I am trying to move files to directories based on the file status. If the file contains the Flag='E' then I want to move it to an "Error" folder, otherwise it will go to a "Processed" folder.
Here is my current code:
DECLARE @cmd varchar(500)
WHEN Processed_Flag = 'E'
SET @cmd='MOVE /Y C: empmyfiles*.dat C: empmyfilesError'
SET @cmd='MOVE /Y C: empmyfiles*.dat C: empmyfilesProcessed'
What I need to do it select the top 80 percent of records per group based on the group total. To be clear I am not trying to just grab the top x percent of rows.
Table 1 has the total number of repair orders per dealer. This can be obtained by simply grouping on DealerID and counting the number of RepairIDs.
Table 2 has information on some of the repair orders and it is needed to select the top 80% of tire sizes. This table will be joined to Table 1 and grouped by DealerID and Tire.
DECLARE @Date SET @Date = 2012 DECLARE @Year int SET @Year = (SELECT DATEPART(yyyy,@Date)) SELECT @Year AS Year --SELECT * -- FROM [Orders].[dbo].[Orders] od -- WHERE .Orderl_Date < @Date; ----WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,@Date)= @Year ----WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,od.Order_Date)= @ArchiveYear
Basically I'm trying to produce a report that shows qualified employees for each program. Each employee can possess many qualifications. There will be no programID parameter submitted by the user. I just want to produce the report which shows the programs and the qualified employees for each. I thought I had a query that was working but once I added a different ProgramID into the ProgramModules table things went south.
Here are my tables:
tblEmployees (table of employees) - EmployeeID - EmployeeName
tblQualifications (table of qualifications) - Qualification_ID - QualificationTitle
tblEmployeeQualification (table of all employees qualifications) -EmpQualificationID -EmployeeID (fk for tblEmployees) -QualificationID (fk for tblQualifications)
tblPrograms (table of programs) -ProgramID -ProgramTitle
tblProgramModules (table of qualifications required by each program) -ProgramModuleID -ProgramID (fk for tblPrograms) -QualificationID (fk for tblQualifications)
Here is the query I was working with that works when there are only records in the ProgramModules table that use the same ProgramID
Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".
Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.
Dear All I need to cerate a SP that SELECTS all the records from a table WHERE the first letter of each records starts with 'A' or 'B' or 'C' and so on. The letter is passed via a parameter from a aspx web page, I was wondering that someone can help me in the what TSQL to use I am not looking for a solution just a poin in the right direction. Can you help.
Presently using CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), [ExpiryDate], 100) to get close to the correct format.Only stumbled across this by accident so am assuming there might be better hidden 'treasures' .Formatting dates seems to be my biggest time-consuming activity and I just don't seem to get better at it!
I have a table where I need to concatenate and sum based on conditions given below .
CREATE TABLE #DimOrder ( [ID] [INT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [OrderID] [INT] NOT NULL, [SalesRegion] [VARCHAR](5) NULL, [OrderType] [INT] NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
Example SELECT 1296 AS OrderID, 2547 AS ProjectID,364 AS ProductID,6 AS FormatID,66 AS MEdiaTypeID,'Fast Track,Fast Track' AS ProductComment,'sq mi' AS UOM,'Y' AS FormatName,'LTO4_800' AS MEdia ,41.67000 AS aPPLIEDRATE
IF OrderID,PrjectID,ProductID,FormatID,MediaTypeID AND AppliedRate AND ProductComment IS different , THEN I want TO concetenate ProductComment AND sum AppliedRate
Example SELECT 1207 AS OrderID, 2351 AS ProjectID,364 AS ProductID,6 AS FormatID,32 AS MEdiaTypeID,'no charge,final volume' AS ProductComment,'sq mi' AS UOM,'Y' AS FormatName,'3590E' AS MEdia ,55.56000 AS AppliedRate
Hey all, I'm having an interesting problem, but also keep in mind I am certainly a newbie with DB's and SQL but here's what I got:
I'm making an application that creates quotes for our customers. I want to create a Quote Number that is based on the largest of the last number in the DB but only based on that company. For example:
CoID QuoteNum 123 1 123 2 666 1 123 3 666 2 666 3
so if I created a new quote for CoID: 666, the QuoteNum would be 4. Easy enough. But the problem arises when I create a new quote for a NEW COMPANY, one who's CoID is not already present in the DB. So what I have so far is this:
SELECT QuoteNum FROM Quote WHERE QuoteNum = (SELECT MAX(QuoteNum) FROM Quote WHERE CoID='222')
but since 222 does not yet exist I get an error: "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record."
So how do I tell the DB to ignore that error and perform another task should it arise? Any help would greatly be appreciated. THANKS!
on which the following query is based. I need to build indexes so that the query will perform better. Now its very slow..
SELECT DISTINCT C.[afflt_cust_natl_key],[as_of_dt] FROM [dbo].[SF_Affiliate_Customer] C WHERE ( [afflt_intrnl_cust_ind] = 'N' AND [afflt_empl_ind] = 'N' AND (ISNULL([phys_addr_st_rgn_cd],'')<>'CA' AND ISNULL([mlng_addr_st_rgn_cd],'')<>'CA') )AND
I have 2 tables that I need to merge let me explain. I have a range of product ID's that have a product grouping of * meaning all product groups. So I have a table with products and one with around 100 groups
ProdID ProdGrp -------- --------- 11 * 12 *
ProdGrp ProdGrpDesc --------- --------------- A Prod Group A B Prod Group B C Prod Group C
I need a table which looks like the below but I have no joining mechanism
ProdID ProdGrp -------- --------- 11 A 11 B 11 C 12 A 12 B 12 C
We have customer accounts that we measure usage. We want to run a report for all customers whose current usage is 0 and a count of how many months it has been zero consecutively. Here is an example.
I am trying to take the results of a query and re-orient them into separate columns.
As of now the query puts all the years into a single column -- one for DEF_SUMMARY and another for SUMMARY.
I am looking to create 7 additional columns for all the individual years in the results instead of just two columns.
I have the table below and want to show the prop_code if the rent_review_date count is less than 1 in 12 months. This means to show only propcode if there has not been any rent update since the first rent_review_date
DECLARE @table TABLE ( Prop_Code INT ,Current_Rent INT ,Revised_Rent INT ,Rent_Review_Date varchar(10) ,Rent_Review_Time DATEtime)
I need a new field added 'Field1' which will add SEQUENCE number 1,2,.. based ON GROUP BY MasterID..AND another field TotalCount which will COUNT total masterID (here it will be 2)
There is a STIG Check that does not allow grant "Connect SQL" directly to any logins except SQL System and the SA account. My way of resolving this is to do the following:
Step One: We create a Server Role called SQL_APPLICATIONS – for the application accounts We create a Server Role called SQL_DBA – for the DBA accounts and give them direct “Connect SQL’ server permissions. MAKE THE ROLE OWNER = sysadmin (group)
Note: I think that creating a Server Role is only available starting with SQL Server 2012, but not sure. I am using SQL 2012
Step two: I add the members (Logins - SQL & Windows) – in this case any application accounts and DBA accounts to the new roles respectively
Step three: I remove the “Connect SQL” Permission from each Login
The first problem i noticed is that the maintenance plans failed with "The owner domainusername of job db_backup does not have server access.I am currently using a test system and wondered If you think I will have trouble with the application connecting when I try and implement on the production systems.
I have a table with a max key value in it, and another table with a few rows in it. I'm trying to update the two new rows with key values that are iterative from the MAX value in the first table. Could anyone point me to some good LOOP...UPDATE, etc resources or pointers before I go postal?
Example: first table has a key field, last value in it is say 1000. The second table has two records. They need keys too, and those keys need to start at the last value in the first table + 1, so 1001, and end on the last row of the second table, or, say 1002. I cannot figure out how to read the last value of the first table, and create an update loop to iteratively update the key value in the second table based on the max value of the first, and looping based on the number of records in the second, in this case 2.
I need to select certain rows based on a "datetime" column. I need to select rows from 8am yesterday until 8am today. In Oracle I would use: select * from foo where TIMESTAMP >= trunc(sysdate - 1) + 8/24 AND TIMESTAMP < trunc(sysdate) + 8/24. This would start at 8am yesterday and end at 7:59am today.
I have a table with two columns: value and weight (weight is smallint).
I want a query that will return the value of one row at random with the added requirement that rows with a higher weight have a higher probability of being chosen. Any ideas?
the following criteria. i have the selection all done but am trying to figure out how to do the following: if column4 < 0 then add column4 to column3, move 0 to column4; if column3 < 0 then add column3 to column2, move 0 to column3; if column2 < 0 then add column2 to column1, move 0 to column2; add column3 to column4; move column2 to column3; move column1 to column2; if column0 > 0 move column0 to column1, move 0 to column0 else move 0 to column1;
I'm trying to select records that occur more than once. I'm trying to base this on the email column. So basically I want the query to look something like this:
select * from table where emailaddress count > 1
Can someone provide me with the correct syntax? :)
I would like to get records from a table and present a result set based upon the search fields
the search fields could be any of the following: PNo, Year, JNo, C1No6, C2No3, C3No3, C4No3,
they could enter any combination of these however if they dont enter any of the above then the search should not retrieve any thing. the table colunms are listed below and asample data set is also shown below.
Currently the only way i think it can be done is by writing multiple queries with different queries to be executed based upon the search field that have been filled? can it be done in a stored prcedure? and can it be done using non-dynamic sql?
Hi all - this one has me stumped... PLEASE HELP!!!
I have a back/forward navigation link that passes a URL.startrow number (lets call it n) - based on n - I only want to select the record that is the n'th record based on a sort order (gall_order) - (SQL SERVER).
<cfquery name="gallHomePic1st" datasource="id" maxrows="1"> SELECT id FROM gall_home ORDER BY gall_order asc </cfquery>
For e.g. - I want the 7th (14th - 21st etc) record based on gall_order asc.
SQL2K on W2KserverI need some help revamping a rather complicated query. I've given thetable and existing query information below. (FYI, changing thedatabase structure is right out.)The current query lists addresses with two particular types('MN30D843J2', 'SC93JDL39D'). I need to change this to (1) check eachcontact for address type 'AM39DK3KD9' and then (2) if the contact hastype 'AM39DK3KD9' select types ('AM39DK3KD9', 'ASKD943KDI') OR if thecontact does not have that type then select types ('MN30D843J2','SC93JDL39D'). (Context - the current query selects two standardaddress types "Main" and "Secondary"; we've added new data and now havetypes "Alternate Main" and "Alternate Secondary". If the Contact hasAlternate addresses, I need to select those; if not, I need to selectthe standard addresses. There are other address types in use, so Imust specify which types to select.)Can anyone point me in the right direction?Thanks very much! jamilehCREATE TABLE [CONTACTS] ([CONTACT_X] [char] (10),[LONGNAME] [char] (75),[ACTIVE] [bit])CREATE TABLE [CONTACTADDRESSES] ([CONTACT_X] [char] (10),[ADDRESS_X] [char] (10),[ADDRESSTYPE_REFX] [char] (10),[ACTIVE] [bit])CREATE TABLE [ADDRESSES] ([ADDRESS_X] [char] (10),[ADDRESSLINE1] [char] (60),[ADDRESSLINE2] [char] (60),[CITY] [char] (20),[STATE] [char] (2),[ZIPCODE] [char] (11),[PHONE] [char] (10))CREATE TABLE [REFERENCETABLE] ([REFERENCETABLE_X] [char] (10),[ADDRESS_X] [char] (10),[DESCRIPTION] [char] (60))CREATE TABLE [MASTERTABLE] ([CONTACT_X] [char] (10),[RECORDTYPE] [char] (1),[ACTIVE] [bit])CREATE VIEW vw_CONTACTInfo_ListLocASSELECT CONTACTS.CONTACT_X, CONTACTS.LONGNAME,CONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESSTYPE_REFX,Type_REFERENCETABLE.DESCRIPTION AS Type_DESCRIPTION,CONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESS_X, ADDRESSES.ADDRESSLINE1,ADDRESSES.ADDRESSLINE2, ADDRESSES.CITY, ADDRESSES.STATE,ADDRESSES.ZIPCODE, ADDRESSES.PHONEFROM CONTACTS INNER JOIN CONTACTADDRESSES ONCONTACTS.CONTACT_X = CONTACTADDRESSES.CONTACT_X INNER JOINADDRESSES ON CONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESS_X =ADDRESSES.ADDRESS_XINNER JOIN REFERENCETABLE Type_REFERENCETABLE ONCONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESSTYPE_REFX =Type_REFERENCETABLE.REFERENCETABLE_XWHERE (CONTACTS.ACTIVE = 1) AND (CONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESSTYPE_REFXIN('MN30D843J2', 'SC93JDL39D') AND (CONTACTADDRESSES.ACTIVE =1)) AND(CONTACTS.CONTACT_X IN(SELECT CONTACT_X FROM MASTERTABLE WHEREACTIVE = 1 AND RECORDTYPE = 'E'))