SQL 2012 :: Long Delay Between Job Start And Actual Package Execution
May 7, 2014
I have problems sometimes with a package.
There is and SQL Agent job that starts a package (from a file system using cmd command). Usually job takes 8-10 minutes. But sometimes it get stuck for a long time (1+ hour).
DTexec process can be found with procmon, but it seems it just not doing anything (And package is not logging to file Start of the execution) After long wait it just runs a package quickly.
I've moved a package to SSIS catalog to try to get more detailed logging, but with no luck.
Job starts at 1 PM, package execution starts at 1:49 PM. Without any messages about the execution in SSISDB log.
First I've thought it might be long validation problem, but when package executes validation messages are there and they perform quick.
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Mar 28, 2007
I am currently experiencing a 30 second delay when starting an SSIS package from a query window or stored procedure in SQL 2005 Management Studio, using xp_cmdshell and dtexec.
When I run the package in BI Dev the execution results state an elapsed time of 4.82 sec, at a command prompt using dtexec the elapsed time is 3.48 sec, from MStudio the elapsed time is 33.86 sec, this test was run using the same configuration and databases. For the MStudio run, if I look at the DTS log file I€™m creating or the PC Application log, it states the package doesn't actually start until 31 sec after the execute button is pressed. I€™ve tried executing the package as both a SQL package and a file package without any difference in elapsed times. I have also set DelayValidation = True for every Task, ConnectionManager and the package itself.
When I look at the package log one difference I see is that the Management Studio executes using €˜NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM€™, BI Dev and the cmd prompt use the local user €˜[Server]Administrator€™, which in this case is the administrator. From this I have to believe it is some kind of user rights problem. I think SQL or the OS is waiting for something and after it times out at 30 sec, it allows the package to run. If this is the case I€™m not sure what it might be or how to find it.
I also tried making an xp_cmdshell_proxy_account with admin rights but this didn€™t seem to work either. I€™ve included the query code below. Any ideas, help or solutions are greatly appreciated.
DECLARE @cmd varchar(250)
SET @Result = 0
--SET @cmd = 'dtexec /F "C: empDP2000 DataTransfer.dtsx" /DE ttalg /REP EW'
SET @cmd = 'dtexec /SQL "DP2000 DataTransfer" /DE ttalg /REP EW'
EXEC @Result = xp_cmdshell @cmd
SELECT @result
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Jul 25, 2006
I have a view in SQLServer 2005. It took 30 sec. to finish. Then I deleted 4500 records from one table that is used in view. It took 90 sec. to finish now. I did a comparison on Actual Execution Plan between before I deleted data and after I deleted data, they are almost same, only different is Actual Number Rows become less after deleted data. So, I wonder why data become less but time become more. When I look closely on the Actual Execution Plan, the ridiculous thing is, there are only Estimated Operation Cost on each step, no Actual Operation Cost. I guess there are something wrong with optimizer because reuse same Execution Plan, but how can I tell which step wrong without Actual Operation Cost.
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Nov 11, 2012
how can I get the execution time in millisecond of an MDX query in SSAS?For sql we can get it by:
set statistics time on
set statistics time off.But I am not getting anything for MDX.
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Jul 7, 2006
The benefit of the actual execution plan is that you can see the actual number of rows passing through each step - compared to the estimated number of rows.But what about the "cost percentages" ?I believe I've read somewhere that these percentages is still just an estimate and is not based on the real execution.Does anyone know this and preferable have a link to something that documents it?Thanks
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Jan 23, 2006
Hello All SQL Experts.
Need your advise on this. I have a DTS package which check for 2 dates and execute tasks when the date do not matched. The problem I am facing now is I could make the next step to start only if the previous step is completed. When the DTS package is executed, all steps being completed almost at the same time. See below / attached DTS package.
In the disgram, I have labelled 5 steps A ~ E, each step needs info from the finished product from previous step to produce correct result in it's own step. I couldn't schedule each step to run at different time because the DTS kicks off based on a file that comes in and each step doesn't have a fixed processing time to complete.
I have tried using On Success or On Complete and both options start the next step immediately not not wait for the job the complete or success. I guess this is because I have transferred the command to external when using command. Is there a way to control by some delay between each task?
Please advise. Thank you.
Each of the step has something like below (refreshing of excel file with macro build in):- I cannot build all macros into one file and run from the main excel.
declare @MainUpdate datetime
declare @TempUpdate datetime
select @MainUpdate=Main_Update_CET from APMEAPV_Compare
select @TempUpdate=Temp_Update_CET from APMEAPV_Compare
--select @MainUpdate, @TempUpdate
if @MainUpdate<>@TempUpdate
DECLARE @commandK varchar(1000)
SET @commandK='Start Excel.exe "D:Daily_Status_Report_EDWHEDWH_Runbook_BTS.xls"'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @commandK, No_Output
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Feb 20, 2008
All my SSIS packages consistently take 1 minute to start when they are scheduled via the SQL Agent.
For example, a package runs in 20 seconds in the BI Studio. I transfer it to the SQL server and store it in MSDB. I then run it manually from SSMS - Integration Services and it takes 20 seconds. I then schedule it via a job in the SQL Agent and it takes 1 minute 20 seconds.
I can see from some simple logging that there is consistently a delay of 1 minute between the job starting and the package starting.
I have also switched every occurrence possible of DelayValidation to TRUE in all my packages and tasks. All this did was reduce the package run time from 27 seconds to 20 - the 1 minute delay still exists.
This happens on all my packages on all my servers. Any ideas.....?
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Jul 19, 2006
I wonder if anybody can shed any light on this problem. I have a SQL Agent job which has three steps, each step runs an SSIS package.
The job is scheduled to start at 11.00 pm, which is does successfully. However, it has been taking between 2 and 3 hours to run, which is way longer than it should.
When I've looked at the logging, I've found that the although the job starts at 11.00 pm, the first package (in job step 1) does not start executing until about 11.30. It finishes in about 5 minutes, there is then about an hour delay before the second package (in job step 2) starts. This finishes in about 10 minutes, then there is another hour delay before the third package (in job step 3) starts.
I've tried configuring the steps as SSIS jobs, and also as cmd jobs using dtexec, both exhibit the same behaviour.
Any ideas about what could be causing this delay? The packages are stored in msdb on the same server as the SQL Agent job, if that makes any difference.
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Dec 20, 2007
Hi all,
If I use the following query for a Dataset and the execution takes a few seconds to show results
FROM dbo.ICParameter
WHERE (PatientID = @ID ) AND (LogTime > DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE()))
If I replace '99010200101' with @ID and enter '99010200101' when prompted for ID, the execution takes forever. Actually I have never got any results even after waiting for 10 minutes.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
Thanks in advance.
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Oct 13, 2003
Sometime is necessary to stop MSSQLSeverOLAPServieces to do a full backup in my OLAP Server disks. After backup had finished and I tried to star MSSQLSeverOLAPServieces but it takes almost 30 minutes to the services starts.
What can it be causing that?
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May 24, 2007
Hello all,
I have an ETL process like that:
- Step 1: extract data from database DB2/AS400 to stage database SQL Server (with provider "ADO.NET ODBC")
- Step 2: extract data to stage database SQL Server to SQL Server
(With provider "Native OLE DBSQL Native Client")
During the step 2, if I have a table with a lot of lines (1 million or more), the data-flow takes a lot of time (some minutes) before to start extracting the data. That's quite frustrating and it affects the global time to integrate the data...
I don't know if SSIS scan the table before to integrate it. Moreover I'm almost sure that it was not like that some time ago (and I'm wondering what could have changed...)...
I just specify that the 2 SQL Server databases are on the same server.
Any idea is welcome.
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Mar 21, 2007
Hi all,
I have a query, rather complex one to deal with more than 1 million rows, used to run 40 minutes in SQL Server 2000 in query analyzer. Now, it has been 10 hours in SQL Server 2005 in management studio. And still has not finished yet! Anything can go wrong here. Basically nothing changes, except for I have my server upgrade from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. Seems something is wrong crazy in SQL Server 2005. Any suggestions?
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Apr 21, 2007
When I execute a long running procedure, I get timeout errors when other users try to execute other procedures with UPDATE or INSERT statements.
I suspect that the other procedures are trying to execute DML statements on tables that are locked by the long running procedure.
I have a sharred trigger on all my tables that creates and updates records in tables AuditLogDetails and AuditLogParent for keeping a log of modifications. I suspect that tables AuditoLogDetails and AuditLogParent are locked by the long running procedure.
How can I change the LOCKING behavior of the long running procedure to fix the time out errors that I get?
The long running procedure is displayed below.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spPostPresenceToHistory2]
@PostDate DateTime,
@Department Int,
@Division Int,
@Testing Bit = 0,
@XDoc xml OUTPUT,
@XDoc2 xml OUTPUT,
@ModifierID varchar(20),
@Comment varchar(200)
DECLARE @PostCount Int,@PreCount Int,@DiffCount Int
IF @Testing=1
PRINT 'DELETE FROM History2_Presence'
EXEC sp_SetPostingProperties 'History2_Presence',@ModifierID,@Comment
SELECT @PreCount=COUNT(*) FROM History2_Presence
IF EXISTS(SELECT E.ID FROM History2_Personel E WHERE E.PostDate=@PostDate)
DELETE FROM History2_Presence FROM History2_Presence H
INNER JOIN History2_Personel Ps ON H.Personel_ID=Ps.ID AND Ps.PostDate=@PostDate
WHERE Ps.Category_Department_ID=@Department AND Ps.Category_Division_ID=@Division AND H.Date_de_Presence=@PostDate
WHERE (P.Date_de_Presence=@PostDate AND P.Personel_ID=H.Personel_ID AND P.Travaille_de_Jour=H.Travaille_de_Jour) OR (P.ID=H.ID))
DELETE FROM History2_Presence FROM History2_Presence H
INNER JOIN Personel As Ps ON H.Personel_ID=Ps.ID
WHERE Ps.Category_Department_ID=@Department AND Ps.Category_Division_ID=@Division AND H.Date_de_Presence=@PostDate
WHERE (P.Date_de_Presence=@PostDate AND P.Personel_ID=H.Personel_ID AND P.Travaille_de_Jour=H.Travaille_de_Jour) OR (P.ID=H.ID))
SELECT @PostCount=COUNT(*) FROM History2_Presence
IF @PreCount<>@PostCount
SET @DiffCount = @PreCount-@PostCount
SET @XDoc2.modify('
insert <Table Name="History2_Presence" RecordDeleted="{ sql:variable("@DiffCount") }"/> as last into /Deleted_Records[1]
PRINT 'INSERT INTO History2_Presence'
EXEC sp_SetPostingProperties 'History2_Presence',@ModifierID,@Comment
SELECT @PreCount=COUNT(*) FROM History2_Presence
INSERT INTO [dbo].[History2_Presence]
FROM [dbo].[Presence] AS P
INNER JOIN Personel As Ps ON P.Personel_ID=Ps.ID
WHERE P.Date_de_Presence=@PostDate AND Ps.Category_Department_ID=@Department AND Ps.Category_Division_ID=@Division
(SELECT HP.ID FROM History2_Presence HP
WHERE (HP.Date_de_Presence=@PostDate AND HP.Personel_ID=P.Personel_ID AND HP.Travaille_de_Jour=P.Travaille_de_Jour) OR (HP.ID=P.ID))
SELECT @PostCount=COUNT(*) FROM History2_Presence
IF @PreCount<>@PostCount
SET @DiffCount = @PostCount-@PreCount
SET @xdoc.modify('
insert <Table Name="History2_Presence" RecordAdded="{ sql:variable("@DiffCount") }"/> as last into /Inserted_Records[1]
IF @Testing=0
EXEC sp_SetPostingProperties 'Presence',@ModifierID,@Comment
SELECT @PreCount=COUNT(*) FROM Presence
DELETE FROM Presence FROM Presence P
INNER JOIN Personel As Ps ON P.Personel_ID=Ps.ID
WHERE P.Date_de_Presence=@PostDate AND Ps.Category_Department_ID=@Department AND Ps.Category_Division_ID=@Division
(SELECT HP.ID FROM History2_Presence HP
WHERE (HP.Date_de_Presence=@PostDate AND HP.Personel_ID=P.Personel_ID AND HP.Travaille_de_Jour=P.Travaille_de_Jour) OR (HP.ID=P.ID))
SELECT @PostCount=COUNT(*) FROM Presence
IF @PreCount<>@PostCount
SET @DiffCount = @PreCount-@PostCount
SET @XDoc2.modify('
insert <Table Name="Presence" RecordDeleted="{ sql:variable("@DiffCount") }"/> as last into /Deleted_Records[1]
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Aug 25, 2014
Someone claimed that the query:
INSERT INTO [table1] SELECT * FROM [table1]
was a result of running DBCC DBREINDEX.I wasn't able to replicate this when I did a trace on my local machine, but SQL Monitor from Red-Gate shows that query happening for at least some of the tables that are being reindexed via a job. Is there anyway to examine the actual code inside DBREINDEX to see exactly what commands it may execute?
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Oct 20, 2014
I have found execution plan with significant difference between actual and estimated number of rows (roughly actual/2=estimated) in non-clustered index seek.Statistics are updated.
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May 7, 2015
Recently we rebuilt one of the cluster node (due to some issues with SP), where distribution agent resource or instance was running after rebuilding that node, we failed over distribution resource to that (newly built) node and after that log reader agent jobs were in suspended status. After checking the job history, we got the below error "Unable to start execution of step 2 (reason: The LogReader subsystem failed to load [see the  file for details]; The job has been suspended).  The step failed."After getting lot of search did not get exact solution which matches to the environment
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May 21, 2007
I created a package which passes some infornmations( through parameters) to its child package.
I need to do some processing in parent package based on execution status of child package.i.e.
if child fails then some operation and if child succeeds then other operation.
To determine the status of execution of child package I am using two differnt constraint ..one constraint is having value "Success" and other having value "Failure".
My problem is that when child packge is executed successfully the constraint with value = "Success" works properly but when child fails the constraint with value "Failure" does not work.
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May 22, 2006
Hello, I've configured SQL Server 2000 for merge replication and am trying to start the snapshot agent for the publication and after about 20 minutes of it trying to start, it gives up with this error.
Server execution failed
There is no more information in the event viewer. I've tried it with a bunch of different subscriptions. SQL Server and SQL Agent are running under a local account which has access to the replcation data directory. SQL Agent is running.
I'm Running SQL 2000 SP3.
Robert Brown
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Dec 15, 2006
I am using VS2005 (VB) to develop a PPC WM5.0 Program. And I am using SQLCE 3.0. My PPC Hardware is in 400MHz.
The question is when the program try to insert the first record into sdf database after each time the program started. It takes a long time. Does anyone know why and how can I fix it?
I will load the whole database into a dataset when the program start and do all the "Insert", "Update", "Delete" in this dataset and fill it into database after each action.
sda = New SqlCeDataAdapter(SQL, cn) 'SQL = Select * From Table
scb = New SqlCeCommandBuilder(sda)
I check the sda.update(), it takes about 0.08s for filling one record into database normally. But:
1. Start the PPC Program
2. Load DB into dataset
3. Create a ONE new record in dataset
4. Fill back to DB
When I take this four steps everytime, the filling time is almost 1s or even more!
Actually, 0.08s is just a normal case. Sometimes, it still takes over 1s to filling back a dataset which only inserted one record when the program is running. (Even all inserted records are exactly the same in data jsut different in the integer key)
However, when I give up the dataset and using the following code:
Dim cmd As New SqlCeCommand(SQL, cn) ' I have build the insert SQL before (Insert Into Table values(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All field)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
StartTime = Environment.TickCount
I found that it is still the same that the first inserted record takes more time, but just about 0.2s. And the normal insert time is around 0.02s. It is 4 times faster!!!
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Nov 9, 2007
Dear friends,
Our package which at the time of normal execution takes 2-2:30 mins for fetching data on VPN with some select queries. But some times its job runs for hours and hours. What could be the exact reason behind it? I guess its queries are stuch somewhere, but not when we run from the BIDS or run the job manually.
Please help. Thanks.
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Sep 7, 2006
I load SSIS package using following code:
Application app = new Application();
Package pac = app.LoadFromSqlServer(packageName, serverName, null, null, null);
For simple package containing 2 tasks this code executes about 20 seconds.
If I load old version (SQL2K) package from SQL2000 then it takes 5 seconds.
Is any way to increase loading speed for SSIS packages?
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Apr 19, 2006
I have SSIS Projects taking a long time to open with packages with a large number of data flows. Is there a way to turn off validation of metadata when a package opens? Turn off validation during execution on SSIS Service (after previously validated in dev)? Or be able to control when validation takes place in general?
In my one package (1 of 5) I have 43 data flows (with a single source to target mapping) in 4 sequence containers, and it takes approximately 2-3 seconds per source to target mapping and sequence container to validate which will translate to 1 ½ to 2 ½ minutes to open. When the project with all 100+ tables for the data warehouse goes through validation, I can make coffee in the time it takes to open the project. I have to delete *.suo file (or verify all packages are closed in the designer and save the project file), and when I open the project, I have to jump immediately to SSISÃ Work Offline to set it to not validate the metadata to be able to work in a timely fashion. DelayValidation=TRUE does not help much.
Running in debug mode, has an effect of causing packages that were not open and validated to go through validation though I am not running those packages. Validate once during design and run forever.
Even if I re-open a package that I just closed from designer and had gone through validation, it will go through the validation process again.
It would be great if there could be an on-demand option off the menu bar to allow one to control when validation can take place for a project, or a more granular validation option for a specific data flow or container.
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Nov 5, 2015
We have a scheduled restore job daily from production backup to non-production. The job usually runs in 2 hrs but today it ran more than 8 hrs.
How to get notification about this job like if it runs more than 3 hrs send email with % of restore completed
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Dec 13, 2013
I'm getting a rule check fail "Long path names to files on SQL Server Installation media failed" when installing SQL 2012 Standard edition from a network share.
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May 15, 2001
I have already created package which loads a text file to database.I wanted to execute that package based on the availability of the file using Visual Basic,Perl or VBSCRIPT whichever is easier.Please advise.Thanks
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Oct 30, 2000
I wrote a stored procedure that calls a DTS package that imports a file into a SQL Server table, then executes some commands on that table. How can I tell that the DTS package has completed, so that I can continue with the next command? Here is my code:
-- Run the DTS package
EXEC @Result = msdb..sp_start_job @job_name = 'MyJob'
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'
-- Call the table that the package created
SELECT * FROM <imported_table> WHERE ...
I had to insert a WAITFOR statement to make this work. Any other suggestions as to how to know when to continue?
Thank you.
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Mar 18, 2004
Is there a method to either:
A) Kick of a DTS package directly from a stored procedure without shelling out to the DTSRun facility.
B) Kick off a scheduled job containing a DTS task from a stored procedure?
What's the best method?
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Feb 11, 2008
Hi Friends,
I need help from you.
I am working on SSIS packages for ETL purpose.
The version of SQL Server i am using is SQL Server 2005.
In Brief , the working of current ETL is as follows.
In ODS database i have 2 tables i.e Table_A & Table_B which gets loaded from another 2 staging tables A & B.
And using this 2 tables data will be loaded into a target table i.e Trg_A.
The ETL packages are executed by stored procedures by creating a job within the stored procedure.
The loading of the trg table is little tricky.
Before that loading of Table_A is implemented in a single SSIS package.
and loading of Table_B is been implemented in another SSIS package.
In the trg table there are two columns which will be getting updated as and when each table is loaded.
so for the first time if i run the package which is resposible for loading Table_A, it loads values into Table_A and once done it will updates (col1) in the target table.
Once after the complete of the execution of Package1.
Now i will kick off the second ssis package which loads the data into Table_B and updates the trg table's columns (col2).
Now the actual problem what i am facing is:
For loading Table_A and updating the col1 in Trg table i will be receving more than 5 excel file every month on weekly basis.
I cannot even gather all the files and run using a For-Loop counter.
So presently i am loading data excel file per week .
Similarly loading of table_B.
For a week if i am executing both the packages which loads the Table_A and updates the Trg(col1) and Table_B and updates Trg(col2), then i am getting a Deadlock Error and the entire ETL is getting messed up.
Now my requirement is , Eventhough the 2 packages are run in parallel , there could certain milli seconds time difference while start of the execution in Job Monitor.
I need to implement a Queing Mechanism which takes care of running the packages in a sequential manner rather than in parallel. i .e i need to ensure only one SSIS package is running in Job Monitor. Only after successful execution of either one the package, then only the second package should start its execution.
If we can implement such a queing mechanism , then my problem is solvedl.
I need some suggestions on this regard in implementing the Queing mechanism in a programatic approach using SQL Server Job Related MetaData Tables.
or else is there in server parameter or initialization parameters which can be set at Database level which suffice my requirement.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Looking for sincere comments on this regards.
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 6, 2006
I have a SSIS package which copies data from Excel file to the database.
As soon as the file is copied to a specific location on the file system I insert an entry in the database table, which should kick off the above mentioned SSIS package.
I tried to read on WMI Event Watcher Task to do the above thing. I am not sure that I can do something like that.
Can anybody please help me out on this?
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Sep 22, 2006
I am getting the following error message, when I was trying to execute an existing SSIS Package which was working properly before.
"Failed to Start Package
Cannot communicate with the debug host process. Failed to obtain child process active object. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration)"
So I tried creating a new package and execute it, still I am getting the same error message.
If anyone have come across this problem and rectified it, pls let me know.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Prakash Srinivasan
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Apr 15, 2008
I truncate some tables before refreshing the data and that is one of the last steps shown in the package execution progress window when watching the package run.
Both in Visual Studio and when I use the Execute package utility once I have put the package on the server?
Is there a problem with having multiple truncate statements in one execute T-SQL statement task?
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a Stored Procedure preparing data, which then are exported (flat files) using 2 SSIS packages. What is the best way to execute those 2 SSIS packages (sp,job, other) ?
Every advise is appreciated!
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Nov 17, 2004
I have a package that has 12 data pump tasks all executing in parallel.
It is transferring raw data from an AS400 DW to a MSSQLSvr Staging area.
Each pump task on completion assigns values to a set of global variables, then having done this passes these as parameters to a sproc which inserts them into a table.
This seems to work for 4 or 5 of the pump tasks but, the rest of the rows in the table are all the same because the remaining pump tasks are all executing before the sprocs.
Is there a way to make sure that the entire set of job steps completes, before starting another job set of steps while still keeping them running in parallel.
I had wondered if there was a way to use the PumpComplete phase of each pump step to fire off the sproc, but can't see how you execute the step.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
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