SQL 2012 :: How To Copy Data From One Table On Remote Server A To B
Aug 12, 2015
how to copy a content of a table from one remote server to another,. server A does not see server B (B doesn't see A) - I cannot even ping to one from another.I do have SQL Studio installed on server C, which IT team configured to allow access to both A and B.So what I did so far is to periodically:
1. connect from the studio on server C to server A
2. run the following script on server A: SELECT * FROM A.myTable FOR XML PATH('ROOT')
3. copy the result
4. connect from the studio on server C to server B
5. to write something like
SET @xmlData = pasting here my result from item 3 above
ref.value .....
FROM @xmlData.nodes('/myElemnet/ROOT')
xmlData( ref );
so it works. now there is a requirement to schedule this update to run periodically and I need to implement it..
I need to use Bulk insert statement for copying a table with 200 million rows to another table on the same server...the table has no primary key or identity column.... script for BULK INSERT ...
Here is my problem: I'm trying to copy a few tables from an ODBC database located on a PC on my LAN to a SQL Server on a remote server.
To do this I have created a DTS package on the SQL Server which runs smoothly, copying the data as it should, but only as long as it copies the data from the ODBC database on my own computer where I have Enterprise Manager installed. The moment I try to copy data from another PC in the network where Enterprise Manager is not used to execute the DTS package the task fails to run.
I'm quite at a loss here and would very much appreciate a notch in the right direction. Perhabs some source or book which I may read to solve the problem.
Can u please tell me how to copy data from table A(database A) to table B(databaseB) which table A contain 10 fields but table B consist of 11 fields. I have to insert current date and time into another field in Table B (which has extra field compare to tableA) automatically every hour or so. Please help. Thanx
I have two SQL Server tables on the same server and in the same database. I'll call them table A and table B. They have identical schemas. I need to insert all rows in table A into table B. (Don't laugh - this is just for testing and long run the tables will reside on different servers.)
Can someone please tell me the correct task to use for this and the connection type I need for both the source and destination?
I set up DB mirror between a primary (SQL1) and a mirror (SQL2); no witness. I have a problem when I issue command:
alter database DBmirrorTest Set Partner = N'TCP://SQL2.mycom.com:5022'; go
The error message is:
The remote copy of database "DBmirrorTest" has not been rolled forward to a point in time that is encompassed in the local copy of the database log.
I have the steps below prior to the command. (Note that both servers' service accounts use the same domain account. The domain account I login to do db mirror setup is a member of the local admin group.)
1. backup database DBmirrorTest on SQL1
2. backup database log
3. copy db and log backup files to SQL2
4. restore db with norecovery
5. restore log with norecovery
6. create endpoints on both SQL1 and SQL2
7. enable mirror on mirror server SQL2
:connect SQL2
alter database DBmirrorTest
Set Partner = N'TCP://SQL1.mycom.com:5022';
8. Enable mirror on primary server SQL1
:connect SQL1
alter database DBmirrorTest
Set Partner = N'TCP://SQL2.mycom.com:5022';
This is where I got the error.
The remote copy of database "DBmirrorTest" has not been rolled forward to a point in time that is encompassed in the local copy
What is the best way to transfer data from the staging table into the main table.
Example: Staging Table Name: TableA_satge (# of rows - millions) Main Table Name: TableA_main (# of rows - billions)
Note: Staging table may have some data same as the main table.
Currently I am doing: - Load data into staging table (TableA_stage) - Remove any duplication of rows from the staging table (TableA_stage) - Disable all indexes on main table (TableA_main) - Insert into main table (TableA_main) from staging table (TableA_stage) - Remove any duplication of rows from the main table using CTE (TableA_main) - Rebuild indexes on main_table (TableA_main)
The problem with the above method is that, it takes a lot of time and log file size grows very big.
Hi and thanks in advance for your help. I have a dilemma and I need some expert help with this. I am trying to make a copy of a remote Database and then replicated the DB and it's contents on my local machine so I can build a test site to run data with. I tried to remot into the server machine but I guess that feature is not allowed by the honest of the remote machine. Since I build on my local machine and would like to be able to test data on my local machine.... I would like to copy the remote DB to my local computer and then I can run my test app on my local server. The version of SQL on the remote machine is SQL Express 2005 and I have SQL 2005 on my machine. Please give me how to accomplish this please.
We currently have a PPTP connection set up for our developers toaccess our development SQL server through a VPN tunnel. When theyneed to copy tables up to the dev SQL from their local machine theysimply do a DTS copy.However, we are now moving to a thin client solution where they willbe working on a terminal server. They will have access to thedevelopment SQL servers and SQL tools such as EM and QA. However,they will not have access to their local SQL server and, therefore,will not be able to directly perform DTS copies. We have exploredseveral possibilities such as exporting tables to a .csv or .mdb fileand then importing them on the development SQL server but this is notideal because things are lost in that process (e.g. primary keys,field names, data types, etc.)My question is this: Is there a way to export and then import SQLtables without losing dependent objects such as primary keys and datatypes in the process? If any of you are working with a similarsituation I would really like to hear how your remote users copyobjects from their remote location to your SQL servers. Thanks!Ryan--Posted using the http://www.dbforumz.com interface, at author's requestArticles individually checked for conformance to usenet standardsTopic URL: http://www.dbforumz.com/General-Dis...pict211310.htmlVisit Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd). Report abuse: http://www.dbforumz.com/eform.php?p=722630
I am using vb.net in windows form. I have made a module which is connected to sql server 2000.
Now, I want to have a fresh copy of the remote database of SQL Server at my local computer and whenever there is change in remote database(insertions,deletion or updation), my local database copy may gets synchronized(i.e changes get reflected in this local copy).
Can any one help me? If it is possibel by using Vb.net code, it is very well, and if there is some Sql Server wizard that can help me do that, please reply to me.
How to add a task to copy an OLAP database to a remote Sql server in control flow using SSIS 2005? This OLAP database is existed in the remote server and I just want to replace the existing one with the one just been updated in the SSIS package and the last task in the package is to copy the updated OLAP database and replace the one at the remote server. Hopfully during the copy and paste process it will not screw up the reports that are using the OLAP cubes at the remote server as the report data source. Thanks.
I try to copy database from remote SQL Server(6.5) to our local SQL Server(7.0). I try this way: First, in Enterprice Manager, I try "NEW SQL SERVER REGISTRATION" using "Register SQL Server wizard". The remote server give me the IP, login name and password. then, I try connect option by "login using SQL Server". But I got message say:"specialted server not found, Connection open,create file". some times say:"client server access denied..." some times say:"timeout". What's going on here? So, I can not get going on with "Import data wizard".
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Any answer would be of great assistance!
Hi all, I am using Visual web developper 2005 with sql server express 2005 and i have also sql server management studio express. it's all free now . my web site is ready I didn't have problem to upload my site to my hoster. Now I want to upload all my tables and my stored procedure create locally with VWD express How can i do it ? NB: I know i can't design DB (create/modify tables and stored proc) with express edition thank's for your help
PeopleID in People Table is the primarykey and foreign Key in PeopleCosts Table. PeopleID is an autonumber
The major fields in People Table are PeopleID | MajorVersion | SubVersion. I want to create a new copy of data for existing subversion (say from sub version 1 to 2) in the same table. when the new data is copied my PeopleID is getting incremented and how to copy the related data in the other table (PeopleCosts Table) with the new set of PeopleIDs..
I have created some dynamic sql to check a temporary table that is created on the fly for any columns that do contain data. If they do the column name is added to a dynamic sql, if not they are excluded. This looks like:
If (select sum(Case when [Sat] is null then 0 else 1 end) from #TABLE) >= 1 begin set @OIL_BULK = @OIL_BULK + '[Sat]' +',' END
However, I am currently running this on over 230 columns and large tables 1.3 mil rows and it is quite slow. How I can dynamically create a sql script that only selects the columns in the table where there is data in a speedier manner. Unfortunately it has to be on the fly because the temporary table is created on the fly.
I have someone who is sending me .htm documents, with a table in them, and I was wondering if there is a way to import the data from those tables into a SQL table, probably using an SSIS Package.
Need to change the datatype of existing column which has huge data.
I'm performing below steps
1. Create new column with correct datatype in the same table 2. copy data into new column 3. drop indexes on column 4. <<<>>> now the existing column also has many SP dependent and I do not wish to drop them. 5. rename existing column to xxx 6. rename new column to correct column 7. drop old column 8. make required indexes