SQL 2012 :: Lockdown All Databases Except One

Sep 14, 2015

Our sql server 2012 contains 10+ databases. I need to let a developer work only with one specific and tempdb databases, and nothing else. I don't want them to see any of the other databases. When they login, they should only see tempdb and their assigned database. If I were to login with sa, then all databases should be available.

I created a "Test" user the developer will use for their work. I tried several settings, but could not get the desires results. I was able to get the "Test" user to login and ALL databases were hidden, including the one that the user has perms to.

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SQL 2012 :: System Databases Moving

Jan 11, 2014

whenever we are moving system databases from one drive to another, do we need to move the path physically? or it automatically moves.I want to try the rebuild the sql server. So I want to corrupt the master database so, I deleted the master mdf file and restore it back but instead of database corruption it is giving the following error message. How can I corrupt the master database and can practice the rebuild the server.

And one more thing when I try to use the repair option I couldn't able to get all the things back to normal. The database engine service, replication is not working but SSAS, SSRS things are showing successfully repaired.

2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server Error: 26055, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server The SQL Server failed to initialize VIA support library [QLVipl.dll]. This normally indicates the VIA support library does not exist or is corrupted. Please repair or disable the VIA network protocol. Error: 0x7e.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x7e, status code 0x60. Reason: Unable to initialize the VIA listener. The specified module could not be found.


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SQL 2012 :: Compare And Join Databases

Feb 7, 2014

A customer has messed up while moving their databases. After working for a week they found that data is missing in the database.I have two backups, one from the old server and one from the new server today, they have been working in the new one for a week.

I need to compare these two databases and then update the new database with all data that is in the old one but not in the new database. Join the data in the two databases so to say. Both databases are from the same application so they use the same users, schema and so on.

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SQL 2012 :: Partitioned View Over Two Databases

Sep 8, 2014

I have database with a large table (30 Billion rows) because it is so big I separated the data in quarterly tables and created a partitioned view (with hints for the date column) about 1 billions a quarter. (all in separated filegroups). The tables themselfes are partitioned by date again, so you slice out one day

However the full-backup of grows and grows and the mainpart of it is "old" but needed data.

So I was thinking to put the older data in a separate database (with separated backup) and then point to the table in my view.

While this is technical possible (leaving out the WITH SCHEMABINDING) I wonder what negative consequences it will have.

I already had to lose "with schemabing".

I have to use separate partioning functions - for each database its own - (partition schemas where already separated due to separated filegroups)

What about query optimization, does the optimizer care that there are two databases?

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SQL 2012 :: SELECT / UPDATE On All Databases

Nov 20, 2014

I need assigning a group of users read, write, update (not delete) permission on all user databases. is there any way to do so instead of creating role on each database separately.

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SQL 2012 :: Authentication With Two (or More) Databases On Same Instance

May 7, 2015

Scenario: a stored procedure is executed in database ABC. The procedure includes a MERGE statement with objects in the ABC and DEF databases. A Windows login is executing the procedure. Contained users is not enabled anywhere on the instance. And the user is not orphaned in either database, i.e. the login is associated to the user correctly by-sid in each one.

Of course, the Windows login must be authenticated to access database ABC, and authorized to execute the procedure. That is happening. Most of the time, so is the MERGE statement. But every once in a while we're seeing an odd "Network error code 0x2746 occurred while establishing a connection" message. The procedure has a TRY/CATCH retry loop around the MERGE statement, so it enters that loop. Re-read: the procedure is still running, the network error wasn't about the client connection executing the procedure. So what was it about?

Does that MERGE statement, accessing database DEF, require SQL to authenticate the Windows login again, because it's a different database (even though it's on the same instance, and was already authenticated for ABC)? There shouldn't be any other network activity involved in that phase of the execution. Plus, when the process had been using a SQL Server-authenticated login, this never happened.

But before I go blaming our DCs or network... I need to know, are they in fact involved here, or not? I believe they are, but... never had to care enough before to really know. I'm trying to stave off the "let's switch it back to a SQL login" demand that's sure to come soon, if I can't find an appropriate resolution to this.

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SQL 2012 :: Multiple Databases And Schemas

Jun 9, 2015

I have a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition install that I am needing to do the following:

- Provide db_owner access to a single user. Have the db_owner privilege apply for the user in all Schemas of the database (this is a generic AD account that is being used for an application).

They are wanting me to do this because they do not want to get so granular as to tell me all of the objects that the user will need specific access to in any of the given Schemas of the database(s).I have 8 databases, and each one has additional Schemas. These are all contained in a Default instance.I am finding that without explicitly applying permissions to the various objects in the Schemas that are not the default Schema for this user, I am a bit stuck.Is there any way to have the db_owner permission apply to the single user for all the Schemas in a given database (without making them a Sysadmin)?

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SQL 2012 :: Enabling TDE On Databases Which Are Used For Log-shipping

Sep 15, 2015

I have log shipping enabled on databases(primary and secondary) and works fine. I need to implement TDE on the database. I have experience on implementing TDE on databases which are not used for log-shipping.

What are the steps needed to setup TDE which are involved with log-shipping.

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SQL 2012 :: Shrinking Sharepoint Databases

Oct 4, 2015

We are currently running sharepoint with SQL 2012 database. The consultant who configured Sharepoint for us is advising/insisting that we setup a daily maintenance job to shrink the data and log files. He is insisting that the lack of maintenance job to shrink the files daily is the reason we are running out of disk space.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Get Last Run Date On All Databases On One Server

Oct 23, 2015

I know how to get the last run date on all the databases on one serveri have a lot of servers and i was wanting a way of getting the last run date across all servers.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Backup And Restore Databases Using SSMS

Jun 18, 2014

how to backup and restore SQL Server databases using ssms in sql server 2012

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SQL Server 2012 :: Reconcile Values In 2 Databases

Oct 9, 2014

I am trying to reconcile two different databases. Each database holds customer information and some of this information is represented as drop down tables. Here is how it is linked


Tables Fields

Attribute names Name, AttID, AttValue
Attribute Values AttID, AttValue, CustID, CustCode
Customer DBID, DBCode,CustID, CustCode, FName, LName

Database 1 Sample

Attribute name Attribute Values Customer
Color 8, 0 8, 1, 1234, 6 892, 14, 1234, 6, John, Doe
red 8, 1 8, 2, 1234, 6
blue 8,2

Database 2 Sample

Attribute name Attribute Values Customer
Color 5, 0 5, 3, 1234, 6 892, 14, 7434, 5, John, Doe
red 5, 3 5, 4, 1234, 6
blue 5,4

Within a database, the ATTID and Attcode link the attribute and attribute value tables and they link to the Customer table with CustID and Cust Code. One Customer may have multiple entries within the Attribute value table

The Customer tables in each database are linked by the DBID and DBCode values. The other ID's are not necessarily the same across databases.

The object is to compile a list of Customers where these attribute values vary between databases. There are approximately 56,000 Customers in the customer table and 710,000 entries in the attribute values table.

My attempts to do this have produced cross joins with millions of values returned

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SQL 2012 :: DBCC CHECKDB Runs On All Our Databases

Dec 2, 2014

Every night all our DBCC CHECKDB runs on all our databases. The trouble is one of them is very large and the database is inaccessible whilst this runs. DBCC CHECKDB (dbname) WITH physical_only executed by user found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors. Elapsed time: 0 hours 24 minutes 46 seconds

This normally happens fairly shortly after the backup, and normally (but not always) after a series of these entries in the log.SQL Server has encountered 7976 occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11. MSSQLSERVERMSSQ LDATA empdb.mdf] in database [tempdb] (2).Would this cause SQL to automatically run a CheckDB.

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SQL 2012 :: Setup Replica For Databases For Reporting?

Jun 17, 2015

I would like to setup replica for one of the databases for reporting. The current environment is a 2 node cluster(active/passive). I would like to add a 3rd node that can server as a secondary replica. The secondary replica will be on asynchronous commit mode.

The database that needs to have alwayson setup has column level encryption enabled.

* Do I need to backup and restore the service master key on secondary server in order to have the column level encryption to work on secondary server?

* What would be preferred Quorum settings?

* What is the setting for 'readable secondary' for primary and replica db?

* What should be the setting for 'Connections in Primary Role' for primary and replica db?

* We are trying to setup without a Listner. Do I need to setup AG Listner? Can the application exclusively use the [secondary instance name].[replica DB name] without a listner?

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SQL 2012 :: What If We Locked Down All Databases To A Single Interface

Aug 30, 2015

Would this go a long way towards securing the data?


Where "this" is a single object mapped to a single stored procedure.

Two parameters are recommended: one to identify user, and one to specify an "action" or different SP.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Set Primary Key And Index On Live Production Databases

Mar 20, 2014

just i see a database and a table 'tbl_OutBox_MT' where there is now primary key and have index (non unique, non cluster). and it store almost 3000000 data per everyday. and wipe out data from their and archive all data to other location and broadcast this table 'tbl_OutBox_MT' by mobile operator everyday from morning to evening. but when it perform broadcast it to mobile operator it takes huge time. because this table gather data from different sources (tables) by using complex query and INSER INTO statement and insert into this table.

I need to perform first, my observation is there is no primary key. when i run any complex query into this table it takes huge time and sometimes shows transaction deadlock error.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_OutBox_MT](
[TRAN_ID] [varchar](36) NOT NULL,
[OUT_MSG_ID_TELCO] AS (CONVERT([bigint],((((CONVERT([varchar](4),datepart(year,[PROCESS_TIME]),(0))+case len(CONVERT([varchar](2),datepart(month,[PROCESS_TIME]),(0))) when (1) then '0' else '' end)


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SQL 2012 :: Mirroring Multiple Databases On Single Instance?

Jun 10, 2014

I have to mirror 3 DBs on my sql server instance . I have restored there full backups and log backups on mirror.I have also created endpoints on principal and mirror using default ports 5022 and 5023.

know if i can use the same endpoint for the databases on principal instance ?

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SQL 2012 :: Schema Changes On High Availability Group Databases

Jul 23, 2014

So we have our HA group servers and databases, now we want to deploy schema changes to the HA group databases.

1.) Can we deploy the changes to Server2.mydatabase whilst still having Server1.mydatabase available to users?

2.) If yes, what is involved in doing so

3.) If no, What is the best suggestions to apply schema changes to HA databases.

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SQL 2012 :: Compare Two Similar Databases (A And B) Stored Procedure?

Dec 3, 2014

Is there any way to compare two similar databases (A & B) stored procedure. I have to find stored procedure in second database B with respect to the difference.

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SQL 2012 :: Script To Add Server Login To Multiple Databases?

Feb 9, 2015

I have migrated over 700 databases to another server and now I have to add a specific user to all these databases and sync , looking for script to add this user at once to all these databases.

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SQL 2012 :: Apply Service Pack When Databases Are In Replication?

Jun 5, 2015

how to apply service pack when the databases are in replication?

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SQL Server 2012 :: MDF And LDF Size For Spreadsheet - Multiple Databases

Aug 28, 2015

I need a script that will return the mdf & ldf for multiple databases.

I am currently running...

sp_helpdb 'TestDataname'

...and copying the size of the mdf and ldf into an excel spreadsheet.

How can I get the mdf AND ldf file size for all of the databases in an instance? I need the MDF and LDF seperated and I want the actual size of the file as it appears on the file system.

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SQL 2012 :: Why Are Databases Showing Up In Newly Created Instance

Sep 18, 2015

Why are the user databases that were created in the MSSQLSERVER default instance showing up in the newly created ALPHAONE instance? I'm successfully logging into the alphaone database as it shows as "DASAlphaOne,1xxxPport) at the top of the treeview in ssms. I'm logging in as sa and can edit anything.

The issue here is that all the user databases are shown and can even be edited. I created this instance in an effort to hide databases from whoever is not supposed to see.I was expecting a clean instance with only the system databases..Is there something that can be set to keep each instance's databases private into itself?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Automatically Adding New Databases To Availability Group

Oct 28, 2013

automatically replicates new databases to Availability Group partners - if you do a little prep work on your environment first.To make it work:

1) Create linked servers on all group members pointing to all other servers in the group, with names matching the hostnames they represent.
2) Ensure suitable credentials (or 'current context' impersonation) for linked servers. Also: Enable RPC and RPC OUT
3) Run the DDL code below.
4) Schedule hadr_replicate_queue on [master] to run as often as you want initial syncs to occur. Every 5-10 minutes is plenty for most purposes.
5) Connect to an availability group listener and call CREATE DATABASE :)

I use a slightly more extended version of this code at home to do things like permissions synchronization across replicas - I essentially allow applications to install direct to an availability group replica and then have all the relevant objects replicate to other nodes. I don't really like going through manually and doing things, even though there's an AddIn from SQLSkills for management studio - it still requires manual intervention.

The main use I have for this at home is that I'm using the Azure pack, and want to automatically ensure that my newly created 'SQL Server Cloud' databases are highly available, plus it means when I install a non-alwayson aware product it doesn't require any extra work afterwards to allow failover to another machine.

* AlwaysOn Self-Population Script
* By: Steve Gray / steve@mostlyharmful.net
* Usage: Free, but buy me a beer if you're ever in Brisbane.
USE [master]
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE name='hadr_pending_replicate')


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SQL 2012 :: AlwaysOn High Availability Group Showing All Databases

Apr 28, 2014

I came across an issue while migrating from SQL 2005 to SQL 2012 and using AlwaysOn Group. For some strange reason, when ever i connect to the Listener name for each AlwaysOn group, it list all the databases which is on the SQL instance, so i would be able to see databases that is not part of that Availability Group. I am not using default port, so have to put the port after the Name to connect and both Instance and Listener are using different port.
Testing the fail over works fine too, when i perform a manual failover, i can connect to any of the databases in the group from my application with no problem.

Considering that the Listener Port is different to the port which the instance is using?

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SQL 2012 :: Replication - Distribution Database Doesn't Appear Under System Databases

Oct 30, 2014

I just finished installing SQL Server 2012 with the SQL Server Replication feature component checked. On configuring transaction replication, i notice the distribution database wasn't there. I ran the below query

EXEC sp_get_distributor And the value for distribution_db_installed is 0 as shown below

installed distribution server distribution db installed is distribution publisher has remote distribution publisher

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SQL 2012 :: Log Growth On AlwaysOn Availability Databases On Primary Server?

Nov 29, 2014

Secondary server is offline due to a hardware issue and the log files are growing on Primary sever for availability databases. The log drive is running out of space. How can I stop the log growth for the primary databases?

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SQL 2012 :: Re-Indexed With Wrong Fill Factor And Now All Databases Are Huge

Jan 24, 2015

As the title says I re-indexed all of my databases using the wrong fill factor. Instead of using 90% as the fill factor I misunderstood and set this at 10%. So I believe my databases are now packed with a ton of unused space. The DB sizes should be about 5-6 GB but have since grown to 20-40GB. I am very new to SQL administration and don't know of a safe way to remove this unused space so that my databases return to their normal sizes. The databases do not grow very much at all so the free space is not really that necessary.

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SQL 2012 :: Approximate Hours Per Month To Monitor And Maintain Health Of Databases?

Jul 8, 2014

Based on the description below on average how many hours a month would it take to monitor and maintain the MSSQL Server databases?

Description of IT infrastructure.All Windows Servers and MSSQL Servers are up to date on patches and best practices.

Corporate site with 3 remote sites.

All remote sites have one DC and one MSSQL Server.

The corporate site has one MSSQL Server.

Replication is performed between the remote MSSQL databases and the corporate office MSSQL database.

There is no in-house DBA. All DBA services will have to be outsourced. I am trying to determine what is reasonable in budgeting for time involved for this service.

There is one project written in MS Access using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) with the backend residing on these database.

The question is on average approximately how many hours a month would it take to monitor and maintain the health of the MSSQL Servers database by a MSSQL DBA. The DBA will not have to create any user reporting, queries, etc. Just maintain the existing MSSQL Servers database.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Check For Successful Full Backups On Availability Group Databases

Apr 20, 2015

I am setting up Availability Groups and I want to use the secondary replica to perform the full copy_only backups to reduce the load on the primary replica.But what is the best way to check for successful full backups on Availability Group databases?

Previously I could check the system table msdb.dbo.backupset but this is not available for copy_only backups.So I wonder how people are monitoring that their full backups have been successful?

Do you just check that the SQL Agent job that runs the backup was successful?

Or do you search the SQL Server Error Log for entries like "Database backed up. Database: xxx" where database xxx is in an Availability Group?

Or is there a better method?

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SQL 2012 :: Backup Cluster Databases Directly To Tape Using Native Backups?

May 5, 2015

Can we backup our cluster databases directly to tape using native backups (without using any third party tool) ? It's SQL Server 2012 two node Active/Passive cluster. One of the DB will be huge in size, hence checking if we can directly backup from the cluster instance to a tape.

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SQL 2012 :: Report GUEST User Access Status In All Databases On Instance Level

Apr 17, 2015

Below query tells us if guest user is enabled or disabled in a particular database

SELECT dp.name, CASE perms.class WHEN 0 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS 'Enabled'
FROM sys.database_principals dp
LEFT JOIN (SELECT grantee_principal_id, class FROM sys.database_permissions
WHERE class = 0 AND type = 'CO' AND state = 'G') AS perms
ON dp.principal_id = perms.grantee_principal_id
WHERE dp.name = 'guest';

Do we have a query which can also add the database name to above query output? The output must have columns with data against Name,Enabled,Database name

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SQL 2012 :: Applications Cannot Connect Because Logins Cannot Connect To Their Default Databases

Oct 17, 2014

I designed the AlwaysOn wrong, but every time we fail over from primary server to another server, my applications cannot connect because the sql logins cannot connect to their default databases. Once I run the command to link the login with the user in the default database then the users are able to connect. Did I do something wrong when designing AlwaysOn?

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