SQL 2012 :: JOIN If Specific Table Exists
Jun 9, 2015
I have standard SQL query for clients, but sometimes a client does not have a specific table.
How do I deal with that? (creating the table is not an option)
--> Col 50
TableA A Join
TableB B ON A.ColA = B.ColA
Suppose in some cases TabelB does not exist. How do I make sure the rest of the query runs okay and does not result in an error?
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Feb 6, 2015
I have a table of "applicants" with unique applicant id and another table "reviews" with reviews which has unique id and Emplid and contains general program name like Math and then may contain 3 addition rows for specific program like Calculus, algebra, geometry etc.
There may or may not be a record for each applicant id in table reviews or there can be 1 or more than one record in reviews based on level of review( General or Specific).
All the general reviews has “Math” as Program_code but if there are more reviews, they can have Program_code like “Cal” , “Abr”, “Geo”
I want to join the tables so I can get all the records from both the tables where Program_code in reviews table is “Math” only.
That is I want to join the table and get all the records from reviews table where the program_code is “Math” only
How can I do that?
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Jul 31, 2015
I have a table that has for each shop a value that can change over time.For example
BK_POS 1 --> Segment A
BK_POS 1 --> Segment /
What I would like to achieve is to get all distinct Shops (BK_POS) from the table above, but if for that specific pos a row exists where the segment = "/" then I do not want to take this BK_POS in my select query.More concrete, the for example above I do not want to select BK_POS 1 because he has one row where the segment = "/".
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Jun 11, 2015
So I declared this table data type , cool.. It works
as table
XXX_VALUE_NUMERIC numeric(19,2),
bp_type VARCHAR(4),
Dt datetime,
ID int IDENTITY(1,1),
MBP numeric(19,2),
Now my question is later how do we check whether this type exists. The following does not work.
if( object_id('BP_Data_XXX') IS NOT NULL )
print 'IT is there '
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Apr 3, 2015
So I have a job that shows active processes
INSERT INTO Query_results(login_name, total_elapsed_time, total_elapsed_time)
SELECT login_name, total_elapsed_time, total_elapsed_time FROM
I need to then kill all sessions at 11:59pm then log all those that are killed. This is so I can schedule a job at that time, I have sessions that are blocking my job.
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Apr 17, 2014
I need to display the output of a table in a specific format, I have attached the sample screenshot and code for reference.
I tried with pivot but does not seems to be working.
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Oct 26, 2015
Say you have a fact table with a few columns that all reference the same key column in a dimension table, you want to write a view to return the information for those keys?
IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.FactTemp' ,'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.FactTemp;
[Code] ....
I'm using very small data at the moment, and the query plan and statistics don't really say which way.
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Mar 5, 2015
I have a table which is updated daily using a MERGE statement. As records are insert, updated and deleted, I am saving the OUTPUT from the MERGE statement into a history table with a timestamp and action$ column appended to the record.
Using this history table, I'd like to rebuild the data based on specific past date. I was able to create a stored procedure that inspects each record in the history table and apply it to the data in a temp table. The stored procedure solution uses multiple queries to rebuild the data at a point in time. I was curious if there was an easier and more efficient solution using a table function.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have table 'stores' that has 3 columns (storeid, article, doc), I have a second table 'allstores' that has 3 columns(storeid(always 'ALL'), article, doc). The stores table's storeid column will have a stores id, then will have multiple articles, and docs. The 'allstores' table will have 'all' in the store for every article and doc combination. This table is like the master lookup table for all possible article and doc combinations. The 'stores' table will have the actual article and doc per storeid.
What I am wanting to pull is all article, doc combinations that exist in the 'allstores' table, but do not exist in the 'stores' table, per storeid. So if the article/doc combination exists in the 'allstores' table and in the 'stores' table for storeid of 50 does not use that combination, but store 51 does, I want the output of storeid 50, and what combination does not exist for that storeid. I will try this example:
'allstores' 'Stores'
storeid doc article storeid doc article
ALL 0010 001 101 0010 001
ALL 0010 002 101 0010 002
ALL 0011 001 102 0011 002
ALL 0011 002
So I want the query to pull the one from 'allstores' that does not exist in 'stores' which in this case would the 3rd record "ALL 0011 001".
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Aug 3, 2007
Thanks for your time:
Background: After Insert Trigger runs a sproc that inserts values into another table IF items on the form were
populated. THose all work great, but last scenario wont work: Creating a row insert based on Checking that all 22 other items from the prior insert (values of i.columns) were NULL:
IF EXISTS(select DISTINCT i.notes, i.M_Prior, i.M_Worksheet, ...
from inserted i
WHERE i.notes IS NOT NULL AND i.M_Prior = NULL AND i.M_Worksheet = NULL AND...)
Insert into dbo.Items2Fix ...
From inserted i
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Sep 24, 2015
I have a table where I need to delete rows if the member does not exists in the member table. Will the following syntax work ?
Delete T
FROM Event_Temp_Lead_Screen T
left join member M on ( M.MemberID = T.MemberID )
T.Gender is NULL
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Jul 15, 2014
I have table A
|account | Unmort |
| A |10.000.000 |
and a Table B
|account| Jenis | Nominal | Unmort |Total|
| A | 021 | 200.000| - | - |
| A | 028 | 3.200.000| - | - |
| A | 023 | 7.200.000| - | - |
how to update to be like this??
|account| Jenis |Nominal | Unmort |Total |
| A | 021 |200.000 | - |200.000 |
| A | 028 |3.200.000 | 2.800.000 |400.000 |
| A | 023 |7.200.000 | 7.200.000 | 0 |
for this type of account number jenis 021 Field Unmort Fill set= 0 and Field Total must not be a minus...
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Oct 21, 2014
I have 2 tables that I need to merge let me explain. I have a range of product ID's that have a product grouping of * meaning all product groups. So I have a table with products and one with around 100 groups
ProdID ProdGrp
-------- ---------
11 *
12 *
ProdGrp ProdGrpDesc
--------- ---------------
A Prod Group A
B Prod Group B
C Prod Group C
I need a table which looks like the below but I have no joining mechanism
ProdID ProdGrp
-------- ---------
11 A
11 B
11 C
12 A
12 B
12 C
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Oct 10, 2007
I want to ship 500,000 aged transactions each night to an archive table and delete them from their source table in one or more logical units of work (LUW). Each row is approx 60 bytes and there is only one non clustered index on the source table presently.
I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of 3 alternatives. One of them would basically insert the non-aged rows into tempdb, ship the aged records, truncate the table and then insert the tempdb records back into their source all in the same LUW.
For this alternative, I'd at least like to turn off logging when the records get inserted into tempdb as I dont see any value in logging that part of the activity. Is this possible?
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Jan 7, 2015
I need to find all tables which has a join (either inside an sp, view, etc) with my given table in a db.
sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities doesn't work here.
Note: i dont want to identify by FK References, for 2 reasons:
1) tables might not met with a join (just FK was defined)
2) sometimes, a join happened between tables, without an FK defined
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Oct 10, 2015
i have below queries each select is fetching records at one level. Is there a way i can write single query to get to nth level (recursion) instead joining same table 10 times (i don't know in some cases there is may be next level) I stopped at 10th level now. In below example i gave only two levels.
SELECT Distinct
a.Col1 AS EmpID,
a.Col1 AS EmpID,
a.Col2 AS Emp_guid,
a.Col2 AS Emp_guid,
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Sep 11, 2007
Hi All -
I know the data is unseen and my pose a problem visualizing whats going on here, and I will post sample data if needed, but Ill try first w/o data. I mainly need to know if/how I am incorrectly using EXISTS.
my key on vwAssays is LotID,AssayRank I am trying grab just the records out of vwAssays for each Lot with the greatest AssayRank
FROM vwAssays a
WHERE exists (select lotid, max(assayrank) assayrank from vwAssays l where a.lotid = l.lotid and a.assayrank = l.assayrank group by lotid ) and runid = 122
order by lotid
FROM vwAssays a inner join (select lotid, max(assayrank) assayrank from vwAssays group by lotid) l on a.lotid = l.lotid and a.assayrank = l.assayrank
where runid = 122
order by a.lotid
select lotid, max(assayrank) assayrank from vwAssays l where runid = 122 group by lotid
#1 does not work, it is showing all assayranks for each lotid
#2 works ok but Id like to use Exists instead
my actuall question is what needs to happen to #1 so that it does what #2 does.
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Nov 8, 2006
Can i somehow use exists() function in JOIN ON clause?
for example
INNER JOIN ON Table1.Col1 = Table2.Col1 AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE Table2.Col2 = Table1.Col2)
It doesn't work on my query.
So, basically i want to do an inner join so that Table1 gets filtered. Then I make sure that every entry in the filtered Table1 has an existing related entry in Table2. i need to do exists because there could be more than one relation in Table2 for each entry in Table1, but i don't want multiple repetition of entries in the filtered Table1. (Not sure if i am making it clear!)
I need distict selection, but i am adding NEWID() at the beginning of my query so distinct doesn't work for the rows. with my current query, i get repetitive entries of filtered Table1.
I would hugely appreciate any help!
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Sep 20, 2006
This is on Sybase but I'm guessing that the same situation would happen on SQL Server. (Please confirm if you know).
I'm looking at these new databases and I'm seeing code similar to this all over the place:
if not exists (select 1 from dbo.t1 where f1 = @p1)
select @errno = @errno | 1
There's a unique clustered in dex on t1.f1.
The execution plan shows this for this statement:
EXISTS TABLE : nested iteration.
Table Scan.
Forward scan.
Positioning at start of table.
It's not using my index!!!!!
It seems to be the case with EXISTS statements. Can anybody confirm?
I also hinted to use the index but it still didn't use it.
If the existence check really doesn't use the index, what's a good code alternative to this check?
I did this and it's working great but I wonder if there's a better alternative. I don't really like doing the SET ROWCOUNT 1 and then SET ROWCOUNT 0 thing. SELECT TOP 1 won't work on Sybase, :-(.
SELECT @cnt = (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.t1 (index ix01)
WHERE f1 = @p1
Appreciate your help.
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Jan 7, 2014
I have a stored procedure that I have written that manipulates date fields in order to produce certain reports. I would like to add a column in the dataset that will be a join from another table (the table name is Periods).
The structure of the periods table is as follows:
[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Period] [int] NULL,
[Quarter] [int] NULL,
[Year] [int] NULL,
[PeriodStarts] [date] NULL,
[PeriodEnds] [date] NULL
The stored procedure is currently:
USE [International_Forecast_New]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetOpenResult] Script Date: 01/07/2014 11:41:35 ******/
[Code] ....
What I need is to add the period, quarter and year to the dataset based on the "Store_Open" value.
For example Period 2 looks like this
Period Quarter Year Period Start Period End
2 1 20142014-01-27 2014-02-23
So if the store_open value is 02/05/2014, it would populate Period 2, Quarter 1, Year 2014.
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Apr 24, 2014
I have table A (EmployeeNumber, Grouping, Stages)
Table B (Grouping, Stages)
Table A could look like the following where the multiple employees could have multiple types and multiple stages.
EmployeeNumber, Type, Stages
100, 1, Stage1
100, 1, Stage2
100, 2, Stage1
100, 2, Stage2
200, 1, Stage1
200, 2, Stage2
Table B is a list of requirements that each employee must have. So every employee must have a type 1 and 2 and the associated stages listed below.
Type, Stage
1, Stage1
1, Stage2
2, Stage1
2, Stage2
2, Stage3
2, Stage4
So I know that each employee should have 2 Type 1's and 4 Type 2's. I hope that makes sense, I'm trying to change my data because ours is very proprietary.
I need to identify employees who do not have all their stages and list the stages they are missing. The final report should only have employees and the associated missing types and stages.
I do a count by employee to see how many types they have to identify the ones that don't have all the types and stages.
My count would look something like this:
EmployeeNumber Type Total
100, 1, 2
100, 2, 2
200, 1, 1
200 1, 2
So I know that employee 100 should have 2 more Type 2's and employee 200 should have 1 more Type 1 and 2 more Type 2's based on the required list.
The problem I'm having is taking that required list and joining to my list of employees with missing data and pulling from it the types and stages that are missing by employee. I thought I could get a list of the employees that are missing information and right join it to the required list where the missing records would be nulls. But, that doesn't work because some employees do have the required information and so I'm not getting any nulls returned.
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Jul 3, 2015
I have 3 tables as per following:
1 Item1 20
2 Item1 10
3 Item2 10
4 Item1 5
4 Item2 5
Item1This is 110
Item2This is 220
I want to pull only the 1 line for minqty for an item as follows
OrderProductQtyOrddate minqty
1 Item1 20 10/06/2015 10
2 Item1 10 05/07/2015
3 Item2 10 07/06/2015 20
4 Item1 5 15/08/2015
4 Item2 5 15/08/2015
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Jul 15, 2015
I have two queries from two different tables ex ABC and BCD. For table ABC, according to my query, I got 11 records ; for table BCD I only got 9 records.
Bottom line: I would like to see only 11 records from Table ABC including certain data from table BCD after I joined this two tables.
However, no matter what I did I always got 99 records when I joined.
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Aug 18, 2015
I am using stored procedure to load gridview,i want to show row specific values in coloumns , as i an working on daily timetable of college and There are three tables Week_Day,Daily_Timetable & Subject.Daily_Timetable has data which has week_day,class_id,Subject_id,Period_No.
Each day has 6 periods and each period is mapped with subject in daily timetable.From below sql i am getting 6 rows of monday.
But i want to show in a row weekname,period1_subject_id(Period_No=1),period2_subject_id(Period_No=2),period3_subject_id.......upto
Please see my query below:-
SELECT Week_Day.Week_Day_name, Subject.Subject_Code, Daily_Timetable.Period_No
Daily_Timetable ON Week_Day.Week_Day_Id = Daily_Timetable.Week_Day_Id and Daily_Timetable.Class_Id=6 LEFT JOIN
Subject ON Daily_Timetable.Subject_Id = Subject.Subject_Id order by Week_Day.Week_Day_Id ,Daily_Timetable.Period_No
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Jan 6, 2015
I have a table called as Events and below are its columns
ID int
EventFromDate datetime
EventToDate datetime
EventDesc nvarchar
IsHoliday bit
This is a master table where the admin would enter the Events/Holidays for the entire year.
The data would be as below:
IDEventFromdateEventTodateEventDesc isHoliday
301-05-201501-05-2015Labour day Yes
Now, suppose a employee applies leave on 26/01/2015 to 26/01/2015 then it should not insert into table and return a value "Not updated"
How to handle the scenario if a employee applies leave between the range 23/01/2015 to 27/01/2015, since 26/01/2015 is a holiday in between. how the data can still be inserted excluding 26/01/2015
Can we exclude a non-working day or a sunday.
Leavedetails table to insert leaves applied by employee is as follows
LeaveDetailID int
LeaveTypeId int
FromDate datetime
EndDate datetime
Remarks nvarchar
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Aug 10, 2015
So, I've got this query running and it works great providing there is a record in both DataBases. Now, I need to get all of those that have a record in DBServer1 but not in TranscendDB. I assume i'd use an If not exists, but can't figure out the syntax when using the Linked Object...
select Portfolio
from [TranscendDB].[dbo].[CMContactEvents] as CM
inner join
from [DBServer1].[DB1].[dbo].[Account] AS A,
[Code] ......
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Dec 12, 2014
I have sample data like 'J.S.xxxx','J.xxxx.'
Want to separate the . in the middle of word with single space and display results in following way.
J. S. xxxx
J. xxxx
Need the code in optimized way.
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Apr 28, 2015
I am getting error [[Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Line 7 .Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.]] for the below script.
Declare @mSql2 Nvarchar(max)
SET @mSql2= (select * from Tablename)
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Dec 19, 2013
I need a query to get the first value greater than a specific threshold value
LoadTemp1 LoadTemp2 LoadTemp3 LoadTemp4 TimeStamp
300 200 100 320 12-10-2013 13:30:29
100 250 113 340 12-10-2013 14:20:12
114 339 209 345 12-10-2013 14:45:01
I need to get the first value >= 340 threshold
I need to make a Benchmark on when the first LoadTemp crosses Threshold of 340 and capture the time.
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Sep 11, 2014
I have a simple example of what I am trying to do. Here is some code to make a quick table to demonstrate:
create table #students
lastname varchar(50)
,firstname varchar(50)
,address1 varchar(50)
I want to select all the records, and them them be in alphabetical order first by lastname, then by firstname, then by address. HOWEVER, and this is the tricky part, I want to group names together that have the same address. So, in this example, I want the results to be in this order:
HallC6309 N Olive
HallP6309 N Olive <---- grouped with the C record because they have the same address
HallE5488 W Catalina <---- back to alphabetical by first name
HallJ7222 N Cocopas
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Nov 18, 2014
How to remove Character From Column,Just Character. I want to work with number.
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Dec 15, 2014
I have an SQL .bak file and I would only like to restore specific columns as one of the columns is a free text field and is substantially increasing the size of the file. I can't restore it due to disk space constraints so dropping the column isn't possible if I can't get the table into a database locally.
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Jan 13, 2015
I was looking for a little insight on Resource Governor. I have a request from my manager to limit the resources a certain third party's DB can use on our system. We allow them to keep a DB on our SQL 2012 server so they can run query's to compare data to their server without linking the two machines.
I was looking into resource manager to perhaps accomplish this task but I'm not real familiar with it. If Resource governor can be used to only allow a DB named UserDB1 to use only 1GB or Memory at any one time?
Or perhaps there is another way aside from Resource governor?
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