SQL 2012 :: SSIS For Each Loop

Sep 10, 2014

I have just set up an SSIS package similar to this URL....I have 5 connections in a SQL table which i want to loop through, set each string to be a connection string in the package (variable ConnString) and run a select to pull back information and store in a central table.

The package runs successfully and connects to 5 instances, but it connects to the same instance each time, my local one which is set as the value for variable used for the connection string. How is the Connection string supposed to get passed from the @SourceList variable to the @Connstring variable? Its clear what the problem is, as the results of my query as step one which pulls back all 5 strings just isnt getting populated from @SourceList into @Connstring one by one.

SSIS package =
1) SQL Task - Select connection strings from SQLTable and store results in @sourcelist
2) for each loop - ADO Enumerator, rows in first table @Sourcelist
3) data flow task within the loop - OLE DB Source, dynamic connection as connection manager, running the query i want from a variable, with the destination set to my central database.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Foreach Loop Container Not Saving Change?

Mar 24, 2014

why when I make a change to a foreach loop container in a SSIS package it does not save?

I am trying to change the base file name and if I change it through either the edit or properties windows, the changes does not save. Fore example i change the Files: or File Spec: from oldfile*.txt to newfilename*.txt and when I save and og bak into the edit area to confirm the change, the Files: section shows as "oldfile*.txt.

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Integration Services :: Using Foreach Loop Container To Elaborate A Table With Two Columns - SSIS 2012

May 6, 2015

In order to update an Oracle table target from a SQL Server table source I need to use a Foreach Loop Container, so I can loop on the rows of the SQL Server table source. This source table has two columns: the old identifier to update and the new identifier to apply. I must use the value of the old identifier to filter the Oracle rows to update, while the new identifier is the new value to assign to the filtered old identifier.

I already know how to use the Foreach Loop Container when it is necessary to loop on an unique column of a table/view (using an object variable, using a Foreach ADO enumerator, etc.), but I need to loop on two columns.

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SQL Server 2012 :: While Loop In Place Of Cursor

Feb 16, 2014

I have a table called Table1 where I have five fields like Tableid, Processigndate, Amount, remainingCollectonCount and Frequency. All total I have more than 5Lacs records.

Now I need to fill up another table Called FutuecashFlow taking the records from Table1. There will be also five Columns like FutureCashflowid, Table1id, Processigndate, Amount.

Now the condition is that if the remainingCollectonCount =6 and the frequency is 12 then there will be the 6 entries in the futurecasflow table where the prcessign datae wille be addeed by 1 month.

For example Table1
Tableid, Processigndate Amount remainingCollectonCount Frequency
1 2014-02-15 48 8 12

the future cash flow table the prcessing date column will be shown in the following way


I do not to want to use cursor....

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SQL 2012 :: Inserting Data Into Temp Table Using 2 While Loop

Apr 21, 2015

I want to insert data (month&year) from 2014 till now - into temp table using 2 while loop.

drop table #loop
create table #loop
seq int identity(1,1),
[month] smallint,
[Year] smallint

For some reason I cant not get 2015 data .

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SQL Server 2012 :: Loop Through Each Row Of Table Valued Parameter

Jun 16, 2015

I need looping through each row of Table valued parameter. I have user defined type

[ATTR_NAME] [varchar](256) NULL,
[ATTR_VAL] [varchar](4000) NULL

I am using this type in my procedure like


I am using P_PART_CLS_ATTR as input where I can insert the data as attr_name and attr_value. I want to access each row of inserted values like row by row. I need take attribute name and value process them and return for inserting.. How to access the values in row by row?

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For Each Loop Container In SSIS

Mar 12, 2008


I am using For each loop container in my SSIS package which will loop through more than one input file in the input folder.
All the input files in the input folder are picked by one by one. All the input files in the input folder are executed with the same ExecutionInstanceGUID.

Now, my requirement is to get a new ExecutionInstanceGUID during the execution of each input file in the For each loop container. My package only contains the For each loop container with some logic inside that.

Please let me know if any one can help me for the same.


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Exit For Loop In SSIS

Jan 24, 2008

Hi All,

I have a SSIS package which contains For Loop Container. when a task in the for loop container fails iam setting loop value to 0, even though iam not able to exit the loop. can some help me

Note: when ever the a task in the Loop fails the loop should stop and package should stop.

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For Loop Container In SSIS

Aug 13, 2007




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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Loop Unmatched Rows Data From Two Tables

Jan 12, 2015

We are having folder table and team table as like below structure.

Folderlist (F)Table: (

id ,folder_name, parent_id
1, c, 101

Teamlist table (T)

team_id, Team_name, Parent_folderid
101 , mobile,101
202 ,Tab,200
200, Phone,200

If F.parent_id(101)=T.team_id(101) and T.team_id(101)=T.parent_folder_id (101)
then output should come as 'Mobile/c' (this is for f.parent_id=101)

If F.Parent_id=T.team_id and T.team_id!=T.parent_folder_id
then parent_folder_id have to start search on team_id column where it got match and pick the Team_name from that corresponding id

Ex: F.parent_id=202 is matching with T.Team_id (202) but this T.team_id(202) is not matching with T.parent_folderid(200) , so this T.parent_folderid (200) have to search on T.id (200) ,if now T.id(200) is matching with T.Parent_folder_id(200) then it have to give the names from the starting hirache

like phone/tab/b (this is for F.parent_id=202)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Inserting Dummy Records Using Loop Statement

Jul 17, 2015

I have the following attributes in this Table A.

1) Location_ID (int)
2) Serial_Number (nvarchar(Max))
3) KeyID (nvarchar(max)
4) Reference_Address (nvarchar(max)
5) SourceTime (datetime)
6) SourceValue (nvarchar)

I am trying to create 1000000 dummy records in this this table A.How do i go about do it? I would like my data to be something like this


Serial Number



2015-05-21 00:00:00 000


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Foreach Loop Container In SSIS

May 24, 2006

Could someone send me any links or information on how to loop through an ADO.NET dataset in SSIS? I need step by step information please.

Thank you,


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Can I Loop Through Table And Run Reports From SSIS

May 1, 2007

I would like to loop through a SQL Server table that contains the paths to all the reports we need to run and then execute the reports via SSIS. What task should I be doing to do this? Will the For Loop work for something like this?

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SSIS Package To Loop Through All Servers

May 23, 2008

Hello all,

I currently started working on SSIS. Here is my first assignment; I am trying to get info from all servers. I was able to do it from one server, how can i extend this package so that my package touchs every server and get info from them.


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SSIS Loop Parallell Execution

Apr 24, 2007


I have a resultset, which I pass to a loop container, to use as parameters in an ExecuteSQL task for each row.

However, I would like to do some parallell processing, rather then iterate through them sequentially. How can I achieve this? Is there a way I can make the loop iterate before sql task is finished, or should I be using soemthing else entirely?

I hope this makes sense.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

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SSIS: For Each Loop: Destination Error

Feb 19, 2007

Hey Guys.

I am new to using SSIS and need some assistance. I am trying to create a package that will loop through a folder of DBF files and import them into SQL server. Here is what I did so far:
- Created a Foreach Loop Container with a Data Flow Task within
- Created a string variable to store the file names
- Created the OLE DB Source and Destinations
- Created the connection manager with dBASE III Extended Property pointed to the folder where the files are.

When I try to set the OLE Source to use the file name variable, I get an error stating that there is no Destination table defined. I get the same error when I try to setup the OLE Destination. How do I resolve this issue? I want it to import each file into its own table. Is there any way to reuse this file name variable as the destination table name?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Can I Register A New SSIS ForEach Loop Enumerator

Feb 20, 2008

Is there a way to register a new ForEach Enumerator within SSIS, for example ForEach Email in Exchange Inbox?

Or is the solution to create an SSIS variable and use the ForEach From Variable Enumerator? I take it the variable has to implement IEnumerable, or IEnumerable<T>.

My preference out of the two would be to register a new foreach enumerator which would take some implementation away from the developers and reduce time spent on the tasks at hand.

thanks for your help


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SSIS Script Transformation: Loop Through Columns In A Row

Mar 17, 2008


How do I loop through all columns in a row using a script
transformation? For example if I want trim all columns.

If I want to trim one column this is a simple script:

Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent

Public Overrides Sub MyAddressInput_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As

Row.City = Trim(Row.City)

End Sub

End Class

But what if I want to do that for all columns? I don't want to name
them all like this:

Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent

Public Overrides Sub MyAddressInput_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As

Row.Column1 = Trim(Row.Column1)
Row.Column2 = Trim(Row.Column2)
Row.Column3 = Trim(Row.Column3)
Row.Column997 = Trim(Row.Column997)
Row.Column998 = Trim(Row.Column998)
Row.Column999 = Trim(Row.Column999)

End Sub

End Class

Is there a simple foreach column in Row.columns option?

-- Joost (Atos Origin)

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Dynamically Change SSIS For Each Loop Container

Jul 10, 2006


I would like to modify "Files" attribute of the Foreach Loop of type File
Enumerator.  This attribute is used to set the mask (for example *.txt) to
specify which files to include in the selection.  I need to be able to change
this mask dynamically depending on package global variable.  Is this possible?

Thank you!


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SQL Server 2012 :: Write A Loop On Result Of First Query Inside A Stored Procedure

Jan 23, 2015

I have to write a Stired Procedure with the following functionality.

Write a simple select query say (Select * from tableA) result is

ProdName ProdID
ProdA 1
ProdB 2
ProdC 3
ProdD 4

Now with the above result, On every record I have to fire a query Select SUM(sale), SUM(scrap), SUM(Production) from tableB where ProdID= ["ProdID from above query"].How to write this query in a Stored Procedure so that I can get the required SUM columns for all the ProdID's from first query?

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - For Each Loop Through Multiple Servers

Jan 30, 2015

I have an SSIS job that dynamically loops through each server, grabbing data for typical DBA reporting, like diskspace, and errorlogs. If the server is down for whatever reason the SSIS package fails. Is there any way I can prevent the SSIS package from failing if one of the servers is down?

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SSIS - For Each Loop With Insert In Execute Task Failing

Oct 19, 2015

I have ForEach Loop using Foreach File Enumerator. Within this loop I have SQL Task containing an Insert statement. When I run the Insert statement in query builder the transaction inserts data into a table as expected.

However, when actually running the process I am getting the error message:

Executing the query "INSERT INTO dbo.TEST_TABLE
..." failed with the following error: "Value does not fall within the expected range.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

I currently have the ResultSet to "None" and have defined the parameter I am using. Where the process seems to joke is on my file_Name variable will I am trying to insert only part of the file name.

My insert statement looks as follows:

(IID, AN8, File_Type, IB_OB, File_Name, Processed_Flag, ReceiptDateTime)
RIGHT(LEFT(?, LEN(?) - 4), LEN(?) - 24),

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SSIS Hung Or Exited After A Long Foreach Loop

Sep 14, 2006

I am having some problem in running SSIS scheduled job.
The job is processing (updating and inserting) batches of data using Execute SQL Task inside Foreach loop container. But to make sure the batch complete successfully I put the "Begin Tran" Execute SQL Task and "Commit Tran" Execute SQL Task before and after the foreach loop
My workflow is like the following....
- Execute SQL Task "Begin Tran"
- ForEach Loop Container for a batch of records.
- Insert the records into the database
- End ForEach Loop
-Execute SQL Task "Commit Tran" if the above ForEach Loop complete successfully
-Execute SQL Task "Rollback Tran" if the ForEach Loop failed

Normally the insert records are around 10~200 and the job is running very fine...
But if the records are more than 1000s then sometime the job hung (I would say hung because the DTEXEC.exe can be seen inside the windows task manager.) There was no indication what so ever whether the job finished or the job failed or the job else....

Can anybody help to find the cause.....



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SSIS Foreach Loop Stress Testing Problem.

Mar 2, 2006

I am currently working on a project which needs to load over a 1000 xml files. The files are stored across 10 subfolders. I am using a foreach loop with a file enumerator, which is configured at the top of the folder structure and traverses the subfolders. This loops through the files, load the data and then moves the file to another folder. The package executes fine for a few 100 files but then hangs; this happens after a different number of processed files each time the package is run. While trying to resolve the problem we ran performance counters and noticed that the number open handles increased significantly just about the time Dtexec looked like it had hanged and DTexec also then started taking a lot of the cpu processing time. Has one else come across similar situations?

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How To Achieve On Error Resume Next Login In SSIS For Loop

Apr 5, 2006

Hello All,

I am developing a package using SSIS which needs to do the following.

1. Read all flat file from a folder. I am doing this using For Loop task. I know the total number of files in that folder hence I am setting the loop counter = file count.

2. The next step is to import the data from flat file to SQL server destination table using data flow task.

3. Upon successful completion of data flow task there are some other tasks like SQL to do some checks/validation on the data, export it to another tables.

Upon successful completion of step 3 the iteration goes to next file.

I want to achieve the following

IF step 2 has error (for example corrupt file or incomplete data), I want to fail data transfer completely, skip step 3, and go to step 1 for next available file and do rest.

How do I do this in SSIS?

Thanks for your help.


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Problem Migrating DTS To SSIS. Creating Loop Dinamically

Mar 3, 2008

I'm migrating DTS containing a Loop that performs tasks again:

in the last task:

stpBegin = Pkg.Steps("DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1");
stpBegin.ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Waiting;

My needs are:
1: exec SQL Task 1
2: Script task 1 (write log/insert into table)
3: exec SQL Task 2
4: script task 1 again
5: exec SQL Task 3
6: script task 1 again
etc... etc...

I've one only task for write loginsert into table. Can I switch it to "waiting" status and do it next step?

How can I do this?

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SSIS - How To Set ServerName And DatabaseName At Run Time Inside FOREACH LOOP?

Jan 14, 2006

I am new to SSIS world, so my question is very basic.


In a company I work for we have 12 SQL servers each running between 1 and 3 databases with anywhere between 10 to 20 tables. I need to query some of these tables and merge results to the destination database.

The list of all these tables is stored in the separate table <SOURCES> of the following format [ServerName,DatabaseName,TableName]. Tables of my interest have identical structure (same columns) accross servers and databases.


How can I loop over servers and databases specified in <SOURCES> to run otherwise identical query against these tables?

I can easily retrieve [ServerName,DatabaseName,TableName] from <SOURCES> as string variables using FOREACH loop. The problem is now - how do I use string variables to set up Server, Database and Table name at run-time?

Thank you







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SQL 2012 :: Pass List Items To Stored Proc As Comma Separated Parameter - Foreach Loop

Feb 11, 2015

I have a multiselect checkbox list in my UI. I pass the list items to my stored proc as comma separated parameter and then I have a function which converts this parameter to a table with separate rows.

E.g. : a,b,c,d

Converted to result table


I want to insert each row of the result table into another table. How to do that.

E.g., the table after the function is :

Subject varchar(100)

insert into #result values ('a')
insert into #result values ('b')
insert into #result values ('c')
insert into #result values ('d')

So the pseudo code is something like

for each row in #result

insert row into another table

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Executing SSIS Package Using Jobs In SQL Server Agent Infinite Loop

Jan 4, 2008

I'm trying to execute my package using schedule in SQL Server Agent, I've already tested my package by run it manually in Integration services and it works. The table created, the data from my flat file also inserted into the table correctly and the result return with success.

The question is why when I execute my package using SQL Server Agent, the SQL Server Agent keep executing my package like infinite loop until I stop the job. after I stop the job there is no error generated by sql server. Could you figured why this happen?? I've already tried to upgrade into SP2 and set the package protection level and still not get good result from it. thank you.

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Trying To Load Multiple Excel Files Into A Db Table Using For Each Loop Container In SSIS

Oct 24, 2007

I am getting the following error when trying to load multiple excel files using for each loop container in SSIS, I tried to put the quotes in several different ways but still can't get rid of this error. I was able to successfully load single excel file, but when I use the for each loop container that's when I am having problems. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thx.

TITLE: Package Validation Error

Package Validation Error


Error at Package1 [Connection manager "SourceConnectionExcel"]: The connection string components cannot contain unquoted semicolons. If the value must contain a semicolon, enclose the entire value in quotes. This error occurs when values in the connection string contain unquoted semicolons, such as the InitialCatalog property.

Error at Package1: The result of the expression ""Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + @[User::Folder] + @[User::file] + ";Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=NO";"

" on property "ExcelFilePath" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.




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SSIS: Fpreach Loop Container- Execute SQL Task With ReturnValue Parameter

Jun 9, 2006

Here's the set up:

ForEach Loop Container:

Collection: Foreach File Enumerator

Variable Mappings: Variable = User::DailyFile, Index = 0

Execute SQL Taks:

Connection: OLEDB

ResultSet: None

SQLStatement: EXEC spGetFile ?

ParameterMapping: VariableName = USER::DailyFile, Direction = Input, DataType=VARCHAR, Parameter = 0

This works great it iterates through a file and looks at all the files checks to see if they have been loaded into the db table, if not it loads the file.

My spGetFile has RETURN 1 if a file is loaded and RETURN 0 if the file is not loaded.

Now I add a new variable:

Step 1: add to Foreach Loop Container

ForEach Loop Container Name = Return, Scope = ForEachLoop, Data Type= Int32 Value=0

Step 2: Add to Execute SQL Task:

VariableName = User:Return, Direction = ReturnValue, DataType = Long, ParameterName =1

This produces the following error:

~~"Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.~~

I tried with an ADO.Net connection ... works until I add the ReturnValue parameter ...

Any ideas??


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Integration Services :: Can Drag And Drop Existing SSIS Package Into For Each Loop Container?

May 18, 2015

Can we drag and drop Existing SSIS package into for each loop container ?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Foreach Loop Container Passing Variables To Store Procedure

Sep 8, 2015

I am having a challenge to pass the filename variable from SSIS Foreach Loop Container to SQL store procedure.  I have an "Execute SQL Task" inside "Foreach Loop Container" which will receive the input filename parameter passed by the Foreach Loop Container.  The store procedure command line is defined as "EXEC sp_mySQLStoreProcedure  ?" within the "Execute SQL Task".  The Foreach loop container will gather the filenames from File System then put it in the filename variable one by one.  I would like to pass the filename variable as the input parameter to the sp_mySQLStoreProcedure in the "Execute SQL Task".  How can I connect the variable and the store procedure so that it will process all the input files gathered by the Foreach Loop Container?

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