SQL 2012 :: Separating Results From 1 Column?

May 13, 2015

i have written a query I was SO proud of but THEN was told to separate the values out of one column. simple way to do this without having to rewrite the whole query? Will I need to include a Case statement?

Basically the column contains several types of vacation codes which will need to be renamed to 2. So there is leave 1, leave 2, and leave 3 and sick. I will need to rename all leave 1, 2, and 3 to just vacation and leave sick as sick.

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Separating Address Column

Sep 18, 2014

I have a address column in one of my databases that I need to split out by carriadge return but don't know what to start..This is my example query

Where "Id" = 123456

3 The StreetMayfairLondonEngland...I would like the results to show


3 The Street

Or the same but horizontal

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Transact SQL :: How To Update New Table By Separating Single Date Column

Oct 11, 2013

I am trying to build a DIM table using a source table that has the following setup...

[POS] [decimal](10, 0) NOT NULL,
[APPL_STATUS] [varchar](5) NULL,
[APPL_APPLICANT] [varchar](10) NULL)


What I am trying to do is to break out the APPL_STATUS_DATE into a STATUS_START_DATE and an STATUS_END_DATE in a new table.  I also need to be able to update the STATUS_END_DATE based on the previous day's date. Like so...

[POS] [decimal](10, 0) NOT NULL,
[APPL_STATUS] [varchar](5) NULL,
[STATUS_END_DATE] [datetime] NULL,
[APPL_APPLICANT] [varchar](10) NULL)


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Alter Column Results In Incorrect Syntax Near 'column'

Oct 29, 2001

I ran this query against the pubs database and it runs successfully

ALTER TABLE publishers ALTER COLUMN state CHAR(25)

I change the table & field names for my db as follows:
ALTER TABLE customquery ALTER COLUMN toclause CHAR(25)

and run against my database and I get the following error - Incorrect syntax near 'COLUMN'.

My column name is correct - I don't know why it would run fine against pubs, but not my db. I do not have quoted identifiers turned on. I have tried using [] around my column name [toclause], but that didn't change anything. Any help would be appreciated.

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Separating Text Into Separate Varchars

May 10, 2005

with varchars having a max of 8000 bytes and partly because of the coder before me, I'm stuck with using text. the text has a maximum of 30,000 characters, i've tried everything to try to separate the text into 4 different varchars to no avail.. none of the string functions (left, substring, right) works on a text field, and when i try to convert it to a varchar (i.e. convert(varchar(8000), @text)) it obviously only takes the first 8000 characters...

what can i do in this case? any help would be appreciated! thanks in advance!

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Substring - Separating To 5 Additional Columns

Jun 6, 2014

I have data as below:

D7 330 4/13/2014 0:0:0 KUL PVG 4/13/2014 18:35:0 4/13/2014 19:15:0 4/13/2014 23:45:0 4/14/2014 0:45:0

How can I separate it to 5 additional columns?

columnB: D7 330 4/13/2014 0:0:0
columnC: KUL PVG 4/13/2014 18:35:0
columnD: 4/13/2014 19:15:0
columnE: 4/13/2014 23:45:0
columnF: 4/14/2014 0:45:0

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Transact SQL :: Separating String From URLs

Jun 9, 2015

I have column with location for all reports, dashboards, images, pages in URL format from Sharepoint audit database. Like

sites/fm/finance/PowerPivot Gallery/FinancialStatement.rdlx
sites/ea/Mn_medical/Pages/Medical_DP/3 Site Compare.aspx

There are millions of rows like the above URLs. I need to separate all the strings from that ULR separated by "/" and make column for each so that I can create a hierarchy in tabular model. How do I write a sql for that. I could get first one and last ones with these kinds of substring:

SUBSTRING( b.DocLocation , LEN(b.DocLocation) -  CHARINDEX('/',REVERSE(b.DocLocation)) + 2  , LEN(b.DocLocation)  )

This gives me last piece of ULR. How I do I get all the middle pieces of URL?

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Separating Desired From Undesired Duplicate Records

Nov 20, 2007

I know of several methods to remove duplicate records but I recently encountered a unique situation where some duplicate records were actually acceptable.

Here is my situation:

I have a table that contains records of individuals who have children so 1 person can have 3 children with different birthdates; but there is also a field that has a specified language. The challenge arises when an individual may have only 1 child but has entered a single record twice. Once with a specifed language and again without which produces a default value of UNKNOWN.

I need to be able to remove this record without affecting records that may have a record entered twice as well; having 2 children for instance but they may also have a specified language in one record but a default value of UNKNOWN for their second record.

So I can't eliminate the unwanted duplicates by filtering out records that have UNKNOWN because I would also remove individuals that I need.

firstN | lastN | address | lang | childs birthdate
John Doe 210 Somewhere Ave ENG 1993-10-09
John Doe 210 Somewhere Ave UNK 1993-10-09
Jane Doe 210 Anywhere Ave ENG 1969-12-23
Jane Doe 210 Anywhere Ave UNK 1958-04-15

How could you remove the duplicate for John in this example without affecting Janes duplicate record which is actually ok because she apparently has 2 children with different birthdates whereas John's duplicate record is obviously created because it was entered twice; once without entering
a language and the second time specifying the language?

I have tried a number of things short of creating a cursor which isn't really the best way to resolve this issue since there are millions of rows.

Anyone out there have any input that be helpful? Or has anyone ever had this similar issue? I would be interested in knowing how you addressed the problem.

Any help is appreciated. :)

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Separating Values - Number And Alphabets

Jul 28, 2015

Below are the same data

with Sample(Size) as (
select '16.3 Oz.' union all
'1' as union all
'2 Tablespoons' union all
'46. Oz. Each' )

Iwant to separate number and alphabets. But i wanted to keep the dot to have decimal values. Expected output

select '16.3' as val1 'Oz' as val2 union all
'1' val1 as union all
'2' as val1 'Tablespoons' as val2 union all
'46' as val1 'Oz Each' as val2

Please note that i need to remove the extra dots at the end of the the val1 and no dots in val2

I rid some of the functions like dbo.fn_StripCharacters and dbo.fn_GetAlphabetsOnly ffound in the internet. evey with my own logic. i couldn't remove the dot which appear at the end of val1

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SQL 2012 :: Displaying Results Between Dates

Aug 6, 2014

I am designing a database to store data from a leak tester.

We want to display the results between dates, I mean, the results of the leaking test are going to be stored as well as the datetime in which they have been performed.

ID (int)
RESULT (float)
TS (datetime)

The query will be, of course:


This table is growing by 10000 rows a day, it is possible that in a year getting the values between two dates became impossible.

Using a index with a datetime field sounds like a crazy idea.

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SQL 2012 :: View Giving Different Results?

Nov 4, 2014

I have a view over 5 tables that has started giving unreliable results. There are three records that should be different, but in a production Access database, the view is giving three identical records where there should be three unique records. I have tested the view within SQL Server Management Studio and it gives the correct records there. But, I have attached this same view into the same Access database with two separate names. One instance of the view within Access database gives the correct records, and the other gives the incorrect (duplicated) records. I have attached screen shots that show these two separately named incarnations of the same SQL View, with the duplicated data, or the unique data highlighted.

I have also included the SQL query specs for this view.

what I can do to this view in order for it to always give us the unique records that we need, rather than sometimes the correct records, and sometimes the incorrect records.

Correct 3 records:

Incorrect 3 records:


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SQL 2012 :: Pasting Query Results Into XL From SSMS

Mar 13, 2014

Previous to 2012, grid results from SSMS queries pasted into Excel beautifully and were easy to format.in 2008, The results from this query pasted into a spreadsheet with the query contained in a single Excel cell:

(sample - not the whole script)
select top 300
,convert(datetime,Last_execution_time) as Timestamp
from dbadmin.dbo.History_CPU_IO_ByQueryAndSP

This was wonderful. I could deliver to developers wonderfully tidy reports on query resource usage with timestamps along with which stored procedure the queries came from.

Can't do that in SSMS 2012. Try it. It's a disaster. The Query_text, when pasted, spreads across multiple Excel columns, including the ones designated for other data. The result is totally unreadable.how to make the query_text stay in it's own cell? I've tried converting query_text to varchar and ntext. Same results.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting Results From All Tables In Database

Mar 13, 2014

below is my statement to get data from one column (VARCHAR) from table SUPPLY_ITEM_01

@@SERVERNAME as ServerName,DB_NAME() AS DatabaseName,
SUM(CASE WHEN CHARINDEX (CHAR(013) , supplydetail) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS TotalCHAR013,
SUM(CASE WHEN CHARINDEX (CHAR(012), supplydetail ) >0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS TotalCHAR012,
SUM(CASE WHEN CHARINDEX (CHAR(010), supplydetail ) >0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS TotalCHAR010,
SUM(CASE WHEN CHARINDEX (CHAR(009),supplydetail ) >0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS TotalCHAR009


I need to get result from all the tables and all the columns which has bad data including schemaName, table name and column name in result.

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SQL Server 2012 :: View Not Displaying All Results

Aug 7, 2014

I have created a view thats pulling data from two different tables to combine them into one report.

table 1 lists the client code and table 2 lists the client partner and they're linked by a variable.

When running the report the result shows the client codes with their respective partner however any client codes that didn't have a partner are not displaying in the report and I need all client codes to be displayed even if there's no partner.

Is there a way I can make this display all results and if the client partner doesn't exist for it to still display as 'Null' for the partner but still display the client code?


SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT C.cltCode AS ClientCode, C.cltSortName AS SortName, C.cltTerminationDate AS [Term date], dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainTVal AS Department,
C.objInstID AS ClientID
FROM dbo.cdbClient AS C INNER JOIN
dbo.vcltAttrib6 ON C.objInstID = dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainObjectInstID
GROUP BY C.cltSortName, C.cltTerminationDate, dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainTVal, C.objInstID, C.cltCode

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SQL 2012 :: Results To Show Up As Separate Columns

Aug 22, 2014

We have the below query that pulls benefit ids for employees but it will show each benefit on a separate row but we would like to have just one rows for the employee and columns for each of the benefits.



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SQL Server 2012 :: Get Results In A Specific Order?

Sep 11, 2014

I have a simple example of what I am trying to do. Here is some code to make a quick table to demonstrate:

create table #students
lastname varchar(50)
,firstname varchar(50)
,address1 varchar(50)


I want to select all the records, and them them be in alphabetical order first by lastname, then by firstname, then by address. HOWEVER, and this is the tricky part, I want to group names together that have the same address. So, in this example, I want the results to be in this order:

HallC6309 N Olive
HallP6309 N Olive <---- grouped with the C record because they have the same address
HallE5488 W Catalina <---- back to alphabetical by first name
HallJ7222 N Cocopas

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SQL 2012 :: Put Results Into Separate Columns Based On Value?

Feb 25, 2015

I am trying to take the results of a query and re-orient them into separate columns.

select distinct
W_SUMMARYDETAILS.REPORTING_YEAR, (2011 - 2014, I want these years broken out into columns for each year)
W_DEF_SUMMARYDETAILS.REPORTING_PERIOD (2011 - 2013, I want these years broken out into columns for each year)
full outer join W_DEF_SUMMARYDETAILS

As of now the query puts all the years into a single column -- one for DEF_SUMMARY and another for SUMMARY.

I am looking to create 7 additional columns for all the individual years in the results instead of just two columns.

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SQL 2012 :: Group By In Sub Query To Get Desired Results

Jun 15, 2015

I have to use a Group By in Sub query that will give me my desired results.

SELECT count(hc), CS, S_W, (SELECT COUNT(Reg_Temp)
WHERE Reg_Temp = "Reg") as [RegOnly]

The query I have above counts ALL the Reg, I'd want it to give only the count that I'd get by using Group By clause i.e. S_W and CS.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Tab Character In Query Results

Jul 9, 2015

I am getting a tab character at the end of my query fields, been trying various things to fix, such as using the replace function below but still i get the tabs!


[Code] ....

Gießanzeiger groß ,04260376730475 04260376730475 730475 00
Gießanzeiger klein , 04260376730352 04260376730352 730468 00
Gießanzeiger klein , 04260376730468 04260376730468 730468 00

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SQL 2012 :: Query To Match Multiple Results And Average

Mar 3, 2014

I work for a school district and new requirement we were just given for scoring some student scores.

Everything will currently be in one table to keep track of students test scores for various things. This table will contain students information and a student will be shown more than once in the table. The Student ID is what we will key off of to find the multiple instances of the student. The table contains the following columns: studentName, StudentId, teacherName, focus1, controllingIdeas1, reading1, development1, organization1, conventions1, and contentUnderstanding1. All of the columns with a 1 at the end will be numeric values with possible decimal values.

What we need to be able to do is some how perform a search for these multiple entries of each student and when found, average the 2 scores for each 7 test categories. The result needs to be a single line for each student that gives the student name, student id, and the 7 test category averages exported to an csv file.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Inconsistent Results When Converting To Time?

Jun 5, 2014

I have a lot of rows of hours, set up like this: 0745, 0800, 2200, 1145 and so on (varchar(5), for some reason).

These are converted into a smalldatetime like this:

CONVERT(smalldatetime, STUFF(timestarted, 3, 0, ':')) [this would give output like this - 1900-01-01 11:45:00]

This code has been in place for years...and we stick the date on later from another column.

But recently, it's started to fail for some rows, with "The conversion of a varchar data type to a smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value".

My assumption is that new data being added in is junk. If I query for these values and just list them (rather than adding a column to convert them also) that's fine, of course. I've checked all the stuffed (but not yet converted - so 11:45 rather than 1145) output to see if it ISDATE(), and it is. There are no times with hours > 23 or minutes greater than 59 either.

If I add the CONVERT in, we see the error message. But here's the oddity, if I place all of the rows into a holding table, and retry the conversion, there is no error. It's this last bit that is puzzling me. Plus I can't see any errors in the hours data that would cause a conversion problem.

I've put the whole of this into a cursor to try to trap the error rows too, but all processes fine. Why would it fail if NOT in a cursor?

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SQL 2012 :: Full-Text Queries Returning No Results

Jun 9, 2014

So I'm trying out full-text indexing for the first time and, in particular, FileTables in SQL Server 2012. I've followed a Microsoft walkthrough and everything seems to be ok. However, when I query the table using the CONTAINS keyword, I get no results (a regular query to make sure there are records in the table returns the expected number of results).

I'm now trying to troubleshoot, and have been using the FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY function, but I don't understand the results.

If I run SELECT FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY(N'CatlogName',N'ItemCount'), I get a result of 51. There are 96 documents in the NTFS folder where the documents are stored, and the table has 96 records, so I don't know where 51 is coming from. 55 of the documents are .DOC files, the rest are .PDF, and some (or maybe all) of the PDFs are scanned images of documents, which I don't expect to be indexed, so maybe that explains it. And in another thread in these forums, a poster suggests that the result for this function should be either 0 or 1, with 0 meaning that no documents are pending indexing, but maybe I've misunderstood that.

If I run SELECT FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY(N'CatalogName',N'UniqueKeyCount'), I get a result of 2. I have got two full-text indexes in this catalog (one on the FileTable, one on a regular table with FT enabled). Is this result therefore expected? Again, reading online seems to suggest that a result of 0 is desirable, but I don't understand why, and if it is I don't understand why my result is 2!

I've now also run SELECT* FROM sys.dm_fts_index_keywords(DB_ID('DatabaseName'), Object_ID('dbo.FileTableName)), which I believe is supposed to list all of the indexed words from the table specified. I get one row returned, as follows:

keyword: 0xFF
display_term: END OF FILE
column_id: 2
document_count: 40

So basically, it's not indexed any words at all. And why is the document count only 40 when there are 96 documents in the folder and table?

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SQL 2012 :: Display Results As Vertical String - Use PIVOT?

Jun 9, 2014

I have a single column returned from a select statement. How can I have this returned as a vertical string? I looked into using PIVOT but my scenario seems too simple to use Pivot. I'm not requiring any aggregate functions or anything.

So, I want to turn this:

SELECT CountyNames + ',' FROM Counties
County1 ,
County2 ,
County3 ,


County1, County2, County3...etc

Please note that the list of rows is unknown. Could be 1. Could be 50.

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SQL 2012 :: Send Emails With Query Results As Attachment?

Jul 16, 2014

What is the best way to send emails with query results as attachment?

There is a stored proc sp_send_dbmail but the formatting is not very good.

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SQL Server 2012 :: View Results Not Displaying Nil Columns

Sep 5, 2014

I have a view I've created which displays client sortname, partner and date added which displays 7 results.

When I add another table to this view to display the Industry it then only gives me 4 results as the other 3 results have no Industry instead of giving me the 7 results and showing the Industry column as empty for the other 3.

Is there a way I can make it show all 7 results and havethe column where the industry is empty display the other results instead of not displaying any results at all for them?

SELECT dbo.cdbClient.cltSortName AS ClientName, dbo.vcltAttrib4.ainTVal AS ClientPartner, dbo.vcltAttrib422.ainDVal AS [Date Added],
dbo.cdbAttribInst.ainTVal AS Inudstry
dbo.cdbObject ON dbo.cdbClient.cltCategoryID = dbo.cdbObject.objID LEFT OUTER JOIN

[Code] ....

In the above script the cbdAttribInst table has the Industry column I need which is 'ainTVal'...

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SQL 2012 :: Limiting Query Results With 3 Criteria For Each Record

Mar 20, 2015

I am trying to write a query that gives me the personal records from speed skaters on e.g. the 500 mtrs. I do this with the query:

SELECT cdsDistance AS Distance
, prsFirstName
, prsLastName
, min(crtFinalTime) AS MinTime
FROM tb....... INNER JOIN etc..
GROUP BY cdsDistance, prsFirstName, prsLastName
ORDER BY min(crtFinalTime)

In itself this works fine. However, there are complicating factors. Sometimes a speed skater has multiple PRs, meaning the he/she has the same fastest time more than once.

If these times are achieved on multple days, the 1st date is the official PR. (meaning: "Min of racedate")
If they are raced on the same day the 1st race is the PR (meaning: "Min of distancenumber")

Changing the code to:

SELECT cdsDistance AS Distance
, prsFirstName
, prsLastName
, MIN(crtFinalTime) AS MinTime
, MIN(cdsStartDate) AS RaceDate
, MIN(cdsDistanceNumber) AS DistanceNumber

FROM tb.......
GROUP BY cdsDistance, prsFirstName, prsLastName
ORDER BY min(crtFinalTime)

This gives me the wrong outcome because it gives me the "MIN" of every field, and they are not necessarily on the same row.

An option would be to calculate min(crtFinalTime), if for a person there is more than 1 result, calculate min of date, and then (if there is still more than 1 row) min of distancenumber.

Seems complicated, and I have the feeling there must be a better way (apart from: how to get this code)

Stacking subqueries in the FROM statement seems like a option be costly (time wise). There are more than 10 million rows (and growing) to run through.

As an example a few times:

DistanceFirst nameLast name Time Date Distance nr.
500 Yuya Oikawa 34.49 201311155
500 Yuya Oikawa 34.49 201311153
500 Yuya Oikawa 34.49 201311172

Yuya has 3 best times (34.49), 15-11-2013 is the 1st date, then distance nr 3 is the 1st distance raced. Therefore the 2nd row is the only row I would like to get in my endresult.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Determine Metadata On DBCC Results

May 26, 2015

I can find many examples of loading DBCC results into tables. They all begin with a create table statement defining the results. My question is , other than trial and error, is there a way to determine what data types will be returned. Sure you can say that first element looks like an integer, but is it really a bigint, and that text string can be varchar(max) but will char(2) work.

I'm not looking for an answer for a specific DBCC function, but rather a generic way I can determine the characteristics of any DBCC result set.

I tried

INTO #tmp
'Set FmtOnly OFF; DBCC loginfo WITH tableresults ')

but I got back

Msg 11527, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1

The metadata could not be determined because statement 'DBCC loginfo WITH tableresults' does not support metadata discovery.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting Related Records Set Based Results

Sep 29, 2015

I have a table that has multiple transactions for stock items.

This table holds all records relating to items that are inducted onto the system and there movement. For each stock item i am interested in getting the drop destination, if it has one, and only when it follows the sequential order of "Inducted>OnTransport>Dropped" (this sequence isn't always the case). Also note the CreatedDate for the Inducted and OnTransport records for the valid sequences are always the same. Below is a valid sequence for a stock item so i would want to return 'Lane01' for the Destination of this occurrence of the stock item, if this item didn't have a valid drop location then destination would be blank. Also note each stock item can be inducted more than one time per-day.

I think i have managed to build the below sql but it will only do one item at a time, so would have to wrap it in a function. Is there a way of writing a set based select statement that gets all the inducted items and for the ones that do follow the "Inducted>OnTransport>Dropped" return the destination it was dropped at? I've attached scrips below:

DECLARE @StockItemID nVarchar(128)

Set @StockItemID='8cbe17da-6079-4170-b27a-41c0d38830f6'
Set @CreateDate = CAST('2015-08-31 13:52:39.890' AS datetime)

[Code] ....

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SQL 2012 :: BCP Script To Export Results To CSV - Native Error

Oct 16, 2015

I'm currently trying to using this bcp script to export results to a csv.

USE crm001_spark
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT top 10 * FROM [datebasename].dbo.table name]" queryout "C:Customers.csv" -c -b 10000 -t , -T -S [server]datebasename'

and the ERROR that is coming out is

SQLState = 08001, NativeError = -1
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Login timeout expired
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]SQL Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF].
SQLState = 08001, NativeError = -1
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
SQLState = S1T00, NativeError = 0

I have checked the server config manager TCP port and it is pointing to the correct port 1433. What else could be causing the error ?

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Hide Specific Record(s) From Results

Nov 2, 2015

I have written a SQL statement.There is a table called customer.It contains all customer data with customerid as PK.There is another table called logs and it contains customerid as foreign key and it contains a field to keep more than 90 days older user accounts.That field name is "Checked"

What I need get all records from these 2 tables and remove/hide more than 90 days older customers from record set.See my illustration.

I have written this code but I dont understand how to remove more than 90 days older user from result (because customer table doesnt contain a record called "Checked")

FROM [dbo].[Customers],[dbo].[VIESLog] WHERE [dbo].[VIESLog].[Checked] < DATEADD(day, -90, GETDATE())

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SQL Server 2012 :: Subtract / Exclude Value Items From A Column And Add It To Another Column In Same Table

May 26, 2014

I got a sales cost and cost amount table for my budget. the sales cost table is getting updated with FOBB items which makes the total incorrect . the FOBB values needs to be moved from the sales cost column to the cost amount column. how can i do it with an SQL script.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Format Value Of A Column And Insert It Into Another Column Of The Same Table?

Sep 18, 2014

A column of a table has values in the format - 35106;#Grandbouche-Cropp, Amy.

I need to format the column data in such a way that only the text after # (Grandbouche-Cropp, Amy) remain in the column.

The text before ;# (35106) should be inserted in to another column of the same table.

Below is the table structure:

create table [HR_DEV_DM].[CFQ_TEST].sp_CFQ_Commercial_Referrals
ID int identity,
PromotionalCode nvarchar(4000),
QuoteNumber nvarchar(100),
CreatedBy nvarchar(100),
Created datetime,
ModifiedBy nvarchar(100),
Modified datetime,
CreatedBy_SalesRepSharePointID int,
ModifiedBy_ModBySharePointID int

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Need Show 2 Results From Same Column In Same Row

Oct 29, 2007

I am trying to build a query for a report and I need both results for a column to show on the same row. The results are multiple names tied to the same account.
This is what I am trying.

number AS 'Customer'
(case when seq = '0' then name end) as 'name1',
(case when seq = '1' then name end) as 'name2'
FROM customer
WHERE number between '600080' and '600230'

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