SQL 2012 :: SSIS Set Stored Procedure Parameter Dates Via Agent?
Aug 15, 2014
To set the scene I am using SQL 2012, in project deployment mode (SSIS Catalog rather than file system).I have setup an SSIS package to run a stored procedure which exports data for the last hour to a .tsv file and then FTP's the file to some other location via a sql agent job - This all works fine.However, I can see there may be a requirement to run the package with dates that need to be set i.e. in the event of a lost file of some other reason the package has not run and missed some of its hourly slots and the customer requires the files to be resent.
The stored procedure I am using has parameters for "DateOverride" - boolean), "start" and "end" dates (datetime) with defaults set "0" for "DateOverride" and null for the "Start" and "End" dates, I have built logic into the procedure which sets the dates if the parameters are null (as in the above to an hour before now). What I would like to be able to do (and this is to make it user friendly for support staff) is to be able to set parameters/variables in SQL agent with "DateOverride" set to "1" and the the dates I would like to be sent to the stored procedure "Start" and "End" parameters.
I did try using the parameters in SSIS which worked well when the values were true or false (0,1) but didn't work at all for the dates. If I left the dates as I had set them is SSIS it worked, but if I changed them (even if it was just changing the hour) the job errored/crashed and corrupted the job step leaving me the ability to only delete it.
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Jul 9, 2015
we can assign one parameter value for each excecution of [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] by calling this catalog procedure..
Example: If I have 5 parameters in SSIS package ,to assign a value to those 5 parameters at run time should I call this [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] procedure 5 times ? or is there a way we can pass all the 5 parameters at 1 time .
1. Wondering if there is a way to pass multiple parameters in a single execution (for instance to pass XML string values ??)
2.What are the options to pass multiple parameter values to ssis package through stored procedure.?
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Oct 9, 2014
I am trying to pass a date parameter to a stored procedure.
I pass the actual date as a string but keep getting errors that the string variable cannot be converted to a date whatever I do.
Basically, this works:
SET @DDate = convert(datetime, '2004-01-01',101 )
But this returns an error:
SET @strdate = '2004-01-01'
SET @DDate = convert(datetime, @strdate,101 )
What am I doing wrong?
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Sep 29, 2015
Currently i am using SQL Server 2012 Import/Export Wizard to upload data to sql tables manually. However i was trying to write a procedure to update that table. and on the time of execution, if i can pass excel. Is there any way to pass excel to stored procedure parameter?
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Jun 15, 2007
I will really appreciate if someone can post step by step process to call an Oracle Stored Proc from SSIS. Here is the Stored Proc Spec:
PROCEDURE Interface_Begin
(p_from_dttm OUT varchar2,
p_error_code OUT number,
p_error_text OUT varchar2,
p_proc_name OUT varchar2);
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Feb 25, 2008
I've created a varible timeStamp that I want to feed into a stored procedure but I'm not having any luck. I'm sure its a simple SSIS 101 problem that I can't see or I may be using the wrong syntax
in Execute SQL Task Editor I have
conn type -- ole db
connection -- some server
sql source type -- direct input
sql statement -- exec testStoredProc @timeStamp = ?
if I put a value direclty into the statement it works just fine: exec testStoredProc '02-25-2008'
This is the syntax I found to execute the procedure, I don't udnerstand few things about it.
1. why when I try to run it it changes it to exec testStoredProc @timeStamp = ? with error: EXEC construct or statement is not supported , followed by erro: no value given for one or more requreid parameters.
2. I tired using SQL commands exec testStoredProc @timeStamp and exec testStoredProc timeStamp but nothing happens. Just an error saying unable to convert varchar to datetime
3. Also from SRS I usually have to point the timeStamp to @timeStamp and I dont know how to do that here I thought it was part of the parameter mapping but I can't figure out what the parameter name and parameter size should be; size defaults to -1.
Thank you, please help.
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Mar 27, 2008
I am new to the SSIS.
For DTS package of sql server 2000, I can call a DTS package from stored procedure. The command is:
dtsrun /E /SMyServer /NMyDTS /Wtrue /A Parameter1:3= 'Test'
Does anyone know, how do I do the similar thing from SSIS environment.
1) How to call a SSIS package from Stored Procedure?
2) How do I pass parameter to the SSIS package?
Thanks everyone.
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Jun 5, 2014
I have a really big stored proc that needs to be rolled out to various databases as part of db installs I run through SSIS.
The Stored proc is too long to run using Execute SQL Task. Is there another way that just running the create script manually.
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Jun 25, 2014
We require to convert a list of SPs in to SSIS packages. Most of the SPs do the below steps:
mainly our store procedure r to have compare the present date to past date , and comparing emp id between the files and also some joins. updating table r take place.
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Jun 9, 2015
Using the following:
SQL Server: SQL Server 2012
Visual Studio 2012
I have created an SSIS package where I have added an Execute SQL Task to run an existing stored procedure in my SQL database.
Result Set: None
Connection Type: OLE DB
SourceType: Direct Input
IsQueryStoredProcedure: False (this is greyed out and cannot be changed)
Bypass Prepare: True
When I use the following execute statement where I am "Hard Coding" in the parameters, the stored procedure runs successfully and it places the data into the table per the stored procedure.
SQLStatement: dbo.sp_ml_location_load @system_cd='03', @location_type_cd=Store;
However, the @system_cd parameter can change, so I wanted to set these parameters up as variables and use the parameter mapping in the Execute SQL Task.
I have set this up as follows and it runs the package successfully but it does not put the data into the table. The only thing I can figure is either I have the variables set up incorrectly or the parameter mapping set up incorrectly.
Stored procedure variables:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ml_location_load]
(@system_cd nvarchar(10), @location_type_cd nvarchar(10))
BEGIN .....................
Here is my set up, what is wrong here:
I Created these Variables:
Name Scope Data Type Value
system_cd Locations String '03'
location_type_cd Locations String Store
I added these parameter mappings in the Execute SQL Task
Variable Name Direction Data TypeParameter NameParameter Size
User::system_cd Input NVARCHAR@system_cd -1
User::location_type_cd Input NVARCHAR@location_type_cd -1
I used this SQLStatement: EXEC dbo.sp_ml_location_load ?,
It runs the package successfully but it does not put the data into the table.
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Jun 23, 2015
Using the following:
SQL Server: SQL Server 2012
Visual Studio 2012
I have created an SSIS package where I have added an Execute SQL Task to run an existing stored procedure in my SQL database.
General Tab:
Result Set: None
Connection Type: OLE DB
SourceType: Direct Input
IsQueryStoredProcedure: False (this is greyed out and cannot be changed)
Bypass Prepare: True
SQL Statement: EXEC FL_CUSTOM_sp_ml_location_load ?, ?;
Parameter Mapping:
Variable Name Direction Data Type Prmtr Name Prmtr Size
User: system_cd Input NVARCHAR 0 10
User: location_type_cd Input NVARCHAR 1 10
location_type_cd - Data type - string; Value - Store (this is static)
system_cd - Data type - string - ??????
The system code changes based on the system field for each record in the load table
Sample Data:
SysStr # Str_Nm
3 7421Store1
3 7454Store2
STORED PROCEDURE: The stored procedure takes data from a load table and inserts it into another table:
Stored procedure variables:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ml_location_load]
(@system_cd nvarchar(10), @location_type_cd nvarchar(10))
BEGIN .....................
This is an example of what I want to accomplish: I need to be able to group all system 3 records, then pass 3 as the parameter for system_cd, run the stored procedure for those records, then group all system 18 records, then pass 18 as the parameter for system_cd, run the stored procedure for those records and keep doing this for each different system in the table until all records are processed.
I am not sure how or if it can be done to pass the system parameter to the stored procedure based on the system # in the sys field of the data.
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Jan 29, 2015
I have some code that I need to run every quarter. I have many that are similar to this one so I wanted to input two parameters rather than searching and replacing the values. I have another stored procedure that's executed from this one that I will also parameter-ize. The problem I'm having is in embedding a parameter in the name of the called procedure (exec statement at the end of the code). I tried it as I'm showing and it errored. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything related to this. Maybe I just don't have the right keywords. what is the syntax?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[runDMQ3_2014LDLComplete]
@QQ_YYYY char(7),
@YYYYQQ char(8)
select [provider group],provider, NPI, [01-Total Patients with DM], [02-Total DM Patients with LDL],
[Code] ....
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Feb 19, 2007
since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.
I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:
CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest]
@Name nvarchar(20)= ''
declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);
set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table'
if (@Name <> '')
set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery
Inside my business Intelligence Project I created:
-the shared data source with the connection String
- a data set :
CommandType = Stored Procedure
Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest
When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.
Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter...
So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name
allow blank value is checked and is non-queried
the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!
What is wrong? What I forgot??
Thankx for any help!
Marina B.
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Jul 2, 2007
I had thought that this was possible but I can't seem to figure out the syntax. Essentially I have a report where one of the parameters is populated by a stored procedure.
Right now this is easily accomplished by using "exec <storedprocname>" as the query string for the report parameter. However I am not clear if it is possible to now incorporate User!UserID as parameter to the stored procedure. Is it? Thanks
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May 31, 2004
A table in my database has a field of type smalldatetime called "PeriodEnd". I want to write a simple stored procedure that gets records based on the 'PeriodEnd' field. When I run a query such as
Select * from mytable where PeriodEnd='30/06/1989'
I get an errror saying "The conversion of char data type to a smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range smalldatetime value"
Do I have to use CONVERT in some way to alter my input value?
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Mar 20, 2008
Well, I am venturing into new territory for me. I'm very illiterate when it comes to SQL Server and so I need assistance. I have the beginnings of my stored procedure, which is supposed to compare two dates/times and If they are not equal I need to kick off a DTS Package.
So, here's what I have so far (it returns two dates like I would expect):
CREATE PROCEDURE usrCompareDataDownload
Bob Larson
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Sep 29, 2015
We have a large number of SSISDB packages running happily, connecting to our SQL Servers using ADO.Net or Sql Native Client, making their connection using NTLM. (We don't have our SQL Server SPNs correctly configured to support Kerberos).
The SSISDB packages are hosted on and run on a dedicated SQL server, different to the SQL Servers they are connecting to.
Very occasionally, the connection attempt is made using Kerberos instead of NTLM, and the connection attempt to sql server fails. (This is going by the Windows Security event log, which reveals a Kerberos login - a successful one at the Windows level - at the precise time that the calling agent job is informed of a connection timeout and fails, approx 23 seconds after the job starts).
The correct configuration of our SPNs is something we may wish to look into for security best practice, and would of course fix this. However, that may not be my decision to make.
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Sep 26, 2014
I have a stored procedure and in that I will be calling a stored procedure. Now, based on the parameter value I will get stored procedure name to be executed. how to execute dynamic sp in a stored rocedure
at present it is like EXECUTE usp_print_list_full @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT
I want to do like EXECUTE @SpName @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT
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Nov 27, 2000
I have a stored procedure where I am passing in two dates and looking for records between date one and date two.
If I run the SQL statement in the query analyzer I get results back however if I try to pass the same to a stored procedure it returns nothing.
This returns a result when run in query analyzer
Select distinct Employeename from thisTable where someDate between '11/20/00' and '11/27/00'
Stored procedure is:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Employee_Report
@StartDate datetime,
@EndDate datetime
Select distinct Employeename from thisTable where someDate between @StartDate and @EndDate
return nothing.
The someDate field is of date type datetime.
Anyone know why this does not work in the stored procedure?
Thanks for any help
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Mar 7, 2005
I am trying to write a stored procedure which would execute following logic:
- The stored procedure takes 2 optional parameters @StartDate and @EndDate
@StartDate Datetime = null
@EndDate Datetime = null
- Since the parameters are optional user can enter either one or can leave both blank.
- If user doesnot enter any values for SD (start date) and ED (end date), stored procedure should run select query replacing those values with wildcard character '%' or NULL
- If user enters SD, query should use @StartDate as the SD and GetDate() as the ED
- If user enters ED, query should use @EndDate as the ED and MIN() of the Date field as SD
I was able to write query which did almost everything as is stated above expect for incorporating NULLs
The query is as below
CREATE PROCEDURE SearchDocumentTable
@FName varchar(100) = null,
@LName varchar(25) = null,
@ID varchar(9) = null,
@StartDate Datetime = null,
@EndDate Datetime = null
IF ( @StartDate IS NULL)
Select @StartDate = MIN(DateInputted) from Document
FName as 'First Name',
LName as 'Last Name',
ID as 'Student ID',
Orphan as 'Orphan',
DocumentType as 'Document Type',
DocDesc as 'Description of the Document',
DateInputted as 'Date Entered',
InputtedBy as 'Entered by'
From Document,DocumentTypeCodes
Where FName LIKE ISNULL(@FName,'%')
AND (DateInputted BETWEEN @StartDate AND ISNULL(@EndDate,GETDATE()) OR DateInputted IS NULL)
AND Document.DocTypeCode = DocumentTypeCodes.DocTypeCode
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance :)
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Oct 13, 2015
We've researched this, and some people are stating convert to nvarchar first. I'd like to keep the date as a date.Here is how I am trying to call it:
Declare @FromDate as date
Declare @ToDate as date
Set @FromDate=Convert(date,'09-01-2015',110)
Set @ToDate= Convert(Date,'10-13-2015',110)
Select @FromDate
How can I keep the date as a date and still pass it to stored procedure.
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Mar 2, 2006
SQL 2005 Dev
How can I do this with Parameters? I can get a single parameter to filter for a single date (or even a combo list of the dates in DB). But I want my parameters to interact so that they specify a range. Is this possible?
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Sep 23, 2014
I have created a Test SSIS Package within BIDS (VS 2K8, v 9.0.30729.4462 QFE; .NET v 3.5 SP1) that connects to our Test Listener.
There is only 1 Connection Manager Object, and OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.
The ConnectionString lists: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI
The Test Connection within BIDS works.
The Package Control Flow has just 1 Object, and Execute SQL Task that performs an Exec on an SP that contains only a Select (Read).
The Package runs within BIDS.
I've placed this Package within a Job on the Primary Node. Ive run the job successfully using 32 bit runtime on and off. The location of the file on the server happens to be on a share that resides on what is currently the Secondary Node.
When I try to run the exact copy of this Job on the Secondary Node (Which has been Set up for Read All Connections; Yes), I get an error, regardless of the 32 bit runtime opiton. At this point, the location of the file is on the Secondary Node.
The Error is: "Login failed for user 'OurDomainAgent_Account'".
The Agent is a member of NT ServiceSQLServerAgent on both instances, and that account is a member of SysAdmin. Adding the Agent account as well, and giving that account SysAdmin, makes no difference either.
Why can't I get this to work?
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Feb 5, 2007
I have a stored procedure thats transferring/processing data from onetable to two different tables. The destination tables have a uniquevalue constraint as the source tables at times has duplicate recordsand this will prevent the duplicates from being reported. When thestored procedure (which includes a cursor) is executed through queryanalyzer, it runs fine, and reports an error everytime it sees aduplicate value (as expected). It moves all the unique values from thesource to the destination tables.However, if the same stored procedure is run as a task/job in SQLServer Agent, the behaviour is different. The job fails when it see'sthe error and ends up skipping records or terminating the procedureall together. Eg. if there are 100 records in the source table with 10duplicates, the stored procedure when run through Query Analyzer willcopy the 90 unique records to the destination tables but when run fromSQL-Agent, it copies just 10-15 records.Any idea why this happens?
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Jun 3, 2008
I have created a stored procedure for a routine task to be performed periodically in my application. Say, i want to execute my stored procedure at 12:00 AM daily.
How can I add my stored procedure to the SQL server agent jobs??
Any Idea..
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Oct 8, 2006
One of my clients has a stored procedure on their secondary server thatcopies a bunch of data from the production server. (Replication willbreak the accounting software, according to its authors. The productionserver generates a nightly full backup, so if the secondary can bescripted to do a nightly restore from that same file, then that wouldprobably be a Big Win.)Anyway, if I execute the stored procedure from Query Analyzer, itfinishes (after nearly 24 hours) - tested once recently, and I'm sureat least a few times at some point in the past. If I run a SQL ServerAgent job that executes the stored procedure, then it gets cut off afterabout 15-20 minutes - tested once recently with a manual run, and forseveral weeks of scheduled runs before that. (This being a secondaryserver, it took a while for the problem to be noticed.) What are thelikely causes of this?Both servers are running SQL 2K with SP3, and limited to TCP/IP andnamed pipes. RPC is allowed, with a 600-second timeout, but thatdoesn't seem relevant, since both the successful and unsuccessfulmethods go well past that length. The production server is a recentpurchase, and works well for their daily operations; the secondaryserver and/or its network connection might be flaky for all I know,but that doesn't seem relevant either, since success appears todepend consistently on method of execution.
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May 8, 2015
I have 3rd party application implementation I am doing, if I have stored procedure in one database, can it be copied to other database (newly created) on the same server? I will have the name of old and new database when this will be copied. I do need to automate this copy.
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Mar 26, 2007
Has anyone encountered this before?
Procedure or Function 'stored procedure name' expects parameter '@parameter', which was not supplied.
It seems that my code is not passing the parameter to the stored procedure.
When I click this hyperlink:
NavigateUrl='<%# "../Division.aspx?CountryID=" + Eval("CountryID")%>'
Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>'
ToolTip='<%# Eval("Description") %>'
CssClass='<%# Eval("CountryID").ToString() == Request.QueryString["CountryID"] ? "CountrySelected" : "CountryUnselected" %>'>
it is suppose to get the country name and description, based on the country id.
I am passing the country id like this.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void PopulateControls()
string countryId = Request.QueryString["CountryID"];
if (countryId != null)
CountryDetails cd = DivisionAccess.GetCountryDetails(countryId);
divisionNameLabel.Text = cd.Name;
divisionDescriptionLabel.Text = cd.Description;
To my app code like this:
public struct CountryDetails
public string Name;
public string Description;
public static class DivisionAccess
static DivisionAccess()
public static DataTable GetCountry()
DbCommand comm = GenericDataAccess.CreateCommand();
comm.CommandText = "GetCountry";
return GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm);
public static CountryDetails GetCountryDetails(string cId)
DbCommand comm = GenericDataAccess.CreateCommand();
comm.CommandText = "GetCountryDetails";
DbParameter param = comm.CreateParameter();
param.ParameterName = "@CountryID";
param.Value = 2;
param.DbType = DbType.Int32;
DataTable table = GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm);
CountryDetails details = new CountryDetails();
if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
details.Name = table.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
details.Description = table.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString();
return details;
As you can see I have two stored procedures I am calling, one does not have a parameter and the other does. The getcountry stored procedure returns the list of countries in a menu that I can click to see the details of that country. That is where my problem is when I click the country name I get
Procedure or Function 'GetCountryDetails' expects parameter '@CountryID', which was not supplied
Someone please help!
Thanks Nickdel68
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Apr 18, 2008
I have a stored procedure which loops thru about 180 tables and inserts the data into one table used for reporting purposes. One field is a ntext field. If I execute the stored procedure from query analyzer the entire contents of the ntext field is available. When I run as scheduled task (every 1/2 hour) from sql server agent, the data in the ntext field is truncated.
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Sep 17, 2015
How do you pass a value in a parameter to a variable ?
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Sep 22, 2015
Passing a date parameter in a stored procedure through OLEDB Source (Data flow task). We have a multipurpose stored proc in which one of the many expected parameter is a date. It keeps giving me the following error:Description: "Operand type clash: int is incompatible with date"- although there is no integer.
One way to fix it would be change the data type from date to datetime in proc but I can't do that since it is multi-purpose proc. I didn't find anything good on the net.
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Jun 19, 2015
I am using a OLE DB source task and i want to setup a parameter in the select statement. Is this possible and how would this be done. I know you can pass a parameter in the where clause like:
select id, lname, fname, startDate, endDate from Employee where id = ?
How would i set startDate and endDate as parameters as i would like to be able to change these parameters when running the package. I would like to set dates in the select statement as parameters like how you would in the where clause.
Select id, lname, fname, ? startDate, ? endDate, from employee where id = ?
I would like to be able to change these dates without having to go in to the package and hard code it back in there and then deploy.
The package uses a OLE DB source to Flatfile Destination.
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Jan 21, 2014
On SQL 2012 (64bit) I have a CLR stored procedure that calls another, T-SQL stored procedure.
The CLR procedure passes a sizeable amount of data via a user defined table type resp.table values parameter. It passes about 12,000 rows with 3 columns each.
For some reason the call of the procedure is verz very slow. I mean just the call, not the procedure.
I changed the procdure to do nothing (return 1 in first line).
So with all parameters set from
create proc usp_Proc1
@myTable myTable read only
return 1
it takes 8 seconds.I measured all other steps (creating the data table in CLR, creating the SQL Param, adding it to the command, executing the stored procedure) and all of them work fine and very fast.
When I trace the procedure call in SQL Profiler I get a line like this for each line of the data table (12,000)
SP:StmtCompleted -- Encrypted Text.
As I said, not the procedure or the creation of the data table takes so long, really only the passing of the data table to the procedure.
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