trying to clean up an old database someone developed. I took the data and grouped the information that matched
I then imported it into a trips table. The matching data is all in the where statement. It shrunk 16k records for just under 2k records. Now I am trying to right a query to relate the 2 tables and update the tripid# to the triplist of people who actually attended.

Declare @Trip varchar(500)

Declare @Destination Varchar(500)

Declare @LeaveDate varchar(500)

Declare @LeaveTime Varchar(500)

Declare @ReturnDate varchar(500)

Declare @ReturnTime varchar(500)

Declare @Comment varchar(500)

Declare @RescheduleDate Varchar(500)

Declare @Rec int

Select @Rec = Rec# From Trips

Select @Trip = Trip from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @Destination = Destination from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @LeaveDate = LeaveDate from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @LeaveTime = LeaveTime from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @ReturnDate = ReturnDate from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @ReturnTime = ReturnTime from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @Comment = Comment from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @RescheduleDate = RescheduleDate from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Update TripList

SET tripid# = @Rec

WHERE (Trip = @Trip) and (Destination = @Destination) and (LeaveDate = @LeaveDate) and (LeaveTime = @LeaveTime) and (ReturnDate = @ReturnDate) and (ReturnTime = @ReturnTime) and (Comment = @Comment) and (RescheduleDate = @RescheduleDate)

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Update With Criteria And Value From Another Table

May 16, 2006

Hi, I have a problem which is probably really simple to solve but I have gotten a tilt and cant get it...Hoping you can help me.
What Im trying to do in pseudo-code:

Get A from a tableX where B = 0

Check tableY for each A and get B from there

Update all B in tableX where TableX.LotNo=TableY.Lotno with the value from TableY.B

Anyone feel generous enuf to help a newbie out?

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Looking For Field Name From Table On Select Criteria

Sep 19, 2006

Hari writes "Sub:- looking for Field name from table on select criteria

dear friends

I have an table [assosories] which have 100 fields. initial 10 fields have some date, varchar, int types rest 90 are bool type.

for a single row I need to know the field name which have true vaules in rest 90 fields

I need to insert this field name into another table as a row.


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How Do I Search For The Same Criteria In Three Or More Fields In One Table?

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to create a query that will show me who is phoning who in anorganisation from available Telephone Billing information. I am creating aMSAccess 2000 database with a few few tables, two of which are:TableMembers: (containg fields Refs, DateCreated, MembershipNo,OfficeLocation ...NB: Refs has a Primary Key - No Duplicates)TablePeople: (containing fields: Refs, Name, Addr, TelHome, TelWork,TelMobile & TelFax)TableTelBills: (containing fields: Refs, TelNo, DateCalled, Duration,TelType)I am trying to create a query that will use a simple searching criteria eg.,Like "*" [Enter the Tel No or part Tel No to search:] & "*"to search all the Tel fields in the TablePeople and TableTelBills (TelHome,TelWork, TelMobile, TelFax and TelNo) but am running in difficulties.I start by creating a query and adding the tables TablePeople andTableTelBills and TableMembers.I use the Refs from the Table Members as a base criteria but do not know howto create criteria that will search all Tel fields at once!I would appreciate any and all help people!Jan

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Selection At Most 1 Row On 2nd Table In LEFT JOIN

Nov 30, 2006

I have a query that include a single LEFT JOIN. I would like to be able to select at most 1 row of the second table (providing that the JOIN represents a one to many relationship).

Does anyone knows how to do that?
Thanks in advance,

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Update Table With SEQUENTIAL # Based On Criteria

May 9, 2007

***** SQL Server 2005 ********

I have a table that needs to be updated with a sequential number based on criteria.

I am trying to update the SeqID and LinkSeqID with the same sequential number if the ProductID and StoreID are in the same group. For instance the 1st three rows below are in the same group 752534 and 4, therefore the SeqID and LinkSeqID should be 1,2,3 and restart at 1 once the grouping of ProductID and StoreID changes. Please look at the examples below.

SALES Table as IS:
ProductID StoreID DBRowID SeqID LinkSeqID
752534 4 1
752534 4 2
752534 4 3
896784 2 4
896784 2 5
896784 4 6
898874 2 7
898968 2 8

This is what the table should look like after the update in complete.

ProductID StoreID DBRowID SeqID LinkSeqID
752534 4 1 1 1
752534 4 2 2 2
752534 4 3 3 3
896784 2 4 1 1
896784 2 5 2 2
896784 4 6 1 1
898874 2 7 1 1
898968 2 8 1 1

Can anyone HELP me please?

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Table Visiblity Depending On Filter Selection

Apr 21, 2008

H, need help please!

I have two tables on a reports, each having it's own dataset.

I want to set the visibility of the table depending on the filter selection.

So if the user selects: show open then show only the table with the open dataset.

I don't now how to this using the expression in the visibility expression.

Please Assist!


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Case &&amp; Nested Table Selection And Errors

Aug 31, 2006


Here are the two tables again.



I am trying to select patient table as case and diseases table as nested to create an association model. i m getting following error.

Disease table cannot be used as a nested table because it does not have a many-to-one relationship with the case table. You need to create a many-to-one relationship between the two tables in the data source file.

i have created a relationship by dragging Disease_id from diseases table on Patient_id in patient table. when i am trying to select Patient_id as key, City as input, it is not showing disease_id to choose as a predict column.

please suggest me if i am doing anything wrong? i have not done any thing to do my datbase, just selected the tables i want to create an association model on and trying to create association model.

your help and insight is highly appreciated.



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DB Design :: Table Design For Packages

Aug 18, 2015

I would like to create a table called product. My objective is to get list of packages available for each product in data grid view column while selecting each product. Each product may have different packages type (eg:- Nos, CTN, OTR etc). Some product may have two packages and some for 3 packages etc. Quantity in each packages also may be differ ( for eg:- for some CTN may contain 12 nos or in other case 8 nos etc). Prices for each packages also will be different that also need to show.  How to design the table.. 

Product name   :  
Nestle milk |
Rainbow milk
packages  :

50,20,5 |

(Remarks for your reference):CTN=10nos, OTR=4 nos  
| CTN=8 Nos

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Selecting X Records From Table N Times According To Variable Criteria?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,Sorry if the subject line is too obscure -- I couldn't think of a wayof describing this request.I have a table that contains approximately 1 million records.I want to be able to be able to select the top x records out of thistable matching variable criteria.Pseudo table records:custid, category, segment1,1,12,1,13,1,14,1,15,1,26,1,27,1,28,1,29,2,110,2,111,2,112,2,113,2,214,2,215,2,216,2,217,2,318,2,319,2,320,2,3So, what I'm trying to do is return a recordset, for example, thatcontains the top 2 of each variation of category and segment.ie:1,1,12,1,15,1,26,1,29,2,110,2,113,2,214,2,217,2,318,2,3The only way I can think to achieve this is in a while statement,performing individual selects against each combination, feeding thewhere criteria by variables that I automatically increment.I can't help thinking there's a much more graceful way of achievingthis?If anyone can give me any insight into this I'd be incrediblyappreciative!Many thanks in advance!Much warmth,Murray

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