SQL 2012 :: Memory Usage Extremely High And Causes Server To Crash

Jun 11, 2015

I have been having issues with our SQL server for awhile now. It seems to run out of memory every few days and when I look at the memory dump, the MEMORYCLERK_SQLOPTIMIZER seem to take over memory and eventually cause the server to crash.

Here is the SQL verison we are using: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3460.0 (X64) Jul 22 2014 15:22:00 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 (Build 9200: ) (Hypervisor)..It is on a VM on Windows 2012 server. It has 20gb of RAM allocated to it and the MAX Server Memory is set to 16.5gb.

I have seen the MEMORYCLERK_SQLOPTIMIZER grow to about 11gb at the time of the server crash. Why that is happening? What is causing the memoryclerk_sqloptimizer to get so high? I have looked it up and it looks like it has to do with ad hoc requests, but is there something I can do to bring that memory down when it gets so high so that I can prevent a server crash?Do we just need to add more memory or is there a memory leak somewhere?

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SQL 2012 :: High Memory Usage On Idle Reporting Services

Aug 25, 2015

I know I should probably be posting this in the RS section but I have a Win 2008 R2 server and RS 2012 along with SSIS and Database server installed. I also have SQL 2005 instance with Sql 2005 SSIS running on the server.

I saw that Reporting services was consuming 9gb of ram a few days ago with no published reports. It's just a default install.

So I investigated the settings and the document: [URL]......

I added this section to the reportserver.config file to restrict memory usage


Any example altering the reportserver.config file in your standard build of sql server reporting services?

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SQL Memory Usage High

Sep 25, 2006

hi all

I got a small MSSQL server.. total database file size less than 7GB. with 2G rams installed 2 cpus. but for some reason when i check the task manager process mem usage is over 1.7G. the sql server memory setting in on Dynamically not fixed. and maximum 2G i believe is default. anyway. my question is over 1.7 memory usage is too high? because i dont have alot of transaction going. and cpu usage is very low. wondering if this's normal or not. and if is not normal . what cause the memory usage so high...... and how can i adjust back to normal. ? can anyone help me out? or any suggestion? thanks

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Get CPU Usage / Memory Usage Details Of Server?

Jan 30, 2014

providing a query for fetching the data for CPU Usage, Memory usage, blocking and all details ...

I want to create a job which will run on a Node every 15 min and store data in a table for each instance...

DMV is not giving more stuff and xtended events not sure if i can store that data into a table?

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Capture CPU And Memory Usage For A Stored Procedure

Jan 19, 2015

I have around 100 packages (all [packages run at same time) each package calls a stored Procedure once the Stored proc Execution is completed the package will write the log information into a log table, here how can i capture the CPU and Memory usage for execution of each stored proc.

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SQL 2012 :: High Percent Signal Waits With Very Low Cpu Usage

Nov 15, 2013

I am trying to find out what could be causing this issue. Why would we be waiting on cpu when its barely being used. Signal waits are varying from 35 to 55% and cpu usage is only at 5% usage.We are using Windows Server 2012 with SQl Server 2012 Standard edition with cpu5. There are 3 instances on the server each with max memory 50gb memory and the server has a total of 190gb memory. The machine is a 12 core machine with hyperthreading enabled.

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SQL 2012 :: High Memory Utilization For Reporting Services In AlwaysOn Mode?

Mar 26, 2015

We have two server configured in always on mode .

windows is sql server 2012 64 bit edition and sql server is 2012 64 bit edition.

RAM installed on both server is around 65 gb of which 49 gb is max server memory allocated for sql services on both servers.

database related to reporting services are also in always on group .

We have also configured for reporting services and both are running on their respecting server.

Issue is on primary server reporting service is using almost 7 gb while on secondary it is using 10 gb even when there are 5 reports and its used within offices .

what issue and how to check why ssrs is using high memory..

any query , perfmon counters

reports are randomly used at client side

i have checked memory utilization through task manger..

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SQL Server - High CPU Usage

Oct 15, 2007


For the last week, our production SQL server is running very slow and causing the CPU usage to go 80-100 % almost all the time. This causes certain queries to time out. Our application has never timed out before ever. Also, we did not do any updates on our production machine or installed anything recently.

Has anyone of you ever experienced this issue? If yes, then what did you do to resolve it? any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help!

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HELP - SQL Server Crash ? Memory Leak ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi everybody !I´m maintaining a large intranet (approx 10000 concurrent users) running onone IIS box and one DB box with sqlserver 2000.Currently there is 2,5 GB Ram, 1 1400 mhz cpu and 2 scsi disks installed onthe db box.Sqlserver is set to use max 1,4 GB RAM, and the sqlserver does not seem tobe using it all.Currently SQLSERVER 2000 crashes at least once a day.Its very weird, I run performance monitor with counters on, memory, diskusage, num users, locks and such.There is no indications in the counters before the crashes, they just happenvery sudden.Only indication is that sqlserver makes some huge jumps in memory usage andmostly the sqlserver then crashes an hour or 2 later.The only thing that peaks a lot are the locks/sec counter.My analysis of disk usage, queues etc. tells me i got no kind of i/obottlenecks.Can anybody give me a clue as to what i should do ?Best regards, Thue

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SQL Server 2005 Agent Service High CPU Usage

Jan 30, 2008

I have six stored procedures that I have to run hourly during the day. When I schedule them into separate SQL jobs (they must run concurrently), the percent CPU of Sqlagent90.exe process goes way up, eventually pegging out the overal CPU usage on the server. When I run the six stored procedures concurrently from query windows in SQL Server Management Sudio, the overall CPU usage stays very low.

Is there something about the SQL Server Agent that inherently adds CPU overheard? Thanks in advance ....

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Extreme Slow SQL Server 2005 And High CPU Usage - Casting Of Values

Feb 20, 2006

Hello sql and .net gurus :-)I have a problem with my website www.eventguide.it. It's completly developed under .NET 2 and SQL Server 2005 Express. My problem is the folowing:The server is a Intel 3Ghz HT processor with 1GB Ram. No other page on the running system is a CPU consuming site. We optimized the SQL statements, the code, the caching and many other parts of the website (pooling on SQL access), but the SQL Server uses about 50% to100% of the CPU and about 400MB RAM all the time. The whole site seems to be very, very slow. In fact there are many of SQL operations on every page request, but we cache a lot of them in different ways (page output caching, application caching). So I don't understand we have so much performance problems. Any suggestions for optimised code in general? I read nearly all of the MS .NET performance papers - but real world experience is the missing part :-) It is better to cast the values of a SQL reader like thisDim String1 as String = Ctype(DataReader.item(0), String)Dim Integer1 as Intger = Ctype(DataReader.item(1), Integer)or like thisDim String1 as String = DataReader.item(0)
Dim Integer1 as Intger = DataReader.item(1)Thanks a lot for your help!FOX

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SQL Server High Memory

Jan 29, 2008

I have a 2003 server with sql 2005 on it and the sqlservr.exe is using 880 meg of memeory and it will climb to 1.4 gig. if i reboot server it will go back to 100 meg and slowly climb back up. any ideas i am not a sql guy.

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SQl Server Using High Virtual Memory

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,We have a prod server running on SQL server 2000 64 bit. It is a4cpu server with 16GB of RAM. we have a maxmemory setting of 15.5GBfor sql server. Inspite of 15GB being available for sql server, itstill uses paging file space, a lot. When looking thru task maanger wecan see sql server using 15.5GB of Memory usage and 22GB of Virtualmemory usage. I don't understand why it should even be using closer to7GB of Paging space, when it has so much memory. How does SQl serveruse Virtual memeory vs Physical memory?HAs anyone seen this before.ThanksGG

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Computing The CPU Usage ,memory Usage For An Inserted Record

Nov 2, 2007

I have a client program that writes to sql server database 10 records per second . i want to compute the CPU usage and the memory usage for the whole program or CPU usage,memory usage for the insert statement in the program .

Can anybody help me with this?

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Memory Usage For Sql Server

May 9, 2003


One of the production box running only sql server application, is showing 80% memory usage on the task manager-memory usage history right now.

We are running sql server 2000 standard version-sp3 with 2GB memory on this box. Server is not on the scheduled reboot at this point.

We have seen this behavior for this box last month that after task manager showing 90% memory usage contantly for several days, when server was manually rebooted, memory usage dropped to 35%. Now it's back to 80%.

Our DBA thinks that server should be rebooted on a regular schedule regardless of memory problem. Our network admin doesn't seem to agree with this. He is not ready to reboot the machine even with this high memory usage.

There is no noticable difference performancewise yet.

My questions are:
Is it bad that memory usage reaches from 35% constant to 80-90% or is it common? Should sql server be rebooted immediately to take care of it? Should sql server 2000 rebooted on regular basis regardless of any problems? Shouldn't sql server be releasing memory back to the OS even without rebooting? How do I find out whether server actually is going through memory problems and what is causing it?

Thanks in advance for your opinions,


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SQL Server Memory Usage

Dec 1, 2004

Hi All,

Currently I have an application that uses SQL 2000. The SQL server service tends to take up as much of the physical memory as possible. The problem is I also have other services relating to this application running that are very important.

What tends to happen after a period of time is SQL takes up all of the physical memory, so that the other services are using the paging file (virtual memory). This causes extremely slow response time over the network as these other services are having to parse the paging file.

Upgrading the memory is currently not an option :(

I know there is an option to set memory usage for SQL but I am unsure how this would respond in a production environment. What would happen if SQL would require more memory than what was allocated to it?

Can SQL release the memory and still act as normal?

Any input would be generously appreciated


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SQL Server - Memory Usage

Jan 8, 2004

I am using SQL Server 7.0 on a Windows NT machine. We have been having problems with SQL Server not releasing the memory after it has utilized it.

Currently it is configured to allow a max of 511MB memory (1024 is total on the machine). I had some advice that my best solution would be to reduce the Max Memory to a lower value (say 400 MB) to help reduce the problem.

Is this not counter-intuitive? Or is this the correct solution?


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Memory Usage In SQL Server

Aug 31, 2005

Hello all,How can I tell how much memory SQL Server is using on a server. OnWindows 2000, whenever I go to Task manager/processes/memory usage SQLServer seems to be showing 1,744,124K. On all of my servers withvarious size, usage of databases, all of them show SQL Server to beusing about the same amount of memory. Can someone explain this to me?Shouldn't it use more for larger databases, heavy hitting databases?Also, I normally check Dynamically configure SQL Server memory and putthe maximum threshold to a little bit less than the max on the server.The minimum query memory is set to 1024. Is that 1024 a subset of thememory used by SQL Server, or is this additional that can be used?Thanks,Raziq.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

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Memory Usage Of SQL Server Ce

May 7, 2007


I'm wondering about the memory usage of SQL Server Ce and the Compact Framework.

I've heard I can use only 32 MB per process. SQL Server Ce runs in process and my database file is about 60 MB big.

1. Does that means, I can only use for my application:
32 MB - CLR - SQL-Server Runtime - parts of my database file hold in memory

2. Is SQL Server Ce swapping parts of my database file into my process memory?
If so, is there a chance to group some tables, that they are swapped together to increase

3. Means big databases big memory usage in my process memory?


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: High Memory Is 70% And Growing Fast

Mar 5, 2014

My database server memory utilisation is growing faster from past 1 week. it remained same for 1 week around 55% and now it is going to 70% and increasing.

Total OS memory is 32GB and I kept cap for sql server memory upto 29GB. Dont know what to do..

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Increasing Memory Usage On SQL Server

Dec 12, 2001

Hi all,
Our Production server has 4GB RAM and is running SQL Server 7.0. By default since SQL Server 7.0 Standard Edition can take up only less than 2GB, our SQL Server is now using only 1.8GB (leaving the rest for the OS, Windows 2000 Server).

Inorder for SQL Server to take advantage of more than 2GB of RAM it is suggested that boot.ini be modified to include the switch, /3GB

Has anyone seen any issues with doing this? Is it safe to do so on the Standard Edition of SQL Server 7.0?

Thanks in advance,

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Memory Usage For SQL SERVER 2000

Mar 23, 2006

Good day to all of you
I am faced SQL SERVER 2000 Memory usage problem. I am using Windows 2000 Server SP4 and SQL SERVER 2000 SP4. When User running some in-house application software, the memory for sqlservr.exe was increased . But, when user logout from the software. The sqlservr.exe did not decrease the memory. I have around 100 Users in my company. SQL Memory will countinues increase till max memory usage in CPU.

May i know how to order SQL SERVER need to purge memory when USER was log off from the Program? Or my SQL SERVER was corrupted /missing file?

Please advice

Many thanks!

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SQL Server Process And Memory Usage

Jul 23, 2005

Hi AllSome my SQL Server are experience high memory usage.1. How can I detect which process which process cause the big memoryusage and not released?2. Which sql server components in this memory, and what are their usagedistribution?Any help will be appreciated.ThanksWillie

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Sql Server Performance And Memory Usage

May 31, 2007

Hi All,

I'm new at SQL Server, I decided to use it in order to get all the advantages of using Vb.net and Sql. My server is a SQL standard version. I'm using a relational DB most of the time for complex select queries, everytime the server is used it performs 30 or 40 queries at the time, and I have recently realized that server consumes a lot of memory after one or two days of beign up.

Let's say that if I restart the SQL Server memory usage is about 650 Mb, but after two days memory is 1.4Mb, I have used Sql Profiler and Tunning Assistant where it recommended me to create some indexes, which indeed I created them, but that did not solved the memory problem, although some queries run faster.

My questions are:

is this memory usage is normal ?
if not, what should I check out to reduce memory usage?

Thanks in advance


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SQL Server 2005 DTS/Memory Usage

Sep 18, 2007

We have an application that we currently run on SQL Server 2000 that works by creating a DTS package that it then executes.

Due to performance reasons, we have been considering switching to 2005, for a few reasons. Can anyone confirm clarify the following?

1) SQL Server 2000 caps RAM usage at 2GB, whereas SQL Server 2005 is only limited by the OS - RAM usage is a big current issue for us, so if upgrading to 2005 would solve this it would help a lot. Can anyone confirm my understanding of this?
2) Would using the legacy DTS in SQL Server 2005 take advantage of this RAM difference, or is it running on the old 2000 engine and only able to use the 2GB?

Thanks for any help.

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High CPU Usage

Oct 20, 2005

COLOR=Blue]Hi all,

What can be the reason there is a high CPU usage even when there's only 1 database being accessed. As a result the database is really really slow.
CPUperformance usage goes as high as 100% and I can't for the life of me figure out what's causing it. The indexes are being rebuilt 3/4 times a week and I've checked to make sure there aren't any locks or anything.

Any other ideas? [/COLOR]


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High CPU Usage

Nov 14, 2007

We have a live server that has had very high CPU usage in the last few days, therefore the site is extremely slow. There are about 60,000 users per day on the average. It always had high CPU usage, but not as bad as in the last few days, in the 90s, sometimes even reaching a 100.

Any solutions? I've run SQl Profiler to check on queries that have high CPU usage. When I run the same queries on our staging server, they are very quick. For example, the same query can take 1 minute on stage, but 12 minutes on the live site. We do know that this is also related to traffic, during lower traffic times, the same query takes less time, but still never as fast as stage.

Oh yeah, it's SQL Server 2005 and asp code running IIS6 on windows 2003 server.

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SQL In-Memory :: How To Reduce Memory Usage Without Killing Any Process

Aug 28, 2015

I have a Windows sever 2012 with sql server 2012 enterprise. Ram size is 22GB. Sometimes SQL sever takes 95% memory.My question, How to reduce memory size without killing any process because it's production server.So there are many background process is running. And,Is there any guides to learn why Memory is raise d so high and how to reduce it.

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SQL Server Memory Usage Continue To Increase

Dec 28, 2004

On the last Sunday 26/12/04 on 20:00 I got on one of our applications in the customer site this error:
"There is insufficient system memory to run this query."


Computer: IBM XSERIES_345, dual CPU 2.8 Intel xeo, 1,047,952 KB ram, windows 2000 server sp4.
Disk space: 4395 MB, Virtual memory: initial size 1536 MB, Max size 3072 MB. Registry size: current 14 MB, Max 90 MB.

SQL Server 2000 SP 3, two production databases (1) Data size 100 MB, log size 15 MB (2) Data size 500 MB, log size 125 MB
All the memory options are configured as default i.e. dynamically configure for memory and not changes in any sp_configure options.

SQL server is the only major application running on the machine.

On that evening the I've checked the Task Manager and found that SQL Server use 500 MB in Mem Usage and 1200 MB in VM size.
In the query analyzer I execute the select query which results the "…insufficient system memory…" error on both databases and on the one with more data it failed with this error, but on the other database it completed successfully.
I restart SQL Server service to solve it, and as for today 28/12/04 at 08:00 it use 590 MB in Mem Usage and 590 MB in VM size.

I have checked the system with Performance monitor and didn't find any problems I use the Memory: Pages/sec, Memory: Available Bytes, Physical Disk: % Disk Time, Processor: % Processor Time, SQL Server Buffer: Buffer Cache Hit Ratio.

We have 8 user connections for one of the database and 16 for the other one.
Our system runs with this configuration for 2 months, I backup the databases FULL, DIFF and LOG backup.
It's not real time system, and the load on the SQL is medium, but we use bad queries as update for all fields in one query (please don't ask…)

I know that SQL server is greedy with the memory and released memory only if other process needs it.

Any ideas why it happens?


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High Usage Of RAM On SQL2k

Dec 30, 2005


I have an sql server with very high usage. The web which is connected to the sql server has approx. 1000 unique visitors every time.
The database is optimized and the site goes really fast now.

But a problem we've had since the beginning is that SQL Server constantly uses 1.8 GB of RAM. Never less, never more.

Do you have any idea on how to decrease the usage of RAM. I am sure that this high usage is necessary.

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High Mem Usage Sqlservr.exe

Jun 11, 2008

Hi all,

I have a problem with sqlservr.exe (version 2005). It use alot of memory. I check on taskbar manager sqlservr.exe usage (CPU 10 - 20%, Mem usage - 1,493,688/2GB Ram). I dont know how can I fix it. Some body could help me please.

Doan Jung

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High Mem Usage Sqlservr.exe

Jun 11, 2008

Hi all,

I have a problem with sqlservr.exe (version 2005). It use alot of memory. I check on taskbar manager sqlservr.exe usage (CPU 10 - 20%, Mem usage - 1,493,688/2GB Ram). I dont know how can I fix it. Some body could help me please.

Doan Jung

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Memory Usage Of SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition

Jan 2, 2007

Hi forum readers,

we are working on a release 2.0 mobile solution right now. In our version 1.0 we did not have to worry about memory issues as our application was the only application running on our target devices (e.g. T-Mobile MDA Compact II Pocket PCs, WM2005).
Now we need to share the available memory with others. As our application relies on its SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition database we are wondering about memory usage of that server.

We know that a Pocket PC divides its memory into Storage and Program. If our application uses a 5 MB database and 1.5 MB for DLLs and it's exe-file. These files reside in the storage space when not loaded. When the application starts up it is loaded in the program memory. What happens to the 5 MB database file? Is is loaded into Program memory as well? Are only portions of that file loaded? Or is nothing loaded at all?

Does anyone have a deeper insight into that server an can answer my questions.

Best regards,

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