SQL 2012 :: How To Find Query Which Have Sort Warning Alert In Profiler
Jan 30, 2015
which have a lot of impact to database performace since it do not fit onto memory and spill over to disks.
The question is when i ran a profiler and tried to catch a sort warning i cannot find the query which cause the alert.
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Feb 4, 2015
is it possible that this error during backup caused Sort Warning???
I sent to support of our Storage and he make result that this caused jobs which have Sort Warning....
if I checked this error on internet, i found problem with Storage or it can be also lot of fullscan and etc.
So it can be also that Order By caused some reading directly from disk and not from memory ? maybe if there is using tempdb right ?
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Apr 10, 2007
Hi !
Is it possible to add an alert/warning via reportBuilder ?
An alert is for example a value which is superior of a nominal value for example...
I saw in a demo, it is possible to have it by creating a function, but this way is for the developper, if the user wants to add an alert himself ? how can he do ?
and maybe how can the developper help him ?
thank you for your answer
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Aug 22, 2014
Set up a trace with the events RPC:Completed, SQL:BatchCompleted, SQL:BatchStarting, and SQL:StmtCompleted.
When I issue the statement: SELECT * FROM XyzView there is nothing captured in Profiler. If I script out the view and then execute the select statement that defines the view, it does show up in Profiler.
I've tried adding a lot of the other events, i.e. SP:StmtCompleted and the various other StmtStarting events and the trace still does not capture anything.
Am I capturing the wrong events or is this known behavior? My goal is to see what the overhead is for using a view versus persisting the results of the view as a table and referencing that instead. The view in question is against static data, joins 9 tables, and is referenced a lot.
I can use the stats generated when I execute the select that defines the view but I still find this to be curious behavior so I assume I'm doing something wrong.
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Jul 17, 2002
I need to set up an alert to for when blocking happens. What condition do I use. I can't find the one that correlates to blocking.
Please help.
Much appraciated,
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Sep 10, 2006
I am using SQL Express. Does this have SQL Profiler ? - i cant find it on any menus.
I am wanting to test SQL commands direct onto the SQL database, independently
of vs.net
If Express doesnt have profiler can anyone suggest an alternative
Many Thanks
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Jul 13, 2006
I have installed SQL Server Express, the configuration tools as well as the SQL Server Management Express --- However, I need the SQL Profiler. Where or how does this get installed with SQL Server Express?
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Nov 7, 2014
I have the following Games table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Games](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Lge] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[GameDate] [date] NULL,
[HomeTeam] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Home_Score] [float] NULL,
[AwayTeam] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Away_Score] [float] NULL)
with the following data:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Games2]
[Code] ....
This gives the standings as:
Team B4 - 1 -
Team C1 - 1 1.5
Team A2 - 5 3
How can I query the data to find the "games behind" at any date?
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Nov 28, 2013
I am struggling with
MIN(CAST(PARSENAME (ipaddress,1) as decimal)) + '&' + MAX(CAST(PARSENAME(ipaddress,1) as decimal)) as LowestAndHigestIP
I get error message "Error converting data type varchar to numeric." i guess that '&' is the issue. I want to be able to sort high and low IP like number not string.
ipaddress is varchar
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Dec 12, 2013
I have my sql tables and query as shown below :
CREATE TABLE #ABC([Year] INT, [Month] INT, Stores INT);
CREATE TABLE #DEF([Year] INT, [Month] INT, SalesStores INT);
CREATE TABLE #GHI([Year] INT, [Month] INT, Products INT);
INSERT #ABC VALUES (2013,1,1);
INSERT #ABC VALUES (2013,1,2);
I have @Year and @Month as parameters , both integers , example @Year = '2013' , @Month = '11'
SELECT T.[Year],
-- select the sum for each year/month combination using a correlated subquery (each result from the main query causes another data retrieval operation to be run)
WHERE [Year] = T.[Year]
AND [Month] = T.[Month]) AS [Sum_Stores],
(SELECT SUM(SalesStores)
What I want to do is to add more columns to the query which show the difference from the last month. as shown below. Example : The Diff beside the Sum_Stores shows the difference in the Sum_Stores from last month to this month.
Something like this :
| Year | Month | Sum_Stores |Diff | Sum_SalesStores |Diff | Sum_Products |Diff|
+------+-------+------------+-----|------------+----|---- |----+--------------|
| 2013 | | | | | | | |
| 2013 | | | | | | | |
| 2013 | | | | | | | |
+------+-------+------------+-----|------------+--- |-----|----+---------| ----
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Jul 2, 2014
I'm trying to use a recursive query to find path between assembly and parts.
The BOM is similar to(I've limited the number of rows and lines):
BOM NumberMat Number
How should I modify it so that is returns the 4 path?
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Apr 2, 2015
So I have a query that need to find the most recent datetime record each day for a customer. So I have a query that looks like this:
[dbo].[DecisionHistoryItem] as dhi WITH(NOLOCK)
[Code] ....
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Apr 30, 2015
One of my varchar columns in a table has multiple key words enclosed in a pattern of special characters.
Eg: William Shakespeare was an English [##poet##], [##playwright##], and [##actor##], widely regarded as the greatest [##writer##] in the English language and the world's pre-eminent [##dramatist##]. He is often called England's national [##poet##] and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 [##sonnets##], two long narrative [##poems##], and a few other [##verses##], of which the authorship of some is uncertain. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other [##playwright##].
I need to write to query to find all distinct key words that are enclosed within [## and ##]. My query should yield the following results from the string in the example above
[##playwright##] -- 2 occurrances, but I need it only once in my result set
[##poet##] -- 2 occurrances, but I need it only once in my result set
I need to run this on a large table, so I am looking for the best possible way to minimize any performance issues.
Just give you sample code, I have provided below 2 separate snippets, one with table variable and another with temp table.
DECLARE @MyTable TABLE (MyString VARCHAR (8000))
INSERT @MyTable VALUES ('William Shakespeare was an English [##poet##], [##playwright##], and [##actor##], widely regarded as the greatest [##writer##] in the English language and the world''s pre-eminent [##dramatist##]. He is often called England''s national [##poet##] and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 [##sonnets##], two long narrative [##poems##], and a few other [##verses##], of which the authorship of some is uncertain.
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Oct 1, 2015
configuring sql alert for low sql memory.
I have configured the memory for sql server as below
min : 512 MB
Max :13500 MB
Total RAM on the server is 16GB
I want to receive email from sql server informing that sql server is running on low memory ( less than 200 MB free) so that I do not get out of memory issues and the sql server continues to run without fail.
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Oct 2, 2015
What are the different options for setting up Alerts when Replication stops or errors out?
I ran this code on the publisher:
USE [msdb]
/****** Object: Alert [Replication: agent failure] Script Date: 10/2/2015 11:42:46 AM ******/
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name=N'Replication: agent failure',
[Code] ....
It already existed.
So I ran it on the Subscriber and it executed.
Are there any third party tools to do this?
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Jul 17, 2015
I've built 4 new SQL2012 Ent SP2 instances using our standard build docsscripts all of which include an alert to pick up Sev 14 bad login messages.
However when I force a bad login to test these, they work on 2 servers but not the other 2.
The ones that fail write the Sev 14 msg to the SQL Error log and Windows Eventvwr fine, but there is no entry in the sysalerts table!?.
The alert is enabled and the windows event log service is running. I've noticed that none of the other alerts I've set up write to the sysalerts table though?
i'm not concerned about that yet, just the fact its not writing to the sysalerts table in the first place.
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Jun 28, 2012
Apparently this error was fixed in CU12 for SQL 2008, but it seems to have raised it's head again in SQL 2012.[SSIS.Pipeline] Warning: Warning: Could not open global shared memory to communicate with performance DLL; data flow performance counters are not available. To resolve, run this package as an administrator, or on the system's console.
I've got a client who is seeing it. but I've not seen a fix in CU1 or CU2 for 2012.
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Sep 30, 2003
I'm trying to set up a SQL Alert to run when a Failed login error is generated. For whatever reason, I can't seem to get this working. I have it set up to run on error 18456 (Failed login), I have the server set to log failed login attempts and I can see the entry in the log file, but the alert never occurs. Basically, I want a way to detect when someone is trying to hack into my database using a brute force approach.
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Apr 28, 2015
In a t-sql 2012 query that will be updated in a stored procedure I am getting the following warning message:
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. I would like to get rid of this warning missing without just turning off the warning messages.
I would like to change the sql so that it does not occur. The following is my new sql that generates the warning:
case when (coalesce(a.status,ae.status) = 'A') and (IsNull(ae.excuse, 'U') = 'U') and (IsNull(ae.code, 'DRC') = 'DRC') then
sum(DATEDIFF(minute,pm.startTime,pm.endTime)-coalesce(pm.lunchTime,0)-coalesce(a.presentMinutes,0)) else 0 end as DRCMinutes,
The sql is part of a select statement.
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Feb 24, 2015
We have some Deadlock alerts set up in SQL Agent that email us when the performance counter for deadlocks goes above zero. I've used the following script to identify the event file which has deadlock information in there.
select CAST(target_data as xml) as TargetData
from sys.dm_xe_session_targets st
join sys.dm_xe_sessions s on s.address = st.event_session_address
where name = 'system_health'
Now that is fine, and we're looking into that (number of deadlocks appear to be 0.5) but out of interest ran a SQL Profiler session to capture the details as well and nothing is showing, I've received a few alerts and the trace file has information in there - but profiler shows absolutely nothing (all deadlock events are captured)
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Oct 21, 2015
Is there a way to setup a trace to show only direct TSQL statements triggered on my server? note I don't want to capture Procedure calls or the statements called within the procs.
Actually many people are firing direct SQL statements on server. And some are coming from entity framework as well. I just want to capture those.
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Aug 3, 2014
I am attempting to create a new trace but I get the following error message: "failed to start a new trace".
I have been doing some digging and as I understand it, I had to find the directory Profiler uses for temporary files. So, I typed the following in the command window "SET TMP" and I received the following reply:
Now, according to the forum: [URL] ...
I am supposed to check that the system folder pointed to by the TMP environment variable exists and is not crammed with files.
Well, when I went to the directory C:UsersRossAppDataLocalTemp, it is indeed full of both files and directories. The size is 16.3 MB and has 133 files and 63 folders.
When I had a look at the Environment Variables window and chose TMP the value is "%USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalTemp" which according to my limited understanding is the equivalent to C:UsersRossAppDataLocalTemp.
So, what I am wondering is am I supposed to totally clear out this directory? I am not too keen on doing this because I don't want to stuff my PC up.
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Jan 27, 2015
For Bulk Load requests in SQL server, Are there any specific profiler event? Like the one we have for RPC RPC:Starting and for Batch Requests, we have SQL:BatchStarting.
Are Bulk Load requests that are being monitored through Profiler captured as SQL:Batch... events at the backend?
Are there any new features added in 2012 or 2014 to identify a Bulk request submitted through bcp.exe utility or any other sqlbulkcopy program?
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Jul 13, 2015
I have 2 dbs (SQL 2012) - one contains a trigger that is enabled/disabled by a procedure in the other database. This all works fine.
If I create a Database Project solution in Visual Studio 2012 SSDT (or 2013) for both databases, the stored procedure generates a SQL71502 stating that my trigger name can't be resolved.
To recreate the issue:
USE DbWithTrigger
CREATE TABLE dbo.TblWithTrigger(
Id int NULL,
SomeValue varchar(30) NULL
-- Test to confirm
EXEC CrossDbTriggerCall
INSERT DbWithTrigger.dbo.TblWithTrigger VALUES(1, 'Blah blah')
In Visual Studio 2012:
1. Create a new solution with a project named DbWithTrigger
2. In project settings set the Target platform to SQL 2012
2. Import the DbWithTrigger db into this project
3. Create a new project named DbCallsTrigger
4. In project settings set the Target platform to SQL 2012
5. Import the DbCallsTrigger db into this project
6. Add a Database Reference in DbCallsTrigger for DbWithTrigger
When you build the solution both dbs build successfully, however there are two warnings. One is easily resolved by replacing DbWithTrigger in the body of the procedure with [$(DbWithTrigger)] (db variable name for the reference) but I can't find out how to get rid of the other. Is it a bug?
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Dec 6, 2013
I would like to know if there is a way to find out who changed a users roles/access WITHOUT using the audit function. For example, if a user account was created and given SA access then changed to read only, how can I find out who made that change? I tried searching for an answer, but kept getting no results. I'm thinking this may tie into the sys.sysusers view?
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Aug 19, 2015
Is the SQL Server Profiler Reads Column Incorrect For Parallel Plans?
I often use profiler as one tool to identify bad plans. The reads column gives me a good indication of excessive IO to dig into and correct if necessary. I often use it with Showplan so I can see what a query does, replicate it and fix it.
However I have just lost some faith in it. I am looking at a poorly performing query joining five tables. A parallel plan has been generated and one table is being scanned (in parallel) due to a missing index. This table had in excess of 4 million rows in it. The rest hitd indexes well. However the entire query generates ONLY 12 READS.
Once corrected, a single processor plan is used. This looks really efficient and uses 120 reads. That looks the right figure to me.
Does the profiler only display one thread of a parallel plan perhaps? Or something else?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi!How to create an alert that responses in case of long querya. I haven'tnoticed any counters that deals with these kind of situations?Thx for your help!
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Apr 3, 2013
Is there a way to change the order that "select * from #table" returns data? It doesn't appear to return data in the same order that it was inserted into the table. This wasn't a problem with the same code in SQL Server 2005.
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Oct 13, 2014
I have sp that works with GUI and have an opton for sort field/ collation. But I noteiced that if I do level on very generic key like <Level> in my case it does the job, but output does'nt look right after that all names, account numbers are messed, so I'd like to add second sort column and looks like it can'be be done with my syntax, I tried to play adding second column and failed.
Select * from T1 order by Level, FirstName
Looks like it only can be done with Dynamic...
DECLARE @SortColmn VARCHAR(10) = 'Level'
CASE WHEN @SortColmn = 'FirstName' AND @SortDir = 0 THEN FirstName END DESC
,CASE WHEN @SortColmn = 'LastName' AND @SortDir = 0 THEN LastName END DESC
,CASE WHEN @SortColmn = 'Region ' AND @SortDir = 0 THEN Region END DESC
,CASE WHEN @SortColmn = 'Level' AND @SortDir = 0 THEN [Level] END desc --<@>>< THEN FIrstName asc ???
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Dec 20, 2006
Hello all.I'm using ADO to connect to a SQL Server database and run a T-SQLquery.The script template I'm using can be found here:http://groups.google.com/group/micr...56?dmode=sourceWhen I run a VBScript, I get no popups. When I run an HTA, I get thefollowing popup:"This page is accessing a data source on another domain. Do you want toallow this?" [Yes] [No]How can I turn off this warning within the script - without having togo into the Tools...Internet Options...Security...Trusted Sites menu?Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!- Dave
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Jun 21, 2015
How can I turn this query into an Email alert if one of the counts are GT 50. The Source are machines that I capture counts(Unprocessed_Cntr) from every 5 minutes and load to the Load_Time_Capture table. I also add a datetime to each capture(Unprocessed_Capture ).
If any individual source has a count > 50 or if the combined(ALL) GT 50 send an email to support person.
ELSE [Source] END AS 'Input Source',
avg([Unprocessed_Cntr]) as 'Average Queue Past 15 Min'
FROM Load_Time_Capture
WHERE Unprocessed_Capture >= DateADD(mi, -15, Current_TimeStamp)
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Nov 11, 2014
I'm new to using SQL Server. I've been asked to optimize a series of scripts that queries over 4 millions records. I've managed to add indexes and remove a cursor, which increased performance. Now when I run the execution plan, the only query that cost is a DELETE statement from the main table. It shows a SORT which cost 71%. The table has 2 columns and a unique index. Here is the current index:
[QryNum] ASC,
Question: Will the SORT affect the overall performance? If so, is there anything I should change within the index that would speed up my query?
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Dec 18, 2006
I'm creating a website for a student organization at my university. Basically, I have an Excel file with a list of contacts that the members of our organization need to be able to search on our website.
The only field that I need our members to be able to search is "contact location." So for example, a member might want to know if our organization has any contacts in Spain, so the member would type "spain" into the "contact location search" field" and would get results.
I really don't known where to turn... I need the easiest thing that would be manageable for a novice. It doesn't need to be an intense search function; just something to make the website functional (so it obviously needs to be uploadable to a server; the server has PHP capability...no idea if that has any relevance). I've been searching around all day and have come across potentials like PHP, SQL, XML, etc. but have no idea which way to turn... I have Office and Adobe Studio programs at my disposal.
Thank you all-powerful and all-knowing web gods! I owe you my deepest gratitude!
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