SQL 2012 :: Scheduling And Emailing Custom Reports?

Jun 19, 2014

I have downloaded MS's performance dashboard report and installed. I wanted these report should automatically send the performance report to my email.

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Emailing Reports

Nov 5, 2004

Hi everyone I have a database that I am creating for another department. He emails applications to potential vendors. And I was wanting sql to do this for him. I was reading about xtended procedures XP_Sendmail, but this is the first time I have created an extended stored procedure. I need for it to email an attachment (the report)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Custom Alert Is Not Emailing Operator?

Apr 8, 2015

I am trying to create an alert when there are more than 2500 connections to our ailing SQL Server.However, for now, I need to restart the SQL server service because users begin complaining they can't connect.

1) I created an operator - me.

2) I created a job which runs a query.

INSERT INTO Sessions_alert
SELECT host_name, program_name, login_name, count(c.session_id ) num_sessions, getdate()
FROM sys.dm_exec_connections c JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions s on c.session_id = s.session_id
GROUP BY host_name,program_name,login_name ORDER BY 4 DESC

3) I created an alert - included the job from above. Type performance condition alert. Object - SQL Server General Statistics. Counter - User connections.Alert if counter rises above 50. Just testing. I really want to know when it gets past 2500.

4) I've set the alert to email and delay is between responses 2 minutes.

It history tables says number of occurences is 18964. However, I don't receive an email.

Shouldn't the alert send an email? Do I need to include email code in the job?

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Automatically Running Reports Then Emailing Out

Feb 4, 2008

Hi All

I'm hoping someone here will be able to guide me in the right direction. I am trying to figure out a way of looping through table columns or a flat file in which there will be three parameters every time. With these parameters I am then wanting to run a report using two of these parameters to feed into the report and then email this out to an email address which would be my third parameter. Does anyone here have any idea how I would go about doing this?

Many thanks in advance.

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Scheduling Reports To Run

Apr 5, 2007

Is there a way to schedule reports to run on a specif day and time and save them to excel files?

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Improvements To Scheduling Of Reports...

Jan 12, 2007

The scheduler is difficult to use when debugging. There is not test-oriented "execute now" function or button, and there is no way to generate and email reports (these are data-driven) to a test user recipient (e.g., send every report to the developer, not to each individual recipient from the data source) without editing the To: field to a static value. Why not have a way to execute the report on demand, but with an option to substitute a static value in each of the to:, cc: and bcc: fields so it does not go to the query-based recipeints, without having to edit these fields and then edit them back?

Also, provide a way to see what parameters after @ can be used, such as @ReportName - what is the list of available param names? Can the fields resulting from the data-driven subscription query also be used?

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[scheduling] SSIS Package Fails, But Scheduler Reports Success

Apr 10, 2007

I have an SSIS Package that executes a stored procedure. It turns out my stored procedure was missing.

However, the SQL Job Scheduler reported that step as success.

Can anyone tell me why?


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Using RS Reports In A Custom Dashboard

Jun 22, 2007

We have several reporting services reports that have been formatted specifically for dashboards displays, ie. with charts, kpis, tables, etc.

Currently I am using MOSS 2007 dashboards to display these reports on a large flat-screen display in our area, but only using a Web Page webpart to display. Because these reports contain a lot of information, it is more ideal to show a single report at a time, and after a few seconds display a second report, etc, similar to a powerpoint slide show.

My question is, how can this be accomplished? Can the Reporting Services web parts do this? Can a custom web page be built to flip between different reports on a timed interval dynamically? Can transition effects (fade, wipe, etc) be used between report views?

The important point here is that the dashboard/reports are displayed on a central monitor, so these dashboards are not designed to be interactive (i.e. people viewing, changing, filtering, printing, etc.) - only viewing in a browser.



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Interesting Custom Functionality In Reports ... Highlighting?

Feb 13, 2007


I have a report of processes which either go into a Log table or an Error log table. They also have start / finish datetimes and a timespan value. So I want to report the process elapsed time or the error condition, depending on which table the process finished up in.

I then compare the elapsed time to the timespan and then show either a red flag (errored) green flag(worked within timespan) or yellow flag(worked but ran over allotted time) depending on what happened.

Is this possible?

I think it would be easy for me to get the info I want into a dataset using .net code but how do you link that in with SSRS?

Any help appreciated,


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Sample Code To Generate Reports In Custom App

Jun 27, 2007

I am looking for some examples of code for an appliction which will let run RS reports from a custom application. The user will choose the reports from a menu structure

We have an exiting application which we use to run crystal reports which we are going to be migrating to RS. We use custom web controls to capture the required parameter values for the reports, and hope to reuse the same controls (with minimal rework) to capture the parameters values for the RS reports.

What I am after is some code which will

a) let me run the report and display it. I don't want to display the report parameters in the URL etc as we generate some report parameter values based upon the user's ID and do NOT want them displayed back to the users

b) export the report to PDF, CSV etc depending upon the option chosen by the user.

The application will be developed in VS 2005 - VB. Does any one know of some links to some sample code

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Filtered Report Parameters For Custom Reports

May 4, 2008

I am trying to build a report that allows a user to enter partial text that filters the values in a drop down
For examle;
Lets say I am selecting a value from a drop down for States and I want to type in FL to filter the collection down so that only Florida appears in the select list.
I know the above example wont work since I cannot actaully enter text into a drop down, however
I have also tried to seperate this functionality by creating one report parameter for entering the search text and another parameter that will display a filtered data set using the text entered in the first parameter.

Is this something that reporting services can handle ? If it is please provide a brief example.

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Cannot Deploy Reports Using Custom Assembly - Access Is Denied

Aug 10, 2007

We have a custom assembly that worked fine with SSRS 2000. Now that we have upgraded to SQL 2005 we get an "Access is denied" error when attempting to deploy reports that reference this assembly. I could swear that when we first attempted it it worked. We decided to make a minor change to the assembly code and that's when the problem started, even though I've since reverted back to the original code to make certain that the minor change wasn't the issue. The assembly is in the proper folder - C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportServerin - and the reports are referencing the current version. I've searched high and low on the web for an answer but have found nothing even remotely helpful. All this code does is return a string...it's not doing anything that should require any additional security; and even then I doubt if there would be a problem when deploying.

The full text of the error is:
Error while loading code module: €˜Reporting, Version=1.0.2778.12272, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null€™. Details: Could not load file or assembly 'Reporting, Version=1.0.2778.12272, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.

Any ideas? Anyone? I'm at my wit's end on this!



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AnyOne Has Implemented Custom Subscriptions Of Reports(Reporting Services 05) ?

Dec 28, 2007

Any One has implemented Custom Subscriptions of Reports(Reporting Services 05)

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SQL 2012 :: Scheduling Packages Parallel And Retry On Failure

Jun 1, 2015

I come from other ETL tools (Oracle Warehouse Builder, BODI, BODS & DataStage) and i'm having trouble finding the best practice for scheduling a collection of packages to be processed parallel en retry those that fail. I created a staging project which contains all the packages (50) that extract data from 1 source system and grouped the packages into 2 sequence containers to make sure that the 'heavy' packages are started first and together in parallel.

I soon discovered that there is no standard option to have one child package retry on failure. Currently if 1 package fails the whole project is retried.
I explored checkpoints as a solution but that seems a dead end when running packages in parallel.

There seem to be 2 solutions for my issue:

(1) create a loop around every EPT with 3 variables (waittime, retry_counter & succes_flag)
(2) create an event handler to keep a list of ID's that failed and enable/disable EPT's based on that list (there's a lot more to it).

Option 1 seems like a lot of bloatware in what i expected to be standard functionality. I'm still investigating option 2.

How do others handle this kind of scheduling? Is it so different with SSIS that i'm approaching this incorrectly ?

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Reporting Services :: Could Not Load File Or Assembly Error On Adding Custom Libraries In SSRS Reports

Sep 21, 2015

I have created a custom library(CodeLibrary) which internally references the dlls Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client and Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.

I added this custom Dll codelibrary.dll to my SSRS report. and the expression of one of the field as 

codefunction is the class and GetValue is the method.

When I preview the report, I get the error "Error while loading code module:

'CodeLibrary,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null'. Could not load file or assembly 'CodeLibrary,Version1.0.0.0, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

I am using VS2013, I have placed the custom library DLL in the path

C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7IDEPrivateAssemblies

I have tested the custom library with a WPF application and it works fine.

I am not able to figure out what is causing this error.

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SQL 2012 :: Custom Bitwise OR Aggregate Function

Mar 18, 2014

I want to create a custom bitwise OR aggregate function.

I want to use it like the built in aggregate functions (MIN, MAX etc.)

SELECT dbo.bitwise_or(bit_string) FROM table

where bit_string is a nvarchar(3)

so for example if the table contains two rows ('100', '001') the above query should return '101'

I would like to implement this as a CLR function/assembly with the aggregate below:

CREATE AGGREGATE dbo.bitwise_or (bit_string nvarchar(3))
RETURNS [nvarchar(3)]
EXTERNAL NAME [Aggregate].[bitwise_or]

I have followed this post to implement amedian aggregate function [URL] ..... but there is a lot of code (not sure what is really needed in my case).

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Emailing From MS SQL

Mar 14, 2004


I would like to set up a job to send mail out to clients on a semi-regular basis. Is there a way to mail directly from MS SQL.

or some application which I can set to interface with MS SQL and send these mails out.

I'm currently using asp.net, however, doing it through the web is very time consuming, I would much rather use some application to generate the mails on the server as it currently takes close to 20 min to send through the web interface (and that's only to 900 members, we are looking at having at least 2000 members in a few weeks). What am I looking for is something I can call perhaps with transact sql so I can run it through an ms sql server job, however any solution you have would be fantastic.

If you don't have specific details, that's fine, I'm not even sure what apps etc to look into, even a name of some technology to use (or does MS SQL have a way of doing all of this itself?)

Thanks a lot for your help, life saver ;-)

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SQL Server 2012 :: RAISERROR Not Showing Custom Message In Job History

Apr 1, 2014

So I have two steps in my job that check conditions and call RAISERROR to gracefully complete the job if those conditions are met (meaning I only want the final step to run in a specific situation). Works great, except for some reason my messages are not making it into the log. It is appending the SQLSTATE, and a default error instead of anything that I'm putting into RAISERROR.

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SQL 2012 :: Error While Generating Reports?

Sep 3, 2015

I tried to open the reports for activityof all blocking transactions under the

reports-->standardreport-->Activity-All Blocking Transactions

but it is throwing error

Unable to retrieve data for this report. Following error occured.

Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2

Arthimetic overflow error converting expression to datatype int

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Displaying Custom Properties For Custom Transformation In Custom UI

Mar 8, 2007


I am creating a custom transformation component, and a custom user interface for that component.

my custom UI, I want to show the custom properties, and allow users to
edit these properties similar to how the advanced editor shows the

I know in my UI I need to create a "Property Grid".
the properties of this grid, I can select the object I want to display
data for, however, the only objects that appear are the objects that I
have already created within this UI, and not the actual component
object with the custom properties.

How do I go about getting the properties for my transformation component listed in this property grid?

I am writing in C#.

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Emailing The Outputs

Apr 13, 2000

I need to send the output of a report generated, automatically through email as an attachment to some customer.Is it possible?Can anyone help?

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Emailing From SQL Server

Dec 8, 2004

Hi everyone,

I am running SQL Server Enterprise Manager and i would like to have a query run everynite and send the results returned by the query off to an email address....

How can i do this?

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Emailing An Attachment From DTS

Feb 7, 2006

I have a DTS package that runs 4x a day and generates an excel spreadsheet, renames that spreadsheet with a datetime stamp and then places it into a folder on our network. I have been asked to email that spreadsheet to someone everytime the package runs.

My question is what would be the best way to handle this and how do I ensure that whatever process I define grabs the correct file? The folder that the Excel file is being placed into has multiple files in it. Is there a way to tell SQL Server which file to grab and email?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


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Emailing Errors

Feb 19, 2007

I'm sort of new to SSIS so I apologize if this is a trivial question:

I setup a package and want it to email me if there is any errors. Right now I got it working to send me a pre-written message about the failure, but I want to load the full task failure message into variable and email it on the email body.

But so far I have not found a way to save the error messages into variables so I can email them. Anyone can help with that one?

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Emailing Report

Apr 5, 2007

I need to export a view into excel and mail to my manager daily morning. Is there a way i can automate this process. I know how to convert view to excel but i need a better solution to automate this process with emailing to my mgr. Please suggest a better approach of doing this.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Use Unique Custom Error Numbers For THROW Statements?

Apr 20, 2015

My team is starting to implement error handling in our sprocs. One question we have is whether or not to use unique error numbers for custom errors (ie Errors we throw after doing some sort of validity check, not SQL Server errors). For example, we might check the value of a parameter and then throw an error that says "Parameter State_Date must be less than today, please retry".

We are using SQL Server 2012 and will be using the THROW statement, not RAISERROR, so we don't HAVE to put the numbers in sys.messages. Also, we are going to log the errors in a table, along with the error message, sproc name, line number, etc.

Is it useful to maintain a custom list of error numbers and messages? Or is it just as useful to use one standard error number and add a custom error message (which we can then search for in our code, or use the sproc name & line number we logged)? And if it is worth maintaining a list of numbers plus messages, should we go ahead and put them in sys.messages?

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SQL 2012 :: Ssms Reports Library Not Registered

Nov 21, 2012

Windows 7 pro 64.
8gb ram.

Already have SQL2008 installed, and it works fine and great.Needed to install 2012 alongside for another project. Heard it should be fine to have both running. So I did. Installed MDS, DQS, SSIS, Service, and management tools. Launching SSMS 2012, when I click the "new query" button... I get the following error: library not registered. (exception from hresult:0x8002801D (type_e_libnotregistered))

If I connect object explorer to a server (local or otherwise), and try to script an object, it gives me the same error and then crashes the application. If I launch SSMS 2008, I can use it to connect to 2012 instance. So I know the instance and service are running correctly. It looks like its just the SSMS that is a problem.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Execution Reports Permission

May 22, 2013

How do I grant a regular user or group the same rights to view the SSIS execution reports as say the sysadmin role?

I need to figure out how to give users the visibility of those reports without actually granting sysadmin.

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SQL 2012 :: Calling SSRS Reports Using Query?

Mar 3, 2014

I have created testreport.rdl using SQL Server 2012 SSRS. How to execute/call this through SQL query analyser, so that this will be executed and display output.

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SQL 2012 :: Connect To SAP From SSRS And Execute Reports?

Apr 14, 2014

can i connect to SAP from SSRS and execute reports?

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Emailing From Stored Procedure

Jan 5, 2001

Whenever a certain stored procedure executes I need to email both admin and clients (different messages). I have created an error within the SP and can RAISE the error and thus notify admin staff but how can i email the client also ? I can obtain the cient email address from thye system but how can i email them ? Can i use xp_sendmail within a stored procedure ? If so, how as i can't seem to get it working ?

thanks for help

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Auto Emailing From With In SQL2000

Oct 20, 2002

Hi there!
Is there a way, I can setup create a script that I can schedule, which runs through my user databases and if e.g.:
1:) there is less than 20% free space it emails me.
2:) there is less than 200MB free space
it emails me.

Henrik Hansen

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Emailing Query Results

Oct 21, 2004

Is there a way to have SQL server email the results of a Select query to someone?

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