SQL 2012 :: Displaying Results Between Dates

Aug 6, 2014

I am designing a database to store data from a leak tester.

We want to display the results between dates, I mean, the results of the leaking test are going to be stored as well as the datetime in which they have been performed.

ID (int)
RESULT (float)
TS (datetime)

The query will be, of course:


This table is growing by 10000 rows a day, it is possible that in a year getting the values between two dates became impossible.

Using a index with a datetime field sounds like a crazy idea.

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SQL Server 2012 :: View Not Displaying All Results

Aug 7, 2014

I have created a view thats pulling data from two different tables to combine them into one report.

table 1 lists the client code and table 2 lists the client partner and they're linked by a variable.

When running the report the result shows the client codes with their respective partner however any client codes that didn't have a partner are not displaying in the report and I need all client codes to be displayed even if there's no partner.

Is there a way I can make this display all results and if the client partner doesn't exist for it to still display as 'Null' for the partner but still display the client code?


SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT C.cltCode AS ClientCode, C.cltSortName AS SortName, C.cltTerminationDate AS [Term date], dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainTVal AS Department,
C.objInstID AS ClientID
FROM dbo.cdbClient AS C INNER JOIN
dbo.vcltAttrib6 ON C.objInstID = dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainObjectInstID
GROUP BY C.cltSortName, C.cltTerminationDate, dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainTVal, C.objInstID, C.cltCode

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SQL Server 2012 :: View Results Not Displaying Nil Columns

Sep 5, 2014

I have a view I've created which displays client sortname, partner and date added which displays 7 results.

When I add another table to this view to display the Industry it then only gives me 4 results as the other 3 results have no Industry instead of giving me the 7 results and showing the Industry column as empty for the other 3.

Is there a way I can make it show all 7 results and havethe column where the industry is empty display the other results instead of not displaying any results at all for them?

SELECT dbo.cdbClient.cltSortName AS ClientName, dbo.vcltAttrib4.ainTVal AS ClientPartner, dbo.vcltAttrib422.ainDVal AS [Date Added],
dbo.cdbAttribInst.ainTVal AS Inudstry
dbo.cdbObject ON dbo.cdbClient.cltCategoryID = dbo.cdbObject.objID LEFT OUTER JOIN

[Code] ....

In the above script the cbdAttribInst table has the Industry column I need which is 'ainTVal'...

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Stored Proc Results Are Displaying In The Messages Tab Instead Of Results Tab- URGENT

May 14, 2008

Hi All,
I have a stored proc which is executing successfully...but the results of that stored proc are displaying in the Messages Tab instaed of results Tab. And in the Results Tab the results shows as 0..So, Any clue friends..it is very urgent..I am trying to call this stored proc in my Report in SSRS as well but the stored proc is not displaying there also...Please help me ASAP..


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Not Displaying Same Dates On PHP Driven Site

Apr 23, 2008

I'm trying to create a simple attendance website where a user logs in and a time and user name (with unique ID) is stored into a table, and then the user is able to click "Check Attendance" and the site will display only the times they logged in (which wasn't too bad). I want a button we can click to "clean up the database" and delete duplicate dates.

If I have a user sign in 10 times in one day - I don't need all 10 times logged into the database, only one. So how do I create a query (needs to be a query so I can tack it onto a button in PHP) that will delete 'where date = the same as a previous date'?

I appreciate the help - and I'm sure I will use this forum for help in the future as it seems very robust with information.

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Displaying Difference Between Two Dates In The HH:mm:ss Format

Feb 28, 2007

I have a need to display the difference between two dates, a start date and a end date in the format HH:mm where the hours could be greater than 60.

For example:

Start Date - 30/01/2007 09:00:01
End Date - 01/02/2007 20:40:04

When i use the following code (=Fields!dateend.Value - Fields!DateStart.Value) i get 2.11:40:03 which i can easily understand, but the customer wants it as above!

I would like to be able to get it to be 59:40:03.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Incrementing Dates And Displaying Range As Column

Mar 19, 2013

I'm using SQL Server 2000 sp2...I have created a view that gives me customer info from which I need to create a view and or table that gives me a 24 monthly columns of the sum of each account_number monthly revenues (going back 24 months from this month)..The columns I'm pulling from are these:


Here's what I have so far:
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT Account_number, Customer_Name, SUM(Order_net_price) AS 'CM - 24'
FROM dbo.Customer_Feed
WHERE (First_insert_date >= DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GETDATE()) - 24, 0)) AND (First_insert_date < DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GETDATE()) - 23,
GROUP BY Account_number, Customer_Name
ORDER BY Account_number

I've basically hacked out a way to get the monthly totals for each account. What I would like to do is so be able to repeat the query but increment the date range 1 month until reaching the present or last FULL month and display these sums in individual columns named CM - n (where CM means current month and 'n' is the # of months back from current.how to make this query run over again the 23 other times I need it to and display those months sum totals in individual columns.

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Transact SQL :: Displaying POs With Due Dates Greater Than Three Days

Apr 24, 2015

What I want to see is how to show PO's who's due dates  are > three

Select * from mytable
where myorderstatus = 'onorder'

This is my duedate format and what I want is any that past that date over 3 days

2014-08-11 00:00:00.000

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Displaying Results Of Map

Feb 16, 2008

I am trying to create a user permission system that is stored in a database.  What is the best table structure for accomplishing this?   How could I display the permissions in a grid?  Currently I have a users table and a permissions table.  I created a map between the two.  However, I don't see how this allows me to display a grid.  All my "columns" for permissions are actually rows from the permissions table. So ideally my grid would look something like this. User | P1 | P2 | P3 |A      | T   |  F  |  T  |B      | T   |  T  |  T  |Thanks for any help.  I am relatively new to SQL so please explain gently. 

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Displaying Results Of MAP

Jan 8, 2008

I have two tables joined by a map. For example

[Ball, Frisbee, Kite]

[Red, Green, Blue]

[Ball:Green, Ball:Blue, Kite:Red]

I want to return a table that shows each toy and what colors it is available in.
Column1 - Toys | Column2 - Comma separated list of colors
Ball - Green, Blue
Kite - Red
Frisbee -

I have absolutely no idea how to do this even after googling all morning. Please help if you can. There must be a way to do this!

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Displaying Results As Currency

May 3, 2004

I'm looking to display the results of the following query as currency. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated...

SELECT SUM (sysTotalCharge) - SUM (sysTotalCredit) AS TotalNet FROM Bookings WHERE (sysRecordDate BETWEEN '01/01/::Year::' AND '01/31/::Year::')

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Displaying Select Results On The Page

Aug 28, 2006

I have the following select statement on my page: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:prbc_hrConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT emp_lname + ', ' + emp_fname + ' ' + emp_minitial + '.' AS emp_fullname FROM employee WHERE (emp_username = @emp_username)">
<asp:SessionParameter Name="emp_username" SessionField="Username" Type="String" />
</SelectParameters>I want to say "Welcome, emp_fullname" at the top of the page, but can't figure out how to write the results to the page.  I am moving to ASP.NET 2.0 from PHP and am banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to do these little things. I appreciate any help you can give.

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Displaying Database Results (HELP A NEWBE)

Dec 10, 2006

Hey All,
This is really simple basic question, and it's just so I can start to learn about MVS.
I have a sql-database called "Test" with a Table called "Agents" with just three colulms "ID", "FNAME" and "LNAME".
On the Default Page I have three Textboxes and a submit Button,
All I want to do is type "Select" criteria in Textbox1 and have Textbox2 Display the "Fname"  and Textbox3 Display the "Lname".
 (Using VB in ASPX)
Dim i As New SqlDataSource()
i.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Test").ToString()
i.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
i.SelectCommand =   ((((((Now What???)))))))
End Sub
PLease Help,  Thanks in advance

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Displaying Results From Multiple Tables

Apr 17, 2008


I have created a new reports application project in VS 2008. I have a dataset with 2 tables: Customer and CustomerAddress with one to many relationship. I want to have a simple table in my report which displays data in the following format:
Customer Name Address
ABC Add1
ABC Add2

XYZ Add1
XYZ Add2

Here Address is obviously from CustomerAddress table. I have tried few options but it's mainly disgusting to work with Reports Application project when there was an amazing Busines Intelligence Reports project available in VS 2005 and equally good designer interface (Dataset, Design and Preview tabs for each report).
Please give me a solution to this.


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Displaying DMX Query Results In Table...

Apr 14, 2008

Hye Friends,
I'm using a DMX query to get some predictions out of my MiningModel

my DMX query is as follows :

predict([x SalaryPredictor].[Emp Gross],20),predict([x SalaryPredictor].[Emp Basic],20)
[x SalaryPredictor]

This query is returning me 2 objects of type expressions in my Dataset.
The problem is when I try to drag these 2 fields in my Table i get a "#Error" value

I executed the query in 'Data' tab and found that data is getting returned is a tree like format where "Expression" is at top & values expected ar its child nodes.

I also found out that the returned objects are actually AdomdDataReader , but i'm not able to write a expression to get its values in my tables....

I want to display the values in the following format....

| Emp gross | Emp basic |
| predicted val 1 | predicted val 2 |
| .... | ..... |
-- -------------------------------------------------

can anybody help me out in this ????...

Thanks in advance !!!

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Displaying All Results In Reporting Services

Apr 14, 2008

Im trying to display all twelve results from a dataset in reporting services. On the layout tab I can get the first and last record in my dataset to display by using the commands:



But I cant get the ones in between?

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Displaying Distinct Results From Union Query

Aug 31, 2000

I've got a union query (below)and it returns rows that have duplivate itemno's, descrip's, imsrp3's, and imsrp4's, while the remaining columns are not duplicate for the same row. An Excel report uses this query to populate itself and for a more visually appealing look, I'd like to skip the duplicated columns in the display. I'm not sure how to use the Distinct or Group by in this case, since technically I'm dealing with two separate queries, neither one separately returning any duplicate rows.
thanks for any suggestions...

select itemno,descrip,imsrp3,imsrp4,qoh,border,wadcto,wad oco,
from nowo
where nowo.wasrst <='40'
select itemno,descrip,imsrp3,imsrp4,qoh,border,wadcto,wad oco,
from nopo
where nopo.wasrst <='499'

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Displaying Results In Aggregate Query Without Grouping Everything?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a query where I have customers, date they ordered a swatch, date they ordered an item, and eh date diff between the two. I want to show the MIN date diff for each customer, and also show the swatch date and item date as well. But to use the MIN aggregate, it forces me to group everything, where I just want to group by customer, and have the 2 dates tag along, because i only want one record per customer. What is the easiest way for me to accomplish this?





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Displaying SELECT Query Results Conditionally...

Apr 7, 2008

Hello all,

I have a problem... I have a SELECT query I have used in my PHP report. It is as follows:

SELECT DISTINCT callref, CASE WHEN (stage.due_date < stage.completed_date) THEN 'SLA Breach' ELSE ' In SLA' END AS sla
FROM tableX....
WHERE call_status=open.....

I wish to search through all stages (i.e response, fix, end) of the calls logged in our database, & then return 'In SLA' for each call that had all its stages completed within the SLA, & 'Breach' for all calls that had even one of its stages completed outside its SLA.

At the moment the SELECT query above gives me the following results:

Call Ref sla

10001 In SLA
10002 Breach
10002 In SLA
10003 In SLA
10004 In SLA
10005 Breach
10005 In SLA
... ...

What it should look like is this....

Call Ref sla

10001 In SLA
10002 Breach
10003 In SLA
10004 In SLA
10005 Breach
... ...

Please let me know if anyone has the answers or any clues to this! thanks.

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Querying Table2 With Results From Table1 And Displaying Data From Both Tables

Nov 8, 2006

I need help in writing a query.

The query should get top 10 items and their values from current year and the values for the same items from previous year table.

I was able to write the code for 1st part that gets values from 1st table but I don't know how to get the values from 2nd table.

The 2 tables does not have any primary/foreign key relations. Both tables have same structure and same columns.

I am attaching some images below to give more information.

Image of results from my query.

Image of how the final output should look like.

The Store Procedure code is:

ALTER Procedure [dbo].[free_customsHS4](
@TblName1 varchar(20),
@TblType varchar(20),
@District varchar(6),
@Month varchar(3)


Declare @SQuery nvarchar(3000)
set @TblName1 = '[' + @TblName1 + ']'
set @TblType = '[' + @TblType + ']'

SELECT @SQuery = 'select top 10 a.commodity1 as HS4, b.descrip_1 as Description,
sum(a.all_val_mo) as [Amount],

(sum(a.all_val_mo)/(select Sum(a.all_val_mo) FROM ' + @TblName1 + 'a
where a.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and a.district=' + @District +'))*100 as [% Share]

FROM ' + @TblName1 + ' a left outer join ' + @TblType + ' b on a.commodity1=b.commodity1
where a.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and a.district=' + @District +'
Group by a.commodity1, b.descrip_1
order by [Amount] desc'

EXEC sp_executesql @SQuery

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Returning Results Based On Dates

Oct 19, 2007

I want to write a stored procedure that takes two three paramters based on a case statement determining which values are null something like this

Select InformationDate From thisTAble


If @dateValue IsNot @Null
Informationdate = @dateValue


In this second where cluase I want to be able to pull out all the results based on a date range and i am not sure how the syntaz would go

InfomationDate IsBettween @daterangeFrom @dateRangeTwo

Any help on this i hope i was clear...thank you!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Displaying Code Of A Stored Procedure To A Single Line

Sep 14, 2015

Any better way to query SQL 2012 to display the code of a stored proc to a single line. I'm trying to write a script to insert the contents of the procs between my devestprod environments. So people can query a single table for any proc that is different between environments. At the moment I am using the syscomments view and the text column but the problem here is if you get a lengthy proc it cuts it up into multiple rows.

I can get around it by converting the text to a varchar(max) and outer joining the query, but as you can see by my code below I have to try and guess what the maximum number of rows I'm going to get back for my largest proc. If someone adds a new one that returns 8 rows I'm going to miss it with this query.

Select col1.[type],col1.[name],convert(varchar(max),col1.text) + isnull(convert(varchar(max),col2.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col3.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col4.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col5.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col6.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col7.Text),'')

[Code] .....

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Report Not Displaying Time Values Correctly From Server Table

Feb 26, 2015

I am having problems displaying time values in my SSRS report. below is info. Tried expressions still does not work. I want the values to show what in the SQL Server table 00:00:00.82. I tried stored proc still does not work.

SQL Server table time value shown in milliseconds:

Reporting Services report value shown:

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dates In Different Languages

Mar 31, 2014

Is there a way to make a single insert (in a loop) and take system dates and insert them in different languages without making a new loop for each language.


Create table dateLanguage(
monthName nvarchar(20),
monthNameEs nvarchar(20),
monthNameFr nvarchar(20),
MonthNamePt nvarchar(20)

So for example

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SQL 2012 :: Case When Statement With Dates

Jun 29, 2015

o.date>= a.activity_date, other filter condition, other filter condition
(select coalesce(d.balance,d2.balance) from drawtable d where coalesce(d.date, d2.date) < a.activity_date order by d.date desc limit 1) - ( select coalesce(d.balance, d2.balance) from drawtable d where coalesce(d.date, d2.date) = interval 'current date'
else end ))

emailtable a
LEFT JOIN opportunity o
left join drawtable d
left join drawtable d2

The tricky part is I'm joining that same table twice.....would this be better in a max/min case when statement?

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SQL Server 2012 :: MIN And MAX Dates For Groups Of Rows?

Jan 21, 2014

I have a dataset that contains an EmployeeID, StartDate, EndDate, and Location. Each record tells me at which location and employee was during a payroll period (fortnightly). So the data looks like:


Employees can be at multiple locations during the two weeks. They can work at one location, stop working there, start working somewhere else, and then maybe go back to their old location. There are duplicate records here as each employee can be at the same location multiple times during the two week period. What I need to capture is the actual start and end date of an employee at each location for each 'assignment'. An assignment is defined as a continual period of employment at a location with gaps of no less than 4 days - if there is a gap of more than four days then that is classed as a new assignment.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting End Dates For History Segments?

Aug 14, 2014

I have a customer history table with the follow structure and data:

CustomerID Tier StartDate RecordStatus

123 A 01/01/2013

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting End Dates For History Segments

Aug 14, 2014

I have a customer history table with the follow structure and data:

CustomerID Tier StartDate RecordStatus

123 A 01/01/2013 1
123 A 03/01/2013 0
123 B 03/01/2013 1
123 B 06/01/2013 0
123 A 08/01/2014 1
456 C 02/01/2014 1


[Code] .....

The RECORDSTATUS value of 1 means the record is active. A corresponding record of the same CustomerID, Tier. in startdate chronology, with a value of 0 indicates that the previous record with the status of 1 has now terminated and the startdate of the record with recordstatus of 0 is the start date of the termination of the previous record, or better stated, the end date of the previous record.

What I need to do is re-record the above data the startdate of each terminated record become an enddate for the previous record, minus 1 day, as follows:

123 A 01/01/2013 02/28/2013
123 B 03/01/2013 05/31/2013
123 A 08/01/2014 NULL
456 C 02/01/2014 NULL

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SQL 2012 :: CLR Returns Dates In Different Formats On Different Servers

Oct 2, 2014

I've just restored a DB from one server to another. Part of the DB is an assembly used in a Function that unencrypts some data held in a Varbinary(Max) column.

When I execute it on the original server it works fine across all rows of the table, when I execute it against the new server it fails because it's seeing dates in MM/DD/YYYY format, it works if the day of the month is less than 13, but obviously the date would be wrong!

Setting the DATEFORMAT to MDY prior to executing the function has no effect either.

It's the same DLL in the same location, the SQL Server settings as returned by DBCC USEROPTIONS() are identical.

The SQL Server editions and Window OS are the same

New Server
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.2100.60 (X64)
Feb 10 2012 19:39:15
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: ) (Hypervisor)

Old Server
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.2100.60 (X64)
Feb 10 2012 19:39:15
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: )

I'm thinking the DLL is being affected by some setting either in the Windows OS or a SQL Server setting ...

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SQL Server 2012 :: List Dates In Columns

Nov 11, 2014

I have a table (Event_Table) like:

EmployeeID, CustomerID, Date
1, 11, 2014-11-11
2, 13, 2014-12-10
1, 11, 2014-12-21
2, 13, 2015-01-11
1, 11, 2015-03-02

And now I would like to have a summary with a unique Employee/Customer combination and 3 Date columns like:

EmployeeID, CustomerID, Date1, Date2, Date3
1, 11, 2014-11-11, 2014-12-21, 2015-03-02
2, 13, 2014-12-10, 2015-01-11

Dates should be arranged with the first date in Date1, the next in Date2 and the third in Date3 (if there are forth and more dates I don´t care)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Selecting Max Between Two Dates For A Given Year

Jul 23, 2015


I would like to get the most recent date within a given year per each EMP? For example, EMPID 1 can be enrolled in many programs, each program has start end dates. I need to list the most recent date an employee was enrolled (max date between START AND END DATE which ever is most recent enrollment) for a given year. For example, for 2014 his/her most recent enrollment should be 10/23/2014 for year 2014 and 2013-10-24 for year 2013.




12013-10-24 2014-03-11
12014-06-13 2014-03-11
12014-06-15 2014-03-11
12014-09-08 2014-03-11
12014-09-12 2014-03-11
12014-09-14 2014-03-11
12014-01-13 2014-05-17
12014-05-14 2014-06-09
12014-06-10 2014-06-16
12014-08-31 2014-09-04
12014-09-05 2014-09-06
12014-09-07 2014-10-23



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SQL 2012 :: Create Dates Right On The Hour Interval?

Sep 4, 2015

I tried this:

SELECT Convert(smalldatetime,Round(Convert(float,(dbo.fnDateOnly(getDate())))+16.0000000/24.0000000,6))

Result: 2015-09-04 16:00:00

It works (FnDateOnly strips the time).

Is there a more efficient way ?

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Power Pivot :: Measure Results Limited By Fact Table Dates Instead Of Date Table

Sep 17, 2015

I cannot create a measure that returns results for dates that do not exist in the fact table despite the fact that the components included in the measure contain valid results for these same dates.Creature a measure that counts the number of days where the "stock qty" is below the "avg monthly sales qty for the last 12 months" (rolling measure).Here is the DAX code I have tried for the measure (note that filter explicitly refers to the date table (called Calendar) and not the fact table):

COUNTROWS ( VALUES ( Calendar[DateKey] ) ),
[Stock qty] < [Avg Monthly Sales Qty L12M@SKU]

Below you can see the sub measures (circled in red) are giving results for all days in the calendar.Highlighted in yellow are dates for which the StkOutCnt measure is not returning a result. Having investigated these blank dates, I am pretty confident that they are dates for which there are no transactions in the fact table (weekends, public holidays etc...).why I am getting an "inner join" with my fact table dates despite the fact that this is not requested anywhere in the dax code and that the two sub measures are behaving normally?

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