SQL 2012 :: Installing SP2 - Instance Shutdown

Dec 9, 2014

I want to install SP2 for SQL 2012, but I am not sure how my instance would be affected.

I want to know if the instance will go down for any amount of time during the update? I can schedule a server reboot after hours, but don't want to apply the service pack if it will take the instance offline at any point.

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Force Shutdown Of SQL Server Instance

Jul 20, 2005

I have a problem with an instance of SQL Server that refuses torespond to a shutdown request. I've managed to shutdown the SQLManager and DTC services but the sqlservr.exe process is permanentlyin a "Stopping" state.I cannot logon to the instance to issue a SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAITcommand. Short of rebooting the entire server, is there a way I canforce the process to end?Tony

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DB Engine :: Need DDL Trigger Before Server Instance Shutdown

Nov 24, 2015

I have SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition with a number of in-memory tables sitting in my database.When server is restarted it takes many hours to recover my database if there was data in these in-memory tables before shutdown.As a result, I need to clean up in-memory tables every time before server instance shutdown. This is really annoying and requires extra prescriptive actions for support team. Can I have DDL server/database level trigger to catch shutdown event and clean my data before instance goes down?

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SQL 2012 :: Server Shutdown Process

Feb 13, 2014

I am just trying to find a good article on the process SQL goes through when shutting down and starting up, so far I have not found anything definitive on Google. I am assuming a checkpoint is invoked and committed transactions are written to disk, while uncommitted are rolled back, but I would like an official textual description of what happens.

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SQL 2012 :: Restore DB Without LDF File - Special Case DB Shutdown In Mid Transaction

Nov 14, 2014

Got this situation, trying to do Use SignleMode to recover my handing db, after that lost ldf (and physically too). Tried all things thru SSMS and scripts (below) that I know with no result, is there anything else I can try to recover it, I don't need log file.

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)

Could not open new database 'MyLostDB'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.

File activation failure. The physical file name "C:xxxMyLostDB.ldf" may be incorrect.

The log cannot be rebuilt because there were open transactions/users when the database was shutdown, no checkpoint occurred to the database, or the database was read-only. This error could occur if the transaction log file was manually deleted or lost due to a hardware or environment failure. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1813)

EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @dbname='Commissions',
(FILENAME = N'C:SQLDataMyLostDB.mdf')

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Installing A Default Instance AFTER A Named Instance???

Aug 24, 2006

I have SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition (sp3a) running on a windows 2003 (sp4) Server.

It is a Production Server with 3 NAMED Instances and NO Default Instance.

Does anyone know if I can rerun the SQL Server Install and add a DEFAULT Instance to this box without disrupting the other Named Instances???

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SQL 2012 :: Clustered SSAS Unable To Connect To Named Instance (instance Not Found On Server)

Mar 20, 2014

I have a 3 node cluster on which I have installed SSAS as it's own insntance. I have created this as a named instance and can connect to it by serverinstance if I'm on the server itself. However from my desktop I get the error saying instance was not found on server name.

I have defined an alternate port and setup firewall rules and can connect via server:port but not serverinstance. Prior to making this change SSAS was running on default port of 2383 and I could connect just by servername.

I have read many articles for previous versions saying that clustered SSAS will always use 2383 and that you must connect just using servername. However and this is were it gets strange. I have a 2 node UAT cluster with SSAS setup exactly the same way I've described above and I can connect from my desktop as serverinstance.

Should I be able to connect as serverinstances for a named clustered instance in 2012 ?

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Installing A New Instance?

Apr 19, 2007

Not posted here for a while as been stupidly busy, but here goes:

This might sound a bit of a silly question, but what issues will I come across with installing a new instance of SQL on top of a single instance setup?

The server I have to do this on is currently live on the existing instance and I can't afford any downtime (apart from a 10 minute reboot if rellay required).


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Installing MSDE With A Different Instance Name

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,

I'm trying (and have been for ages) to install a MSDE server with a
different instance name than the default.  Im setting the
instancename when using the setup.exe file and all seems to install
fine, but when I then restart my system the SQL icon appears in the
system tray but the white circle is completely empty.  It says
that it is not connected.

If i install with the default instance name then all seems to work fine.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong and what I can do to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Installing A New Instance Of SQL Express

Oct 3, 2006


How do I create a new instance for SQL Express? Also the machine also has MSDE Installed if that should be taken into consideration.


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Installing SSIS On 2k5 SP2 Instance?

Feb 19, 2007

I'm working on an SQL 2k5 / SP2 server and need to install SSIS.

Can this be done without uninstalling SQL?


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Etup Hangs When Installing Second Instance

Mar 2, 2001

When I try and install a new instance alongside the default instance setup appears to hang when asking for the type of installation, ie. Typical,Custom,Advanced. I had to kill the setup process, however the original instance still works. Has anybody had any similar problems during setup. Thanks in anticipation.

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Installing Anther Sql2005 Instance

Oct 6, 2007


I have installed sql2005 default instance, and I need to install anther named instance. but when I tried to install the s/w it does not give option for new instance instead, it shows only uninstall option.

How can I install anther nameds instance;

thanks in advance.

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Problem Installing Server Instance On Windows Xp Sp2

Aug 25, 2006

Hello all,

I have a problem installing a SQL Server 2005 (developper edition) on my windows XP SP2 machine.

When I launch the setup, all the requirements are ok, but I'm just allowed to install client components and documentations. I can't install the database server instance.

The Sql Server is downloaded from MSDN (2 iso files extracted to my HD)

My machine is a P4 2.8Ghz HT with 1Gig of RAM.

Thanks for your help

FYI, here's the Report for the system configuration check:


System Configuration Check

- WMI Service Requirement (Success)


WMI Service Requirement

Check Passed

- MSXML Requirement (Success)


MSXML Requirement

Check Passed

- Operating System Minimum Level Requirement (Success)


Operating System Minimum Level Requirement

Check Passed

- Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement. (Success)


Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement.

Check Passed

- SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Success)


SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility

Check Passed

- Minimum Hardware Requirement (Success)


Minimum Hardware Requirement

Check Passed

- IIS Feature Requirement (Success)


IIS Feature Requirement

Check Passed

- Pending Reboot Requirement (Success)


Pending Reboot Requirement

Check Passed

- Performance Monitor Counter Requirement (Success)


Performance Monitor Counter Requirement

Check Passed

- Default Installation Path Permission Requirement (Success)


Default Installation Path Permission Requirement

Check Passed

- Internet Explorer Requirement (Success)


Internet Explorer Requirement

Check Passed

- COM Plus Catalog Requirement (Success)


COM Plus Catalog Requirement

Check Passed

- ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement (Success)


ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement

Check Passed

- Minimum MDAC Version Requirement (Success)


Minimum MDAC Version Requirement

Check Passed

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Installing Second Instance To SQL 2005 Clustered Installation

Mar 19, 2008

I will be installing a second SQL 2005 instance on an existing SQL 2005 clustered installation. We've added a set of disks for the new instance. My question is, will the existing clustered instance need to be taken offline for the installation, or will the nodes need to be rebooted after installing the new instance?

I haven't been able to confirm this on MS website or by Googling.

I understand we need to ensure no one is logged in to the remote nodes during the install as well.

Thank you


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Problem Installing Server Instance On Windows Xp Sp2

Aug 25, 2006

Hello all (sorry for the cross post, I previously posted that message in getting started)

I have a problem installing a SQL Server 2005 (developper edition) on my windows XP SP2 machine.

When I launch the setup, all the requirements are ok, but I'm just allowed to install client components and documentations. I can't install the database server instance.

The Sql Server is downloaded from MSDN (2 iso files extracted to my HD)

My machine is a P4 2.8Ghz HT with 1Gig of RAM.

Thanks for your help

FYI, here's the Report for the system configuration check:


System Configuration Check

- WMI Service Requirement (Success)


WMI Service Requirement

Check Passed

- MSXML Requirement (Success)


MSXML Requirement

Check Passed

- Operating System Minimum Level Requirement (Success)


Operating System Minimum Level Requirement

Check Passed

- Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement. (Success)


Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement.

Check Passed

- SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Success)


SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility

Check Passed

- Minimum Hardware Requirement (Success)


Minimum Hardware Requirement

Check Passed

- IIS Feature Requirement (Success)


IIS Feature Requirement

Check Passed

- Pending Reboot Requirement (Success)


Pending Reboot Requirement

Check Passed

- Performance Monitor Counter Requirement (Success)


Performance Monitor Counter Requirement

Check Passed

- Default Installation Path Permission Requirement (Success)


Default Installation Path Permission Requirement

Check Passed

- Internet Explorer Requirement (Success)


Internet Explorer Requirement

Check Passed

- COM Plus Catalog Requirement (Success)


COM Plus Catalog Requirement

Check Passed

- ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement (Success)


ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement

Check Passed

- Minimum MDAC Version Requirement (Success)


Minimum MDAC Version Requirement

Check Passed

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The Instance Name Spacified Is Invalid. @ Installing MSDE [URGENT]!!

Oct 3, 2004

Hi all;

I tried to install the MSDE on my machine.

I clicked on the setup.exe file which is located in C:sql2ksp3MSDE directory , then the following Error message appear to me:

Microsoft SQL Sever Desktop Engine
The instance name spacified is invalid.


What is the solution??

I am using:
MS Visual Studio.NET 2003
MS Windows XP SP1a
MS SQL Server 2000

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Setup And Upgrade :: Will Installing Another Instance Restart Other Instances

Nov 30, 2015

Will installing another instance restart other instances?Server is Windows Server 2012 R2, SQL Server is 2012.

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Express Instance Fails When Installing ACT - SQL Server Setup Failed

Dec 4, 2006

I just upgraded ACT database and it needs SQL Server. I just keep getting "SQL Server Setup Failed". I downloaded SQL from Microsoft, went to install and get the same error. It then refers to a summary txt log which I have had a look at but to be quite honest means nothing to me.

I only want to be able to use ACT!!

Anyone help PLEASE!!

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Installing SQL Server 2005 On Same Machine As An Existing SQL Sever 2000 Instance

Sep 8, 2005

Given than once SQL Server 2005 is installed, SQL Server Studio has to
be used instead of Enterprise manager, can both SQL 2000 and 2005 be
used on the same machine, be it development or production? (The second
one to be installed probably would be a named instance.)
Any experiance of doing this or a pointer to a Microsoft recommendation would be appreciated.

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A Transport-level Error Has Occurred When Receiving Results From The Server. - After Installing New Instance Of SQL Server 2005 W/NO App Changes

Sep 27, 2006

We've devoted a resource to this today, but I have to believe it's something easy that we're overlooking.  The scneario is that we have a production Web application that until last weekend had a SQL 2000 back end.  This weekend we installed a new instance of SQL 2005 and everything works (we tested in a sandbox environment, but someone must not have load tested enough) and never saw these exceptions.   So, after the upgrade we now receive 100's of thexe SQL excptions per day:A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)Does anyone know what we've overlooked that's causing this issue?Thanks for any help! 

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Instance To Cluster?

Oct 8, 2014

We have an active/active two-node QA cluster with four instances of sql. I need to add a fifth. In the past I always moved existing instances to the other node while installing a new instance.

Other than impacts to users from install reboots, is that a hard requirement?

QA is reluctant to have me put the four existing instances on one node for most of a day, fearing big performance slowdowns. Each node has 250GB of memory and each instance is allowed 50GB. Netapp disk backend.

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SQL 2012 :: Authentication With Two (or More) Databases On Same Instance

May 7, 2015

Scenario: a stored procedure is executed in database ABC. The procedure includes a MERGE statement with objects in the ABC and DEF databases. A Windows login is executing the procedure. Contained users is not enabled anywhere on the instance. And the user is not orphaned in either database, i.e. the login is associated to the user correctly by-sid in each one.

Of course, the Windows login must be authenticated to access database ABC, and authorized to execute the procedure. That is happening. Most of the time, so is the MERGE statement. But every once in a while we're seeing an odd "Network error code 0x2746 occurred while establishing a connection" message. The procedure has a TRY/CATCH retry loop around the MERGE statement, so it enters that loop. Re-read: the procedure is still running, the network error wasn't about the client connection executing the procedure. So what was it about?

Does that MERGE statement, accessing database DEF, require SQL to authenticate the Windows login again, because it's a different database (even though it's on the same instance, and was already authenticated for ABC)? There shouldn't be any other network activity involved in that phase of the execution. Plus, when the process had been using a SQL Server-authenticated login, this never happened.

But before I go blaming our DCs or network... I need to know, are they in fact involved here, or not? I believe they are, but... never had to care enough before to really know. I'm trying to stave off the "let's switch it back to a SQL login" demand that's sure to come soon, if I can't find an appropriate resolution to this.

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SQL 2012 :: Copy Tables To Another Instance

Sep 19, 2015

I have this task, I have to copy from one database into a remote all record which contain a specific value into a specific column. (the remote Db destination tables are already created)

I have already identified all tables to copy (about 3000 with 60Milions of records), now how to implement the most performing way to copy records.

If most performing, the destination database can be placed on the source Sql instance, I can move the database on the destination instance after I have copied all records.

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Installing Failover Cluster Instance Side By Side

Jul 23, 2015

would like to know if it's possible to install SQL Server Failover cluster instance with shared storage along with standalone installation with Always on ( always on uses WSFC underneath).

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SQL 2012 :: Multiple Availability Groups On One Instance

Aug 12, 2013

From what I understand, one SQL Server 2012 instance can host multiple availability groups. That should allow, for example, the following situation - one SQL Server 2012 instance containing three primary replica databases - each one part of a different availability group - and each availability group's secondary replica located on a separate SQL Server 2012 instance.

Can you have three SQL Server 2012 instances, each with one primary replica database and have all three secondary replica databases on one SQL Server 2012 instance? So instead of, as above, going from 1 primary server to 3 secondary servers, this time we're going from 3 primary servers to 1 secondary server? The one secondary server would then contain all three secondary replicas for each of the 3 separate primary replicas.

This would mean that the single server (where all three secondary replicas reside) was part of three separate Windows Server Failover Clustering clusters.

Is this scenario possible?

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SQL 2012 :: Restore 2 Database Simultaneously In Same Instance?

Apr 10, 2014

Is it possible to restore two databases simultaneously in same sql instance?

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SQL 2012 :: Multiple Database Servers - One Instance Name

Apr 24, 2014

Scenerio : To keep a very large system running optimally in a VM cluster, Take PR01 and make PR02, PR03, PR04. Distribute the 45 databases and 9T+ of disk across multiple VM guest.

Each PR## is a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise guest on a VM 5.1 cluster.

So instead of PR01 needed 16 core and 128g of memory, each one will have 4 core and 32g of memory. Making VM HA more manageable. (yes, DRS rules will apply). Also provides more HBA paths and distributes i/o over more physical disk on the SAN.

Instead of a connection string having to know PR01.dbo.UserDB01, PR02.dbo.UserDB03, ect the connection would be PRDB.dbo.UserDB01. That way if needed 1) UserDB can be moved to any of the PR## 2) new PR05, PR06 can be added as needed. The end user and processes are not allowed to touch system databases, no PR## will have a user DB called the same name.

There are seperate VM guests on other VM clusters and Citrix servers that need access to PRDB. As things expand and move around, none of the connection strings need to be changed.

I am looking into RadWare and modifing level 7 information, but that is iffy and $$$$$$.

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SQL 2012 :: Copy A Database To Another Instance Daily

Jun 26, 2014

Looking for what others have done to keep a copy of a database, for read only, on another instance. Need to do this once a day early in the morning with no, or minimal, downtime at the source and target. We have applications that access this copy 24/7, so prefer not to disconnect active users, as a detach/attach or backup/restore might do. Permissions are different on each instance, so would prefer not to overlay users on destination database. Options we are looking at right now are...

Log Shipping
Snapshot Replication
Transfer SQL Objects Task (SSIS)

Our environment for this is SQL 2012 on Windows 2012, in the same AD domain located in the same server room. The database size is 1gb. Needs to be copied around 6:30am daily. Does not need to be updated thru the day.

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SQL 2012 :: AlwaysOn Read Only On 2nd Instance Server

Jul 18, 2014

Considering trying to move 2008 acitve/passive cluster with log ship to day old read only 2008 server to 2012 active/passive to 2012 AG Read only server. Only problem is that read only instance may have to be a 2nd instance on a server. The new box is a beast 64 core 256 gig of RAM hp so this is no dog. So I have these choices

migrate 2008 active/passive cluster to 2012 active passive (this will be it's own ordeal)take new monster box and build two instances, one that will run the AG read only database, the other will house reporitng services and analysis services and a few dw databases. We are not heavy into deep dive analysis services yet kind of in it's infancy. Not sure if this other instance will be sql 2008R2 , may be able to do 2012. MY also have a few small sharepoint databases but they barely use it.

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SQL 2012 :: AlwaysOn Multiple AGs And Listeners In Same Instance

Jul 9, 2015

Currently we have an AlwaysOn AG set up with a listener running on port 1433 (underlying instances are on a non default port). Great, no problems there.If we set up a second AG on the same instance with its own specific listener, can this new listener also be configured to use port 1433?

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SQL 2012 :: Configuration Manager - Instance Not Reflecting

Oct 15, 2015

I have done a fresh sql 2012 standalone installation but the instance services are not getting reflected in SQL server configuration manager

Although I can find the instance details in services.msc and also in n/w configuration of configuration manager but in the sql services tab of config manager , it is not showing .

The hide instance is unchecked when I check the protocol properties.

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DB Engine :: Server 2012 Instance Is Set To Hidden

Aug 6, 2015

Is there any query/script to find out if SQL Server 2012 instance is set to hidden or not instead of going to SQL Server configuring manager?

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