SQL 2012 :: How To Install Cluster On Multiple Instances
Mar 4, 2015
We have 5 instances on our clients old machine with SQL 2005, now they want us to move on cluster environment with SQL 2012.
Once I have installed and configured SQL cluster with single instance, but how to install SQL Cluster environment for Multiple instances.
Should I install all the instances first and than have to configure cluster ?
Is there any way that first I will install cluster and than we can add the instances ?
I have found no real documentation on this, so any links would be greatly appreciated.
We have an existing 2 node active active cluster.
A default and and named instance SS2005 Enterprise Edition are installed on the cluster.
Recently we acquired new hardware, 2 servers, which we added to the cluster so we now have a 4 node cluster.
The 2 new nodes have OS etc installed.
Now i have installed sql on a new multi node cluster, i have upgraded sql server in an existing cluster BUT i have never installed sql on an existing cluster for new nodes for multiple instances.
Now i presume you simply run the install on one of the new nodes, do this for a default instance, selecting both 2 new nodes to installl on. And do this again for the named instance.
But in the past I have never been promoted for which nodes to install sql on, it simply does all the nodes BUT i do not want this.
And how will the cluster know where the binary files are for each instance on the new nodes?
In a nutshell, how do i install sql server 2005 for 2 new nodes in an existing 4 node cluster for multiple instances ?
What I have- Sql server 2012 (Standard Ed) Cluster on Windows 2012 R2 with both instances running on the same node- just to save on License, i.e. technically it’s Act/Pas cluster.
What I am looking for- how to configure cluster (e.g. via quorum, etc) to force both instances failed together? Means if for some reason 1-st instance will fail to node 2 another instance should follow (otherwise it will be Act/Act cluster and 2-nd license is required).
If there is no standard way (cluster configuration I mean) to do it I should create some custom process to monitor where each instance is running.
Hello all: looking for some general advice on proper approach. looking to move databases off of a clustered instance to a new (non-clustered) server. Got several issues i'd like some advice on.
1. This is an OLTP instance that's been around for a while & it's pretty well encrusted with apps & processes that attach to it. Therefore it would be a very good thing if we didn't need to change the connection information in several hundred places after the move. I've tested one approach to this that seems to work: moved the instance to a server which has the same name as the cluster resource associated with the clustered instance and an instance that has the same name as the clustered instance. For example: cluster install is aiproddbproduction, moved it to a box called aiproddb with a named instance called "production". There's a bunch of tedious network stuff that has to be done to make this work (binding an IP address to the MAC address of the new box and some murky DHCP reservation fiddling), but after the network crew got done cursing me it did finally work. Does this seem like a reasonable approach?
2. What's the best way to transfer security info to the new instance? I used the transfer Logins DTS widget but had some problems with it not being able to find some groups in AD.
3. what's the best way to transfer DTS packages?
4. is it necessary for the new instance to be at the same patch level as the old instance? the old clustered instance is still at SP3 and i threw the latest SP4 on the new location. good/bad/indifferent?
5. i was planning on taking a full backup & restoring it to the new machine. Is there a better way? Is the wizard for copying databases a good thing?
Those are these issues i'm aware of and have given some thought to. There are probably things about this i haven't considered and would appreciate some word on.
I am trying to install multi instances on my server cluster 2003 R2 Sp2. Because of the compatibility issues with my services I need to install both SQL 2000 and 2005. With 2000 I can easily specify the instance and servername. The server name can be the same, but the instance has to be different. Is this true for 2005? I have found so far that for every new instance that you create that you need to have a different virtual server name. How can you utilize the same virtual name and have multi insances
I have a need to add a second Sql instance to an existing cluster. However I read in this article http://www.sql-server-performance.com/articles/clustering/clustering_best_practices_p1.aspx
that this is not recommended. Does anyone know why this is or what problems I may encounter?
Its is running Sql 2005 on a 64 bit windows Server 2003.
I have a need to add a second Sql instance to an existing cluster. However I read in this article http://www.sql-server-performance.com/articles/clustering/clustering_best_practices_p1.aspx
that this is not recommended. Does anyone know why this is or what problems I may encounter?
Its is running Sql 2005 on a 64 bit windows Server 2003.
My environment has a 4 node cluster , 2 in primary and 2 in sec dc. Storage is sperate for both.
Need to setup always on for 4 Instances there on the 2 nodes of the primary dc. Is there any restriction in setting up always on for multiple instances for a cluster.
Is it possible to have more than one instance of SQL Server on a failover Active/Passive cluster? What are the concerns/ramifications if that indeed is possible?
We are planning to build a cluster environment on MS SQL 2005. We want to install multiple named instances in a single database server and use cluster for that database server.
Is this option possible ? Any relevant documentation would be helpful
It is an active passive cluster which doesn’t allow any testing. All instances have to be failed over together, we aren’t allowed to just failover 1 even for testing purposes. Node 1 is the active node and we can failover to node 2 for 30 days free of charge but services have to then be failed back.
We need to run the cluster with node 1 as the primary node always and 2 just use for failover testing or for less than 30 day periods whilst performing cluster patch upgrades etc.
Now l am sure we could fail over 1 instances at a time for testing and diagnosing issues plus if add a new instance that's not production to get to the platform level as the rest of the instances this would avoid taking production down in the fail over process.
1.) Is it possible to install Analysis Services on multiple SQL Server 2000 instances? If it is, then can you instruct me as to how to perform the install. If it is not possible, then does one restrict access to cube data via the Database Role Manager?
ie. The host box is - DOILAB30 with Analysis Services & SP2 Instance - DOILAB30/DOILAB30_FIN (Can AS be installed here?)
Do I severely restrict the membership of OLAP Admins?
2). Re. AS maintenance. - How do I backup and restore OLAP dbs/cubes etc. Following a restore, what issues, such as cube users/permissions should I be aware of? (if any).
I am using sql2012 with partitiondb custom installation over 6 dbs on 4 servers, ~200GB per db. I am looking for the perfect graphic tool (similar to Perfmon+Activity Monitor) where I can monitor a wide-scope SQL environment. I am interested in data / log / table / index growth, buffer cache hit ratio, average wait time, physical/logical reads/writes and such. I am interested in real-time / time-range metrics. I know I can issue immediate queries against dm_os_performance_counters / dm_os_buffer_descriptors / dm_exec_query_stats and get some of the relevant data, but is this the only way?Also, for your opinnion, what are the most crucial metrics to monitor when dealing with multiple dbs?
Curious what the industry standard is combining multiple instances on single server ?
Right now i have separate servers for OLTP, SSAS, and SSIS, and for OTP have Development, Test, and production environments. Im considering combining the SSIS and SSAS services into additional instances on each environment servers.
Now (Production) OLTP SSAS SSIS
1 Server with 3 separate instances for SSAS, SSIS, OLTP. Then replicate this model through the environments to utilize development and testing.
I was told that if I wanted to setup mirroring between multiple instance on the same server that each endpoint had to be different number. Is that true? Or can I use the default 5022 for each instance?
I am currently having publisher(database A), subscriber (database B) and distributor on the same instance for a test environment that is using a uni directional transactional replication. Now I need to setup another unidirectional transactional replication in the same test instance but for a different database. Publisher database is D and subcsirber database is E.
We are just finishing our migration to SQL 2012. In our old environment, the instance which held our SharePoint databases also served other applications. We did not experience any performance related issues in the past due to this.
SharePoint basically requires MAXDOP to be 1, which is correct on the old server. Since this configuration may not be ideal for other applications that may be put within our environment, we our entertaining the idea of isolating SharePoint into its own instance, probably on the same box.
My manager wants me to come up with performance trace data to better prove that we need to go this route since we apparently have had issues in the past by blindly following Microsoft's best practices.
1.MAXDOP configuration - I understand this may be a 2 pronged approach that would require looking at various execution plans and CPU related counters in Perfmon. SharePoint likely requires a maxdop of 1 due to the nature of the application (lots of concurrent processes). What is the best way to show this need graphically?
2. Memory configuration for multiple instances - Does the Total Server Memory reveal all the memory that a given SQL instance is utilizing? Should I use this counter to identify appropriate min/max memory configurations for multiple instances on a single cluster?
The problem with the perfmon approach is that it's scope is limited to just the server. Since our SharePoint environment is currently being shared with other applications, I understand that I may have to utilize DMV statistics to narrow down my analysis.
We're having a bizarre issue with installing our SQL 2012 cluster. On the stand-alone instances, we're able to choose Replication and Data Quality Services from the Database Engine Services without choosing Full-Tex and Semantic Extractions for Search. But when installing the cluster, it won't let us choose the other two without it. In fact, if we click on either Replication or Data Quality, it auto-checks ALL of the features.
My coworker discovered this problem and I was able to replicate it. We're using the SP1 install msi.
Why this is happening with a cluster install but not a stand-alone install?
My install appears to be hanging at the as_cluster_ip_address_cluster_config_Cpu64 part and I'm wondering if it's because it's trying to install Full Text.
I am trying to install SQL Server 2012 onto an already configured and validated windows failover cluster (server 2012) but the process is hanging after installing the setup files.
The last entry in the log is:
running discovery on remote machine
and I've left it hanging like this for 4 hours and nothing happens.
I ran the below 2 select statements and ended up seeing multiple cached instances of the same stored procedure. The majority have only one cached instance but more than a handful have multiple cached instances. When there are multiple cached instances of the same sproc, which one will sql server reuse when the sproc is called?
SELECT o.name, o.object_id, ps.last_execution_time , ps.last_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as last_elapsed_timeINSeconds, ps.min_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as min_elapsed_timeINSeconds, ps.max_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as max_elapsed_timeINSeconds
One of my varchar columns in a table has multiple key words enclosed in a pattern of special characters.
Eg: William Shakespeare was an English [##poet##], [##playwright##], and [##actor##], widely regarded as the greatest [##writer##] in the English language and the world's pre-eminent [##dramatist##]. He is often called England's national [##poet##] and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 [##sonnets##], two long narrative [##poems##], and a few other [##verses##], of which the authorship of some is uncertain. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other [##playwright##].
I need to write to query to find all distinct key words that are enclosed within [## and ##]. My query should yield the following results from the string in the example above
[##actor##] [##dramatist##] [##playwright##] -- 2 occurrances, but I need it only once in my result set [##poems##] [##poet##] -- 2 occurrances, but I need it only once in my result set [##sonnets##] [##verses##] [##writer##]
I need to run this on a large table, so I am looking for the best possible way to minimize any performance issues.
Just give you sample code, I have provided below 2 separate snippets, one with table variable and another with temp table.
DECLARE @MyTable TABLE (MyString VARCHAR (8000)) INSERT @MyTable VALUES ('William Shakespeare was an English [##poet##], [##playwright##], and [##actor##], widely regarded as the greatest [##writer##] in the English language and the world''s pre-eminent [##dramatist##]. He is often called England''s national [##poet##] and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 [##sonnets##], two long narrative [##poems##], and a few other [##verses##], of which the authorship of some is uncertain.
Is it possible to create a cluster configuration, where 2 (or more) SQL Server instances running on different servers will simultaneously serve the same database attached to the same storage? Something like this:
Instance A Instance B Instance C (active) (active) (active) | / | / | / SAN for Database and Quorum
The point would be to improve reliability and performance at the same time. All nodes would share load. If a node fails, the other nodes still work and take over the load.
I know a failover cluster can be done, where 1 instance is active and others are passive (active/passive) which improves reliability, but in this configuration just 1 instance is serving at the same time.
(As far as I understand, the active/active configuration is meant to run different databases on 2 (or more) instances such that the databases on a failing node are taken over by any other instances in the cluster.)
I an involved in a project that will have five sql server instances on an NT cluster. I cannot find anywhere on Technet info on what happens when a single instance fails. Do they all have to fail over or just the failed instance. This is important so that we get the disk layout correct.
Can anybody help ? or point me to any docs on this.
I have a cluster with 4 sql server 2000 instances and would like to upgrade 2 of these to sql server 2005 - is there any document or list of things to ensure I do
We have a new failover cluster (Windows 2003 SP1, Microsoft SQL 2000 SP4) with each node of the cluster hosting 7 SQL Server instances in a 2-node active-active configuration connected to a SAN. We are planning to move some SQL Server Instances(from existing stand-alone servers) into this Cluster. Any insight into the process of moving SQL Servers into the cluster would be highly appreciated.
We are running with a 2 node windows cluster having three SQL instances on it.
OS: Windows server 2008R2 SP1 SQL : SQL server 2008R2 (10.50.6529)
Currently both nodes have 256 GB or memory and we are having multiple auto failover for resources. What will be the best practice for OS memory reservation (OS+tools) so that we can set SQL max memory settings accordingly?
IF you need to change the IP Address of a SQL Server Failover Cluster instance, here is the steps:
1. Open up Failover Cluster manager. 2. Expand the MS Cluster Instance that your SQL Cluster instance resides on. 3. Expand Services and applications. 4. Select the SQL Server Service. 5. In the main window pane (Middle Screen), you should see your SQL Server Cluster name, expand the plus to the left of it. 6. Under your SQL Server Cluster name, you should now see an 'IP address' section, right click on it and go to properties. 7. In the properties pane, you can change your IP address by entering a static IP.....or assigning a DHCP enabled IP.