SQL 2012 :: Log Shipping - File Prefix
May 31, 2015
Am just on the lookout to find out whether there is a way to put a prefix at the beginning of the transaction log backup file that is created by SQL Server logshipping.
So, instead of having <DatabaseName>_<DateTime>.BAK (which is what SQL does), I would like to have TL_<DatabaseName>_<DateTime>.BAK.
I have looked into a parameter for the sqllogship.exe command, but cannot find any & have looked at fields in the logshipping tables, & can't see anything there either.
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Jun 18, 2015
I received an alert from one of my two secondary servers (all servers are running 2012 SP1):
File 'E:SQLMS SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATAMyDatabaseName_DateTime.tuf' is not a valid undo file for database 'MyDatabaseName (database ID 8). Verify the file path, and specify the correct file.
The detail in the job step shows this additional information:
*** Error: Could not apply log backup file 'MyDatabaseName_DateTime.trn' to secondary database 'MyDatabaseName'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***
*** Error: Table error: Page (0:0). Test (m_headerVersion == HEADER_7_0) failed. Values are 0 and 1.
Table error: Page (0:0). Test ((m_type >= DATA_PAGE && m_type <= UNDOFILE_HEADER_PAGE) || (m_type == UNKNOWN_PAGE && level == BASIC_HEADER)) failed. Values are 0 and 0.
Table error: Page (0:0). Test (m_freeData >= PageHeaderOverhead () && m_freeData <= (UINT)PAGESIZE - m_slotCnt * sizeof (Slot)) failed. Values are 0 and 8192.
Starting a few minutes later, the Agent Job named LSRestore_MyServerName_MyDatabaseName fails every time it runs. The generated log backup, copy, and restore jobs run every 15 minutes.
I fixed the immediate problem by running a copy-only full backup on the primary, deleting the database on the secondary and restoring the new backup on the secondary with NORECOVERY. The restore job now succeeds and all seems fine. The secondaries only exists for DR purposes - no one runs reports against them or uses them at all. I had a similar problem last weekend on a different database that is also replicated between the same servers. I've been here for over a year, and these are the first instances of this problem that I've seen. However, I've now seen it twice in a week on the same server.
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Aug 21, 2014
When I create a table in sql server database name appears in prefix of table.
My database name: Digitall
My table name: Digitall.News
How can I remove Digitall prefix from my tables?
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Aug 26, 2014
I try to make log shipping between different domain in the same forest, if I set for No recovery mode, it works fine.
I try to set it as standby mode with disconnect users after 30 mins to 1 hr, it fails and it shows restoring but if I want to recover it, it show suspect.
Both of SQL server are 11.0.3128.
Below is my error.
----error for log shipping job----
2014-08-26 11:48:01.15Disconnecting users. Secondary DB: 'LogShipTest'
2014-08-26 11:48:03.40*** Error: Could not apply log backup file 'C:TshipLogShipTest_20140826154010.trn' to secondary database 'LogShipTest'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***
2014-08-26 11:48:03.40*** Error: An error occurred while processing the log for database 'LogShipTest'. If possible, restore from backup. If a backup is not available, it might be necessary to rebuild the log.
[Code] ....
I try to check whether the log file have issue by logshipping to 2 servers on with norecovery and one with standby, one with norecovery
Seem to me the error on secondary database which service account for SQL server and SQL agent is domain service account and have admin right for the box.
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Nov 19, 2014
In an SSRS database install along with a log shipping configuration towards a failover server, do we need to log ship the ReportServerTempDB DB also necessarily ?
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Nov 21, 2013
I have several databases on a 2012 instance that are mirrored to a second server, and log ship to a third server for reporting purposes.Recently, for two of the databases, the log shipping has been failing at least once per day, and sometimes more often.
i have deleted and recreated both the mirroring and log shipped databases on several occasions, but the problem is still happening.The log shipping restore jobs don't get marked as failed in the job history, but if you expand the history you can see errors such as this:
Date21/11/2013 13:00:01
LogJob History (LSRestore_OAK-DCSQLDB1_OtherCarrierLive)
Step ID1
Job NameLSRestore_OAK-DCSQLDB1_OtherCarrierLive
Step NameLog shipping restore log job step.
Sql Severity0
Restoring a new backup of the database cures the problem for anywhere between 15minutes and 12 hours, but it always seems to re-occur.I have run DBCC on the source databases with no errors reported, and five other databases have the log shipping working without errors.
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Sep 15, 2015
I have log shipping enabled on databases(primary and secondary) and works fine. I need to implement TDE on the database. I have experience on implementing TDE on databases which are not used for log-shipping.
What are the steps needed to setup TDE which are involved with log-shipping.
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Jan 23, 2013
We have 4 Servers which have SQL SERVER 2012 and "AlwaysOn" have been enabled on all 4 servers:
Server1 is the Primary node and thr rest are secondaries. There is a Sync relation between Server1 and Server2 and also there is aSync relation between Server1 and Server3 & Server4.
Is it possible to setup log shipping from Server2 & Server3(secondaries) to two new servers?
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May 8, 2014
We have a SQL 2012 server instance that has log shipping set up to another SQL 2012 server to provide a warm standby for a forward facing application. The databases on the primary server occasionally are required to be backed up and restored to a development environment, completely different server. Is there a way to schedule full backups with log shipping enabled?
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Jan 21, 2015
I am trying to create a failover cluster without the log shipping in 2012 as i've done it with a static instance with some database.Is the "AlwaysON" feature the solution when an application creates random and numerous databases within the instance and we need a failover scenario ?
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Jan 30, 2015
At one of our client side a wired log shipping issues has come up.while monitoring those two server i noticed that although log-shipping report says both server are in sync, report displays information related to both backup and restore , it doesn't shows information related to copy that is when was last file copied and last file copy column is showed blank. Same is when i execute proc "sp_help_log_shipping_monitor" . I get same result ...
When i expand copy job history to analyse its what i found is although job has executed successfully , but in depth reading each steps says that no .trn file was copied .
My copy directory is at secondary server itself where .trn files are placed.And from this location itself files are begin restored.
SQL server and agent on both servers are run by same domain account ....
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Jun 3, 2015
I checked the server and found that LS restore job failing and Backup and copy jobs running fine without any issue. and also observed that Copy folder the trn file existing on secondary server. i try to restore trn file im getting the error. and observed that last log backup file that it restored at the secondary database on May2nd,2015.
2015-06-02 12:25:00.72*** Error: The log in this backup set begins at LSN 761571000000022500001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 721381000002384200001 can be restored.
From Restore job histort details below.
2015-06-02 12:25:00.72*** Error: The file 'xxxx\_20150530104503.trn' is too recent to apply to the secondary database 'database'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***
2015-06-02 12:25:00.72*** Error: The log in this backup set begins at LSN 761571000000022500001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 721381000002384200001 can be restored.
RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.(.Net SqlClient Data Provider) ***
2015-06-02 12:25:00.73Searching for an older log backup file. Secondary Database: 'database'
2015-06-02 12:25:00.73*** Error: Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'database'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***
2015-06-02 12:25:00.74Deleting old log backup files. Primary Database: 'database'
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Apr 29, 2002
I have log shipping set up between 2 servers. It works fine for 4 db's but will not work for the 5th. I have removed and recreated the log shipping again for this DB. (THe DB is actually not being used in production yet) What happens is the complete setup goes fine and the process starts. I come back after a few hours and notice the job is failing. WHen I go to the monitor side it shows the copy and restore work fine. The problem is that it keeps doing the file named db_name_initial_file.trn over an over again. Even though new files are being copied over, they are never restored, it just gets stuck on this one. Anyone seen this before?
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Mar 17, 2014
I've configured log shipping to use for DR purposes. I'm concerned that the physical location of the secondary is mis-reported by SQL Server Management Studio.
Viewing the secondary location (with Studio DB_name Properties Files) shows the path of the primary DB (I expected it to show the path of the secondary).
This SQL command shows the correct/actual paths of both primary and secondary DB's when run on their host servers.
SELECT name, physical_name AS CurrentLocation, state_desc FROM sys.master_files
Is this just cosmetic?
Here is an Example of how the Studio shows the incorrect path for the secondary.
(Primary) servername=prodSrv, DBname=aquaDB, Actual_Path=G:aquaDB, SQL-studio-Properties-Path=G:AquaDB, sys.master_files Path=G:AquaDB,
Log shipped to
(Secondary / Read Only) servername=DRSrv, DBname=aquaDB, Actual Path=F:aquaDR, SQL-studio-Properties-Path=G:AquaDB(WRONG), sys.master_files Path=F:aquaDR
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Apr 10, 2008
I have a warm standby (secondary server) receiving log shipping files.
The database has 5 files all in the primary filegroup. Two of the files need to be moved from one hard drive to another. Whats the best way / process to accomplish the move and re-establish the log shipping recovery status?
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Apr 19, 2007
I've been searching and reading for best practices on how to maintain a reasonable log file size while engaging in Log Shipping. I have found plenty of information on these subjects on their own, but not on how best to shrink your log size without breaking your log shipping integrity.
I apprecaite your help.
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Aug 7, 2015
Log shipping was configured 6 months back. A Transaction log file got corrupted today. How to resolve this?
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Oct 2, 2014
I have a scenario where a customer is going to be using Log Shipping to the DR site; however, we need to maintain the normal backup strategy on the current system. (i.e. Nightly Full, Every 6 Hour Differential and Hourly Transaction Log backup)I know how to setup Transaction Log Shipping and Fail-over to DR and backup but now the local backup strategy is going to be an issue. I use the [URL] .... maintenance solution currently.
Is it even possible to do regular backups locally keeping data integrity for your backup strategy with Transaction Log Shipping enabled?
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May 13, 2007
I could not able to find Forums in regards to 'Log Shipping' thats why posting this question in here. Appriciate if someone can provide me answers depends on their experience.
Can we switch database recovery model when log shipping is turned on ?
We want to switch from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged Recovery to make sure Bulk Insert operations during the after hours load process will have some performance gain.
Is there any possibility of loosing data ?
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Apr 20, 2015
I have not used log shipping before and find myself in a position where I need to reboot the secondary node and then the primary node and I don't actually need to failover.
Is there anything I need to be aware of. When rebooting the secondary node I assume the transactions will be held in the primary nodes log till the secondary comes back and just carry on once back up?
When rebooting the primary node nothing needs to be done and the log shipping will just start again once it has come back?
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Jun 11, 2014
I would like to do partitioning one of my client, but that primary database is participating in log shipping.
If I do partitioning on primary, automatically apply those changes on secondary db? if not, what is the way?
Note: I am adding new filegroups and ndf file in different drives on primary database.
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Jun 8, 2006
I 'm sure I am missing something obvious, hopefully someone could point it out. After a failover log shipping, I want to fail back to my inital Primary server database; however, my database is marked as loading. How can I mark it as normal?
I did the failover as follow:
I did a failover log shipping from the 2 server Sv1 (Primary) and Sv2 (Secondary) by doing the following
1) Stop the primary database by using sp_change_primary_role (Sv1)
2) Change the 2nd server to primary server by running sp_change_secondary_role (Sv2)
3) Change the monitor role by running sp-change_monitor_role (Sv2)
4) Resolve the log ins - (Sv2)
5) Now I want to fail back - I copy the TRN files to Sv1 - use SQL Ent to restore the database at point in time. The task is done; however, the database is still mark as loading. I could not use sp_dboption.
I appreciate any suggestion.
Thanks in advance
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Jul 31, 2014
I need to write a process to get file size in kb and record count in a file. I was planning on writing a c# console app that takes the file path and name as a param however should i use a CLR?
I cant put a script in the ssis when it's bringing the file down because it has been deemed that we only use ssis for file consumption.
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Apr 14, 2014
I need find out the number of columns in flat file before i process that particular file.I have file name in @filename variable and file path is @filepath variable.But do not not that how i will check the column name in before i will process that file.
@filePath = C:DatabaseSourceFilesCAHCVSSourceFiles
And i am using for each loop container to read the file one by one and put the file name in @filename variable.and my file name like
Now what i have to do is i need to make sure that ID,Name,City,County,Phone is there in flat file.if it is not there then i have to send mail to client saying that file is not valid.I need to also calculate the size of flat file.
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Jun 16, 2014
The TEMPDB transaction log file keeps growing.The database server is new and the transaction log was presized to 1 GB on installation. After installing a number of databases, the log file grew over a day to 38GB. Issuing a manual checkpoint was the only way to free some space to allow it to be shrunk back to a usable size. The usage of the file is still going up.
I am struggling to find what process is causing the log to be used so heavily. Looking at the log reuse wait desc for tempdb returns "Nothing" and tempdb itself isn't being used very much or growing in size.
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Apr 30, 2008
Am I right in saying that the MS Full-text search engine does not support a wildcard at the beginning of the word? Only at the end? E.g. "VB*" works but "*NET" doesn't.
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Jul 2, 2015
I have a filetable that contains a binary file. I need to do a selective read of the file stored in the file table. I can write a C# CLR function that will open the file, read n bytes the from a starting byte. Or I can write a SQL statement that reads the stream in the filetable into a VARBINARY variable using SUBSTRING beginning at the starting byte (offset from 1) for the same n bytes.
Both give me the same result. However, the SQL statement takes considerably longer to read. I know there is overhead in reading through SQL (interpreted language), but the difference in performance is substantial, and I can only attribute this performance degradation if SQL first tries to "load" the entire stream before it identifies the portion of the stream that it needs to read beginning at the starting byte offset.
I wonder if this is the case or if there is another option to read a stream from a filetable directly through SQL queries that is more efficient.
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Apr 29, 2014
Why shrinkfile empty file does not redistribute data evenly in the primary file group with multiple files:
Please run the script attached to see what the end result is.
This is what I set up last night on my test machine.
1) Create database [FGTest] size 200MB
2) Create table called TEST on primary
3) Insert 40MB of data into test
4) Create another file group called temp in primary size 200MB
5) Shrinkfile('FGTest',emptyfile) so that all data is transfered from FGTest into temp file group.
6) Add another 2 files called DATA2 and DATA3. Both are 200MB.
7) We now have 3 empty files that I want data distributed evenly on. FGTest, DATA2 & DATA3
8) Shrinkfile('temp',emptyfile) to move all the data from temp over the 3 file groups evenly
I would expect at this stage to have the following:
FGTest = 13MB,
DATA2 = 13MB,
DATA3 = 13MB
(40MB of data over 3 files should be about 13 MBish in each file)
What I actually end up with is this:
FGTest = 20MB
DATA1 = 10MB
DATA2 = 10MB
It looks as though SQL Server is allocating 50% of all data to the original file and then 50% evenly over
the remaining files in PRIMARY.
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Apr 22, 2014
We have a large 'History' database that is currently about 4.5TB, with most of that in a datafile that is 4.2TB. We wanted to stop growth on the one large data file and have SQL Server allocate new data to the other data files, but this throws an error when we attempt to change the MAXSIZE settings:
ALTER failed for Database 'History'
MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than or equal to current size.
The SQL Server is saying we can have a max size of 2TB, and anything over that is blocked. Since this is being blocked, the file continues to grow.
Is there any way to cap the growth of the 4.2TB file and not allow any more data to be written to it?
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Dec 5, 2014
is there limitation for size of file to store in db by filestream in sql server 2008?or it accept all sizes?
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Oct 13, 2004
Hi, I have created a table with the following
docmd.runSQL "Create Table #Test(A int)"
in Access 2000 and cannot find the table on my table list, it's not on my enterprise manager either. My guess is that maybe it has something to do with the prefix #? So I started searching for "Create table #" on google and dbforums and cannot find anything. Can someone tell me what's special about having a #prefix on a table and where can I find more information about it?
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Jun 14, 2007
Good Morning Db forum.
I am working on a query that I need to pull all fields that contain 3 alpha characters. for example BCB001, MCR001, CHP001 and so forth.
Is there a SQL alpha wildcard that I could use to pull all records that have the three alpha chars?
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