SQL 2012 :: SSAS Hierarchies For Unrelated Fields?
Mar 12, 2015
I've built a robust looking Calendar dimension but that's easy because its all so well structured. Every date belongs to a particular week and every week belongs to a particular month and every month belongs to a particular quarter etc. January 1st is always going to be a member of week 1, month 1, quarter 1.But here's the rub, real life isn't as predictable and stable as a calendar.
Lets say you have an table containing personal information. You might have gender and marital status in there and even though they both relate to one person, they're unrelated to each other so how do you put those in a hierarchy? Which one goes first and which second because you can get combinations of either.
I had a pivot to pull data from cube previously.The pivot had certain measures which are now set as invisible measures at the cube level itself.After the cube publish,i just reconnected my pivot to the cube so that the new measures and dimensions are shown in the field list.
I just tried refreshing the pivot with my old measures(which are now set as invisible) and it allowed me to refresh.How can this be possible if the measure itself is set as invisible at cube level?
Recently migrated from 2008 to 2012. Everything is working fine; however went to take my first set of backups today and one of them blew up:
Executing the query ...
Backup and restore errors: Unexpected number of disk files associated with database object. Possible cause for that is missing or corrupt cryptokey.bin or detach.log file.
Execution complete
Not finding much online on the specific error.
- Data source is valid - Can process the cube - Can query / navigate cube
Next step would be drop/recreate; however this is an older cube that I'd prefer to leave alone at this stage if possible.
Is there a way to determine when the SSAS Service last restarted? preferably a [mdx] query like you can do with the DB engine using a T-SQL query but any method that does not going to the servers OS and checking would be fine.
I know how to create an alias for a SQL server instance, so instead of MyServerMyInstanceName, I can type MyInstanceName into my SSMS connection box. But SSAS does not allow me to connect with the alias.
I've looked all over and found plenty of documentation that SQL 2005 and 2008 doesn't allow the use of instance aliases for SSAS. I've even found notes from Microsoft saying "we'll fix this in a future edition." I have not found any indications or notes as to whether or not this has been fixed.
Can aliases be created for 2012 SSAS? Or is this still not available?
how to move the dimension attributes from currency to geography and vice versa(i.e need to change their positions) in SQL Server 2012. i need currency to be placed in top of geography or geography below currency.
I have an SSAS cube that i want to add some actions to. I've had problems adding a reporting action to the cube so decided just to add a URL action instead. Start simple and build on the concepts...
So i add a new action, give it a name, set the Target Type to Cells, Taget object to All Cells. I've put no condition on the action since i want it to appear all the time.
The action content type is set to URL the action expression is set to [URL] I've also set a caption of "Google" under the additional properties and said that the caption is MDX (I'm aware that it isn't but i do intend to expand on this...).
I then build and deploy my cube, call up excel (2010) and then create a pivot table off the back of the cube but when i right-click the cells in the pivot table and go to "additional actions" it tells me that there are none specified.
I have a cube where i would like to define some actions. I have done report Actions but they are limiting in terms of what i am trying to achieve.I want a popup window from the action from relevant cells at the moment i can use the urlaction type to open the link in a new window which is ok but i want this as a popup.
I can detach/attach SSAS database.But I have a software that protects(backs up) the files of the SSAS Database.
What the customer needs is to be able to take these backed up files and port it to a different server and attach it there.But the new server complains that these files have no corresponding detach-log files.
The customer doesn't want to backup and restore the SSAS databases.
I am working on SQL 2012.We have a SSAS Cube build. On top of it client use Excel to connect to SSAS Cube and See the reports.My Cube process every hour and take almost a 1-2 min to Process.When ever End user/Client See or refresh the Excel report (Which use Cube as Source),WHEN CUBE IS PROCESSING ,they get an error that Source is not available
We Have tried best but cannot bring down the Processing time of the cube to 3-5 Second , so that End user don't face report refresh issue at the moment of cube processing
Requirement :In Case End User see the report while Cube is processing from back end , Instead of Error they should see some customize Msg which we can provide some thing Like "Data is Refreshing , please wait ".
All I get back is an error message of "Analysis Services Processing Task Error: A Connection cannot be made. Ensure the Server is running" The server is running, I can process the cube by connecting to the AS instance and right-click processing it.
I can process the cube by running the SSIS task inside of SSDT Just when I deploy the SSIS package (in Project mode) and then execute it do I get the error message.
SQL Server, SSAS, and SSIS processes are all running under the same account. SSAS is on a separate server from SSIS and SQL if that matters.
We have an SSAS project that we want to auto deploy. I am not sure how to handle the external data sources in the project. This one in particular has a single external data source defined to Microsoft SQL Server.
I would like to be able to change the data source based on the environment. In SSIS projects I can do this by setting up environments in the SSISDB and linking them to project parameters in the SSIS project but SSAS projects don't seem to have a similar mechanism.
How to handle this? I would like to be able to have the build/deployment agent pass in server / database information to the data source based on environment (dev, QA, production).
The only way to automate this that I've discovered is to have an intermediary process that executes after the build that updates the generated .asdatabase and .configsettings files in the bin folder replacing the connection string information.
I am trying to learn building SSAS tabular model. While following a tutorial I need to add a column to an existing table but for some reason the ADD Column option (insert column in other menu is also not appearing) is greyed out.
I have a MDX query , where I have a date Range in where clause.
I want to replace it with Cuurent Date and Last 7 days date.
I tried multiple ways using NOW function , but could not get it correct .
modifying the Query so that I can fetch DATA for last 7 days
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[X] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([PRODUCT].[PRODUCT].[PRODUCT].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( { [COLOR].[COLORName].&[BLACK], [COLOR].[COLORName].&[BLUE] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2015].&[2015]&[3].&[7].&[20150706] : [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2015].&[2015]&[2].&[6].&[20150629] ) ON COLUMNS FROM [MYCUBE]))
I want to replace Date Hard code value , I have used Calendar Hierarchy of date dimension. to find Last 7 days Data.
CREATE VIEW... Select 'Due_0-1_Month' as Ageing_Threshold union all Select 'Due_1-2_Month' union all Select 'Due_2-3_Month'
[Code] ....
I was successful in processing the cube, however the problem is everytime I drag the dimension on the columns field in Pivot tables the Thresholds start to break up the other amounts that I have on display like Acquisition Costs, Tax amounts. I am only interested in showing the breakdown of Premium amount measure by the Threshold dimension.
somehow 'Hide' or 'prevent' the Threshold dimension from breaking down the other measures on the Pivot and only breakdown the amounts for Premium?
how I should structure my tables in SQL or any MDX queries to resolve this.
Now I have a different constellation: Integration Services run on one server, in version 2014, the Analysis Services instance to process the cube database on runs on another server, version 2012.I tried several different combinations of SSIS version and Analysis Management Objects version, and got several errors while running the process package (e.g. object reference not set to an instance of an object, cannot find AnalyisServices.dll..)
Is this combination 2014/2012 possible at all?I assume the BIDS version has to be for SQL Server 2014, as I want to run SSIS packages on a 2014 server, is that correct? Does it matter at all, can I also deploy 2012 packages?Which version of Analysis Management Objects do I have to use? I assumed I have to use version 11.0 here, because I want to process a 2012 cube?If it is possible to use the "old" 11.0 version of AMO, do I have to do anything so that it can be found by the SSIS package running on the server (it was built on my local computer, there I have all SQL Server versions from 2005 to 2014 installed in parallel), or do I just have to copy it to the appropriate SQL Server folder?
We're getting duplicate records b/c we're joining two tables that really don't have a unique common field. Does anyone know of a way to join two tables that aren't completely related?? I know this is contradictory to the entire concept of a relational db :).
I have two tbls (trade & retail) - at the minute I have a query (in just one tbl) which looks like this
SELECT SUM(Total) AS WeekRetailTotal, COUNT(*) AS MonthRetailOrderNo, DATEPART(wk, OrderDate) AS SalesWeek, YEAR(OrderDate) AS SalesYear FROM dbo.Orders_Retail WHERE (account = @Account) AND (OrderStatus <> 'Deleted') AND (PayStatus <> 'Pending') AND (OrderStatus <> 'Refunded') AND (DATEDIFF(d, OrderDate, @StartDate) <= 0) AND (DATEDIFF(d, OrderDate, @EndDate) >= 0) GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate), DATEPART(wk, OrderDate) ORDER BY YEAR(OrderDate), DATEPART(wk, OrderDate)
I then have the same query (bar a couple of differences) for the trade tbl which looks like this:
SELECT SUM(total) AS WeekTradeTotal, COUNT(*) AS MonthTradeOrderNo, DATEPART(wk, order_date) AS SalesWeek, YEAR(order_date) AS SalesYear FROM dbo.Orders_Trade WHERE (order_status <> 'Deleted') AND (account = @Account) AND (order_status <> 'Removed') AND (order_status <> 'Refunded') AND (TradeCustomerID <> 'Cha928') AND (DATEDIFF(d, order_date, @StartDate) <= 0) AND (DATEDIFF(d, order_date, @EndDate) >= 0) GROUP BY YEAR(order_date), DATEPART(wk, order_date) ORDER BY YEAR(order_date), DATEPART(wk, order_date)
Now what I want to do is make one query which has the same WHERE expression(s) but for both tbls at once.
Because the two tbls have a couple of different names in their fields (I.e the retail tbl identifier is called CustomerID and the Trade tbl identifier is called TradeCustomerID). I thought the best bet would be to first dump the data into a temp tbl giving new fields names so that they all match, and then run the query.
But I haven't got a clue how to write a temp tbl SP, nor how to clean it up afterwards as we are talking a whole lot of data...
I'm struggling with a query that needs to use Not Exists between two unrelated tables. I'm not sure of the best way to handle this with SQL Query Analyzer.
I have three tables, employees, courses and training_records. There is no link between employees and courses other than through the training records table. My problem is that I am unsure of how to pull all employees and an associated course id and course title when there is not a training record for that employee/course?
I had a query that would work when I specified the course id, but I wanted to do this for a list of about 25 courses.
SELECT e.empnumber, e.Nickname + ' ' + e.lastname as employeeName
FROM empdata e
WHERE tr.ClassID = tc.ClassID
AND tr.employee = e.empnumber)
My results seem to work like I want them to, but I have never joined a table without actually joining on a value from each table. In this case I join to a list of values and that just looks odd to me. Is this good or crappy development? Is there a better way this should be done?
Hi all,I'm regularly getting the "deadlocked..you're the victim" message when twothreads work on a table at the same time via JDBC. The two threads don'tupdate the same records. I suspect the cause is related to index or pagelocks, and/or the fact that the UPDATE statements are doing table scansbecause there's no index on the primary key (no, I'm not the DBA!)1. Thread A selects some records to play with:select top 50I.*,M.this,F.thatfrom APInvoice Iinner join M ...inner join F ...where I.CmStatus = 'O'(There is an index on CmStatus + another column called CmTime, so I expectthis index to be used. It's also the only index on the table.)2. Gradually, within the same transaction that did the SELECT, thread Aupdates all 50 selected records:update APInvoiceset CmStatus = 'S',CmTime = getdate()where itemid = (an ID number from the select in step#1).(There is no index on itemid, which is the unique primary key column)(There is an index on CmStatus + CmTime).3. While step#2 is running, thread B starts and does a single update.That's all that thread B does:update APInvoiceset CmStatus = 'C',CmTime = getdate()where itemid = (an ID number that is NOT in the list of records being usedby thread A)I consistently get deadlocks whenever thread A & B run at the same time.To resolve ths problem, I'm looking at the following actions:1. Create a unique primary index on ITEMID.2. Add an "(UPDLOCK)" or "FOR UPDATE" to the SELECT statement.Are these reasonable things to try? Is there something else I should bedoing?
I would like to retrieve 10(dynamic) records of table x (proucts) foreach user in table y (users). Can this be done?I would like the end result to be something like this: (would this bea union?)__________________________y.name | x.pid | x.pnameBob | 1 | forkBob | 2 | spoon.... | |Bob | 10 | potatoJeff | 11 | penetc.....__________________________But also with the number to return based off of a query, ex-select @pcount = count(products)select @ucount = count(users)select @pcount / @ucount10And lump all this in an Stored procedureex-get number of total records in x, divide by total y = zselect z records for each user in y.You would be a master in my book if you can give me hints on this one!Thanks,Jeff
What I want to do is be able to show a measure that SUMS the number of hours logged by anyone who is a SiteManager from the ConstructionSites table.
I wanted to do a SUMX of WorkerTimesheets against HoursLogged, but FILTER against WorkerTimesheets[WorkerID] = ConstructionSites[SiteManagerID] so only workers who are also SiteManager would be counted.However, I can't seem to get that to resolve it always throws an error along the lines that it can't determine context.
Hi,I have a question regarding best practices in database design. In arelational database, is it wise/necessary to sometimes create tablesthat are not related to other tables through a foreign Keyrelationship or does this always indicate some sort of underlyingdesign flaw. Something that requires a re evaluation of the problemdomain?The reason I ask is because in our application, the user can perform xnumber of high level operations (creating/updating projects, creating/answering surveys etc. etc.). Different users can perform differentoperations and each operation can manipulate one or more table. Thispart of the system is done and working. Now there is a requirement tohave some sort of audit logging inside the database (separate from thetext based log file that the application generates anyway). This"audit logging" table will contain high level events that occur insidethe application (which may or may not relate to a particularoperation). This table is in some sense related to every other tablein the database, as well as data that is not in the database itself(exceptions, external events etc.). For example : it might haveentries that specify that at time x user created project y, at time Auser filled out survey B, at time C LDAP server was down, At time D anunauthorized login attempt occurred etc.As I said, these seems to suggest a stand alone, floating table with afew fields that store entries regarding whats going on the systemwithout any direct relationship to other tables in the database. But Ijust feel uneasy about creating such an isolated table. Another optionis to store the "logging" information in another schema/database, butthat doubles the maintainance work load. Not really looking forward tomaintaining/designing two different schemas.I had a look at the microsoft adventureworks database schema diagramand they seem to have 3 standalong tables - AWBuildVersion, ErrorLogand DatabaseLog (unless i am reading it wrong!)Any advice, Information or resources are much appreciated.
As I mentioned in my previous post, my "real" case is a cube with 79 dimensions, most of which virtual, have been added for convenience.
Think for instance about a time dimension... Wouldn't it be nice to get a matrix with years horizontally, months vertically and displaying say the number of order you had for each cell in the resulting grid. Ok, maybe you can do this with MDX but not in Excel, unless you create virtual dimensions for the Year and Month levels.
That's all good, but as it is, in my real case, I end up with four date dimensions for which I have to provide:
YQMD (Year, Quarter, Month & Day) hirarchized dimension YWD (Year, Week, Day) YQMD (Fiscal calendar) Year Quarter Month Week Day (as 1, .. 31) Week Day (for periodicity analysis over a week's time) Date (as individual day - this is the backbone for the virtual dimensions)
It turns out this makes 40 dimensions by itself. For the sake of it, I grouped them by 4 hierarchies, although I've seen no specific functionality off of this in the data browser or Excel, so it really seems to be only for "show".
Now in my previous post I explained how I "spread" my session count to calculate a conversion rate. Given the number of dimensions I have (very high segmentation at the order level, very limited segmentation at the session/visit level), this means my calculated cell formula looks like this (hold your breath, it's ugly):
If you read all this, you can see already the cryptic dimension names like "FRD", "FSD" and so forth... that's because with the real names ("First Refund Date", "First Ship Date", the query processor errored out... visibly there is a limit in the size of the formulas you can post!
Is there no other way to achieve this result? Basically I mean to say: if the session count is not defined at your level along this dimension, go to the root of the dimension to get the value there, this along a slew of dimensions, many of which are inherently dependent because of the usage of virtual dimensions (therefore if I wish to go to the root of my "First Refund Date" for instance, I wish to do so along all sub-dimensions... Heck, as far as I'm concerned this is conceptually only ONE dimension, just with various views upon it...
Using hierachies I was sort of hoping for the ability to have something like: [FRD].[All Hierachies].[All]
Am I just asking for too much or do I just not know (quite probable) the magic keyword that can do this?
Where this is becoming quite critical is that I actually have a calculated cell that goes as follows (abridged):
SubCube: similar as before
Calculation: [Measures].[Order Count]*CalculationPassValue((...set of all un-tied dimension roots..., [Measures].[Distributed Marketing Cost])/CalculationPassValue((...set of all un-tied dimension roots..., [Measures].[Order Count])
Now the purpose of this is to distribute external costs at the order level. In short, say that you know you spent $10,000 globally promoting a specific group of websites in commission money (you pay $1 for each order). This formula allows me to get that a specific website, with 20 orders incurred an additional marketing cost of $20. That's actually the object of my next thread's question (spreading a multiplication through the aggregations)
For the purpose of this thread I am just concerned about the size of my formulas. Renaming the dimensions seemed to "buy" me some margin and I was actually quite surprised to find that the formula still fitted in, and works, but it is only a matter of time until I have to add more dimensions and the whole thing blows up in my face. Adittionally this is obviously not pleasant to look at and maintain.
Hi, Nwebie question: is it possible to have a fact that will behave diffeerntly as the user is viewing it from different hierarchies? say i got creatin measures of a product inventory. i got a location hierarchy, as as user is 'moving up' in it (say,up by city, region, state, country...)i want to do a sum. but i also got time hierarchy, and as user begins to group by weeks, months, years... a sum makes no sense..i want LastNonEmpty or something like that. Is it possible?
I have a 3 node cluster on which I have installed SSAS as it's own insntance. I have created this as a named instance and can connect to it by serverinstance if I'm on the server itself. However from my desktop I get the error saying instance was not found on server name.
I have defined an alternate port and setup firewall rules and can connect via server:port but not serverinstance. Prior to making this change SSAS was running on default port of 2383 and I could connect just by servername.
I have read many articles for previous versions saying that clustered SSAS will always use 2383 and that you must connect just using servername. However and this is were it gets strange. I have a 2 node UAT cluster with SSAS setup exactly the same way I've described above and I can connect from my desktop as serverinstance.
Should I be able to connect as serverinstances for a named clustered instance in 2012 ?
Hey all. I have a query where I am basically querying an organizational chart. The table storing this information is basically a two column table of parent/child pairs. So you might have:
Querying this table should return all child columns that flow up to the top, so querying 1 would return 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11.
I used a sample from MSDN (http://www.sqljunkies.com/Article/D7CAED46-CCAC-4FF7-B528-B2E9A274B71C.scuk) that does just this, except that when querying a value that returns more than 1000 records - I am experiencing way too long response times. The MSDN sample uses temp tables and inserts values into a temp table as it moves through the records and finds a match.
Anyone have an ideas on another way to accomplish the same thing? This is an important part of my security model as users that login should only have access to data that falls within their parent/child heirarchy.