SQL 2012 :: Merge Replication Not Replicating All Changes?
Oct 7, 2015
We have a publisher sending data to two remote subscribers. Each of these sites is updating a different field in a particular table with its site name and the current date stamp. This data should then sync to each database to show how up to date the last data change was. This lets us keep an eye on whether sync is good or not.
The problem I've got is one subscriber isn't copying its row to the other servers anymore. It gets the row updates from the other sites in the same table but its own updates to this field aren't getting sent across. Nothing shows up in conflict manager for it and nor should it as no other subscriber should be updating this field. If I validate the subscription the field when then get synced but again no updates after the validation will transfer. The other problem which may be related or indicating another issue is the data transfer rate shown in replication monitor is less than 0.1 rows/sec. Reinitializing isn't an option.
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Sep 26, 2006
I have an issue that is only occurring in a production
environment. The architecture is filtered merge replication between two SQL
Server 2000 SP4 databases. The publisher is standard edition and the subscriber
is personal edition.
The issue is that is I update certain rows on the subscriber the data is not
replicated to the publisher. Inserts and deletes seem to replicate correctly.
The issue is specific to certain rows in some tables. If I update other rows
the updates replicate correctly. The subscription has been re-initialized once
and it did not fix the issue. The replication process indicates that there was
not data to merge and the subscriber updates remain and are at that point
different form the publisher row values after the sync.
I can reproduce the issue by updating the row, running the sync process, and
checking the publisher database. The synchronization process is executed using
the merge agent ActiveX control.
This issue started occurring after a large conflict was generated during an
earlier synch on this particular subscriber. We have other subscribing
databases that are working fine.
I have already spent 8+ hours on the phone with TCS trying to solve this issue.
If anyone has any ideas or has seen this type of issue before I would appreciate
any direction to try to fix this issue.
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Jan 28, 2007
I'm developing a VB.Net for a CE.NET device. I use SQL Server 2000. I use merge replication to synch with the CE.NET device.
I have this problem where a view is not replicating to the CE.NET but my table articles are replicating without problems. All the base tables for the view are replicating correctly.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
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Oct 20, 2014
I have some problem about Merge Replication.i'm trying to merge Database A to Database B in local Server. So Database i want publisher contain this:
Because only Data in Table change therefore so i choosed it 100% Snapshot was generated after that ( Problem not a valid window user i already figured out )After that. I created Local Subscription in same Server ( Pull subscriptions and Subscription type: Client ),now problem is throw out."The schema script 'vwBuyADT_513.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber."
I tried research so many time in Google but any information i found isn't useful for this problem.This problem still can ignore,Synchronization still running. But after 4-5 Hours running..This messages throw out: "The Publisher failed to allocate a new set of identity ranges for the subscription. This can occur when a Publisher or a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges to allocate to its own Subscribers or when an identity column data type does not support an additional identity range allocation"
My question is:
Is there anyway solve 2 probem? :
1. "The schema script 'vwBuyADT_513.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber."
2. "The Publisher failed to allocate a new set of identity ranges for the subscription. This can occur when a Publisher or a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges to allocate to its own Subscribers or when an identity column data type does not support an additional identity range allocation"
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May 10, 2015
We are working in a Merge replication environment where we have SQL Server 2005, 11 publications and 2 subscribers.We used to get lot of incidents from the Application owner for blockings, recently we faced a situation where the lead blocker is in sleeping state and the session was used by the merge agent.Checked the query that the session was running, it was sys.sp_MSenumgenerations90;1.
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Feb 8, 2015
I am trying out merge replication and using web synchronization.However, I am worried that I am missing something because the way it is set up, it strikes me as a bit too insecure.
According to the best practices and security articles on Technet, I am given to understand that:
The SQL Replication Listener (read: the application pool account that will be running the replisapi.dll) has to be the db_owner to both distribution and publisher and be on the PAL list. Windows authenication should be used. That means the merge agents wouldn't need to know the password for those logins.
The basic authenication can be used (with SSL) to authenicate into a Windows user account to then connect to the replisapi.dll.
Here's the rub - I assumed that all I needed was a basic no-rights user account to be then given the execute permission on the replisapi.dll & read permissions to kick off the process. When I browse to the replisapi.dll and authenicate using the no-rights user, I get the expected "SQL Server WebSync ISAPI" message. But when I then run the merge agent, it fails saying that login to the distribution failed for the no-rights user. If I use the application pool's account, then I am able to run merge agent successfully.
But that means I am now looking at storing the password to the application pool account on client. I might have had missed a crucial step to ensure that the logins to the distribution & publication databases are done using the application pool account, not the user authenticated via IIS basic authentication?
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Nov 3, 2015
I was reading this:
"Adding an identity column to a published table is not supported, because it can result in non-convergence when the column is replicated to the Subscriber. The values in the identity column at the Publisher depend on the order in which the rows for the affected table are physically stored. The rows might be stored differently at the Subscriber; therefore the value for the identity column can be different for the same rows."
I don't understand...
If I create a table with an identity column and publish it. Can the values on the subscriber be different when the data is replicated?
Suppose I have a this table:
1 Name1
2 Name2
3 Name3
Column 1 is identity field and column 2 the name of employees.
If I publish this table , the data can be inserted on the subscriber .pe, with 2 name1 and 1 name3 and 1 name2?
What about if the identify fields is a primary key?
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Dec 3, 2014
I have a database with enabling merge replication.
Then the problem is update query is taking more time.But when I disable the merge triggers then it'll update quickly.
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Feb 13, 2015
There is an error in one of my merge publication. The error is,
The change for the row with article nickname 2336003 (test), rowguidcol {436456F0-F5AD-E411-80CF-5CF3FC1D2D76} could not be applied at the destination. Further information about the failure reason can be found in the conflict logging tables.
When i checked my tables I got following values in rowguid column
publication 436456F0-F5AD-E411-80CF-5CF3FC1D2D76
conflict tables 689C6A61-5359-4BB5-BECD-B03F5F94D79A
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May 9, 2015
I'm trying out a set up as following:
SQL Server 2008 standard as the publisher
SQL Server 2012 express as the subscriber
and I tend to use web synchronization; there is no domain trust.
After following the instructions at MSDN for configuring web synchronization, I have an error that I can't get past - after creating the initial snapshot on the publisher, I try to run replmerg.exe at the subscriber and I always get this error:
"The subscription to publication 'TestReplication' has expired or does not exist."
If I refresh the publisher's "Local Publications" and look within the "TestReplication", it does show that the subscriber is a known subscriber. Likewise, if I refresh subscriber's "Local Subscription", it has an entry for TestReplication publication.
I already verified that the user used by Replisapi.dll has the read permission to the snapshot folder, is a member of PAL, is db_owner of the publishing database and distribution database. I am using self-signed certificate for this test and I have already installed the certificate at the subscriber machine so that HTTPS is trusted. I can run diagnosis from subscriber so I know subscriber can reach and logs are being left at the publisher's IIS.
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Jul 26, 2015
We have a table in an SQL Server 2012 database that stores tree-like structures. Simplified for the purpose of my question, it has the following format:
Id int identity,
ParentId int,
GroupId int
Each record of the table represents an object identified by Id. An object may or may not have a parent in the same table, such that object.ParentId = parentObject.Id. A root object has ParentId = NULL. There are multiple root objects, so the table in fact stores multiple trees. What’s important is that the tree depth is not fixed, i.e. theoretically there can be any number of ancestor generations for an object. GroupId is a property of a root object; in theory none of the children of a root object has to have GroupId <> NULL; it can be assumed that any child has the same GroupId value as its root object.
A sample table having two roots (one grandparent and one parent), one non-root parent/child and 4 child roots:
Id ParentId GroupId
1 NULL 200 root grandparent
2 1 NULL non-root parent/child
3 2 NULL child
4 2 NULL child
5 NULL 300 root parent
6 5 NULL child
7 5 NULL child
The table is not normalised, i.e. there’s no separate {root_object : group} table. However I don’t think normalising the table would solve the problem.
Now the problem. We need to set up merge replication from the table above (Master table) to the table of the same format in another DB. We need to replicate only those rows of the Master table that have a certain fixed GroupId value, e.g. 200 in the example above. If we ensure that GroupId in all descendant objects of a root object has the same value in the table as the root object itself that would be trivial. The table would look like this:
Id ParentId GroupId
1 NULL 200 root grandparent
2 1 200 non-root parent/child
3 2 200 child
4 2 200 child
5 NULL 300 root parent
6 5 300 child
7 5 300 child
And the filter would look like this:
WHERE GroupId = 200
However out of performance considerations, we would like to avoid if possible filling GroupId for the descendant objects, because as it must be clear from the above, GroupId for a descendant object is quite easily deducible via a stored procedure or UDF (just need to go up the tree until ParentId = NULL). The problem is, I don’t know how to achieve this in a merge replication filter: it would only allow WHERE conditions and joins. I’ve have not had much luck with joins for merge replication in general, but here we have more complex algorithm, because the number of tree levels can be different for every object. And merge replication would not allow using UDF…
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Aug 12, 2015
How to resolve the data inconsistent errors in merge replication ?
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Jul 28, 2015
I have few tables, which are replicated and partitioned. They also have archival process. I want to avoid having to run that same process on the subscriber.
Replication of partition switching is easy. However I am not sure how to replicate merge range and empty filegroup/file drops.
There the following article options:
Copy file group associations
Copy table partitioning schemes
Copy index partitioning schemes
I am not sure if these are enough to implement the replication of merge range and empty filegroup/file drops.
I could not find and option to copy partition functions.
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Nov 26, 2007
I’m having a situation where I have configured replication between remote sites and my head office, after every 24 hours. It is working perfectly. Now I want to modify it as per new business requirement. For this I need to know the answers to following questions. Any help will be appreciated.
Consider sample database with a master and child tables.
1) It is possible to replicate master table immediately and child table every 24 hour?
2) is there any possibility that we can explicitly replicate a single child record when required? For example, people can see master record without the need to see child table records, but if some one want to see some specific record from child table, can it be done?
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Aug 6, 2015
I have recently upgraded our Database server from 2005 Standard to 2008 R2 Standard.I am having a problem while replicating Full Text Index in New Infrastructure.
Full text Index was working fine in old infrastructure.
Replication scenario for Old infrastructure
Publisher: SQL Server 2005 Standard
Distributer: SQL Server 2005 Standard
Subscriber: SQL Server 2005 Express with Advance Services
Replication scenario for New Infrastructure
Publisher: SQL Server 2008R2 Standard
Distributor: SQL Server 2008R2 Standard
Subscriber: SQL Server 2005 Express with Advance Services/ SQL Server 2008R2 Standard
Whenever I try to replicate Full text Index by selecting  "Copy Full Text Indexes"= "True" article property in Replication and create snapshot it will automatically set to "Copy Full Text Indexes"= "False" whenever I reopened publication properties or snapshot is created.Is SQL Server 2008 R2 Supports full text Index replication to SQL Server 2005.Do I missed some settings while setting up publication for Full Text Index.
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Sep 30, 2014
I'm setting up AG replication over our WAN (1GB MPLS). Using sql stress, AG replication quickly falls behind. Network throughput plateaus at ~14Mbs.
The problem ISN'T NETWORK
using conventional mirroring, the same workload never falls behind, throughput plateaus at ~26Mbs.
it's almost like log stream compression isn't happening for AG...
both mirroring and AG are using async.
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May 19, 2015
Discovered that a geo-spatial AlwaysOn HA database (1 of 4) was not synchronizing as at a point in time earlier in the day. Â Suspend Data Movement appears to be working perpetually without finishing. Â The SQL Server services is in a Pending Changes state after an attempt to restart it from SQL Configuration Manager. Â The Cluster Dashboard says it is in a Not Synchronizing state, with only the one database in question having a yellow triangle, all 3 others show green. Â
The warning for the cluster is:At least one availability database on this availability replica has an unhealthy data synchronization state. If this is an asynchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. If this is a synchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state. Â There is no abnormal data movement from the primary to the seconday.The warnings for the unhealthy database are:
The data synchronization state of this availability database is unhealthy. On an asynchronous-commit availability replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. On a synchronous-commit replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.Either a database administrator or the system has suspended data synchronization on this availability database.So how to get this database back to synchronizing state?
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May 26, 2015
What is the main difference between snapshot and transactional and merge replication?
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Aug 30, 2007
Hi all,
I know that adding a column using ALTER TABLE to add a column automatically allows SQLSERVER 2005 to replicate the schema changes to the subscribers, however, I would like to add a new column to an existing article that is being used for merge replication, however, I don't want this column to be replicated. Re-initialising the subscriptions is not a option. Help would be appreciated.
I am using SQLSERVER 2005 (SP1).
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Oct 9, 2007
I am working on bringing our disaster recovery site to be a live site. Currently we replicate to one of out servers (server B) with merge replication (from server A). Server A also does one way transactional replication form some table to several other servers including servers at the DR site.
This setup is not going to be fast enough for what we need so I am wondering if a table is receiving merge replication will the merge updates also replicate down the transaction path??
Server B update a row and merges to Server A. With this update them replicate (via transactional) to Server C??
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Feb 14, 2002
Hi everbody,
I setup the Merge Replication , it is working perfectly. But i have one problem now it is updating both ways. I nedd one way. Any body tell me which parameter i have to change.
Thanks in advance
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Aug 12, 2002
My production box is running on NT4.0,SP6, SQL Server7.0,SP2. We implemented Merge replication. Working fine last 7 months. Last weekend i disabled replication, Successfully removed Distributor and Publishor. After that try add new fileds but won't allowed me. It's give the error message. I Also found Some Conflict_tables found almost 20 tables. All system Tables. Can delete these these tables, if i delete any problem my database.
I added filelds many times but this time i got errors.
Please help me anybody.
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Jul 31, 2000
I have just installed replication on our production server to Merge Replicate with a Laptop server that will travel from time to time. I have now noticed that we cannot add or change any fields or attributes on the tables which are being replicated (which are all tables in the DB). This is a problem because we are changing and adding columns all of the time. Is there a way around this issue like shutting down the replication service or something? I have been unsuccessful in finding a way around this other than removing replication while we make changes.
Thank you in advance for any help!
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Jan 22, 2001
I have implemented a Merger replication on our development server and I get a fillowing error when I try to update one of the table in publisher.
"Transaction cannot start while in firehose mode"
What does this mean.
Thank You,
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Dec 19, 2000
I read some where that replication has two types conflict resolution, 1. row based and 2. Column based...
If I am right...
Can any one point me how to find out this option and how to set it up....
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Sep 16, 1999
Hi all,
I have a merge replication going between 4 servers. The problem is when ever I do some BCP transfer to one of the tables in one of the servers. It puts the data in that table. But that Data does not get replicated to any other server like it should.
Please Advice on what to do. Is there any option I am forgetting to set or something.
Thank you for all your time in advance.
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Sep 12, 2003
I have successfully tried merge replication on single server with 2 databases.
now i want to do the same with different servers,
when i create pull subcription on server 2 which user account should I use?
it is giving log in failure
i tried using windows admin account and also the 'sa' account.
please help me out
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Feb 23, 2004
Hi All,
I have posted this earlier and I am re-posting it simplifying what I had said.
The scenario is:
I have two sql server database instances with the same database schema and all. However, both of them have different data. I have not set them for replication at all. Now, I want to do merge replication between them such that the data between them could be syncronized.
When I do pull merge subscription I have two choices -
1.Bringing schema and data to subscriber from publisher
2.Not bringing the schema and data from publisher to subscriber.
Obviously, I chose the second choice. But upon syncronizing I dont see any data from publisher coming to subscriber and vice-versa. If I add new data to publisher and do syncronization, I can see ONLY the new data created after the replication setup in subscriber. If I add new data to subscriber and do syncronization then the new data is removed from subscriber and not propagated to publisher.
Is there any way I can make this work??
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Jan 2, 2007
I have just set up Merge replication, I have two servers, server A and server B, the merge replication worked successfully but I don't quite sure which databases should or should not replicated? If not, what other methods should I use?
I would really appreciated any comments or advice out there!
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Mar 21, 2002
I had set up merge replication. I got these error messages where replications starts "Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'PubID' in table 'bonflict_DBName_PHP_Data_Publications' is specified more than once "
PHP_Data_Publications table defind as:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PHP_Data_Publications] (
[PHP_Pub_ID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[PHP_Data_ID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[PubID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[UserID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[Username] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Publication] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Pub_Year] [datetime] NULL ,
[Pub_Name] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[rowguid] uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PHP_Data_Publications] WITH NOCHECK ADD
CONSTRAINT [DF__PHP_Data___rowgu__01E91FA0] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [rowguid]
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [index_1466488303] ON [dbo].[PHP_Data_Publications]([rowguid]) ON [PRIMARY]
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Oct 11, 2001
Is it possible to modify or add new fields in sql 2000 when the instance
became publisher ? I tried it several times but it failed. I access microsoft website but i did not help.
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Oct 12, 2001
Hi everbody,
Anybody tell me about implementation of oneway merge replication.
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Feb 5, 2001
Hi everyone
SQL Server BOL says merge replication can be done in only one direction. But my understanding is Merge replication happens in both ways between publisher and subscriber.
How can i allow data movement from only wince sql ce subscribers and not from publisher running sql 2000 and win 2k.
Please reply immediately bcoz i require a solution which has to be implemented very soon.
Thanks in advance
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