SQL 2012 :: Run Scheduled Task And Check For Completion

Nov 6, 2015

I am looking to create a Stored Procedure that simply runs a Scheduled Task that they knows when the job has completed.

To call the Job I am using:

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name='MY_JOB_NAME'

As a next step is there a way to check if the Scheduled Job has completed and keep checking until the job completes via a query?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Check Completion Status Of Recovery?

Aug 14, 2015

I have a database In Recovery.

Where do I check the completion status of the recovery?

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SQL 2012 :: Maintenance Plan Task Only After Completion Of Other Parallel Tasks

Dec 11, 2014

I have a scenario where i have to run update task on multiple servers in parallel and once all of them are completed (success or failure) another task is to be run on another server

1. in maintenance plan, if we add tasks which are not joined, will they run in paralled at the same time
2. if we link the last task to all the tasks with link type 'completed' will the last task complete after all tasks are completed or when any one of them is completed (i have big doubt here)

the business requirement behind this is to bring data from multiple servers into shadow copies locally and then process them together. its ok if some server data transfer fails, but its not ok to start processing centrally while data transfer is going on. further, we want to run data transfer from multiple servers in paralleled to save time.

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Daily Scheduled Job Has Its Schedule Disabled Despite Successful Completion

Jun 16, 2004

I have a job which is scheduled to run once daily. The job is enabled and the schedule is also enabled. After the job runs (successfully), the schedule has its 'Enabled' flag reset (i.e. the 'Enabled' checkbox in the schedule properties has become unchecked) and so is not rescheduled.

I have other jobs configured in a similar way, but they are run and then rescheduled in the normal way without any problems.

What could be going on?

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FTP Upload Completion Check

Jun 23, 2008

Hi, all,

I am looking for a way to programatically identify a file is completely uploaded to the ftp site, so the download/copy could start.

Currently, the process we have occassional run into the problem of downloading partial file becauseour partner has not finished uploading.


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How To Check The Deatils Of Scheduled Job In 2005

Jan 2, 2008

Hi All
I designed a maintenance plan in 2005 it create job in SQL Server Agent-->Jobs when i right click on job to check the properties it doesn’t give me the details of that job instead it open the window for new job which is not the case in 2000. Can some one there please let me know how to check the job details in 2005in GUI not in terms of T-SQL


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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedure Not Running To Completion And Not Returning Results Set

May 27, 2014

I have stored procedure

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_Create_Fact_Job (@startDate date, @endDate date) AS
--DECLARE @startDate date
--DECLARE @endDate date

--SET @startDate = '01 APR 2014'
--SET @endDate = '02 APR 2014'
/*-- end of Debug*/
WITH CTE_one AS ( blah blah blah)

SELECT a whole bunch of fields from the joined tables and CTEs...When I run the code inside the stored procedure by Declaring and setting the start and enddates manually the code runs in 4 minutes (missing some indexes ).When I call the stored procedure with the ExEC

DECLARE@return_value int
EXEC@return_value = [ClaimCenter].[usp_Create_Fact_Job]
@startDate = '01 apr 2014',
@endDate = '01 apr 2014'
SELECT'Return Value' = @return_value

It never returns a results set but doesn't error out either. I have left it for 40 minutes and still no joy.The sproc is reasonably complicated; 6 CTEs to find the most recent version of records and some 2 joins to parent tables (parent and grandparent), 3 joins to child tables (child, grandchild and great grandchild) and 3 joins to lookup views each of which self references a table to filter for last version of a record.

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DTS Scheduled Task

Dec 17, 2007


I'm new to SQL so this should be an easy question. All i want to do is create a recuring task. I want to copy data from one SQL server to another. I've created a package to accomplish this and when i execute it manually it works. What doesn't work is scheduling to execute a regular intervals. As a test i set it up to execute every minute every day (This however will change to once a day when i prove it works) and for some reason it never executes. Any ideas? By the way i created the package using the DTS export wizzard.

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Scheduled Task

Oct 30, 1998

I created a scheduled task on SQL server 6.5 which is actually dump system DB.

The problem I have is the scheduled task did not run with no error messsage returned. I have tried to force it run in different schedule modes. Nothing happened. However I can dump system DB through SEM Backup/Restore which runs OK!

Any body has idea why scheduled task does not run ?


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How To Create An FTP Task As A Scheduled Job?

Jun 13, 2002

I need to use FTP task in DTS ( or any other way), but the problem is, the source file name is not constant. It changes every day with a date extension appended to the file name, like PO_2002_6_12_PM.zip. How do I create a task task to grab this file daily as a scheduled task? Any help is appreciated.

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Output Of Scheduled Task

Nov 1, 2000

I think I have a basic question. Can someone tell me
the command I can use to have a stored procedure run
and generate output? This is for SQL 6.5.

I would like to schedule the sp_help_revdatabase
stored procedure to run periodically and output it
to a file. I think this is possible, but I haven't
been able to come up with the syntax...

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Log Files For Scheduled Task

Nov 3, 1998

How do you specifiy a log file for scheduled tasks. I have consistency checks done at night and when it fails, I cannot find out why because no log file is created. I checked for a log file in /MSSQL/LOGS/*.log. The maintenance wizard creates a log file, but how does a regular TSQL scheduled task create a log file?

Thanks in advance for the help.

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FTP Task Fails When Run As A Scheduled Job

Jun 10, 2005

I've created an SSIS package that retrieves a file from an FTP

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Scheduled Task Not Running

Oct 5, 2007


I've written an scheduled job for importing an excel file into a sql table.When I try to run the job from Sql server agent , I get the status 'Not running',and in the last run status,it's written 'failed'.I've tested the command before in the query analyzer,and it works.Can someone tell me why isn't this working as a scheduled job?

Thanks in advance!

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FTP Task Will Not Execute When Scheduled As A Job

Apr 3, 2006

I have a job that runs a SQL script and creates a flat file. I use an FTP task to send the file to a specific FTP site. The job work beautifully when is is completed in the development environment.

After I build the package and deploy on the SQL server and set it up to run as a job it will not work on the SQL server. The error appears to be in the FTP connection. I get two separate errors:

'Unable to connect to FTP Server using FTP Connection Manager' and

'An Error Occured in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: The Password was not allowed'

I am sure something very simple is wrong.

Any thoughts.


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DTS Scheduled Packages Using Execute SQL Task

Jun 20, 2001

I have SQLServer 7, and have used Enterprise Manager to schedule local packages. The package that I'm trying to do is run a SQL script on a nightly basis. The problem that I'm having is that I need to be able to install the scheduled script customer box using an installer. I have access to execute command line programs in the installer. Do anyone know if you can schedule local packages (using SQL Scripts) from the command line? Or if a 3rd party application can do this. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. I've tried to use sp_add_job and sp_add_jobschedule, but haven't been able to get them to work.


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Scheduled Task Hanging - Very Urgent !!

Aug 23, 2001


On production server, I have two tasks in status "performing completion action" for last couple hours. Ususally these tasks take seconds to finish.
Do you know how can I kill or cancel these tasks? I tried to stop both the jobs couple times but nothing is happening.

There are no locks/blocks on current activity window.

Please give your suggestion.


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DBCC Checkdb Scheduled Task

Sep 23, 1999

Thanks, it worked on one server, but not the other. So I'm going to recreate that job again. Do you know where it would keep the results of the dbcc checkdb when running it in a scheduled task?

Ray Miao at 9/23/99 8:07:13 AM

Recreate job.

Laura Cappon at 9/22/99 5:22:43 PM

I have setup a DBCC checkdb scheduled task for Sunday nights at 11:00pm. Monday morning I checked it and the job never started running, nor did it fail. I looked in the error log and found no errors around that time. I set this job up the same way on 6 different servers, 4 ran fine and the other 2 didn't run at all.

So I set it up again to run Monday night and the 2 both ran for over 24 hours (on a 2 Gig DB). I killed it by stopping SQLExecutive. Does anyone know why this would happen and how to get it to work correctly?

Thanks for your help,

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6.5 Scheduled Task Wont Stop

May 24, 2001

I have a scheduled task that has been running for several weeks now. When I try to stop it from the scheduled task manager, all appears to go well, but the task continues to show under the running tasks tab. Is there any other way to force this task to stop?

Eddie Kabello

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Making A Stored Procedure To Run A Scheduled Task

May 29, 2008

I am not sure if this is a correct place to post this question. i am making a simple pay bill system, require people set a schedule that pays bill, then save it into database, when the time come, it auto transfers the money, i am thinking if i can do this in a store procedure.  here is the interface:From Account:To Payee:Amount:ScheduleDate: Save the schedule task                        View scheduled task  

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Running Scheduled Task In SQL Server 6.5 Client

Jun 12, 2001


I just wonder if it is possible to run a scheduled task from a SQL Server 6.5 Client. Whenever I would try to run a scheduled task from a SQL Server Client a would get the error message that says "The SQLExecutive service is not currently running on server 'POFDS1099'. This prevents task 'ACORS2 FS90 People Pull' from being run", but when I would try to go the server itself, the service is runnning. Can anybody please tell me what could be the possible cause of this or perhaps 6.5 doesn't really support running scheduled task using SQL Server client. Thanks.
By the way, I also have SQL 2000 Client running on my local.

Thanks again,


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DTS Scheduled Task Fails - Permission Denied

Feb 9, 2005

I searched the forum's threads on this, and while there were many results, none have helped so far.

I am running a DTS package that is an ACtiveX Script Task using VBScript. The script uses CreateObject() to create a FileSystemObject to copy an .MDB before importing the tables into SQL Server. I want to copy it because of Access' notoriety of corrupting, and this much data being pumped out of Access could force me to Compact & Repair. I would rather do that on a copy.

Function Main()

Set FSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

FSO.CopyFile "\<server><Share>Data.mdb", "\<server>C$DataCopyData.mdb"

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function

The DTS Package runs when I execute it from Ent. Manager, of course. It fails if scheduled, or course :(

I have set the Owner of the Scheduled Task to my domain account, which is also in the Adminstrators Group on the physical server with the SQL Server installation (Windows 2003 Server). I also did the unnecessary task of adding my domain account specifically to the destination folder, which is also Shared.

My sqlagent.exe service runs as SYSTEM on the server, so the SQLAgent should have no problem copying a file from one folder on the server to another.

The Scheduled Task fails with the common error:

DTSRun: Loading...
DTSRun: Executing...
DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1
DTSRun OnError: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1, Error = -2147220482 (800403FE)
Error string: Error Code: 0
Error Source= Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Error Description: Permission denied
Error on Line 12
Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Help file: sqldts80.hlp
Help context: 4500
Error Detail Records:
Error: -2147220482 (800403FE); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: Error Code: 0
Error Source= Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Error Description: Permission denied
Error on Line 12
Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Help file: sqldts80.hlp
Help context: 4500
DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1
DTSRun: Package execution complete.

I checked this MS KB Article (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q298725/), but the instructions after opening DCOMcnfg.exe do not follow what is shown in the WMI window on Windows 2003 Server :rolleyes: (i.e. there is no "Default Security" tab to click.)

I am at a loss here. Thanks for your help.

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Accessing SQL Server 2005 Via Scheduled Task

May 27, 2007

I have a strange problem that I think deals with security on SQL 2005.I have a scheduled task that runs on a Windows 2000 machine. It callsa vb script which creates a connection to SQL Server.We migrated a database from SQL 2000 to 2005 which is on a differentbox. I changed the connection in the vb script to use the new sqlserver. The original connection to SQL 2000 used the 'sa' accountcoded into the connection string , which we don't want to use on thenew server, so I changed the connection string in the script to usethe below login information.Const strConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;DataSource=SQLServer;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist SecurityInfo=False;Initial Catalog=database;I created a domain user and gave it dbo rights on the new database onSQL 2005 as well as administrative rights on the local machine and thenetwork. The task runs fine for a while and then it will fail tostart. I have looked in the event log as well as the SQL log and havenot found anything else that ran when my task failed. Once it hasfailed, if I manually run the vb script on the 2000 machine, it runsjust fine, but the schedule won't work. If I change the name of theuser that is running the scheduled task, it will begin working again.I have run the profiler on SQL 2005 and watched the scheduled tasklogin as the correct user and update the database. There is nopattern to when the scheduled task will stop running. This has beenhappening for a few days now.This script and scheduled task worked fine for over a year on themachine when it logged into SQL 2000 and nothing else has changed,which makes me think it is related to the SQL 2005 server. Any ideas?

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SSIS Package With An FTP Task Fails When Scheduled

May 7, 2006

I have a SSIS package with an FTP task to download a Excel file and populate a table using an excel connection mnager and a SQL Server Destination and it always fails with the following error when scheduled:

The job failed. The Job was invoked by User sa. The last step to run was step 1 (FTP-DM-CRN_ALLOCATION_COMMENTS).

Executed as user: WEB-INTSQLSYSTEM. The package execution failed. The step failed.

The box on which SQL Server is installed is on a workgroup on the domain and the SQL Server is started up by the Local System user on the box.

I am thinking this has to do with windows security based on all the information that I have read on these kind of error messages. Any input on resolving this will be much appreciated.



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Executing A Stored Proc On Another Server From A Scheduled Task

Jul 20, 2005

Ok, I thought this one would be easy.I have a stored proc: master.dbo.restore_database_fooThis is on database server B.Database server A backs up database foo on a daily basis as a scheduledtask.What I wanted to do was, at the end of the scheduled task is then call thestored proc on B and restore the database.If I go into Query Analyzer and log into database A, then execb.master.dbo.restore_database_foo works.But if I take the same command and make it part of the scheduled task itfails.Error is:OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' reported an error. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7399)[SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 7312). The step failed.To me this seems like a permissions issue, but nothing I've tried seems tohave helped.Suggestions?----Greg D. MoorePresident Green Mountain SoftwarePersonal: http://stratton.greenms.com

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FTP Task Fails - SSIS Scheduled With SQL SERVER AGENT As JOB

Nov 21, 2006

I have created a SSIS package and tested it in V.Stdio where it runs fine and uploads file on the remote server.

Now I have scheduled it to run as a job in SQL SERVER AGENT as JOB, but it fails when it comes to the upload task?

I am quite sure as it is something with FTP connection string or security, but can't figure it out.

I have simply added the IP/login/password in the connection manager for upload task.

Any help/ guidance would be great.


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Xcopy Command Failed In Sql Server 2000 As Scheduled Task

Jul 20, 2005

After setting up the linked server connection at the standby server, Itried to xcopy a file through the sql server 2000 schedule task to thestandby server's shared directory. But it keeps giving me the errormessage with'Invalid Drive Specification'.My whole process includes1) set up linked server connection on the standby server2) set up job to xcopy file as operating system commend in sql serverfrom the production box(xcopy c:directoryfile.bak\standby_servere$directory /c)3) test, but not successful - I am already running the whole scheduletask as a Windows user with Admin authority.)What did I do wrong or did I miss something?Thanks in advance

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FTP Task In A SQL Server Agent Scheduled Job - Corrupts Excel File?

May 8, 2006

We are not certain if this has happened due to the SSIS FTP Task, but incidently the Excel file that is being copied from the FTP site using an SSIS FTP Task got corrupted a couple hours after the package was scheduled as a SQL Server Agent Job on SQL Server 2005.

I had a SQL Server 2000 DTS package doing the same thing, but it was never an issue then. I was using the FTP Task there along with an Excel Data source in that and has been working for a couple years atleast with never any corruption related issues.

In the SSIS SQL Server 2005 package I am using an FTP Task with an Excel Connection Manager and Excel source and the Excel file got corrupted within a couple hours of the package being scheduled as a SQL Server Agent job.

Has anyone experienced this issue? Any inputs will be appreciated.

Just as an fyi, the excel file has a lot of vlookups.



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SSIS - Process Task Exit Code 4 - Via SQL Agent Scheduled Job Only - Works If Manually Started....

Oct 10, 2007

We have a Process Task component setup in a couple SSIS jobs to call a command batch file to support transfering a file via Secure FTP to other servers and the process works fine if we start the SQL Agent job manually, however when the job is started via the scheduler, it fails with an exit code of 4. Even though there is a proxy setup on the agent job, is there a different user account being invoked by the scheduler??? We're on 2005 SP1 Hotfix 1 (2153). Thanks

Some more info...have found that if we leave a login session open on the server (login is the proxy account) the process works. It appears the issue is associated with a need to render/create a command window for the command line/batch process to run in and without an active windows session it fails....would seem to be that a product setup to run on a server in a batch mode would be able to work without this...is this the case? if so, how? Thanks.

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Integration Services :: FTP Task Runs Fine From SSIS Package Store Always Times Out In Scheduled Job

Mar 27, 2014

SQL Server 2012VS 2010 SQL Server data toolsFTP Connection Manager - port 21, chunk size 1kb, passive mode=false, saved plain text pwDownloads 1 csv file to local directory on SQL Server box.This always works when run from the package.  And always gives a timeout error when scheduled.

Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 11.0.2100.60 for 64-bit
Started:  11:04:59 AM
Error: 2014-03-27 11:05:31.12
   Code: 0xC001602A

SQL Server Agent is set to Logon As my domain account, and in the package history it says "logged on as " my account.

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SQL 2012 :: Scheduled Query To Export To Daily XLS File

Jun 17, 2015

I'm using SSMS 2012. I have multiple queries that are run daily(I also have a few that are run every Monday) that I want to schedule to run at midnight and export to a new xls file on the network drive to be used the next morning. Is there something that I can add to each query to accomplish this or would I have to set something else up to call the queries?

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Help On Check Database Integrity Task

Mar 14, 2008

I want to what check database integrity task does in Maintenance plan..
Anyone help.

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Check Database Integrity Task

Apr 23, 2008

I searched the forum on this topic and saw the following explanation on Check Database Integrity Task, by DarrenSQLIS.

"The Check Database integrity task will fail if the DB has a problem. The task fails; the details are raised in the error event and dumped to the log etc. You can use on Failure precedence constraints or an OnError event handler to capture that failure and do something if you wish."

Here is the link to the quote above.

I would like to continue this discussion on this new thread to help my understanding.

I understand that this command does dbcc checkdb( ) command on a specified server for the databases you want to check. And if a database has a problem the task will fail and raise an OnError event. DarrenSQLIS goes on to say that the error is dumped to a log. What log is this? Where do I specifiy the location of this log?

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