SQL 2012 :: SSIS Annotation Font Colour

Jan 19, 2015

Any change or bug in SSIS 2012 which doesn't allow you to change the font colour of an annotation. I am able to change the font type,size and style just not the colour. I have migrated packages from 2008R2 with colour and when placed into 2012 they show as black although when I check the setting they still indicate they are set to the particular colour.

I am running SSIS 2012 version 11.0.5058.0 in Visual Studion 2010 shell Version 10.0.40219.1 SP1 with MS .NET Framework Version 4.5.51641 SP1.

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Reporting Services :: Unable To Change Colour And Font For A Text Box Data Dynamically?

Aug 28, 2015

I want to change my text box text colour for following ;

MY data was:

column name:  NAme
america state

America should be bold and red colour.

I want to write expression to BOLD and change colour in ssrs for America.

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Problem Saving Annotation In SSIS Packages .

Feb 28, 2008

I have problem saving annotation in SSIS packages .

I notice that when I change or add an annotation without any other change , when I save the package and re-open it

most of the times (but not always) the annotation I just added is removed from the package ,,

and when I look into "versionBuild" property I can see it is not changed .

note that when I do something else (such as , add new data flow)

the annotation is also saved ,

it seems that sometime annotation does not get saved.

1) is it a known issue ?

2) does it only occurs when using annotation.

note that I using sql server 2005 SP2 , and I add this problem both on 32 bit and 64 bit.

thanks in advance


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Multi-line Annotation?

Aug 30, 2005

Is it not possible to have a multi-line annotation OR my ENTER key is stuck ;-)

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Conditional Split Component - Annotation Issues

Dec 12, 2006

Greetings SSIS friends,

When I configured my conditional split component (directing the data flow in 2 directions) The annotation does not align properly with the lines. Is there anyway to shift the text as to make more presentable?

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Nov 1, 2004

So how do i solve this sql statment

Select distinct colour from wwwstocktbl where colour <> ' ' order by colour

The stament works as a statment but when run in asp i get an error as theres no primary key, but if i add the primary key then the select distinct fails

Select distinct ProductCode, Colour from wwwstocktbl where colour <> ' ' order by colour

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Colour Of The Series In Legend

Jan 9, 2007

I have few chart based reports where I am showing different costs in series. I want to fix the colour of each type of cost so that I can maintain the same colour for each cost in different reports.

Is it possible?? If yes, then please let me know.

Thanks in advance!!!

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Colour A Cell In A Report When Mouse Is Over It

May 28, 2007

Hi to everyone,

Is it possible (and if so, how should it be done?) to change some settings (i.e. the background colour) when user puts the mouse over a cell?

Thanks in advance,

Jesus M

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Foramtting Chart Axis Colour Using Expression

Sep 8, 2006

I have a chart on a report that shows value in Ł on the Y Axis. The values can be both positive and negative. I would like to have the negative labels to show in red and the positive in black. What is the expression syntax to achieve this? i know it will be an IIF statement, but what is the syntax to show the Y Axis label as <0?

eg if i was doing this for a field it would be iif(Field!Fieldname.value <0, "RED","BLACK") but what would i replace the FIELD!Fieldname.vaue with so the expression would change the Y Axis label.

Thanks in advance for any help

Dave Munro

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Graph Fill Colour With Hatch Pattern

Jul 16, 2007

i want to apply a hatch pattern to the fill colour on my bar graph and it doesn't work. i select fill colour, then i select hatch colour, i preview and it doesn't show the hatch pattern.

i would use gradient only i use 2 colours the same (hence why i want to differ them in a way other then colour) and they show up the same in the legend - legends don't display gradients

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Different Colour Background In Matrix Table Results

Jul 18, 2007


I have a matrix table with a subtotal column

I would like to make the background colour off this different to the rest of the matrix, how would i do this.

Also I would like to make some portions off the matrix results a different colour as well, how I can i acheive this


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Table Cell, Image, Background Colour

Jul 10, 2007

Is there any way I can set the background colour for an image in a table cell (or even for a non-embedded image for that matter)? I always seem to get a white background.

It is a GIF image file.


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Reporting Services :: Alternate Row Colour In A Matrix In SSRS

Jul 7, 2015

I am creating a matrix in which row color changes alternately(1st row white second row blue and so on .) now i am calling this matrix as a sub report in other report and i had applied grouping on that row in which this MATRIX is called the problem i am facing is in first sub report 1st row is coming in white color while in second sub report 1st row is coming as blue color background  And so on...

Why so is happening as i want 1st row as white and second row as blue i all sub reports .

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Reporting Services :: Colour Formatting Based On Conditions

Jun 15, 2015

I have an issue in trying to format rows base on conditions. Below is a replication of the tables and the select statement.

(CompareValID INT Not Null
, ValName NVARCHAR(75) Null
, Vehicle INT Null
, Driver INT Null

[Code] ....

First issue, James and Jane does not have a driver available and that should show "No Driver available"I am to compare values in VehicleAvailable and DriverAvailable to the first row - (Group Value Standard row) so that when a value is less than the value in first row, it should be Gold, if equal to, Blue and if greater than then, Red.

The first row is to be Black. In other for me to be able to compare, I added columns like so:

SELECT #CompanyName
, [Description]
, ISNULL(CAST(VehicleAvalible AS NVARCHAR(30)),'N/A') AS VehicleAvalible
, ISNULL(CAST(DriverAvailable AS NVARCHAR(30)),'No Driver available') AS DriverAvailable
, 0 AS TotalVehicles
, 0 AS TotalDrivers

[Code] ...

And my expression for "VehicleAvailable" column is :

=Switch(Fields!Description.Value = "Group Value Standard" AND Fields!VehicleAvalible.Value = Fields!TotalVehicles.Value, "Black"
, Fields!Description.Value = "Group Value Standard" AND Fields!VehicleAvalible.Value < Fields!TotalVehicles.Value, "Black"
, Fields!Description.Value = "Group Value Standard" AND Fields!VehicleAvalible.Value > Fields!TotalVehicles.Value, "Black"


This doesn't work as I am comparing integer against text value. How do I format to get result like the below image?

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SQL Server 2000 Report Change Cell Colour

Mar 13, 2007

I was wondering whether it is possible to change the font color of a cell depending on the value of the cell.

For example I want to set a Variance value to Red if the value is less than zero.

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How To Change The Background Colour Of A Cell In A Matrix Report When The Row Is A Subtotal Row

Nov 26, 2007


I am currently trying to figure out how to change the background colour of a cell when that row happens to be a subtotal

I have included a screen shot of my report design below:

(The link to the image is http://diagnostic.iipuk.co.uk/images/RS_Questions.JPG should the image not be displayed)

When the cell that is circled is on a subtotal row (i.e. is the subtotal of either the first subtotal (which I have called RegionTot) or the second subtotal (which I have called QCTotal) I want the background colour to change to black). This is so the user cannot see the subtotal for that column on the screen.

I have tried using the following expression in the background colour property for that cell (without success!):

=IIf(ReportItems!QCTotal.Value = "Total", "Black", "White")

The error that comes up states that report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope.

I have searched help and haven€™t managed to find anything!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Marek Kluczynski
Information Manager
Investors in People UK

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Reporting Services :: Display Superscript With Bold And Red Colour For One Column Data

Aug 28, 2015

I am new to ssrs super scripts. I want to display superscript as B with bold & red colour for one column data

America B
India B

Here B is super script & red color....

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Font Issues

Mar 7, 2000


I am running SQL 6.5 and 7.0 utilities on my NT 4.0 SP 5 machine. All of a sudden the query outputs in ISQL or query analyser are garbage. The font is overlaying each other, so that the only way I can view query output is by using the grid output selection in SQL 7.0 query analyser. This is the second company I've worked for where this issue has suddenly occured. I have reinstalled 6.5 and 7.0 to no avail. This is obviously some OS problem. Does anyone know how to overcome this?


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How To Use Another Font In Query

Dec 4, 2011

I have made a database. And three tables db_ka, db_kha, and db_ga. Each tables have names stored in NEPALI LANGUAGE. I want SQL query which can give output of the name starting with "ka". HERE, "ka" is not in ENGLISH, it is stored in NEPALI language, hence, another font, [Preeti Font].

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Font Changes On PDF Export

May 30, 2007


I hope someone can help me with this.

I have a report that uses a Garamond font and it renders correctly in HTML, but when the report is converted to PDF, the font changes (I believe to a variation of Arial, but that seems irrelevant). My Operations team has installed the Garamond font on both the web server as well as the Report Server, but the problem is still occurring.

Please help.


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Error Unicode Font !!!!

Nov 29, 2006

 When I import data access to sql server then data error unicode font. Please help me. I use utf-8.... Thanks All 

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How Do I Increase Font Size In 6.5?

Jan 27, 1999

I seem to remember that the font size and type can be controlled in SQL Server 6.5 and the process controlls the fonts displayed
throughout the program - Enterprise Manager, Query Tool, etc.

I have just re-installed 6.5 and the fonts are way too small.

Can anyone tell me how this is done?



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Language-font Problem

Jul 23, 2005

In my application I need to make the report in different languages.I made a table for report parameters, like:create myTable (language_id int not null,parameter char(50) null,constraint PK_lang_ID PRIMARY KEY (language_id))and then tried:insert into myTable values(1, 'Bank info') - for Englishinsert into myTable values(2, '????') - for Chinese.it worked OK ( I have installed "Chinese" language in server)but when run:select * from myTablethen I get:1 Bank info2 ?????And in Application it is also coming like: "????"What is wrong ? Do I have to do some additional installation staff forChinese in SQL Server ?Any idea will be helpful and greatly appreciated

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Why Can't I Use Courier As A Font In SSRS

Jun 19, 2007


How come the fonts available in Visual Studio Reporting Services is different from the ones in Word? I need add some embedded commands to a report and in order for the receiving application to be able to interpret these commands they need to be in Courier (stupid I know).

How can I achive this? Is there some way to add new fonts to VS?


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Format Font Bold

Mar 19, 2008


Need help. I'm trying to format one of the field bold but need to do this in the expression. This is the example:

=Format(Fields!CMVendor.Value,"Bold") & chr(10) & Fields!CMContractNo.Value

Because I have two fields separated by line feed (chr(10)), I need to format the first field as bold. Obviously, that Format(...,"Bold") does not work. Anybody has came across this before, please enlighten.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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RS Viewer Not Showing Font

Feb 6, 2008

Hi all,

We are currently using reporting services to display reports in our application.
Amongst the reports there is one that shows barcodes (using an idautomation font).

We've installed the font on every pc that uses the software, and it works on all but 4.

Now we've checked the following:

The user signs in on another pc and it works. So not user related
The user uses the font in a word document. So nothing wrong with the font itself.

Does anyone have any other ideas?

I would appreciate it.

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Smallest Font Size

Apr 13, 2007

Is there any way to use a font size smaller than 8pt? Believe it or not... I need to go down to a 6pt font for a report.



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Subscript Font Style In A Text Box?

Jul 12, 2006

Seems like a long shot, but I'd really like to show "CO2" (chemical formula for carbon dioxide) with the "2" as a subscript, in a report text box. The "CO2" would be embedded as part of a sentence, e.g. "The CO2 emissions..." Is there any way to do this?

Eva Pierce Monsen

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Barcode Font Shrinks During PDF Export

May 24, 2006

Hi all,

I'm using a free barcode font so i can create scannable tickets via reporting services 2k5. When I print the tickets, everything seems fine. But when i export to PDF though, it looks like the barcode font shrunk. All the lines are pulled together, making scanning impossible. Is there a certain setting or so that i can use to ensure the font's width ?

The weird thing is: when i export it inside visual studio, the barcode is shown as it is supposed to in the pdf !?

Thanks in advance!

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Font Dependencies Over Terminal Sessions?

Feb 15, 2008

I just have a simple question on font dependencies in reference to deployed reports. In my company, we run citrix presentation servers feeding terminal sessions out to users in remote areas.

My question is, in a terminal session, do the fonts used in the reports need to be installed on the users' local machine (who is connecting via terminal session) or is it enough to just have it on the servers feeding out the terminal session?

For example, we create a report with Arial Narrow font. Our servers hosting citrix presentation server did not have this font installed, so we installed this font on the servers (thus they're displaying correctly). Obviously the server hosting our reporting services has the font. Now a user connects to the server, is granted a terminal session, launches reporting services, report is generated with the correct font displayed, and finally prints the report.

Will the report print in Arial Narrow if the users' local machine doesn't have this font install? I remember reading somewhere that the fonts do not embed, hence the reason for installing the font on our citrix servers.

I realize this is kinda out of the scope of this forum, but perhaps someone on here uses terminal services and can answer this for me. I do plan to test this out when I get home tonight. I'd test it right now, but my computer at home isn't on therefore I can't remote home (plus wake-on-lan isn't configured) to do an actual test. Just thought I'd get some insights from other people.

Thanks in advance!

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Concatenating Two Strings With Different Font Sizes

Apr 11, 2008

I have a table detail where i need to merge the information on two columns. The difficult thing is, the 2nd column must have a different font size when i render the report. Also the merging of the two columns should not generate a space between the contents of both columns. I have done concatenation using the '&', the only problem is the data in the second column inherits the font size of the first column. I have used textboxes, but it generates spaces if the data in the first column contains lesser characters.

Does anyone have a solution?


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How To Change Font Type For Annotations?

Jul 27, 2007

Hi all of you,

I'd like to find where can I change the fonttype for annotations done in Control Flow. I mean, every time that I do that appears the one I chose by default

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T-SQL Special Characters (bold Font)

Jan 19, 2008


I'm trying to figure out how to insert a special character that will make the values in the column BOLD when I use that table as reference in my Word Mailmerge. For starters, I was able to insert char(10) as carriage return, so when I use the values from that table in my mailmerge, the char(10) is effective, meaning, the carriage returrn is working, but how about making the font bold? Please help.

Example is:

insert into table(customer_address)
values ("123 hayworth drive" + char(10) + "new land grove" + char(10) + "chicago" + char(10))

This value when used in a Word Mailmerge, will be displayed as:
123 hayworth drive
new land grove

Now, how do I insert a special character for bold font?

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